Japan Today

Illegal immigrant parents not facing U.S. prosecution for now; Trump, congresswoman clash


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This call by liberal leaders for their people to confront and attack Trump supporters is very worrying. If Democrats take back the government will Republicans be put in concentration camps?

-10 ( +10 / -20 )

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, 


8 ( +14 / -6 )

Both sides are a bunch of nuts, but dumb stunts like this is what's going to keep the Republicans in office for another 4 years.

-8 ( +4 / -12 )

Burning BushToday  07:15 am JST

Good, keep everyone on their toes, shake things up a bit. That's what the fatcats in Washington need.

Trump supporters think abusing innocent children is the same thing as "keeping everyone on their toes." This is the kind of person who votes for Trump, the kind of person who thinks children from south of the border aren't really people like they are people.

cla68Today  07:12 am JST

If Democrats take back the government will Republicans be put in concentration camps?

Why would they be? There is no call to put Republicans in concentration camps, and there is an enormous gulf between protesting a member of the cabinet who is out to dinner with strong language and throwing people in concentration camps.

But one of the most consistent things about this regime has been how people defending Trump have projected their own behavior onto his opponents. They accuse the left of having paid protesters, when Trump is the only politician on record in recent history actually doing that. They whine, "but her emails!", when Trump's own team did exactly the same thing. They call politicians corrupt as a class, when they actively cultivate corruption in their own ranks.

So watch any right-winger who claims to be afraid of being put in a camp on the basis of their politics. That means they're going to try doing it to you.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Waters was out of line for saying that. We really don't want to become like them.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

This call by liberal leaders for their people to confront and attack Trump supporters is very worrying. If Democrats take back the government will Republicans be put in concentration camps?

I was born and grew up half of my life in LA and Maxine Waters is as toxic as any politician can get. The woman is a complete embarrassment! During the Rodney King riots when truck driver Reginald Denny was hit in the head with a chunk of Concrete slab or fire hydrant by the thug Damian Williams, the woman visited his home to offer their family support, it was unbelievable, the man almost died and had to have numerous reconstruction surgeries to fix his head and she supports the family, so her actions now are not at all surprising, this is who she is and her and many on the left are. If they can’t get their way, push back, tell them they are not welcome and if you need to use violence....

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Sanders is just the mouthpiece. Why don't we refuse to serve the generals, command officers, and pilots who do drone strikes killing civilians? See how well the "just following orders should not be obeyed" goes when military members are tried in military courts for refusing to follow orders. God forbid the US should lose a war and Americans get charged as war criminals.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Do not show them evil, but be nice. Offer your best and see their reaction and guilt.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Ward: Just don't lose sight of whose rights are being violated!

Anderson: Don't put me on your perch, Mr. Ward.

Ward: Don't drag me into your gutter, Mr. Anderson!

Anderson: These people are crawling out of the SEWER, MR. WARD! Maybe the gutter's where we outta be!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

What person can defend illegal immigration and then vilify those that seek to end the problem with ‘confrontation’

Hardly a democratic thinker....!

4 ( +7 / -3 )

dumb stunts like this is what's going to keep the Republicans in office for another 4 years.

Unfortunately that's probably true.

Anderson: These people are crawling out of the SEWER, MR. WARD! Maybe the gutter's where we outta be!

Go ahead. I'd rather not be in the gutter.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

@extanker: I agree with your post that things have gotten crazy. I am not sure I agree that the Republicans will hold office but I am reaching the point where I am not sure I care anymore.

The level of dialogue in the U.S. has deteriorated so far that I would not be surprised if there is some kind of "uprising" or major event. Both parties are to blame and they have succeeded at one thing at least; dividing the (dis)United States further than I have seen in my life and I saw the Vietnam protests, Nixon impeachment, etc. etc. Trump is like a child with his Twitter account and Maxine Waters (who should consider leaving her multi-million dollar house and living in her district) calling for violence is just as bad.

Was interesting talking to my mom this morning (who has been around to see a lot more than I have) and she has the same sentiment about the level of division in the country (as do most of her friends that are of the same age).

I fear it will take a major event (such as civil unrest or worse) before the U.S. can even begin to get on the right track again. If you look at any social metric the U.S. has been falling for the last 3 decades and now is no longer in the top 10 in any important measure of a society (i.e. education, infant mortality, crime, health care, etc.). The U.S. people, instead of fighting each other, should try to unite against a government that has been leading the country to destruction. Our governing class is more interested in getting reelected, maintaining their cushy lifestyle, and enriching themselves rather than representing the American people.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Thank you, I will.

Because the only thing bullies respect is power. That is how to beat them.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere. 

Waters is wrong on this. It's a strategy that is neither moral nor effective.

Democrats should not imitate the Trump model of public discourse (and for the most part they have not).

Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person

Like that. America has a president who tweets these petty ad hominem attacks.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

@tokyoeng The U.S. people, instead of fighting each other, should try to unite against a government that has been leading the country to destruction.

I completely agree. Call me naive, but one way for Americans overseas, including those who post on this site, to do that is to stop bifurcating issues and dividing into one of two sides. I'll continue to express my opinion, but will try not to oversimplify them to us v. them, zeros and ones levels. I expect the Russian posters to continue to throw fuel on fires - but that's what they're paid to do.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

The level of dialogue in the U.S. has deteriorated so far that I would not be surprised if there is some kind of "uprising" or major event.

Civil war does seem to be on the horizon. There is just too much division, and people are only getting more extreme, not less.

When you have both sides casting the other side as the worst thing in the history of this universe and all others, while refusing to acknowledge that there are those on their own side that are equally bad, are only making the problem worse. Those that blame every person on the other side for the actions taken by a few or even one, are only making the problem worse.

And people are doing these two things more and more and more.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Schumer and Pelosi both said this behavior isn’t right, but refuse to denounce Maxine Waters. Just more empty words.

Guess they have figured out they are losing the midterms and need to find a topic to blame for the loss.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

@PTownsend - I think the fact that technology makes it so easy to express ourselves instantly results in people reacting emotionally sometimes rather than trying to break things down logically. The incident at the restaurant with Sanders would never had made the news 20 years ago. Our President uses Twitter in such a manner where he looks really foolish and as an American overseas I find it to be an embarrassment.

For years the U.S. system has consisted of 2 parties and every time a 3rd party has tried to make headway there is a concerted effort by the other 2 parties to slam the door. The political class knows that it is in their best interest to keep the 2 party system going for as long as possible.

I do not think you are naive as I do think what you suggest is helpful, but as an expatriated American I find when I go back to the U.S. that each time things seem worse (regardless of how the economy is performing). The underlying tension is uncomfortable. Everything now is an issue in the U.S.

There are those that believe that there is a concerted effort to undermine and destroy the fabric of the U.S. and there are times when I find this believable.

People here say Abe does things to distract the Japanese public (i.e. North Korean abductions, etc.) from the real issues at hand in Japan. Well I would say the U.S. political class does the same on a much higher level.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Schumer and Pelosi both said this behavior isn’t right, but refuse to denounce Maxine Waters. Just more empty words.

You refused to denounce Moore. Your president refused to denounce Moore.

I don't think you're in a position to be proselytizing about a team not denouncing one of their own.

Nothing will ever get fixed as long as people are condemning the other team as devils without condemning their own team for doing the same.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Why would they be?

Why would they not given their verbal and increasing hostile attitudes towards conservatives.

There is no call to put Republicans in concentration camps,

Not yet.

and there is an enormous gulf between protesting a member of the cabinet who is out to dinner with strong language and throwing people in concentration camps.

You can protest all you want, you don’t have the right to follow, stalk and harass anyone, if someone followed me and got in my face, the outcome of the person would not be a kind one. Leave people alone, especially when they are out, some of these losers are even going to peoples homes now, astonishing!

But one of the most consistent things about this regime has been how people defending Trump have projected their own behavior onto his opponents. They accuse the left of having paid protesters,

Which was proven a dozen times.

when Trump is the only politician on record in recent history actually doing that.



They whine, "but her emails!", when Trump's own team did exactly the same thing. They call politicians corrupt as a class, when they actively cultivate corruption in their own ranks.

So watch any right-winger who claims to be afraid of being put in a camp on the basis of their politics. That means they're going to try doing it to you.


-8 ( +3 / -11 )

The man is a walking Tweet. Less fighting and more leading, please.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Waters didn't actually threaten violence. Unlike the extraordinary racist, Donald J Trump. That sexual predator, child abusing enemy of human rights has advocate violence on several occasions.

Meanwhile, the children remain traumatised.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

The best way to beat a bully and his minions to stand up to them. Trump and his supporters represent the worst of America. Stand up to them and call them what they are. And vote in November to begin to put an end to this nightmare.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Trump calling someone 'Low IQ' is a bit rich.

He can barely put together a decent sentence.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

Meanwhile, the children remain traumatised.

That is the fault of their parents, and if any government is at fault it is the one that they are coming from, and not Pres. Trump nor the USA.  I am for immigration done legally, but the USA is not there to take care of the world's poor.  I find it interesting that many on the left complain that we are not doing enough for the poor in America, yet I see we are placing these children in foster care facilities, spending upwards to $35,000 a day for their upkeep, and now will possibly house some on military bases, yet we don't do the same for US citizens who live there.

Confronting people in their personal lives is not the answer to resolving this.  Again, if any government official is to be confronted, it should be from those countries that people are leaving and they should be brought to task on the conditions of their countries that causes their citizens to leave.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Like the Dotard's ever been in a fight in his life. Behind every blowhard front is a whiny little coward.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person

Takes one to know one. Reclaiming my time.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Waters didn't actually threaten violence.

“Actually” well, she didn’t call for peace and calmness.

Unlike the extraordinary racist, Donald J Trump. That sexual predator, child abusing enemy of human rights has advocate violence on several occasions.

Ok, so all alleged, never proven, but whatever...

Meanwhile, the children remain traumatised.

As thousands of children in the States and worldwide. When I visit my local Toys R Us, I’m also traumatized.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Meanwhile, the children remain traumatised.

As thousands of children in the States and worldwide. When I visit my local Toys R Us, I’m also traumatized.

And children, that is how they justified ripping parents apart from their children, and keeping the children in cages. Because they don't like going to Toys R Us.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Maxine Waters is perhaps the greatest living proof that term limits in Congress are absolutely essential! She is an utter embarrassment as a political figure, and a rep for her district. She somehow can afford to live in a $4 million mansion while her district is rife with poverty.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Yeehaa! Run, Maxine, run! Waters in 2020! (Sorry, Bernie.)

0 ( +3 / -3 )

America is an interesting, dynamic and exciting place becoming more exciting by the unique president of 71 years old having a beautiful young wife. I think people of America chose the right person as their president. America remains strong in the world.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

She somehow can afford to live in a $4 million mansion while her district is rife with poverty.

So, are we to get it straight that you are anti-capitalist? I was pretty sure the right was pro-capitalism, yet here you seem to be criticizing a capitalist result, and... pushing for communism? Confusing.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Democratic Representative Maxine Waters told a crowd in her home state of California

Nothing more need be said. All she sees are family members trying to get their extended family into the USA without going through the visa lines. If that is what her constituents want, then she is doing an excellent job.

And she isn't wrong about everything related to immigration into the USA, but neither is President Trump.

Trump knows that people entering the country illegally are overwhelming the system. If you want to request asylum, you should have to enter legally, period. If you don't enter legally, through a controlled border, that should be an automatic reject on the asylum request.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

@Attila - Here is how


I am quite liberal but I really dislike Waters. She represents one of the poorist districts in CA but I do not think you would ever see her living there.

However, that does not excuse Trump's ridiculous use of Twitter

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Republicans are no angels considering you had George Bush spear headed blowing up WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7 (That's right, 3 sky scrappers were collapsed, not 2 for all you low info people).

But now you look at the Democrats. Maxine Waters seems to be merely senile or drunk, but unfortunately she always rants like this. Same with the Democrat house leader? Nancy Pelosi. But the cake goes to John Podesta! I mean, he must really like cheese pizza with walnut sauce with spirit cooking (Spirit Cooking = satanic ritual), or the FBI list of pedophilic code words used in the deep web are just a coincidence with his emails!

It's interesting that I agree with almost everyone who posts here on different topics on news here in Japan such as murder, punishment, other crimes or local news, but seem to be starkly divided on the Trump issue.

US (Hollywood for one example), as in the UK and many other places, something seems abundantly clear, the ruling class is made up of pedophiles and the Democratic party seems to be championed by them (at the moment).

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

tokyo engineer; I agree on both counts. Maxine is a fraud and a crook. How does she acquire such wealth on a government salary? As for Trump, someone should either break his thumbs or take his phone away, especially at night. All it does is throw the media into a constant state of hysteria, to the detriment of stories that are actually important or meaningful.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Actually, it has been proven, on tape and on video. Trump admitting to sexual assualt, Trump calling at rallies for violence.

And yet, the people that were throwing the punches were liberals, now you have the loons in Hollywood like Peter Fonda advocating for all out violence against the Presidents son and wife.

I'm not going to clog up this topic with the relevant links yet again

Thank you

Yes, I agree. So why mention they looked "foreign"?

Uhhh....because they weren’t Japanese.

But they weren't being violent.

Which was wise on their part.

Forgotten Charlottesville already? Sad.

No will wait to this white supremacist house and offered support for his family, so please don’t go there. Waters supported the very man that bludgeoned him almost to death. Insulting, racist to the max and this from a sitting Senator. As bad as Pelosi is, the woman hasn’t pushed for violence to her credit, but Waters has always been an obnoxious public servant.

Because only elitist white males can make outlandish incendiary comments and be praised for it.

Schumer is trying his best to quell the situation and good on him.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

And yet, the people that were throwing the punches were liberals, now you have the loons in Hollywood like Peter Fonda advocating for all out violence against the Presidents son and wife.

One idiot who was rightly condemned. Waters isn't advocating violence, unlike PotUS.

Which was wise on their part.

As I said, they weren't being violent. But now you're pumped and would have squared up to them, right? This is exactly the culture of aggression that Trump has enabled. You're entitled to wear what you want, of course. Just as others are entitled to look at a deliberately provocative choice of headgear.

No will wait to this white supremacist house and offered support for his family, so please don’t go there. Waters supported the very man that bludgeoned him almost to death.

What are you talking about & what does it have to do with the murder at Charlottesville?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Republicans are no angels considering you had George Bush spear headed blowing up WTC buildings 1, 2 and 7 (That's right, 3 sky scrappers were collapsed, not 2 for all you low info people).

Oh, the Alex Jones theory once again? Smh....

And another in the military but you yourself decided not to serve?

I served in a different way. I just had a camera and not a gun.

What of the 1-in-9 American children who daily suffer abuse. 9 million of them.

Children are children, thousands of them everywhere all over the world. So where’s the outrage? I worry about children in America, I worry about Americans, I am angry about parents allowing their children and sending their children on a very dangerous journey. We don’t owe illegals anything, no country does, should we help, if we have the resources, the space and the money, but we have to worry about our own and we have to be fair, when you have people paying thousands of dollars to become citizens and they have to wait for years and have followed all rules of law, it’s unfair to let people jump ahead because they just feel like coming in or want to come in to see relatives or whatever their reasons are, they can request, but they have to wait in line and Mexico is equally complicit by not helping or giving aid to these people, but giving them visas and sending them north, cold and irresponsible and then they try to lecture us. I Just have no words to convey the sadness, anger and dismay I feel about this.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Maxine is a fraud and a crook. How does she acquire such wealth on a government salary?

I have no idea where she got her money, but even though I proclaim to be pro-capitalist, I'm going to call her a fraud and a crook for daring to be successful in a capitalist economy for some reason I haven't bothered to figure out.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Yes, but you don’t have the right step up to anyone, very dangerous.

People are frustrated with fake news like Obama was born in Kenya.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

The US isn't a parliamentary system, nor does it have multimember at-large districts (exception of 2 senators per state). That being said, the US can become de jure nonpartisan. Also, there's a 2-term limit on the president, why not congress? Lastly, make the presidency a chief administrator position, who merely carries out (e.g. executes) the law. The House and Senate Armed Forces Committees would, perhaps through joint committee, be the ones to handle defence crises. The Queen is commander-in-chief too, but nobody sees her directly ordering drone strikes, etc.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person

Pukey2: Takes one to know one. Reclaiming my time.

And what’s amazing is Trump still beat the Dems most qualified presidential candidate in history despite the fact that his IQ is on par with that raving lunatic Maxine Waters.

Last year the over the top hate from the Democrats led to the attempted murder of a baseball diamond full of Republican lawmakers. How many more mock severed Trump heads and assassinaion plays before there is more violence. Another Dallas cop shooting fest by an enraged BLM sympathizer or an Antifa incitement a at klan rally. Enough is enough with the #resistance.

The Dems and their allies in the media and the Deep State need to come to terms with the fact that they lost the election and stop trying to overthrow the Trump administration. I am sure that Republicans were not too happy living through two terms of the Marxist-inspired Obama administration. I know Trump is a clown but the Left has become a village full of idiots - and dangerous ones at that.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"advocated violence in subliminal ways"

Uh oh or LOL don't know which is more appropriate.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, 

and an "extraordinarily" dumb elitist politician!

1 ( +4 / -3 )

"Trump’s daily lack of civility has provoked responses that are predictable but unacceptable,"

The dude is nothing more than a boor in a suit with a long tie, orange hair, a loud mouth and a twitter account.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Seems like US is just few years from their own cultural revolution.

Anyone not part of the far left is at risk of getting purged.

US society as a whole, even without official laws, is far more repressive on freedoms of expression and speech than many nations, and it will only get worse from now on.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Republicans: "We know where each and everyone of those children are."

Then what the hell you waiting for? End the hostage taking now.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

It seems like legal and illegal immigration are interchanged freely these days. There is a difference between following a process to immigrate legally and just ignoring the process.

The Cultural Revolution in the U.S. is near. I agree

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Tokyo-Engr, did you really just agree with someone claiming the left in America is going to bring about a Cultural Revolution?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Anyone not part of the far left is at risk of getting purged.

This is nonsense, of course. The risk is that America will follow the path that other populists and right wing demagogues have done in the past. Look at the language coming from Trump - infesting, invaders and so on.

This is the language of someone who sees immigrants as less than human.

To ask for some humanity, to address the locking up of children in changes, to stand up to a bully and wannabe dictator is now being revised as some kind of purge?

Unbelievable and frightening.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Stealing children from their parents and locking them in cages. Always conveniently not addressed.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Kudos to the razor-sharp, almost grim reaper-like moderating today :-)

Can't keep up with it, so adios for today & enjoy the weather, if you can!

0 ( +3 / -3 )

You can be angry about illegal immigration, but we aren’t going to let you target kids or suspend human rights to stop it. Somehow, when you say that to a Trump fan, he hears that you support rape and murder by illegals.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@jcapan - haha - no not what I meant. Typing too fast and posted without completion. What I want to say is that something near a cultural revolution could be near. I am not saying it will be brought about by one side or the other but the divisiveness we now see certainly reminds one of that type of event.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump couldn't even spell 'IQ'.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Trump and those who support him dont seem to realize, nor want to acknowledge, that theyre direct beneficiaries of 'illegal immigration' starting with the mass migration of Europeans to US at the turn of the century. Many of whom required nothing but caucasian features which entitled them to a plot of land, slaughtering the natives indiscriminately, and horde as much natural resources as they could find.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Super: "Waters was out of line for saying that. We really don't want to become like them."

Waters was indeed out of line for saying that but Trump supporters are NOT like her.

Oh my...

Democrats call out Maxine Waters for encouraging incivility


-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Trump called for his supporters to “knock the crap out of” hecklers.

Nobody should sink to anything close to these murky depths.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Jimizo: "Nobody should sink to anything close to these murky depths."

The Democrats have sunk way lower. Oh my...

Hannity on the left's new low


-2 ( +1 / -3 )


Referencing Sean Hannity is like turning up to a nice restaurant in crocs, a string vest, shorts and a MAGA cap with Sarah Huckabee Sanders as a date.

Let’s not lower the tone here. Keep it classy.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Crossing the border illegally should result in uncomfortable situations.

Voluntary deportation needs to be offered to get them gone ASAP after adding them to the prohibited entry and work visa lists.

If they want due process, sitting in a tent, in July/Aug waiting should work. Crossing illegally needs to have negative feedback.

Anyone travelling 200+ miles who can't cross at a legal border and request asylum clearly needs to be rejected.

Of course, people seeking asylum who come in via the correct border crossing areas with quick validation checks should be allowed in and setup with volunteer families to support them for the 150 days typical before asylum and work visas are allowed.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Jimizo - Anything Hannity said here that isn't true? Try to find something.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Jimizo - Anything Hannity said here that isn't true? Try to find something.

I don’t click on your links. Hannity is a partisan bobble-head who admits he isn’t a journalist.

Not worth the effort.

Let’s keep it classy.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Jimizo: "I don't click on your links"

Stay uninformed then, lol. BTW, you wouldn't be able to find anything Hannity said here that isn't true.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Asylum seekers are never illegal immigrants, no sir! never!

People granted asylum are not illegal immigrants. Those seeking asylum may or may not be illegal immigrants depending on how they entered the country. If it is proven that they in fact entered illegally, these “asylum seekers” certainly are illegal immigrants though their claim for asylum - prejudiced as it may be by the manner of their entry - must be heard.

Run, Maxine, run! Waters in 2020!

Please. We aren’t near enough to the next presidential election for this kind of thing.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

'Congresswoman Maxine Waters, an extraordinarily low IQ person, '

Bigmouth boorish brat strikes again. A real POTUS wouldn't try to belittle his government cohorts like a childish imbecile but then again what do you expect from a bullying sociopathic cretin who doesn't know to behave himself in any scenario? Trump ought to go find some porn star who'll spank his fanny! He's totally pathetic, man. Unprofessional, unmanly, and pathetic.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The UN Refugee Convention itself in Article 2 imposes a duty on all refugees to conform to the laws and regulations of the country they find themselves in. The consequences of breaching this duty are left undefined, but it does (at the very least) envisage the possibility of prosecuting refugees for knowingly entering in an illegal manner.

The fact that there is no immediate humanitarian crisis or war threatening people on the Mexican side of the US/Mex border makes clandestine entry into the United States completely unnecessary and unjustified. Requiring asylum seekers to present themselves at one of a multitude of checkpoints along the border seems like a reasonable measure for the maintenance of public order.

Article 2 - Every refugee has duties to the country in which he finds himself, which require in particular that he conform to its laws and regulations as well as to measures taken for the maintenance of public order.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I see a few intelligent commenters and then a whole bunch of people who believe two wrongs make a right.

"but...but... they did it first!"

Who gives a damn! How about the other side be the one to STOP the cycle of stupid, childish antics. Then maybe we can get somewhere.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I see a few intelligent commenters and then a whole bunch of people who believe two wrongs make a right.

The impasse in the debate is apparently permanent.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

“Waters was out of line for saying that. We really don't want to become like them.“

What!? It’s been conservative rioting and chasing conservative speakers off campuses, conservatives chasing other conservatives out of restaurants?

Show me one news report of a Republican crowd running Democrats out of a restaurant.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The impasse in the debate is apparently permanent.

You’re one of the people who apparently thinks two wrongs make a right. You do nothing but say ‘but this’ and ‘but that’. There’s no ‘impasse’. There’s just two sides full of buffoons, each of whom things that they absolutely have to be the winner with the last word. Nothing is good enough for the loons on the far left or the whackos on the far right. If either side would just stop being butthurt children and actually try to communicate, things might actually get fixed.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The impasse in the debate is apparently permanent.

For years most all political debates in America end up at an impasse. Dems are putting up wanted posters for Trump officials and have implemented a policy of harassment for any of them who disagrees with them too much. I’m not all that surprised that a Democrat activist shot up a ball field of Republicans last year given that the Left in America has become completely unhinged. It’s as if they want violence in order to prove a point about how horrible Trump is.

All of this has been a long time coming. America would be better off partitioning itself in two like India and Pakistan. The conservative half can keep the US Constitution. The Socialist half can adopt Cuba’s.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Perhaps if Mexico, who shares the border, actively worked to enforce their border, too, it would not have to fall on the US to do all the heavy lifting.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I’m not all that surprised that a Democrat activist shot up a ball field of Republicans last year given that the Left in America has become completely unhinged.

Nonsense. America itself has become completely unhinged as it cages kids and antagonises allies whilst cosying up to dictators.

Time's up for the USA, it's make or break time.

The conservative half can keep the US Constitution.

The conservative half don't give a toot about the consitution. There should be a travel ban imposed on them.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

No! Thousands of Cubans made the dangerous crossings from Cuba to Florida. If they were caught by the coastguard they were returned to Cuba but if they made it all the way to American soil they could then claim asylum which was granted. Were they then also illegal immigrants?

If you kill a man in cold blood are you a murderer?

In popular imagination you may be. By law you are not until a jury (in the US) decides that the state’s prosecutor has persuaded them that your action is beyond reasonable doubt a murder. (Hence the addition of the qualifier “alleged” in news reports of crime in the past 50 years)

Were they then also illegal immigrants?

If a judge deemed them so, then, yes, they were as many border crossers today will be judged. I hope the process will allow for worthy exceptions, but I would expect very few.

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See this is what happens, the Repubes start spreading lies and people believe it. Maxine Waters never called for anyone to attack physically Trumps CABINET, that's who she was talking about THE CABINET MEMBERS. She said keep questioning them, in restuarants, in public, at the gas station, ask them "why money was spent on tent cities, why Pruit paid millions for "tactical pants" that his workers even said they didn't need. Why did Mulvaney lie about "trickle down", that is what she is calling for, NEVER for violence. She told people to go up to them and ask questions, do it loudly and do it until they answer, get in their faces about these crap policies that they are lie about. She NEVER called for people to physically attack anyone. Stick to the truth, it's easier, the lies never stand up.

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