Japan Today

Biden says it is Americans' patriotic duty to get vaccinated


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I suspect the only people that saw him deliver this message were the triple vaxxed.

17 ( +23 / -6 )

Good luck with that. Considering a great deal of people in america are foreign workers, migrants and refugees.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

Who gives an “address to the nation” at 2:30pm? Super low energy and repetitive content.

if you are vaccinated everything fine? No it’s not as seen by all the triple vaxxed getting COVID.

-5 ( +19 / -24 )

Ok, my question is, why the push to have everyone vaccinated but complete silence on forcing or making sure illegals get vaccinated but the majority overwhelmingly are not. No checks, no monitoring, no precautions taken, why are they given a pass?

1 ( +22 / -21 )

A cornerstone of the plan is Biden's decision for the government to purchase 500 million coronavirus rapid tests for free shipment to Americans starting in January.

a month from now? and 2 tests each. Ok so what do people do the following week when they don’t have any tests again?

this is the “cornerstone” of the plan?

-6 ( +12 / -18 )

Latest CDC data:

Unvaccinated: 6.1 deaths per 100k

Vaccinated: 0.5 deaths per 100k

Boosted: 0.1 deaths per 100k

The data is for incidence of covid deaths per 100K population between Sept - Oct .

In Oct , the Unvaccinated had 20x higher risk of dying from covid than the vaccinated .

7 ( +21 / -14 )

accepting the fact that other people have different opinions than yours

that give you licence to go around unwittingly infecting others?


-8 ( +14 / -22 )

Biden should had sold his vaccine accurately. this man had assured the nation that it would stop the spread of the virus when all it does is lessen the effect of the symptoms. This vaccine should had been given as an option not as a mandate. Instead of all the shady trickery to get people vaccinated and billions of dollars or sketchy projects, he should had revamped our medical facilities.

No one can stop a virus in its tracks.

7 ( +19 / -12 )

He should tell people that it’s up to them to do what each of them thinks is best for themselves.

Then I guess vaccination rates might increase.

5 ( +16 / -11 )

The “latest CDC data” above is Sep/Oct and is about Delta. So it’s pretty much irrelevant.

how many died from omicron? 1 in USA and he already had Covid was over 50 and had underlying conditions.

1 person.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

As a human being, it’s everybody’s duty to get vaccinated.

-12 ( +12 / -24 )

As a human being, it’s everybody’s duty to get vaccinated.

No, it’s not for everyone, some people can’t get vaccinated for health or medical reasons and others because of religious beliefs. It depends. Tell them, advise them, but the people getting or deciding to get vaccinated will make that the decision, not the government.

7 ( +22 / -15 )

I'm American. I don't think it's an American Duty to become vaccinated. Although I am, however there is no branding of this pandemic. I still think it's up to individuals to get the jab or not.

It's your body. Not America's.

You are not in the military.

13 ( +24 / -11 )


I am not sure which religion you’re talking about, but tens of millions are probably good to go as far as vaccinations are concerned. How about you (bass4funk)? Are you vaccinated? You seem like an intelligent person, so I’ll bet you are.

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

To be vaccinated is indeed patriotic. To die for your country (not) so that the eaters (and those that consume too much space) as they call them will be reduced. Good job JB.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

His pleas are not political, he emphasized. He noted that former President Donald Trump has gotten his booster shot, and he said it's Americans' “patriotic duty” to get vaccinated.

Indeed - at his recent Dallas rally, when he told the crowd to get vaccinated, they booed him. Just think, they paid between $100 up to $7500 to see their oracle, and then they boo him. Welcome to MAGA-world...

“It’s the only responsible thing to do,” the president said. "Omicron is serious and potentially deadly business for unvaccinated people.”

A fact - from Red State Texas no less. The unvaccinated are 20 times more likely to die from COVID. Not two times, or even 10 times, but 20. If they don't understand those odds, no wonder they think 73 million is more than 81 million...


Biden chastised social media and people on cable TV who have made misleading statements to discourage people from getting vaccinated.

The Great COVID Con continues - all the vaccine-skeptic Fox talking heads are vaccinated and work for a business that has a vaccine and mask mandate - but tell their viewers the vaccine doesn't work and mandate steals their freedom. It's certainly not stealing their freedom from conning their viewers...

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place?

4 ( +18 / -14 )


Well said...

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected in the first place?

Because it's become clown world, just look at the kind of person that was chosen to lead the most powerful country on earth.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

I am not sure which religion you’re talking about, but tens of millions are probably good to go as far as vaccinations are concerned.

And there are thousands that have asked for religious exemptions

How about you (bass4funk)? Are you vaccinated? You seem like an intelligent person, so I’ll bet you are.

Well, I didn’t vaccinated for a multitude of reasons and I just at the current time and place don’t feel it’s something I need. That’s my personal position.

6 ( +16 / -10 )

Indeed - at his recent Dallas rally, when he told the crowd to get vaccinated, they booed him.

Not him, the vaccine SPECIFICALLY. Yeah, nice try.

The Great COVID Con continues - all the vaccine-skeptic Fox talking heads are vaccinated

Not everyone, they even set the record straight. FNC encourages that their employees get it, but they’re not forced. That fake CNN report about that was a few times debunked.


2 ( +14 / -12 )

Trump and Biden are in agreement on this point.

And for once, Trump is right, which is something considering how he actively worked against the country's pandemic response.

-1 ( +12 / -13 )

Indeed - at his recent Dallas rally, when he told the crowd to get vaccinated, they booed him.

Not him, the vaccine SPECIFICALLY. Yeah, nice try.

Hilarious. Trump told his flock that paid big bucks to see him;

“Both the president and I are vaxxed,” O’Reilly said at the American Airlines Center, drawing some jeers from the audience, according to video shared online by O’Reilly’s “No Spin News.”

“Did you get the booster?” he asked the former president. “Yes,” Trump responded. “I got it, too,” O’Reilly said, eliciting more booing.

The Loser got booed by his own crowd...LOL....

“Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! Don’t!” Trump told the crowd, waving off their reaction with his hand.

He couldn't take it - getting dissed by his cultish followers....


The Great COVID Con continues - all the vaccine-skeptic Fox talking heads are vaccinated

Not everyone, they even set the record straight. FNC encourages that their employees get it,

False. Fox Corp has a vaccine mandate - if you're not vaxed, you have to undergo daily COVID tests to enter any of its facilities. Fox is playing its viewers for fools...and they take it....


And what about that Texas study that said the unvaccinated are 20 times more likely to die - it's from Red Texas so it has to be accurate, right?

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

FNC encourages that their employees get it, but they’re not forced.

Keep up mate:

Fox News drops testing option for office workers and will require vaccination

Employees in Fox News’s New York office will now have to show proof of Fox Corporation is requiring all employees who work in its New York City headquarters offices to receive at least one coronavirus vaccination shot by Dec. 27, and is scrapping the option of regular testing for employees who wish not to be vaccinated.


0 ( +7 / -7 )

As long as there are unvaccinated hosts to catch rides on, this virus ain’t leaving. Hopefully China won’t be producing any new harmful viruses while we deal with this one.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

He's not wrong. Russian and Chinese disinformation campaigns have successfully infected the minds of millions of Americans. With the help of a GOP that simply fell in line with that disinformation, it will effect EVERYTHING the US does in the next few decades.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

As long as there are unvaccinated hosts to catch rides on

vaccinated people are transmitting this too. 80% of the first omicron cases in USA were vaccinated people per CDC on 10 December.

Obviously, as it entered nearly every country the first time from a fully vaccinated traveler.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice-presidential candidate, used the same week that the US passed 800,000 Covid-19 deaths to tell a rightwing gathering she would add to that toll herself before she would agree to be given a vaccine.

“It’ll be over my dead body that I’ll have to get a shot,” Palin told a cheering crowd. 

Hey Sarah, that's what your fellow Alaskan conservative anti-vaxer said....before he died of COVID...


Welcome to MAGA-world....it's nothing but a death cult....

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

In another post, you stated migrants are not being vaccinated.


Why do you want to force those people?

Why won’t the government force those people who aren’t citizens with God knows what, but they want to force me?

Thought you said you have had covid.

Didn’t I just say, I don’t feel the need to get vaxxed?

Were you hospitalised?


5 ( +15 / -10 )

Fox News drops testing option for office workers and will require vaccination

Ahh, the Hill, yeah heard that one as well. Lol

0 ( +10 / -10 )

After watching that speech, Mr President has lost all his courage and faith in his country. He is lost.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Hilarious. Trump told his flock that paid big bucks to see him;

*“Both the president and I are vaxxed,” O’Reilly said at the American Airlines Center, drawing some jeers from the audience, according to video shared online by O’Reilly’s “No Spin News.”*

*“Did you get the booster?” he asked the former president. “Yes,” Trump responded**. “I got it, too,” O’Reilly said, eliciting more booing.*

The Loser got booed by his own crowd...LOL....

“Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! Don’t! Don’t!” Trump told the crowd, waving off their reaction with his hand.

He couldn't take it - getting dissed by his cultish followers...

Well, you just made the point. Everyone that was there were appalled to hear that these people want to get vaxxed or the booster. All the reason to boo, they all know what’s up.

And what about that Texas study that said the unvaccinated are 20 times more likely to die - it's from Red Texas so it has to be accurate, right?

Every liberal mag and news outlets are trying to sell more doom and gloom and the interesting thing is, people are not buying it this time and if this administration thinks it’s going to stop people from celebrating the holidays they’re in for a very bad disappointment reality check.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

“I suspect the only people that saw him deliver this message were the triple vaxxed.”

watched it and am not yet vaxxed. Tie this to patriotism doesn’t work. Love your body! Vaxx if you can and stay responsible to prevent the virus from spreading. Make the decision by yourself and don’t force anyone to get vaxxed. They are not like you or anybody else.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

If I was in a restaurant in the US I would not be worried about someone else next to me being unvaccinated, I would be worried about sitting next to an obese person.

There is so much information available on the CDC website and the strong link between catching COVID and having a bad outcome and obesity that nobody can deny it.

There has been 2 studies released in the past 2 weeks that demonstrate how fat cells are easily attacked by SARS-Cov-2 and how the virus can easily multiply in fat cells.

BMI passports would be more useful in the US than vaccine passports.

Follow the science they say, but gutless American health experts are too more scared of hurting the feelings of people who have led unhealthy lifestyles for 20 years than they are of COVID.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

“Not heard of anyone in Japan claiming religious exemptions for the vaccinations. 100 million, 80% fully vaccinated.”

do you homework, zichi… the percentage of JP population that might relate to such religious exemptions is very very small compared to other countries where Catholics dominate

3 ( +11 / -8 )

All the reason to boo, they all know what’s up.

Booing is infantile. So is resisting the vaccine because of some neurotic and angry fixation with liberals.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

“He should tell people that it’s up to them to do what each of them thinks is best for themselves.

Then I guess vaccination rates might increase.”

Unfortunately if he could say that he would not have been JB!

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Hilarious. Trump told his flock that paid big bucks to see him;

Well, you just made the point. Everyone that was there were appalled to hear that these people want to get vaxxed or the booster. All the reason to boo, they all know what’s up.

Indeed - they were appalled to hear their Oracle tell them the vaccine is safe and it works - and that he has had three shots - and all of them should get the vaccine and booster too. So they booed and hissed - showing what they think of him. Getting booed by his own flock - what a royal diss....

And what about that Texas study that said the unvaccinated are 20 times more likely to die - it's from Red Texas so it has to be accurate, right?

Every liberal mag and news outlets are trying to sell more doom and gloom

Helps to read the link - this study is from the Texas Dept of Health and Human Services - under Repub Gov Greg Abbott. Interesting to see you think he's a Liberal.


-2 ( +4 / -6 )

If you just get vaxxed because someone you know did it might be wrong. Citing politicians to get people in this is wrong. It’s your body your life, make the decision yourself. It might save you as well as decapacitate you, if not kill you.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Access to the internet has given me insight with regards to the vaccination rates of Catholics versus Buddhists.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Zichi san

catholic is just an example.

when it comes to religions, it can be complicated when it comes to personal faith level. So I wouldn’t be surprised to see hesitance with regards to the new vaccines although Vatican said it’s morally acceptable. Other than religious reason, which does not apply to me, many unvaccinated people are not comfortable getting them. They might get vaccinated alternatives are available. It’s wrong to just ask for the unvaccinated to act to avoid becoming the vehicles for transmission. Vaccinated folks should act responsibly too. That’s my point. Most of my family and friends and colleagues are fully vaccinated, by them way.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

What is your source?

Is it a peer reviewed paper?

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

If I was in a restaurant in the US I would not be worried about someone else next to me being unvaccinated, I would be worried about sitting next to an obese person.

There is so much information available on the CDC website and the strong link between catching COVID and having a bad outcome and obesity that nobody can deny it.

There has been 2 studies released in the past 2 weeks that demonstrate how fat cells are easily attacked by SARS-Cov-2 and how the virus can easily multiply in fat cells.

BMI passports would be more useful in the US than vaccine passports.

All of this is nonsense.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Zichi san,

the Pope recommended that. He thinks it’s safe and morally acceptable. We have no problem with that. Many Catholics have no problem with that. But it’s your life decision to make so it’s the right action to take if it works for you. It might not work for me so telling me it’s a right action to take is WRONG. Would I know you are there to weep for me if I die after the jab? I have had no issue with taking other vaccines for various preventions… for COVID vaxx, I would wait until I am comfortable with it.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

It worked for millions and saved them, that's a documented and indisputable fact, that has nothing to do with me and my decision for not wanting to take it.

Delusions. Infections and deaths since vaccines were rolled out is far higher than before any were available.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Again, what more can be said? Those who understand the danger have taken the appropriate steps. Those who didn't, are paying the price. Those who encouraged others to ignore the danger, belong in jail.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Zichi san,

As you took your time to write back, I will try to reply.

Who is "WE?" We here means our circle, some religious, some not, who have read the Vatican document.

“No, recommendations are not wrong.” Agree recommendation is not wrong, but it should stay as recommendation. We don’t have to follow it.

”Now again, how many have died from the covid vaccine?” That’s unclear but some people died. I don’t want to be one of those.

“The vaccine is recommended by the majority of scientists, doctors, health organisations.

If you or anyone else, does not want to follow the recommendation that's up to you and them. But they will have to accept the outcome of that decision.” That’s exactly the point. We make our decision. So don’t force it on us!

“I delayed my own vaccination while I recovered from my cancer op but now fully vaccinated since September.” Good for you. And all the best to your well being.

“Brother also fully vaccinated recently had covid but instead of being in hospital in the ICU, he had bad flu-like symptoms for a week. Now fully recovered. What would have happened if he was not vaccinated?” The vaxx works for him. That’s all we want to know and that what matters. But it might not work for me.

Would I know you are there to weep for me if I die after the jab? I have had no issue with taking other vaccines for various preventions… for COVID vaxx, I would wait until I am comfortable with it.

Who will weep for you if you die from covid?

“So you are not vaccinated?” No.

"Most of my family and friends and colleagues are fully vaccinated, by the way." - Yes I said that. Most means not all. And we are fine with that.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

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