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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Debate commission says it will make changes to format
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I doubt the change includes mic kill switch since the bully Trump won't agree to that
Trump's a thug. Thug businessmale, thug politician. Genomically incapable of any sort of decency.
Initial polling shows that Trump did worse out of this, not surprisingly. Biden, never a great speaker, still remained pretty calm and was coherent - not the image Trump had been building.
Trump was like a cross between an angry baboon and an Tourette's sufferer. An embarrassment to him, his party and his country.
Put Trump in a soundproof acrylic box and turn on the microphone only when it's his turn to speak. Or put a muzzle on him that will give an electric shock if he speaks out of turn.
Make it a debate requirement. Either Trump agrees, or no more debates and he's leaves the country and the world with the image of him as a rabid dog.
If Trump isn't willing to make concessions to allow for a debate where Biden can actually speak, then Biden shouldn't waste time debating with Trump anymore. He's already proven his mental acuity is better than Trump, that he's a better debater, more intelligent (Trump told him not to use the word 'smart' around Trump!), more compassionate, and with a better record. Trump showed that his only game is to try to talk people into believing what he is saying, even when it's clear he doesn't know what he's talking about.
I was saying for days before the debate that it didn't serve the American people, and I was right. They got to hear a tiny little bit of Biden's plan, and no plan at all from Trump. It was a waste of everyone's time.
Vegas increased the odds of Biden winning by 5% after the debate. They are the least partisan of anyone, their dedication is to the almighty dollar.
Debating from separate rooms and 20 second answers to questions, to keep the debate flowing.
The Avenger
Trump came off as a raving lunatic. Is that really what we want for a president? He is irrational , rude, bellicose. He lies constantly. It was embarrassing and demoralizing. I am concerned for the sanctity of the election. Trump may have to be physically removed from the White House.
I much prefer an open discussion format which allows a candidate who really knows their facts to pin down their opponent and deliver a knock-out blow (or humiliate themselves if they fail). What we saw yesterday was basically a French-style presidential debate where candidates can interject at any time. The old structured American debates are hardly worth watching in my opinion. They're just opportunities for the candidates to repeat canned talking points while looking presidential.
Kill his mic! And if that doesn't work some double strength STFU duct tape would. He must not be allowed another opportunity to disgrace the stage and make a laughingstock of American democracy.
That first “debate” was as a train wreck of epic proportions. The choices this year are as bad as four years ago. Trump was horrible - coming off like a coal miner on his way to the pub after a shift. Biden is tired and pallid. He is led around by the nose by the marxists and appears that he could keel over from a stroke at any minute.
Instead of changing the debate format just cancel the debates altogether. Americans no longer know how to debate anyway. Debates rarely change any minds because they are no longer an important means of conveying a candidate’s views on the issues. The candidates are creatures of their parties. You know what the candidates stand for just by their party affiliations. There is essentially no such thing as a pro-life Democrat or a pro-abortion Republican. Go right on down the line of Progressive and conservative issues and it’s pretty much the same.
If you believe in Socialism ( high taxes in exchange for one size fits all benefits), identity politics that emphasizes demographic differences and relative degrees of victim status and guilt - vote Democrat. If you like a light version of Socialism while pretending to believe in personal responsibility, individual liberty, and a color blind government - vote Republican. If you like prolific government spending in failing government programs and nearly bankrupted “insurance” and medical programs you have a plethora of choices. If you want to be free and the government to stop micromanaging every aspect of your life - you are out of luck.
And it was.
What it did show was though Biden certainly lacks Bill Clinton and President Obama's eloquence, he's far from the dementia suffering man Trump's keyboard armies (US and 'foreign') have been using their numerous media outlets to try to claim. Once more Trump's keyboard trolls have been shown they have zero credibility.
The structure of the debates is important because it actually influences the type of candidate that parties nominate. If the debates are extremely rigid and formal, candidates over 70 like Biden and Trump can still be competitive. But if you move towards a more free-flowing French-style debate where you need quick wit and facts at your fingertips, only younger candidates will be competitive. So if you want your party to be represented by younger people rather than the old generation, you should support the type of debate format we saw yesterday.
It'd be less interesting, but just turn off the microphone of the one or ones who aren't asked a question. Another option might be to put electric dog collars on each of the candidates to shock them whenever they get too excited. That would be kind of entertaining to watch, especially in Trump's case.
Socialism isn't just high taxes, what a ridiculous over-simplification. Nor are the benefits one-size-fits-all, the poor deserve more of them.
Identity politics like "Proud Boys stand back and stand by?" Make no mistake, the Democratic party is far, far more diverse than the GOP, which is exactly why reaching out different groups is more important than in the GOP.
A light version of Socialism? lolz Is that what you call taking healthcare away from the poor and letting them die because they can't afford healthcare?
Yeah, let's pretend that the GOP doesn't ever sabotage fully functional programs, because they don't agree with them. See "starve the beast."
Mute switch for the microphones and a lobotomy for Trump.
Not sure if muting is the perfect answer but at this point I can't really think of a better option.
also need a glass room so that even with the mic off Trump cannot be heard. Otherwise it would still be distracting
Alfie Noakes
Put the clown in a gimp suit and unzip the mouthpiece every few minutes to let him bellow his gibberish. Zip him up again and the other adults can have a normal discussion.
This ship is sailing perilously close to the edge of the world.
@superlib: I think muting is the answer. When it is Trump’s 2 minutes mute Biden’s mic. Similarly mute Trump when it’s Biden’s 2 minutes. When it’s free discussion leave microphones on for both.
Also maybe it’s better to lengthen the 2 minutes, shorten free discussion and add a rebuttal time for each (with above mentioned muting)
Sorry I meant to add that muting should not be controlled by the moderator to remove any implied or real bias
That debate was an absolute mess, with two old men constantly attacking each other, not offering any real and innovative solutions to their people for the next 4 years.
There is little point of reviewing the format, if the “debate” participants have no intention of entering into a debate.
He is led around by the nose by the marxists...
Aw, come on now! Don't cheapen your argument with empty right-wing scaremongering slogans and rhetoric. American "marxists" are a very rare animal once thought to be extinct. Fact is, the "Left" in Amerika has a negligible presence in the media and 99% of the American public wouldn't be able to expound on socialism any more than Trump could give a talk on the American Constitution. Joe is still an old school establishment pol with limited intellect and imagination who has not aged well, but he's the DNC's "anointed one" and the electorate has no choice but to bite the bullet and hope KH can quickly get behind the Resolute Desk and give him a rest.
Keep everything as is so that the world can see what we in the U.S. have wrought upon ourselves.
Agree with Wolfpack, what is the point. Everyone absolutely knows what you are going to get from Trump if he wins. After 47 years (term limits for Supreme Court and Congress please), everyone should know what you have with Biden. Shut it down and vote.
...a lobotomy for Trump
if they can find anything between his ears to operate on.
Peter Neil
I recommend it be made into a real TV show: Americas Got Politicians
Three judge panel with buzzers and a golden buzzer that opens a trap door.
Graham DeShazo
I do not think there is anything the debate commission can do to make him obey the rules short of a dunk tank.
Well yes, I was not writing a book on the evils of socialism. Just a post on a news website. The benefits are essentially one size fits all because the power is taken away from millions of individuals to tailor the program to their particular needs. People should be allowed the choice to decide for themselves what they need - not what politicians and bureaucrats offer them.
The Dems “diversity” is only skin deep. The party is increasingly defining itself as the anti-white party. It’s why the working class is leaving in droves. As America has become increasingly minority the Dems have become increasingly hostile to the idea of a color blind society. This is destroying America and the long term consequences are catastrophic. The party is “diverse” now because it is in middle of getting rid of those evil innately racist caucasian’s. It’s horrible what is happening.
There have always been millions of people in that boat even under Obamacare? I find it odd that you make the claim that a benefit can be taken away from a person who doesn’t pay for it. Such a person has nothing “taken” from them.
Yeah it's the bias accusations that worry me.
One thing muting doesn't solve is one person trying to answer a question still being able to hear the other guy barking in his ear which is a distraction and can take away from the ability to answer.
The Freak Show in Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America was one that should never be repeated. What an embarrassment and disgrace for the USA and to the image of the nation.
And the nonsense that the November 3rd elections will be a fraud has got to stop.
The fraud occupying the White House is the worst fraud the United States of America has suffered in decades, a fraud that should not be repeated.
The nation has been in an undeclared state of emergency since November 8, 2016 and we “have seen what happens”.
Gotta make kid rules when you have a big dumb kid in it. The guy couldn't shut up.
jack o helen
Biden was never a good debater. However, you could see the work he did in his preparation of facts to present. Yes, he is very deliberate in his speaking, and his stuttering would flare up at times, but he did a remarkable job in remaining calm considering he had to deal with the shouting from the orange ape. I just can't believe that this is only the first of three debates. I don't think we can take any more.
Yes, Mr. Wallace was a bit at fault for not controlling things, but I think he was faced with an impossible task having to deal with someone who clearly doesn't listen or have any manners. It's a far-cry from having to deal with a debate like Obama vs. Romney, or Bush vs. Kerry, where the participants actually acted presidential and followed the rules.
Biden was a very slow old man with no plan, Trump acted like a high school bully. The people of America lost.
Biden's worst faults were two- first, he was too personal and used derogatory personal insults too often. Second, he refused to state any policy positions on important issues.
It is true, Trump needs to just let him talk and then counter. If he does, the emptiness of Biden's ideas could be the focus, not the esthetics of the event.
Graham DeShazo
The best thing the debate commission could do would be to say “We cannot make any adjustments to our rules that would be obeyed by Mr. Trump or would prevent him from subverting the debate. The debates are hereby canceled.”.
jack o helen
Trump has shown that he has one debate tactic only. It is to bully and cast insults. He questioned Biden's mental ability, but when asked about his sources, all he could say is "You can check out the Internet. You'll see".
I expect Trump to add more insults at future debates. Also, he has yet to lay out any form of policy even though he is still promising to make America great again. Proving that for four years, he has done nothing.
As long as Biden can remain statesmanlike, and upright, he will win. He should just take the high road, remain calm, and let Trump be a bully and act foolish. The only ones who are turned on by bullying tactics are the rabid white supremacist fan base, which I'm sure doesn't represent most of America.
Biden is all in with the UN Build Back Better baloney.
Biden can't remain statesmanlike, because he WASN'T statesmanlike in the first debate. Calling your opponent a clown and telling him to shut up is hardly statesmanlike. The only personal insults came from him.
He needs to show more substance and do more than speak in bromides and platitudes.
Trump literally called Biden a poo.
jack o helen
LOL. Trump called Biden stupid, and characterized him as having dementia. And the list goes on. Pretty much all Trump said were insults.
Well, someone had to say it. I'm pretty sure a lot of Trump's staff wishes they could say the same thing, but are just too afraid to say it. Biden simply said what a lot of Americans wish they could say to the bully Trump. If a bully insults and demeans you, you need to stand up to him, and that's what Joe did.
Biden is a coward, why doesn’t he answer any questions? If he wasn’t going to try and pack the SC he would have just said, No, but the old fool just refused to answer. He won’t even push to call for his supporters to stop rioting, it’s so all disturbing. Biden wants to get elected for what? The guy didn’t even outline a single policy. Calling Trump names doesn’t make you a good candidate and 47 years of political doesn’t make you. Begged politician.
That’s not what socialism is, and frankly it’s exactly this type of misrepresentation and mos characterization, in order to push your far-right ideals, that has brought America to be the sh*thole it’s become. And you deserve it for your unbending unreasonable extremism. And even as we watch your country collapse from it, your team accepts no blame and tries to pretend it’s someone else’s fault.
It’s not. You lie in the bed you make.
He did:
Rule of law
-Rebuild the economy again to what it was before the virus that China unleashed.
-More business tax cuts this time to small businesses
-Lowering more prescription drug prices
-Continuation and completion of the wall.
-Focusing on helping move up minority communities.
-Continue pushing for a cure of the COVID virus.
Not to mention he has over 289 accomplishments under his belt.
There needs to be another debate as Trump needs to clarify his mobilization orders for the charming Proud Boys, who he today bizarrely claimed he has no knowledge of.
The Proud Boys are a fringe group of anti antifa types. Probably couldn't fill up a subway car with all their members. Not sure why Biden brought them up, they are irrelevant. Also they have nothing to do with the White supremacy movement.
Can't seem to find any info on Proud Boys rioting or looting or burning down businesses..... can you help me out there?
Sadly going forward in the US debates will HAVE to mute debaters when their speaking time is up, to allow others to have their say.....
How pathetic is this you ask......really pathetic, when I was is in junior\senior high school we had MANY debates & they NEVER had incidents like this past supposed debate
trump needs to go & SOON he is clearly totally un-hinged & a major danger to the US of A!!! Words are simply unable to describe his ineptitude, his idiocy, anything about this insane a loss really, I hope the US survives ITSELF!
Hervé L'Eisa
Notice that the image selected for this article is of the media's preferred candidate who was handed softballs during the debate and not interrupted once by the heavily biased Anti-Trumper Wallace.
Opinions of the outcome are all over the place, but to me the big takeaway is the 36% drop in viewers from the first Trump-Hillary debate in 2016. What it means is that voters have already decided their candidate.
Ask yourselves honestly : If Candidate A had performed abysmally and Candidate B had performed wonderfully, would the event have swayed your support from A to B?
Pretty sure most of you would say NO.
The most important thing to change for future debates is to have moderators who are ACTUALLY UNBIASED and for the questions to be fairly balanced for both candidates. When the playing field in so skewed, as in yesterday's and all of 2016's, it's unsurprising that the disadvantaged candidate has to fight a lot harder.
Biden was weak and elusive, characteristics that the Chinese and Russians would prefer in the US President.
Graham DeShazo
Isn’t “Proud boys” a pretty homo-erotic name for a White Supremacy group?
None of this is true.
Do I have to do this again?
This is what Trump called for. Riots, stabbings, stalkings and paramilitary violence.
This is what you support.
Since 2016, I'm afraid debates are a relic of the past - they've now turned into theatrical events for the reality TV crowd... Remember the Repub debates that devolved into insults about hand size and who's father helped assassinate JFK...
There was nothing different from last night's debate and the Kardashian sisters pulling each other's hair...
That's not how we should determine how to assess our political candidates and their policies...
No more debates - just have one candidate on the stage with no audience being asked questions by a moderator. If the candidate wants to fight with the moderator, so be it - you see what you get...
That's it?
Pretty thin soup there. A few guys got into fights with Antifa types. They made rude social media posts. Meh.
How many businesses did they burn down or loot? How many police did they assault? Antifa and their BLM buddies have done something in the order of 2 BILLION dollars of damage. There have been 4 MONTHS of nightly riots in Portland.
Sorry, no equivalency here at all.
Graham DeShazo
“I can’t seem to find any info on them on-line.”
Are you living under a rock? They have a Twitter handle. They are recruiting and fund raising off Trump’s refusal to denounce them. It was clearly a wink-wink nod to voter suppression.
Trump more or less guaranteed violence in the streets last night by asking the Proud Boys, a violent far-right group to "stand by" to act for him, telling his supporters (including the Proud Boys) to harass and intimidate voters, and refusing to accept the result of the election.
On election day, there will be reports of intimidation by white men, some of them armed, at the polls. This will be especially evident at areas with large minority populations. Some will turn violent as scuffles occur.
On the night of the election, Trump will declare victory, despite postal ballots having not yet been counted. If he is ahead in the count on the night, he will say that vote counting must stop. If he is behind, he will say the results are faked. Right wing mobs will take to the streets to "enforce" his declaration.
People counting postal ballots will be attacked by right wing agitators, as they were in the 2000 election.
As Biden calls for all the votes to be counted, supporters of democracy will protest the theft of the election, and Proud Boys and others who are "standing by" will attack, having last night been given the blessing of the President.
Graham DeShazo
Revert to form - “I don’t know who they are.”.
What a joke.
Oh, so you didn't even watch the debate. And yet, here you are commenting on it.
Once again, the right on this website excuse violent criminality when white men do it. Disgusting.
None of this is true.
Correct. Antifa are against fascism, Proud Boys are violent fascists supported by the fascist President, Donald Trump.
Well the third moderator if it happens was an intern for Biden. Does that count as "unbiased"? Fact check before knee jerk down vote.
From the debate transcript:
Wallace: You have repeatedly criticized the vice president for not specifically calling out Antifa and other left wing extremist groups. But are you willing tonight to condemn white supremacists and militia group and to say that they need to stand down and not add to the violence in a number of these cities as we saw in Kenosha and as we’ve seen in Portland.
Trump: Sure, I’m willing to do that.
Case closed.
Yes, it is case closed, because he DIDN'T condemn white supremacists or militias. He encouraged them and said they were needed.
Trump is a fascist.
Cut both mics throughout. Problem solved.
really? What part of "I'm willing to do that" and later he said "I am willing to do anything. I want to see peace." shows he is a fascist?
We should give trump even more opportunities to make a bigger fool out of himself.
He was like a schoolyard bully yesterday, shouting and ranting till he was taken down by Biden, then whining throughout.
Biden showed clearly why he is going to be the next President.
He is a gentleman but not afraid to dish it out to cowardly bullies.
The bit where he didn't condemn anyone, and instead addressed a fascist organisation directly and told them to "stand back, stand by". The Proud Boys are celebrating. One of their key figures said that he is happy because Trump gave them permission to commit violence.
The shock on trump's face at being called, 'Clown', and a 'Liar', was a joy to watch. Even if they had put it on pay per view I would have paid happily.
And the best was 'Putin's Puppy'.
Boy that really hurt!!!!
Hillary told Biden to not concede if he loses no matter and not one Democrat has forcefully come out in support of the police to stop all of the 98% violent Antifa and BLM that continue to destroy the city and they promised more violence if Biden loses.
And what will BLM do? Nothing peaceful at the polls as well.
Or the other way around. All the more reason to appoint Trump’s nominee to the bench. The Dems will do whatever they can to harvest votes to force an election if need be, damn democracy and damn the American people. Remember, it’s the radical liberals burning the flag, says it all.
Graham DeShazo
“The shock on trump's face at being called, 'Clown', and a 'Liar', was a joy to watch.”
Thats what happens when you smack a bully in the mouth (rhetorically speaking) because at heart all bullies, (of which Trump is most certainly one) are cowards.
Other appropriate terms would have been racist, coward, con-artist, sociopath and moron.
Oh, a bass4funk post.
That reminds me.
For those US voters here in Japan who are under the impression that we can vote by casting a ballot on election day at the embassy in Tokyo or at one of the consulates throughout the country, this is NOT the case. Elections are run at the state level, not the Federal level, and you must return your ballot by post.
Anyone who tells you that we can vote in a consulate or at the embassy is lying to you.
Avoid the Fukuoka consulate on the day of the election. I suspect that one angry Trump supporter who insists that they can vote at the consulate will be making a ruckus.
And yet, he didn't. Case open.
The part where he told the Proud Boys, a right wing extremist group (yes yes, we understand your talking point is to pretend they're nothing), to stand by, then to "watch the polls".
Straight up fascist behavior. Name a fascist dictatorship ever where that didn't happen. You can't, because they don't exist. Remember, there are elections in North Korea. And they call themselves Democratic too.
If anyone thought Biden won they wouldn’t be trying to change the rules.
also “I’m willing to work this weekend” does not need to be followed up by anything. It is my affirmation of the question asked of me.
Proud Boys were called out specifically by Trump, but no doubt the dozens (hundreds?) of other white nationalist groups, including neo-nazis heard their master's dog whistle.
It’s a weak position when all you have is the “willing” needs to be follows up with something else or stand by doesn’t mean take no action but is an order to do something
Biden clearly won.
And the rules clearly need to be changed.
I do understand however that your team, being of the opinion that power must be attained no matter what, at any cost, any expense, wouldn't be able to grasp the concept that some people can win, and still see a need to fix the system. This concept is entirely outside of your grasp of morality, and your team isn't understand the concept of the people before power, so it must be very confusing to you that people would want to do the right thing even if/when they win. I pity anyone stuck with that confusion, because the world is about to get a lot more confusing for them.
So you expect me to believe there is a call to change the rules that were used when Biden WON? Nah.
Graham DeShazo
For once I have to say that Black may be right: Maybe the debate commission shouldn’t change the rules.
My rationale is different though. More of what we saw yesterday would convince even more undecideds and some soft Trump supporters that he is an u.n.-hinged narcissistic sociopath who is also a racist.
Yep people who lost complain about “the rules”. Do you see any republicans trying to change the electoral college? Trying to make new voting rules? Create new states? Add justices? Nope.
losers blame “the rules”
Yes, he was thinking 47 years and all this guys greatest achievement is writing a crime bill that was racist to the core that divided and displaced more black people since the Civil War.
Funny, Biden wants to take out Trump and smack him. Trump towering over Biden as frail as he is was thinking, not even worth it, Trump should have continued to let Biden finish his prepared lines.
And that’s pretty much it. Biden and Democrats have nothing else to offer but just name-calling, which is the easiest thing to do, come on man!
Well, it's clear to the world.
I have zero expectations that you would ever actually admit that though. Your entire team's strategy is based on pretending reality is something other than it is. And look what that has done to your country. Good job.
I am honestly not sure where the paranoia about fascism is coming from. There is zero chance of the US being anything other than it is- a fractuous republic governed by its constitution. Trump is no dictator, not can he ever be one. Nor is he a racist, other than in the fevered minds of his haters. I'd love to hear one Trump policy that is racist.
Also not sure where the fear of "White supremacists" comes from. Again, the imagination largely. The vast majority of Americans are sensible and decent people. They detest any whiff of racism or bigotry. The biggest and baddest of these groups, the dreaded KKK, at last count has fewer than 5000 members.
If only everyone would drop the hysteria and virtue signalling and perhaps just for a minute or two focus on policy and vision...
Have a Zoom meeting and mute the speakers when it is not their turn!
You make a good point.
Exactly. Because the rules are stacked in their favor, and power is more important than morality or the people, so they never would do that.
That may be true because trump has been claiming that everything is rigged and unfair since he started this trainwreck of a presidency.
Who is the "Biggest loser", again?
Besides, the American people under his presidency, of course!
I like the idea of fact checks during the debate. I read one idea that these could appear on screen as text and not interrupt the debate.
The problem with Trump in a debate is that it would be like watching a subtitled film.
They don't detest that whiff enough to not elect a racist who encourages violence and voter suppression amongst white supremacist groups classed as 'extremist' by America's own law agencies.
That is so true. Jonathan Haidt observes that the conservatives generally tend to be "systems oriented", i.e. observe the rules, while leftists are "goal oriented", i.e. bend the rules to achieve what you want. We see that constantly in the ongoing fight between the populist and elitist parties. While there are some merits to both traits, you really should dread the day where you are ruled be fanatical goal oriented people.
As an American who grew up long hearing the far right saying the country needs a tougher leader and tougher laws to stifle opposition,
who's currently watching Putin, Erdogan, Xi, Duterte, and so many other right far authoritarians take even greater control over their populations while stifling opposition,
who's currently watching a right wing group of billionaires pushing for a Supreme Court filled with justices who believe the executive should have even stronger powers,
who's currently watching authoritarian movements in the US push for stronger powers for an executive,
who's watching dozens of militant right wing groups push for the current right wing executive to even stronger powers,
and who's read probably too much history about fascism and other forms of totalitarianism I completely understand what what you call 'paranoia' is all about. Especially when so many 'foreign' voices are calling for the US to turn even farther right.
Which means by your own explanation anti-antifa that the "Proud Boys" support fascism. Thank you for the clarification!
No wonder trump likes them because he supports fascism too!
Don’t know, but for us that are registered in our hometowns in the city district can request a ballot
Liberals can think whatever they wish, it’s a free world.
No, I want my vote counted.
The coservatives wrote the rules in a way that have ended up with the government not being a representation of the people. The democrats want the system to evolve, so that it is being representative of the people, rather than representative of itself and the power it provides.
The "Dear Leader" in the Oval Office has been bending rules as well as criminally breaking the rules (Goal-oriented). ie. I will say and do anything to get re-elected and save myself from prison and embarrassment!
So, are you now claiming that trump is a "Leftist" by your own comments.
Is that the trump supporters next playbook move? When trump begins to completely spiral out of control, you are going to claim that he was never one of us, and you knew it all along!
jack o helen
Conservative thinking: party country
Liberal thinking: country party
Trump thinking: (Trump + money + golf) party country
jack o helen
Let me reword it:
Conservative ranking: 1. party 2. country
Liberal ranking: 1. country 2. party
Trump ranking: 1. Trump 2. money 3. golf 4. party 5. country
Please keep voting this way then. That way Trump won't get your vote either.
Well, seeing how the liberals have burned down the biggest liberal cities and in particular the black communities (which will never come back) I would say, the country did come first. Harris has the party already locked in by default.