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© Thomson Reuters 2020.'Will you shut up, man?' Repeated interruptions, insults mark fiery debate between Trump and Biden
By Jarrett Renshaw and Steve Holland CLEVELAND©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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His last chance to win.
Biden and Wallace just asked Trump point-blank to denounce white supremacists and right-wing militias.
He didn't. He said they were needed.
This debate has just been a farce overall, though.
Just heard Trump in the debate say the Proud Boys should "stand back and stand by."
Despicable scumbag.
Trump is nothing but a bully.
How many times has he interrupted Biden. Good god.
Ugh. Unwatchable.
Trump insulting Biden's son with allegations of drug abuse and military problems was truly disgraceful.
Trump mentioned that the Proud Boys should "Stand By"......
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Dear America:
This is the system which you say the rest of the world should admire so much and emulate?
Total masterpiece of understatement! Biden has learned quite well from his 8 years as VP. He's been observing Obama and he's been taking notes.
I would never ever shake hands with the uncouth bully criminal scumbag Antichrist Trump. No way, Jose.
Damn! Trump just can't shut up and let somebody say their word without interrupting like a brat kid. Oh I forgot, Trump is one.
"Will you shut up, man?" Joe just proved the point once again. I'm glad he's getting tough with this juvenile. Trump is so obnoxious, he needs to be put in his place.
Good going, Joe!
Trump is now encouraging his supporters to harass voters at the polls and refused to pledge to wait until all the votes are counted to declare victory, and refused to tell his supporters not to violently take to the streets and while the election is being certified.
That was a truly, truly awful "debate."
America and the world did not need to see this nonsense. Absolutely unprofessional.
Trump set the tone of this "debate" in a very bad way with his incessant interrupting of Biden and uncalled for character attacks.
I have not watched it yet, but from the article it seems they shot up Biden enough for standing up and lasting for 90 minutes. That the article is a hit piece on Trump is a given.... not expecting anything different from the mainstream media.
I still say a real debate would have been on on the Joe Rogan show, not on mainstream TV. Unsurprisingly, Trump accepted that and Biden ran for the hills.
What another disastrous week for Trump - we find out he lied about his taxes, paid only $750 several years, almost all his businesses are losing money, and he personally owes half a billion to "someone"....
Then his former campaign manager beats his wife and threatens to kill himself...
Now this pitiful debate performance...
Donald will be beating feet back to his bunker - at least until Nov....
Bob Fosse
What happened America? How did things get this ridiculous?
Wallace did a good job of controlling trump.
Biden was far from the drooling loon many were hoping for.
If there were anyone on that stage on drugs I know who my money would be on.
One GOP rep tweeted that Trump is a @world class a..hole@
I agree. But a world class.... is what the country needs to deal with the world as it is. Former VP Biden looked lost at times, couldn&t finish his thoughts. and made repeated errors. He did not deal well with the Trump debate style.
If nothing else, at least someone finally told Trump to shut up.
For the next debate they really need to cut the mic when the other party is speaking, to prevent this sort of nonsense.
I disagree. This debate was chaos from start to finish because Trump refused to stop screaming and crying, have a diaper fit over every tiny thing, and Wallace was barely able to keep them on topic.
If you've not watched it, your opinion is invalid.
Donald saying he paid "millions and millions" in taxes while his tax returns show he paid zero in most years and only $750 on others....
Is like him misinforming all of America that the virus "is just the flu" while telling Woodward it's a "killer", "deadly", "it rips you apart", it's "like the plague"...
When Trump asked Biden about his support from Law Enforcement, Biden choked, then went to his bumbling stutter doofus mode.
Wasnt too impressed with Trump though; the reply about the white supremacist should of been better.
Still, Biden never disappoints as a loser, trying to deflect and his reaction to his sons deviant behavior and his crime bill was silence; good shots by Trump.
Biden is joke, a has been exploit trying to come up again.
Biden lost that one. just kept repeating that thing werent true, that are true.
One very easy way to prove that right? But he won't. Which means he's lying. ...Again.
Graham DeShazo
Well that was a freak show.
Trump refused to condem white supremacy.
It’s over. anyone who was on the fence is not there anymore. Trump was an unhinged lunatic.
Trump was more out of control than Biden, which is probably good for Biden. Trump also looked really orange and he got oranger as the debate went along and Trump got more and more excited.
A very un-presidential debate and it was because of Trump. Joe didn't lose his cool, but Trump did. Biden won.
I think the Dem loons coached Biden what to say, you could tell it by his canned responses but when Trump pressed him on whats important and why Biden never condemed the riots, he was silent.
Trump should of worked that more but the moderator kept giving Biden more time.
What's so amazing is the President of United States, the world's most powerful and advanced country, does not even know how childish he is. Americans and the whole world have just witnessed with a disbelief how in the world Americans have chosen him as their president in the first place.
Trump was a complete disgrace spouting lies and making up things that dont exist, have not happened and he makes America look so bad. Biden looked confident and decisive but did stumble a little once or twice.
Biden has plans while Trump has rhetoric, Biden gives honest answers while Trump gives lies.
The question in all of this is the American voters. Who do they believe and how will they vote. Lets hope they vote responsibly and pick the right leader.
Dango bong
have to say I am very embarrassed to be an American
Donald really doubled down on the "clown" look tonight - he must have put on a double-dose of bronzer....
He looked like a bloated boiled yam...
And his answers sounded like one too...
2 things that stand out for me about BIden; his sons corruption and cover up
and Bidens silence and by extension, condoning the burn/loot/shoot of my country
now, being the career politician that he is, he is coming with "I condem violence"
sure you do, thats why you went on MSM and told them to stop.
Sven Asai
Quite a catastrophic first TV ‘debate’ , that one. It goes without doubt 70-30 to Biden, although the much bigger catastrophy will occur, if he really would win and implement the agenda that simmered through his answers.
What I thought was amazing is that Trump apparently has no idea how time works.
Biden: Trump's tax cuts were a disaster.
Trump: Yes, they were. So why didn't you reverse them?
Biden: Because you enacted them after I left office.
Trump: Yes, well, it's good that I enacted my bad cuts.
It is clear the two men do not like each other. Each got in some good shots, I thought Trump had the better of the exchanges though. It is what he is good at. Biden is a shmoozer more than a thinker, that came through loud and clear. Trump made many references to Biden's loooong 47 years in Washington in which he did nothing about the problems that Biden suddenly feels so passionate about. Biden stooped at times, calling the President a clown etc.
Won't change many minds. I look forward to the VP contest at least to resemble a civil dialogue.
actually for those of us that can think, it was 70-30 for Trump because Biden failed to address why he did not condemn the riots, why the Dem cojntrolled cities are over run with violence, and what would he do in such a situation. At a macro level, Biden is not a leader, instead a puppet for people who we dont know or understand. I dont know why Trump gets into the weeds with groups and conspiracies but when it comes to my country being burned down, I dont want some corrupt doofus taking sides with domestic terrorism.
wouldnt answer about packing the Supreme Court. simply refused.
Wont call the Dem mayors and ask them to tell Antifa to stop.
But he said "I am the Democrat party" then wont answer anything or tell any Dems to do anything.
name ONE law enforcement group that supports you, Joe.
Biden: Ummmm...we dont have time for that.
What a loser Biden is, can't answer a single question, won't if he would get rid of the filibuster, or defunding the police, won't answer if he will pack the court, won't answer if he will concede if he loses, it was a bloodbath, Biden didn't do too bad, but Trump was right, calling him a loser is a gross understatement.
Biden: “I don’t support the Green New Deal.”
Biden’s own website:
Texas A&M Aggie
The only true takeaway in this "debate" was President Trump got Biden to publically not support the Green New Deal; and in the process he kissed away all the Bernie Bros of the far-left voter bloc. Apparently, someone didn't tell Joe (or he forgot) that his running mate was the lead Senate sponsor of it.
Game, set, match to DJT. Well played, sir.
Ugh. Unwatchable.
These two geriatrics rambling and ranting incoherently while constantly talking over each other blathered on with lies, exaggerations, insults and irrelevancies so that the tone of this "debate" was as engaging and informative as listening to two bald men fighting over a comb. Are these the best qualified candidates the Republic has to offer the American people? : one a corrupt, ignorant clown whose incompetence poses a grave security risk to the country and jeopardizes the health and welfare of the people while the other is way past his prime and whose long record as a creature of the DNC and the ruling establishment benefiting mainly the interests of his donors and sponsors inspires little confidence for solving the myriad crises besetting the nation. After watching this intellectually underwhelming and insubstantial exchange the troubling thought occurs that Benjamin Franklin's fear that the American people could eventually lose their Republic might have come one more step closer. What a disgrace!
Those 2 are the USA presidential candidates ... How low the US felt, it's leaving me speechless ...
I actually thought it was a substantive debate and both candidates did reasonably well. Seeing them get their buttons pushed and being put under pressure is better than the old-school debates where you only hear boilerplate talking points and questions can be avoided by running down the clock. Of course, some will be clutching their pearls over the lack of civility.
I just watched the clip. It was very funny. Later, Biden tells Trump to inject bleach in his arm. Too funny!
I thought I should get my comment in about the debate before comments get turned off in 5 minutes.
My 2 cents...
I thought Biden did ok. He could have been more assertive, but all he had to do was maintain some composure and he would look Presidential next to Trump who clearly acted like a madman, not the POTUS. Biden may have had trouble making sentences now and then, but he does have a conscience and I'm sure that when it comes to making tough Presidential decisions and policies, his sentence making isn't going to be an issue.
Being a Canadian though and living far away in Japan, I would enjoy watching a Trump second term from afar. Perhaps Americans still need to learn a thing or to about history.
Biden also choked when Trump asked him why he didnt speak out during the riots and told him it was because he didnt want to upset his radical leftist base. Again, silence.
The Avenger
I know Trump is disrespectful, but this is way out of bounds and is completely unacceptable.
"Will you shut up, man!" My favorite line.
I love Trump, but I think both sides did a huge disservice interrupting each other a bit too much.
Simon Foston
Some classic lines from proud graduates of the Comical Ali School of Media Spin here I see.
Raw Beer
Yeah, that would be great.
Instead we had a Trump vs Wallace + Biden.
Biden showed that the only way to take on trump is to use his game, name calling.
And looking at trump's face it really hurt!!!
I didn't watch it. Figured it would be a clown show with Trump in the middle.
Most of the coverage I'm seeing is that Trump refused to condemn white supremacists, which isn't really surprising. Even his supports know he is racist and a lot of them are racist, too.
Interesting, I seem to recall you posting so much blah about the SOFA and law and order, when a young man on a base here was locked up for some crime....but during the burn loot and shoot of our country, in which we served to protect from both foreign and domestic enemies....never saw anything from you....why not?
Emily Jean
Donald Trump Forever
Graham DeShazo
Joe could have answered a few questions a bit better and could have pushed back harder, BUT.....
We had a VERY clear contrast tonight.
One was a decent human being.
The other was an in-hinged rambling conspiracy spouting and quite frankly frightening lunatic.
Anyone undecided is moving towards Joe. Especially women.
Policy issues will be forgotten Trump is obviously unbalanced and told white supremacy groups to “Stand down and stand by.”
This is the story regardless of what his supports want to claim
Trump just put a stake though his own campaign’s heart.
My favorite part was 'Putin's Puppy'
Somebody finally said it as it is!!
Catch 22, which ever candidate wins, the other side will riot and it spills over around the world. Some far left antifa Trudeau supporter allegedly mailed poison to Trump and allegedly tried to drive across the border with a gun. Everyone seems to hate everyone else.
standby- be present while something bad is happening but fail to take any action to stop it.
how is this something wrong? he said while Dems are trying to steal the election, dont do anything.
yeah but Biden quipped that Antifia is not a group but an idea
Another, by extension...hands off leadership while our country burns.
Bob Fosse
Harris will eat Pence alive
Emily Jean
Sleepy Joe............LOL
LOL. This comment proves my suspicion. The only people who believe Bunker coward Trump won that are the perpetually enraged, white, low educated males. ie the cowards base.
Shouting over the top of moderators and opponents, deflecting and refusing to answer questions does NOT constitute a win in debates.
Bunker Coward is finished.
Joe Biden, has more than four decades of political life experience, President Donald Trump has served one term in office.
Yet Joe Biden, allowed the red mist to fall, as Donald Trump bated Biden relentlessly.
An appalling display, an insult to playground politics.
Joe Biden should, or could, have risen above, shown the character, demeanor, deportment.
Joe Biden didn't come close. He ranted like an irritated old man, who had left his pipe burning in his favorite cardigan.
Where is Senator Kamala Harris? Possibly sniggering from the gallery?
Like jury duty, one person should be randomly selected each week to lead the country. You’d have to be pretty unlucky to find two worse people.
Trump didnt have his thoughts together but when he cornered Biden, doofus looked shook. For those who pay attention, thats what matters. on the police Hunter and other good points, I could tell Biden was at a loss. Trumps game seemed off; should of went in but Trump gets emotional.
Too bad Trump wasn't asked about Pascale....with the tax release, we'll now know more about how the campaign was funded and what was fraud...
Pascale decides on that same day to go kooky and threaten to kill himself....
So he really is worried about being the next Trump Campaign Manager to follow Manafort to Rikers Island or he's trying to cop an insanity plea...
In either case, Trump-world is melting down...
trump whined ,interrupted and bickered, Biden spoke to the people.
That the difference between the candidates.
Boy what a disaster for trump.
Me think Chris Christie got his revenge!!
probably writing up an economic plan...her latest was some feel good crap about we need green non union jobs, you know the renewable energy pie in the sky green deal spin they have been spewing for years.
Problem with that is, there is no such For every hour a solar panel wind farm is off line, a fossil fuel or nuke plant must make up the difference.
Spanish speaking viewers of Telemundo expressed their preference of who won tonight’s presidential debate: 66% Trump to 34% Biden.
Trump interrupted Biden 47 times, Biden interrupted him 7. I think Trump interrupted the moderator more than Biden interrupted him LOL Biden came to debate Trump came to argue and sling BS
Like it or not, Biden is the only alternative to the Trump clown show, but the chaotic first "debate" left me wanting to put my brain through a car wash.
President Trump says TWO TIMES he's willing to condemn white supremacists and militia groups.
"Sure, I'm willing to do that."
jack o helen
I miss a president or presidential candidate like Obama who could flat out debate, or Reagan who was an excellent orator. At the very least, I was hoping the two of these would speak in complete and coherent sentences instead of having two old guys bickering and trying to speak over each other.
Nah, gotta either be racist or forgive racism to vote for Trump.
Sh1mon M4sada
Trump won easily, but the constant interruptions made by him and Biden look like school yard bullies.
Thats just low hanging fruit they pick at, they been at that for years. The whole burn loot shoot is based on it, Im not fooled by it. Biden was scared by it so he hid from us for several weeks. Now emerged and coached to debate...what a joke.
Where is Senator Kamala Harris? Possibly sniggering from the gallery?
oh shell be snickering after the debate with Pence on Oct 7, Pence going to get creamed LOL
Sleepy Joe............LOL
he was far from sleepy tonight, Trump spent more debating the moderator than Biden Interrupt Trump LOL
Kamala was on CNN, of course.
yeah but Biden quipped that Antifia is not a group but an idea
confirmed by Trumps CIA and FBI directors, Trumps answer "they dont know" LMFAO
The debates reminded me of that Muhammad Ali vs Antonio Inoki "The War of the Worlds" fight in Japan back in 1976.
Ali (Trump) jabbed while Inoki (Biden) was on his back scurrying around avoiding the jabs, but got a few kicks in.
Wasn't much of a fight, but then this wasn't much of a debate, either. More like a street brawl.
Still, Biden refused to back away from supporting the BLM and Antifa. And he forgot that he is NOT the Democrat Party, but merely a puppet of Harris, Sanders and AOC.
Nah, Kamela bombed at the Dem debates with her incoherent health care plan, her economic plan criminal justice plan, and any other plan, shows just how disconnected inexperienced and incompetent she really is. Kam and Joe got some magic...Jan 2021 Covid disappears and the economy jobs for all of you!
standby- be present while something bad is happening but fail to take any action to stop it.
referring to the pandemic, which Trump clearly stated he downplayed
This debate, a contradiction in terms, is a means, an exercise if you wish for President Trump advisors to prise ,ideologically, Biden and Harris apart,
To hammer a wedge between the Biden the ageing global centralist, and the sprightly socialist, progressive next generation.
Don't believe for one moment Biden as President will be anything more than a subordinate to Senator Harris, and a cabal of progressives.
Graham DeShazo
Pre-debate poll “Who do you think will win?” Biden 56 Trump 43.
Post-debate poll “How won the debate?” Biden 60 Trump 28.
I agree, but I have never heard anyone say anything positive about Obamacare.
and yet millions of Americans signed up for it, 60% of Americans support universal healthcare, what is Trumps healthcare plan after 4 yrs !? oh yeah he doesnt have one.
Actually, Wallace spent more time interrupting and debating Trump than being an impartial moderator. In doing so, Wallace was making points for Biden and making Biden's case.
Will you shut up, man!" My favorite line.
And you say Trump is disrespectful?
Donald Trump Forever
unhealthy, overweight, high stress, mini strokes, history of family Alzheimer. I dont think itll be that long
He then doesn't do that, and instead explicitly tells a violent far-right group to "stand by" for action, and says that his supporters should harass voters at the polls.
Proud Boys online are celebrating the debate as the President officially calling on them to take up arms.
Because that is exactly what he did.
But Joe did not condemn Antifa, instead he downplayed their threat as just an ideology.
MSM will leave that part out; after all I need them to think for me.
Make it clear, Im not a supporter of Proud Boys, Tea party (are they still around) or any other here today gone tomorrow group, but these leftist people have gone nuts. Im more concerned about that and I think everybody else who cares is also.
Joe will be totally dominated by Putin and Xi and, scariest of all, AOC.
what are you talking about, Trump hasnt said a bad word about Putin since being president,even when Putin targets Americans troops, as for Xi what has Trump done to him , nothing, get this even with Trumps trade war , record number of US farmers going bankrupt , the 2020 deficit with China is still expected to be over $300billion
You are the right the liberal media did a huge spin on it all. lol
I didn't hear Biden denouncing BLM or Antifa, the rioting and the looting or attacks on our police, not a word.
As are the Anarchists
Texas A&M Aggie
Graham DeShazoToday 12:56 pm JST
Pre-debate poll “Who do you think will win?” Biden 56 Trump 43.
Post-debate poll “How won the debate?” Biden 60 Trump 28.
Don't think asking the multiple personalities living in a person's head constitutes a poll.
As I said before: it is truly shameful and sad that these 2 candidates are the best the U.S. can put forward.
The system is broken
Bob Fosse
100% pure comedy gold! The gift that keeps giving. I’ll almost feel a little sad to see trump go. I hope his supporters stick around for a while.
Actually, Wallace spent more time interrupting and debating Trump than being an impartial moderator. In doing so,
because Trump wouldn't STFU to rules he and his team agreed to . Trump interrupted Biden 47 times, Biden interrupted him 7
Haven't heard Biden willing to condemn the leftist terrorist BLM and Antifa groups either. He's counting on them to help elect him, i.e, harrassing voters at the polls that if you don't vote for Biden, there will be more burnings.
He did not deal well with the Trump debate style.
when you get interrupted 47 times it is diffcult to get your words heard, did very well considering.
they need to clamp down on this next debate. watch Harris Pence itll be far more disciplined. Pence better have his A game LOL
Chris Wallace is shamelessly biased. It’s a beautiful demonstration of fake news in action. I’m actually glad it happened because you can see it for yourself.
You obviously didn't see the debate.
No such thing happened.
I note that, again, the far-right posters here refuse to condemn the white supremacists that Trump explicitly supports, nor do you denounce the President calling for his supporters to - at minimum - intimidate voters at the polls.
Don't think asking the multiple personalities living in a person's head constitutes a poll.
the only thing living in peoples head is thinking Trump won the debate, at best for Trump it was a tie
Texas A&M Aggie
@Bob Fosse,
Considering the person he's campaigning against -- the guy who was for the Green New Deal until tonight when he said he was against it -- DJT will leave office in January 2025.
Just when you thought American politics could not get any lower.
And you say Trump is disrespectful?
and when did Biden attack any of Trumps children, Biden son had a drug problem which he overcame, what does that have to do with the 2020 election!?
Trump is down in the polls - both nationally and in the swing states....he needed to have a superb performance that convinced those voters still on the fence - and did he do that?
FAILURE. He did nothing except interrupt Biden - nothing on beating the virus, nothing on getting jobs to the 8 million unemployed - and most tellingly, he could offer NOTHING on a Trump health care plan - after promising one for 4 years...
The only thing he did confirm was to tell his armed, far-right domestic terrorist supporters to "stand by" - how does that play in the swing states?
Disastrous....he just guaranteed Biden's landslide in Nov...
Joe Biden should have brushed-aside, ignored Donald Trump hectoring
Concentrated and focused on his policy agenda.
Think and push Biden the Statesman, with key salient issues that determine a solution to this pandemic, to Government, that demand the electorates attention.
No Biden fell into the the trap, Trump laid out for him.
This candidates' clown show was anything but presidential and will surely go down in history as the disgrace to American democracy it truly was. The moderator has been criticized for his inability to rein in the "stable genius's" Tourette-like outbursts, but why was the wimpy Wallace chosen when someone made of sterner stuff was needed to stand up to this known schoolyard bully? To tie down a loose cannon like Trump requires a person who can keep order by demonstrating that just because he is "rich?" and famous he can do whatever he wants...Better call Stormy or, some other reputable dominatrix?
A few thoughts here, as I know my fans have been waiting patiently.
It wasn't enough for Biden to physically endure 3 hours standing up without needing to be hustled out like a demented uncle who forgot to put on his trousers. Even CNN has bypassed the expected "BIDEN with the KO!" and settled on "An awful debate" which it was since Wallace decided to take Biden's place (Biden had no objections). And as Blacklabel pointed out, the Telemundo audience gave a 66 to 34 win to Trump. Quite telling.
Stop with this nonsense pining for the reserved debates of yesteryear. Politics is and always has been a full contact sport. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson famously accused each other of pedophilia. No doubt all those who are complaining about it being boisterous were glued to their screens from beginning to end.yakyak
Just a loon.
I can't understand why, out of a country of over 330 million people, these two bozos are the best candidates the people can come up with; I'm sure that I'm not alone in this either.
That was smart of Biden, wasn't it?
Yep, and Trump said to Biden, "You just lost the left".
Will be interesting to see what AOC and Sanders has to say to Biden the morning after the debates.
How on earth with all of today's media coverage can someone conflate BLM with Antifa? Antifa has been condemned by everyone on the left from politicians to the media. BLM is a protest against police brutality with widespread support and non-violent beliefs.
And Biden has condemned Antifa, as well as any other group that uses violence. From Fox News:
Biden condemns Antifa, violence 'across the board' amid riots
"Do you condemn Antifa?" reporter Barbara Barr asked Biden.
"Yes, I do, violence no matter who it is," he replied.
Trump, from tonight's debate: "Proud Boys, stand back and stand by!"
Trump fans are trying to have us believe this is the same?
Yeah, OK.
Bjorn Tomention
Laughable to see Biden floundering and spluttering when Trump puts the bite on him, imagine how biden would be when the real pressure comes on him on the international stage and millions of people depending on him giving the right answers and making the right decisions.
But here the whole world can see the guy does not have what it takes, he at times was like a deer in the headlights, baffled, unsure and confused.
ANTIFA is an idea not a organization he spouted , hahaha that had to be the dumbest thing to come out of his mouth, but no wait there was more...................................................the guy got scagged by Trump
Biden seems to resemble the young guy (Billy Redden) playing the banjo in the movie Deliverance, looks like the older version of that banjo player. Note the name Biden in the name Billy Redden hahaha
You are the right the liberal media did a huge spin on it all. lol
aka Trump supporter disappointed Trump didnt destroy Biden like they said he would. LOL
I would bet that AOC, Sanders, whilst Joe Biden campaign is leading in canvassing, surveys, polls, will keep schtum at least publicly. Privately that anyone's guess?
Harris doesn't have a chance, Pence will flatten her like a flapjack
The opponent’s microphone should be ‘off’ during the 2 minute period-simple!
I did, he said nothing of the sort, guess he was trying to remember again what the question was.
Thank God for the police presence.
But liberals refuse to denounce the rioters and the attacks on the police, why wouldn't Biden answer the question?
Just a loon.
Speaking of which, did Joe actually say in the debate that he wanted a psychiatrist riding in every patrol car to “talk down” shooters and other violent criminals?
Awful to watch. Epitomises what US politics has become - unpleasant, personal, incoherent and full of lies.
Heaven help the US id Biden wins though. at least Trump has shown he can run the place.
I will be paying more attention to the next debate actually as there is a very good chance (perhaps most likely) the next President of the U.S. will be debating.
If he did anymore damage I would have had to feel sorry for Joe. Just the right amount except sometimes Trunp cut off Biden right when it seemed Biden was really gonna say something even dumber. Let him talk more!
Biden is not for the Green New Deal. Amazing!
Graham DeShazo
Biden is winning and Trump is losing nationally, in the battleground states and especially with women.
He had one chance to change the narrative. He did the opposite.
He has basically ended his presidency and made an electoral college wipeout more likely.
The Democrats have a high likelihood of flipping the Senate as well.
The porcine President is panicking. He’s losing and he’s angry about it.
Bob Fosse
There sure was; the rest of Biden’s sentence which you deemed relevant to cut; the part where he clarified that as the FBI Director’s opinion. The guy appointed by trump.
Joe Biden is a straight up guy, his time as a politician has come and gone though.
As a President of the United States of America?
In all honesty this pandemic, the Democratic Party's cynical political duplicity has afforded the progressive wing a means to an end.
If the Democrats want to win Government then only unity under a single ideology will prevail.
VP Pence, you have been good friends and Senate colleagues with former DNI Dan Coats - who is also from Indiana....
DNI Coats said he thought President Trump was compromised by Russia - do you agree?
You have also been friends and colleagues with former NSA John Bolton, a Republican conservative icon - he said Trump did in fact ask for a QPQ with the Ukrainian President - do you agree?
President Trump has said both that wearing a mask is "Anti-American" and later "Patriotic" - which do you agree with?
Pence's head is going to explode....
just because you’re appointed by a president, does it mean that you’re going to stay on the rails or it doesn’t prevent you from being corrupted. Look at Kerry.....
American decline.
Trump literally called on neo-Nazis to be ready to assault people.
OK, I watched it now. What I saw was a Trump vs. Chris Wallace debate, with Biden being allowed to recite his talking point uninterrupted. Not quite the debate between presidential candidates that was advertised.
Can we say Chris Wallace wins the award of most blatantly biased moderator of all times?
Watch the full debate again, or for those who missed it, a step up or down from the kardashians.
First 2020 Presidential Debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden
Not one liberal in the Democrat party on on site denounced the violence perpetrated by Biden voters and Trump haters, why won’t they denounce the criminality and thuggery facts by Antifa and BLM? Maybe Harris might answer the question....
The Avenger
If only he'd worked this hard at interrupting the pandemic...
Are you saying the Trump appointed head of the FBI is corrupted? And Trump continues to keep him on staff?
Yep, I'm talking to a Republican.
This was a rough night for America. To people who support Republicans, I am sorry your party is no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln as much as some want to believe. For Democrats and people on the sidelines overseas and at home, the path is clear, Trump is hoping to disrupt the elections and void as much votes as possible with this performance even at the cost of America democracy. Therefore, vote like your life depends on it. If it was a Democrat doing what Trump did, I would vote Republican so it is a matter if you want to be a jerk and blowhard or be respected in society and the world.
Not sure Proud Boys are "Trump's Brownshirts". From the little I know of them many of them are not fans of his. and haven't seen them burning and looting recently. Just watched the clip and think DT said "sure, who do you want me to condemn?"......
Actually, I am quite jealous of people here being able to watch the entire debate while I had to work to make a living. How did all of you become so powerful that you don't need to work?
also think the bandying of the term "neo Nazi" is a bit much. where exactly are these new Nazis burining and looting and lynching and generally terrorizing the populace at large?
So you don't know anything about them an did no research, got it.
You need to pay attention.
And then he didn't condemn any white supremacists or far-right militias - instead, he told one of the biggest fascist groups in the country to "stand by" to assault people. and the Proud Boys celebrated that Trump was giving them permission to unleash violence.
Can we say Chris Wallace wins the award of most blatantly biased moderator of all times?
This is so outdated. There's so much information if one wants to find it, why bother listening and counting the insults and lies of a silly debate?
US debates to determine a vote is ridiculous in its intention. It's just theater. It's a disaster before it occurs, and laughable when it goes on. It really is silly to think people in 2020, will base its vote with such half assed responsibility of knowledge and sensibility on both the candidate's part and the voters', to believe a debate matters.
No wonder Trump won an election, this is just stupid American reality tv, where binary responses rule the land.
Viktor Cernatinskij
Grumpy old men... both useless incompetent politicians...
To people who support Republicans, I am sorry your party is no longer the party of Abraham Lincoln as much as some want to believe.
And youre saying the Democratic Party is even a shadow of its former self? You have got to be kidding. If JFK were around today he’d be labelled a right wing extremist by todays Dems.
instead, he told one of the biggest fascist groups in the country to "stand by" to assault people. and the Proud Boys celebrated that Trump was giving them permission to unleash violence.
You are, as they say, reaching.
I don’t know, I find him as honorable as Sen. Blumenthal and his military record.
Obama kept Holder on so.....
Graham DeShazo
Post debate poll of undecided voters.: Having watched the debate who will you now vote for?
Biden 31
Trump 11
Neither 58
Again, Joe could have done a bit better but Trump is losing badly. He had 1 chance to change the narrative. He failed.
This election is trending towards an Electoral College wipeout.
I literally quoted one of the top Proud Boys who said that he was happy that Trump was giving them permission to "f--k people up".
This isn't reaching. It's the truth.
Hontoni, God save America.
but Trump is losing badly. He had 1 chance to change the narrative. He failed.
This election is trending towards an Electoral College wipeout.
Even if that were true - and it isnt - a week is a long time in politics, and 5 of them is a whole LOT longer.
I have tried to find evidence of "neo Nazi" or "far right" or Proud Boy looting and rioting and beating people up and the like but all that comes up is a bit off silly press commentary (like NYT and Politico etc) and a ton of video of BLM and ANTIFA riots. Help me please.
Oh, here we go again. Yeah, the media praised Hillary’s performance in the Debates and it still didn’t save her. At this point the Dems need to hurry on up with their voter harvesting....
It was so predictable.... Next time, but both Candidates within Sound proof booths with a Microphone controlled by the Moderator.
Anyway, next stop Pence vs Harris. Wonder what that's going to be like ?
Disgusting all the way around including Chris Wallace who was plainly biased. What an embarrassment.
"I tried to find evidence and when I did I didn't like it so I'm pretending it doesn't exist". Your username is extremely apt.
When they cut to the side camera you could see trump practically leaning over the podium.
The fact that he can't stand straight should worry his fans!!!
Ah, so you were just throwing it out there that the Trump appointed head of the FBI might be corrupted without any evidence other than Biden quoted him.
Strong case.
Trump: Far-right violent groups should stand ready to support me, and my supporters should invade voting booths.
Far-right violent groups: Yes! Trump is giving us permission to assault people!
Smart brains on JT: This is fine, probably doesn't mean anything.
I know. He kept letting Trump go on and on beyond his time, without giving Biden the same leeway. He was clearly biased towards letting Trump speak.
I agree. I miss the good old days of Bill O’Reilly when he would have an interview and if somebody would start to bloviate he would just tell the control room to cut their mic and that was the end of that.
No, just called it for what it truly is.
Graham DeShazo
5 weeks feels longer when you’re losing.
Biden has had a consistent lead on Trump since the beginning of the year that has grown from 2 points at the beginning of the pandemic to between 7-10 points now depending on the poll.
He’s losing in battleground states he won in 16. He’s losing or tied in all other battle ground states.
He’s losing women (as well as several other demographics. Basically all white men without college degrees).
He had one chance to reset the argument and win over the 10% of the voters who are still undecided (And undecided? Really? ). He failed.
There is likely nothing he can do to upset Biden’s stable and persistent lead.
And I took today off to watch.
interesting, if you look on any video site, if you look on YouTube or Twitter or anywhere else, you will see 98% a time these are far left Biden voters, definitely people that hate Trump and that want Trump out of office. Biden voters are doing these things there are No Trump supporters out there burning down buildings toppling statues, burning the flag, saying screw America, not one.
Hmmm... not one single Democrat is calling them out forcefully and telling them to stand down and to tell the police should do everything in their power to quell “the unrest, every single Democrat is silent on this issue.
Oh, boy...we heard the same thing 4 years ago, we also heard Hillary will win, Trump will be impeached, he’ll be thrown out of office and then we also heard that Mueller will get Trump and he will be going to jail and on and on and on and on.... yes, we keep hearing these
I'm talking about the debate. Do try and keep up.
It is not that I like or don't like what is on the 'net. Just that I can't find actual video or other "non opinion" evidence of far right or neo Nazi or white supremacist or whatever else you want to call them committing crimes. Just saying it is so doesn't make it so.
And while I am not a Proud Boys expert (as you seem to be), they look more like a drinking club than some sinister neo Nazi terrorist group.
64% of Youtube channels dedicated to American politics are Republican, with 32% Democrat.
"the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president" - Lyndsey Graham
You don't expect the left to feel bad for playing your team's game do you? That would just be silly.
Oh, boy...we heard the same thing 4 years ago, we also heard Hillary will win,
yes we did we hear it in 2018 also, the woman vote destroyed Trump and the republicans and he lost the house, havent seen anything in the last 2 yrs to change women minds, if anything its worse.
Wallace interrupted before Joe could answer or refuse to answer questions...
Wallace was running interference for Joe.
Legacy media gonna do what legacy media gonna do.
What? You clearly didn't look into them. Unlike Antifa, they are an organization (Antifa is a movement), and the Proud Boys organization has been identified by the FBI as "an extremist group with ties to white nationalism."
Violence is literally the fourth stage of the initiation process into their organization, where by they must get into a major fight in order to become a Proud Boy.
Hardly a drinking club.
Bob Fosse
I choose my own hours, and gave myself a little time off. I’m one of those job creators trump fans seem so keen on.
The fact that he can't stand straight should worry his fans!!!
maybe he was wearing extra high heels tonight, trying to project something thats not there!?
So Trump should have absolutely nothing to worry about then.
Chris Wallace posed questions to Trump aimed at cornering him while posing questions to Biden giving him a chance to explain himself. It was two against one, but one still prevailed. Trump 2020!
Dango bong
saying either guy won the debate is just spinning it the way you think it went. They both were terrible and both looked like idiots. Is this really all we have to chose from?
What Trump towers over Biden barefooted. You guys ROFL!
Graham DeShazo
This isn’t 16, Joe isn’t Hillary, and we now know what a narcissistic sociopath Trump is. Ask is niece with a PhD in clinical psychology. (He’s a failure at business as well.)
Biden has a stable and growing lead and has led all year. It’s growing nationally, in battleground states and every demographic NOT white men (apologies for the typo in a previous post.).
That’s very unlikely to change. Especially after this freak show.
I am not a "MAGA faithful", I just agree with Trumps fundamental policies. And I don´t know what the "Proud Boys" are or what "your man" told them. What I do know is that all the rioting, looting and arsoning (aka the "peaceful protests") were carried out by Antifa/BLM and not by Trump supporters. And I expect the same for election day.
You say all that, but this is what seems to be the real story....
FBI didn't say what you cite. and being called names by the SPLC hardly proves anything.
Just saying that just because some or some ex members of an organization have suspect views or make silly statements doesn't make that whole organization new Nazi or far right.....
Just a loon.
the only loon I saw was the guy spitting conspiracies innuendo and alternate facts not backed by any evidence. spent more time interrupting and slinging BS than he actually explained what policies he would implement if he wins
Graham DeShazo
Afaik, it is an N/A, since the debate was Trump vs. Chris Wallace. And Chris Wallace had an unfair advantage as so-called "moderator".
It just boggles the mind that the TV networks always give the moderation to some hardcore political partisan, and nobody complains about it.
“Biden and Wallace just asked Trump point-blank to denounce white supremacists and right-wing militias.He didn't. He said they were needed.”
Biden and Wallace ..... That says it all. It was a debate between Trump on one team anc Biden/Wallace.
and Trump said “Sure” twice!
i waited for Wallace to ask BLM and Antifa to stop burning things but ... i guess he .... forgot ...
And we know how deceptive and ruthless Democrats are, nothing has changed, they still didn’t get over the last election and they’re at it sadly again.
The one that got disowned by her family and that wants money like Cohen, McCabe, Comey Strzok,
Oh, now he isn’t don’t even go there, he’s been screwing up forever and this is his third and final time to desperately try and get the Presidency.
I think the whole thing was a bit of an embarrassment to the US - how can you call it a "Debate ?" There was no, debate.
Trump was too domineering and wanted to have a say all the time, contrary to the rules his party had agreed upon.
The Moderator (Chris Wallace) found out that he could not really do anything about Trump.
Biden - stayed focused, and didn't fall asleep (contrary to what we'd been led to believe), he remained Polite and Politician-like, though he did fumble from time to time.
Anyway as a non-US voter, I can just stand back and watch and make apolitical comments such as the above.
MSM has already took the WS response and are hypin it up, so predictable. Biden the saint Trump the racist..yawn
I knew from day 1 Trump was not a politician, and if he loses, he will have to take accountability for his ego and taking the bait. he just got to always win every argument. If he would just practice some self preservation common sense and keep his mouth shut, he would glide through.
He has done many great things; the VA overhaul, for those of us that played with the stock market, it was on fire, so many reforms and jobs. LNG and the petrol business was on fire. The Dems are exploiting this COVID to steer the sheeple into thinking they are "normal" Impeachment riots fear blame and the COVID, a wonderful bunch. cant have everything in life.
The SPLC tracks hate groups. Like the Proud Boys. The organizer of which today literally said he was excited to assault people because Trump had given them permission.
These aren't "ex-members saying silly things", they are members of a far-right neo-fascist organisation: that's what your source, Wikipedia, describes them as.
And since you're happy to accept Wikipedia as a source:
They are a violent, fascist group, according to your own source.
But you'll just ignore all that. Because you don't like it.
Their is a political gulf opening between Senator Harris and Joe Biden policy on the pandemic a contradiction.
Principally on election message.
Biden is moderating his response, Harris is going on the offensive, politically leveraging the fatalities and policy on response.
Graham DeShazo
To be clear, Proud Boys are NOT neo-nazis.
No they’re a white nationalist, white supremacy group that hangs out with no-nazis. It’s a distinction without a difference.
It’s Bad, I agree, but what about the 98% of the violence that’s perpetrated on the left over these last four months by antifa and BLM? Will anyone on the left denounce these people?
Thanks Sneezy. From what you and the SPLC say and the myriad examples you have listed they are definitely a shady, secret, neo fascist, neo Nazi hate group. Clearly the type of outfit that Trump wants supporting him. My mistake.
Thanks for all that, and the proud boys and Trumps taxes and tomorrow who knows, youve been at this for 4 years now...but if Biden you think that what Trump did will ever be replicated? Before this of the greatest economies that was ever recorded. So let me get this straight...Kam and Joe got something better for us? A solar panel factory? Sorry that was taken over by China long time ago. Obama promised high speed rail, another yawn.
What a freakshow.
Donald Trump is insane.
I wish Bidden would of been crueler in his retorts to Trump interruptions
Biden wants to pack the courts, get rid of the filibuster and defund the police, now that’s insane!!
The difference between President Trump, and Joe Biden is one a salesman, depending on your political inclination..... a good one or not, the other is a politician.
The politician has been afforded a decade plus to peruse change.
Joe Biden failed.
Joe Biden stood by in Government and allowed the Government of China to effectively seize the South China Sea trading routes, essential to the APAC economies, building their fortified sandcastles.
Joe Biden will sit back pipe and slippers, in perpetual toing and froing over political ideology in Government
Im one of those uneducated white guys you mention and I desire your lecture. Now I read the Trump COVID response, he responsible for all the deaths, the recession, the riots, the racist response to the riots. I took notes, I got that part. Trump very bad.
Now do tell how your team is going to replicate or surpass, the raging economy we had just 8 months ago. There hasnt been anything like it in recent history. So your suggesting lithium batteries? legalizing cocaine? Do tell, you got all the answers. Will it be a socialist economy or everybody gets a wage?
trump would have acted the same way regardless, but I think he was shocked how hard Biden hit back.
Biden did show that he was a gentleman by not going after trump’s brood. Nothing would be easier than targeting that bunch.
Really?! Where? On the Harris/Biden website?
is one a salesman, depending on your political inclination..... a good one or not, the other is a politician.
tax returns show he isnt, $billion lost in the 90s 6 bankrupt companies, made some money in 2005, has been bleeding millions ever since. 300million due in the coming 4yrs for which hes already trying to renegotiate.
yeah nothing political about it, it is what it is.
They also disagree with Private insurance and funding the police.
Sorry, as frail as Biden is, he’s going to do exactly what the far left wing of his party wants, if Biden wins, he’s not going to make the first term through, that’s evident.
Now do tell how your team is going to replicate or surpass, the raging economy we had just 8 months ago.
exact the same as the last market crash under Bush in 2008, slow controlled steady growth. not inflating markets with trillions in tax cuts only to see it evaporate in a blink of the eye. 2008~2016 Obama Biden 230% growth in the DOW unemployment 10~4% and they created more jobs for AMericans in their last 2 yrs than Trump created in his 1st 2yrs and this doesnt even include the 2020 crash.
Actually, they do, that’s why Trump using all the legal loopholes to ensure his company doesn’t take a hit ans can write it off does make him smart and that’s why he could retain what he had and once he got on the Apprentice, it helped make him even more money, not to mention all the property and land he owns, so Trump is loaded for sure, he used the same system that millions of rich people use.
Will it be a socialist economy or everybody gets a wage?
lol no other president has given out as many $trillions in unemployment and tax cuts to corporations, add to that the almost zero tax Trump paid as claims from previous 100smillions in losses, effectively leaving the bill for the average taxpayer. No president in history has handed out or been given so much socialism as Trump
Tomasz Berezowski
Since I was born the phrase God Bless America is really meaning something.
I wish.
Democrats want:
Regulations, getting rid of incentives for small businesses, raise the corporate tax rate, get rid of all fossil fuels, stop fracking, increase entitlements, give illegals entitlements, free healthcare for all, free education, student loan forgiveness, raise taxes on everyone especially the middle class, just some of these ideas if implemented would cost the US $3 trillion in the first 6 months of a Biden administration.
Another gem was when Biden showed trump's hypocrisy in asking his fans not to wear masks but whining when a reporter came close to him.
And smartly Biden addressed the people, telling everyone that their President didn't care for them, only themselves.
its just like making an investment or buying something
This BIden is old, he is spent, he is lost. He said a whole lot about nothing today
because he is about nothing. 40+ years of nothing
Kamela is the right gender and race to put a happy face on all of it
Im not
The only ones still supporting trump after today are the racists, because he clearly showed he is on the side of the racists.
Biden 'This man is a racist'.
Again someone who says as it is!!!
jack o helen
Looking forward to the debate between Pence and Harris on October 7th. Two good debaters going at it. But Pete Buttigieg said it well when he said "you’ve got a professed Christian who is going to be in the position of defending the character of a president who got caught sending hush money to a porn star" when describing Pence's task ahead.
California can talk like that, since 1 million volt high tension lines bring in power to them from another state via hydro
Do you know how much coal is used to power a 1 giga watt power plant?
Like over a train load of coal a day
People who talk about renewable usually have no connection to it and they leave out inconvenient facts
you have to build 2 infrastructures for it to work because when the wind/solar is off line, then the fossils must take over.
Danny Nguyen
What the US needs is universal health care on par with what almost all developed countries have implemented since 1948. For the record, Japan has universal health care since 1961.
So all the Blacks and Latinos supporting Trump are racists? If you’re a minority cop you’re a racist, if you’re white and adopt kids from Haiti or Africa, you’re racist. But if you’re liberal and attack whites or attack minority conservatives, it’s quite alright.
because he clearly showed he is on the side of the racists.
Biden and his racist crime bill Destroyed more black lives than any other bill and not to mention he thought at that time they were super predators, so nothing new with this guy
yes, of course. He was busy helping lock up "super predators" back in the day...but lets forget about that, he is has been cleansed. Kam seems to have a record doing the same.
You left out the part where many Japanese will go abroad for any surgery that requires advanced technology and skill
You guys are sounding like the VP, everywhere is where exactly? I couldn’t find one paper with all of the senior Democrats in the house were in the Senate were condemning heavily these thugs, but if you can show me who said and condemned it on a daily basis I would like to know
Wait, they both slipped up in saying that. Came out of their mouths, don’t blame us. I just agree with them in that order.
Yes, we do, it’s in his NYT bestseller “ The art of the come back.”
No, just the majority of them.
Whomever won or lost the debate, the real losers were the American people and America's influence on the world stage.
Nonsense. They do however go overseas for cheaper treatment, Thailand for example.
but you keep screaming he was responsible for all the COVID deaths and the recession. You got Dem mayors shutting it all down ( well we took a pause for burn loot shoot, COVID took a break) so now your saying he was a generous socialist? Hard to follow this.
You think that a book published in 1997 has detailed analysis of political positions that you're inventing that Biden doesn't even support?
Which of the following chapters is this analysis in:
Cite the page, please.
Danny Nguyen
@bass4funk I wish you lived in the 1930s and 1940s in any country that was under Japanese control during WW2. You would see how it feels when white privilege is not recognized but is like a scarlet letter instead. Racial domination against minorities is despicable, nothing less. It is even more despicable nowadays when cops are major culprits of racial injustice.
Ok, I guess my first hand knowledge of several cases, scratch that, you said its non
Im things to do
That statement in itself is racially bias.
They should address the few hicks out there somewhere, so when will the Dems denounce the thousands and thousands of 98% of the rioters out there
But that has nothing to do with their almost $3 billion damage that liberal Biden supporters have caused and the Democrats are doing what exactly to curtail it.
You Americans should really, really be proud of yourselves. And Putin, Xing, and the rest of the world are laughing at you. I'm not joking. And the funner part for Putin still is that he knows full well while you guys burn, he can still demand Donald do wha the wants and your president will bow down and lick his boots.
Meanwhile, Trump cannot at all stand up against Neo-nazis, and his supporters LOVE it.
Well, yeah. If you or I lost a billion dollars we would use the tax laws to offset future profits.
But of course we'd have to lose over a billion dollars first.
Yeah, the Russian lie is over with. We all know now it was Steele a foreigner that Corroborated with liberals and used a siliceous an unverified dossier to give a reason to go after Trump, that’s just been established by the feds, so just forget the Russian collusion saying it’s over with nobody is listening to that anymore, so on that part you may be right, Putin is Probably laughing that people are still thinking that he had anything to do with all of this and I wouldn’t blame him for laughing.
As bad as that is, I think it’s worse than liberals don’t say anything about the distraction that’s taking place in America, no Trump supporter is going to go to a restaurant and bother people while they are eating and throw their food on the floor, no Trump supporter is going to Burn the American flag
Trump: 'I've been re routing your taxes, and avoiding paying my own.'
Trump fans: 'He's so smart!'
Trump: 'Racists are O.K. by me.'
Trump fans:'Make America great!'
Trump. 'Incoherent mumbling.'
Trump fans: 'I know I am, but what are you?'
The mind boggles.
It isn't. Most POC Trump supporters are racist because most Trump supporters are racist. Just like how most POC people in Baltimore support the Ravens: most Baltimoreans do.
White supremacist and right-wing militias are the biggest terror threat in the US, according to the FBI. It's you and yours who have questions to answer.
And your idol tonight called for right-wing violence on the streets.
Agreed, Sneezy. And recently the FBI came out for a second year in a row saying white supremacists are the biggest terrorism threat to the US, more than foreign terrorism.
But it's not reported in the bubble, and when rightists hear it from the left they just assume it's a lie.
So ignorance reigns.
I am sure Trump's middle America supporters and Hispanic and Black supporters absolutely love the fact that he gets strong support from the millions of skinheads and neo Nazis and far Right supporters who roam the countryside assaulting people and destroying property.
They are probably supported and funded by Russia.
it is, blacks and other minorities I got a monolithic group and are not beholden to the Democrat party to their crazy vertical progressive and Marxist ideology.
Looking at the destruction over the last 6 months of property and buildings and businesses and minority owned businesses and companies across the nation and with over $3 billion worth of damage, I beg to differ. All in mostly blue States where liberals hate Trump with a passion. So when will Pelosi side with Trump to crush this upraising against these communities and cops? And what’s really ironic is, the fact that now many of these liberals are begging for the police to help them, but they want them also defunded, talk about the irony....
Graham DeShazo
Let’s take a moment for every GOP Senator running for re-election. Today they’re going to be shown Trump’s refusal to respect election results or tell white nationalists to cut it out.
They will have a camera thrust in their face and asked “how can you defend this?”
This debate will have a lot of down-ballot effect. The Democrats had a good chance of winning a majority. Trump just handed Them more pick up opportunities in states that were in the Realm of the possible but a stretch.
There are multiple GOP Senators who just witnessed their own political deaths last night.
Hillary told Joe if he loses he should not concede and all the radical Trump Antifa and BLM promised more violence and Reza Aslam said, burn it down? The WH? Sick!
They thought so the last time, this could be bad foe Joe because he didn’t outline any policy of his
That’s ok, we will have the SC for the next 20 years at the very minimum. Phew!
No, not all of them. Just the majority.
You're as coherent as Trump is.
You can beg as much as you want. The FBI is right, and you are wrong.
Bob Fosse
I like examining the language used by trump supporters. Tends to be more on the ‘emotional’ side of the spectrum. But they accuse everyone else of hysteria, screaming and fear...go figure.
Take it up with the Trump appointed FBI director if you disagree. You're just some guy on the internet. Convince me to take your word on it over FBI analysts.
Danny Nguyen
Exactly. After Trump is removed, standards for having a shot at the presidency must be raised considerably. I personally believe that candidates on either party must have served at least a certain number of years as elected officials. One thing I like about the parliamentary system of the UK and Canada is that each and every single elected person is someone elected to represent first and foremost her or his own district for a while before one can get into a senior cabinet position, even being the Prime Minister. A parliamentary system is not going to happen in the US, but the concept of having to answer to constituents for a while in order to earn political stripes should always be a must-have.
Another thing that I would like future Presidents of the United States to do is to take part in a British-style political grillings as a means to address criticism directly. Not only that job would demand more transparency from POTUS, but all politicians would learn how to ask and answers questions while keeping things short, fast and straight to the point. Does anyone know who was among the last people to suggest that idea into American politics? It was John McCain back in 2008.
That’s good, he’s got more property than me, so it’s a compliment and something to admire.
you mean the same FBI that lied under oath, the same FBI that was headed by the corrupt Comey, Strzok and McCabe and Page. Yeah, we believe these people. ROFL
Enjoyable debate with President Trump the clear winner. 4 more years are a dead cert. Biden looked exactly as he is, a stumbling dementia suffering old man. He cannot be president and fortunately he will get nowhere near the presidency.
And biden never condemns the marxist terrorist group blm so there's no reason for President Trump to condemn their counterparts on the Right. Amusing watching the lefties getting all hot under the collar about the White Supremacists while never saying a word about the blm terrorists!
Watching biden just made me laugh to be honest. Is this best the democrats can do??
jack o helen
I just had to go and watch the Obama-Romney debate just to see that it was actually possible for two grown men to have a civilized debate.
JJ Jetplane
The debate was a disgrace on both sides. That's all.
So, once again, you're denigrating our intelligence agencies. But you believe and support neo-nazi groups. OK.
Watching biden just made me laugh to be honest. Is this best the democrats can do??
Astounding isnt it.
Yeah, I don't know what any of that means. Your position is either that that the FBI rightly calls white supremacists the greatest threat to the US or Trump appointed a corrupt director of the FBI.
We will leave it at that and call it a night. Have a good one.
Most liberals don’t. Evasion, The hallmark trade of every liberal. lol
The FBI? Yes sir, most definitely!
@Bob:Stop with this nonsense pining for the reserved debates of yesteryear. Politics is and always has been a full contact sport. John Adams and Thomas Jefferson famously accused each other of pedophilia.
A lot of prople dont know this.. Debates of bygone days were real slugfests. The “Presidential ” style that is now everyones comfort Zone is a relatively recent thing when politics had become a club and politicians acted their parts.
No one in Washington of the highest order. none of them are supporting the cops. now I understand why they won’t endorse Biden
OK, thank you for letting me know. In future, I will disregard any argument that you make that relies on FBI statistics or sources.
The same sources that got Comey and McCabe and Strzok and Page fired? Yeah, ok....
Concerned Citizen
Unwatchable farce. Switched out after 5 minutes.
Poor US voters will have to vote on policies rather than candidate's personality or likeability.
Trump: Boorish and rude.
Biden: Incompetent and mentally unfit.
Peter Neil
The biggest loser of the "debate" was America.
Biden condemns Antifa, violence 'across the board' amid riots
"Do you condemn Antifa?" reporter Barbara Barr asked Biden.
"Yes, I do"
September 8, 2020
Bob Fosse
So when was it? Not so long ago? 10 years ago? 10 years ago from some unknown time not so long ago?
Many people say that, a lot of people say to me, they say “Sir.......”
Let's not forget that Trump said he's opposed to racial sensitivity training because he doesn't support changes in social status.
What does that mean?
Trump is saying, "black people, your place is below me, and don't you forget it".
That debate was the worst argument for democracy I have seen. Why bother having debates at all? And for those saying Chris Wallace was biased, he wasn't. Nobody, not even the most biased Trump supporter, could moderate a debate like that, where Trump interrupted so many times.
I agree with all those who say the moderator should have an off switch for the microphone of each debater.