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© 2020 AFPChina says relations with U.S. on the brink of new Cold War
By Ludovic EHRET BEIJING©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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© 2020 AFP
non party
China should say like this " China's relations with the rest of the world is a new HOT war. The whole world hate Chinese communist regime who are bullying and stealing the rest of the world.
20 years ago visioned people said China will encroach South China sea, people laughed , now see what is happening.. China is going to colonize entire Africa and Latin America..
No world leader is there to speak, all those mouth are shut, filled with Chinese dirty money. Only Trump has back borne to stand against that regime. South east Asia is thankful to Trump.
The Avenger
How about we just surrender the GOP to China as a gesture of goodwill.
Trump has damaged not just the strategic interests of our country, but also those of our allies who depended on us for leadership as the preeminent democracy of the West. Trump's incompetence, mean-spirited selfishness and corruption has left democracies world-wide weaker and forced to fend for themselves both logistically and ideologically in a time of peril.
China is right.
It’s scary.
It's worrying the US is led by an unstable individual, someone who puts his and his family's wealth ahead of the health and well-being of the general population, with the possible exception of his faction of the so called 'elite'.
It's even more worrying that Trump's running for re-election and seems to be increasingly desperate as the virus death toll grows daily and the economy continues sinking.
Knock wood there are still some adults in DC who'll try to stop any GOP/Trump wag the dogs to distract from his and their ongoing bumbling.
That's right, because pointing missiles at each other solves the problem.
They just never learn do they.
On the brink of? The CCP has been engaged in a Cold War non-stop, the only difference is that now the US (and other countries) are beginning to wake up to that and to respond.
The Avenger
By starting to address the CCP problem? How so?
If the 'they' referred to are the 'elite', e.g. Xi and his fellow 'elite', Trump and his fellow 'elite', along with the 'elite' throughout history I think they have learned that cold wars make it easier to increase military budgets, and actual wars involving hardware and troops even easier.
The 'elite' know their class get richer and more powerful with wars and rumors of wars. They control defense industries and finance.
Utter nonsense, it’s quite simple, if China doesn’t want to take responsibility for what it’s done to world, people and the economy, I do think it’s time to put China on serious notice and you need to get caught up in a physical war to do that.
No one wants a war, maybe the high tech silicone valley people might, that could provide a lot of contracts for them. Cha-ching!
Yep, and there's one politician who is at the head of the list, blaming China for the virus, saying their unfair traders, and that they're stealing American jobs....
Of course, he also gives them millions in dollars in contracts to make his "Trump Collection" clothing line in Chinese sweatshop factories, instead of giving those millions to US workers...
"China bad, except when they make my ties at 50 cents each that I then sell for $125"...
Make no mistake, China is an adversary - but they didn't launch a massive influence operation attack on our election in 2016, they didn't invade and occupy their neighbor in Ukraine and Crimea, they don't send nuclear capable bombers and submarines off our coasts...
The leader of the country that is doing that, and our President, are BFF's....
This is just another case of the same old snotty 'blah blah blah'.
Xi and Diaper-Stinking Donnie: two bigmouth schoolyard bullies who are always talking trash.
But then 'you' need to get caught up in one? (see below)
Who's 'you'? Chicken hawks want others to fight wars for them.
Not one, many, even Schumer.
Thank you, all the more reason to support all efforts to boycott China until they take responsibility for what they’ve done.
But the Dems did on the incoming administration.
The previous administration did nothing to help them, but they gave them blankets, nice.
I've never heard of 'silicone' valley. But if those people are part of the 'elite' or one of its factions, they'd probably also get richer from a war. Or rumors of one.
Wars and military spending have been essential to maintaining the US economy for decades. Trump and his neocons are doing what they can to continue military spending. Hopefully no additional wars, but who knows. A wag the dog would distract from his failings.
CCP have been waging various forms of war against the West, especially USA. CCP reveals the real ugly face to the world during this pandemic for actions speak louder than words Why CCP silenced and arrested the early whistle blowers? why banning Wuhan citizens from entering Beijing and let them seed the virus throughout the world while hording PPE from the rest of the world ? Why destroyed virus samples and preventing expert from visiting the lab? why using WHO to misinform the world of human to human transmission (Taiwan had informed WHO since early days)? Why using wolf diplomacy against Australia and the rest of the world, including Hong Kong? The world demands immediate access to Wuhan virology now , not after the virus is over? Allegedly speaking if crimes is founded and established, CCP leaders should be at Hague for crime against humanity. Xi follows the same path as chairman Mao...and CCP's bots are very active on this site!
The origins of the virus and China's response have become highly politicized, with U.S. President Donald Trump accusing Beijing of a lack of transparency, and pushing the theory that it may have leaked from a Chinese maximum-security laboratory.
Trump is a total failure.
Biden 2020
Yes, you have, excuse the typo
Yeah, rumors.
To a certain point, but not overall
Personally, I like a strong military, like a love a massive pit bull, cute, but effective when you need it.
Show me a Schumer-brand Chinese made tie...for $125....
Using your logic, we should boycott the White House too - good suggestion... Does your boycott include Trump's clothing line?
You're disagreeing with yourself again - you've acknowledged Russia's influence campaign in 2016...
Uh-huh....tell me one time Trump has told Putin to get out of Crimea in three years?
Server all senators have already US is “definitely at war with China” this week.
...and he is correct in all of that. Own goal very much?
I think you can ask him yourself.
No, because they didn’t cause the pandemic.
Russia interfered but it had no influence on the election, Hillary did as Biden is doing now.
He shouldn’t have to at this point it should have never happened under Obama.
Right, you can't...
He did in America - now close to 100K deaths...
Good, thank you. They did interfere - not China...
Right, you can't...
My point exactly, so you don’t know.
So how should China compensate for all of this.
And had no influence on the election and now that over the last 4 years Democrats in vain chased Rabbits down holes and had fruitless searches, some are waking up to seeing and realizing that China was the real threat all along, but better late than never..
Excuse Obama, good point
Armed the Ukrainians which he refused to do
Didn't have to be, we helped the Saudis, the Israelis, they help us like the Ukrainians and he left them.
They sure are! Lol
Typical pub logic. When Obama was the president, anything that happened was his fault. Now that Trump is president, nothing that happens is his fault.
Because good leaders don't step up and take responsibility, right?
China has been waging a war against the United States in every which way except for "real shooting" for the last 10-15 years at least. Every which way includes manipulating the news outlets, media, entertainment, an army of intertnet trolls, to convince Americans that China is not a threat. All while taking advantage of the US through military and industrial espionage, ip theft, going as far as brainwashing Americans through their "Confucious Institutes" infiltrating US schools. About the only good thing that came out of Trump being in office is that he put all this out on the table. This is a US national security issue and one needs to leave Trump the idiot out of the analysis. Even paranoids have real enemies.
Peter Wright
CCP and brutal despotic regime in China showed real face to the whole world. I am so happy to live in free democratic country.