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© Thomson Reuters 2023.Israel blockades Gaza Strip as Hamas threatens to kill captives
By Nidal al-Mughrabi and Dan Williams GAZA/JERUSALEM©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
This is just the beginning of the destruction of the terrorists,
Civilians targeted by Israel?
Surely, this has to be a war crime!
The reality of living in Palestine is that children can be imprisoned for throwing a stone at an Israeli.
Before 7th October how many Israelis were in Palestinian prisons?
The Israelis dominate Gaza 109% and now are restricting all utilities including water to over 5 million people-another war crime!
The IDF will have to completely dismantle and kill the senior network of Hamas by going in and systematically cutting off them off of supplies, starving them, making it as uncomfortable for them as they possibly can before launching a massive ground campaign.
may be planning a ground assault in response to the devastating weekend attack by Hamas gunmen.
I imagine that Hamas has watched the attrition caused the ISIS fighters in street to street warfare in Syria.
Therefore they would likely want to lure the IDF into the maze of crossfire and boobytrapped streets of Gaza.
Not so sure that the Israelis will go for that.
NotThe One
Remember the various news stories that came in the past about Israeli soldiers abusing Palestinians by coincidence unde the same current PM. Here is one of the videos of Israeli soldiers breaking Palestian people arms with rocks from that report. This is the treatment that Palestinians have lived with for decades.
Let's not also forget Israel (European converts) was also caught temporarily sterilizing Black Jews against there will or without their consent from East Africa (genetically descended form the original tribes).
Both sides have done wrong and both sides ahve stood by and allowed others representing them do wrong.
There are no innocents in this unfortunate conflict only casualties.
NotThe One
An interested documentary called Occupation 101 will a new perspective to the conversation.
It is not just the indigenous people, Muslim Arabs, or East African Jews suffering under Israeli rule, but also the non-white and white Christians in Israel.
I wonder how the Conservative right feels about being spit on in Israel for simply being Christian. Would they consider it an honor to be abused by God's chosen people?
This is just the beginning of the destruction of the terrorists,
Not sure if it is the beginning of the destruction of Israel, but they certainly took a good hit for all the crimes they have been committing.
No, that's not true.
I have never seen anyone post anything here that would suggest that. You clearly didn't undrestand what you were reading.
Can someone translate this into something comprehensible?
If you act like wild animals, then expect to be permanent put down like one. No amount of justification is enough for what they did to those at the festival. They want a war, then they got one. Israel this time is not gonna negotiate, but instead go full war mode. Expect the coming days to be brutal.
Every half decent advanced free country in the world issued a very strong joint statement against Hamas terrorism today; except for Japan for unknown reasons and Trudeau's far left Canada that has has lost its moral spine.
White House statement states there is no evidence the Iranians are directly involved but I think if it continues there will be Israeli strikes against Iran.
Yeh don't want two sides of the story only the Israeli side. This will be a massacre of genocidal proportions and the world will remain silent.
White House statement states there is no evidence the Iranians are directly involved
”directly involved.”
Where are you coming up with this "information". Source?
There are zero Australian hostages, to be clear.
Wild statements are becoming a regular thing from you.
In the end, they have made themselves equally as bad as the oppressive Israeli government. This was an own-goal, now they've lost support from the centrists of the world like myself.
The mass execution of civilians is never justified regardless of what has been done to them.
Hamas is backed by Sunni Muslims like Saudi and Turkey. Hezbollah is supported by Iran. These groups do not support each other and Saudi cuts off the heads of Shia Muslims. ISIS is made up of Sunni Muslims supported by oil revenue. There can be no peace between Hamas and Israel. Hamas killed over a thousand Israel Jews, close up and personal.
In order for Netanyahu to “declare war”, he’d have to acknowledge Palestine is a sovereign nation.
And if that’s the case, he & Israel have been invading a sovereign nation & every single semblance of violence in Palestinian territory has been by definition an act of terror.
Cat Stevens
I see a lot of people in these comments justifying the attacks by Hamas. I honestly don’t think people know the history of this area to fully make educated comments.
Until 1948, the British occupied this area that was known as Palestine. When they decided to leave, they split the lands…one for the Jews and one for the Arabs. There was no such thing as a Palestinian until that point. This whole area was occupied by all sorts of different people.The Israelis were willing to split the lands. The Arabs were not. A war was fought. Israel won. Since then, there has been many land deals offered. Some of these deals have been generous. Not a single one has been accepted. Why is that?
People talk about an apartheid state. Israel is the only pluralistic society in the entire Middle East. The only democratic nation in the Middle East. There are Arabs and Christians in their governments and courts. There are over 100 Christian nations. Over 45 Muslim nations. Even Buddhists and Hindus have nations. Yet, when the Jews wants just one nation, it is seen as unjust. Why is that? People talk about ending the occupation. So what shall be done? Give it all back to the British? Or before that, the Ottomans? People talk about Palestine being a prison nation, but fail to mention that one side that is locked is the Egyptian side, who want nothing to do with Gaza. Nobody blames them. How about the plethora of Muslim and Arab nations, who could easily make a nation for these people, and yet not a single one does anything. How about Jordan, which up until a certain point, occupied the West Bank. Shall they get “their” lands back? All this for an area that wasn’t really owned by anyone and was given the chance to be split up equally…and only one side rejected that. Israel is the size of New Jersey.
Another way to look at this is how each side would act, if war was started. As of right now, Hamas has brutally raped and murdered women and children. They’ve kidnapped children. They’ve beheaded Israeli soldiers. They’ve urinated on the naked corpses of women. They have a history of launching missiles from schools and hospitals, so that when the Israelis respond, they can say that the Israelis bombed a school or hospital. These are not the actions of freedom fighters. These are the actions of savages. Israel would never do any of the above to Palestinians. Let’s not forget that the goal of organizations like Hamas and Iran are to wipe Israel off the face of the earth. “From the river to the sea”. Sounds like Nazism to me.
I am the first to admit that some of the settlements should not have been built. But let’s be honest. How many times can a nation try to make peace with a group who wants them eradicated? With an area that hates them? And all of this for a piece of land that wasn’t”Palestinian”, but occupied by all sorts of different people.
I stand with Israel on this. Hamas needs to go.
Haaa Nemui
Strangerland. I do agree. I should have said I was on Palestine’s side before this. This scale of attack on civilian populations can never be accepted.
You're right, this was an inevitable eventual reaction. But that doesn't justify it. It was the wrong way to try to solve their problem.
Yes, oppressors need to realize that eventually the oppressed will rise up and innocents on their side will die too. Again, this doesn't justify it, but it's a natural course of action.
This is irrelevant to the mass murder committed by Hamas animals.
There are two sides. Hamas terrorists murdered hundreds of Israelis, and several people of other nationalities.
Nope, and irrelevant.
Excellent comprehensive post.
Irrelevant opinion, and regardless, Palestinians did not respond to anything. Hamas terrorists under guidance and funding of Iran committed a mass murder that had nothing to do with any perceived treatment of Palestinian Arabs.
100% true; and remember, this massacre is not a "both sides" argument.
No strangerland, you were doing well with your first comment. There is no moral equivalency. This is not " Well, Israel...".
This was mass murder.
It didn't work out so well for the US in Afghanistan after 9/11 though did it? Taliban still in power there. Nothing will change in Gaza regardless of what Israel does. The US is about to give the Israelis a blank cheque to fight Hamas. You can thank US tax payers for fueling this conflict for years. No conditions put on US aid to Israel.
An eye for an eye will leave the whole world blind.
Quo Primum
But taking captives in the first place IS in accordance with Islam?
And what if they go through with their threats to kill the hostages? Would that be in accordance with Islam too?
If so, then some religion they've got there.
God willing, it's the beginning of the end for Hamas. ( Islamic resistance movement )
Next will be Hezbollah......(Party of God)
And last but not least free the people of Iran from their centuries-old Government.
Quo Primum
Trump predicted this.
A month ago, Biden released to Iran $6 billion in frozen Iranian oil revenues. Iran is a major supporter of Hamas.
At that time, Trump predicted the $6 billion would be used for terror attacks across the Middle East -- and for kidnapping specifically.
And that is exactly what has happened.
Here's what Trump wrote on X (Twitter):
“Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran? That money [will] be used for terrorism all over the Middle East, and, indeed, the World."
I'm not exactly a Trump fan ... but let's face it, Trump-haters. He called this. He said it would happen. And it did.
And speaking of Biden, where is he?
He hasn't come out and said one blessed thing about any of this. Even while Americans over there -- at least five so far -- have been killed.
Israel-Hamas, Russia-Ukraine, the Afghanistan debacle -- none of this ever happened when Trump was president. It never would have happened if he still was.
Persona non grata
The $6 billion is in a Qatar bank under strict conditions.
Yuri: great to see someone on here who as a grasp on world geo politics. Yes Turkey and Turkey are now the controller of support, in both wars. Not the USA nor Europe or NATO, all three want Russia under their thumb. A defeated Russia is far more important to these three powers than Israel survival. Turkey is just waiting for the Sunnie Saudi peace talk to fail which will trigger the Iranian proxy armies to make move on Israel. The real winner if you can call them winners is Turkey. Turkey will stifle any form support from the USA to Israel ( by Closing down the straits which very important in defeating Russia which is the USA main goal) which will allow each side to decimate each other which benefits Turkey in the long term. The result will be a weaker Israel and a political turmoil in Iran.
Well, his track record has not been so great over the past few years,
Even his base is nervous.
Cards fan
Wow! Trump predicted there'd be terrorism in the middle east. What's next, he'll predict the summer will be hot and winter cold? That's some amazing clairvoyance. If only he could have predicted leaking intelligence on Israel might have had dire consequences:
So, cutting off food, fuel, water and electricity is a legitimate military tactic all of a sudden - collective punishment, as is carpet bombing and indiscriminate bombing of densely populated civilian areas.
These tactics were being condemned by a certain bunch of hypocrites up until very recently.
The media is refusing to publish the horrendous images of consequences of this collective punishment. Hospitals, schools, children, babies... streets with people missing limbs and all.
The events of 7-8/10 didn't happen in vacuum like some are pretending - it's the direct cause and consequence by the killing this year of hundreds of Palestinians … and preceded by decades of Israel’s unrelenting military raids on Palestinian villages, towns, cities and refugee camps.
Normal, try doing the same at any person.
Not a single sane person believes that.
According to PBS News Hour, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for the immediate deportation of Eritrean migrants involved in a violent clash in Tel Aviv and has initiated a plan to remove all African migrants from the country on Sept. 3.
The truth is the truth!
Two wrongs do not make a right!
Imprisoned for throwing a stone at Israeli soldiers who abused their right to live peacefully in their own land.
It's not the end of Gaza, but it is the end of Hamas.
I am sane and I believe it. Can you provide real evidence to counter the claim?
A while back when Trump was president, you wanted an attack against Iran.
Netanyahu told mayors of southern towns hit by Saturday's surprise assault that Israel's response would "change the Middle East"
That is definitely coming.. In that big picture equation they will now eradicate this problem once and for all..
For those implying the barbarous actions of Hamas and the Palestinians who cheer them on are justified: The UK and USA have been responsible for all kinds of crimes against people around the world. Suppose some group of psychopaths claiming to represent one of those groups went to Coachella or Glastonbury to rape, torture and execute young men, women and children - and then carried a few bodies back as trophies to cheering crowds back home.
By your reasoning, you would say that is justified as well? Or is it only when it happens in Israel that it's justified? There is no justification for such barbarity. If your response to injustice is to murder woman and children and celebrate it, no matter what the injustice was you are a psychopath.
Hamas 'threatens to kill civilians' while the Israeli regime continues to slaughter civilians.
Threatening to kill civilians who willingly support and enable the perpetrating of the Crime Against Humanity defined in the ICSPCA, or slaughtering civilians who were already innocent victims of that Crime.
Which should outrage you more?
Hamas spokesman Abu Ubaida said the group had been acting in accordance with Islam by keeping the Israeli captives safe.
But in return for every Israeli bombing of a civilian house without warning, it would begin executing an Israeli civilian captive and broadcast it, he said.
Standard left aligned jihadi narrative, desperately looking for a opening.. but that is all gone now.. captives or no captives..Hamas and similar types are all history..
Hamas didn't threaten to kill civilians, they went without warning and executed them in the streets and in their homes.
Are you under some silly idea that there is a clean way to have war?
This is exactly why all war and oppression should be condemned.
Looking at the current situation on the ground, which is very hard because the IDF is doing a good job of keeping unnecessary witnesses like journalists far from the action, it's clear that they have far from totally isolated the Gaza strip and there is still considerable fighting going on in towns and cities.
There is also evidence that Hamas has being able to rotate and resupply forces on the outside which indicates improvised border crossings are still in commission. In particular there is still skirmishing going on around Sderot, Zikim and Rahat (30 km out). Another huge issue is mines and the considerable stocks of modern AT weapons seized from outposts - the Trophy APS hasn't appeared to be working with numerous tanks knocked out. Drones have been used effectively. Videos have been posted showing militants using manpads to attack Apache helicopters. Large amounts of small arms like Tavors are common.
The northern border with Lebanon is heating up: just reported the IDF deputy commander of the Baram brigade, Lieutenant Colonel Alim Abdallah, was killed on the border with Lebanon.
Cat Stevens
Here is a good piece on the current situation.
As long as Palestinian s are blocaded in refugee camps so Israelis can party on their land ...there will never be peace assured there will be no peace.. First JUSTICE MUST BE SERVED, then talk about peace...not the opposite
You have every right to believe their hype, no one is stopping you. ROFL!
No, I did not unless Iran took the position that it is taking now and the country is not the problem, but the Mullahs are, but nice try as usual.
The only purpose for negotiating with this terror trash is to make a plan before attacking them.
Video on Telegram appears to show IDF personnel in a pipeline infrastructure area cutting off the water supply, which the authorities have announced previously.
(Note - this is now a legitimate tactic elsewhere).
Finally, Trudeau has made a strong statement denouncing the Hamas terrorist attack and people in Canada who have been supporting Hamas. It only took him a few days. Now the Canadian Union of Public Employees heads and protected tenured university folks need to be forced out of their jobs for the support they have shown Hamas over the past several days. Good for Trudeau, finally.
You must be upset with Arabs too because Gaza has been under a partial blockade by Egypt.
The situation is tense in Egypt - a policeman shot dead two Israeli tourists and their tour guide in Alexandria on Sunday.
For starters, this is not a conflict, it is a murder scene.
Sun is up in Israel.
Now we can just sit back and watch the patient hunting down of murderers and the destruction of a terrorist regime and its supporters, as Israel displays its unbeatable anility to crush this disease-ridden scum.