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Biden in Poland says U.S. and allies 'have Ukraine's back'


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Poland is an outcast in the EU along with Hungary,their rights record is so bad,the EU is withholding funds from them,Biden could of picked any country,but choose a country,where women are force to registry,Putin generally know his people,they once live under Russian thumb, Even Mexico has a better record than lots of these dysfunctional European countries

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

This type of rhetoric is taking us closer and closer to a global conflict. Sadly Ukraine is running out of time and manpower and so only further direct intervention will allow Biden to back up his words

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Biden in Poland says U.S. and allies 'have Ukraine's back'

yeah and Ukraine has our wallet.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Kaer,The Americas and Carribean are not threatened by Russia ,we expect our government to launch a retaliatory strike if threatened,that the benefit of living in America

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Biden in Poland says U.S. and allies 'have Ukraine's back'

This is said by the same president who desperately fled Afghanistan..

Pathetic circus.. lol..

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

And more propaganda.

The conflict in Ukraine — the most significant war in Europe since World War II

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Biden in Poland says U.S. and allies 'have Ukraine's back'

While the appeasement and fascist wing of the Repub Party assures Putin that they have his back...

Traitors to their own country and democracy...

4 ( +7 / -3 )

President Biden’s visit to Eastern Europe was and will always be historic in scale. From the swagger in his step when he walked the streets of Kyiv with co-world leader President Zelenskyy to letting the Polish president that America will always have their back during good times and bad, Mr. Biden’s swing through that part of the golden was Presidents Kennedy-and-Reaganesqued rolled into one.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

And more propaganda. 

The conflict in Ukraine — the most significant war in Europe since World War II

You mean the conflict in Ukraine isn't the most significant war in Europe since World War II? What is it then?

I don't remember any other recent conflict in Europe in which a single army (in this case Russia's) has suffered between 200,000 and 270,000 KIAs, MIAs, and wounded within one year alone. Or is Tucker calling these numbers into question as well?

What's truly astounding about this WAR is that Putin seems content to employ his own people in World War I era meat grinder tactics.

Pure barbarism.

1 ( +7 / -6 )

It sad to see Biden squander his President for a lost cause in Ukraine,when he had an opportunity,to do something for the American,he knowed he was not dealing with an uneducated party that was gonna follow him blindly ,but wanted results

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

 in which a single army (in this case Russia's) has suffered between 200,000 and 270,000 KIAs, MIAs, and wounded within one year alone. 

yes those are of course false numbers.

it was supposedly 200,000 (falsely) 2 weeks ago and now its 270,000? why not just round it off to a million? the mathematics doesnt add up.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

this is the basis for that number:

Put another way, it’s possible that—statistically speaking—every single Russian who marched into Ukraine 11 months ago has died or ended up in a hospital.

Yeah, ummm no. thats not possible.

if thats how they counting everything that method is highly, highly suspect.

CIT scrutinized media reports—in particular, the BBC’s own analysis of Russian obituaries—and concluded that Russian families since February 2022 have buried as many as 33,000 soldiers.

huge and wild speculation to extrapolate, assume and speculate 33,000 into 270,000.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Kind of ridiculous. He looked frail. spoke nonsense and is basing his policy on a number of misapprehensions. Ukraine is unfortunately almost worn out. Hence the increasingly hysterical and belligerent words from the US

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

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