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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Declaring 'America is back,' Biden introduces nominees
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More same old same old DC, but still better than Trump's circus.
Add 'GSA doesn't determine...' to the 'media don't determine...' to the alt right's glossary.
Trump's pathetic. And playing golf while the country continues to suffer from the bungled messes he's leaving behind.
Bernard Marx
Alejandro Mayorkas for Homeland Security?! Is this some kind of joke?
Give me Thomas Homan any day.
Make the bed you slept in. This is gonna be funny IF biden becomes president. Lol
America never left? Now that Trump has gone it’s all going to go to shambles, IF Biden becomes president, that’s a big IF, he’ll have a lot of work to do to catch up to Trumps superb job. (Extremely doubtful he will actually becomes president though...)
Rudi and the rest of Trump’s crack legal team are holding a press conference on the New Jersey shore today, demanding the tide not come in- they’ve got some real legal bombshells coming in next week apparently... or maybe the week after- definitely coming though.
Haaa Nemui
maybe it’s about how they’re going to defend themselves from the calls to have them disbarred for bringing the legal system into disrepute.
Graham DeShazo
How nice it is to see a cabinet devoid of morons, sycophants, grifters or adult children.
Trump refusing to concede is the very definition of a pathetic loser. People who thought highly of him must now be very embarrassed.
America will be back with China in control.
The virus that was planted has given China time to seize the world.
Biden can't fix it, he's not strong enough
jack o helen
That to me, says it all. We need a leader that will hire people who will be frank, and not be afraid to say what needs to be said. We don't need people trying to only say the things that Trump wants to hear; for fear of being fired or insulted by Trump. Biden will listen to what they have to say and make decisions based on the facts; not on little voices in Trump's brain.
The pick is with some reservation a welcome relief from Trump's usual suspects, but what is Biden's bunch going to do to win back those millions of rural and blue-collar class Americans to the side of democracy by creating a "color-blind", more equitable society? Is this doddery darling of the Democrat establishment going to be able to fix all that has been broken by 40 years of willful abandonment and neglect since Reagan first chirped his sunny song of "New Morning Amerika" - "Prouder, Stronger, Better" (chorus - yadda yadda yadda)?
In comparison to trump, the so-so Biden will look like one of the best presidents in US history. As the US heals and gets better, it will make trump furious. I love it!
trump will try to take credit for every success that follows Biden's election and will make it even harder for trump to run for office again if he is not arrested.
trump. @Blacklabel and @Bass were wrong! The stockmarket is not crashing! It is actully gotten better since trump lost the election, and the GSA transferred funds to help Biden get started.
LOL!!!!! Yep!!!!!!
Bob Fosse
Blimey! A conspiracy theory! Well I never!
It feels like experiencing a political re-run of Back to the Future. John Kerry, an eco Dr. Emmett Brown.
It will be nice to return to a presidency where you aren't getting weekly Twitter firings and half-dozen people going to jail.
Better than? Very very odd. You rail against the fossil fuel overlords then flip flop when they’re your fossil fuel overlords.
They are worse, and you know it. At least admit that please.
Hmmmmmm.... Where have I heard that kind of language before..... Oh yeah that is what Trudeau said but as it turns out American will start to get COVID vaccine within 2 weeks and COVID is raging across Canada and Trudeau said today that the earliest Canadians will get a vaccine is the end of Q1 in 2021. Since the government does not operate on the calendar year that means that the earliest "Canada's Back" voters will get a vaccine is July. But America is back baby, which probably means more bombs falling in far away lands and more slow decline without lifting a finger against China. Yippee.
came for the salty comments , wasnt disappointed lol
he Biden will be president
Biden can't fix it, he's not strong enough
oh and what is Trump doing, hes too busy playing golf trying to fleece as much cash from the taxpayer before he leaves
@Strangerland The government of Canada fiscal year starts on April 1st. When the government says Q1 they mean April, May and June with July being the start of Q2.
Yes, I understand that's the assumption you made. Yo know what they say about assumptions.
Q1 is Jan - March. If they were talking fiscal year, they would say fiscal year.
A carrot would've been an improvement of several orders of magnitude on some of the current administration officials.
As these people are functional human beings, with backgrounds and experience in the fields they are going to be working in, this should be seen as major progress regardless of your political affiliation. Let them do their jobs for a bit, and then critique them on their performance rather than just political biases before they've even started.
Notice that Biden hasn't announced a job for any of his family members yet. How refreshing.
The nightmare ends; the freaks, criminals, and grifters are sent packing; and the weak, pathetic, two-year old sulks and tweets fairy tales...
And a return to competent, professional, respected government...
According to whom? The media elite slop? Certainly his choices are not good for the American people.
I have zero regard for the opinions of anyone who supported Trump, and is criticizing Biden's picks. They supported a guy who put his children and Jarrod in power. These people clearly don't know how to evaluate competency (remember, two Bushes and a Trump), so their opinions can be safely regarded as being useless. Unless you use it as an indicator of what is wrong. Then it's got a use.
@Strangerland Not sure if you have ever had any dealings at all with any level of government but when they say 1st quarter they defiantly do not mean January, February, March. Everything, everything goes by the fiscal year.
It's great to have qualified people in the Biden administration who will work for the responsibility of the jobs they hold and America, and not just for the whims of a tweeting crybaby in the White House.
The idiocy of the lying Trump administration was evident in his choice of his cabinet, who often were unqualified and had no idea what they were doing nor why. Good riddance, sycophants!
Trump may have taken the country to the edge, but with the choices Biden is making for his administration, he will certainly finish the job by driving the U.S. off a cliff. Biden's vision and expertise in anything political is obsolete.
John Kerry???? This is a joke right?
Graham DeShazo
Indeed. When Joe competently manages the pandemic and restores the economy to growth WHILE AT THE SAME TIME, dealing with climate change, Joe will look like Abraham Lincoln compared to COVID Don.
Well, as a Trump supporter, I think all these picks stink...
Come on, why would you want a group of experienced, professional, respected staff members...they can't make America great...
We need real pros like Omarosa, Scaramucchi, Bannon...
And who can replace Ivanka? No one knows how to sell handbags like her...
Jon Voight would be a better Secretary of Defense - didn't you see him on Deliverance?
Saw this written twice.
It's not an if. The fact is Biden is President elect, because Donald Trump lost re-election.
Truth hurts, but again, no 'if's'...Joe Biden beat Donald Trump 306-232 in the electoral college. And over 6 and a half million votes.
Get over yourselves, already. Quit watching far right fake news and listening to the lies, that era is over.
Repeat: the election is over: Trump lost.
Kind of a stretch don't you think?
A whole lot of nonsensical crying by the loser's supporters over Biden and his cabinet. Man, even when a dysfunctionally minded Trump was elected in 2016, the intelligence of Dave Chappelle :
So in that spirit, I'm wishing Donald Trump luck. And I'm gonna give him a chance. And we, the historically disenfranchised, demand that he give us one, too.".
Proven by comments by Trump on Charlottesville and his acts through his presidency, no he didn't give the disenfranchised more hope, directly. But when people feel a need to truly fight wrong, they'll stand up and the Trump administration was so very wrong, BLM and awareness rose up, to combat the misguided and racism.
So, in that respect, Trump helped America by being a terrible and non caring president, as the lies and lack of diversity, truth and positive movement within his circle cause great anger and action.
I'm all in on Biden and his sanity, because America is need of balance and intelligence in the WH.
America is back!
Back at what exactly? Oh yes, world leaders expressed great eagerness and anticipation as America joins the world stage again. Re-entering the Paris accord. The U.N.
Biden says with great vigor
“Together, these public servants will restore America globally, its global leadership and its moral leadership,”
More planes filled with cash ahead. More state wide funded terrorism on the horizon. Get ready America. As you defund your police at home. Open you wallets (Biden's taxes hikes are a coming) The American GPD Global Police Department is going to get all the Federal funding it needs and gas money to go anywhere in the world with Trumps re-built modern military. As black ops gears up for micro wars. Drone city buddy!
Greenfield says with great vigor.
“My fellow career diplomats and public servants around the world, I want to say to you, ‘America is back, multilateralism is back, diplomacy is back,’” Thomas-Greenfield said.
Multilateralism-The silver tonged three point pronged word to justify a cooperative efforts that works on forcing Americanism & UN-isms on to the world in name of Democracy when its actually controlling the sheeple and a socialist state of mind. Biden and team are so eager to build with Kama Harris (SOCIALISM ON GLOBAL NATURE). In two years time. When the American money presses are flowing and printing money in record amounts and the Chinese edge closer and closer to world dominance with their currency. And terrorism acts are launched all over the place. Maybe then and only maybe at that point. You Democrats will look at yourselves and realize that under Obama/Biden- Biden/Harris you sold us all out.
For years Democrats have tried this approach. How short our memories are. How fickle we are.
What a Democratic swamp mob being built and released onto the world Biden builds.
Its not Americas responsibility to make the world a safer place as Democrats would have you believe and put our boys in harms way!
The 4 years peace under Trump is over my Fellow Republican's. Dig in deep. The next 4 years are going to the great Democratic re-tread of the old guard, re-worded, re-packaged and the same game. Same ole. Same ole.
Its going to be like the Obama admin on steroids man!
Dig in!
Cruze-Gowdy 2024!
The definition of insanity- Doing the same thing over and over again. Expecting a different result.
Biden-Harris-Nothing Special. Nothing here to see.
This really confirms how you are totally out of touch with reality and a lot of your conclusions are based on emotions.
invalid CSRF
Kind of a stretch don't you think?
Biden 306 electoral college votes, same as Trump got in 2016 which he himself said was a landslside.
over 80million votes probably around 81million, the most in history, once all votes have been counted about 3 million remaining, and at least 6million more than Trump, 6million is more than the total votes in many states.
so yes a landslide is pretty accurate
I'm really hoping Bernie Sanders gets a cabinet position. It would be nice if a few progressives get positions and not just center-right corporate Democrats like Rahm Emanuel and Hillary Clinton.
There is no difference who the president is the foreign policy will be the same - lapdog countries, enemies and some group fluctuating . Always was.
JJ Jetplane
"Make America Great Again" and "America is Back" both seem eerily similar. America is back to neglecting minorities and inequalities? Make America great again when it was easier to kill and disenfranchise minorities along with rampant inequality? Both statements are deeply flawed.
70 million Americans voted for the opposite side of the Democratic political spectrum. 70 Million!
80 million Americans voted for the opposite side of the Republican/ Trumpism political spectrum. estimated 81 Million! once all votes counted. so why should a minority tell the majority what to do
Sven Asai
America isn’t back, only the nasdaq. lol In addition, I don’t think that the average American, having lost majority and the election, is sooo totally keen now to switch side and support Biden and Obama entourage. They will probably draw back into privacy and then there isn’t anybody left to bring America back. White old men depressed at home, MS-13, gang shooters , black militias and drug addicted white youngsters filling the public, that hasn’t a future, isn’t that obvious?
Good to see bright people with spines, instead of the groveling bunch under trump.
America is back!!!
America is back and trump will be back in bankruptcy.
Good ole days!!!!
Desert Tortoise
Which means the Republicans in the Senate will probably refuse to ratify any of their appointments :/
jack o helen
I'm so glad that there are now people who will actually answer questions posed to them, as opposed to the many Trump puppets who more often than not, dodged questions, gave totally unrelated answers, or idiotic mumble jumble and using Sharpies as their weapon of choice.
Bob Fosse
The come!
The come!
Unless Biden and the DNC botch it with a Republican-lite plutocrats' party (the conspicuous absence of Bernie and Warren from the guest list is a worrisome sign, but maybe Joe's just bidening his time busy in the backroom with the denizens of Wall St.).
At this point I don’t see the Dems gaining the Senate and certainly not in the House at this point and that’s definitely not good for Dems going forward.
It's clear there are probably several people even more angry at these distinguished, experienced Biden professionals than Trump and his supporters - Putin, Xi, Kim, and the Mullahs...
Putin is obviously losing his Puppet and Talking Head. Now come real sanctions and pushback on his forays into Ukraine and Georgia, and his poisonings of his opponents - on our allies soil...
Xi loses his business partner - who has been giving the CCP millions to have his clothing line made in their sweatshop factories. And who stood by and did nothing as Xi just swooped in and took over Hong Kong...
Kim, well, no more love letters buddy...
And the Mullahs loved Trump - what better character to hold up to the Iranian people on the shallowness and incompetence of democratic government...
Yes, the tyrants and despots around the world are no doubt in a funk...just like a certain former reality TV host, failed businessman. and one-term Impeached President we know...
Yes, imagine that, the guy never campaigned, never gave us a full and detailed outline of his polices and yet, this guy got more votes especially from the black community over Obama? Ok, sure....
I need to get into software development, seems like a very lucrative field these days....
I'll try again.
More failed Obama policies on the horizon. Iran will be ecstatic that they are likely to get loads of money again to bail out their economy. Putin will be happy as sanctions will be relaxed and he can think of invading more places (like Obama and Biden let him before). Xi will be happy because the screws currently on China will be relaxed. Kim, will be happy because he can go back to firing missiles and making dumb threats.
These people are all part of 16 or more years of foreign policy failure.
How they have the stones to say "America's back" is a mystery.
Who will be afraid? Russia neighbours. Israel. Any Arab country that the US has not yet "fixed".
Yep. You're finally starting to realize just how much the people hated Trump.
As it is a field requiring a strong ability to use logic, I don't recommend it to you.
trump era is the darkest period in human history and a burden/tumor to the world. it is great relief to see America have new leader with competitive and superb team.