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Democrats pound their message: To oust Trump, you must vote


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Donald Trump will win again as it is the economy....

-18 ( +14 / -32 )

Trump will win, and thank God for that.

-19 ( +13 / -32 )

 climate change and gun violence, issues that particularly resonate with younger voters.

Young people should be interested in climate change. Most are aware the Trump administration is one favoring the burn, baby burn policies of the other fossils running the globe's fossil economy.

Young people know some of Trump's few remaining 'allies' are people like Putin, MbS (Saudi Arabia) and MbZ (UAE), males running states dependent on selling more oil and gas to maintain their own personal wealth and power. MbS and MbZ are kicking some of their money back to buy even more US weapons, helping keep the US military industrial complex in power. Were I young I'd definitely oppose continuing such great reliance on fossil fuels and fighting the wars for greater control of them.

NB I am NOT saying stop burning fossil fuels. I'm saying burn less. A lot less.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Which God are you invoking for a Trump victory.

17 ( +22 / -5 )

If the Democratic leadership wanted us to vote Democrat they should not have sabotaged Bernie TWICE.

-4 ( +11 / -15 )

Its a shame that Americans are so insular, otherwise they would realise that the rest of the free world is laughing at them and their President.

13 ( +19 / -6 )


It's a party and the whole world's invited.Only problem is they're so divided they may have to come up with an enemy to hate and declare war on.

6 ( +8 / -2 )


Its a shame that Americans are so insular, otherwise they would realise that the rest of the free world is laughing at them and their President.

So you speak for the "rest of the world"? Including me? Here is news for you: No, you don´t.

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

whats with these Dems and their health? I mean look at Hilary, what is that? Same with Pelosi, Warren. Obama looked fresh and in shape when he left office, whats the deal with him now?

You mean Trump has caused them this much stress? Trump looks better now than when he took office.

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

Obama looked fresh and in shape when he left office, whats the deal with him now?

Obama made fun of how he aged as President while in office. I remember a comedian said of his hair for any whiter, the Tea Party would endorse it. It battered Bush 2 as well. A stressful job.

It’s hard to tell what Trump looks actually looks like. He wears more make-up than Barbara Cartland and god knows what color that thing on his head really is.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Young people should be interested in climate change. Most are aware the Trump administration is one favoring the burn, baby burn policies of the other fossils running the globe's fossil economy.

Yeah, but that won't happen for at least another 40 years tops. Fossil fuel will be here for a very long time.

Young people know some of Trump's few remaining 'allies' are people like Putin, MbS (Saudi Arabia) and MbZ (UAE), males running states dependent on selling more oil and gas to maintain their own personal wealth and power. MbS and MbZ are kicking some of their money back to buy even more US weapons, helping keep the US military industrial complex in power.

That Democrats want to maintain. All of these Dems were worried about leaving the MidEast, why they want to stay? These are the people that make the money, getting rich (ask Biden and Hunter) they know better.

Were I young I'd definitely oppose continuing such great reliance on fossil fuels and fighting the wars for greater control of them.

We all want change, but that takes time, a long time.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

the first Black woman

First she is a yank. Second, her DNA is Indian. Third her DNA is Jamaican. Facts.

she is also a right wing conservative. Surely what her agenda is, is more important than the back seat of a car in Oakland. Enough.

-13 ( +1 / -14 )

Trump looks better now than when he took office.

He' obviously got a great makeup artist!

8 ( +11 / -3 )

she only existed to show the hidden BLM symbols in the background of her video.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a favorite of progressives for demanding bold change, only spoke for around five minutes.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

They had several weeks of "burn it all down" and venting, should be stress free by now, instead looking a bit pathetic. I cant figure these people out....lol

-12 ( +3 / -15 )

Obama made fun of how he aged as President while in office. I remember a comedian said of his hair for any whiter, the Tea Party would endorse it. It battered Bush 2 as well. A stressful job.

Actually Obama looked in great shape when he left office, looks different now. Whats up with Hilary? Bush 2? wheres he been? Along with Chenny?

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

The DNC, aided and abetted as usual by Amerika's right-wing MSM, twice derailed the only candidate with a vision for a new America, dreaming of a better, more equitable society for the many and not just a hog trough and milk cow for the plutocratic few. The DNC has once again promoted an establishment politician, another faux "friend of the blue-collar worker" believing that even their geriatric candidate could sleepwalk his way into the WH past an embarrassingly ignorant and incompetent impeached incumbent with a disastrous 4-year record of consecutive scandals culminating in the deaths of at least 200,000 citizens. The fragile Biden is a flawed candidate who at times looks to be on his last legs so the inevitable pick of the politically experienced, multi-ethnic Kamala Harris has probably saved the DNC's bacon by her ability to sic the voters on to the Republicans with her rottweiler prosecutorial style. The presidency, Congress, and Senate are all for the taking as long as the Dems don't screw things up, again.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

there were at least 2 instances where working groups recited the Pledge of Allegiance, yet specifically altered the words to remove "under God".

Obama gave a speech in front of the "Constitution" then spent most of his time complaining about the rights the Constitution gives us.

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

there were at least 2 instances where working groups recited the Pledge of Allegiance, yet specifically altered the words to remove "under God".

Maybe they just prefer the original version.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

In a masterful, historical move Joe Biden has managed to unify the Democratic Party’s left wing not only by accepting Kamala Harris as the DNC’s pick for VP but also by demonstrating a willingness to stand aside as Bernie and AOC restructure the economy.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

they would realise that the rest of the free world is laughing at them and their President.

Not the Hong Kong protesters, chanting “We want Trump!”,

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Easily flustered. Not cut out for discussions.

I think they call this, projection.

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

Even as a democrat I am not sure we should switch horses. I mean look what is happening in democrat led cities?! People are living in the streets, crapping on doorsteps and looting with abandon.

Indeed. Any thinking person knows the US will be unrecognizable after 4 years of a Dem presidency. Thats the reality of what the Dem party has become.

-16 ( +3 / -19 )

Hilary garnered about 3 million more votes than Trump at the last election. So it is not only the number of votes, but how they are distributed which is important. The electoral college is a dog of a system and is in need of an overhaul...

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Yeah vote for Joe Biden or as he says, "you ain't black" because that's not racist at all.

And Kamala Harris, who claimed she believes Joe Biden's accusers, now supports him? You can see how much integrity those two have.

For the good of America, and the good of the world, I hope Trump wins again. The real threat to democracy are the democrats who pack a fit over a lawfully-elected president. Trump has initiated peace talks with some of the most dangerous and/or combative countries, working for peace with North Korea and in the Middle East. He deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.

-11 ( +7 / -18 )

One simple question still not answered:

Vote Pres. Trump out of office to "what" specific pragmatic alternatives that is actually possible to be implemented by whom , how and where?

Exactly what are we getting in return?

We know exactly what Pres. Trump said he will do and did.

If we still do not like that which Pres. Trump did then what are our options?

As for his personality, we cannot change that. And we are NOT voting for personality, we are voting for what realistic and pragmatic results we can get.

Till then there is no reason or need to change.

-15 ( +3 / -18 )

Only in America can a person who was so hated by the voters of a political party that she bailed before a single ballot was cast in the democrat primaries is now one step away from being POTUS.

-13 ( +5 / -18 )

Trump should win easily!

-12 ( +9 / -21 )

The DNC tonight is non stop propaganda pushed by Hollywood elites. 

The same elites that refused to denounce Epstein, Weinstein or even say a word about any of the black lives lost during BLM and Antifas reign of terror.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

Only in America can a person who was so hated by the voters of a political party that she bailed before a single ballot was cast in the democrat primaries is now one step away from being POTUS.

How many primary votes did Mike Pence receive?

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Hilary garnered about 3 million more votes than Trump at the last election. So it is not only the number of votes, but how they are distributed which is important. The electoral college is a dog of a system and is in need of an overhaul...

Yes, if you want a "one party" rule or California to call every election, guess so...screw other States who cares what they think or what their vote says, right?

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

How many primary votes did Mike Pence receive?

Unlike Harris, Mike Pence was not running for the GOP nod in the 2016 primaries.

-8 ( +3 / -11 )

 Trump has initiated peace talks with some of the most dangerous and/or combative countries, working for peace with North Korea and in the Middle East. He deserves a Nobel Peace Prize.

and has got exactly nothing, NK still got their nukes missiles, Iran is now restarting its own nuclear program. Declared Bethlehem Israel's capital, making the muslim world even angrier. weakening NATO pushing allies away, all to the benefit of Putin

Hes made the middle east / Europe even more volatile and unsafe not better, nah Trump will never get a peace prize. lol

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Indeed**Any thinking person knows the US will be unrecognizable after 4 years of a Dem presidency. Thats the reality of what the Dem party has become.**

saying exactly that after the GFC

and yet after the last 2008 financial collapse Obama grew the economy for 8yrs straight and dropped unemployment from 10~4% Looks like its going to take another Dem president to clean up the monumental mess the Republicans have put America in AGAIN

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Unlike Harris, Mike Pence was not running for the GOP nod in the 2016 primaries.

so he didn't earn the VP at all, he was just put there.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

she only existed to show the hidden BLM symbols in the background of her video.

If they are "hidden" as you say, how do you know there was anything there?

The DNC tonight is non stop propaganda pushed by Hollywood elites. 

And I suppose next week when Trump takes the stage it's going to be propaganda pushed by the KKK and rednecks from around the world!

9 ( +11 / -2 )

No foreign wars under Trump. That is quite an achievement. We are out of Afghanistan and Syria. The situation with China is being handled firmly.

No there are still troops in both Afghanistan and Syria, China handled firmly, Trump has got nothing, only the record number of bankrupt farmers, you know because trade wars are easy to win.

But it all pales into insignificance when$10trillion is wiped from the markets, 30 million lost jobs, 10.4% unemployment. and 170000 dead Americans from pure incompetence

6 ( +9 / -3 )

And we are NOT voting for personality, we are voting for what realistic and pragmatic results we can get.

Americans are the laughing stock of the world for choosing a clueless chump like Trump to lead the country so yeah, NOBODY would want to inhabit the personality of D.J. Trump. But four years of egregious mendacity and mismanagement of the presidency, running down the country into the depths of despair and bringing the economy to its knees and 200,000+ covid deaths on his account, are the predictable, realistic results of a mentally unstable "genius" who was given a job he is signally unqualified for. Isn't all that more than enough reality and pragmatism to stick in the craw of the majority of the American electorate?

9 ( +11 / -2 )

American comedy drama.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Yes, if you want a "one party" rule or California to call every election,

funny thats exactly what Trumps aiming to do

6 ( +9 / -3 )

No there are still troops in both Afghanistan and Syria,

Trump is trying to pull them out,  but the Dems and some Republicans want us to stay there.

China handled firmly, Trump has got nothing, only the record number of bankrupt farmers, you know because trade wars are easy to win.

He does have China to an extent, their economy is slowing, more reason why they want Biden.

But it all pales into insignificance when$10trillion is wiped from the markets, 30 million lost jobs, 10.4% unemployment. and 170000 dead Americans from pure incompetence

That would never have happened if China didn't unleash that virus and if the Democratic Mayors and governors would lift some of the lockdown restrictions, other countries have done it and doing it, we can do it as well, but then that significantly helps Trump and why would the Dems give him a win, so keep the people locked down.

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

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