Japan Today

Biden, Harris offer solace to Asian Americans, denounce racism in Atlanta visit


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This sounds like Tucker Carlson talking about Tucker Carlson. Trump 2A NRA evangelical white supremacists not only watch Tucker....they watch him two times each show because they see him as a Trump Deacon and they see memorizing his scripture as necessary

considering he has the highest ratings on TV by far, I'm guessing many, many more types of people watch him than your paranoid characterization.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Spoke to Japanese friend in Alabama this morning. She says it fine where she is because no Asians. But she said it is not safe around Chinatowns or Koreatowns. She blames the media.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

P Smith - Islam is not a race. But as Carlson was pointing out, it is the motherland of bad ideas.

And calling attention to the weaponization of race by Democrats is not racism, either.

He was right about Obama then and he's still right now. He was a low level "community planner" elected based on his race.

But you're still no closer to showing anyone that the most popular news commentator in the United States is a white spremacist.

Keep trying.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

What specifically has he said that leads you to believe he's a white supremacist?

This sounds like Tucker Carlson talking about Tucker Carlson. Trump 2A NRA evangelical white supremacists not only watch Tucker....they watch him two times each show because they see him as a Trump Deacon and they see memorizing his scripture as necessary

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Tucker is just a well spoken white supremacist. 

Thats quite a serious charge.

What specifically has he said that leads you to believe he's a white supremacist?

Specifically now. This is important.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

This was almost definitely an anti-sex worker crime. The criminal was headed to Florida next to attack some kind of porn business there.

Besides, where is all this talk of "Asian solidarity" coming from anyway? From my experience, most Asians don't like each other very much at all. You think Koreans and Japanese want to be lumped together in the same group, much less the same group as Philipinos or or Bangladeshis? It is the equivalent of putting Norwegians and Sicilians in the same category of "European".

IF you want to see genuine anti-Asian bias, you need to look at the education system (not just the universities). Cities around the US are closing elite schools, or changing their admission criteria, due to too many Asians being accepted. In San Francisco, a public school board member actually referred to Asians at equivalent of "house n-words" because they tried so hard to be white and follow white social conditions. THAT is hate.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The loser, whatever his motives, also killed 2 white women.

But they don't rank on the victimology totem pole these days

All those attacked were victims.

The right has been focusing on the victimization of the killer and the above White victimization.

Tucker is just a well spoken white supremacist. David Duke was the one who said that he is the new face of white supremacism and should have been Trump's running mate because he can talk about it without using the same words that get the KKK and neo nazis in trouble.

The problem here the president is trying to address is the current trend of attacks on Asians. The orange guy would have made it all about him and the victimization of whites by the "Chinese flu", which would only rile up the base by scapegoating a group of Americans.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Even lefty FBI Director Christopher Wray said "it does not appear that the shootings were racially motivated "

The loser, whatever his motives, also killed 2 white women.

But they don't rank on the victimology totem pole these days, so lets all focus on the Asian victims.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Owing to Trump's managerial incompetence and mental disabilities 45 was an easy act to follow for the experienced Biden who knows how to perform presidential duties simply by doing things Trump never did, or by just doing the opposite of what Trump did do and, apart from stumbling climbing up into Air Force One, Biden has so far not put a foot wrong. His using the gunman's rampage in Atlanta to offer comfort and console the victims' families while denouncing racism was laudable, but a more nuanced investigation into what motivated the young incel to kill will undoubtedly reveal the usual suspects: mental health problems linked to a fragile identity and an inability to form close relationships with others, all exacerbated and fueled by an unholy cocktail of religious belief, guilt and sexual torment that triggered the youth to project his self-hate and aggression outwards onto women (murder) instead of inwards onto himself (suicide). What the authorities eventually discover about the perpetrator's private hell will unlikely conclude that this terrible tragedy was a simple hate-crime of a white "racist" with an extreme animus against Asians.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

bass4funkToday  10:58 am JST

I'd hardly call what Tucker Carlson says as newsworthy or honest

You don’t, but 9 million people do.

You can watch Tucker Carlson and not believe everything he says. Likewise other media.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Readers, this discussion will be closed for about two hours.

P. SmithToday  10:49 am JST

Discrimination restricting Asian students in top US universities comes from so-called 'liberals'.

No, it doesn’t because there is no racism restricting Asian students from top US universities.

Simply not true. The limit is 20% and includes both Asian-Americans and foreign Asian applicants. In the 1930's to the 50's, the limit on Jews in Ivy League universities was 5%.


0 ( +4 / -4 )

This has already definitively been shown not to have been a racist attack.

But facts aren't important. Agenda is. Carry on.....

Really, proven, how? Oh because the killer supposedly said so or because Captain Jay Baker, of the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office, said so, the same police officer that also said the shooter was "having a bad day" the same police officer that was promoting a T-shirt with racist language about China and the coronavirus last year.

Yep I wonder who told the shooter to say it wasn't racism?

Meanwhile another 75 year old Asian women is violently attached in San Francisco a now daily occurrence in North America.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

JimizoToday  10:45 am JST

A Tucker Carlson monologue is not a serious thing to refer to in a adult discussion. This is right wing Sesame Street. Same goes for monologues from CNN talking heads.

Tucker Carlson is right about 50% of the time, whereas CNN is close to 0%.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

A Tucker Carlson monologue is not a serious thing

Mot for you, but for those hat want to hear serious opposing points of view and not just orange man bashing 24/7 think differently.

This is a serious issue.

Yes! That’s why they watch Carlson and why his competitors want him off the air, all the orange man bashing is old and done with. There’s a new administration in town, he keeps the focus on current events, not old like the others, helps your popularity to stay current.

-7 ( +5 / -12 )

AttilathehungryToday  10:17 am JST

In reality a lot of the attacks, perhaps a majority, have nothing to do with 'white supremacy'. This sad case may be more to do with sex addiction than anything else.US

US fake news media propaganda line--whenever a Black is the victim of inter-racial crime, it is a hate crime. Whenever a white or Asian is the victim, it is something else. A Twitter tweet by the murderer in the Atlanta shootings (since disappeared) indicated he hated Asians.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

So I guess it's alright to hurt ethnic Chinese going about their business.

No, it’s not. It wasn’t ok 70 years ago with interment camps, it wasn’t ok in 1992 during the LA riots and it’s not ok now.

Compete with Asians????!!!! You do realize that many of those 'Asians' are American citizens?

Many of them aren’t as well.

I'd hardly call what Tucker Carlson says as newsworthy or honest

You don’t, but 9 million people do.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Firing Biden's DOJ appointee Kristen Clarke, who has said it is okay to discriminate against Asians would be a good step.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Tucker was

Victim blaming just like Captain Jay Baker (check Jay's racist shirt on his Facebook account). According to Tucker it is the victims' fault especially since the shooter is a white NRA 2A Trump person in a holy war. His AK is blessed by Jesus.

Onward Christian soldiers!

  Marching as to war,

With the cross of Jesus (their AKs)

  Going on before.

Christ, the royal Master,

  Leads against the foe;

0 ( +6 / -6 )

I'd hardly call what ucker Carlson says as newsworthy or honest.

Carlson is a spokesmale for white supremacy.

0 ( +8 / -8 )

This has already definitively been shown not to have been a racist attack.

That some have chosen to accept racism was definitely NOT a contributing factor shows how their worldview affects their interpretation of events.

Anti-Asian racism is a reality and has been since Asians first came to the US. Trying to deny this act had nothing to do with racism is typical of white supremacists.

0 ( +8 / -8 )


We need to have a serious dialogue about racism, education and how to better our kids to compete with Asians and for people that want to hurt Asians because they lump all of them as Chinese and feel they can apply retribution against them because of the virus is morally wrong.

So I guess it's alright to hurt ethnic Chinese going about their business. Maybe these murderers would kindly ask their victims first what sort of Asian they are before landing that first blow.

Compete with Asians????!!!! You do realize that many of those 'Asians' are American citizens?

Tucker was just talking about it today

I'd hardly call what Tucker Carlson says as newsworthy or honest.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

PTownsendToday  10:04 am JST

Words have consequences. Especially when those words are intended to be heard by America's easily angered far right, white nationalists.

Trump’s ‘Chinese Virus’ Tweet Helped Fuel Anti-Asian Hate On Twitter, Study Finds


Anti-Asian racism in the US is not right-wing or left-wing, it is both wings. Discrimination restricting Asian students in top US universities comes from so-called 'liberals'.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

Trump and the far right media continue dog whistling and throwing red meat to their easily triggered base.

This has nothing to do with Trump. Quite interesting, the problem goes far deeper, Tucker was just talking about it today and how “US policy” on higher education is systematically blocking and limiting the number of Asians to be allowed into our college institutions which is indeed racist and this is done to level the playing field for minorities, so how is that not racist? Shoving the blame on Trump is easy, but that’s not going to stop these escalating attacks on Asians. We need to have a serious dialogue about racism, education and how to better our kids to compete with Asians and for people that want to hurt Asians because they lump all of them as Chinese and feel they can apply retribution against them because of the virus is morally wrong. Racism towards Asians is not a cut and dry thing, it’s multifaceted and it needs to be more directly dissected.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

In reality a lot of the attacks, perhaps a majority, have nothing to do with 'white supremacy'. This sad case may be more to do with sex addiction than anything else.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

This has already definitively been shown not to have been a racist attack.

But facts aren't important. Agenda is. Carry on.....

3 ( +11 / -8 )

They can start by eliminating quotas which limit the number of Asians in US top universities.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Words have consequences. Especially when those words are intended to be heard by America's easily angered far right, white nationalists.

Trump’s ‘Chinese Virus’ Tweet Helped Fuel Anti-Asian Hate On Twitter, Study Finds


-1 ( +9 / -10 )

“For the last year we’ve had people in positions of incredible power scapegoating Asian Americans,”

Trump and the far right media continue dog whistling and throwing red meat to their easily triggered base.

‘China has blood on its hands’: Fox News hosts join Trump in blame-shifting


1 ( +10 / -9 )

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