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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Biden says his unity can save country; Trump hits Midwest
China has been the world leader in manufacturing motor vehicles for several years. All the US bigs and both political parties need to be held accountable for the loss of US manufacturing jobs.
Trump's ongoing bungling of the pandemic has cratered the US economy for the majority of Americans. While Trump's fellow 'elite' get richer.
A nation flushes, and none-too-soon.
Peter Neil
The White House science office announced today that one of Trumps accomplishments was that he ended the pandemic.
There you have it. The pandemic is over.
Everyone head out to bars, throw the masks away and go to work tomorrow.
non party
Yes yes... His unity with China and money will save his family not USA.
I wonder why the crowd size (ZERO) in Warm Springs was not mentioned.
It is absolutely unbelievable to me that just one week before an election, not one supporter - other than the media - came out to listen to the speech of a presidential candidate.
Didn't Obama say that 12 years ago?
BATTLE for the SOUL of the NATION
Yes, we want to keep our soul, not give it up to the socialist Democrats.
While Biden rarely travels to more than one state per day
That gives him a better chance of remembering which state he's in.
Trump's ongoing bungling of the pandemic has cratered the US economy for the majority of Americans.
No, but thanks to Trump the economy is coming back strong and fast. We were supposedly going to have 20% unemployment with all these businesses going under from the stupid lockdowns and it's around 8%. Stock market is booming with 401Ks up. You want to crater the economy? Elect Biden-Harris who will raise taxes and end fracking and the oil industry.
Biden has bigger things to worry about than crowd sizes, actually. Right about now on Tucker Carlson's show, Hunter Biden's former business partner is playing recordings of conversations that directly implicates Joe Biden in Hunter's corrupt business dealings with China.
Peter Neil
The unemployment rate has nothing to do with people who don't have a job. It's a specific measure for political purposes that is meaningless. It doesn't count anyone who has been out of work for more the 4 weeks.
Total US workforce: 164 million
Total unemployed is 31 million
Try to do the math, Trump bots.
Tucker Carlson, the same male Fox's own lawyers say can't be trusted? But then many of his viewers believe what they read on Qanon, RT, Breitbart, inforwars and other far right fringe/wack media. Alien reptiles?
Midnight Sun Tribe
Fox could release pictures of Biden making-out with still-living Bin Laden. Does not matter. No-one cares. Trump circling the drain...
Anyone have a problem with Biden? I am fairly certain you know where the border is. America: love it or leave it.
Tick. Tick. Tick.
Biden needs to be in exactly the same states that Trump is in. Focus on Florida and Pennsylvania.
The unemployment rate has nothing to do with people who don't have a job.
You can argue all day long what the true unemployment rate is. We've been using the same parameters for the official rate for decades. If you want to use your parameters, then the real number of the rate during Obama was way higher too.
Trump circling the drain...
Yeah, and thousands come out to Trump's rallies whilst virtually no one but the media comes out to Biden's appearances.
Anyone have a problem with Biden?
Yeah, anyone who doesn't just watch CNN, MSNBC, ABC or See BS.
I fully agree. The reason Trump won in 2016 was because many working class people woke up to this fact and saw Trump as the answer. He has not been the answer to these problems.
If the Democratics overplay progressive politics and govern to the extremes this mistake will be made again.
Biden is much better than Hillary Clinton (she is arrogant) at speaking to the working person and this is likely why he will win this election.
It will be interesting to see where it goes from 2021
Bob Fosse
Because they already voted for him, care about the virus, are not stupid, or possibly all 3.
Too little two late Trump
Not quality, but true.
Well, I will definitely agree with that
You we’re doing so good earlier, but Trump wasn’t the one responsible for the cratered economy, that was China and Democrats saw their chance with the lockdowns knowing that keeping them in place would bring scrutiny on the President and it’s help the Dems quite a bit, they benefit and these rich elitist liberals can replace Americans with foreign workers and retaining their vast wealth while millions of Americans go hungry and struggle to deal with their bills d livelihoods.
Bob Fosse
Anyone have a problem with Biden?
Don‘t worry, the country’s oldest president will run again in 2024. He’ll be older then than Biden is now. But not too old, right?
Why are they even featuring that second photo? Shameful.
Concerned Citizen
So far I haven't heard Joe Biden articulate any specific plan for improving the economy or employment. (Of course he hasn't spoken very much)
Rather he and his party plan to damage it through the Green New Deal and ending fossil fuel.
I don't think this will be in the interests of the working class.
Bob Fosse
Because it would be untrue, or fake news if you prefer.
Biden: "Donald Trump crashed the economy that Barack and I left him."
Oh yeah, the economy was so much worse after 3 years of Trump before the virus from China hit the world. Fewer and fewer people are believing that.
Don‘t worry, the country’s oldest president will run again in 2024.
Much more likely he's going to hand over the presidency to the next Republican president in 2025. But if Biden-Harris do manage to pull off the election, won't Trump be going to prison?
Said with the pride of a toddler pointing into his potty.
I don't know, did he? He obviously came a lot closer to it than the current president, who has not only allowed divisions to emerge, but who has actively encouraged them and sought to exploit them.
Thus us just one of the reasons why Trump is such an awful human being and unfit for office.
Most likely. There are at least 2 active investigations ongoing right now. But who knows...he's rich.
Polls still holding for Biden. Good news a week out.
Tuesday, November 3, 2020,
For the Joe Biden campaign/ticket it D-Day...
However what will this date represent, the so called Biden deliverance day, for hard grafting middle income America?
Below, is still time to fully explore the Joe Biden vision.
For a moment set Donald Trump campaign aside.
Is Joe Vision just weasel words, mixed with a mickey mouse rhetorical form of Alice in Wonderland ideology.
Will middle income America ultimately foot the tax bill to pay the costs?
Explore all of Joe Biden's plans
Joe's plan suspiciously comes across as top down, not bottom up.
No costings, just a pledge that the most wealthy in society will pay.
As bad as being friends with a white supremacy leader, enforcing segregation and stereotyping Black people as being the same? Sounds like Biden is the perfect human being .
Mr. Bonkers is not going to win re election. He'll probably move out of NYC, as well. Justice going after him, and he'll run away. Probably to China, or anywhere that'll accept his criminal activity. At least he's paid his taxes there. Without Melania. She'll bail.
The desperation in the Trump supporter posts' are growing. I know the truth hurts ya'll...Biden in a landslide!!
trump whining , again. Nothing new.
He'll whine more and more over the next few months, till they dump his bags on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Probably won’t have to. Joe has more to worry about, his fracking statements is just digging a deeper hole for him.
This helps George.....I mean, Trump....sorry...
So similar to Hillary’s ironically, but yeah, liberals kept saying that, good news. ROFL!
Blue Sausage
Don’t worry Biden and the other socialist “white saviors” are going to take care of us. All we have to do is give them everything we have and they will give us everything we need. Just like Joe Stalin gave it to the Russians, Mao Zedong gave it to the Chinese, Pol Pot gave it to the Cambodians and the list goes on and on. The only things socialists ever have delivered are lies, starvation, privation, devastation, desolation and hundreds of millions murdered in the name of their god, socialism. Please learn history. I personally know people who have survived socialist hellholes although often their families did not. The white saviors lie and say this time will be different but it will not. Learn history!
Richard Gallagher
Joe Biden. An old man, pushing 80, babbling about the future, completely unawares of the irony. A future he helped create by five decades in government is the here and now.
Biden is a mirage. The citizenry of the USA, will elect an individual enshrined by the elite of the Democratic Party, as of late, aligned with Bushniks. An individual who was witless when young, now in the throes of dementia, jacked up on Adderall aka amphetamines to create the illusion he has fully functioning faculties. They roll him out of the basement to read off proclamations and commentary, like he's a doddering Queen of England, then roll him back into the dark.
His mélange of oft contradictory pronouncements simply echo the empty bromides of that shill for the rich & powerful, the saintly Obama. Biden has no actual agenda, other than the one he has pressed forth for decades, which is conservative, neoliberal and beholden to a past that is less than progressive, at times racist & misogynist.
The absurdist commercials advertising a 21st century twist on Reagan's, morning in America campaign is a frothy compendium of bizarre images framing a character from a cheesy movie starring Jimmy Stewart. As with all things Biden, it lacks substance and is selling something that doesn't exist and has absolutely no bearing or merit in addressing a civilization past the tipping point sinking into ruin.
The powers-that-be in the Democratic Party threatened to support and fund Trump, if Sanders was the nominee. Working their magic, anointed Biden and a lady-in-waiting to be his replacement, then banded with some of the vilest creatures from the Bush regime. Wall Street was painted as being absolutely giddy about the selection of Harris. This is the party of Biden.
Biden is the Democratic version of Reagan. President in name only, a titular head. Nothing will change. After a celebratory moment declaring the sending of Trump to the dustbin of history as a magnificent achievement and recovery of true democracy, nothing will change, indeed America, the indispensable nation (so declared by Obama) will continue its descent into wreck & ruin, under a president who is senile & incompetent, every bit so as his predecessor. Those who vote for this swine will rue the day they cast their ballot.
trump was at his racist best yesterday, making kindergarten level jokes to please his bigoted supporters.
The more trump speaks the clearer it is how much the Covid treatment has affected him.
I almost feel sorry for him!!!
Ego Sum Lux Mundi
Biden: the dementia-ridden puppet chosen by big business, Wall Street, Hollyweird, the word salad intel agencies, and neo-cons and neo-libs.
Nice try, Tucker just broke a cable news media record, this month he blew aways everyone on all the network channels including his own with over 5 million viewers nightly and it would seem by tonight’s segment, Biden is in more trouble.
Liberals think if you stub your toe, it must have been done by Russian spies. Lol
Nobody cares about a fake scandal created by trump and his criminal friends.
Even the WSJ refused to have anything to do with it.
People care more about who trump owes money to and what will they do when cannot repay!!
Biden says his unity can save the Deep Corporate State. He vows America will continue to buy cheap non-quality products from China while polluting the planet.
Lots of folks talk big about the climate but you ever notice that the question of dismantling the cheap production of goods vs high quality lasting products are never brought up by either side of the political isle. If I recall even the famous Greta gave China a pass.
Post-election it will be interesting to see how many seniors decided NOT to vote for Trump because they were offended by Republicans - aided by the Kremlin's troll armies, Bannon's keyboard warriors and others in the anti-democracy, pro-authoritarian far right -pushing the 'Biden's got dementia' meme. Which has been shown (to all but the pro-Trump, anti-democracy, pro-authoritarians around the globe) to be false. Biden's not eloquent like Bill Clinton or President Obama and does have speech issues, but he is far from senile. And Biden's not wack like the far right's crazy uncle.
Trump Hasn’t Gained Ground Since The Debate, And He’s Running Out Of Time
But let’s unpack the latest polls conducted entirely (or mostly) after the last presidential debate to better answer that question of just how much the race is tightening. Overall, we have six national surveys and eight battleground-state polls, and on average, these 14 polls show essentially no change from before the debate.
This isn't actually what he said. You would be a bad headline writer.
So with tangible facts and text messages and photos and a willing witness ready to testify, gave up freely 3 cellphones to the Feds, to testify under oath, the media unwilling to do their job because of being politically bias as they are, but then push for any inquiry on the President without a shred of physical evidence just going off the word of individuals with zero vetting, but that has to be true and these people cannot be questioned or slander their credibility because they hate Trump so whatever they say has to be true?
Thank God for Tucker, Hannity and Laura.
No, they don’t and you’re seeing that in the ratings, this helps FOX for all of us that want to know what Tony Bobulinski has to say and definitely people are going to watch and the lib press can’t stop it and if all the liberal cable and news sites don’t want to cover it FOX will.
The media doesn't hand out indictments. Hope that helps.
There are no facts nor any text messages, in the same note we dont have trump's taxes either.
Yes they do. And you bet trump does even more.
Personal bankruptcy is coming soon and the trump klan is in for hard times.
Anyone who quotes tucker for news doesn't understand that this misogynist clown is just a sad entertainer!!
They can do their job for once, please tell them.
Yes, unless you are implying the Feds are lying and how would you know that. You are entitled to your opinions, but you’re not entitled to tell me what I or anyone can and have seen plastered on TV.
No, Because if it were the media would be running with it, but they can’t, because you don’t have a shred of evidence it was Biden, they won’t even with all the evidence..
Got it, with that much land in equity probably won’t happen
5 million and growing would disagree and that ruse was another failed attempt. If CNN or MSNBC could take him out and get those readings, they would be in seventh heaven, but that’ll never happen.
Wow, if even a small amount of what Bubolinski said in the interview is true, then by all rights the Biden campaign should be over. He seems very credible and intelligent. Plus, he has documentation to prove his assertions.
I have yet to hear or see any cogent arguments from Biden's supporters that refute anything alleged, other than it is Russian disinformation. A point already disproven, by the way.
Biden's assertion that he never discussed any business with his son will go down in history as one of the great lies told by a politician, on a par with Bill Clinton stating categorically that "I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. "
Nah. We enjoy having 1%er white christian males under our thumb in the United States. Endless victimization. You should be used to it by now.
I heard that 4 years ago, you guys executed that endeavor quite well.
as there are no people by these names, I wouldnt be 100% sure who or what you are speaking about.
I am sure over the last 4 years there has been plenty of time to speak about these people, yet I have heard nothing illegal or recent.