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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Israel fights Hamas deep in Gaza City and foresees control of enclave’s security after war
By NAJIB JOBAIN and SAMY MAGDY KHAN YOUNIS, Gaza Strip©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Israel is left with no other choice.
Hamas brought this war to Israel, and Israel is going to bring the destruction of Hamas to Gaza and other Israeli territories such as the West Bank.
At least Israel seems to be acknowledging they will continue to own this.
Well, Hamas did their darndest to provoke a reaction, and, boy, they sure got one.
Simon Foston
Today 07:20 am JST
You "absolutely" agree that the West Bank is Israeli territory?
It better to die free,than under occupation
I agree that Israel should strike at Hamas wherever they reside and yes, including the West Bank, eliminate as many as the top senior leadership as they can.
Simon Foston
Today 07:31 am JST
That wasn't my question. Do you agree that the West Bank is Israeli territory? That's implied by "absolutely."
Hamas using rockets is forcing Israel to disrupt and spoof GPS for the entire eastern med. That impacts both the rockets, but also many thousands of commercial airline passengers flying in the region too.
Have you tried scrolling up? All the answers you seek shall be found.
Nothing to disagree about. It's Judea and Samaria. Of course it belongs to Israel.
Who else would it belong to? Not any Palestinian faction. The area never belonged to any other country. Jordan had illegally occupied it until Israel gained what is rightfully theirs.
End of story.
So they want to create "Mini Gazas" in the West Bank, and turn Gaza into the West Bank and occupy it again. Dear Lord! What an absolute nightmare the Zionists have created.
I wouldn’t recommend bringing hysterically simple and reductionist arguments to serious discussions.
This is not a rightwing North American podcast audience.
I think you’ve misread the room.
Wow, what a disaster this is. Shocking, humanitarian disaster.
I find it interesting that people here continue to refer to Hamas as if they aren't Palestinian, as if somehow the organisation isn't comprised of ordinary, born and bred Palestinians.
Hamas are the Palestinians - the reactionary, oppositional section of the Palestinians who are driven to, or inclined to take action against their oppressorsn due to their circumstances and the reality of their socio-political situation.
It seems that many are using the term Hamas to conveniently package and separate this group as the 'bad eggs' who are somehow not real Palestinian, as opposed to being able to comprehend that the situation is far more nuanced and complex than that. After all, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
Israel look like they are intent on resetting the whole Gaza situation right now. Perhaps they have visions of another seaside Mediterranean settlement by the beach, sans Palestinians altogether. Wouldn't surprise me at this point.
Hams is NOT going anywhere, and so are the Palestinians struggle for Freedom, for over 75 years Israel and it's ALLIES have been trying to subdue the Palestinian asperation and have FAILED all the way.
This war will just be another UGLY chapter in their struggle. Mr. Netanyahu and his war mongers know it and the resistance will CONTINE until Israel ends it's OCCUPATION.
Hamas must and will be held fully, totally accountable for this war.
Hamas will be held fully responsible for the forcible kidnaping of hostages, the atrocities to 1400, men, women, ,the slaughtering of children infants.
Hamas will also be held accountable for the deaths of every Palestinian, in the ground, war, and continued air strikes.
No mercy for an enemy that offers no mercy.
Hides and hold up Palestinians, as human shield, hides under hospitals, schools, UN humanitarian refugee camps.
It is time the G7 rightfully spoke with one voice, see this through, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran will not stop until the freedoms, the rights that defined us as human beings, our families/solders died in battle, in two world wars to protect those freedoms are respected.
A Two Minute Silence at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month will be held in the UK.
That day is a scared moment in commemoration to the scarifies endured, If that day is desecrated by a hate march, protest, then questions need to be addressed, in parliament, on the streets as to exactly whether these extreme Islamic fundamentalism infiltrating these marches must be confronted and purged.
Are Hamas considered deserving of protections under the Geneva Convention? Is Israel obligated to take them prisoner? Or can they be dispatched like mercenaries?
Aly Rustom
THIS! Well said Mark!
Israel unleashed another wave of strikes across the Gaza Strip on Tuesday as hundreds more Palestinians fled Gaza City to the south.
This will and should continue.
Meanwhile, Israeli civilian populated areas are being hit with hundreds of rockets launched by the Palestinians and Hezbollah.
Humanitarian and military aid is essential for Israel at this stage. The US must continue on its path of standing with its ally and fighting terrorism until it is eliminated in the region
One might think that after listening to extreme left Eurocentric podcasts about conspiracies with Israel bombing hospitals in Gaza.
It's important for everyone to remember what brought us to this point. On October 7th, thousands of goons from Gaza swept across the peaceful farm settlements of Israel torturing and killing over 1,400 people, mostly women, children and babies. They were beheaded, burned, had fingers and feet cut off of them, etc.
Hamas must be eradicated. After that, maybe something better can be rebuilt in Gaza. Gaza had its chance at self-governance and they blew it. The UN, the Israelis, the Arab League, all of the above, anyway somebody besides the twisted Iranians (or Manson Family-like Hamas) has to be given a chance to make Gaza a civilized place to live.
How dare they march in solidarity for a ceasefire on Armistice day of all days...
hypocrisy just achieved a new high score.
It is a straight forward narrative of recent history to describe the artificial creation of the nation of Israel.
Really only dates from the post WW2 period and Britains new dominion over the Ottoman Empire who sided with Germany.
A letter from Lord Rothschild and some approval from "Her Majesties Government "{UK } set the tragic play in motion.
Arab lands were to be confiscated with no consultation with Palestinian people, and whole swaves of the area to be just given to the Jews.
If you believe "God promised this land to Israel " you are deluded.
Now we have the new narrative of Jews as the permanent victims and Palestinians as the lesser human.
The situation did not start on October 7th, it has been ongoing for decades.
If Israels reaction to the October 7th attacks is "proportional" as many argue, then the attacks by Hamas were also "proportional" when you consider the oppressive rule they have lived under for decades.
My personal take is that BOTH the actions of Hamas, and the actions of Israel are abominable and should be condemned, and both parties should answer for their crimes.
It seems very difficult for some people to accept that there are no excuses for the murder of innocent children EVER.
There is no occupation of Gaza. The last Jews left 15 years ago. Since then, conditions have deteriorated, thanks largely to the Gazan inability to govern themselves and allowing Hamas to dominate their culture.
Those shouting for "free Palestine" need to be specific. What land exactly do you mean? There has never been a country of Palestine, and Palestinians as a people were just another random tribe of Arabs until the mid 20th century.
And whilst the catalysts for both the October 7th attack and the continued bombing of Gaza are clear, it in no way justifies either. Both situations are horrific. Both sides should be condemned. Both Israel and Gaza have lost more than enough innocents.
And this was his end game!
Next will be the rest and the West Bank as he arms the illegal settlers and ignores attacks on Palestinians!
Netanyahu has always made it clear he wants a Jewish State no Arabs and has said many times, "they can go live in other Arab countries"
Something repeated multiple times here by certain posters.
I guess there was no apartheid in South Africa, because the white people Left the black areas to "govern themselves "
Sounds familiar, the white controlled entry, exit, what can and couldn't be done, etc..
Now replace whites with Israeli and black with Palestinians!
And I see no difference
Antique; I am sure that you are correct, you DON'T see a difference. And therein lies the problem. Israel is a pluralistic democracy with rights for women, LGBT, etc. Gaza is governed by a medieval death cult.
The Palestinians have proven themselves rather incapable of self government. Even their fellow Arab brothers reject them as troublemakers and general pains in the butt. They first need to rid themselves ot the things that hold them back- love of terrorists, hatred of Jews, etc. Then perhaps they can make some progress.
Gaza could be a paradise, a resort on the sunny side of the Med. But not with the current attitudes.
Look like you will be able to smoke marijuana and get an abortion in Ohio,
There is no " conspiracy" there is only fact!
Multiple UN UNRWA reports dating back at least to 1996 if IDF deliberately targeting UN UNRWA facilities, from The Qana massacre, ( I won't get into the complicity of the IDF in Shatila camp and the adjacent neighborhood of Sabra in Beirut) then we have those in Gaza from 2009 2014 2015 2016 etc..all UN UNRWA facilities and again the UNRWA school hit 2 days before the hospital that killed 30 children and 11 teachers.
No! These were not errors, these were not just coincidence these were not just attacks because Hamas was supposedly hiding in these places, even the UN states no Hamas were presented.
This has been a systematic series of attack as Israel and Netanyahu has said they want the UN out!
This 1400 Israeli in now the justification for killing now nearly 10 times the number of civilians including 5000 children!
Let me repeat that 5,000 children and you are find so is Netanyahu who tweeted in Hebrew
this message is clear! Kill everyone! His own words using scripture!
ATT,Israel is a country control by religious Zealots,who waiting for a non existent messiah
Sounds very familiar very familiar like when I had arguments with pro apartheid white South Africans:
South Africa is a pluralistic democracy with rights for women, LGBT, etc. Bantustans are governed by a medieval death cult.
The blacks have proven themselves rather incapable of self government.
Keep it up you are making my point better than I could have !
Raw Beer
Yes, and Hamas is actually demanding and independent international investigation into what happened on Oct 7. Hamas crossed the border to take hostages to exchange against the several thousands of Palestinians held in Israeli prisons without due process, including many women and children. Most of the Israeli civilian casualties of Oct 7 were due to the Israeli response. Israeli forces (soldiers, tanks, helicopters...) shooting at anything that moved and shelling houses occupied by both Hamas and civilians.
The Israelis exaggerated that event because they needed an excuse for their final solution of the Palestinian people. Please remember that Netanyahu, Biden, and many others initially repeated the completely made up lie of 40 beheaded babies... They want to take over all of Gaza because they want the natural gas from Gaza's shore.
Japan Violet
Let's just hope they can rescue the hostages, especially the children, from these Hamas monsters. I know we all want them to just crush Hamas into oblivion, however can they find the hostages in all this destruction?
I agree.100%
Hope they will
Simon Foston
Today 08:58 am JST
According to the Israeli government and military, who totally failed to prevent it.
By the same people who allowed the October 7th attack to happen? Get serious.
Under Israeli occupation? Sounds great, when can I move there?
You forgot to mention "how"?
You seem to omit that Gaza even under the Palestinian authority and the West Bank do not have control of their own territory.
Entry is controlled by Israel, goods going in and out are controlled by Israel, immigration, visitors, construction materials, fuel, food, water, etc..all controlled by Israel.
The west bank isn't under Hamas but Israel has increased the settlers there despite all agreements, the settlers have attacked Palestinians with guns supplied by Israel, any attempt by the Palestinian authority to stop these attacks are met by IDF retaliation!
This is not what I say this is what every report by the UN has said for decades!
These are ghettos no different from those in Germany before the war!
The people in them are prisoners with the only way forward is to leave and never return!
Israel has refused to even let refugees return to the west Bank or Gaza!
So please stop the fantasy.
To anyone saying this is not a genocide, let me make it very clear. This is what Netanyahu said in a tweet in Hebrew so that the western news doesn't pick it up very well.
Quoting scripture he made it very clear what the plan is.
His words!
There is no ambiguity. There is no interpretation kill every man woman infant!
Which is exactly what we are seeing!
No same person would make this quote if they didn't believe it.
Everyone should demand an independent investigation. So far nearly all "evidence" that has been provided by Israel has been either only been verified by Israel itself, proven to be false, or just "trust me bro".
There should also be an independent investigation of Gazan hospitals to verify Israels claims that they contain Hamas HQs, and labyrinths of terror tunnels. The thing is, Israel wont allow for any independent investigators to have a look, because this whole situation is based on hatred, not evidence. They wont even let journalists into Gaza without censoring their materials afterwards
Another one.
What’s your point? What do you propose for the Palestinian people?
Netanyahu put the Hamas in Gaza and gave them $1 billion. Odd, yes?
It's odd you would make up something so bizarre. Is that what anti-semites have resorted to?
Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran peddle the most extremist religious form of Islamic fundamentalism imaginable.
There is no room for LGBTQIA2S+, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Intersex, Asexual and Two-Spirit rights here, none.
Intolerance to the point of the most extreme punishments, amputations, public executions.
No protests pandering to women's rights, no recognized form of democracy.
Yet here today apologists for terrorists, terrorism hiding behind the Palestinian people.
Again, Jews are the filth to face annihilation.
If Hamas hadn't stormed into Israel and killed 1200+ people, none of this would be happening.
Raw Beer
Yeah, the tunnel illustrations provided by israel are very reminiscent of those of Tora Bora shown by Rumsfeld 20 years ago. Those tunnels have yet to be found...
The Palestinian Arabs were dancing in the streets of Gaza after the Hamas Massacre. Of course, they aren't dancing now.
And around the world, we don't see Arabs protesting or condemning Hamas.
For years, Netanyahu propped up Hamas. Now it’s blown up in our faces
Qatar gave over $1.1 billion to Gaza Strip from 2012-18, ministers told
More like blown up in the Arabs' faces.
So it was a typo when you wrote Netanyahu gave Hamas $1 billion.
A recipe for a prosperous Gaza;
First for Palestinians is to stop teaching their children murderous anti-semitic Islamist ideology. Let the new generation grow up without brainwashing. Teach them tolerance, democracy, and free enterprise.
Second, kick out , kill, and denounce Hamas. Disavow their genocidal ideas.
Third, stop wasting resources on terrorist rockets, infrastructure, etc.
No, because Netanyahu had to give his consent. It happened because he wanted it to happen. Just like he wanted Hamas to split the PLO.
It all backfired on him.
Senior Israelis blamed him for the Hamas attack.
Raw Beer
There is a video circulation of Netanyahu telling his party in 2019 that they should back/fund Hamas. And it's no secret that Israel and the US was behind the creation of Hamas.
What I find more appalling are the apologists for the zionist terrorists hiding behind the Jewish people. There is no excuse for what they are doing in Gaza.
You again sidestep the issue!
The West Bank doesn't have Hamas so how come they can't function?
Oh right because Israeli settlers illegally on their land attacking them because the IDF controls their borders, because Israel controls all goods, fuel, immigration, etc. Into their territory. Oh but you think that would change if Gaza got rid of Hamas again, the West Bank doesn't have Hamas and they're not prospering either!
Now go back to tell us how Arabs can't do anything and how Arabs are backwards and her know of Arab country has a democracy or one of your other stereotype things!
You are standing in support of an ideology that despises the every freedom, every human right that you value Raw Beer.
Hamas is not your friend, has no care for Palestine, it is simply to be sacrificed as the Islam the prophet demands, you are the infidel, the non believer.
You are just too, too funny. Lol
That is not the entire country, the majority of Israelis do support Bibi especially on this endeavor.
I'm the same way ! If Israel wasn't occupying Palestinian territory, if Israel wasn't using an apartheid system in both the West Bank and Gaza, if Israel wasn't ignoring every UN resolution including the right of refugees to return, if Israel wasn't bombing refugees camps UNRWA school, hospitals etc...for decades in Gaza, Lebanon, etc...hamas wouldn't have had anyone supporting them!
5 million Palestinian refugees living in camps throughout the ME that under UN and international law have the right to return home.
But Israel confiscated their property, made them stateless refuses their right to return and will not even let them move to Gaza or the west bank! Remember all entry to both places in under Israeli control!
Antique, the topic is about Gaza. If they do these 3 things, they will thrive. Same for the west bank to be honest. There is nothing racist about it. They are being held back by the Islamist ideology being imposed on them by their greedy and amoral leaders.
As for democracy, are there any other democracies in the Middle East except Israel?
Let me remind your quote:
You say one thing from one side of your mouth and then another from the other side!
Democracy? Israel? It annexed illegally the Golan Heights, and eat Jerusalem and in both cases refused to recognize the rights of the Arabs living there, they refuse to give them citizenship even when asked, they refuse to recognize their ownership of their land and homes, they refuse to give construction permits because they are not Israeli under the law, they blockade Palestinian areas only letting them in as day labour (cheap labour) in a apartheid style system!
Under your view of democracy apartheid South Africa was a democracy so was 1930~40 Germany
Kurumazaka 2
ok Attila, what does Israel have to do to make anything you just wrote remotely possible? Because I just don’t know that turning Gaza into a smoldering pile of rubble littered with the corpses of grandparents and children is going to make any Gaza resident preach tolerance and go rise up against the Palestinian guys with all the guns using rocks and pieces of blown up concrete the IDF has provided them with.
DJT is on tape saying his experience with the Abraham Accords led him to believe that Bibi has no interest in peace. Not some Dem. DJT said it.
His approval rating among Israelis is around 30% according to the polls I’ve seen.
You really don't care for these people though. There is a humanitarian crisis in Yemen where almost 5 million people have been displaced in the last 6 years, but that is not an issue because it is the result of an Arab in Arab conflict, and you don't get to swing your anti-semitic banner for that conflict.
The truth here is, there is nothing your words of hate will do to stop Israel from grinding Gaza into dust and sweeping all the evil into the sea, never to be seen again.
I can do something. I can write to my representatives and express my support for Israel, as I get to watch Israel slowly exact sweet revenge over the next many months, while reading your whining here. Israel will not be stopped until it does away with every last one of them.
Please keep it up Ken.
Antique; quick question- does Israel have the right to exist as a Jewish state? And if so, what territory should that country occupy?
Five million Palestinians returning to current Israel is a non starter. Those who left Israel are now gone. Populations shift and move in wartime. They left in 1948. Too late to return now. Better they find productive lives in other places. If only their fellow Arabs had let them live in peace as equals...
I guess though, using that principle, then the Jews who left Tunisia, Egypt, etc are ALSO entitled the Right to Return, and have their lands returned. And my ancestors, some of whom were Irish... I guess I can return to Ireland and demand my land back that was stolen by the English.
Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu will be held fully accountable for his failures in office, his political views, his incompetence to fully take actions to prevent Hamas extremism.
However this war, is a conflict Hamas Hezbollah Iran planned for, instigated, and the horror of 7th October guaranteed a unequivocally harsh Israeli response.
Here is an interesting question!
Kosovo was the birth place of the Serbian Orthodox Church and Serbia.
Today Albanians are the majority they arrived as refugees after the failed independence war with the Ottoman.
So under the Israeli "Jewish homeland" concept and the claim they have the right to take back the land of their ancestors.
Why doesn't Serbia and the Serbians have the same right?
We can repeat this scenario with many other places!
East Prussia, Crimea, Galicia, all of North and South America, etc...
The concept that Israel and most of their supporters is that "Arabs" can go live in other Arab countries, we have seen that repeated here by certain people multiple times!
Why the double standard?
Simon Foston
Today 11:10 am JST
That's probably because a lot of them are dead.
Today 11:54 am JST
Great, that should fix everything. Well done.
"Sweet" revenge? Sounds like you are enjoying all this too much.
Thank you for making my point again!
So you are saying that you don't have the right to return to Ireland to take back stolen land by the English!
So why do you think Jews had the right after 2000 year to return to Palestine and take back land they claim?
You see your hypocrisy?
You say Palestinians from 48 and 67 etc...dont have the right to return but by some strange twist of logic you say the Jews after 2000 years did!
Thanks for dodging the question Antique. Israel is a nation-state just like any other- USA, France. etc. They have no obligation to allow outside populations to re-migrate. Much like I have no right to any property my family used to own in Ireland. Now, about the Jews who were kicked out of Arab countries in the 40s and 50s, do they also have a right to return and claim their property?
And you apparently don't know who you are addressing.
Go look, I have on multiple occasions commented on the slaughter going on in Yemen as well as the one that happened in Tigray.
I have pointed out the double standard then and I point it out now!
You try using the "anti-Semitic" hammer when you cannot defend your position with facts, the same way another one here will use the Holocaust as a Trump card!
Racism is racism! Because someone is Jewish doesn't mean they are not capable of racism and in the same vein criticizing Israel isn't anti-Semitic!
But you will try to use that as some sort of trump card. It's not Israel and Jews are two very different things!
I didn't dodge any question. You're the one who dodges all the questions you keep going back to anti-Semitic as some sort of trump card!
But if you wish I will answer. Yes, they should be allowed to return to claim their land. If there are forced out like the Palestinians were, why not!
But the question is would they want to and would they be accepted after everything Israel has done to destroy Jewish Arab relations. It would be difficult!
People like Netanyahu are zealots. His own speeches call for the complete and utter genocide of the Arabs or the or the removal? In other words, ethnic cleansing he has made that very clear. Oh yes, he uses dog whistles language like the following:
In the same way you use language that you can then say oh I didn't mean that you know like:
A great example of demeaning a people and then having a way of saying well that's "not racist. I'm not racist!"
The majority have never supported Netanyahu. Before the Hamas attacks hundreds of thousands were protesting. He only won the election with about 20% of the vote forcing him to form a government with the zionist parties.
Last year Netanyahu summed up his feelings when he said "Israel is only for Jews" even if they are only 80% of the population.
You "absolutely" agree that the West Bank is Israeli territory..
The West Bank was Jordanian territory which they lost in the 1967 war, which they (Jordon,Syria,Egypt) started, If they had not started that war it would not have become Israeli territory, same case for Gaza, which was egyptian territory.
It is interesting the psychological and manipulative play on words and names.
Hamas previously. Also, the PLO then became the Palestinian authority but all keep getting the label terrorist.
But Israel has very much played their little game. Instead of calling it the Israeli army or the Israeli military, they use the psychological Israeli defense force!
As if it's just there as a protection when in reality it often goes on the offensive even when not attacked as we have seen on multiple occasions as it bombs. Lebanon and Syria, just in case!
It is the Israeli defense force so it has preemptive strikes and somehow that's not terrorism!
Can you imagine Iran having a preemptive strike on Israel?
Everyone in the world would say that's war!
No, the IDF gets a pass because it's not an army. It's a defense force!
Never heard so much B.. in my life
for over 75 years Israel and it's ALLIES have been trying to subdue the Palestinian asperation..
That's incorrect, 1947-67 Gaza was under Egypt and West bank under Jordon, and yes both donot want the palestinian's..
Antique. So presumably a Gazan can go into Israel, find where their great grandparents used to live, and claim the
house from the current occuoants?
Liberals to a point, but not the overall majority
But now they need a strongman and Bibi is that guy.
But still, he was elected, that is a good thing.
And why should they want the Palestinians? Why should Lebanon, Syria etc...because they are Arabs?
Then let's use the same thinking for Ukraine, why doesn't Poland want Ukraine refugees permanently? They are all slavs, aren't they all the same? Or at least that is what many here and the Netanyahus of this world would like us to believe!