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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump wins Florida; locked in other tight races with Biden
Biden wins Rhode Island, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Maryland, Illinois, Delaware and Connecticut.
Stay safe you folks in the US! Cant believe I have to type that!!
no, you actually wont hear that.
Trump still got to win the white house and the senate, without the senate hes a lame duck,
Odds not looking good for Repubs in the senate, Dems are expected to increase their seats in the house.
and the presidency is still a toss up.
Reality will set in within an hour or so I guess. 538 said trump only 31% chance to win Florida.
yet, he is winning.
Trump looks to have Florida in the bag.
Biden has this. He'll get North Carolina and the rust belt. Then it's game over for Trump.
Trump favorite now for 4 more years. Win Pennsylvania and he is home. Hillary performed far better than Biden in Florida and probably will all over the nation.
As I said all along, Trump was a strong President, almost impossible to beat. Polls got it wrong just like 2016, Brexit and Boris Johnson victory.
Trump is winning!
Too early to tell, Florida looks like Trump will win that state.
Joe Biden is leading on 85 - Donald Trump 61 ....
so all the polling companies that said Florida +4 or +5 for Biden (he is losing by around 3 now)?
They were the same polls that said he was supposedly winning +8 in other states too.
oops. polls seem off by 7 or 8 points. again.
This election will be decided on electoral collage, battleground seats. keep eyes on senate and house, Far to early to call.
There are some strong trump supporters on this site. I worry about if trump is defeated, they will just give up posting and hit the jack daniels every morning.
although I’m far from a right-wing gun toting redneck, I think it is important that we discuss issues on all sides of the perspective.
Biden is up big in Ohio and will surely get that state.
Not looking good for Trump so far at all.
liberals have spent the last 4 years in every single article, 95% negative against Trump, "discussing their perspective".
We have results coming now that will likely show how wrong that perspective has been.
This is from associated press new feed, the same new feed that the Guardian UK use....It is not misinformation by any sense of the imagination.....
Blacklabel lets be clear there is the possibility that Joe Biden will succeed in becoming the next US President.
That democracy like it or not. personally Biden will be second to Harris.
I remember four years ago the shocked despair on the Left when Trump caught lightening in a bottle and took out Hillary. The pendulum will have in all probability swing in the opposite direction tonight. A win by Trump tonight would be against the odds and the dark money and in-kind aid given to Biden by the Big Tech oligarchs. A surprise win by Trump tonight would be so shocking the Left would erupt in violence. Let’s hope America can keep its cool tonight.
By the way the tally is now Biden 85 - Trump 72
Cautiously optimistic for a Trump win.
Biden 119 - Trump 92 now. But Texas is almost identical now.
So far looks like the Senate might be safe for the GOP
Nothing is happening tonight. Some Pennsylvania counties won’t even begin to count mail-in ballots tonight.
One map I saw is Biden 101 - Trump 133. Early days yet, though.
So, Trump has lost his home state, and might lose to someone who every credible poll always had well ahead. All he has to do is claimed that the election was rigged, get the Proud Boys to take over the downtowns of a couple cities holding up signs that say 'Where's my vote' in Farsi, and hey, presto, the media will declare that the election was phony, and for the rest of his life, any mention of Biden will call his Presidency 'disputed' .
Well, if the media doesn't have double standards, that is.
As you did in 2016 and threatening immigration to Canada.
So far it seems like a close race !
I don't quite understand which states carry significance here ?
Will we have a definite result tonight ?
That's no surprise, New York is a solid blue state so it doesn't really affect the equation.
No, Trump has Florida.
Stock prices in N.Y. shot up as Biden is prospected winning the race. I do not understand why stock prices rise when Biden wins.
Sen. McConnell and Graham re-elected. Garner in Colorado goes down hard.
Trump is winning everywhere he needs to win. Still on track for 300+ electoral college.
Trump looking good in Florida.
The Nikkei in Japan rising by the minute as the prospect of Trump re-election looks locked in. Up 330 points.
Jake Tapper just now on @cnn
“a Biden blow out was always a pipe dream.”
Trump now 1/3 to win.
media was wrong. again.
Ohio, North Carolina, Georgia all trending away from Biden now.
Too many different ways people have voted. Yet, Florida looking like Blow Out... for Trump. BUT Maricopa County, come on. Biden for sanity!
and the Dems just lost the Senate in Alabama as expected.
So Colorado and Alabama cancel each other out. Plus we got rid of Gardner who was unreliable anyway.
Apparently Trump is now ahead in Pennsylvania. Again, early days...
Doug Jones just lost
Well if Trump wins the only thing on his agenda will be to remove term limits and if that happens then all of a sudden Americans wake up in New Russia. So many more fools in America than anyone could ever have imagined. Who could have known.
And there are millions of smart people who disagree with you :-)
NASDAQ futures up 3%! thanks President Trump!
Trump is actually even winning the popular vote at this point.
Landslide, at least until California votes.
Dan Lavender
Go Biden /Harris!!!
NO way NEAR to finishing the count. May well continue into tomorrow, the day after. So, time to go... Only 18% of PA early vote counted, Biden wiping Trump all over the floor with early voting. THINK!
Yes; this won’t be decided tonight. I always thought this would be quite close. This is not like previous “normal” elections
Problem is mainstream media says California voting blue is automatically in the bag so it discourages people from voting. Also people over the past few years are getting priced out of Cali so they move to AZ, NM and Texas all of which are more blue than usual as you can see.
Plenty more mail in votes for Biden still to cast over the next week.
I thought it would be over by now. Starting to get a little feeling of 2016 again. Nip and tuck.
Dem who ran against Senator Graham spent a record $106 million- and lost. Unreal money.
Seems like Trump is going to get Ohio and Pennsylvania, too early to call, but looks like it.
@Bass, not even close to finishing the count in PA.
results from starr county, texas, the most latino county in the united states (96% latino)
2016: clinton+60
2020: biden+5 with 98% reporting
we are witnessing a dramatic and historic realignment
One Senate seat Republicans pickup so zero for the Dems in Senate pickups so far.
But so far, the Dems won’t get the Senate as it stands, but the night is still young.
? The Democratic party picked up a senator in Colorado.
Fox just called Arizona for Biden.
Looks like we won't know for sure until at least tomorrow, perhaps even a few days after that, until all the votes are counted.
Biden seems to be woefully underperforming. As I said all along, Biden was Trump's best chance for re-election.
Trump looks to have the edge. Bookies all over the place with odds.
Well the election could go either way. Both sides have fought hard, that cant be denied. The see saw ride continues in key states and counting will not be finished tonight meaning outcomes will not be decided tonight in key states. That being said, no matter what side of the fence your on, or if you are on the fence, it has been an entertaining evening for all.
Arizona to Biden hurts - doubling the likelihood of loosing Wisconsin. Not looking good for Trump - yet I am shocked it’s not over already. Biden has been given every advantage by the American elites and way more money than Trump.
Texas A&M Aggie
Today, the "shy" Trump voters are letting the world know what we think about the damage the democrats have cause to our great nation since this week in 2016. . . . Here. Comes. The. Red. Wave!!!.
Trump got Ohio, he needs GA and NC
How so? He is doing better than expected in Florida and Georgia, but those were states he carried in 2016 anyway. Meanwhile it looks like he has lost Arizona, which he won in 2016, so he can't win without picking up wins in the rust belt swing states. Its possible he might do that, but I wouldn't say he has the edge.
GA looks like a sure bet. He's up 1.7% w 94% reporting in NC
You mean people actually thinking for themselves instead of following the leftist mainstream media like sheep?
Susan Collins wins Maine and John James seems to be winning the Michigan Senate and Trump just took Texas
This is just the foundation, the record high mailed in ballots haven't been counted yet. Could take days
Texas just went Trump. He will get these two states. Pennsylvania and one more midwest state - unbelievable Trump actually still has a chance. Still think it slips through his fingers via late discovers mail in votes - but the shy Trump voter is a real thing.
exactly wrong again. President Trump has a landslide victory there because Latinos voted for him in record numbers.
In fact, exit polls show Trump gained in every identity group (women, latinos, blacks etc..) except for 1 group............white males! (-5)
wow, terrible white supremacist Trump is.....
Michigan and Wisconsin looking very positive for Trump.
Guess that 17% Biden lead poll from WaPo was fake?
Should be lots of unemployed pollsters, such as Nate Silver Mr. 538.
How incredibly dull, laboured and unnecessarily drawn out are the results to US elections. No race to be first with a result, no deliberately dull Returning Officers intoning the results and no seeing Cabinet Ministers trying to ignore the candidates dressed as fish fingers and dolphins on the stage.
There evidence that the pollsters have underestimated the Trump vote, exit polls from a number of battleground states reveal Trump leading yet the polls suggested/contended Joe Biden had a clear advantage.
The Polls showing Biden leading, by five point could have, or are flawed.
I would be embarrassed to be from the beautiful state of Az.
Has anyone got on the ground knowledge regarding Pennsylvania?
This state could/will be key.
Been chin wagging with my friends in Radianz, Nutley, one time Thomson Reuters. Lots of umming and ahhing.
Any Pennsylvanians present?
What's the word around the Pennsylvania camp fire, Biden or Trump?
Blue Sausage
@Blacklabel Poor Biden probably actually believes he's winning. Dementia is pitiful
At time of writing, he is. Will he ultimately win? I'm not so sure.
Trump just got flagged on the left propaganda machine "Twitter" because he said Biden is trying to steal the election. Guess you cannot say "steal" in the Twitter-verse"
@cs, we all knew this would happen, just think what he has been through!
Another one for my prediction collection.... I have so many that want to remind our JT pundits about.
NYT seems to think Georgia is tilting Biden. I don't think that's right. Biden and Trump both need to win any two of Wisconsin, Michigan or Pennsylvania - all of which won't have all their ballots counted until tomorrow.
Biden was an awful pick from the Democratic party. It should not be this close. Bernie or Warren would have this sewn up by now.