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Far-right parties make big gains in European Parliament elections


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Make Europe great again! Is that mean they want to recreate 1930-1932 moment?

-28 ( +10 / -38 )

As expected with the huge influx of immigrants and the constant pushing of the LGBT agenda by the left and the media.

10 ( +40 / -30 )

Remains to be seen whether this represents a Putinist win or whether there are a sufficient number of patriots remaining.

-19 ( +9 / -28 )

when you’re sitting on bunk, any gains are “Big gains”.

Not a majority and not going to be a majority because most Europeans are not xenophobic racists, nor Fascist.

-5 ( +18 / -23 )

Great news for Europe!

-2 ( +28 / -30 )

The people are beginning to speak up! Enough is enough! I guess the Gen Z-ers will have to go out and get a job now.

-3 ( +24 / -27 )

YEAH now Europe as learned the lesson..

Now it is time to stop the 7th century barbaric religious invasion and MAKE EUROPE GREAT AGAIN. ( MEGA . Yes. a MEGA EUROPE.

-5 ( +22 / -27 )

As expected with the huge influx of immigrants and the constant pushing of the LGBT agenda by the left and the media.

I wonder how long stupid people will continue to not realize that far right extenuates only know how to complain and make things worse when given any actual authority.

Hopefully not too many more cycles of foolishness.

-17 ( +15 / -32 )

Good news!!

1 ( +27 / -26 )

@B: Good news!!

Maybe great news for those cheering on the far right's actions/failures in the 1930's, and those cheering on a western political candidate who's got his backers planning a 'post-Constitution" country. And for those that want the state to make decisions for them, while promising to put the others, i.e state's enemies, real and imagined in concentration camps.

-2 ( +15 / -17 )

Maybe great news for those cheering on the far right's actions/failures in the 1930's, and those cheering on a western political candidate who's got his backers planning a 'post-Constitution" country. And for those that want the state to make decisions for them, while promising to put the others, i.e state's enemies, real and imagined in concentration camps.

Uh-huh…anyway, I think this is just fantastic news for Europe, I wish them well, really!

-11 ( +20 / -31 )

It’s no surprise that Europeans have chosen parties that seek to impose stronger laws-no surprise at all.

-5 ( +17 / -22 )

God, how stupid! Didn't they learn from the last time the far right was popular that it will end in tears? Humans are do dumb.

-6 ( +21 / -27 )

God, how stupid!

Not this time.

Didn't they learn from the last time the far right was popular that it will end in tears? Humans are do dumb.

Last time was different, very different.

-9 ( +19 / -28 )

Last time was different, very different.

Sounds like those who think the communism would be different next time. People learn nothing from history so they deserve to repeat it, except they end up engulfing everyone in their lunacy.

-3 ( +16 / -19 )

Amazing how years of hearing voluntary perpetrators of the Holocaust and those with a fetish for them, half a year of Islamophobia and the justifying/normalization of genocide/ethnic cleansing has energized right wing racists and xenophobes

And how six months of even 'left wing' politicians and media telling human rights activists and anti racist protesters they are racists and unwelcome in their countries has convinced them that if there's no one worth voting for, there's no worth in voting

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

Can the Europe afford to just give what it has accomplished over the past 70 years to a bunch of Racists who even hate themselves, doubt it very much BUT the Nazi's were able to fool so many in the past.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

@FFStev: huge influx of immigrants 

How many came from countries that had been colonized by European nations, and or Moscow?

@Bs: Last time was different, very different.

Ready to move back to Europe and give fascism another chance, after helping to bring fascism to the US?

-2 ( +12 / -14 )

Since the last EU election in 2019, populist or far-right parties now lead governments in three nations — Hungary, Slovakia and Italy

Finally seeing Europe recover its strength.

We saw what happened with the far left-led countries in 1930&40s Europe--Germany to being with,.

-15 ( +9 / -24 )

Sounds like those who think the communism would be different next time.

Well, the left would know

People learn nothing from history so they deserve to repeat it, except they end up engulfing everyone in their lunacy.

No one is talking about reliving the horrors of 1940 that’s not going to happen again.

Ready to move back to Europe and give fascism another chance, after helping to bring fascism to the US?

My family left Europe to get away from leftist fascism when I was a teen and we later left California to get away from leftist fascism again in the 90’s

-12 ( +10 / -22 )

My family left Europe to get away from leftist fascism when I was a teen 

I don’t know how old you are, but that sounds really freaking old.

3 ( +12 / -9 )

Too late, anyway. But if it gives them now some final hope before the end, why not.

0 ( +10 / -10 )

Zibala....Germany was a far right country in the 30's.

Gave rise to Nazism.

Mate, your history is woeful.

2 ( +15 / -13 )

Macron acknowledged the thud of defeat. “I’ve heard your message, your concerns, and I won’t leave them unanswered,” he said, adding that calling a snap election only underscored his democratic credentials.

The neo-liberal message is DOA except for the rentier class in Europe.

Identirtarianism is not 'left' and a distraction to enable the rentier class who benefit form unrestricted immigration at this point of late stage capitalism.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

bass4funkToday 07:59 am JST

God, how stupid!

Not this time.

Didn't they learn from the last time the far right was popular that it will end in tears? Humans are do dumb.

Last time was different, very different.

You sure about that? Same level of flag waving and cheering idiocy.

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

Ramsey's KitchenToday 08:30 am JST

Remains to be seen whether this represents a Putinist win or whether there are a sufficient number of patriots remaining.

European voters have shown they have had enough of the elitist EU / NATO warmongers pushing them towards a direct conflict with Russia, flooding them with illegal immigrants and imposing ever more restrictions on them. Yes, the European patriots have made big gains in this elections to the dismay of the pro-war hawks.

Nope, sorry, licking Putin boot is not patriotism unless that is all that your country represents.

-3 ( +14 / -17 )

The right-wing groups remain a minority in the EU parliament.

1 ( +13 / -12 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

Remains to be seen whether this represents a Putinist win or whether there are a sufficient number of patriots remaining.

European voters have shown they have had enough of the elitist EU / NATO warmongers

The only warmonger in Europe is Putin, and Russia doesn't belong to the EU.

pushing them towards a direct conflict with Russia,

Wrong way around. Putin is pushing for a direct conflict with Europe.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

Please correct me if I am mistaken, it was President Richard M Nixon that "coined the phrase" the great silent majority.

These EU parliamentary elections reflect Europe's leadership, member states governments, failure to pay attention, listen to the peoples citizens concerns.

Whether illegal immigration, the clear social inequality, the spread of Islamic fundamentalist extremism, healthcare, housing, most of all the prospects for youth 18 to 30.

The Council of the European Union refusal to reform, introducing transparency.

Behind closed doors: Secret deals in the Council of the EU


It is not elected politicians, but national government officials, who legislate. The culture and the procedures are those of confidential diplomacy, not transparent democracy;

Diplomatic secrecy hinders decision-making and public discourse, so dozens of legislative proposals get stuck for years without citizens ever knowing about it;

Those responsible almost never have to publicly justify their actions, allowing lobbyists to exert influence behind the backs of voters

Pretty please review.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Big win in Europe! Next the USA, please stop the wokeness!!

0 ( +16 / -16 )

I think it is the historian/cliodynamicist, Peter Turchin, who says that it takes 3 generations for people to forget the horrors of the past. He is a little late but close enough. That's how long it takes for ignorance to thoroughly permeate.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

As I said, right wingers are always cheering dumb stuff.

And they continue to grow.

You sure about that?


Same level of flag waving and cheering idiocy.

Like people are doing in June?

-7 ( +11 / -18 )

As to a comment above, I cant see LGT etc rights activists annoying voters and thus turning an election.

Lots of racist politicians more like it.

And all the Russians people speak of seemed to have moved to Bali and Thailand.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Unfortunately, incumbent politicians are likely to panic and pander to right wing, tribal policies. When these fail, they will lose even more votes.

If they want people to return to them, they should ignore the right wing policies, which are based on prejudice, xenophobia, ignorance and racism, and just improve the day to day lives of their citizens. Happy people who aren't feeling poor will vote for a stable, mainstream party.

If they adopt the Brexit-style policies of the right wing populists, their economies will be damaged, they will have spiralling inflation, staff shortages, services will fracture and citizens will get angrier with them, as the ruling regime, as has happened in the UK.

Populist policies fail and lose you votes when you are in power. They only work for parties that are in opposition and are using them to garner votes from angry, disillusioned people.

It's not the policies, 'it's the economy, stupid'. Fix that and you get happy people.

-10 ( +4 / -14 )

A majority needs 376 seats out of the 720 seats. The right-wing groups have 175 seats. Those not part of any party have 50 seats.


4 ( +13 / -9 )

The right-wing groups are not united on policies.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

The left have no idea what they want other than what's shoved down their throat by social media. Wasn't that long ago they were against globalism, now it seems they're against nationalism. LOL

2 ( +13 / -11 )

Lets be cautious, jive time for the full confirmed audited results.

As present, exit polling, provisional results, estimates can cloud reality

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Sorry to be obtuse, but I have two questions:

Why is it always 'far-right' and never 'right'?

Could someone provide a working definition of 'far-right'?

...and a short comment:

It seems to me that there is whole lot of space between the open borders of the far-left and the concentration camps of the far-right. Yes, this election is a move away from the former, but I think not at all meaningfully closer to the later.

13 ( +17 / -4 )

@Bs: y family left Europe to get away from leftist fascism

Was that East Germany during the time Putin was a Stasi stooge machine gunning civilians, no wonder the extreme right cheer him on today. Belarus might feel like home to East Germans that want to return to their extreme right roots, maybe a bit like Texas or Florida, except with clean subways.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

The right-wing groups are not united on policies.

Neither are the left, but that’s not stopping them.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

Sh1mon M4sadaToday 09:09 am JST

The left have no idea what they want other than what's shoved down their throat by social media. Wasn't that long ago they were against globalism, now it seems they're against nationalism. LOL

And yet the left largely never went to simp for Putin. Go figure.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

And yet the left largely never went to simp for Putin. Go figure.

You're making the fundamental mistake of conflating opposition to escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict with supporting 'Putin. This vastly over-simplifies the issue. The US, UK and EU never gave a damn about Ukraine before; the only reason they are now seems to be for economic advantage for the ruling parties' big donors. Nothing at all to do with the average Ukrainian, about whom they give not a single damn. And they have the same disregard for you as well, so cheering on the Western warmongers goes against your interests and those of ordinary people the world over, including both Ukraine and Russia.

-10 ( +6 / -16 )


Since the last EU election in 2019, populist or far-right parties now lead governments in three nations — Hungary, Slovakia and Italy

And Holland.

23 EU countries are not.

8 ( +13 / -5 )

EU voter turnout is slightly higher than in 2019 at 51%.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

john b,

Pertinent point, the political tone, language, far right, extreme right, far left, etc

The spectre vision of fascism, threat oppressive ideologies, anti-capitalist, the effect to social equality and egalitarianism, 

The ultra right- left .....

Not a single EU member state will leave. Not one.

Cohesion Fund


View 2021 to 2027...

Brexit is a red herring, UK political cultural economics, was never suited to federalism

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Good to see some pushback against globalism, and clearly the establishment and their media lapdogs are getting nervous. Far-right this, far-right that. It's another slur that's losing all meaning because it's being applied to anyone they disagree with Standing up against unbridled immigration, the net-zero scam, warmongering, attacks on farmers, deep-seated corruption and more aren't "far-right", they're just commonsense. Not an ounce of objectivity from the media and establishment, just panicking. And about time.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )


The right-wing groups are not united on policies.

Neither are the left, but that’s not stopping them.

The center parties and left of center are in agreement on many policies including new laws on illegal immigration.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Excellent. I just hope it isn’t too late.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )

In the past it was the Jews.

This time around it is immigrants or muslims.

It's not just the far right though, the far left is guilty of it, too.

Create an enemy, dehumanize them, then fan the flames.

Don't fall for the typical tactics from either side.

From an American point of view, if either of them get into power they will surely remove your freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, right to keep and bear arms and most other things you hold true. Far left or far right.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

Maybe right-wing populism is the short term solution. I'm not a fan, but you can see that right wing-populist policies have had some success in Hungary. Unfortunately this always comes with strings attached. Hungary has become much closer to China and Russia. But hey, maybe that is in the best interests of the Hungarian people.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Sales tax in Hungary is 27% and income tax is 15%. Heavy taxation for a populist government.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

The right-wing groups are not united on policies.

Neither are the left, but that’s not stopping them.

The center parties and left of center are in agreement on many policies including new laws on illegal immigration.

Soare the right in stopping it, now how each country would implement that and in what fashion needs to be determined.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

Time to get rid of the far left, which has been ruining Europe.

-5 ( +10 / -15 )

I bet Putin opened a bottle of champaign after seeing these results.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

The EU parliament will still be controlled by the center and center-left parties. But in the future, some policies might require the support of the right-wing party with negotiations on the table.

The EU has already agreed new immigration laws before the elections. That doesn't change since the right-wing parties support that.

The basic socialist policies of Europe will remain in place. Such as universal healthcare. Free schooling. Freedom of movement. Single currency. LGBT protection rights. Protection of human rights. Labour laws.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

See the narrative being pushed? Far right? The parties winning are hardly far right.

Do they describe the left and Greens as FAR left?

These results are good news for the ordinary working class natives of Europe.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

Putin hates NATO and the EU.

8 ( +14 / -6 )

Putin hates NATO and the EU.

I don't blame him.

-8 ( +9 / -17 )


Today 08:02 am JST


Today 07:59 am JST

Last time was different, very different.)

Moonraker's reply:

Sounds like those who think the communism would be different next time. People learn nothing from history so they deserve to repeat it, except they end up engulfing everyone in their lunacy.

Yes you are right! The ones running the EU for years have also forgotten about the left and far left "communism" the controls on everything from farming to speech is clearly no different than the way "communism" functioned! The forced spudo "collectivisation" being pushed trying to shut thousands of farms to "consolidate" leaving only big ones in the most controlled areas, the forced collective thinking in which anyone that doesn't think like the far left is not only told to shut up but now threatened with criminal prosecution for expressing their views and the list goes on!

If the far right is gaining power it is because the left and far left have pushed people too much.

When the left pushes to ban meat or even advertising meat in towns they control, when people are told they must address people in a way that you, your beliefs, do not agree with, when farmers are forced to stop farming despite being profitable because EU policies say the decision is to use product from farms in a cheaper country to centralize distribution (read control), when traditional festivals , foods etc..are outlawed because some EU bureaucrats deemed them offensive or potentially dangerous despite being around for hundreds to thousands of years, etc...

Is it a wonder that people end up embracing those that say they will oppose or fight against these far left controls.

The left pushed too far in the EU and now the backlash is coming in the form of the far right!

This is not a surprise, and many have been warning this would happen as the EU control grew and the left pushed it's agenda more and more towards communism and collective thinking!

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

The "left-wing" of the EU party only represents about 35 out of the 720 seats.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

Badly flawed and failed policies in the EU and North America by snobbish urban elites have driven people to seek new leadership.

Trump is likely to win, not because most Americans are racist climate-deniers, but because the left has failed them miserably and thinks the average middle American is deplorable.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

The left have no idea what they want other than what's shoved down their throat by social media. Wasn't that long ago they were against globalism, now it seems they're against nationalism. LOL

That is the truth, now if you love your country and want liberty and freedom, you're a right wing conspiracy nut job and hate your government, perhaps hate is the key word, and it seems that so many people just plain Hate.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Cry more. People have had enough of bankrolling a corrupt failed state.

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

The left pushed too far in the EU and now the backlash is coming in the form of the far right!

The communist did the same thing in the Weimar Republic and that's when things went side ways for Germany, so you are 100% over the target.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Constant pushes for accepting indiscriminately Muslim immigration, with all the bad consequences now seen all over Europe because out of it, combined with extreme pushes for "ecology" and other "minority" agenda has caused for the people to retake control.

I mean - there were recent pushes for adopting a Sharia variant in the EU Muslim communities (who, by the way, speak no other languages but Arabic) - like, how about NO?

2 ( +8 / -6 )

When it comes to politics, it's always a situation of jumping from the frying pan and into the fire. Only issue is, you don't know who is who.

Not a surprise they are winning this. Look at the crisis of the mass immigration and increase in crime. But it would be dumb to assume they care for the good of their country. They will create some other issue (like sucking up to Russia and China) and 10 years down the line people will lean towards the far left again.

Also, if you Ctrl+F and type right and left, the word Far left is mentioned once and the word Far right is mentioned 19 times. What a surprise.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Provocative enough yet?


-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Some advice: far left is Maoist or Khmer Rouge - extremely collectivist and antipathetic to any hints of bourgeois capitalism. Maybe many of the commenters here, especially Americans, having been overwhelmed by their capitalist ideology, have never heard of these and assume that Biden or Starmer or even the EU en bloc are far left. It's possible to be a social democrat - the general policy that brought prosperity and freedom for much of the postwar years in Europe - without being a communist or far left. But, sadly, the internet brings polarisation and social democrat doesn't sound sexy for those fed a meagre diet of political ignorance and extremism. But still, I know it is wasted. We will have to traverse the same cycle of human inanity again, this time with fancier weapons. Civilisation was nice enough while it lasted. Good luck to all in the coming conflagration.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Sales tax in Hungary is 27% and income tax is 15%. Heavy taxation for a populist government.

Heavy taxation is necessary to solve a lot of problems in society.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )


Politics have gone topsy turvy. Social democrats and US democrats are now the parties of the elites not the average person and support censorship and less freedoms for the working classes.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

Bad HaircutToday 09:27 am JST

And yet the left largely never went to simp for Putin. Go figure.

You're making the fundamental mistake of conflating opposition to escalating the Russia-Ukraine conflict with supporting 'Putin. This vastly over-simplifies the issue. The US, UK and EU never gave a damn about Ukraine before; the only reason they are now seems to be for economic advantage for the ruling parties' big donors. Nothing at all to do with the average Ukrainian, about whom they give not a single damn. And they have the same disregard for you as well, so cheering on the Western warmongers goes against your interests and those of ordinary people the world over, including both Ukraine and Russia.

Sending Russia packing is good for all free people.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

Ramsey's KitchenToday 09:30 am JST

Nope, sorry, licking Putin boot is not patriotism unless that is all that your country represents.

European patriots look after their countries interests not after the interests of the US . I know this might be a bit difficult for some of the pro war US posters to understand.

The EU borders Russia now. I know this might be a bit difficult for the pro war Russia posters to understand.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )


Today 10:54 am JST

Some advice: far left is Maoist or Khmer Rouge - extremely collectivist and antipathetic to any hints of bourgeois capitalism. Maybe many of the commenters here, especially Americans, having been overwhelmed by their capitalist ideology,

Once you start using words like bourgeois the argument is lost!

I am Not American! But if you are trying to say that the farmers in the Netherlands, Belgium, France, etc..being forced to stop farming because of EU policies and collectivisation are "bourgeois", good luck with that one!

If you are trying to claim the people of French towns in places like Normandy are "bourgeois" when they are upset after being told they can no longer server "traditional pea and pork soup" at public festivals because it offends certain people and isn't "inclusive", if you are calling traditional cheese makers "bourgeois capitalists" because EU regulations will put them out of business, then you have lost the plot and do not know the meaning of "bourgeois" or "capitalism".

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

This is a victory for the ordinary, honest, decent people of the EU who have been victimized by the political class loyal to Brussels and their twisted obsession with, subservience and obsequiousness to putting other quarters first, despite the corrupt nature it. An indictment of their conduct.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

When left leaning centrists like Joe Rogan get labelled "far-right" the term has lost its meaning

2 ( +9 / -7 )

A majority needs 376 seats out of the 720 seats. The right-wing groups have 175 seats.

so about a quarter, similar to MAGA in the US, except the EU doesnt have anywhere near the gerrymandering or the Electoral college unlike the US, safe bet their ideology wont be leading the EU anytime soon

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Great to see Europe getting back on its feet.

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Every time I see the words "far right" the first thought that comes to mind is racism. Antimigrant viewpoints and policies to hide from the truth that people from other countries are outshining them when it comes to education and work ethics because they are fighting to have a better life than they had at their own country meanwhile the ones getting butthurt over it have an easy life and don't know struggle or pain

-5 ( +2 / -7 )


God, how stupid! Didn't they learn from the last time the far right was popular that it will end in tears? Humans are do dumb.

I do not pay much attention to European politics, but as far as I am concerned, the election is a pure display of democracy itself. The EU government body is not about to be overthrown by leftist revolutionaries or a rightist military coup. Nobody seems to be looking to establish a new totalitarian regime, neither from the left nor the right. Democracy, it seems, is their common ground. The political pendulum may swing to the left or the right based on the issues of the time, which is the beauty of democracy.

I am not worried at all.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

"Every time I see the words "far right" the first thought that comes to mind is racism"

I used to think the same. Now I think "anti-government authoritarianism"...as with forced mandates on experimental vaccines or "forced speech" as is the case in Canada where you will get charged criminally for "wrong-speak" or where you would have gotten ciminally charged for walking in the park during the pandemic...despite getting fresh air being essential to your health.

Far right has come to mean push back against government over-reach. Remember when the Left was for free speech. So do I. Left has moved "far right"

2 ( +9 / -7 )

The EU elections are the second largest in the world after India. 400 million voters across 27 countries. The voter turnout is always low. This one is 51%.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Every time I see the words "far right" the first thought that comes to mind is racism

Every time I see the words "far right" the first thought that comes to mind is anyone who is not a left-wing extremist, as the far right label is applied these days to anyone who questions even a part of the current Woke narrative.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


Great to see Europe getting back on its feet.

Concerns Europeans but not Americans.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Trump is likely to win, not because most Americans are racist climate-deniers, but because the left has failed them miserably and thinks the average middle American is deplorable.

Excellent insight.

Great to see Europe getting back on its feet.

Concerns Europeans but not Americans.

Which is why I didn't mention Americans.


-8 ( +4 / -12 )

As for France and the "concerns " of immigration....stats show a lot of new arrivals are from....other nearby Euro nations, namely, Spain, Portugal and Italy.

The French seem a little like the Brits in the "anti immigration " feelings leading up tp Brexit.

About an equal number of "new arrivals " are from the African north, particularly Algeria, which was a French colony until the mid 60's.

What do they say ?

Karma's a bitch .

Suck it up Frenchies.

Australia is doing alright with immigration from many lands....variety is the spice of life.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

so about a quarter, similar to MAGA in the US, except the EU doesnt have anywhere near the gerrymandering or the Electoral college unlike the US,

No, they have it worse, they have politicians that put immigrant migration over its citizens

safe bet their ideology wont be leading the EU anytime soon.

I wouldn't bet on that.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

I used to think the same. Now I think "anti-government authoritarianism"...as with forced mandates on experimental vaccines or "forced speech" as is the case in Canada where you will get charged criminally for "wrong-speak" or where you would have gotten ciminally charged for walking in the park during the pandemic...despite getting fresh air being essential to your health.

Maybe that's how things are in Canada but I'm not too familiar with how things are there. I do know how certain sides of politics try to beg for more votes from people of color, women, and the LGBT community even though they just want to screw them over and take away more of their rights than what they currently have. And yeah free speech means something very different than it did 30 years ago. Now in this day and age people use it to defend hatefully demoralizing and or violent threats

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Great to see Europe getting back on its feet.

I agree, finally, some common sense is prevailing.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

"Now in this day and age people use it to defend hatefully demoralizing and or violent threats"

Threats of violence have never been part and parcel of free speech. Hateful or demoralizing language may be crass and vulgar, but tough shitt. Free speech is the cornerstone of democracy, hurt feelings should tumble democracy by facilitating dictators to charge people for hurting their feelings...or exposing their corruption.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

*shouldn't tumble democracy...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The new EU parliament is for five years. We will see what new policies there will be. Immigration law has already passed. Farming subsidies and prices. Environment. Ukraine support. Palestinian support. Several EU countries have recognised the Palestinians. Defense policy. Russia.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Threats of violence have never been part and parcel of free speech. Hateful or demoralizing language may be crass and vulgar, but tough shitt. Free speech is the cornerstone of democracy, hurt feelings should tumble democracy by facilitating dictators to charge people for hurting their feelings...or exposing their corruption.

Take a look at how things are going in the US in 2024 with people being swatted and getting death/bomb threats. And I'm not talking about people being called stuff like an idiot or moron or whatever I'm talking about people overstepping the limits of free speech nearly like saying there is a going to be a fire or a bomb in calls to places like government facilities, airports, schools

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

Wrong way around. Putin is pushing for a direct conflict with Europe.

Nonsense, Putin does not want a conflict with Europe , especially NATO countries.

And yet on Russian state TV, they talk about it al the time.

Does not matter how many times pro war Pentagon propaganda crowd says it, it does not make it true.

The pro war crowd support Putin.

NATO war hawks want European public to believe that narrative so they can push them towards an open conflict with Russia.

NATO aren't war hawks. NATO are anti-war. They don't want open conflict with Russia, that's why they support Ukraine.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

"Take a look at how things are going in the US in 2024 with people being swatted and getting death/bomb threats."

Neither "swatting" nor death/bomb threats fall under the umbrella of free speech

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The center-right Christian Democratic bloc of EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, which already weakened its green credentials ahead of the polls, dominated in Germany with almost 30%, easily beating Scholz's Social Democrats, who fell to 14%, even behind the AfD.

The gross characterizations of the 'left' by some usual suspect posters shows how skewed the Overton Window has become in European politics. Though it is still better than in the good ole USA. I am embarrassed by some of the American posters' interjections.

Most of the real 'left' eschews too much of a focus on identitarian issues and wants a sensible and inclusive immigration policy and economic justice benefiting the vast majority.

Mass unchecked immigration is a neo-liberal artifact exploited by the corporate controlled right to facilitate an American style model of polarized socio-politics.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Yep. Alexander de Croo in Belgium is the latest casualty. Important to keep in mind that recent company he has been keeping and his voluntary embrace which amounted to drinking from a poisoned chalice. More will lemmings follow.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Far-right parties rattled the traditional powers in the European Union and made major gains in parliamentary elections Sunday…

Good news—there’s still time to save Europe (and Western culture).

For decades, the European Union, which has its roots in the defeat of Nazi Germany and fascist Italy, confined the hard right to the political fringes.

With its strong showing in these elections, the far right could now become a major player in policies ranging from migration to security and climate.

And that’s a good thing.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Nonsense, Putin does not want a conflict with Europe

Too late, he already started one.

especially NATO countries.

He started the war to provoke NATO.

Sorry, was I supposed to pander to Putin the way the right does and not speak the truth? My bad.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

Nonsense, Putin does not want a conflict with Europe , especially NATO countries......

And yet on Russian state TV, they talk about it al the time.

Putin has stated he is ready for ceasefire talks just a week ago.

Yes. A ceasefire, but not peace. Putin has discovered how much this war iis costing him and would like a puse. For that he would like to keep all territory so far gained and to demilitarize Ukraine.

Obviously, he will restart the war at a later date. It's not a deal for peace.

Pro war western hawks pretend he didnt and minimize media coverage of it.

The pro war western hawks agree with the plan because the back Putin.

Other leaders such as Orban and Fico have openly stated over the last couple of days that it is fact hard core, pro war forces within some NATO countries such as France, UK are pushing for escalation and direct confrontation with Russia.

No NATO countries are pushing for direct confrontation with Russia. They are supporting Ukraine to stop Putin.

Seems European voters agree with that view.

Yes. They support Putin. It's unfortunate.

Nope. Putin has stated he wants an end to the conflict.

That's what he has stated. But he doesn't want peace. He wants Ukraine.

EU leaders such as Orban and Fico talk of the need for ceasefire.

A ceasefire does not bring peace. But EU leaders such as Orban and Fico support Putin

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Ramsey's Kitchen

NATO aren't war hawks. NATO are anti-war. They don't want open conflict with Russia, that's why they support Ukraine.

Fairy tale. NATO is supposedly an alliance created to defend its members if they come under attack. NATO is not under attack. Yet Macron and other NATO hawks are pushing for sending troops and having an armed confrontation with Russia on territory of a country which is not a member.

They are sending trainers to Ukraine. Hardly an armed confrontation with Russia.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Clearly a Waterloo moment for Macron and the beginning of the end.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

The EU borders Russia now. I know this might be a bit difficult for the pro war Russia posters to understand."

Historically, "Russia " has never invaded western Europe.

With the exception of the USSR teaming up with fascist, Germany to carve up Poland, the reality is that it has nearly always been the western countries trying to invade Russia.

Ok yes Putin is a dictator and yes dangerous but if we really look at history, we cannot fully blame Russia for being the way it is and hostile towards Western Europe on it's borders.

Like we are seeing now with the right in the EU growing and Nationalism growing, despite many Russians not liking Putin most polling has shown that most Russians would rather have him than a puppet controlled by the west.

And the right, far right, nationalist, anti EU/Bruxelles movements we are seeing in Europe are very similar, many people are tired of being told by "outsiders" what is best for them.

Just look at the Netherlands, farms in the Netherlands are among the most efficient but under EU plans the Dutch government is forcing nearly half out of business to meet EU regulations!

The EU has become a monstrosity, the west obsession with pushing towards and into Russia going back centuries are combining to the problems and situation we are in now.

Putin, the far right, etc...are all the results of certain people in power wanting to control everything, from what we eat, to where we travel to what we say!

Sadly it isn't the majority on either side but the fringe on the left and right that control the narrative because they are the ones that the centre Right or centre left must deal with to create a coalition in order to govern.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

AntiquesavingToday 01:59 pm JST

Historically, "Russia " has never invaded western Europe.

With the exception of the USSR teaming up with fascist, Germany to carve up Poland, the reality is that it has nearly always been the western countries trying to invade Russia.

Yeah, let's just ignore the domination of Eastern Europe and the theft of Kaliningrad.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

I am loving the hand wringing of the Euro-left on display here. The fear mongering of political parties that want no more than to be allowed to celebrate their own culture did not work in this election. These parties are not 'far right'- they are all fully on board with the welfare state as it exists in most European countries. They just realize that it is not possible to pay for millions of outsiders to come and enjoy the same benefits.

Germans want Germany to be German. French folks want their country to be French. And there is nothing wrong with that. They want a federation in Europe, not an uber-state with the capital in Brussels and the ruling elite dominant.

3 ( +10 / -7 )


Today 01:35 pm JST

Yes. A ceasefire, but not peace. Putin has discovered how much this war iis costing him and would like a puse. For that he would like to keep all territory so far gained and to demilitarize Ukraine

We keep hearing this, but in reality Russia has taken more land again, we are told the Kharkiv offensive is a "failure" but in a month with under 10,000 men (according to Ukraine) Russia took more territory than Ukraine did in least year's summer offensive!

As for costing Russia, according to the IMF Russia's economy is expected Russia to grow 3.2% in 2024, exceeding the forecast growth rates for the U.S. (2.7%), the U.K. (0.5%), Germany (0.2%) and France (0.7%).

But the attempts to try and blame Putin, Russia, etc...on what is going on in the EU it just trying to deflect from the fact that many in Europe are tired of being told what to do, and these election results have nothing to do with Russia, Putin or even the war in Ukraine.

Farmer protests in western Europe in the Netherlands, Belgium France etc ..are not about the war or Russia they are about EU rules and regulations forcing them out of business! The same for many industries.

0 ( +7 / -7 )


Today 02:02 pm JST

AntiquesavingToday 01:59 pm JST

> Historically, "Russia " has never invaded western Europe.

> With the exception of the USSR teaming up with fascist, Germany to carve up Poland, the reality is that it has nearly always been the western countries trying to invade Russia.

> Yeah, let's just ignore the domination of Eastern Europe and the theft of Kaliningrad.

And lets just ignore the fact Germany invaded and killed millions of Soviet citizens, and the Soviets did the bulk of the fighting against Germany!

0 ( +5 / -5 )

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