Japan Today

Johnson says he has won a big mandate for Brexit

By Guy Faulconbridge and William James

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Scotland can become a world leader in virtually anything they want ,

we have resources which are endless. we have the proven ability to generate most of our electricity by using the green energy. we dont have to rely on nuclear power.

England wants Scotland to build more nuclear power stations. as they need supplies. they can build them south of the border. we don't want them.

We want rid of Trident we do not believe in nuclear weapons. and we are not keeping them for someone else.

Trident like any other nuclear missile is not a deterrent it is a threat. We want a green energy country. totally free of all nuclear

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Johnson has a majority for his party to have the government the English wanted.

only the English Brexit fools give him that majority.

But he did not get anything to assist his government in Scotland.

Not during or after the voting ended. the result was as everyone in Scotland knew it would be.

SNP has the majority vote in Scotland. whither England like it or not.

and those idiots in Scotland who voted for the Tories they will suffer they will be crucified when found out.

Scotland will now demand a independence referendum, whither England or the Tories like it or not it will be paramount in Scotland. We will be independent and stay in the EU.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

mrtinjpDec. 15  11:18 am JST

"There's nothing democratic about first past the post elections when a candidate can win with less than 51% of the votes"

Well's that's how democratic elections work in every democratic country, the candidate with the highest number of votes win, and the party or coalition with 51% or more seats forms the government.

I know but I think it's a gross perversion of the principle for the sake of convenience. First past the post is fine when there are only two parties, like in the US. Anywhere else it's an anachronism that needs to be replaced with a system that more accurately reflects the wishes of constituents. Although Britain could be doing with one or two less parties - it's not as if the Lib Dems are fit for much.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"The people of this country have given us tonight a huge great stonking mandate."

Not how I would describe a 43.6% share of the popular vote.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Big Johnson's got a man date! Pucker up Britain, it's your turn to become a "big, shining star."

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I've never voted SNP before, but IF we get another referendum on independence I will be voting to leave the UK and rejoin the EU. The rise of the right wing and the boorish yobbos in England is deeply unpleasant. I prefer to live in progressive and inclusive Scotland... we may be small, but we're a lot more forward thinking.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Bozo sure is blowing his stinky flatulence today. He might be singing a different tune after the Parliamentary elections.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

JimizoDec. 13 05:25 pm JSTI was brought up in a devastated Liverpool during the Thatcher years and saw what Tories do with majorities

Tories will never be welcome again in our home city of Liverpool. We don't forget so easily

Umm... didn't Liverpool once elect a Labour council associated to the Militant wing of the party, who passed an illegal budget, spent more than they should have, bankrupt the council and then went about handing out redundancy notices by taxi to council and community wokers just before Christmas?

1983 under Derrek Hatton?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There's nothing democratic about first past the post elections when a candidate can win with less than 51% of the votes

most democracies you need to have more votes than your opposition, when you have multiple parties competing it makes it difficult to get the outright majority which is why they settle for highest number of votes.

one person one vote, basic democracy 101.

Now in some so called democracies you can even win an election even if your opposition has more support/votes of the people, yes crazy I know but not all democracies follow the basic principles of democracy more of a handicapped dictatorial democratic process

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Message to British and Australian Labour parties and US Democrats.......Ditch the hard left, radical Marxist doctrines of globalism, 

Ive never seen the UK or Australia politics ever been hard left or hard right , somewhere in the middle. Even Bozo Boris isnt hard right , hes probably center/right if anything. Too many socialist policies in the UK like universal healthcare , childcare, maternity care that UK citizen see as their right. Not even Boris would have the nads to take that away from them. So please stop comparing UK , Australian conservatives with US conservatives there is a big difference in ideologies and the power that their PMs hold in parliament. They are bound by their constitutions and certainly dont have the power to go around the will of their parliaments

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If Brexit does indeed happen, expect other European nations to follow in due time. Gosh, I only hope Germany will do the same thing and come to their senses and leave the EU.

and why would they do something stupid like that, Germany and the other EU members have far more negotiating power as a group than separately. Showed in the recent Brexit negotiations and it shows when its dealing with Trump. If Trump starts a trade war with Germany or any other EU member its starting a war with an economy of similar size to the US. Trumps already bit off more than he can chew with China and got nothing lets see him take on China /EU at the same time. lol

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There's nothing democratic about first past the post elections when a candidate can win with less than 51% of the votes

Well's that's how democratic elections work in every democratic country, the candidate with the highest number of votes win, and the party or coalition  with 51% or more seats forms the government.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I come from a Tory stronghold, always has and will be.

Mostly a farming area, seems like they are happy and guess we should hope they will continue to put food on our table.

Thats the only positive I see so far

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Message to British and Australian Labour parties and US Democrats.......Ditch the hard left, radical Marxist doctrines of globalism, identity politics, racism against whites, gender bending, anti common sense family values, censorship, slaughter the babies in the womb, etc. policies and return to the worker friendly common sense poilicies that once made you great. Do it now or suffer further humiliating defeats.

This is a perfect distillation of someone living in a US bubble and thinking it applies to all.

UK conservatives stripped workers rights over the past decades. They oversaw monstrosities like zero hours contracts.

Religious nonsense, or at least the Christian version, is generally ignored in the UK. Thankfully, we have few such crackpots and the moral windbags are generally, and rightly, mocked.

Racism against whites isn’t an issue which really registers on the radar in the UK.

What many people regard as ‘socialist’ in the US, like universal health care, maternity leave and the like is seen as normal in the UK.

I think you need to look outside your bubble a bit more.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

And out of Labour's own Alan Johnson's own mouth the reasons for Labour's defeat..........

*Labour faces civil war over the soul of the party as moderates blamed Jeremy Corbyn and the hard-left Momentum group that backed him for its catastrophic defeat.*

*Former home secretary Alan Johnson led the offensive as he branded Momentum a “cult” which he wanted to see booted out of Labour.*

Mr Johnson pointed the finger of blame for the defeat squarely in the direction of Mr Corbyn and his hard-left agenda.


Message to British and Australian Labour parties and US Democrats.......Ditch the hard left, radical Marxist doctrines of globalism, identity politics, racism against whites, gender bending, anti common sense family values, censorship, slaughter the babies in the womb, etc. policies and return to the worker friendly common sense poilicies that once made you great. Do it now or suffer further humiliating defeats.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Boris Johnson, Donald Trump and Scott Morrison, leaders who put the interests of their people, the working class and common sense first. No wonder they were all elected.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Correct, but with the ongoing population replacement policies in the countries you mention, this turn will be short-lived, alas.

"population replacement policies" is a phrase associated with far-right racist conspiracy theories. Is this acceptable on Japan Today now?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Voters have turned their backs on the socialist/globalist elitists who tried to, among other evils, strip them of their national identities, mocked them for their traditional values and tried to introduce their Marxist religion. Well done.


Incorrect unless you are talking about a minority of voters.

This comment has nothing to do with CNN. It’s about numbers.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


Voters have turned their backs on the socialist/globalist elitists who tried to, among other evils, strip them of their national identities, mocked them for their traditional values and tried to introduce their Marxist religion. Well done.

Correct, but with the ongoing population replacement policies in the countries you mention, this turn will be short-lived, alas.

Agreed, unfortunately. But I'm enjoying the moment.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Concerned citizen:

Voters have turned their backs on the socialist/globalist elitists who tried to, among other evils, strip them of their national identities, mocked them for their traditional values and tried to introduce their Marxist religion. Well done.

Correct, but with the ongoing population replacement policies in the countries you mention, this turn will be short-lived, alas.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Boris Johnson's victory over the globalist/socialists echoes other similar recent election results in the US and Australia. Voters in the UK have turned their backs on the socialists/globalists just like US voters are turning their backs on Marxist/Globalists like Obama/Clinton/Sanders/Warren and co. Obviously UK voters want to return to the traditional and common sense values that made their country prosperous in the first place. Like in the US and Australia, British voters have finally had enough of the communistic left, having found out that the left, like typical Marxists, promises everything but delivers nothing but pain.

May the return to common sense values in Britain, the US and Oz live on.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Voters have turned their backs on the socialist/globalist elitists who tried to, among other evils, strip them of their national identities, mocked them for their traditional values and tried to introduce their Marxist religion. Well done

Oh, it’s just ‘voters’ now.

So you have no stats on the working class vote in the 2019 UK election. That’s a pity. I was looking forward to looking at them. They sounded interesting.

Never mind. Just carry on making baseless statements. You do know the majority of the country voted against the Tories, don’t you?

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

While no two countries are exactly the same, there seem to be strong similarities between recent US, Oz and British election results.

Voters have turned their backs on the socialist/globalist elitists who tried to, among other evils, strip them of their national identities, mocked them for their traditional values and tried to introduce their Marxist religion. Well done.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

itsonlyrocknrollToday  08:13 am JST

Accept the result and move on. It is called democracy.

There's nothing democratic about first past the post elections when a candidate can win with less than 51% of the votes.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Working class silent majorities in the USA, Australia and now England have spoken loud and clear.

Are you claiming the majority of the working classes voted Tory in this election? This seems a hard claim to justify given that the majority of the country as a whole did not vote Tory.

You must have fascinating stats to back this up, because if you don’t, your claim must be dismissed as partisan nonsense.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Accept the result and move on. It is called democracy.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


Thanks, wise words.

Found out today that my own constituency surprisingly stayed Labour, so there’s still hope....

0 ( +3 / -3 )

voters turning on ... political correctness

Corbyn, political correctness? Bojo is a saint compared to Corbyn when it comes to PC.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

This result continues the strong trend of voters turning on liberalism, globalism and political correctness. Working class silent majorities in the USA, Australia and now England have spoken loud and clear.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

US Democrats, brace yourselves for a similar fate

Nationalism? It's a chapter that's already been lived, hope USA can stomach it again. I personally don't see any similarity between UK and USA. UK has been trampled on by faceless bureaucrats in Brussels, whilst USA has been taken advantaged of by China. Nationalism solves UK's 'sovereignty' problem, but won't solve USA's corporations selling out USA, whole.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

I’m just going to love next November, watching weeping liberals freaking out even more than in 2016, and all these left-dominated news sites and even Google not being able to stop it.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

A proper vote, not a half-arsed referendum. The way is clear now

not if you read some of the posts that follows your post. It looks to me like, for some people, democracy is dead n buried. They loved the way Corbyn totally ignored the referendum, and they love even more to be ruled by unelected bureacrats in Brussels.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

US Democrats, brace yourselves for a similar fate.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

wow, just wow, there are some real sore loosers, and 'virtual' sore loosers here.

I woulda thought here's a chance to move on from the chaos of the last 3 years....nope

1 ( +5 / -4 )

The sad dregs of "Empire" sink ever further into the dust heap of history as the ruling parasites attempt to economically isolate for their own exploitation the remnants of ~16 generations of the mass one-way exportation of their best people to die on foreign shores of disease, desperation, and the psychopathic greed of their elite psychopaths. What we see is the intellectual ash of a previously vigorous and dynamic people reduced to a condition where they can be led by the nose by the political equivalent of circus clowns. There is still hope for the Scots and, maybe, the Northern Irish, but the 'Brits' are done and will continue to decay into an ever more bland and boring backwater of imagined self-importance to ongoing world 'civilization' and, of necessity, becoming ever more fascist as dissatisfaction and desperation grow amongst a population dominated by parasitic psychopaths and their 'corporations', our Era's answer to plantations. Ah, the Karmic implications as "Perfidious Albion" sinks into "Pitiable Albion" and we see the fate of ALL historical Human 'empire', gone over to obese and strutting clowns and, inevitably, to serfdom for their peoples. The "Sun" has well set on the "British Empire" as the British people allow, assist in, pulling the blackness of political night over their own heads. Requiescat in Hades, Brittania, you've been eviscerated and embalmed. Get used to it.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It's a great news that a Socialist lost. Hope that happens also in Democratic Party presidential primaries in US,

Thats not possible- all of the Dems are Socialists. And apparently racist as well according to Corey Booker given that no “person of color” will be next weeks televised party debate.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

it does not work that way in any democratic election anywhere.

I wasn't suggesting it did. My point is that Bozo cannot legitimately claim 'a huge great stonking mandate' on only 46% of the vote. The way the seats fell he certainly has a great big stinking majority that will enable him to push through all kinds of right-wing policies to further feed the rich and starve the poor, both Brexit and non-Brexit: but might is not right and he does not have a mandate.

If he were a better man, he would reflect on what the people have actually said, and temper his actions and words accordingly: but he isn't, and he won't.

Invalid CSRF

2 ( +5 / -3 )

I wouldn’t comment on the feelings

That’s you, but that’s not me. We’re both allowed to comment

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

CrazyJoeDec. 13 01:31 pm JST"Divide and conquer" has always been a highly effective political strategy, but I am afraid that the British people will be very regretful of this choice to allow it to work this time that they have made today.

> JimizoDec. 13 03:18 pm JSTGod help the poor and needy.

We need something more real and practical than that. People helping out at their local food banks could be a start.

The Tories are off the leash and Johnson’s utter contempt for the less well off is sickening. A moral degenerate from the same Bullingdon swamp that gave us Cameron and Osborne.

I'm not very knowledgable about UK politics but Bozo and his utter contempt and total lack of maturity makes me sick too. He seems like a 21st century male Maggie Thatcher to me, only more churlish and boorish - and stupid. And since Trump loves him so much, that says volumes too. This 'Bozo the Clown' looks like a real party-pooper to me. God help the Brits, they're in seriously bad shape again.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

You seem to know nothing of our history.


You commented on the feelings of the people of Liverpool.

I wouldn’t comment on the feelings of non-partisan historians regarding the success of the Bush 2 years while watching Fox News via satellite in a doctor’s waiting room on a US base in Fukuoka while writing an article for the Washington Post with my private jet outside.

I just don’t have the knowledge or experience to do that.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

You can only post a confusing comment

I comment the same like you, relax.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

You seem to know nothing of our history.

Ditto, but it doesn’t stop you guys for commenting. Anyway, I think it’s a great move.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

On the positive side at least great he's not Donald Trump

At least great?

Yeah, he's not Donald Trump, but he'll have to do :D

He'll do better than Corbyn would have, that I can tell you.

The strongly anti-Brexit Liberal Democrats won only 11 seats, a crushing result. Party leader Jo Swinson lost her seat to the Scottish National Party (SNP) and resigned.

The SNP, which opposes Brexit, won 48 of Scotland's 59 seats in the national parliament. It will now demand a second independence vote, after loosing a referendum in 2014.

Scotland's first minister, SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, said Johnson had no mandate to take Scotland out of the EU.

"Boris Johnson may have a mandate to take England out of the European Union, he emphatically does not have a mandate to take Scotland out of the European Union," Sturgeon said.

Let the Scots have another independence referendum to see if they want to stay in the U.K. as it leaves the EU, or if they want to stay in the EU.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

It's a great news that a Socialist lost. Hope that happens also in Democratic Party presidential primaries in US,

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I think this result is fantastic. I love that the voters desire to leave the EU will finally be carried out. Also this could someday lead to a unified Ireland once again. That would be a dream come true for millions of Irish.

If Brexit does indeed happen, expect other European nations to follow in due time. Gosh, I only hope Germany will do the same thing and come to their senses and leave the EU.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Do you genuinely believe that Tory voters are "white supremacists" (i.e. people who believe white people should control other races because they see themselves as superior)?

No, of course not. What a strange question.

If you do, I have to say, that is just the sort or fantasist delusion that I have come to expect from extreme remainers

I'm not an extreme remainer.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Yep, I wanted a full "No-deal" Brexit, although it's not completely off the table yet, but it is unlikely.

I think Farage knew he wasn't going to be able to wrangle enough votes while Boris was 80% the way towards the Brexit he wanted. So, weighing up his options, he chose to give Boris a free run so that there was no possibility of a second referendum. I think he probably made the right choice.

I wouldn't rule out the negotiations taking a strange turn next year, though.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Alfie: And even fewer will want to sit with a gloating white supremacist....

Where does this hatred come from Alfie? Johnson isn’t pushing any policies that can be considered based on White supremacy. Brexit certainly has nothing to do with that kind of belief.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

The EU will be glad the breakup issue not of its own making and divorce proceedings will end one way or another, rather than be dragged further by UK politics while in the meantime paralyzing the rest of the EU

Though this may be the start of the United Kingdom's breakup of its own, and it won't be Great Britain anymore

2 ( +2 / -0 )


What do you think? He sold Brexit out or he was just being pragmatic?

Not sure to be honest. If he was being genuine, it worked.

Not what I’m asking. You wanted the full Farage Brexit and Johnson isn’t offering that. You were ripping Johnson in the past for this.

Do you think Farage sold Brexit out by allowing Johnson a free run at a half-arsed Brexit? I’ve come across some who think he did.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I think this result is fantastic. I love that the voters desire to leave the EU will finally be carried out. Also this could someday lead to a unified Ireland once again. That would be a dream come true for millions of Irish.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

The Tories will never be welcome again in our home city of Liverpool. We don't forget so easily

And if they do, then what?

If you knew anything about the UK ( other than your claim the Telegraph newspaper is left wing and the Guardian is fair on Trump ) you’d know just how toxic the Tories are in Liverpool. They get absolutely trounced in all Liverpool seats. Just to give a parallel, imagine Trump getting elected in a state where the electorate are physically allergic to the word ‘Republican’, stealing from charities, retweeting racist organizations and golf.

I generally dislike posters who use far too convenient personal anecdotes or experience ( often transparent lies ), but I can claim a bit of insight here as it’s my hometown.

4 ( +6 / -2 )


What do you think? He sold Brexit out or he was just being pragmatic?

Not sure to be honest. If he was being genuine, it worked.

By standing down candidates in the south of England, he denied the Lib Dems any gains. The Brexit Party also ate into Labours vote share in many traditional Labour areas.

Without Farage, I don't think the Tories would have the majority they have now.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

@Alfie Noakes

And even fewer will want to sit with a gloating white supremacist....

Do you genuinely believe that Tory voters are "white supremacists" (i.e. people who believe white people should control other races because they see themselves as superior)?

If you do, I have to say, that is just the sort or fantasist delusion that I have come to expect from extreme remainers.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

@zichi - why would anyone welcome a Politician these days anywhere, within the UK ? They're all Con-artists saying what you want to hear, and in the end, never really delivering anything near that.

Maybe its time to change the current Political system to a 3 year Dictatorship - no opposition party, whoever wins the election basically runs the Country without opposition. Max 3 terms as Prime minister per Lifetime. And voting becomes 1 person 1 vote - scrapping the local constituency system. Councils become unelected Administrative Civil servants with no power other than to serve the ruling party, and unable to either vote, or partake in any Political activity. Uniform adherence to the Central Party's dictates without variance everywhere.

Parliament and the House of Lords both then become redundant and can be opened up as Museums.

The Country then is run like a Private Business, with the tax paying population becoming voting rights shareholders, equally benefiting or not from their currently elected Dictatorship.

Just an idea... but clearly the UK needs one, as the present Political system does not work very well, and has left the Country in the doldrums over the past 3 years.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

The Tories will never be welcome again in our home city of Liverpool. We don't forget so easily

And if they do, then what?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )


You just reminded me - the Brexit Party. You were on board with Farage’s antics.

What do you think? He sold Brexit out or he was just being pragmatic?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

The election is over, but the road to closing a Brexit deal will be very messy and painful. I'm so looking forward to seeing all the skeletons come tumbling out of Bozo's cupboard from now on. Jilted Jennifer Arcuri and her wad of greenbacks should soon make a comeback in the news, but MI5 and police collusion will go all out to protect the PM by silencing this sleazy story as not in the (cough) "public interest".

3 ( +5 / -2 )

@Toasted Heretic - one man's Terrorist is another man's hero in all Cultures - do you support the Islamic State Group too - they're Freedom fighters (of a sort too) ?

I'm glad I left the fear, hatred and violence of Northern Ireland - Politics and Religion never mix well, especially there and ... elsewhere.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Boris Johnson gambled everything on this election and won.

Boris Johnson was head of a lame duck government with a majority of minus forty. He got an election because the SNP and the LibDems gambled on one. Johnson did not have enough votes without them to get an election on his own. Labour had no choice but to get on board the following day when it became obvious that the Tories, SNP, and Lib Dems together had the votes to call an election.

Of the three parties calling the election, the Tories and SNP won big. For the Lib Dems, it was a disaster. The SNP wanted an earlier election partly because former leader Alex Salmond is facing multiple cases of sexual harrassment and sexual assault in 2020. I note the BBC World is using the "Johnson gambled line" too, but that organization is miles from impartiality and loves simple melodramatic narratives. They do not do nuance.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Nobody will want to be sat round a Christmas dinner table with a remainer who still cannot accept the result.

And even fewer will want to sit with a gloating white supremacist....

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Three and a half years of the shouty minority telling us that the British electorate don't want Brexit has finally come to an end.

The population is still completely divided on Brexit. The election result doesn't change this.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

OK, so the Pound is getting Stronger why ?

Markets happy to see at last a Government majority ?

But what about Brexit - surely as this is now more than likely to happen - that's a bad thing, and will push the Pound lower ?

Any thoughts ?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

I got odds of 3 to 6 after the fracas Boris had with the girl friend.

Those are odds of 1/2. You have already been called out on this. Are you going to double down on this claim?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Three and a half years of the shouty minority telling us that the British electorate don't want Brexit has finally come to an end.

I hope they will now start to reflect on how out of tune they are with the rest of the country.

Nobody will want to be sat round a Christmas dinner table with a remainer who still cannot accept the result.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

So did “the russians” have anything to do with this?

Hard to tell. Johnson worked hard to make sure a report on Russian interference in UK politics wasn’t made public before the election and he played dumb on the question of the number and amount of Russian donations to the Tory Party. He was grilled by a number of interviewers over the report in particular.

As I said, hard to tell. We’ll probably find out now the election is over.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Conservatives win with a huge majority and next year President Trump will be re-elected with a huge majority. Life is good!

1 ( +8 / -7 )

So did “the russians” have anything to do with this?

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Great, happy days, the Brexit referendum result will finally be carried out after 3 1/2 years of being blocked by Remainers. But now of course Remainers don't exist anymore! Fun and satisfying to read some of the losers' comments.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )


It’s worth remembering that Johnson wrote trash about the people of Liverpool and was forced to apologise by the then party leader Michael Howard.

Piece of crap.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

I was brought up in a devastated Liverpool during the Thatcher years and saw what Tories do with majorities.

Coming from Liverpool Jimizo can see right through all the Tory cant. Liverpool and its indomitable people fly their flag proudly, ready to brush away Tory lies like flies. Liverpool people have always remained a bastion of working-class solidarity in defiance of authoritarian rule from London. They, unlike the turkeys who voted for Christmas, understand whereof Frank Zappa spoke:

“The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater.”

2 ( +4 / -2 )

In the photo Johnson's necktie seems to be a bit long. I wonder if 1) Johnson copied Trump' style, 2) Trump copied Johnson' style, and 3) these "great minds think alike."

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Okay. So it's obvious the people of the UK want this, they want Brexit to happen. So Boris, make that s**t happen. Don't waste time negotiating just get the hell out before the public changes it's mind

0 ( +3 / -3 )

There will be big celebrations among conspirators in Jerusalem over the downfall of the bearded "antisemite". As one Jewish Nobel Laureate wrote: money doesn't talk, it swears.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I had hoped the Brexit vote was just middle finger to Cameron and Russian lies on a bus, which it was to an extent, but despite three years of finding out what it is in gory details like a border in the Irish Sea, car factories closing down, and new roaming charges, driving licenses, car insurance, and visas to go across the Channel, the British people still want it. They still want it even if it means goodbye to Scotland and Northern Ireland. Corbyn became more Remain-y compared to 2017 and was punished for it in 2019.

So for once I agree with Johnson. He has won a big mandate for Brexit. I wanted to hang onto freedom of movement for my kids, but other British people won't let them have it. I don't like it, but Brexit it is now.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I got odds of 3 to 6 after the fracas Boris had with the girl friend.

Bit of a long shot I thought at the time but I couldn’t see Corbyn being an alternative at all...

Three to six? Never heard of odds expressed like that and I used to work for a bookie. Are you sure the odds were 3/6? Did the bookie tell you the time was four eighths past 10?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

While that's not an enviable position for anyone to be in, it's still better than the starvation, murder, shattering of the spirit, and imprisonment of critics that's par for the course with regimes that Corbyn is a fan of.


3 ( +5 / -2 )

U.S. President Donald Trump was quick to congratulate Johnson. that should be prime minister Johnson

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I got odds of 3 to 6 after the fracas Boris had with the girl friend.

Bit of a long shot I thought at the time but I couldn’t see Corbyn being an alternative at all...

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Congratulations, not have this Brexit done. There is life outside the Merkel/Macaron swamp!

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

I was brought up in a devastated Liverpool during the Thatcher years and saw what Tories do with majorities. The unemployment rate was at 40% in the area I lived. The leader of this administration declared there is no such thing as society. Cameron launched austerity measures which led to the less well off having to humiliate themselves by having to rely on the goodwill of others to eat. The current leader has written pretty foul and patronizing things about those ‘lower’ than himself. I don’t see any change of attitude from this Bullingdon type. 

I have seen what these people are capable of. It’s very ugly. It’s actually quite sick.

While that's not an enviable position for anyone to be in, it's still better than the starvation, murder, shattering of the spirit, and imprisonment of critics that's par for the course with regimes that Corbyn is a fan of. The UK dodged a big bullet this time around. That's not to say Corbyn is a Stalin or Mao, more like an incompetent of the Hugo Chavez mould.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

I put £10,000 on the Conservatives to win I’m now looking at £15,000-thanks Boris you’ve just made me richer!

Really? I like to bet and checked odds carefully on various outcomes. What did you back?

7 ( +7 / -0 )

I put £10,000 on the Conservatives to win I’m now looking at £15,000-thanks Boris you’ve just made me richer!

-3 ( +6 / -9 )


I feel for you. Just lie on your back and don't think about England then get a good night's sleep and you'll feel better in the morning when you wake, still alive. Everything passes, including the Brexitmania and the idiocracy that spawned Boris and his bent supporters. After all, the country has never been the same since the bloody Normans took over.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I was brought up in a devastated Liverpool during the Thatcher years and saw what Tories do with majorities. The unemployment rate was at 40% in the area I lived. The leader of this administration declared there is no such thing as society. Cameron launched austerity measures which led to the less well off having to humiliate themselves by having to rely on the goodwill of others to eat. The current leader has written pretty foul and patronizing things about those ‘lower’ than himself. I don’t see any change of attitude from this Bullingdon type.

I have seen what these people are capable of. It’s very ugly. It’s actually quite sick.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

It's just like I said. The majority of seats, but not votes.

The Cons together with the other pro-Brexit parties at the moment have 45.7% of the votes, that's less than the Leavers-who-must-be-obeyed got in the 2016 vote. That looks to me like the opposite of a powerful new mandate, more like another 'Oops, first-past-the-post doesn't reflect the Will of the People' moment.

The anti-Brexit/pro-Remain parties jointly have 50.9% of the vote. That's the Will of the People.*

Well democratic elections do not work like that, majority of seats is what counts, and those majority of seats are won by winning the highest no of votes for each of those seats. The candidate who wins the highest number of votes for the seat wins.. it's not like the loosing candidates combine there votes..it does not work that way in any democratic election anywhere.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

Now the results are in and the result is clear, I just hope the Conservatives get on with Brexit and shake off the deadlock that's bogged down the country for the last 3 years. That said, since they're politicians it's not all that wise to expect great performance and miracles, but at least the UK was smart enough to give the socialists the boot for the next few years at least.

0 ( +4 / -4 )

Scots... Now there's a nationality to be proud of. Especially right now....

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Trump has gurgled semi-literate garbage about striking a trade deal with the UK.

Be afraid, be very afraid

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

The spirit of Bannockburn is alive.

No thanks! Wallowing in the past is the hallmark of the Conservative party. I vote for the SNP as I see them as a forward-looking party. Our past, like that of most countries, is a mixture of glory and shame. "Stop the world, Scotland wants to get on," was the motto of one SNP politician. I like to think that's still the attitude.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


You said it.

I've seriously had it with being English. I now hate my own country more than I thought possible. I'm not going to mention where I'm from any more, unless someone asks me directly. God help the folks I know who live there....

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Stock market likes it , so do others, thankfully the poms have made a move and will get on wiht it , dithering around for what seems like years was meaningless and pathetic.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

We wish a good luck to UK, quite happy to see the Brexit done if it is the people decision (it seems to be).

UK was a perpetual blockage for Europe, only interested by advantages and subventions.

Hope that Scotland will have the right to choose asap, it's a great victory for SNP and time to get rid from Westminster games.

The spirit of Bannockburn is alive. Long live Scotland !

0 ( +5 / -5 )

The people of this country have given us tonight a huge great stonking mandate

The people of England perhaps. The political makeup of the four constituent countries of the UK is now different in each. It doesn't look so united.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Jim you can live in my street any day. Unfortunately some people here base their vote on the unemployment rates of non-whites.

I'm glad I came here. I feel for my family and friends back home.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

That's what you base your life index on. I base mine on health system availability, good education for all, and affordable property prices - purchased or rented

Me too. I’d just add I don’t want to see people, some of them working, having to humiliate themselves by going to a foodbank to feed themselves and their kids.

It sickens me. Damn the people who see this as acceptable or make excuses for it.

4 ( +9 / -5 )

stock market at record levels, unemployment at 50 yr lows, Hispanic and Black unemployment rates at record lows

That's what you base your life index on. I base mine on health system availability, good education for all, and affordable property prices - purchased or rented. As for watching unemployment based on creed or colour, I wouldn't want you living in my neighborhood.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

expatToday 03:32 pm JST

At least when the US committed national electoral suicide back in 2016,

So much for Americans committing national suicide, stock market at record levels, unemployment at 50 yr lows, Hispanic and Black unemployment rates at record lows - if Britain achieves that under Boris Johnson within 3yrs than its a national suicide the British would love to have.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Gotta vote again. It’s obvious “no one” wants this.

No. Now it’s obvious people want this.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

a powerful new mandate to get Brexit done

it's obvious what the people of the UK want

It's just like I said. The majority of seats, but not votes.

The Cons together with the other pro-Brexit parties at the moment have 45.7% of the votes, that's less than the Leavers-who-must-be-obeyed got in the 2016 vote. That looks to me like the opposite of a powerful new mandate, more like another 'Oops, first-past-the-post doesn't reflect the Will of the People' moment.

The anti-Brexit/pro-Remain parties jointly have 50.9% of the vote. That's* the Will of the People.

Actually, no it isn't - it's a clear indication that The People don't know what the hell they do want, the UK is just as split as it was before the election, and whatever crackpot deals Bozo forces through, half the country will be p'd off.

*Not including Sinn Fein (0.6%) who don't take up their seats and the DUP (0.8%), who are Eurosceptic but are unlikely to swallow Bozo's Customs-border-in-the-Irish=Sea withdrawal deal.

On the positive side at least great he's not Donald Trump

Well he speaks Latin and Donald barely speaks English, but apart from that they could be blighted twins.

Equally toxic.

God help the poor and needy.

God help the whole country.

That's it, "I'm leaving the country!"

oops! already done that!

Time to consider taking Japanese nationality?

Invalid CSRF

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Gotta vote again. It’s obvious “no one” wants this.

-5 ( +7 / -12 )

Well, this was the last chance the people had to push back against Brexit and show that all the talk about wanting a do-over was popular, and this is the result? Shameful, but it's obvious what the people of the UK want so let them live with the consequences.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

On a positive note it means the end of Corbyn. It should also mean the end of trade union interference with the choice of Labour party leader. Clear out all those militants and go back to what Blair and David Milliband were all about. Corbyn never made a decisive manifesto and the Labour party have paid the price.

My forecast is that Brexit will fail badly and a new Labour party will get another chance after a few years because the country will turn once they experience the damage that Brexit will create.

Let the Tories suffer in their own Brexit. Let them get on with it.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Good news. Just get on with Brexit.

For goodness sake, just get on with it.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

watch the British Stock Market boom now that more certainty has been put into Britain.

With Johnson, it'll be less stock market boom and more Ha Ha! Boom! Boom!

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

On the positive side at least great he's not Donald Trump.

And I think it makes it clear that pepper don't really care for the momentum wing of the Labour party.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

God help the poor and needy.

We need something more real and practical than that. People helping out at their local food banks could be a start.

The Tories are off the leash and Johnson’s utter contempt for the less well off is sickening. A moral degenerate from the same Bullingdon swamp that gave us Cameron and Osborne.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

Congrats to Boris Johnson, hot on the heals after Scott Morrison won the unwinnable election in Australia, next up Donald Trump winning his second term - Socialists and Liberals would be in total denial, watch the British Stock Market boom now that more certainty has been put into Britain.

-10 ( +9 / -19 )

Great news!

-8 ( +12 / -20 )

Egg on face, pile of crow on my plate, but I will wash my face, bin the crow and tonight drink to forget the defeat of common sense, decency and reason with a bottle of good wine. Be careful what you wish for seems to be the warning that mankind has always laughed away and ignored while still fearing what it cannot understand. Is this the end of the Left in the UK abandoned by the electorate as has already happened in Japan? Can Bozo do to the UK what Trumpo has done to the USA? We surely live in a weird age, and a topsy-turvy world.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Proves that my country is full of immigration-blaming selfish property owners who have always hated Europeans.

Its why I've lived in Japane for 16 years.

The UK will fall into a great depression with healthcare, education, and property only available for those with money.

Essentially the Europe hating voters are passing poverty to their own grandchildren.

3 ( +15 / -12 )

Congratulations, Boris Johnson!

0 ( +12 / -12 )

He's going to have to now that the Tories have destroyed the NHS...

Not yet, at least I hope they don't think they got the mandate for it, they don't.

But I digress, it will be 'the battle' of the incoming administration. Bojo will have to staveoff pressure from Trump, AND conversely the pressure from his own constituents' opposition to changes to the NHS.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Boris heals a man born blind?

He's going to have to now that the Tories have destroyed the NHS...

8 ( +13 / -5 )

"Divide and conquer" has always been a highly effective political strategy, but I am afraid that the British people will be very regretful of this choice to allow it to work this time that they have made today.

4 ( +12 / -8 )

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Friday that his government appeared to have won a powerful new mandate to get Brexit done.

The full results are not in.........

Yet Johnson, politically appears to be walking on water.

What next, water into wine? The ultimate five loafs and two fish’s moment?

Boris heals a man born blind? There has to be an opposition to a Johnson government.

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

blvtzpk, unfortunately, the joke muppet candidate retained his seat.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

I forgot to ask about the votes for Lieutenant Colonel Kojak Slaphead III?

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

How did Big Elmo do? Or the pseudo Cyberman? You have to love British politics.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

No help from the DUP this time, though?

Dodds is out of Belfast North in favor of Sinn Fein's John Finucane. Finucane's father was murdered by the UDA and MI5 around 30 years ago.

The mandate for a 6 county exit from the Union is as strong as the mandate for Brexit. You may not agree with one, or the other, or either but it's going to happen.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

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