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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2017.Arabs, Europe, U.N. reject Trump's recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital
By Mark Heinrich LONDON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Dude manages to piss-off the damn near the entire world every time he opens his mouth.
The world should be putting him on the "block" list, but sadly they can't!
Interesting article
This has support of around 1/2 the Democratic representatives as well. This is a very dangerous and bad idea and also quite costly as well.
As an American citizen, living overseas but still required to pay Federal Income tax, I am disgusted my tax money is going to support such stupidity.
Nice to know that the US has its spending priorities in order. We'll waste a zillion dollars on an embassy relocation and the resulting war, but we somehow can't fund CHIP any longer.
Trump is a clear and present danger to the entire world and must be relieved of duty.
Anti-Semitic hate seems to be very prevalent with globalists and some Islamic governments.
Tommy Jones
Love the crazy, corrupt conservative double speak. We're expected to believe that making one party far more disgruntled will some how bring a settlement more quickly? That is typical crazy, corrupt conservative logic.
No, it does not matter that a lot of Muslims and Arabs are already angry. The goal is to de-escalate everyone so they can negotiate a settlement, not pour gasoline on the fire.
No, no world leaders have threatened violence, they have warned of it. It does not matter what you read into the statements; objectively, the statement are not threats.
No, criticizing Israel is not being anti-Semitic. Declaring actions/policy bad because it is bad is far different than declaring actions/policy is bad simply because a Jewish person caused it.
I actually support Israel and I have family who are Jewish and don't consider myself anti-Semitic. But as an American I find this move by Trump stupid and not in our best interests, diplomatically and strategically. Ans yes it will affect our security. Well, admittedly it's certainly not the first time. Disgusted and embarrassed in the USA. Can't wait to get someone in the Oval Office who isn't a complete idiot.
Only Trump's die-hard followers, which include those who believe Bannon's nutjob theory that a period of chaos is needed to start the process of tearing down existing order, can accept this stupidity.
7 billion people will be angered. The remainder should stop whatever they're doing and join Trump's military. And to those who think being in the media equates to being a front line soldier in terms of patriotism: you're wrong.
@Burning Bush - they are quiet because around 1/2 of them agree with this and U.S. Jewish people generally vote democratic.
This is pure insanity and nothing positive or constructive can come from this boondoggle.
So....right now we have this.....and North Korea (and Lindsay Graham recommending military dependents not be sent to South Korea).
A bad move by the U.S. as there is enough instability in the world already.
Why would you as a Russian care about what American democrats say?
Or are you trying to claim you are not Russian?
I guess now we see what the repercussions are for this decision. I do feel though that Israel often gets a disproportionately difficult time
The announcement was actually quite limited. Far more limited than I expected. They are recognising Jerusalem as the capital and moving the embassy but they are not taking any position on a united Jerusalem or its final borders. In other words they could end up moving the billion dollar embassy if it falls on the Palestinian side once Jerusalem's borders are negotiated. The Czech Republic has now followed suit and recognised West Jerusalem as Israels capital but will not be moving its embassy until the final borders are agreed.
As stated I strongly disagree with this decision but it is an interesting situation. Since 1995 the US Congress has supported this move. This has been bi-partisan since. Every President since (until now) has issued a waiver on this issue until now. The rationale has been not wanting to damage the potential peace process. It is a very interesting situation and not as simple as many make it out to be.
Let's see what happens 6 months from now when the waiver that Trump is planning expires.
The full text of the pronouncement is here:
Although reading the text does not change my opinion one must acknowledge that there are some good points in the text;
"In 1995, Congress adopted the Jerusalem Embassy Act, urging the federal government to relocate the American embassy to Jerusalem and to recognize that that city — and so importantly — is Israel’s capital. This act passed Congress by an overwhelming bipartisan majority and was reaffirmed by a unanimous vote of the Senate only six months ago."
"Today, Jerusalem is the seat of the modern Israeli government. It is the home of the Israeli parliament, the Knesset, as well as the Israeli Supreme Court. It is the location of the official residence of the Prime Minister and the President. It is the headquarters of many government ministries."M3M3M3
Can I ask why? I can see how everyone was legitimately worried about what Trump was going to say yesterday but now that we know how limited the move is I don't see why anybody would oppose it.
West Jerusalem is behind the 1967 borders. It will never be part of a Palestinian state for the simple reason that Palestinian negotiators are not even asking to have it. If the embassy is built well away from any potential future border, it will not prejudice land swaps in a final deal.
If Trump had recognised a united Jerusalem, that would have been hugely controversial. The reason that the status of Jerusalem is officially undecided is because its borders are up for negotiation, but nobody in their right mind expects Israel to give up all of West Jerusalem or substantial parts of it (because the Palestinians are not even demanding that). Jerusalem is Israel's capital and it will continue to be Israel's capital even if some cosmetic changes to the 1967 borders are agreed. It's only controversial to people who oppose what has already been agreed in the peace process and want to push Israel back to the 1948 borders or remove Israel entirely.
Guillaume Varès
Roughly the entire world...? Get your numbers straight, son. Sad.
Sure -
This is going to be extremely expensive considering the density of the area to which the Embassy would be moved, the extraordinary security concerns, etc. For someone who preaches fiscal conservatism this is a very bad move.
Nothing at all is gained by this. We have a perfectly fine existing Embassy in Tel Aviv which is fully functional, closer to Ben Gurion International Airport, has existing security and supporting infrastructure, etc. The U.S. (and I as a tax payer) gain absolutely nothing from this whatsoever. On the other hand the potential consequences of this (whether they are right or wrong) far outweigh any benefits gained (which in my opinion or none)itsonlyrocknroll
It is the distinct lack of political influence the European Union has over the manner in which President Trump administration can unilaterally make foreign policy decisions that could destabilize the Middle East.
The EU, all 28 member states, has been a trusted ally and partner for past US administrations. President Trump clearly does not see the need to include the European Union in any form that could require a more multilateral approach to finding global consensus.
Nothing good can come from this. It seems like every week, Trump spins the big wheel of nonsense to hurl a new emotion-based Molotov cocktail.
Kim Jung Un looks more rational than this buffoon.
@domtoidi - you are I are in full agreement relative this specific issue (which is supported by both parties in the U.S. by the way)
We are not in agreement that Kim Jung Un looks more rationale than Trump
Kobe White Bar Owner
@Tokyo-Engr. I’m an engineer too, so maybe that’s why? Lol. Fair enough on Rocket man. They’re both unsavory characters.
Simon Foston
cla68Today 07:12 am JST
This kind of thing, for example, is a bit dubious, isn't it?
Do you know who said it?
That's pretty much my point. I've read current world population is about 7.6 billion. That leaves roughly 600,000,000 who might go along with Trump's stupidity. I admit my estimate was a wild guess. Do you have a better guess? I'd go so far as to round mine up to 10% of the world will go along with Trump. How about that?
Stupidity is a given with Trump but this is reckless stupidity which could get people killed.
Is anyone going to offer a defence of this without posting ‘anti-Semite’?
This man-child is intent on stirring up trouble in every corner of the world. He's unhinged - got warned last time I said it. But this guy really has lost his marbles.
Fantastic news! Historic day! Hamas, Fattah, and the PLO are terrorist organizations and should not be rewarded by the kind of unilateral capitulations that we saw from Obama for eight years and by the UN and it’s European enablers.
Those who are upset about ‘setting back the peace process’ should consider the fact that there never has been a ‘peace process’. The goal of the Islamic Supremacists that represent the Palestinians is to evict Jews from the Middle East - period. The Palestinians have had numerous opportunities for a peace agreement but their representatives are not stupid enough to risk their lives by signing onto any such an agreement no matter how generous the terms - short of the termination of the state of Israel of course.
Hasn't Hamas already promised 'a day of rage'?
As the muslims threaten violence and conflict , who will benefit?
It is the US that will benefit by sales of arms to the warring parties.
Trump is not as stupid as many think.....
Alexandre T. Ishii
Trump is exactly that Don Quijote fighting with illusions confronting a windmill. Just pathetic!
For all the legitimate criticisms you can heap on Bush and Obama over ISIS/DAESH, at least they refused to grant the violent, racist extremists the 'right' to name their own capitol city.
Trump is showing that he would consider that a normal thing, and a way to bring peace to the Assyrians.
Rafin Fastur
The Israel-Palestine peace process is now dead because of Netanyahu and Trump's my-way-only dictatorial delusions. The Zionists predators now have "carte-blanche" to disposes the widows and orphans of their birth right and lands.
Tommy Jones
Crazy, corrupt conservative trash.
Tommy Jones
Let's have a modicum of intellectual honesty. As a very small minority of Muslims threaten violence . . .
Raw Beer
Hmmm, is this what he promised in return for the 100 million dollar donation from Sheldon Adelson in 2016?
I just don't get what e US gets out of this.
Payment of debts to AIPAC - The American Israel Public Affairs Committee
Just accepting the reality that Jerusalem is the capital already.
“We are fighting for every citizen that believes that government should serve the people, not the donors and not the special interests.” -- Trump campaigning in 2016
These words spoken even as he was receiving millions in backing from people like Adelson, whose #1 interest was American policy regarding Israel.
After the election, 10 days before taking office, Trump had a private meeting with Adelson at which Trump told the latter that moving the American embassy to Jerusalem would be a top priority.
He has delivered on that promise to Adelson and the evangelical Christians who would love to see armageddon brought on as soon as possible so that they can go to heaven.
Otherwise, Trump is a liar and a con man who cares nought for ME peace or 'draining the swamp'. There is no other rationale for this stupid move.
Dems are awfully quiet aren't they? but a billion muslims wont be, US can probably expect a spike in attacks on its interest abroad and even Muslims from countries that are not on the banned list (which there are many) will most likely enter the US to do harm, it may even tip those Muslims that are now in the US over the edge. Trump has just painted an even bigger bulleyes on Americas back. NK will be the least of Trumps worries now.
Just accepting the reality that Jerusalem is the capital already. while I accept Israel has a right to defend itself, it unilaterally declared the Israeli state after WW2 and Muslims have just as much religious claim to Jerusalem as the Jews do. Trumps just opened a very large barrels of worms with this announcement. Any future attacks are on his watch.
Accepting Israel's usurpation of land by force will be used by other countries to justify similar conquests.
Then there is the whole peace process getting shot down, which I doubt actually existed. Expect an increase in terrorist attacks and the loss of momentum with countering the message of the jihadis.
Good job Trump, I hope your base is happy. Of course, they will blame Obama for any terrorist attacks.
I just don't get what e US gets out of this. a few brownie points to pee off the Dems, a pile of cash from their Jewish overlords and a mountain of angry Muslims many of which may now switch to extremism from this announcement.
Plastic monkey spot on, evangelical lobbying, Zionist lobbying one is looking for an Armageddon the other for control over an area historically they have been ejected from over and over again for thousands of years and originally stole from....Palestinians. But say anything factual be prepared for the "you are a Nazi" There is absolutely no reason for this shimozol other than a belief system based on fairy tales backed up by.....
!.) Let's see, what can I do to inflame things.
2.) "I remain committed to finding a path toward peace in the Middle East."
3.) Sit back and watch things go to hell.
Trump: Dividing America again.
Kim Jung Un looks more rationale than Trump, if you asked me that a year ago I would have laughed, now Im sure hes more rational and focused than Trump will ever be. At least Kim doesnt have to worry about a billion angry Muslims now. Trump may as well just bomb Mecca, then a total Muslim ban would be justified. The moron is going to get many people killed, including Americans.
@Tommy Jones
Rather than filling up the page with links to bombings,car attacks,truck attacks grooming,acid attacks,death threats to unbelievers,plots to murder heads of state etc etc.
Just read the news!
Adelson's made his billions on his casinos. (Unlike Trump who stiffed people of millions on his failed casinos.) You can bet, so to speak, that Adelson, a businessman like Trump, is getting more for his donations to Trump than just support for Israel. Japan's looking for casino operators, as I'm sure other Asian countries he's recently visited are. Large donations like the kind Adelson makes come with strings.
This is a pretty good analysis of the situation.
To summarize, moving the embassy wouldn't have been so bad if Trump got something out of it. The "deal maker" basically squandered a major bargaining chip.
The US senate voted 90-0 this summer to do this. So it was pretty much unanimous and bipartisan. But now it’s Trump’s fault?
^ I don't think they voted to give it away for nothing. Giving it to Israel would OK if Israel made some concessions too. That doesn't seem to be part of Trump's deal.
Trump just blundered into this like the thoughtless oaf that he is. He will be genuinely surprised for about 10 seconds that this didn't improve his "ratings", and then lurch on to the next thing he can mess up. And blame Tillerson for any negative consequences for ME peace. What a dealmaker this man is!
90% of what Trump is for I'm against.... but this, I am for! Why? Because it tells Middle Easterner's what they can expect if the mess with Israel or the USA. It defines the border... it defines the stance, it declares intent.
That's kind of what's been happening for decades and causing problems. It's Israeli settelements that have been encroaching on Palistinian lands, not the other way around.
He should have done even more such as decrease the amount of US taxpayers money that goes to the UN as well the other countries supposedly helping their people but actually sponsoring terrorism. There is a saying, "Accept, expect." The UN accepts a certain amount of money from the USA and Japan, and expects it to continue to come regardless of any verified use.
Tommy Jones
None of this response refutes that Muslim terrorists make up a very small minority of Muslims.
Moving the US embassy to Jerusalem before Jerusalem's status is determined only worsens an already horrible situation.
Tommy Jones
Agree, and sadly seems to be consistent with messages from those who use terms like globalist hegemonic cabal.
the Muslim world has already declared their wishes for Israel. It’s destruction.
Trump and Israel’s leadership recognize very clearly what happens when you allow an inch every time Muslims threaten violence to get their way. They take over.
Look at Europe.
Sorry, but if you look at how much the Middle East has negatively impacted Europe and the West, and vice versa, Europe and the West wins hands down. Just look at the instability in those countries. That didn't happen on it's own.
No, the leadership in those countries who value corruption over the lives of their own people is well documented.
Who interfered with democracy in those countries, removing socialist leaders in favor of those corrupt leaders for the purposes of inexpensive oil? That's well documented too, if you're willing to look deeper.
Yup, happened in Iran way back in the 70s before the Ayatollah took over.
But that has nothing to do with Palestine. Or the rampant corruption of the Leadership there. The rest of the Muslim world actually does very little for Palestinians and is content to use them as nothing more than a lightening rod
That's really not the only place. Western Imperialism goes a little farther back than that, and it's effects are still felt today.
That might be true, but that doesn't change the fact that the Palestinians are essentially an occupied people. That kind of thing changes your outlook and the types of leaders you choose. Just look at the US. Enough people panicked over a lot less, and look at who we ended up with.
wrong. They are occupied, but only by the violent terrorist organizations Hamas and Hezbollah who threaten Israeli citizens day in and day out.
Israel can either lay down, or fight for their survival. They choose survival.
^ There's bad on both sides. Acknowledging that is really the only way to a peaceful solution. Trump's completely one-sided decision in favor of Israel is the exact opposite of that.
Maybe he doesn't want a peaceful solution. The backlash from the Muslim world would fit with his "all Muslims are evil" narrative. The more I think about it, the more it seems like instigation was the only goal because we literally get nothing positive out of this decision.
Toasted Heretic
The goal is to provoke a rage in the Middle East. Therefore confirming Trump's stance on Muslims and thus enabling Netanyahu to clamp down and stop Palestinian independence for the forseeable future.
The Palestinians are occupied like the Irish in the 6 counties are. In fact, many Republicans in the ROI identify with the Palestinians.
Looks like my boycott of Israeli goods continues.
Provoking rage in the Middle East is like shooting fish in a barrel.
True leaders don’t shy away from the inevitable like spineless wimps.
How will the economy ever survive?
Toasted Heretic
I sincerely hope Sinn Fein turn down the annual invite to the White House next year.
If there is a next year, given the sexual predator and madman's urge to inflame the globe.
Toasted Heretic
Every little bit counts.
Only spineless wimps fear to protest.
for trump, this is a win-win situation. first, he comes through on a campaign promise, which his base will love and his billionaire jewish supporters love even more. it's another win because if/when the arab/muslim world goes on a "three-day rage," it will support his contention that muslims are just a bunch of fanatics who crave violence and terrorism. in a way, trump is stupid like a fox.
Toasted Heretic
@nakano, it's a win-win for both Trump and Netanyahu. They seek to isolate the Palestinians even further and destroy the two-nation dream.
And there are many Jews who do not support this move at all.
Tommy Jones
Crazy, corrupt conservatives, please pay attention. You are about to be taught the difference between hyperbole and a lie:
This is hyperbole because it is reality blown out of proportion. Hamas and Hezbollah enjoy popular support. Particularly amongst Sunni for the former, and Shiite for the latter. They hardly terrorize their own populations in the manner you imply.
This is a false duality resulting from hyperbole. Israel could negotiate for survival instead of fighting. However, Israel knows it can "fight" until it gets what it wants. Thanks largely to the US, Israel enjoys military superiority in the region. It also knows if it continues on its current trajectory, it will get what it wants via settlements.
Lying is saying something that is demonstrably false. For instance, saying your inauguration crowd was larger than the previous president when there is photographic evidence to the contrary. This is not inflating reality, it is lying.
Toasted Heretic
@Tommy Jones.
Excellent post. Unfortunately, lies are part and parcel of the far right, Zionist, anti-Muslim voices that proliferate online. They serve to promote fake news and are ultimately, disruptive in debate and discussion.
They are also a godsend for those who would see Palestinians marginalised and disenfranchised even further.
The latest sad development in Israel will see such voices declare their views justified as the inevitable backlash against Trump's insane recognition of Jerusalem occurs. When the violence breaks out by a people who are already treated outrageously, they will simply say "told you so".
A two state solution has been stolen and dark days are ahead. Very worrying.
This is the end of the peace process, and a green light to terrorism, perhaps for a generation. The Arab world will believe that the US and its allies are enemies and not to be trusted. The Europeans also believe that the US is no longer to be trusted. The US has isolated itself through a series of thoughtless and stupid decisions. It is time that Europe took on the leadership of the democratic world. The US has now lost all credibility this side of the pond.
Toasted Heretic
I don't know if any large state/entity/union should take on leadership of the world. That's how the world gets into the situations it finds itself in. No more self-appointed world police or empires, please!
That said, the US in isolation is a curious return to the position it held in the 30s but it didn't last very long.
As it is, I'd be happy to see the isolation last longer this time. Perhaps extend the wall from Mexico up around the coastal areas all the way to Canada. And a big megadome to cover the landmass.
Of course, inhabitants living abroad will not be able to gain access but they will eventually integrate in their host countries and drop the angry rhetoric. Many of their fellow expats manage this just fine.
Israel would then no longer be able to rely on the zillions of dollars and political strong-arming that the US provides and would have to compromise and reach a peaceful agreement with Palestine.
Win-win situation.
Tommy Jones
Thank you. I'll chalk it up to logic.
While I understand the allure, I reject the premise until provided evidence in support thereof.
We are in agreement otherwise.
Bottom line, there was little for the US, as a country, to gain from any of this. It does serve. As a distraction.
Shosho Kou
I agree with Obama that the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is a highly sensitive topic. Jerusalem is also the holy city of Islam. Trump's recognition that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel is not good for America's interests, which is tantamount to ignoring the interests of the entire Muslim community. Admittedly, he was a brave American President. He would dare to say anything.
Texas A&M Aggie
It is so great having a leader in the White House once again, Watch for other nations to relocate their embassies to Jerusalem,
President Trump is acting on a resolution that was passed in early June by the U.S. Senate. But unlike the all presidents since Clinton, he’s not kicking the can down the road.
Besides, if this upsets the globalists and the leftists it means he's done something right. . . .
Toasted Heretic
Tearing up fragile peace processes and setting the world off kilter.
Yeah, real great.
I see. As long as it upsets your political opponents all the resulting death and destruction is worth it.
As long as Trump gets it done.
Tommy Jones
I thought Congress recognized Jerusalem as the Israeli capital in the 90s. That's what Blacklab was saying.
If the resolution was passed in June and Trump was sworn in in January, how could any other president have acted upon it?
I think the Democratic Party are the real clear and present danger. 3 previous presidents in the past promise the same thing that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and the all backtracked on their promises each one of them and this president didn’t do that, he kept his promise, so I don’t understand why the left are....sigh....angry as usual...
He doesn’t keep his promise, he lies, if he keeps his promises he’s a traitor. You guys are so all over the place. Smh.
What a side show to deflect the current USA reality program by making provocative moves on the international stage. Play the stupid game with Tubby Kim so he can push pacifist Japan to rearm, and then turn South Korea in to a massive US Military base. Do we expect the Chinese not to have valid concerns about Trump and their own security? As far as the Arab countries see it, they and us are already paying the price past political mistakes with terror acts throughout the world.
I had a conversation some years ago with a Muslim gentlemen in a Coptic owned old hotel in Cairo Egypt. He said, "Was it not the Christian West that was responsible for the Holocaust and then asked the Muslim East to bear the responsibility for their crimes". Although I might not totally agree with his position on the creation of Israel we will never see Middle East peace until the Palestinian's have their own state. If the USA does not wake up and get our act together the Russians and Iran will be running the new international reality show. China can have the last laugh as the curtain falls on the final act of the "way off Broadway" Trump show !
Toasted Heretic
Because they realised the scale of danger by doing this.
Trump has jumped the shark on this one and sadly innocent lives will be put in peril because of his shocking insensitivity to the situation.
But as usual, the Trumpologists will applaud this grave mistake because they are thousands of miles away and will be exempt from the fallout.
Brave, brave Trumpologists.
Texas A&M Aggie
Kudos to President Trump. Campaign promise made. Campaign promise kept.
How's that peace process campaign promise working out? Seems he kept one promise to destroy another.
Para Sitius
Like the faithful Trumpeteer that he is, the first thing that is written is to blame it on the Democrats/left. Totally ignores the condemnation by World leaders.
Toasted Heretic
Peace and stability in jeopardy. Hurrah!
Texas A&M Aggie
The globalists claim that this disrupts their goal of bringing peace to that region of the world through diplomacy (i.e., talking); something they've been doing now for generations. President Trump's action just helped them speed up their timetable by at least a few decades. . . .
Toasted Heretic
Hurrah, countdown to disaster!
If you have been following the tragedy of Israel (formerly Palestine) over the decades you'd realise that his legitimising Jerusalem as the capital is a very, very bad move. It does nothing to enhance the peace process or give hope to Palestinians who are treated as second class citizens.
It sets in motion a wave of protest and rebellion. But once again, following your logic if it annoys the "globalists", such death and destruction is worth it.
It would be like the leader of my country deciding to give Texas to the Mexicans, to give you some context.
IT Is a campaign promise kept. Pretty easy to do. Now let’s see if he do something a little more complicated and leverage his much vaunted, but little demonstrated, negotiating abilities to broker a peace deal. Or was he just full of it?
I'll hold you to that prediction. You will be wrong.
You figure dialogue over a problem that dates back centuries is a waste of time. You figure taking a deliberate side for Israel, while ignoring the viewpoint of the Palestinians (that far pre-dates Hamas and Hezbollah) and their equally valid right to self determination, will bring about peace? In what sort of world does that happen?
My guess is that you are guided less by a desire for peace than a desire for conflict. You make that world, friend. People like you have led us there before.
Interesting, now you’re sounding like Joy Behar.
You think that, but there are millions that don’t think so.
I noticed you didn’t say a word about Hamas and their terrorist acts. Here we go again, it’s the Jews fault, sounds racist to me.
It’s been a protest and rebellion from the very day the Jewish State came back into existence.
Not even close, but nice try.
Toasted Heretic
This is about ordinary citizens, not Hamas. When they do something wrong, I'll comment.
Here we go again, making up falsehoods instead of an argument.
Jewish State? Sounds racist to me.
But yes, there has been violence since the inception. British people were targetted by the Stern Gang, Irgun, Lehi and other terrorists.
The issue is too complicated for Trump supporters. I doubt they really understand what they are supporting and how it impacts the region. They just know Trump did something so they have to go to message boards and support it.
That's not something ya see everyday - the US being taken to task by the 15-member UN Security Council, apparently for violating UN resolutions
I still can't see how this is to the best interest of the US - can anyone provide me that info?
Hamas does all the time, I’m waiting.
Says the people that talk about Israel and the President all day long.
How? But of course, everything is racist when it comes to the left.
No, it the opposite, the haters could care less about peace and would deny the Israelis the right to dictate what and where is their capital. When will the Palestinians recognize Israel and its right to exist?
came back into existence? Huh?
I meant reclaim, my bad.
Because it pisses people off. The president is a troll. The president sets the national interests. Therefore trolling is now in the national interest.
"Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital," Trump said. " -[ To judge other wise demonstrates an arrogant perverted sense of entitlement. ]
Texas A&M Aggie
Realizing that it's hard for leftists to accept this fact, but President Trump is following Public Law 104 - 45 - Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. Every globalist friendly uniparty president since it's passage has ignored it and signed National Security wavers blocking it. . . .
Para Sitius
Lets always blame the democrats and the left, rinse and repeat ad infinitum. This stuck record needs to be nudged to see if anything else worth listening to comes forth.
Todd Topolski
looks like we have proof Arabs, the UN and, Europe are full of intolerance and are anti Semitic racists. who the he'll cares what those morons think?
worse, still is the reaction of the so called UN and Europe means effectively, the more violent, psychotic and intolerant you are, the more legitimacy you have. The USA is recognizing the capital of a nation as they choose it and the, USA is not letting violent Arabic psychos dictate foreign policy.
if the UN had any legitimacy, they would have long ago disbarred most former Ottoman empire nations for being violent psychos against other nations. not to mention their subjugation of women, having no human rights, committing genocides and running open labor and rape slave auctions. it us amazing how Europe and the UN can ignore atrocities like that, tolerate a terror army invading Europe and pretend none of that is happening, yet will back this same group if violent countries over the Capitol city choice of a nation.
ignored? Nonsense. Section 7 of the JEA of 1995 explicitly provides for the presidential waiver (not waver). Doh ! Not that it’s required as the Act was a Congressional over-reach. The Consitution provides that the President has the sole authority to recognize foreign sovereignty over territory.
Texas A&M Aggie
By recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, President Trump just woke the Arabs up to the fact that they will no longer be in charge of negotiations. As such, they will be more likely to compromise, not less.
Well played, Mr. President. . .
Ok, so what solutions do the left have besides whining and complaining?
Sore losers.
I was almost inDENTURED to his speech! :) The old man is either having trouble keeping the fake teeth in his mouth, or he's having a stroke half the time he speaks (or has taken tranquilizers with some alcohol).
Chop Chop
Will UN, EU and Arab impose any kind of sanctions on United State like they did to the poor small country?
The Jerusalem was in Israel hand and the Israeli Government will never give the Jerusalem to Palestinian Government, regardless of President Trump recognized it or not.
The peace between Israeli and Palestinian is unrealistic and they will never get the true peace treaty between them. Anyone who thinks the peace is plausible in the Middle East was dreaming.
Anyone knows what this means? Sounds like some watered down, meaningless statement a politician uses and a low educated base repeats.
Tommy Jones
All the solutions that advanced the US for 8 years. You know, the ones the crazy, corrupt conservatives have been trying their hardest to dismantle.
You mean like:
Less than a 3.0 GDP, a sluggish economy, a military cut in half, a virtual non-existent NASA, open borders, out of control medical premium costs and rising, not willing to call out or recognize radical Islamic extremism, the shrinking and further erosion of the middle class, out of control politically correct speech, leading from behind.
No thank you!
Yes and with darned good reason.
Tommy Jones
On whose way h did that financial crisis thing occur?
Demonstrably false.
Who constantly wants to cut spending? How can you Cush spending and find NASA?
More deportations than any modern president.
Clearly not due to the actions of insurance companies. This is simple to fix: single payer.
Not using an inflammatory label does not mean he was unwilling to call out or recognize radical Islamic extremism.
Demonstrably false in the context you are attempting to use it in.
Political correct is a euphemism for not being an arsehole.
Becausw he didn't squeeze the trigger, correct?
If you think not having any policy ideas of your own is a darn good reason.
Tommy Jones
What is a 3.0 GDP?
Good! Especially since Trump is only doing this for the 35 million dollar donation from the casino owner.
How ironic, that his campaign slogan was "Make America Great Again."
Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama all said they would recognize Jerusalem as the capital and move the embassy there.
The only difference is that Trump actually follows through on the promise, while the other three lied.
So now the low-information crowd bashes Trump for the crime of.... keeping a promise.
I guess one of the TDS symptoms is selective memory...
Tommy Jones
Incorrect. The "low information crowd" being liberals have on average more education than crazy, corrupt conservatives. Anyway, we are bashing Trump for being an idiot.
steve mgauss
Well are you now worried about N Korea? No more.
Are you worried about USA FBI? No more.
Trump now has all worried about the Islamists. Brilliant.
@Nishikat - I am no supporter of Trump, at all. However out of control medical premium costs have nothing to do with Trump. This is due to the flaws in the Affordable Care Act. These costs have been going up steadily since the act was passed. In several places in the U.S. Americans now have only one choice of insurers. My cousin runs a business in the U.S. After passage of the ACA his medical insurance premium, for a family of four, increased over 15% every year and is now over $2,100/mo.
As for the Hillary comment - I agree with you - this was a ridiculous comment by Trump in the first place anyway
Yes, lots of stories of people's cousins and sisters having their insurance premiums going up by 1,000% and they all blame it on Obama.
One big flaw is the stopping of the public option which would have been good for your cousins family. Previously your cousin mostly likely had a junk policy that would not have been reliable anyway (many of these policies were forced to be cancelled). when I go back to the states I don't get any insurance since the system is so stupid. What is the proper solution to the US healthcare problem?
Time has come for superpowers and other countries to stop interfering in the affairs of Palestine and Jerusalem. Let these superpower and arab nations put an end to support through politically and financially for their own interests. Both of them can live peacefully on their own. Needling around adds fuel to the fire.
Not sure they can really 'reject his recognition', rather, they could simply continue to not recognize Jerusalem as being the capital of Israel.
Clemantine Noel
America proudly stands beside its ally, Israel as other allies should! Who would deny Jerusalem as Israel’s caoital city? God Bless Israel and God Bless the United States of America!
Don't know if it is true, but read one report that Bone-Spurs did this because a very wealthy donor made a very substantial contribution, and this is what he wanted in return.
There are a lot of comments posted on the theme that 'violence is what they do', but if you visit the PCHR organization archive of reports, you'll see that violence deliberately targeting its own civilians is what the ISRAELI regime does, as a policy.
There are lots of comments posted about how proud people should be to be associated with the Israeli regime, as if being associated with the last surviving Apartheid regime were somehow different from being associated with the second last surviving Apartheid regime.
Palestine only wants East Jerusalem as its capital. Thats all. Isreal wants it all. All of Jersusalem. Maybe they should just share the capital or just give it back to Palestine. Really nothing will happen in the way of peace until the 67 borders are brought back to where they were. Settlements have to go and everything stolen returned. Then talks, real talk can begin. If only Hitler didnt do what he did, we wouldnt have these nomads looking for a home and coming from everywhere on the globe pretending they are Jews, just to come and abuse the real owners of this land.
Raw Beer
A significant portion of the billions the US gives Israel every year finds its way back in the US where it is used as bribes.
And that beacon of light and humanity. - North Korea is one of the leading critics.
So, it must be a bad decision.
You know you’re doing something right when North Korea hates your idea.
Just for some perspective, the Democrats are in on this too.
Democratic National Committee chairman Chuck Schumer was critical of Trump's announcement redarding Israel. He thought Trump should move the embassy there sooner and not sign the 6 month waiver.
The Americans are beyond a joke when it comes to this conflict. They are clearly not honest actors, not acting in good faith, far, far, far from neutral, strongly compromised by foreign agents (they scream about Russia, but clearly Israel and Saudi Arabia have been colluding and subverting US politicians on a much greater scale) and have no place in any negotiations regarding the land dispute between there.
Balakrishnan Gurumurti
Problem with M Trump is that he wants some kind of hat trick what decades didn't perform just to see his internal Mueller III investigation is defeated; but i can't make out how a felony can be trashed by creating another major problem in Jerusalem - Israel may be, but how world can one accept a depressed man's ideas - depression is a product of anxieties syndromes that most political Governments - businessmen have their own axe to grind, they don't allow another to get consumers but just he only needs others can't touch, as he involves in mass production syndrome - mass production only affects people's life and living - see why jews were massacred just Germans then thought - world cannot have enough place for all, fact is Hitler's mind was very narrow as he could not expand the mind and thoughts, mind and material can produce any great things, that is what superhuman man called God wanted - why we as humans cannot decide on the fate of man , if we realized world would never have to face any wars and destruction at all - so i wrote a book on self deception of man, man can never assume he is super God, anyway man needs to appreciate God is God, man can never play God.
The hat trick has arrived. Leaked e-mails from the investigation proving it was a set up. The lefties are going to have a hard day tomorrow searching for excuses on this one.
"The messages between Strzok and Page make it abundantly clear that the agents investigating both candidates for President were extremely biased against then-candidate Trump, while going extremely easy on Hillary Clinton over her mishandling of classified information. "
You're fired Mueller!