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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.In Mount Rushmore speech, Trump says protesters seek to 'defame' heroes
Donald Trump is a freak-show.
"If I pretend the virus doesn't exist, then it will go away."
Odds are some will get contract the virus. I wonder what percent of the non-mask wearing freedumb lovers who get sick have health insurance to cover their medical bills, and how many will just expect the taxpayers to pay their bills for them.
Given many of the statues being torn down are those with links to the confederacy, Trump seems to be saying 'America was great' in the slave owning days.
in his ongoing attempts to further unite 'members of his ethnic demographic' and further divide the country. Unlike some historical rallies, this one will be outdoor and no beer will be served. Expect lots of guns.
Thats very funny coming from this man. He reminds me of Mussolini more and more everyday - the try hard, bumbling buffoon of a wannabe dictator who was more at home in a silent era film comedy...
Hands down the dumbest president ever.
What a joke.
Just remember, Trump is doing all these things for himself. Not the country.
Oh puleeeez.
I am not certain if those who participate say are Americans here in our hopefully dialog really are American and do really care about America and what it stands for and have stood for, making our current stay in our host country a positive one. Trump is but one President that inherited as do all Presidents and leaders of the world, an already divided and divisive nation with very powerful enemies (literally) from all over including those so called citizens within the USA, that are "destructive" of and to the USA. USA was founded to be a "united" and "peaceful" nation which allowed liberty and freedom with equal opportunity to be able to enjoy life for and with mutual benefit as a people of one nation.
The issues here in the news are not just about Trump or the Republicans and the Democrats, but the very fabric of American and World history as well as the "WISDOM" and NOT "idealism" of human experience to date. It is with understanding the dichotomy, the dualism, the existence of the positive and minus that allows us to continue to improve in all areas. There is a plus and minus, good and bad, and do what is right and wrong, useful and destructive in all of us because we do not share the same history, culture, situation, condition, environment and experience. Our discussions here "reflect" exactly that.
In Japan as with many countries in Europe and throughout Asia, the past exists with the present in many forms. From Temples, churches graves, building, and monuments which also includes statues and busts of those that helped to shape our world are reminders of that dichotomy and dualism. Anthropologists discover artifacts of the past which gives us a perspective of how we came to be. We are the result of millions of generations past and we did not create ourselves as we are today. It is by understanding the positive and negatives which have shaped our lives that have and will make us (that is with the right attitude) better humans.
Hopefully those that inherit our history do not have to dig up what we have destroyed to understand the nature of our society and existence today only as a destructive one. Wars are destructive and painful but they have taught us the values and ways we have today. Science and technology made it easier for humans but also have destroyed a major portion of nature's life balance primarily by pollution and physical destruction.
In this case it is not the right to express an opinion as much as how it is done. And willful destruction of anything that was held as being valuable and meaningful while harming the safety, security and health of others. This is happening while the entire society is already suffering from another man cause illness that resulted in this pandemic. That is definitely not meaningful and not useful any cause or purpose.
How one views that is a matter of perspective.
PTownsend, love your play on words, freedum lovers!
Yup, everyone attending must sign a waiver that stipulates they or their immediate family will forego all medical treatment related to COVID 19. We can't allow urgent hosptial beds and equipment to be used up by willfully ignorant people who just wanted to go see Il Duce.
Vernon Watts
Oh the hypocrisy; attend a Trump rally without a mask and get excoriated -- loot, burn and riot in Seattle and other US cities and dead silence from JT judgmental posters. Lets face it you hate Trump and you hate America -- you can always emigrate to Hong Kong -- the government there will surely respect your opinions...
The best and worst together on the same t-shirt.
This land is still sacred to Native Americans and Trump's unwelcome flying circus will be seen as a sacrilege and another culturally insensitive gesture by the "Great Orange Father in Washington". Two things are for sure, Lincoln's Gettysburg Address will have nothing to fear from Trump's "Mt Rushmore Address" which can be expected to fizzle out in the history books like his firework display, and thankfully his comb over will nary be seen again at Mt Rushmore.
Double whammy with dubya, 2nd dumbest, and don, the dumbest by a landslide. Republican's corner the market in stupidity and lack of sensibility and not just presidency, it's ubiquitous in the entire conservative thought process of lies over facts.
Fauci is laughing at everyone.
Pot, kettle. black...."we" the posters here on JT can only comment on threads put up here. Go look at the responses to the riots and everything in the states, on the threads that were put up here, and you will see people commented, guess you just choose not to read them, maybe you should go take your sanctimonious attitude to a site that actually gives a crap.
If your like authoritarian, dictatorial leaders, liars, hypocrites and the such, then Trump is the man for you!
Sadly there are too many American's that buy into his brand of Kool-aid and believe their 'Dear Ruler" has their best interests at heart, but in reality he only cares about himself, THAT is a fact!
He’s not, liberals and anarchists completely divided the nation and want to tear it down. Trump said, he absolutely won’t let that happen and now there’s a rapid response team across the nation to respond in record time to thwart any further attempt to dismantle our sacred monuments and statues.
There won’t be, but I agree, hope everyone can enjoy the fireworks as well and the anarchists can watch from afar, take a break, calm down and eat a veggie burger.
As if liberals in DC have anything of substance to say. Lol
News flash!
Trump plans to say something idiotic! Stay tuned for updates!
The best and worst together on the same t-shirt.
Are you including Teddy Roosevelt in with "the best'? But, but, his statue has been removed because he was RACIST!
This T-shirt including Trump on Mt. Rushmore is pretty funny, haha, lol
Donald Trump is a freak-show. Hands down the dumbest president ever. What a joke.*Watch the "dumbest freakshow joke" first destroy Biden in the debates if they are actually held, then win a landslide re-election. :D
"If I pretend the virus doesn't exist, then it will go away."
"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, you ain't black."
Well, he's put 8 of his staffers, 2 Secret Service Agents, and Herman Cain in the hospital with COVID infections - Trump won't be satisfied until he infects one-third of American - or more accurately his so-called base...
Remember when pro-Trump far-right nuts were storming through Michigan with their guns? Demanding Gov Whitmer release distancing rules and "open up?"
Michigan's infection rate yesterday was 250 - Florida's was 8,000...
So, I guess that's winning, right Trump supporters?
The Avenger
The event at Mt. Rushmore has nothing to do with Independence Day; it has everything to do with the narcissism of the Orange One in the Oval Office who has shown himself to be the most uninformed, ignorant, and incompetent president in the history of the United States as he grovels at Putin's feet.
Dear All Attendees,
Do not forget to take 2 extra doses of Clorox before entry. As a precaution.
Thank you,
Concerned American.
It’s an outside event. So now the complaint has to be “wildfires” and “white supremacy”.
will be a wonderful event and a rousing speech for America.
Did you hear hydroxychloroquine actually works? Which is what was said, not “chlorox”
the mockery of liberals and their media cost lives.
*Michigan's infection rate yesterday was 250 - *Florida's was 8,000...
So, I guess that's winning, right Trump supporters?
Six months into the year, 329 people have been killed in Democrat-run Chicago, an increase of about 34% from the 246 homicides during the same period last year, according to police.
In June, the city saw its highest number of gun violence victims in a single weekend this year.
So I guess that's winning, right Democrat supporters?
Do not forget to take 2 extra doses of Clorox before entry. As a precaution.
Still repeating that lie. Pathetic.
Just remember, Trump is doing all these things for himself. Not the country.
Sure! And all those things Obama did was for the country, not for himself!
Yes, it does. Celebrating our founders and men that defined the nation and the freedom we relish plays a huge part of that.
Yeah, but personal opinions won’t stop the celebrations.
Trump has already lost the election, when he loses Florida at 9 pm CST on 11,3,20
Among an ever-lengthening list of other 'complaints' about Trump's ongoing bungling of everything he's connected with as he drags the country to its lowest point maybe ever.
But I guess those who can only see the world as binary, i.e. their polar- extreme sense of an issue vs their imagined enemy's polar-extreme sense of an issue, miss out on all the in-between stuff the majority of people see.
On the 4th of July....
States across the southern US, mostly with Repub Governors who followed Trump's urging to "open early" are experiencing their highest infection rates ever. Texas has reached its limit of ICU beds - and cannot care for those most serious. Arizona, Texas and Florida all posted record new cases this week -- Florida reported nearly 9,500 additional coronavirus cases on Friday. Texas had 7,555 new cases after back-to-back days with about 8,000 a piece.
In other news, Trump hosts a celebration, nee rally, at Mount Rushmore. Ignoring the virus, he states the most urgent problem facing American today is unguarded Confederate statues...
Trump then says he considering building a Mount Rushmore-like edifice at Mar-A-Lago with four of the people he most admires; Roy Cohn, Jeffry Epstein, David Duke, and Vladimir Putin...
This is the main reason why I dislike Trump. OK, I understand if he wins the election. If you win then you win. But.....
Trump has a plan to stay in the White House if he loses election, former senator says
(news source)
Look at the condition the US is under Trump's watch. Especially with TrumpCare. Also, I want someone in the WH who has the common sense to understand that you cannot inject Mr. Clean to cure COVID-19 and and I don't want someone who doesn't understand that Finland is not part of Russia. The US was fine under Obama, there was no drama. Trump - it's obvious it's another story. I'd be fine if we had a different republican like Chris Christie.
Trump has been such an abject failure that there won't be any monuments of him built anywhere for anyone to 'topple' in the future. Well, not unless he pinches money from a charity to build one himself.
There are no “confederates” on Mount Rushmore. Nor were many of the people whose statues were pulled down, unless Christopher Columbus has some secret time travel.
Bob Fosse
Sure! And all those things Obama did was for the country, not for himself!
Bingo! He finally gets it. Har!
Sure. Lol
You have more people in California that are getting sick, why would Newsom allow thugs to riot and get sick?
And nothing was defaced or destroyed. Go through any liberal main city, see the destruction, trash, stench and lawlessness of idiots defacing our history and culture.
I agree
He can do and say what he wants. I don’t wear one.
There will be only one way to describe this - a huge national embarrassment...
They ought to just show this - its what reality is in American today....
half the liberal cable news talkers are disparaging Washington, Jefferson, TDR and Lincoln.
other half saying Trump cant measure up to the greatness of these 4 legends. Yet another disjointed narrative in liberal land.
With less deaths...pheeew...
Remember when the crude case fatality rate in the U.S. was over 6%, as recently as the middle of May. Well, that number now hovers around 5%. There are multiple possible reasons for the falling case fatality rate. The much lower median age of current new cases, 35, compared to 65 early in the pandemic, is certainly a factor. While younger people can get quite sick from the coronavirus, their death rate is significantly lower. Also, increased testing today yields many more asymptomatic and mild cases across all age categories. Furthermore, universally, more safety precautions are being taken at nursing homes. And, there are better treatment options and care management for Covid-19 patients who do come down with severe illness.
Thank God!
A dangerous event and move by Trump.
Trump should not be at Mount Rushmore and should be working to put the train wreck of the U.S. back together.
Do I need to remind you of your comment on the 'Corona narative' again? You know, the one where you claimed a million people at a Trump rally would 'put the narrative to bed'.
You believe that science applies to protests, but not to Trump rallies. Disjoint that one.
When partisan extremists can only resort to posting more 'intentional misinformations' and can no longer defend their position with evidence and reason, it only further weakens their 'side'.
Dodge. All the rest of the increases are in Repub states - Texas and Florida re exploding...
Armed domestic terrorists marching thru our streets? That's a destruction and defacement of our country...
BINGO! Thanks for answering. Hear that everyone - if you wear a mask, you are anti-American. All you Repub Senators including Mitch - you're anti-American. Pence? You too... Dr Adams the Surgeon General who implores everyone to wear? Ditto... I guess most of Trump's cabinet and the Repub Party are anti-American...
Nope, you already answered - he's anti-American - along with Pence and McConnell....
A link to Fox News?
Uh-oh indeed.
Trump's getting just what he, Barr and their fellow 'elite' and their 'foreign' backers wanted. His divisiveness is resulting in further splitting the union.
We've made real progress today - we got one Trump supporter to admit that he believes wearing a mask is "anti-American"....just like the tweet that Trump sent several days ago.
Unfortunately, that Trump supporter didn't know that yesterday, Trump flipped and said this;
President Donald Trump said he supports wearing face masks to contain the spread of the coronavirus
"I'm all for masks, I think masks are good," Trump said during a Wednesday interview with Fox Business,
I'm sure this Trump supporter will stand by his post and say Trump is now "anti-American"....right?
The concept of wearing a mask is un American. We don’t usually do that.
nor did most foreigners in Japan until recently. Same idea.
trump isn’t saying anyone who wears a mask is unAmerican. He is commenting about the idea of wearing a mask. Don’t let context confuse you.
Bob Fosse
More flip flops than a Florida beach this weekend.
Exhibit A: Trump can never be on Mount Rushmore with these other 4 legendary leaders and our 2 founders.
exhibit B: Trump should be on Mount Rushmore with these other “racists” and oppressors.
both being spoken at same time by liberals on TV now. Make up your mind.
Bob Fosse
both being spoken at same time by liberals on TV now. Make up your mind.
Again and again. Until you get past the hurdle of imagining everyone who is anti-trump is a liberal and that there are only 2 choices for everything you’re just going to run in circles.
Not a dodge, less deaths, don’t dodge that..
And not one bit of destruction, fire, graffiti or defacement.
You do as you please, the rioting thugs didn’t practice safe distancing, so....
But yeah, you’re anti-American I’d you don’t support the lawlessness. Lol
I never said that, but if you want to interject your words, go ahead, they’re yours, not mine.
Why not? Because you don’t care about other people?
Or because you want to stick it to the libs?
It’s a good place to start looking for suspects.
Politicizing the wearing of masks is so stupid.
thugs = alt-right code for black
When individuals can only frame issues from polar opposite standpoints, it says lots about how they understand the world. Especially when those individuals have repeatedly shown their understanding of issues is based primarily on their imaginary world. That they expect others to 'make up their minds' based on what they've imagined says they're reality-challenged.
Can’t.decide is Mount Rushmore is a celebration of heroes/our founders or a monument to criminals and white supremacy. Is it on stolen land now or is it just part of the USA?
NY Times discussing “stolen land” from indigenous peoples. While their building is on.......(stolen land from indigenous peoples)
somehow the hypocrisy is missed in the insistence to attack Trump.
Who says anyone has to decide. Once gain a polar frame. Once again Trump followers continuing to further splinter.
Who within the US borders benefits from a further fractured nation.
Trump insists he's a germaphobe - yet won't wear a mask.
That just about sums him up. He's pure BS.
Nice picture! I guess the protesters will have signs saying that that the white rocks are racist. Come to think of it, I’m surprised that the white cliffs of Dover haven't been painted over yet.
I have read medical experts say people with certain issues should be exempt from wearing masks. Fair enough. The list includes the narcissistically impaired and those dealing with an obsessive compulsive disorder.
Say that in three weeks...
No, that was Charlottesville....
No, we got it - you said you agree with Trump when he tweeted that wearing a mask was "anti-American"...the exact tweet is below;
*President Donald Trump shared a tweet on Thursday that argued the mandated use of face masks to control the spread of the coronavirus represents a *"culture of silence, slavery, and social death."
*The argument against masks was made by a right-wing columnist in The Federalist, a conservative online publication, and claimed that mandating the safety measure was "anti-American" and signaled "indefinite government expansion."*
And you said very succinctly "I agree"....
Got it - anyone who wears a mask is "anti-American" - like this guy...
Oh no, your words were very loud and clear - you think most of Trump's cabinet and the Repubs are anti-Americans. I couldn't agree with you more...
I could flip that around. Some people can’t wear masks, some people have respiratory problems, we need to care about these people as well.
They already do that to themselves, don’t need my help.
You are not flipping it around - you are talking about exceptions.
Do you think those who are able to wear a mask should wear one in consideration of the very people you are talking about - people with respiratory problems?
Covid could kill these people.
NCIS Reruns
Trump seems unable to wean himself of the belief that if he poses in front of iconic figures, America's hoi polloi will somehow associate him with their greatness. How silly can you get?
Well, looks like the Repub Party has a bunch of "anti-Americans"....
Pence Urges Americans To Wear Masks To Stop Spread Of COVID-19
McConnell urges Americans to continue to wear masks
Monday evening, Fox News’ Sean Hannity recommended mask-wearing,
And one Trump supporter thinks all of these folks are "anti-American"....well, what do you know....
Obama went to Mt Rushmore. What’s the big deal?
Can you believe this? Trump is infecting not only his staffers but his own inner circle....
Yet another senior Donald Trump advisor has tested positive for COVID-19.
“Kimberly Guilfoyle, the girlfriend of President Trump’s eldest son and a top fund-raising official for the Trump re-election campaign, tested positive for the coronavirus on Friday before a Fourth of July event at Mount Rushmore, a person familiar with her condition said,” The New York Times reported shortly before Trump’s speech began.
So how many more did she infect? And how many of those attended the Mount Rushmore event today? And how many of those spread it to the public since they weren't wearing masks?
You might as well label anyone connected with Trump a "super-spreader"...
You are not flipping it around
Do you think those who are able to wear a mask should wear one in consideration of the very people you are talking about - people with respiratory problems?
As does the flu each year. It’s also been reported less deaths, even if the numbers are rising, great news.
And thank God for that.
Readers, you are just going around in circles with your usual bickering. Please comment on the story and not on what other posters say.
I wish I was there. Donald is doing a great job.
I saw a few minutes of this event - it was, what one poster here already described, a national embarrassment...
Trump was on a stage with maybe 20 other people - only one wore a mask (I guess the "anti-American" cabinet member)...
The crowd was packed in like sardines, and no one was wearing a mask...
Did Trump talk about the over 50K new COVID cases each day and how he's fighting the virus and keeping us safe? No, he talked about the arrest of three demonstrators who defaced an Andrew Jackson statue...
I'm surprised the four American heroes on the edifice didn't turn their heads around in shame....
Open Minded
This event is nothing else than a Trump political rally, but financed by tax payers.
And the Black Hills were taken from????
From wiki..
So the Lakota didn’t even know about horses in the early 1700 hundreds? Granted, they were introduced by the “evil“ Spanish, but once the Lakota had horses, they “expanded its territory”. So what does “expanded its territory” mean? Hmmm....I imagine a lot of women and children were stolen or killed.
point is, don’t get wrapped up into the “new culture revolution” being propagated by the MSM. All they want to do is divide. And by the looks of it, their drones are multiplying.
How could you possibly know this?
All the statues and monuments only became an issue in the past few weeks. Never heard a peep till then. Odd. Considering the last President, AG, and Nat Sec Adv were black and was never mentioned it's very strange.
It was a great speech.
Happy Fourth of July!
Bob Fosse
“a merciless campaign to wipe out our history”
oh wait...trump said this? I thought they’d allowed one of the Native American representatives to speak. Sadly not.
Trump did have a little "reveal" at this event...
As I was watching, he talked about the arrest of three protesters defacing an Andrew Jackson statue - and the crowd cheered....
Just then, I could see the hint of a smile at the corner of Trump's mouth, as if he was thinking; "I can't believe all these imbeciles are falling for this con-job"....
The problem is, most people are not taught reading or history anymore, it’s not all these kids fault that they’re being educated by radical socialists, this is why the public school system sucks and why I think School choices should be the answer. If these people knew their history and well they wouldn’t be toppling a lot of these statues, but the cancel culture wants to attack everyone and everything that isn’t woke.
They don’t want 4th of July, that’s now come into the crossfire of these people and they want to ban that? The msm and the Dems are solely responsible for this mayhem and chaos. A guy was kicked out and banned from Chipotle because he bought a cop some lunch, this is just unacceptable! Banning someone because they wanted to show kindness to the officers that risk their lives daily for us.
I think we know whose statue will feature prominently in the center of this garden.
Bob Fosse
The problem is, most people are not taught reading or history anymore,
I agree. History sometimes needs to be revised and balanced. That is what is happening. Nobody is erasing history, that’s a nonsensical belief.
’They’ don’t want 4th July is what trump wants you to believe and you fell hook line and sinker for it. Chipotle story, link please.
This movement is openly attacking the legacies of every person on Mount Rushmore," Trump said, adding that some on the political left hope to “defame our heroes, erase our values, and indoctrinate our children."
Exactly correct, Mr President.
Bob Fosse
He also said he will establish a “National Garden of American Heroes,”
Will he make the minorities pay for it? Mark his words?
"If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, you ain't black."
well considering that Trump only got 8% of the black vote and that number looks to be decreasing, seems like black voters and Trump dont go together
I agree but disagree, in this particular case the faces never should have been placed in Mt Rushmore, a native burial resting place for the locals.
Yes, one of these people on the list.
John Adams, Susan B. Anthony, Clara Barton, Daniel Boone, Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Henry Clay, Davy Crockett, Frederick Douglass, Amelia Earhart, Benjamin Franklin, Billy Graham, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, Martin Luther King, Jr., Abraham Lincoln, Douglas MacArthur, Dolley Madison, James Madison, Christa McAuliffe, Audie Murphy, George S. Patton, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Jackie Robinson, Betsy Ross, Antonin Scalia, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Booker T. Washington, George Washington, and Orville and Wilbur Wright.
Bob Fosse
If he builds the garden at the same rate as the wall he’ll never get it done. Priorities shifting?
Bjorn Tomention
Nice Speech Donald, speaking about the founders of America and how the history and monuments will be protected with minimum 10 years in prison for the defacers and defilers !
Bob Fosse
minimum 10 years in prison for the defacers and defilers !
Yeah, that’s never going to happen. A bit like the wall, replacing Obamacare, I could go on but obvious troll is obvious. You know that is pure fantasy right? Right?
That’s a much needed start.
It’s already happening and Barr is seeing it through.
Oh no? The Antifa guy was on twitter boasting he committed no crime cause “they know me and where I live and have not come to arrest me”. Internet tough guy.
know what happened next? (Spoiler alert; they came and arrested him. Now he’s crying that he’s disabled and being treated unfairly)
Half of it is done already, parts replaced and the rest should be done by next year. Check YouTube.
Bob Fosse
I0 years in prison? Will never happen “lol”
Simon Foston
PTownsendToday 07:20 am JST
Without glancing at any of the other comments I feel sure that some obsessive Trump-loving bore with nothing better to do with their day has remarked that all the slave owners were Democrats.
Bob Fosse
Half of it is done already, parts replaced and the rest should be done by next year. Check YouTube.
Are you talking about the wall or the garden? I’m not sure which one I’m supposed to cheer for now...
Any ramps or glasses of water this time?
The guy whose death made Trump’s presidency possible.
A pander to evangelicals.
Nice of Trump to include a few people of color. Trump loves “the blacks”.
What about an Obama statue?
Black Sabbath
I very much look forward to Jan 15 of next year.
Not all, but the majority, they started and upheld the institution of slavery, Lincoln was killed by a Democrat, the Klan was started by the Democrats, we went to war because of the Democrats, they instituted and protected Jim Crow laws with an Iron Fist, and stopped and blocked every attempt to stop blacks from obtaining equality, so yeah, they were the cause.
The Wall, not Pelosi’s backyard.
No, the EC did, the people tired of the establishment did.
Black Sabbath
Trump says protesters seek to 'defame' heroes
Yeah. Well I say Putin put bounties for American bodies. And Trump does nothing.
Bob Fosse
Democrats were the cause for slavery? Well ok then. We keep telling you that trump was a Democrat until recently.
I guess it’s not all so cut and dried huh? Maybe 2 sides of an argument can be wrong, ever imagine that?
Trump. Dividing and conquering since 2016.