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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Biden sets Aug 31 for U.S. exit from Afghanistan
In other news, Taliban sets Sept 1 for takeover of Afghanistan
Commodore Perry
I thought these kind of things are kept secret?
What do you expect?
Interesting to hear the dems try snd justify this gaffe.
You thought wrong.
Then why didn’t he withdraw from the country when he was VP after bin Laden was killed? He is lying through his teeth that the US wasn’t nation building. He was doing it for 8 years.
Exactly, but at this point, the best thing to do is to leave that place. Bush and Obama tried, didn’t work out and the sacrifices at this point don’t seem to have been worth it. Time for the Afghanis to work out their own problems. Good luck to them. We can always help, but stay there? No, they need to stand up for their country. We did more than enough.
Almost 20 years of death, and destruction for every one involved in the name of the "War On Terror" while this war like all others is the terror in itself.
The shame is that the area will be overrun by the extremists.
How long until we start seeing women forced to beg for money, and then are killed for doing even that. Sure, it is already happening, but there would be more widespread.
We can only do what was done with Vietnam, wait for the country to develop into an international citizen and hope that they don't take umbrage at our freedoms. That same tactic got us 911.
Desert Tortoise
As much as most Americans want out of the Middle East entirely I cannot help but worry the US will rue the day it abandoned Afghanistan. The US did more or less the same after the Soviets left. The resulting power vacuum led to intramural combat between the many warlords there and this created the space for the Pakistani ISI to insert their attack dogs the Taliban into the situation. Pakistan only wants to keep the Pashtuns down and has no concern what barbarities occur as a result, but the rise of the Taliban led to the horrors of 9-11. I am worried that walking away from Afghanistan again will only lead to another tragedy. As onerous as it was the US needs to keep its forces in and its focus on Afghanistan if it wants peace at home.
Commodore Perry
You thought wrong.
Now that it has been announced worldwide, you're right.
It keeps getting better.
I could post links to stories about Bush, Clinton or Obama announcing the withdrawal of american troops for various countries in the world, with dated schedules, but why bother? Facts and sources only matter when you're having an argument in good faith.
The Avenger
I gladly welcome our Troops from Afghanistan. It is way too long to occupy a country.
Thank you all !!
Time for the US to leave all its bases (Japan, South Korea, Germany, Italy)
China is seeking to invest in Afghanistan once the US is completely out. Seeing as how things turn out when other countries try to have a say in how Afghanistan functions...yeah, his will not end well for China.
The Russians are unhappy that the US is leaving as now the Russians and their Central Asian allies are nervous about Islamic extremists seeking to expand their reach into central Asia.
20 years ago, when I heard the main tactic involved sending in small numbers of special forces to link up with the Northern Alliance and also mercenaries, sorry, "contractors" for "security" , I determined that this adventure would end in failure. So, I'm celebrating some schadenfreude here.
I said at the time the US should have deployed massive ground forces to encircle the al-Queda training camps, then used cruise missiles to completely destroy the camps, and then have the ground forces move in and close the noose. And then leave. But then, what do I know.? LOL.
so when we call out Biden for doing the exact same thing that posters here attacked Trump for doing....its hypocrisy?
seems to me like others are just following the previous methods to identify undesired behavior when seen too, same as was done before by other to orange man.
Biden ends one of the "endless wars" that Trump promised to do but didn't....
Trump supporters cheer Biden helping make America great again!
I agree with Dessert. We will rue the day we abandoned these people to their fate. We asked them to trust us. We asked them to invest in modernity. Now we are saying “good luck.”
Why would anyone ever trust us again?
Yea and Joe Biden did the “Abandoning” just so it’s perfectly clear to history.
Which is exactly what Trump wanted to do but failed at...
Trump supporter logic:
Trump ended the endless Afghan war - MAGA!
Biden left Afghanistan and abandoned our allies!
Welcome to MAGA-ville...
But you agree that Biden actually did it and are happy to see it. He followed through (unlike orange guy) and got it done! Yay Joe!
so I’m sure you can also accept that Biden owns this now.
Because Republicans did not want to give up the failed war at that time. It took 20 years and President Trump to convince the right wing loons of the folly of the Afghanistan invasion. Liberals were saying this AT THE TIME of the invasion. The Taliban was willing to give up OBL but Bush/Cheney with the support of mindless conservatives, mostly evangelicals, wanted to invade Afghanistan anyway because the war would be quick, 60 days was the promise, and the local people would greet the Americans as heroes. 20 years later the war predictably to those with any intelligence at all was a failure and lives and trillions of dollars were wasted.
Russian failed and the USA failed. The Taliban played the long game and won.
Anyway this is what happens when Republicans are in the WH, fake wars with hundreds of thousands dead, trillions of dollars wasted and in the end failure. But military contractors like Halliburton do get rich from the fake wars.
Commodore Perry
P. SmithToday 07:17 am JST
You're probably watching now too--Chris Cuomo criticizing Biden's pulling out of Afghanistan on CNN!
I do not trust any politician they are not real to me, however the statement
" I will not send another generation of Americans to war in Afghanistan, with no reasonable expectation of achieving a different outcome"
Is fair and pretty reasonable
Remember when Little Bush negotiated an exit from Iraq, and you guys spent the next 13 years whining that Obama had to follow through?
So Biden followed through! Now he owns it. It’s really that simple despite all the attempted deflections.
if both Trump (assuming that Trump indeed wanted this to happen) and Biden both wanted the same thing (the US out of Afghanistan), then why not rejoice in the fact that both Republicans and Democrats wanted the same thing and agreed on something and got it done?
How about not being so eager to place blame on someone if stuff goes sideways in the future, rather than how the withdrawal of US forces benefits/does not benefit the US?
And yet, Pelosi, Biden, Hillary signed off to fund Bush’s war, so they’re equally as culpable.
Only a fool would have believed that. Ever heard of “Taqiya?”
After 9/11 both sides wanted retribution not only the former President.
I agree with you on that one.
Trump didn’t start any wars. What was Truman again?
Anyway, the point is, both sides have done and engaged in wars some justified and others questionable.
CNN lol
because posters were very, very clear here that Biden deserves praise for getting this done and that haha Trump failed to do it. Yet these same posters dont want any consequences to go to Biden for his choices.
Now its, well they both wanted the same thing so they are both accountable. so as usual, premature credit to Biden and (shared) blame to Trump. Can just one time Biden and only Biden be held personally accountable for anything he does?
How long have the troops been in South Korea, Japan, Germany? 80 years?
Are you under the impression that the situations in South Korea, Japan and Germany are somehow comparable to the one in Afghanistan? How many US soldiers have fought and died in Germany lately?
I have found its useless to put Democrats in power. All they do is say that Republicans wont let them do anything and that it is not their fault that they cant do anything about anything.
But when they want something- an investigation, an impeachment vote, Obamacare, drone strikes, Iran deals, pallets of cash on a plane, climate accord- somehow they are able to get those done. So its just a convenient excuse.
You're not even making sense anymore. Maybe you should take a break?
It is a mistake to view historical events as independent. The actions and policies of the preceding administration/President contribute immensely to the development and success of the current and subsequent administration(s)/president(s). The crimes, the victories, the successes, the defeats, etc., of the previous administration and president are not immediately washed away upon the swearing in of the new administration and president.
Sven Asai
Now I know what all they really want to build back again.
Ridiculous ineptness. Of course the US should get out of the mess, but you do not publish a date for that!