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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2018.Democrats take House control; Republicans expand Senate majority
By John Whitesides WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
Black Sabbath
Team Dem. WOoooooooo Hoooooooo!
Personally speaking it isnt going to make any bit of difference in the long run right now, the dems are not going to get anything through the senate and the republicans from the senate through the house.
Meaning the status quo will remain, with the exception that the noise is going to get a hell of a lot louder from both sides!
Exactly. What’s interesting to watch is California, Republicans are doing a lot better than I thought they would.
Unilateral. Subpoena. Power.
Courtesy of the GOP.
Makes all the difference in the world. The GOP maintains, and looks like it might even pick up a couple, in the Senate...
... And the Judicial nomination train will keep on chugging along making ALL the difference in the long-run.
“Exactly. What’s interesting to watch is California, Republicans are doing a lot better than I thought they would.”
There are still plent of conservative circles up & down the state. But, yeah surprise there too.
pretty exciting midterms. Can’t wait to see all the drama unfold in 2020.
Who cares. Nothing will change.
What happened to the red wave? Did the tide go out? Really looking forward to the democratic house asking for Trumps tax returns. And Muller, the floor is yours.
Also looking forward to trump declaring this result as the GREATEST EVER election for America.
We can expect the invasion from immigrants in Mexico to quietly fade away. Maybe to be replaced with a WONDERFUL meeting with Kim from NK or a declaration of war with Iran for wearing striped ties with check shirts.
Some sanity returns then.
A real pity that toad Ted Cruz didn't get kicked to the gutter.
But at least Cheeto will get the checks and balances - and the investigations he deserves...
Well looks like a split between Congress and Senate although the Democrats made some substantial gains. So another 2 years of interesting comments here on Japan Today. Should be entertaining. I would love for the U.S. to get a viable 3rd political party but I think neither of the 2 parties would allow it.
blue in green
A good balance, the people have spoken.
Levels were bragging about the blue wave which was a trickle.
Ok, so now with the GOP controlled Senate will have a great luck, good job Democrats know nothing will get done.
As far as on the Senate side, yes, he sure can take credit for that.
I doubt it.
No, because now the real fight of gridlock begins.
Why? O’Rourke millions and millions of dollars for it in to his campaign and still be lost, I think Democrats and liberals need to rethink that strategy of allowing the celebrities campaign for then, it’s Shawna doesn’t help them at all.
Yes, and like with Clinton that will only strengthen his head going into 2020, so good luck.
Chris Collins and Duncan Hunter, both Repubs indicted for felonies, have been reelected. And Steve King of Iowa, the House GOP's pet Nazi. I guess there will still always be permanent pockets of deplorability somewhere.
And now a few incoherent words from Crazy Rudy . . .
Psssh! If had anything damaging to PDT it would have been "leaked" prior to the mid-terms.
Oh, please you have Democrats Booker, a gropper and Blumenthal, a man who lied about serving in Vietnam.
And your proof of that is....
Amen, to that man.
Yeah, good luck with that. Thank God, Kavanaugh and Gorsuch are on the bench.
Haaa Nemui
And that's exactly what's going to happen. There are pros and cons. What's the opposite of progress?
Matt Hartwell
Pretty much as expected.
Actually think Repubs did a little better than I thought they would, but its still a loss for them, largely as predicted. Only the most ardent Republican supporter would predict they retained a house majority.
Can't he just executive order a whole heap of stuff? That seems to be what he has done on a lot of occasions. I'm not familiar with the details though in terms of how things work in the U.S. I imagine another tax cut would require broad support. The U.S doesn't need tax cuts, it needs spending cuts. Heavy ones over time. Might even need some tax increases at the top end.
Will they find evidence of collusion? If Democrats find the evidence, its a big win for them. If they don't and they push it, its going to look like a witch hunt and definitely work in favour of Republicans in 2020.
Fortunately 1 of 2 Trumps policies are locked in, regardless of Democrat house and that's NATO spending which is great.
Will they maintain a hard line on China in trade? Lot of evidence to support bipartisan thinking on China in general, so that's another positive.
Hoping if there is a Democrat president in 2020, they rejoin the Paris climate agreement and pull back on other forms of environmental vandalism that the Republicans unfortunately like to indulge in.
Hopefully the senate can block any hard left fantasies and the very worst elements of the Democrat agenda of which they are many, particularly on social policies, gender quotas, affirmative action aka racism against whites and increasingly Asians.
Hope the House Dems don't waste their time on investigations but instead pass sensible legislation. Repubs in both houses are going to have to show their true colors from now.
The ship of state turns slowly. If the Dems pay attention to people's needs, 2020 will be a massacre for Repubs.
If losing control of the House is "perfect", would winning have been a disaster for Trump?
But to some extent you have a point. Trump can blame the failure to build a wall on the Democrats when actually he was never going to build one. If he had any sense, he will put a bill on a proposed wall straight to Congress.
What logic here. How about, Dow goes up, thank the House and democrats, if it goes down, blame Trump. Like it has gone down just last week with his foolish trade war with China. And his trillion dollar DEFICIT due to his irresponsible tax cut which was not paid for, as usual. I mean when are you EVER going to blame Trump for anything? Is he some god? Other than the god of groping and lies?
Matt Hartwell
Interesting. An example of balance as intended.
In other words, the evidence is going to have to be strong to get rid of him, as it should be to get rid of a President of any stripe. If it is strong, Republicans will be under pressure to do the right thing.
Job #1 for Team Democrat: Cross-check with Mueller's team, if he hasn't already, subpoena Trump's tax records for last 30 years;
- Find out what tax he paid, if any...
- Determine where his income came from - investments in Russia?
- Find out who loaned him money - Russian oligarchs?
- Find out what Russian money was laundered through the Trump Foundation
In concert with Mueller, uncover all the lies, subterfuge and collusion...then when the facts are irrefutable, impeach this Imposter and send him back to his reality TV show - and maybe then this national nightmare will be over...
Who else looking forward to the release of Trump's tax returns?
Anyone want to bet whether he pays less tax than say, a high school principal?
linconman, that's precisely my point. Americans didn't hand the House to the Dems for the purpose of retribution but to get things done. Certainly, transparency of the Trump regime must be revealed, but the Dems falling into the trap of making that their main purpose will ill serve them.
Lead and legislate.
Texas A&M Aggie
Glad my voted count. Great to see that the liberal/media manufactured "rock stars" here in Texas, Georgia and Florida all went down in flames.
Anyway, I'd like to personally thank all of the Hollywood donors and other rich democrat 1-percenters for pumping millions and millions of dollars into the losing Bobby O'Rourke campaign. All of that money went to making President Trump's economy (along with our economy) even stronger.
There should now be some counter balance to all of Trumps idiocy. Trump the lame duck for the next two years will have to kneel before the Democrats to get anything approved, and it will need to be acceptable to the more reasonable Democrats in order for that to happen at all. It will be lucky if Trump can achieve anything in the next two years more positive than staying out of trouble. He achieved chaos and a loss of world leadership, and loss of world standing for America in the past two years. Now the US is less respected and less liked than at any time I can remember in my lifetime. Trump calls these things his achievements. Lets hope we dont have to hear any more from him for a couple of years other than the already overused (they have been so unfair to me) statement he trots out at every rally and press conference.
My intent was for the House to exercise its Constitutionally protected role to oversee the Executive Branch - over the past two years we have seen cover-up after cover-up by Devon Nunes and the rest of the irresponsible Republican horde. Now is the time to bring back some integrity and credibility to Congress.
And if the Republicans and President want to work on issues that can be resolved in a bipartisan manner - Immigration reform, infrastructure, Space, etc, then let's make progress.
And hold this administration accountable....
Considering how narrow the victory was, it is likely that Texas will go permanently Democrat in the next 10 years
The Avenger
2 years down, 2 to go. I'm a long distance runner.
President Fail now has an excuse to do even less in his next two years than in his pitiful first two. My guess is that the golf courses of Florida are gonna be super busy.
Ladies we have a foot in the door, don't stop now. Time to continue to clean up the House, Senate, and Presidency in 2020.
Congrats Dems, you have the House now. Let's see what you do with it. You can waste a lot of time lining up committees and investigations and procedures to try and assuage your two year old beating by Trump if you like. Or you can try to govern the country.
Gotta say, it would be the death knell for the Democrats if, suddenly, the economy goes south under their guidance. It reminds me of a dog that chases cars down the street all day. Once the dog actually catches a car, it doesn't know what to do.
Texas A&M Aggie
In other news:
Obama continued his streak of helping candidates (Sen. Donnelly, OH, Gov. Cordray, OH, Abrams, GA and Gillum, Fla.) lose their bids to retain or gain political office.
Given the dubious track record attached to his name brand, it'll be interesting to see if the democrats will want to run the risk and dust him off for the 2020 elections.
"Democrats rode a wave of dissatisfaction with President Donald Trump to win control of the U.S. House of Representatives"
Uh huh. And the Republicans rode a wave of SATISFACTION with President Donald Trump to EXPAND their majority in the Senate.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we will now have two years of obstruction tactics from the House, wasting time resisting and trying to impeach the president, which will GUARANTEE Trump's re-election and the Republicans taking the House back in 2020.
"What happened to the red wave?"
What happened to the Blue Wave? The Republicans EXPANDED their majority in the Senate.
"President Fail"
You must have missed the economic numbers, fairer trade deals with Mexico, Canada and the EU negotiated and ISIS being decimated. All this with virtually every Democrat and most of the media opposing "President Fail" at every turn.
"Considering how narrow the victory was, it is likely that Texas will go permanently Democrat in the next 10 years"
Har! Considering that Sadler LOST to Lyin' Ted, Texas ain't gonna go Democrat in the next 10 years, that I can tell you.
Toasted Heretic
Can't speak for liberals but I imagine governing the country requires investigating lying, colluding, tax-dodging, racist sexual predators and bringing them to justice. Making sure they don't betray and destroy society piece by piece.
Knowarramean, like?
@Bungle, and your guy with the Mafia nickname "The Don" doesn't ever hate on people, right? ROTFLMAO.
Interesting stat: go back to when GOP were resurgent during the Obama years. A large number of new GOP governors were voted into office in 2010, for example. Now with the news that Scott Walker lost his bid for a third term, none of that class of red wave governors is still in their respective statehouses. Yes, it is mostly due to term limits, but still interesting to see how turnover churns rapidly among governors compared to senators and congressional representatives, who sometimes hold onto their seats for decades.
Love that photo of Cruz. He, Trump, and his ilk now own the GOP - but they have no plans beyond unpaid-for tax cuts.
I anticipate that they'll double-down on their crazy and start a war, somewhere, likely with Iran. It'll be a turbulent two years.
Torasan, that's a good point, one that I agree with. There should be term limits on ALL government offices. Good for those states that impose them on governors. Hell, there are more than 20 House members who were elected in the 80s, or even earlier! One was elected when Nixon was president. The Senate isn't much better. A lot of them were House members or governors before ascending to the Senate (Senator elects Scott and Romney, are you listening? )
How come even with Barack Obama campaigning for Gillum and 90% of the media against him in Florida he lost to DeSantis? How is that even possible?
And yet despite all of his successes, despite inheriting a superb economy, despite majorities in both houses, and despite spunking trillions on a tax cut for himself & his buddies, he got a licking today. That is why he is a failure.
The republicans just opposed anything the previous president - Barack ( draw an ‘H’ in the air ) Obama did.
Isn’t that an acceptable strategy now?
Dems likely to raise to 24 states governing 195 million Americans
Reps likely to drop to 26 states governing 134 million Americans
And Colorado elects the first openly gay governor
"**Exit polls suggest midterm election voters focused on health care and immigration, not the booming economy"**
Most important issue for Americans:
1) Healthcare - 41%
2) Immigration - 23%
3) Economy - 21%
4) Gun policy - 11%
Regarding Trump's tax cut:
No impact - 45%
It helped - 28%
It hurt - 23%
Regarding Trump's trade policies:
No impact - 36%
It hurt - 31%
It helped - 25%
Trump's performance:
Disapprove - 55%
Approve - 44%
(Psst. Seranno: Gillum is black, and this is Florida.)
The House of Representatives has the power to subpoena documents and information, which Trump now has to work with
Americans tend to prefer checks & balances in their government - not giving one party all the power
Historic night for women Congressmen - for the first time in US history, there would be more than 100 women in the US Congress
Including 2 Muslim women, the first 2 Native American women, and the youngest women ever in Congress
Young-adult voters also came out in good numbers. Historically the least voting block, this election it rose to 4 in 10 young-adults voted
There Laguna, I fixed it for you.
No matter how the Trumpees want to spin this - and by golly they are with uno numero dizzying himself with the rotations - the Repubs lost out.
Simple. Before the vote they controlled the senate & lower house. Now they only control the senate. In simple arithmetic that means ; 2-1 = 1. 1 is less than 2. That's a minus result of 1.
This can only be read as a ...what for it....loss. And this is compounded by the fact of Who they lost, ably represented by such humans of great worth like Mr Kansas - K. Kobach.
No - Don Trump can rub this til the shine comes off, but he's now waist deep in his swamp of his own making.
Tough times ahead for all Americans. Hopefully my good friends there can rise above it all and let a sense of decency back into the lives of all.
The people have spoken, and the blue wave proves they HATE Trump. He himself declared it a verdict on his leadership, and the people have been clear that his leadership sucks.
I'm happy to see that America has regained at least some of its sanity. Let the investigations roll and start putting these chumps in jail. All of them. Flush that swamp right down the toilet into the prisons where they belong.
This next US Congress, there's a youth and women movements
Congress has become younger and more women
Good to hear the Dems can now begin the process of forcing Trump to release his always-being-audited tax returns. Chances are we'll find out that Trump was never actually eligible to run for POTUS because of illegal business practices and tax evasion (not tax avoidance). He can also kiss his little wall goodbye as well. Things will become more and more stormy for Trumpy.
Yep now the Dems have to do something besides blame Trump. Yet the senate of 55-45 or even 56-44 can block any nonsense.
“Democrats will likely gain about 35 seats in the House, though results are not yet final. That is squarely in line with historic norms for a president’s party in his first midterms.
In President Obama’s first midterms, in 2010, Democrats endured a disastrous night, losing 63 seats. In 1994, President Clinton saw his party lose 54 seats.”
Uh huh. And the Republicans rode a wave of SATISFACTION with President Donald Trump to EXPAND their majority in the Senate.
hardly only 35 of the 100 senate seats were available where as all the house seats were, Dems managed to take an extra 30 seats from the Republicans , guess where most of those gains came from? The womans vote. Make no mistake the AMerican women have spoken they make up 52% of registered voters and they are p**ssed! No prize on guessing at who. no use having an expanded majority in the senate if you cant get legislation passed in the house first, sent to the senate to vote on. LOL
Yet the senate of 55-45 or even 56-44 can block any nonsense.
cant block anything when legislation doesn't pass the house and get sent to the senate in the first place. seems we have a stalemate, Trump cant bulldozen his shite through house/congress like hes accustomed too.
@wtf No use having a majority in the House if you can't get the Senate to impeach Trump or block the president's SCOTUS nominees. LOL
In President Obama’s first midterms, in 2010, Democrats endured a disastrous night, losing 63 seats. In 1994, President Clinton saw his party lose 54 seats.”
and this is the reason Obama had to make so many concessions to get legislation passed, Now its Trumps turn to feel the pain. lol
No use having a majority in the House if you can't get the Senate to impeach Trump or block the president's SCOTUS nominees. LOL
impeachment was never really going to happen, far better stopping Trump getting BS legistation through the senate. whatever Trump can change with an executive order the next liberal POTUS can undo with a stroke of the same pen. LOL
So nothing passes. No lib said anything like “hey now we can have our legislative agenda!” It’s all now we can investigate Trump more and get his taxes. If that all your party wants to do for America that’s sad.
This Senate election, Dems had to defend more seats than Reps
Next Senate election in 2020, it would flip - Reps have to defend more seats than Dems
Heh now you guys are starting to see what what your actions lead to! And you don’t even realize you just called your party sad for their behaviour for the past 10 years.
It’s all now we can investigate Trump more and get his taxes. If that all your party wants to do for America that’s sad.
no its about Trump bringing proper legislation to the house and not just making wishy washy shite up and ramming in down the throats of AMericans without any accountability. This is what real democracy taste like, I wonder if Trump can stomach it or not. LOL
"impeachment was never really going to happen"
So what are you saying, wtf, that Maxine Waters don't know wtf she be talking about?
"far better stopping Trump getting BS legislation through"
BS legislation like the tax cut that has helped get the economy roaring? No wait, that didn't have anything to with it, I keep forgetting this is Obama's economy!
"the next liberal POTUS"
Obama may very well have been the last one. After eight years of Donald, and then probably four to eight years of Don Jr / Ivanka, the U.S. will be doing so well, the Dems will have to become more conservative than liberal if they ever want a chance to win the WH again.
And now the lowintels are trying to claim this wasn’t a verdict on trumps pathetic excuse for presidentry as if he wasn’t the one to claim that’s what it was himself.
The delusion continues.
She will spend the next two years stuffing bribes and other illicit funds down her skirt while cackling about impeachment. She will certainly help Trump get re-elected, so good news for him.
Anyone who is familiar with first midterms after a new president is elected will know otherwise. But I sure they can be cured by reeducation camps sometime in the future when the crazy Dems are back in the driver's seat.
Looking forward to finding out who owns trump financially.
Eight years for Trump and four years for Jr and Ivanka sounds about right - once Bob Mueller gets finished. They'll all be together at Fed Pen in Orange CA, i.e., Mara Lockup.....
Trump couldn’t even get the majority of the votes the first time around l, and now his party loses even worse. The people are clear they HATE trump and the republicans. With the exception of a few morons left to their theology of Trump.
Yes, it’s so funny to manipulate democratic institutions for the sake of one’s own self interest and get away with it. Har har, oh my, LOL.
I’m so glad Georgia SOS Brian Kemp had the machiavellian guts to purge a bunch of Democrat Party (har har) coloreds from voting. That’s what his lord and savior Jesus would’ve done. Victory!
"And now the lowintels are trying to claim this wasn’t a verdict on trumps pathetic excuse for presidentry" ( Tee hee! )
I dunno, Stranger, the "lowintels" have the WH, the Senate even more than before and the Supreme Court...
And you must not be aware that Trump is a multi-billionaire who is not owned by anyone financially.
Raw Beer
I see the main stream media still influence the people.
His tax returns should clear that one up.
Republican campaigners rue that they missed the boat - neither immigration nor the economy is on top of Americans' minds. What's on top of Americans' minds is healthcare:
Exit Poll - Most important issue for Americans:
1) Healthcare - 41%
2) Immigration - 23%
3) Economy - 21%
4) Gun policy - 11%
Also interestingly, in a survey of the American electorate conducted in all 50 states by NORC at the University of Chicago for The Associated Press and Fox News - the survey of 113,677 voters and 21,599 nonvoters was conducted Oct. 29 to Nov. 6, concluding as polls close on Election Day:
Nearly two-thirds of voters said Trump was a reason for their vote, while about a third said he was not.
And get this - A majority of voters overall said the country is headed in the wrong direction. About 6 in 10 voters said it is headed in the wrong direction, while around 4 in 10 said it's on the right track.
Yeah. Preliminary figures have it +7% Dem, up from +2% after Hillary's "defeat." There's Gerrymandering, vote blocking, and the inherent unfairness of the senate, but in an election with no wars and the economy humming, if Repubs are not panicking, they have their heads in the sand.
The LA Times reports on my soon-to-be ex-congressman:
I expect that lead will widen as his supporters tend to be elderly and vote in the morning. So the heart of Orange County has turned blue.
For now perhaps, but there is no way in the long run that O.C. will turn blue or completely stay blue, went to school, grew up there, it’s a different world out there. Turning O.C. blue is as difficult as turning Austin red, it just won’t happen long term.
Dom Palmer
If that is really what happened, why didn't the same 'wave of dissatisfaction' let the Democrats ride a wave to win control of the Senate?
The Democrats did very good, but there was No giant blue tidal wave, all the races were way to close, thank goodness for the President going out and campaigning the way he did, if he wouldn’t have done that, I think the Dems could have won the Senate as well, also the way the Dems treated Kavanaugh didn’t help them one bit.
At least with the election over the caravan will fall out of the headlines, The GOP will find something new for their base to be afraid of.
The only real disappointment for me is Georgia. The GOP candidate really seemed like a P.O.S. I think a lot of Republicans would agree, but tribalism is strong. Party before country.
I’m not worried about gridlock. The GOP controlled everything and all they got was a tax cut that helped me more than average Republican. Everything else has been executive order which can be wiped out by the next prez.
Overall I think Dems did a good job holding the line for the first 2 years. The GOP held all the cards and squandered it.
So who should we subpoena first? Don Jr.? Ivanka?
Congratulations America for having taken a step back from that dark abyss you decided to toy with a couple years back.
Yes, why worry about 10,000 people trying to get into the country and stating by any means necessary?
Republicans are not a monolithic croup, if they were it would’ve been able to keep the house.
My hometown seems to be doing just fine.
and vice versa with the next one after that. But this might be a good thing and a silver lining, because if the Democrats plan on acting needy as you always do just get really come back to haunt them in 2020, it did in 2010 and 2014.
Nothing out of the ordinary happened what usual happens to every President during the midterms.
Ok and then what?
And when Trump builds his wall they will just use ladders. What then? What is Trump going to do about that?
Because of all those illegal Mexicans voting for the free benefits? What really gives?
And the chants are getting louder - Lock - Him - Up, Lock - Him - Up.
Heh , Heh - rofl.
He has had two years to start on the wall and done nothing. Not even a blueprint. And now the funding will not be approved.
You can create walls/fences that are largely ladder proof - you need a load of long spikes at the top of them shooting in all directions.
BS legislation like the tax cut that has helped get the economy roaring? No wait, that didn't have anything to with it, I keep forgetting this is Obama's economy!
$1 trillion tax cut that is extected to cost the American taxpayer $1.5 trillion over the bext 10yrs, yep thats BS legislation. Just passing the bill onto your children.
To Democrats weren’t going to fund it, unless he legalizes over 4 million or more illegals, there was No way.
He had more than 11 prototypes
Not now it won’t or maybe...
Will you put the military on the border in conjunction with the police and it’s border control plus and impregnable wall you will have the ultimate security you can’t catch everyone but your kids a lot more than you think, at least the majority.
So who should we subpoena first? Don Jr.? Ivanka?
defineatly Milania, they can verify if Stormys mushroom description is correct or fake. LOL
Trump's statemens should be pretty funny. My guess is that it will be something that amounts to "I won the Senate for the GOP but I had nothing to do with losing the House!"
Pelosi as speaker and Maxine Waters as chair of the house financial committee will be gifts to the GOP for 2020.
35 senate seats up for grabs today, Democrats won 23 of them.
Even if it were funded (100% Trump's failure actually) they will just use ladders and walk all over Trump land. What is Trump going to do about all those Mexicans coming over the wall by ladders? Ladders ladders ladders. Always worked to go over walls. What is Trump going to do about it? Illegal Mexicans are making a big fool out of Trump.
It's Trump's fault. Once he stopped snatching children it gave the "all safe and go" for families to come over the border. Just like Reagan's 3M green card amnesty.
Who is going to pay for all that? Then there will still be ladders. The illegal Mexicans will just continue to use ladders.
Funny, no economist says that, once again, the liberal echo chamber shouting Obama needs to take credit, if so, he was against deregulations, he was content with a sluggish economy, he didn’t care about the coal minors, didn’t care about international business or the corporate tax.
It just sounds stupid, like the time he said Steve Jobs didn’t create Apple, he didn’t do it alone, therefore the man shouldn’t get all the credit. What a bunch of garbage, Obama was never a big business friendly guy, Trump is all business, that’s what he does and if the people didn’t think the economy was doing great on his watch, the GOP would have most definitely lost the Senate and the GOP would have lost as much as Obama did about 63 and that didn’t happen, not even close.
the Dems will have to become more conservative than liberal if they ever want a chance to win the WH again. no need just a person who represents minorities and womens rights, you know becuase it wasnt a blue wave that won the house for the Dems it was the womens wave, being 52% of the voting public here lies the key. No it wont be another Hillary but itll be soemone with far better track record of treating women and minorities with respect. Just imagine a strong liberal women as POTUS with that exective order pen in her hand , itll make many so called macho Trumpsters feel like theyve been neutured. LOL
Trump can still declassify FISA abuses any Mueller still has to show actual evidence if he has any.
yes well know soon, but at least Mueller can finish his investigation with little to worry from Trump firing him, not while the Dems hold the house. Trumps tries to shut down the investigation Dems can just reopen it again.
Actually pretty much all economists say that. Its obvious from the data that the current state of the economy began a couple years before Trump took over.
Not all economists like Obama or all of his economic policies but there isn’t any serious doubt about when the current boom cycle began and that was under Obama.
Trump is completely terrible at business. He can't even get a wall built (and Mexicans will climb over it anyway with ladders). Bill gates is about 100x richer than Trump, which means he would be 100x better president. Also, Trump is 73 and it seems he is acting like an old paranoid man who just repeats MS-13 all the time. He has dementia. Bill Gates is also younger than Trump. Trump is old, paranoid and his mind is going bad. He's about that age.
More catchphrase jumbles. If you did more research you wouldn't have to rely on so much vague fluff and stereotypes.
“Trump is completely terrible at business”
The US economy is doing okay....... didn’t u guys say the economy would collapse under a Trump Administration? Hmm?
“Bill gates is about 100x richer than Trump, which means he would be 100x better president.”
We’re not trying to play Monopoly & build hotels on Park Place or Boardwalk. America has already done that plus much more over the last few generations. It’s about the people. I’d love to see Gates run. LoL - imagine the SNL skits. (Ohhh Wait!)
Trump did that. And his investors lost a lot of money. Gates not only brought riches to both himself and his investors he also successfully fought the government on big scales. But, I stand corrected, Bill Gates does not build cheesy hotels. He made world-class software used around the world. Proof that Bill Gates would be 100x better president than Trump.
Yes, we are. America first, remember? Trump is failing since he can't even build a wall or have President Hillary arrested for her crimes. Also, there is an increase of illegal Mexicans crossing the border and making Trump look stupid.
Sure, if it continues at 5% that Trump claims then I'm all for Barron Trump being president someday if that can last forever. Even though he is a very poor businessman (compared to world-class Bill Gates) somehow the Trump magic will keep us at 5% forever and the USA will never have a bubble burst.
lincoln: "once Bob Mueller gets finished. They'll all be together at Fed Pen in Orange CA"
What, with no evidence linking any of the Trumps with any crimes? Dream on.
"Congratulations America for having taken a step back from that dark abyss you decided to toy with a couple years back."
It was indeed a dark abyss a couple of years ago, with the spectre of Hillary Clinton becoming president, but we dodged that bullet.
"Then let’s see how Schiff and Maxine Waters do when they can’t just complain and resist."
Unfortunately that's all they know how to do. I'm really looking foward to seeing how Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez does!
Andrew Topolski
Not quite left wingers. Democrats had no wave and it wasn’t dissatisfaction with trump. The senate would have also been taken not expanded. The democrats barely took the house because right wing voters are dissatisfied with Paul Ryan and the buffoonery of the republicans in the house for the last 2 years
Impeachment proceedings to begin soon!
It wasn't a Blue Wave or Red Tsunami.
It was a Purple Rain.
@mukashi - Those impeachment proceedings aren't going anywhere. You have to have actual evidence of a crime to impeach.
Black Sabbath
Trump arguing with a CNN reporter. And then another.
So, IOW, more Trump. Fake News. Enemy of the People.
And he just talked about 'bipartisanship"
America spoke yesterday about what it thinks of Trump. If he and his little supporters want to run more the same after yesterday, if they want to think they "did very well", I say,
Encourage them in that belief.
Black Sabbath
Not me. I want to know the truth.
A very interesting election and election result. The Dems 30+ seats in the House are a lot fewer than the 50+ Republicans gained in Clinton’s first midterm and the 60+ they got on Obama’s first midterm. But still a solid and about average historically speaking.
The loses Dems suffered in the Senate were mostly close calls but still loses. Still 3 more Senate seats to be determined in Arizona, Mississippi, and Montana. Two of these are currently held by Republicans. When all is said and done Republicans will very likely have 55 seats in the Senate. A comfortable working majority and a good cushion for the next round of races in 2020 that are much more favorable to the Dems.
Looking forward to the coming impeachment and Trumps exoneration in the Senate. There will be a lot more conservative judges put in place over the next year and if he is lucky, Trump will get one more Supreme Court pick. I hope the great justice Clarence Thomas calls it a career so a younger version can be installed in his place.
Time for Trump to copy Obama’s strategy when he was in the same position and get out his phone and pen and get to work implementing conservative policies.
Wolf I figured you’d be happy that Steve King in Iowa won.
Looking at it on a number of seats point of view, it is less than the years you cite, however, that lower number is mostly due to Gerrymandering. Based on percentage popular vote, it is on of the biggest swings in history.
Are you kidding? A ~9% popular vote swing towards the Dems? Yep, that's a Blue Wave, baby.
Trump is looking scared. He is offering to work with Democrats, however he is trying to warn against investigating him. Good luck on that one buddy. The Republicans in the current house have been shamefully silent on Trump's conflicts of interests and many other issues. Time to look into these problems.
The majority of the seats that the Dems flipped from Reps are won by women
So the electorate voted for women in previously Rep seats
Chip Star
It's hilarious reading conservatives flail around trying to excuse losing the house. How many times have they mentioned Obama?
But the Dems don't have any policies . . . But the Dems have to be responsible now . . . We have two months to declassify things . . . (Keep clinging to your conspiracy theories.) But, but, but! Always buts with conservatives.
It's going to be entertaining watching conservatives whine once the Dems start investigating Trump. Undoubtedly, we'll hear ad nauseam how horrible the Dems are for acting exactly like the repugs.
Conservatives: Stop lying to yourselves constantly. Stop lying to everyone else constantly. Take back whatever shreds of dignity and integrity you have left and stop swallowing everything Trump puts in your mouths.
Chip Star
Someone doesn't know how the impeachment process works. Since cursory research evades conservatives, I'll help. The House impeached. Then, the Senate holds a trial and 2/3 of senators are needed to convict the president.
Accuracy is sooooo difficult when you live in the conservative bubble, which is airtight so deprives you of oxygen.
Chip Star
More whining from the right because the left is doing what the right did. Too funny. Need a tissue?
Does anyone know the actual vote counts? The popular vote as it were?
This is a good thing actually. While it means that Trump may not be impeached, after the Democrats have put together their case for impeachment and put it forward to the people, a vote will force people to be clear on whether they prioritize party or people. The more senators that choose party over people, the more people will be alienated against such sentators. It's time not only to expose Trump, but to expose the senators who are useless.
That the illegal Mexicans will just use ladders to go over. It's a joke. Yes, Trump failed. Even if the wall is built, the wall will fail.
There are four operative words in this paragraph - insanity, right, racist and white supremacist. Put them together and you define the current Republican Party.
Oh, there were two more - Trump and criminal...
Chip Star
I hope you are excluding Trump supporters here. They've proven time and again that they lack the intellectual capacity to accept evidence that cuts against Trump. This is a great demonstrates of that: