Japan Today

Biden predicts victory as his lead over Trump grows

By Trevor Hunnicutt, Andy Sullivan and Makini Brice

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Can I change my ballot and vote for Miss Anime Chick instead?

30 ( +32 / -2 )

Maybe, just maybe, 2020 won’t be all bad after all....

16 ( +24 / -8 )

This nightmare won't be over for awhile.

They'll have to drag Trump out of the White House because he's fighting for his freedom.

He knows that he could be the first president to go from the White House to the Big House for insurance fraud, and he can't pardon himself.

Good Lord, I'm tired of these years of nonsense.

29 ( +35 / -6 )

Who's the third candidate on the right hand side?

10 ( +11 / -1 )

So after a few days break, I’m back. Tip of the hat to my detractors, it was much closer than hoped.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

To say that the contraction in the House and a failure to flip the Senate are disappointing is to die the term injustice.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

And yet, Trump loses. He’s going to try in the courts, he’s going to fail. Biden is going to win the the popular vote. Joe Biden is going to (by much less than I hoped) win the Electoral College vote.

Claims of voter fraud are ludicrous and without evidence.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

In Pennsylvania, Biden moved ahead of Trump for the first time and had a lead of 13,371 votes by midday Friday, while in Georgia, he was 1,579 votes ahead. Both margins were expected to grow as additional ballots were tallied. Pennsylvania officials estimated on Friday they had 40,000 ballots left to count, while Georgia officials said on Friday morning there were around 4,000 regular ballots remaining.

These side by side pictures of the candidates and the vote tallies should have a subtitle under it like they had for the Alien vs. Predator movies :

Whoever Wins, We Lose.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

And Left, Right or Center, I think we can all agree, Screw Nate Silver. Bad pollster, ruined baseball. He won’t even take responsibility for his bad (seriously, 3.5 years to adjust the model and you got it worse) polls.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

I can pretty much guarantee that with Trump possibly losing, there will be no peaceful transfer of power. That will be the challenge that faces Biden, as he will have absolutely no help in the transition from the outgoing president. Trump is doing his best to take down or burn everything that is left. He wants to demolish the democratic process and destroy everything that those before him had built. Trump would be better off in taking the high road and concede graciously. But then again, when has he ever taken the high road.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

syzyguyToday  06:50 am JST

trump supporters love trump. biden supporters are united in their hate for trump.

Wrong buddy. Biden supporters are united in their love for their Country. Something that is bigger than any single person.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

My biggest disappointment is that We as a nation were asked a simple question; are you ok with this?

Slightly less than 1/2 the voting pop said:

Racism: Ok!

Xenophobia: Sure, why not?

Utter Incompetence: No big deal.

I was hoping for a resounding rebuke of Trumpism and a return to the days of my Grandfather, who didn’t rationalize with Nazis, he shot them. Sadly. not the case.

25 ( +30 / -5 )

@P. Smith

Absentee ballots that were incorrectly marked (e.g. lacking a signature) and that need to be ‘cured’ (i.e. fixed) have up until 17:00 on Friday 11/6 to be resubmitted in GA which could boost Biden’s lead there (and hopefully avoid the 0.5% for a recount).

{Source: https://apnews.com/article/georgia-ballot-count-elections-2020-91afafe6251b498cb306508763aa64dc and retweeted by AOC 21 hours ago as of this posting}.

Point being that the call to Trump supporters in PA to return their absentee ballots is probably a similar thing that the Dems. are asking their supporters to do in GA as many people don’t know about the 17:00 11/6 deadline for ‘cured’ absentee ballots.

Trump himself probably isn’t aware of this (no surprises there....) when he said what he said about efforts to vote after the 3rd.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Some interesting quotes:

We want every vote counted, yes every legal vote (of course). But, if you have legit concerns about fraud present EVIDENCE and take it to court. STOP Spreading debunked misinformation... This is getting insane.

Every American should have his or her vote counted. A sitting president undermining our political process & questioning the legality of the voices of countless Americans without evidence is not only dangerous & wrong, it undermines the very foundation this nation was built upon.

Some hanky-panky always goes on, and there are already reports of poll watchers in Philadelphia not being allowed to do their jobs, but stealing hundreds of thousands of votes would require a conspiracy on the scale of a James Bond movie. That isn’t going to happen. Let’s repeat that: that isn’t going to happen.

It was Republicans who came out with these. Reassuring to know they're not all Trump cultists.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Trump deserves credit for the largest voter turnout in history. The strong desire to remove the impeached one termer elected without popular vote was the impetus behind this historical mark.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

And Left, Right or Center, I think we can all agree, Screw Nate Silver. Bad pollster, ruined baseball. He won’t even take responsibility for his bad (seriously, 3.5 years to adjust the model and you got it worse) polls.

His model did give Biden the edge in the election, which it seems he has won, and he also predicted the red mirage and that it would take days for the winner to becone apparent. Seems the results mostly vindicate what his website was saying. Silver isn’t actually a pollster either, he just analyzes data from pollsters.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Graham DeShazoToday  07:09 am JST

My biggest disappointment is that We as a nation were asked a simple question; are you ok with this?

Slightly less than 1/2 the voting pop said:

Racism: Ok!

Xenophobia: Sure, why not?

Utter Incompetence: No big deal.

I was hoping for a resounding rebuke of Trumpism and a return to the days of my Grandfather, who didn’t rationalize with Nazis, he shot them. Sadly. not the case.

I think there were a few things they bought into:

The economy: Trump was doin' great!

COVID-19: No better or worse than how it was handled anywhere else. No biggie anyway.

The Supreme Court: No more unborn baby murder!

Biden: Senile, asleep in his basement all the time.

I got the idea that while there were things about Trump that a lot of his supporters didn't much like, they thought he was doing okay overall. A bit like thinking he actually wrote The Art of the Deal all by himself I suppose.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Georgia on everyone’s mind all day long. Bring it on home as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I was hoping for a resounding rebuke of Trumpism 

Fully agree. It's worrying Trumpsim isn't going away any time soon. Trump's leaving behind a country more divided in every way than it's ever been. Trump's made a mess of so many things. One of his biggest failures has been Covid45, which continues to kill and sicken. Then there's his failed economy - for all but some among his fellow 'elite'.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

as sweet and clear as moonlight through the pines.

That makes no sense at all. Pines defuse moonlight. They are evergreens so even in winter there is nothing clear about moonlight through pines.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

@P. Smith

My apologies! I stand corrected. I should read more carefully. Thanks for setting me straight.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Donald who?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I was hoping for a resounding rebuke of Trumpism and a return to the days of my Grandfather, who didn’t rationalize with Nazis, he shot them. Sadly. not the case.

I would say that once the dust has settled this will look like a resounding rebuke of Trump.

1) The end result will likely be him losing both the EC and popular vote by very wide margins (as it stands Biden is looking at 306 electoral college votes).

2) The fact that this stupid thing dragged on for days is consuming us now, but will seem less important after the fact.

3) The really lasting memories of this election are likely to be Trump’s unhinged rants and him looking like a pathetic sore loser. as he tried to take the democratic process down with him. That is what history will remember.

4) Trump is ending as a one termer.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

PTownsendToday  07:34 am JST

I was hoping for a resounding rebuke of Trumpism 

Fully agree. It's worrying Trumpsim isn't going away any time soon.

I didn't expect it to. It seems to have evolved out of something that has been cultivating for some time, that people like George W Bush and Karl Rove were feeding until it got out of their control and they ended up with Trump as their candidate in 2016 instead of Jeb Bush as was the plan. A record high number of voters, winning back some of the "blue wall" and flipping a couple of red states is maybe as much as could have been hoped for.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

To say that the contraction in the House and a failure to flip the Senate are disappointing is to die the term injustice

Seems from what I have read elsewhere, many where influenced by MSM relentless blame Trump COVID message and voted Biden, while hating the left even more and voted red in both the Senate and House. Dont quite get the logic, but we live in strange times.

I knew Trump was over when COVID hit the US and spread. Inew they were going to impeach him, and that was shaky there for awhile but he survied it. When COVID arrrived, There was nothing he could do except be quite but thats not what he does. There will be all kinds of negativity and other analysis by MSM, we have heard it for 4 years, just more noise. Going forward, I am interested in the following:

COVID reporting, numbers and reaction. The season is here, no vaccine, whats the plan? Cant blame Trump anymore. I want transparency, just like we got 24/7 during Trump. Already noticing a drop in the reporting. Ill be watching the "leadership" message also.

Transparency on the economy. Dems claimed repeatedly that Trump inherited Obamas economy. Ok now you got this. Hoping for the best but being realistic...doesnt look promising. Dont blame Trump when it goes left.

Police. 6 mos ago it was burn it up and defund. Will be the police now be mobilized?

Dem dysfunction. Chatter is Nancy might get replaced. The lost big in the HOR and nothing gained in the Senate. Courts are red. Whats the plan? Grid lock and more divide?

The above is not to be negative, if Joe and team can pull it off and put the trajectory in a win for all, Im sold. I benchmark what they get accomplished against Trump. Gut check tells me to expect the worse and midterms gaining more red seats then an easy 2024 win for Pence. Prove me wrong.

-16 ( +4 / -20 )

Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Georgia, it will be a clear victory.

As clear as the knowledge that trump and his band will squeal and whine Over the next few weeks.

I am looking forward to trump’s eviction from the WH!!!

11 ( +13 / -2 )

The presidential winner will confront a pandemic that has killed more than 235,000 people in the United States and left millions more out of work, and a country grappling with the aftermath of months of unrest over racism and police brutality.

Racist people aren't going to magically stop being racist just because Biden is now a president. In fact, his policies will worsen the standards of living, which might result in more people becoming racist.

The people who died from Covid are all either elderly or people with some preexistent illness. Overall 235K is just a tiny percent of all the infected, whose number is far greater than what is currently reported or registered. A far smarter approach would've been to request all elderly people and people with preexisting illnesses to self-isolate, or be moved to new shelters somewhere for a couple of weeks while the rest of society moves on.

Unfortunately both Trump and Biden have bad advisors. Trump was very heavily misled by CDC the first 3 months that the pandemic is not an issue and nothing should be done about it, and when CDC made a 180 degrees turn later, Trump started downplaying it on purpose because the solution he was recommended would've hurt the economy. Then he made an even bigger mistake to hire Fauci who also misled him heavily. Now it's too late already. Biden however will just listen to the CNN floating heads who definitely do not have any vested interests at all. They are definitely what's right, and what's in your interest. If you suggest otherwise, you hate babies.

-16 ( +2 / -18 )

When COVID arrrived,

I was This |..| close to voting for Trump until he started promoting injecting Mr. Clean to treat COVID-19. But Trump is so bad that even China is beating the USA in the COVID-19 fight.

 2024 win for Pence

Bye Bye science and hello science fiction from the Bible

8 ( +11 / -3 )

TheLongTermerToday  08:10 am JST

Seems from what I have read elsewhere, many where influenced by MSM relentless blame Trump COVID message and voted Biden, while hating the left even more and voted red in both the Senate and House.

I suppose they were thinking that a Democrat in the White House and a GOP Congress would need to negotiate and compromise to get things done but I suspect the Republicans in the House and Senate will be too scared of losing the votes of strident, obnoxious right-wingers to do anything but just block and obstruct.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

All of what you have posted about racist is discredited by the dismal failure of the Dems to grab any gains in the senate courts and house.

People fear the left more than any of those intangibles you keep blaming Trump for.

COVID is a tangible, doesnt care about MSM dem or repub

waiting on the numbers

Economic recovery like 2017 raises all people, regardless of race. People have memories, AA, Latinos everybody

Whats the plan? Orange man bad...thats over. There is nothing to benchmark so far, so any criticism of Trump is pointless.

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Amazed at how quickly they can count the first 98% of the votes but the remaining us taking days and days to ‘count’. But at least Trump is a goner but going through some posts and right wing blogs, these people are out for BLOOD! Beheadings, war, rape, killing! They want power and they are NOT going to have it taken away from them. Stand back and gape folks: here is the conservative unmasked!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

 A far smarter approach would've been to request all elderly people and people with preexisting illnesses to self-isolate

Have you seen the numerous data on what percentage of American adults have pre-existing conditions?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

I suppose they were thinking that a Democrat in the White House and a GOP Congress would need to negotiate and compromise to get things done but I suspect the Republicans in the House and Senate will be too scared of losing the votes of strident, obnoxious right-wingers to do anything but just block and obstruct.

That makes absolutely no sense. Where have you been for the last 4 years? The divide between the 2 is at the breaking point now; suddenly a Dem president will change that? They will be lookng at anything and everything to impeach him. It has nothing to do with right wingers, thats just fringe noise just like BLM etc. Suddenly work with Dems because we have a Dem prez....thats funny, thanks for the morning laugh.

Amazed at how quickly they can count the first 98% of the votes but the remaining us taking days and days to ‘count’. But at least Trump is a goner but going through some posts and right wing blogs, these people are out for BLOOD! Beheadings, war, rape, killing! They want power and they are NOT going to have it taken away from them. Stand back and gape folks: here is the conservative unmasked!

Again, benchmarks please. Several months of burn loot and shoot...I found one.

wheres yours?

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Biden will win the exact number of EVs trump won in 2016, but with a clear majority of popular votes!!!!

Now that’s a real victory!!!!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Have you seen the numerous data on what percentage of American adults have pre-existing conditions?

It's not all pre-existing conditions that are a problem. Regardless, people who are believed to be in a  vulnerable group should be ASKED to self-isolate and INFORMED of the risks. If they choose to ignore the risk, there's nothing more you can do about them. People are responsible for their own life, and you have to respect that.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

It is my fervent wish that after Biden wins and Trump is removed from office the media just never talks about him again and Trump just falls off the face of the Earth.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

TheLongTermerToday  08:33 am JST

I suppose they were thinking that a Democrat in the White House and a GOP Congress would need to negotiate and compromise to get things done but I suspect the Republicans in the House and Senate will be too scared of losing the votes of strident, obnoxious right-wingers to do anything but just block and obstruct.

That makes absolutely no sense. Where have you been for the last 4 years?

I never said that's what I was thinking.

The divide between the 2 is at the breaking point now; suddenly a Dem president will change that?

Of course not. That's exactly what I was saying.

Suddenly work with Dems because we have a Dem prez....thats funny, thanks for the morning laugh.

That's Republican voters you're laughing at.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

People are responsible for their own life, and you have to respect that.

So, your ‘far smarter approach’ was actually to do nothing and accept the loss of life. Ok gottit.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Please tell me these people have a plan and its not going to be reactions to Trump twitter feeds going forward

that's Republican voters you're laughing at.

The repubs voted Trump....so whats your point?

better yet, Im good...lol

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Trump installed 3 supreme court justices in 4 years. They are very conservitive. The odds of Biden installing a justice are very low. Trump also put in 100 or so court judges. For the democrats the damage is done. So what if he lost.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Biden supposedly winning 4 states by less than 50,000 in each state.

record voting for him! But only in PA, GA, WI and MI. Exactly the states he needed it and states where the final 5% took days to count and was more votes than 5% remaining should have been.

do you know he got less votes than Hillary or Obama in all other states?

GOP picking up 5+ house seats. Didn’t lose Senate. Even that Dem who changed to Repub won re-election. In New Jersey.

but Trump lost? Nah. 4am ballot dumps from 91% turnouts won’t stand in the courts.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

The pre-lunacy has begun.but orangemanbad, yeah....

Twitter? Again?

It’s long been the source for crazy, on all sides. I’m surprised you seem so reliant on it for your arguments recently.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

TheLongTermerToday  08:46 am JST

that's Republican voters you're laughing at.

The repubs voted Trump....so whats your point?

I'm talking about the people you mentioned, who voted for Biden and yet also voted for Republicans in the House or the Senate. Remember?

TheLongTermerToday  08:10 am JST

*Seems from what I have read elsewhere, many where influenced by MSM relentless blame Trump COVID message and voted Biden, while hating the left even more and voted red in both the Senate and House.*

What do you think those people are hoping for? That the President they elected won't be able to get anything done because of the Representatives and Senators they elected? Voting for legislative gridlock seems a bit weird to me so I can only suppose that if they were half-way sensible they had some kind of bi-partisanship in mind.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

nishikatToday 08:15 am JST

When COVID arrrived,

I was This |..| close to voting for Trump until he started promoting injecting Mr. Clean to treat COVID-19. But Trump is so bad that even China is beating the USA in the COVID-19 fight.

 2024 win for Pence

Bye Bye science and hello science fiction from the Bible

As a Christian I resent your comment Nishikat.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

GOP picking up 5+ house seats. Didn’t lose Senate. Even that Dem who changed to Repub won re-election. In New Jersey.

Trying to look at the positives will make that bitter pill more palatable!!!

but Trump lost? Nah.

That’s it the way.

4am ballot dumps from 91% turnouts won’t stand in the courts.

It won’t even get to court.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

*That’s not the way.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


Yes it was an interesting thing to watch. Still perplexed as to why the Dems did so miserable but Biden did so well, that doesnt track. Is there a decent establishment Dem faction somewhere I dont know about? Because all I have seen for the past 4 years are demons burning looting and shooting with establishment Dems promoting it and nonstop partisian MSM keeping it all in play. Maybe there is something that I missed. Is biden really a rightwing Dem?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

It’s already in the courts.

the number of people who supposedly cast votes is unsupportable.

let’s see Dems prove all these votes are legitimate during the recounts. They won’t just recount the vote, they will be checking if the person exists and if the ballots were received in accordance with the law. Or not.

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

Graham DeShazo

Joe Biden is going to (by much less than I hoped) win the Electoral College vote.

The likely share total of the EC vote is going to be 306 for Biden, an awesome result.


@P. Smith

Absentee ballots that were incorrectly marked (e.g. lacking a signature) and that need to be ‘cured’ (i.e. fixed) have up until 17:00 on Friday 11/6 to be resubmitted in GA which could boost Biden’s lead there (and hopefully avoid the 0.5% for a recount).

GA have already stated there'll be a recount. No matter, at worst, that usually only ends up shifting a few hundred... and Biden's more than 4k in front.


I was This |..| close to voting for Trump until he started promoting injecting Mr. Clean to treat COVID-19.

Aaaaaaand that's when you lost me.

Bob Fosse

Have you seen the numerous data on what percentage of American adults have pre-existing conditions?

Add to that, obesity's a high risk factor...


Biden will win the exact number of EVs trump won in 2016, but with a clear majority of popular votes!!!!

I assume you mean "EC"... and no: Trump had 304 EC votes in 2016. If everything holds true now, Biden will have 306.


It's not all pre-existing conditions that are a problem. Regardless, people who are believed to be in a vulnerable group should be ASKED to self-isolate and INFORMED of the risks. If they choose to ignore the risk, there's nothing more you can do about them. People are responsible for their own life, and you have to respect that.

And it is the govt's responsibility to look after the people. You have to respect that.


It is my fervent wish that after Biden wins and Trump is removed from office the media just never talks about him again and Trump just falls off the face of the Earth.

Nah. Prison please. :)

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Time to use the 25th amendment and get rid of this narcissistic loon once and for all. If I never here the name trump again as long as I live it will be too soon. America reclaim some dignity please!

8 ( +9 / -1 )

BlacklabelToday  08:42 am JST

The pre-lunacy has begun.but orangemanbad, yeah....

Not at all, if he's right about widespread voter fraud. However even shameless GOP hucksters like Karl Rove are dismissing that as a fantasy and I think they have a better idea of what's really going on than Trump cultists.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Most, If not all of this Election fiasco horror show, the unwarranted, unsubstituted accusations of ballot rigging-fraud have allowed the utterly incompetent blundering ineffectual US postal service off the hook.

USPS data shows thousands of mailed ballots missed Election Day deadlines…. One much click browse for free.


This is an outrage, to knowingly, without recourse fail to fully inform congress before the Election that USPS is incapable of delivering/providing an election ballot delivery service is criminally negligent

5 ( +7 / -2 )

trump’s ramblings might get him more viewers, everyone loves loves trashy shows.

But using the same in court is a sure way to getting committed in a loony bin!!!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

If Joe Biden wins the election, one likely scenario would be that after serving as president for a year or so, Biden will step down for poor health and Kamala Harris will take over to become first female, black US president.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Add to that, obesity's a high risk factor...

I suspect that, and other cultural habits that we dont see in Japan have contributed greatly to the increase in COVID #s in the US and now, once again, increasing in Europe. It had nothing to do with Trumps reaction. Instead of mentioning this, MSM instead exploited an opportunity to oust Trump and influence voters.

Benchmark time. COVID news today anyone? And please include Team Bidens plan.

Narcissitic orange man loon.....We have seen that for 4 years. Thats not a plan or anything I can benchmark.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Benchmark time. COVID news today anyone? And please include Team Bidens plan. 

To avoid you asking again and again today what the plan is, here’s Biden’s manifesto page. I hope it’s helpful.


6 ( +8 / -2 )

Donald Trump huffing and puffing is inconsequential, toys off the table and proceeding to kick then around the podium, it s no surprise, no revelation here.

The Postal Service ignored a federal judge’s order to sweep processing plants on Tuesday after more than 300,000 scanned ballots could not be traced.

This is were an inquiry needs to begin, so this never occurs again in the future.

There are not excuses.

Heads must roll in the dust, next to the pollsters

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Thanks bob, now lets benchmark that against whats been dismissed or overlooked by MSM: Trumps accomplishments.

Timestamp from when they take over. Im for real, if what he promises works, then I salute.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Looks like the door is quickly closing on Trump. The only thing left will be to make a bunch of lawyers really, really rich.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Oops, sorry - typo. ;)

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The Postal Service ignored a federal judge’s order to sweep processing plants on Tuesday after more than 300,000 scanned ballots could not be traced.

This is were an inquiry needs to begin, so this never occurs again in the future.

But thats why Trump discouraged mail in ballots from the jump...lol

That advice appears to have been a colossal failure now and its probably because he listened some advisor, thinking it would appear clean and transparent (it did) I still find it suspect however that the Dems did so bad in the HOR but got so many mail in ballots. MSM tried to anchor him by casting the rallies as super spreaders and the Trump Biden debate kept Trump on a leash.

The 2016 Trump and 2020 trump ; he did the best he could but it was a shackled Trump..right up to the end (too late) and now we have nursing home dude in charge. There may be some optimism, Im looking for it, but look at the comments...prison, narcissist, rinse repeat. 2 years later where we going to be at? Once again, the benchmark. 2 years after a Hilary loss, things were on fire, in a good way. Economy, optimism. Tangibles. So lets see what happens with your team.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

It’s already in the courts.

the number of people who supposedly cast votes is unsupportable.

let’s see Dems prove all these votes are legitimate during the recounts. They won’t just recount the vote, they will be checking if the person exists and if the ballots were received in accordance with the law. Or not.

Sorry you hate democracy when it doesn't go your way. Why are you so thirsty for fascism? You're supposed to be loyal to your country, not loyal to a CIC that acts like he is more important than the people he himself is supposed to serve.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

The most watched event in 2021, one with the largest ever viewership ever, will be the trump eviction from the WH.

His inauguration might have been lack luster but the eviction will draw record crowds!!!

6 ( +9 / -3 )

If Joe Biden wins the election, one likely scenario would be that after serving as president for a year or so, Biden will step down for poor health and Kamala Harris will take over to become first female, black US president.

allot of folks are posting that, but that seems suspect also. Dude does look...respectfully, weird, like here today...vacant tomorrow nursing home candidate but maybe your right, the plan was to get rival kam in charge all along. I dont want to speculate about it, so many jumps, the jump from burn loot and shoot defund the police to now everything is good MSM got this....Trumps mouth and twitter, lots of idiot things but it was transparent. I have no idea about these Dems, but hoping for the best.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

They seriously need to take the nuclear codes away from Trump in these 77 odd days left of his “presidency.” It will be very much like him to blow up parts of the country or world, unleash a whirlwind of chaos so as to stay in power. I mean he is a socio and psychopath. 240,000 dead Americans and all he can recommend is to drink bleach!? Use a malaria drug and NOT wear masks, as the US now has its second day of 100,000 new infections!!! I tell you frankly, each time he speaks with that nasal monotone, it is like being waterboarded! But he 20,000 lies and endless corruption are no problem for conservatives! If Obama had had a secret bank account in China, asked for China to intervene on his election like Trump did on CNN and Ukraine, and had put his OWN black relatives in cushy jobs in the WH, had Michelle Obama pose in lesbian porn photos, well, they would have had a lynching party!

5 ( +6 / -1 )


I think somebody needs to take away whatever it is your own, from you...lol

He cant act alone and blow things up...not how things work.

Trump will just blow noise, then he will go back to his biz, the occasional twitter

They are just holding out now because they think this was fraud. Im not sold it wasnt

but when its time to go, he will.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Well, our faith in US democracy and common sense may gradually be restored but it's going to take more than one Biden/Harris term to do so thanks to the incredible damage Trump has done. Trump won some states by 40,000 or fewer votes (Michigan by just 10,000) in 2016 so it's no big surprise that these states have gone the other way by similar numbers. Some gave Trump a chance 4 years ago and he completely blew it. Trump is all bravado and bluster with no substance behind him. A loss is a loss and he has lost. Closer than many would have liked but he will be gone in January and that is the best news we've had in the past 4 years. If his diehard supporters and militia groups are stupid enough to want to take on the US military machine, then go for it. But let's hope his family (the only people he listens to maybe?) can convince him to concede and quietly go.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Well, our faith in US democracy and common sense may gradually be restored but it's going to take more than one Biden/Harris term to do so thanks to the incredible damage Trump has done. 

what damage are you talkng about?

-9 ( +2 / -11 )

The comments are interesting. I am happy to see Trump exit the White House. Obviously he is unfit for the office and Biden will be the next President of the United States of America.

The racist argument is divisive and tiresome and I would like to add my 2 Yen on this...

What people should be asking is what are we (liberals) doing wrong that allowed Trump to make very significant gains in the Hispanic and Black vote. Yes; the gains were significant.

Instead of calling them names or saying the were wrong we should be asking these minorities who voted for Trump; Why? What policies of Trump led you to vote that way?

Maybe it is time to focus more on bringing the black community out of poverty and addressing the dismal failures in the U.S. inner cities. We should also ask what policies are leading to the very high crime rates in Chicago, Baltimore, etc. where the largest victim group is young black men being killed by other young black men.

It is not racist to point out this fact and I believe there are numerous liberal policies which can address this and are the morally correct thing to do. Start with access to health care with a program similar to what is in Japan (the contribution is based on your income). Improve education with real change (and just throwing money at the problem is not the solution). Find a way to encourage minorities to enter science and technology (yeah I am biased on that one).

Make corporations pay their real fair share in taxes which if done correctly could allow for lower taxes to all individual taxpayers in the U.S. Our tax code is as broken as the U.S. health care policy and maybe it is even worse.

Do not defund the police but properly educate and train officers with even neighborhood police boxes where officers truly feel part of the community.

Biden has a great opportunity to make these improvements. The first thing he should do is invite members of the Republican Party to the White House and identify what values are held in common. Start there, get some victories (bi-partisan victories) and then work on the differences one by one. The two parties cannot come together completely but certainly can improve on what we have now.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

what damage are you talkng about?

His current attempt to undermine the vote count with baseless accusations for starters.

9 ( +10 / -1 )


we could counter that with Bidens business dealings in China and our new CIC with a son who got kicked out of the USN for a serious crack habit (remember, leadership is by example) but lets not go down that rabbit hole this morning.

Now dude mentioned all the damage done by Trump. Im interested, how were you damaged? Are you talking about the cities that were burned? Trump did not order anybody to do that. What damage are you talking about?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Biden has a great opportunity to make these improvements. The first thing he should do is invite members of the Republican Party to the White House and identify what values are held in common. Start there, get some victories (bi-partisan victories) and then work on the differences one by one. The two parties cannot come together completely but certainly can improve on what we have now.

but once again thats more "in your feelings" talk. Nancy had every opportunity to meet with Trump, she stalled the new stimulus to help out Americans suffering due to shut it all down Dem policies, what makes you think any Repub is going to work with nursing home dude? I sincerely hope they do, but politics is dirty, look at how they did Trump for 4 years. They going to work with biden?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

TheLongTermer, I think Donald Trump, needs to graciously withdraw, commit to a behavior that is probably alien and unnatural to his ego and persona.

No Judiciary with there heads on the right way up would ever even for a second consider reversing a US Election result. Crazy Bonkers!!

Not only would there need to be unequivocal evidence of ballot rigging-fraud, also there would need to prove that the fraud would have been grave and significant enough to warrant an effect on the final vote tally.  

The USPS need a drain up inquiry, it executive senior management needs to be summoned to give evidence in public to an oversight committee.

First and foremost Donald Trump needs to accept his campaign for Presidency is over.

Congratulate Harris and Biden. Do it with gritted teeth.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@ah so,

Im not distracted by the fraud claim, there are things in Penn that seem suspect. I have accepted the loss, actually I accepted it when COVID appeared in the USA and proved all MSM, Faucci and CDC wrong. Trump was just a side show.

I like facts and benchmarks.

Im benchmarking the economy of 2017 and nursing home dudes plan. I dont think there will ever be an economy like that again. Its the economy that makes it all work, the rest are intangibles.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

we could counter that with Bidens business dealings in China

Sigh. Ivanka Trump is a member of the President's staff on the public payroll but has active businesses in China and received multiple trademarks from the Chinese government during her, cough cough, "service" to the people of America. Business dealings with a foreign nation would prevent anyone of lesser stature from obtaining any kind of security clearance necessary for her level of access but she's the Presidents daughter so anything goes. Same for Elaine Chao. Read up on her family business, her sister sitting on the boards of directors of the Bank of China and the big Chinese state own ship building company that builds ships for the family business, a shipping company that hauls bulk copper and iron ores almost exclusively to China from Brazil and Australia. Elaine Chao is Mitch McConnell's wife btw. Nothing untoward there. Nope, nothing to see now move along .

8 ( +9 / -1 )

TheLongTermerToday  09:58 am JST


we could counter that with Bidens business dealings ...

Maybe best not, as the most polite term for those kinds of allegations is "unsubstantiated."

7 ( +7 / -0 )

@The Long Termer

Nancy had every opportunity to meet with Trump,

You are correct and I agree with you.

However, Biden is not Nancy (I am from her district) and he now has the power to engage with the Republican Party. I hope he takes the opportunity to do so.

I sincerely hope they do, but politics is dirty, look at how they did Trump for 4 years. They going to work with biden?

We agree on this. You (a conservative I believe) and I (a liberal) both hope the parties will work together. I am quite certain there are ideas which both sides have in common.

As I said - start there with the low hanging fruit. There are issues which will be alot more challenging but tackle the easy stuff first and see if there is momentum to deal with more challenging issues.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Who's the third candidate on the right hand side?

That's Sawamura Midori, the virtual newsreader for Kyodo News.

Personally, she would made a great candidate...for the next Prime Minister of Japan.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Don't worry, Trump. Miss Lindsay is still fighting your battles. Others are slowly jumping ship.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Could I get an answer from dude who said he was damage by Trump?

Thats disturbing. We might have to bankrupt the treasury in payments for damages.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Uh so the ballots were already separated? Counted separately too?

so will be easy to give us a total count of each group right now, right?

Like what’s the vote count and who wins if these are all thrown out?

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Received by 8pm.

so all those would have been all counted well before Biden “took the lead” in the middle of the night days later, No?

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

You’ll have to forgive Ray Charles for not knowing this given he was slightly visually impaired.

It's not his song, he just sung it. Some other sighted people wrote it nearly 100 years ago. . and it didn't make sense back then either, And I told then too!

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Counted separately too?

No. Just separated. They will not be counted until it can be determined they are valid, or that the provisional voter's mail in ballot was not already counted.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

As I said - start there with the low hanging fruit. There are issues which will be alot more challenging but tackle the easy stuff first and see if there is momentum to deal with more challenging issues.

The issues are COVID and unemployment....one exploited by MSM and the other a result of Dem policies of shut it all down. Trump actuall got the COVID and 3 days later back to work.

but back to dude and Trump damages....were any payments made to residences and business burned during the riots? what about their damages? I was "damaged" by watching all that, honestly it was quite terrifying. Iwill never ever vote for any Dem, absolutely not...lol

I saw Trump come out with his bible in the midst of it, with the talking heads we hear today in giddy mode, blaming him for it all. I was never damaged by Trump. He said some idiot things, and will continue too. How does that damage anybody?

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Uh so the ballots were already separated? Counted separately too?

so will be easy to give us a total count of each group right now, right?

Like what’s the vote count and who wins if these are all thrown out?


President-elect Joe Biden can answer your questions shortly, if he can understand them.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

So none of these votes are in the vote counts right now? Sure they are.

plus post office is sooooo bad right? Need 9 days after election to get the mail? Right?

ok so any PA ballot marked less than 9 days before Election Day could not have been received on 11/3. Uh oh.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

This is a live update, Guardian UK ….

I must say 50,000 errors?

These voters are not five years old, well hopefully not.    

Why is the Nevada count taking so long?......

An anxious electorate has been waiting for results from Nevada, where a decisive Biden win would give him the six electoral votes needed to declare victory.

But officials have said they’re taking a slow and steady approach. “We told everyone early on that results would take at least 10 days,” the secretary of state spokeswoman Jennifer A Russell told the Associated Press.

Ahead of the election, the state sent all registered voters mail-in ballots and committed to counting all ballots postmarked by election day, so long as they arrive by next Tuesday.

About 87% of votes have been tabulated, with more than 1.2m ballots remaining to be processed. Just under 50,000 ballots had errors that voters are been given the opportunity to resolve (some require ID verification, others have signature-matching issues). Joe Biden is leading Donald Trump by more than 22,600 votes so far.

Officials have until 12 November to finish counting, though they are expecting most to be tabulated by this weekend.


2 ( +4 / -2 )

we could counter that with Bidens business dealings in China and our new CIC with a son who got kicked out of the USN for a serious crack habit 

YOU do REALIZE longtermer, that Biden was already a PRIVATE citizen as was his son at this time and all of that damning evidence that Tucker-Bucker claimed to have suddenly disappeared! Like magic! As for his son, so what? He got stressed out with SERVING. You remember Trump’s claim that military soldiers and dead ones at thst are LOSERS. And as for how have I been harmed by Trump! GOD! That is wild! So it is ok for Trump to screw a prostitute while in office, his wife lying about her work visa and having lesbian photos of her, of Trump’s family on the payroll, Trump’s Chinese connections and MOscow Mitch’s too through his wife, and Obama is still the bad guy? Wow!!!!!!

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Not when he loses AZ and NV.

You do realize Trump only needs the same 3 states, don’t you?

Chill dude, you do realize Biden only needs one of NV, PA or GA right? It's done man!

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

Trump actuall got the COVID and 3 days later back to work.

230,000 didn't though, and they are largely on Trump. It's his legacy.

I saw Trump come out with his bible in the midst of it, with the talking heads we hear today in giddy mode, blaming him for it all.

Gassing people to get across that road to hold a book he has never read upside-down. Another moment of pointless infamy.

Iwill never ever vote for any Dem, absolutely not...lol

What's the point of having a mind if you are never able to change it?

11 ( +11 / -0 )

This is hilarious! Trump DOES hate the Troops. He wants their votes nullified. Maybe he is sore about them being upset after HE called them losers. https://edition.cnn.com/2020/11/06/politics/homefront-trump-military-ballots/index.html

9 ( +9 / -0 )

TheLongTermerToday  10:30 am JST

Trump actuall got the COVID and 3 days later back to work.

Do you think, with the kind of healthcare you can afford as opposed to the state-of-the-art stuff available to Trump, that you would be up and running after three days?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

As for his son, so what? He got stressed out with SERVING.

well during my service we werent allowed to do that....but power and corruption, some of us missed out on that. he got stressed out...lol. in a fox hole and stressed out, lets hit that pipe, the enemy will take that into consideration before he attacks.

I agree Putin and Kim are watching nursing home dude and this Gen Z bunch. hoping for the best!

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

blacklabel: So none of these votes are in the vote counts right now? Sure they are.

I can understand why you'd hold on to this since the votes are going against you, but it just seems unlikely to me. This will be the 3rd time Trump has brought this before the SC. If they suddenly do a 180 on their own decision after the election when they could have done it before the election would pretty much sink the legitimacy of the SC.

And then Biden could win with NV, GA and AZ anyway.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

ok so any PA ballot marked less than 9 days before Election Day could not have been received on 11/3. Uh oh.

Evidence and how many?

I won't hold my breath.

Trump's gone. He's finished. Your landslide has gone. The popular vote in favor of Biden is 4m, and the acutual vote in swing states is in Biden's favor. Sleepy Joe won. Get over it.

But don't worry, with Republicans in control of the Senate, no one has to fear affordable healthcare.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

States said it. Due to crappy list office service and how a trump appointee destroyed the post office, mail now takes up to 9 days after election to be delivered. So liberal states extended their deadlines to receive mail postmarked on 11/3 up to 9 days later in some cases.

so many things for court. Another:

The voter software company linked to the "glitch," which caused roughly 6,000 Trump votes to be credited to Biden in a Michigan county also services as many as 64 other counties in Michigan...and all of the contested battleground states..

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Watching the news channels (ABC), Heidi Heitkamp's name is rather amusing to me, as a Brit of a certain age, as it sounds like Hi-di-Hi Camp. Some of the older Brits might get this reference to an old sitcom. Zichi? Alfred Noakes?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Biden's lead in Georgia is now 4,000. A recount won't make a dent in that.

8 ( +8 / -0 )


5 ( +5 / -0 )

But then again, I’m sure the software glitch actually gave all the Biden votes to Trump.

biden actually won all 50 states. Popular vote 140 million to 1 million.

you guys really can’t see how it makes no sense that Biden got 5 million more votes than Obama? yet only beat his vote total in 4 states? That just happen to be GA PA WI and MI?

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

States said it. Due to crappy list office service and how a trump appointee destroyed the post office, mail now takes up to 9 days after election to be delivered. So liberal states extended their deadlines to receive mail postmarked on 11/3 up to 9 days later in some cases.

Well, the postal service has been defunded, so hardly surprising. As long as they were posted on or before ballot day.

The voter software company linked to the "glitch," which caused roughly 6,000 Trump votes to be credited to Biden in a Michigan county also services as many as 64 other counties in Michigan...and all of the contested battleground states..

What's your point? If it was a computer error that has been reversed, what's the problem? You must make yourself clearer.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

The only fraud that is apparent is not coming from voters, but the current President who thinks elections are won in court rather than the ballot box. He seems determined to drag America through as much mud as possible before he has no alternative but to vacate the White House as the loser of this election by the PEOPLE. The nation has spoken and they voted en-mass at over 66% turnout. High turnout for the US.

Well done America. Well done President elect Biden.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

not what is says. RECEIVED by 8pm on 11/3.

That cant happen if it was mailed on 11/3. or 11/2 probably. maybe even 11/1. Takes time to deliver it.

As long as they were posted on or before ballot day.

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Blacklabel: you guys really can’t see how it makes no sense that Biden

You can't see how we would think it's odd that fraud only happened in states where Trump barely lost?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

easy if more than 4000 votes that were counted are found invalid, a recount doesnt just count the votes already counted, it determines if what was counted should have been.

But dont worry, the Dems know its not enough. They now they claiming there are another 50,000 votes they found. Plus the military votes still out there somewhere, which despite all the liberal nonsense here, actually lean Trump.

Biden's lead in Georgia is now 4,000. A recount won't make a dent in that.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

BlacklabelToday  10:42 am JST

Guarantee these ballots have not been separated from the beginning

Is this something you're pinning a lot of hopes on?

jaybeebToday  10:43 am JST

He doesn't have NV yet! And I doubt he's losing AZ anytime soon. 

With 86% of the votes counted in Nevada, 90% counted in Arizona, and Biden about 21,000 votes ahead in one State and 47,000 in the other how do you really think this is going to go?

TheLongTermerToday  10:50 am JST

...another excuses Hunters military crack habit..."maybe he was stressed out"

He wasnt stressed out, he had a daddy that hooked him up, thats what it was

I thought you weren't going down that rabbit hole. Trump's already found out it doesn't really go anywhere.

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Trump's gone. He's finished. Your landslide has gone. The popular vote in favor of Biden is 4m, and the acutual vote in swing states is in Biden's favor. Sleepy Joe won. Get over it.

It is what it is, I feel bad for Trump that he put in the work and lost to such a pathetic bunch, but Trump is not gone. There are lots of people, like me, who remember and will benchmark. no rioting, burning or tantrums and by 2022, if those benchmarks are not met, time to vote in more red. 2024 arrives and its Pence all day everyday. If Biden proves to be capable of exceeding those benchmarks, I will change my vote.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Ah_soToday  10:52 am JST

Watching the news channels (ABC), Heidi Heitkamp's name is rather amusing to me, as a Brit of a certain age, as it sounds like Hi-di-Hi Camp. Some of the older Brits might get this reference to an old sitcom. Zichi? Alfred Noakes?

Peggy can't hear you!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

how did it go when Trump was up over 100,000 votes in places with 98% in?

Both Nevada and Arizona are getting closer for Trump the more votes that are counted.

There are still hundreds of thousands of ballots to be counted in both states.

With 86% of the votes counted in Nevada, 90% counted in Arizona, and Biden about 21,000 votes ahead in one State and 47,000 in the other how do you really think this is going to go?

-11 ( +1 / -12 )

Blacklabel: Both Nevada and Arizona are getting closer for Trump

That's odd. I haven't seen tweets from Trump about these numbers "magically changing" after the election like he did in PA.

Why would that be?

And wouldn't it be strange if Biden and Democrats suddenly started talking about "potential fraud" in just those two states?

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Congratulations to President Biden, good to have an Irishman in the White House. And even better, he'll make sure the Johnson jokers don't screw up the GFA.

But he's got his work cut out for him on the domestic front.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Readers, please note the results are not final yet. Biden cannot be called President Biden.

Their Attorney General said Trump would lose before they even started the voting. How would be know that and is it appropriate for him to say that?

That’s your conclusive evidence? I hope you can take more to court than that.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Given the Senate and WH results, I think the biggest winner are Republican voters against Trump. Biden is an anyone-but-Trump candidate, and does not represent a major victory for progressives. The GOP showing in the Senate races shows that the public is sick of only Trump, not them.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

New numbers just dropped in AZ. Not great for Trump. Biden's lead would be incredibly hard to overcome as the percentages for Trump would have to dramatically change with the remaining votes.

That with Nevada makes PA meaningless.

That being said, I'd like to see Biden with 306 EC votes and a 4 million popular vote win.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Quick fun fact: there is ZERO evidence,nada, nil zip none of any kind I'd voter or counting fraud.

All claims to the contrary are attempts at disinformation.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Have you seen the numerous data on what percentage of American adults have pre-existing conditions?

Junk food culture really needs to be addressed systemically. Expect strong opposition from the 'health' (or should I say 'wealth?') industry.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Moderator: Biden cannot be called President Biden.

The correct term would be, "President-elect."

7 ( +9 / -2 )

He cannot be called that either, yet.

Just in, shows what fascists Republicans are! “Stop counting the votes!!” Not how a democracy works, you know.

”A federal judge denied Republican congressional candidates request to stop the counting of mail-in ballots in Clark County, a critical seat in the key battleground state of Nevada, saying they would not succeed on the merits of the case. 

After a two-hour hearing, Judge Andrew Gordon said, “The public interest is not in favor of disrupting the completion of the process of the counting of the ballots” that could disenfranchise hundreds if not thousands of mail-in ballots legally cast.

The judge also noted that a similar case that is ongoing in state court is the better venue, noting that questions about the review of signatures on ballots are issues “involving state laws and should be interpreted by state courts, particular Supreme Court justices elected by state of Nevada citizens.”

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Blacklabel: They are too busy doing their Wisconsin/Michigan "magic" on GA and PA right now. they can get back to NV and AZ later if needed. NC can also get some attention if they need it.

Can we get a list of all the evidence you have showing fraud so far? Reminder: questions aren't evidence.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Readers, please note the results are not final yet. Biden cannot be called President Biden.

My bad.

Pre-emptive congratulations to Almost-President Biden. For a liberal, he seems to have captured the American people's hearts in a way 45 could never have. All done with logic and without hatred or inciting violence.

But the Almost-President-Elect has to face extreme partisanship from the far right Republicans who will be seeking to block him at every turn.

America isn't out of the woods yet, sadly.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

BlacklabelToday  11:06 am JST

how did it go when Trump was up over 100,000 votes in places with 98% in?

Which places would those be? Not solidly red on the map by any chance?

Both Nevada and Arizona are getting closer for Trump the more votes that are counted.

There are still hundreds of thousands of ballots to be counted in both states.

You think the trend will be reversed and enough of those votes will be for Trump to make a difference?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

This is why the US is a joke to non-Americans. Look at this circus.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Well, you continue going through that list online. Meanwhile, we're busy partying. Paaaaaaaaaarty!

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Always hoping this right/left bs becomes more civil, but lies and narrative need to subside and allow for better bipartisan ideas to be made, with truth and critical thought. Both sides can do it, but it remains to be seen if the right actually want to make America great again.

It's a bit doubtful watching and hearing all the divisive commentary that continues, and I really wonder whether people aren't just racist and non caring toward science and health as they seem to be, and locked into their lack of truth to find a middle road to try and get different opinions working in American politics.

Biden will try, but it may not happen with Trump's lying rhetoric continuing on, his supporters follow his wrong actions, angry as ever, which may go on well after he is gone from the WH.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Wow, new numbers from PA. Biden just increased his lead after the military ballots were counted.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Dude posting about "damage"

Better cut him a check, poor thang

You think about it, these people had more freedom under Trump than they will ever have again. They said despicable things about his family about him 24/7, then

they went out and burned, looted, maimed and killed. Do you think they could of done that under GWB2 Obama or this guy? I want that Gucci bag in the window! break it, take it, its yours, you deserve it...you been damaged!

You try that during this guys watch. Defund the police? They be there in a heart beat

You aint going to flip and burn up no patrol car under this guys regime

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

This is why the US is a joke to non-Americans. Look at this circus.

I don’t see a circus here. I see people still counting votes due to the large number of mail-in votes largely because of Covid.

There is certainly a circus going on in Trump’s head and in those of his fellow conspiracy theorists, but that’s par for the course.

The actual process seems quite sane.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Wow, new numbers from PA. Biden just increased his lead after the military ballots were counted.

Well, when you're told you're a loser and when your 'president' does NOTHING when he finds out that Russians paid the Taliban to kill you and your colleagues, somehow I don't think you're going to vote for him.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

A very historical U.S. election. Democracy is still alive, although it's been shaken up, in America.

Biden will become the oldest sworn in president.

Biden has received the highest number of popular votes ever.

Harris will become the first female vice president and she's a minority.

Unfortunately, Biden is going to have everything thrown against him by a GOP controlled senate. However, on the bright side, Biden won't embarrass the U.S. on the world stage the way that Trump has done the past 4 years.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I just listened to an intereview with Andrew Yang. If (once) the results are finalized I hope Biden brings him into the realm in some capacity. He is a very smart man and also challanges the narrative

I also listened to Rep. Spanberger from Virginia. She impressed me so much.

They both asked the same questions: What happened? Why the lost seats in the House and why did minorities increasingly support Trump.

Both want the Democratic Party to build back the support of working men and women and both criticized racial division and trying to radically pull the country to far and asked some very serious questions about where we are going. Spanberger was harsh and actually swore on a couple of occasions.

It was refreshing to listen to these two and reminded me of the party I supported. If the messages these two conveyed were used during the campaign Trump would have been slaughtered in the election.

Please Mr. Biden give these two a seat at the table in some manner.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Need 9 days after election to get the mail? Right?

ok so any PA ballot marked less than 9 days before Election Day could not have been received on 11/3. Uh oh.

All ravens are black birds. Not all black birds are ravens.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

JCRToday  11:38 am JST

This is why the US is a joke to non-Americans.

Some frequent commenters would say they "could care less" what non-Americans think, although the correct term is of course "couldn't care less." Probably just as well for their self-esteem, though.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Biden will try, but it may not happen with Trump's lying rhetoric continuing on, his supporters follow his wrong actions, angry as ever, which may go on well after he is gone from the WH.

The problem is with your logic. Those problems will always be there. The pressing issue today is COVID and jobs

There is nothing Trump could of done about COVID. Theres probably nothing Biden can do about it either except add to what Trump was doing

When people dont work, they cant pay for child care, they cant eat right, they cant climb Maslows heirarchy.

Its not about your feelings or curing racism, those things subside when everybody has opportunity and work, thus the large latino and hispanic vote. There is tons of racism in Japan but if your working in a job you like, you can deal.

You cant blame Trumps lying rhetoric when he is out of office either its going to be on Biden to get the economy rolling.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

They both asked the same questions: What happened? Why the lost seats in the House and why did minorities increasingly support Trump.

But thats a no brainer....they voted those Dems out because they are scared of them. Left wing socialist that did nothing while the country burned.

Both want the Democratic Party to build back the support of working men and women and both criticized racial division and trying to radically pull the country to far and asked some very serious questions about where we are going. Spanberger was harsh and actually swore on a couple of occasions

No they dont..lol. They said the same thing when Hilary lost..."we havent connected with the working people" Trump wasnt about the talk, he was about the jobs, look at the oil and gas industry across the gulf states, look at the tax cuts. Thats all about to disappear dude. All this "Biden wants to work with the Senate but..." They want to keep that, he wants to take it away. I knew people from the Gulf, the economy was on fire and they gave Trump 100% credit. Whats this guy going to do? he some new tax cuts? Tell me whats he going to do?

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Watching Ingraham on Fox News now. All types of, "incredible abuse" statements with zero evidence given.

She just played a past video of Arizona governor Doug Ducey saying Arizona mail-in ballots were incredibly safe and have been used for years. Her response was, "Oops, didn't work out that way." And.....that's it. Is she claiming fraud in Arizona? Nope, just planting the seed for Fox viewers.

"Republicans also control Georgia. Yet sheer incompetence and perhaps foul play have compromised the integrity of election results there." And then she moved on. Perhaps foul play? No need to expand on that. Just plant the seed.

The entertainment wing at Fox will make some decent money this week.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Tell me what Biden and team are going to do? Listen to the "experts" and shut down the economy? Put everybody on the welfare for 6 mos?

When people aint got no work...feel good crap gets pushed way down the list.

Show time.

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Never mind, that whole vote thing was just an unfortunate series of software glitches that all happened to randomly go the same way. Whatcha gonna do about it, hey?

Software used to tabulate votes cast in 47 Michigan counties erroneously gave 6,000 votes to Joe Biden in Anterim County, according to state GOP Chairwoman Laura Cox.

"In Antrim County, ballots were counted for Democrats that were meant for Republicans, causing a 6,000 vote swing against our candidates. The county clerk came forward and said 'tabulating software glitched and caused a miscalculation of the vote.' Since then, we have now discovered the 47 counties used the same software in the same capacity," she said, adding "Antrim County had to hand count all of the ballots, and these counties that used the software need to closely examine their results for similar discrepancies."

Of note, Trump won Antrim County in 2016 with 62% of the vote vs. 33% for Hillary Clinton.

It was an accident. A glitch. No need to send in the U.S. Marshals....

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

With all that Trump has accomplished, he has easily surpassed his 8 year term as President. Biden will not be able to undo most of the policies Trump implemented, as the senate is still under control of the Republicans.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Old man Biden just made a speech. What was the point of it? He stumbles over words because he doesn't write them. A politician to the core.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

With all that Trump has accomplished, he has easily surpassed his 8 year term as President. Biden will not be able to undo...

... all the damage, division and disgrace upon the office and the US - Biden will have a tough struggle to restore the goodness that we all know the US is capable of.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Old man Biden just made a speech. What was the point of it?

Try and bring healing, calming down a riled up Trump base. Sounds surprisingly Presidential.

He stumbles over words because he doesn't write them.

He stumbles occasionally because - that's what people who are fighting a daily battle to have mastery over stutters/speech impediments do.

Do you think Trump actually wrote any of his speeches? And I'm not talking about the stream of consciousness word salad at his super spreader events.

A politician to the core.

Not perfect but a lot better than a failed reality show host.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

What's difficult to fathom is that several Republicans and Trump followers would rather believe that there is some huge conspiracy that millions of people were able to be bribed to cast fraudulent votes, even bribe Republican governors and Secretaries of States in places like Georgia to go along with it. These so-called patriots have no belief in the sacred democratic process. If there was such a conspiracy, wouldn't you think that they would at least also try to get several Republican senators out as well, since it would be easier to do? After all, a localized state conspiracy would be easier to set up than an national one.

5 ( +9 / -4 )

As a registered independent, Biden is a bore.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

so let me get this straight;

the Republicans pick up seats in the House and hold the Senate. But somehow Trump is a victim of a multi-state conspiracy that is so effective, it leaves no trace behind. Um, yeah. That makes perfect sense.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

As a registered independent, Biden is a bore.

Better a bore, than a narcissistic racist who would rather incite violence than unite a nation.

14 ( +15 / -1 )

You think about it, these people had more freedom under Trump than they will ever have again. 

So all your talk about benchmarks, optimism and giving Biden a chance has gone out of the window already?

That didn’t take long.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Tell me what Biden and team are going to do? Listen to the "experts" and shut down the economy? Put everybody on the welfare for 6 mos?

You’ve been asking the same thing nonstop for 2 days. You’ve been given links and answers. You’ve said multiple times you’ll wait and see and “benchmark” whatever, but you’re still just shouting that the sky is falling and running in circles.

13 ( +13 / -0 )

There is nothing Trump could of done about COVID.

There's a lot Trump could have done aside from politicizing a pandemic and blame the Dems. A lot.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

BTW...what is the plan to deal with COVID?


Biden’s page (the link you thanked me for earlier today) has A DETAILED SEVEN POINT ACTION PLAN regarding COVID-19.

Other than that, there is nothing else anyone can assure you with right now, do you realize that? Did you notice there is an election on?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

we will discuss that

No. No we won’t.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

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