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© Copyright 2023 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Jury finds Trump liable for sexual abuse; awards accuser $5 mil
Donald trump: serial sex offender.
We all know Trump.
In addition to liar, philanderer, racist and traitor, we can now add sexual molester.
But otherwise a great guy, and so are the rest of the Trump crime family.
Only 2 hours to meet, greet, deliberate and decide.
Its almost as though Trump's sexual predation is obvious for any sentient being to see.
Its a "Sky is blue, water is wet, Trump is a sex predator" type of thing.
Ok, it’s over, pay the woman her $5 and move on.
Trump complains that he was "not allowed to speak or defend myself” and was subjected to an “Unconstitutional silencing”. In fact, he refused to appear in court to defend himself and further smeared his accuser on rightwing media.
What a loser.
$5 million, not $5.
Trump will attempt to claim on his taxes and an appeal to his supporters who said Trump would never be found liable. Next prediction.
He’s going to appeal. And lose again. And whine again.
Trump is a serial loser.
And be known as a serial sex offender, of course.
Oh, the obsession with this man, look he should appeal, I would too, especially if I thought and know I’m innocent, if not, so be it, no big deal. $5 is not a lot for a guy like Trump, it’s the principle of it. The jury sided with her, it’s a civil “he said, she said” deal, he lost pay and move on. Simple. Loser…not him, that’s for sure. Lol
Cards fan
Told you, Trump fans. Now that he lost, time to double down on calling it a sham.
The article is about Trump. What's your next prediction?
Did you read even the headline? $5 million.
Trump loses more than he wins.
Oath keepers and Proud boys were found guilty.
Focus on the upcoming rally and debates, but this and that woman behind him.
I don’t know, it was a civil case. I’m just glad the guy has enough cash to pay it, this is exactly why I love money, it protects you and gives you a piece of mind as my father always taught me.
Cards fan
And yet another stellar example of how his lack of impulse control makes him unfit for office!
Yes, I too am glad his gullible schmuck supporters continue to line his pockets with the sales NFCs. Lol At least Jean Carrol will get be paid.
Bob Fosse
Another stain, but sure move on.
He had his chance to defend himself. Move on. More losing to do.
If I were Trump, I would focus on Georgia and the coming indictment for the fake electoral college scheme he instigated. It's by far and away the most serious one he faces, even if some relatively minor ones have hogged the front pages.
He's been found liable for sexual abuse, translation: rape. Do you understand this? Because if you do, you are supporting rape by Trump on this woman he somehow mistook her for Marla. And he didn't show up in court like he said he would. A total coward. A sexual miscreant. Who attacks a woman and rapes her in your world and you believe this is OK?
This does prove, you'd never go against your leader for anything he does. Very cult like.
Say that as many times as you want. Won’t make it happen.
Exhibit A: CNN Town Hall Tomorrow IF he is not too much a coward to show up.
He MIGHT get a question or two.
IF he doesn’t cancel of course.
Don't you remember that he's not just a businessman and reality TV show host, but at one point was President of the USA and could possibly be again.
There is more than enough cause to be interested in a man who molests women, especially if he seeks the highest elected office in the world.
Peter Neil
He can raise that $5 million in one day from his supporters.
There’s a whole buffet table of legal woes coming his way. He’s going to wear out the caps lock on his phone.
Should be fun to watch. It’s all entertainment anyway. That’s all politics is now. It’s not really serious.
The thing with defending the character of people like Trump is you have to debase yourself to do it.
Based on a civil case??? Lol, try again.
Get it out and let’s move on, can’t wait for his next rally and what he’s going to say about it.
Coward? Avoiding a liberal pile on bash fest to appease the emotional bored haters doesn’t make one a coward.
Or more..
Doubt it.
He's blatantly lying on Troth Social about how he wasn't able to defend himself. That's an outright lie. If his supports don't mind being brazenly lied to, then so be it. I believe they call it cognitive dissonance.
Bob Fosse
Lol yeah, I wonder what he’ll say about it. Real head scratcher that.
For the left, I guess so
It’s NYC not that it would have made a difference, so in knowing that, I would have blown it off myself.
We all have our opinions.
N. Knight
Just confirms what we knew all along. He's a sex abuser and likely a rapist. Epstein lackey.
But his mad zealots will always support him. He could be raping a child in the street and the Trump nutters would find a way excuse and continue worshipping him.
No point to even try to reason with the brainwashed.
Cards fan
No, based on the fact that he has such poor impulse control that he can't help but libel people. Lol try again.
Me too! I'm sure it'll be just as idiotic as ever.
The truth is Donald Trump raped this woman, it's not an opinion.
Ok, so a civil case “he said, she said”
Doubt it, but we can agree to disagree, the beauty of difference of opinions.
Cards fan
No, the civil case he lost. The one in which he was rendered so dead to rights he didn't even put up a defense.
Except you're wrong, and I'm not.
Bob Fosse
Being found guilty of sexual battery is not a stain on someone’s character or reputation?
Only ‘the left’ think that?
What does Trump's youngest son make of it when he reads the headlines this morning?
Actually “she said she said she said she said she said - he was too much of a coward to show his face so incriminated himself via deposition.”
She had 4 supporting witnesses. He had none. Zip. Zero.
Not only was he too much of a coward to defend himself, he couldn’t find a single person to speak on his behalf.
And the jury believed "she said".
It not he said ,she said ,they said he sexual assault her codified in law
You just said he lost. That means he's a loser.
Yes, a civil case based on whether you believe the accuser or the person being accused. .
Well, I think I’m right and you’re wrong.
On CNN this morning there was a mighty rolling of the eyes and visible efforts by the female panelists not to choke Scott-whatabout when he tried to imply that this is baked in and will be forgotten.
One of them said something to the effect of what I was thinking: “Tell that to the 1 in 6 women that have been raped. I’m sure they will not ‘just forget about it’.”
She was very polite and restrained in not adding “Thank you blond white man for man-splaining how sexual assault doesn’t really matter.”
Of course her eyes, and the eyes of all the other women on the panel said that for her.
Jean Carroll didn’t just get her day in court. She was vindicated on both her sexual assault and defamation claims—and awarded $5 million in total damages by a jury of 6 men and 3 women. Stunning and gratifying
Except you are wrong and Cards fan is correct.
It was a civil court case with a jury of American citizens. Trump had a chance to defend himself in court and, if he so wanted, to expose the case as a "liberal pile on bash fest". He didn't. He just went on Truth Social and whined.
And he'll do a lot more whining to a friendly crowd at his silly MAGA rally.
Coward and loser.
Trump has already threatened not to debate. The debates are so unfair. In other words, he's a coward and a whiner.
Does this put Trump on the national FBI sex offenders list ??? And if so, does that disallow him for running for office ????
What number loss since 2020 is this one? Lost count,
No. It's a civil case, not a criminal case.
Criminals can run for president and many like Trump often do.
Why do Trump people keep holding on to that garbage like a bunch of Jim Jones followers? And Trump's legal problems are not finished yet!!
The jury said Trump is wrong. The grand jury in NYC said Trump is wrong. What's next? And that's why we have courts.
There are five million reasons why it was determined he did. It was what the court knew. Not Trump people or Hillary people. Just like courts found nothing about Hillary's 300,000 emails. Or Bengazi. Or PizzaGate. There was nothing found on Hillary from the courts.
Me too, I'm a billionaire.
There was lots of obsession with Hillary and what happened to Lock Her Up?
no and yes.
No, it’s a civil case.
Yes, he’s going to be hounded anywhere he goes outside his bubble for the rest of his life.
Questions of sexual assault, accusations of sexual assault, perhaps more civil suits.
His political opponents in both parties are going to tie this anchor around his neck and throw him overboard into the political equivalent of the Mariana Trench.
Donald Trump: not just a serial philander - a serial sex offender as well.
Boy, the covfefe smelled good this morning! But, THE BEST IS YET TO COME!
Maybe Don can get some much needed legal advice from noted expert and “got away with it with no consequences of any kind” rogue George Santos?
Oh, wait …..
The Jury sure agrees with me. With you not so much….
Let’s see…
“He said - she said”
“Its just a civil case”
”The left says…”
”Illegal immigrants”
BINGO! I have pathetic sycophant BINGO!
Melania won't be happy.
Trump fans have completely given up on defending the man. Now it's just, "pay X some money and move on."
No debate about guilt anymore due to their exhaustion.
donald doesn’t have the $5 million that he’s required to pay, his poor and barely literate followers will send him their meager savings, which means he will have less money for his campaign.
Any way you look at it , donald loses and it couldn’t get any funnier!!!
Simon Foston
If it was just a "he said she said" kind of case I'm surprised that the jury found against man who mastered the- .... ahem, "art of the deal," and all his hotshot lawyers, who I'm pretty sure his supporters have been paying for.
I suppose they must have just decided based on the facts that are available, not to mention Trump's reticence to appear in court or his legal team's reluctance to get him on the stand, that he did actually do it.
I know, right? This one wasn’t even a “porn-hooker.”
Its almost like the father of her only child is a serial sex predator…..
Congrats to Ms. Carroll for finally getting Trump to pay up on a long held liability.
In the grand scheme of things it will not affect Trump much but maybe some of his Average Joe supporters who do honest work can reflect on the fact he is an 80's greed is good financial predator whose speciality is debt and fraud. He has just had better marketing skills than others and is long due to be held accountable.
And not far-left Marxist illegals were harmed in these cases.
And now, on to the criminal indictment that we all have been promised Garland is not man enough to file.
Yes, because in a true democracy, a TRUE DEMOCRACY, carrying water for a convicted sex offender is an equally valid opinion, and not at all worthy of derision, right?
This must come as a verdict from hell for the three Supremes to learn that the man who nominated them to the highest judicial office in the land and whom they once stood proudly by as he announced their confirmation to the nation is now known to the world as a convicted rapist and serial sexual predator. Another black eye for Scotus! And thank you, girls, for putting another nail in Trump's coffin! But before closing the lid, the DOJ must bring the stake!
Trump wasn't brave enough to attend and defend himself.
the witch hunt to try to prevent Trump to run again continues.
the prosecutor couldn’t even prove the 2 of them were in the same place or even what actual day or month it was much less that this happened.
no rape but sexual assist but defamation when he says she lied about the rape that the jury said didn’t happen. Huh??
appeal and move on.
Pay up....pervert...
N. Knight
If it was a criminal case you'd only have another excuse for him
Stormy and then Carroll. Many more in the closet.
Trump lost and today so do his pathetic supporters.
He was found guilty. He has to pay. Not nothing
Guilty of sexual assault and in only 2 hours no less.
It took the jury in the Murdoch murders longer than that.
I guess I am not the only one for whom it was just so obvious as to beggar belief…
She will have to wait for her money until Eric has appealed for donations from their gullible supporters.
What a legal case this will make for law schools around the country...
It establishes a new "rule" for defense lawyers in sexual assault cases; the "Moron" rule...
The Moron rule says to "Make sure you don't let your client get on the stand or make a deposition where he admits to being a "star" and is therefore allowed to conduct unwanted, non-consensual sexual assaults on women"...
Or in other words, don't let them be a moron like Trump...
I hate Chump (trump) ! I think hes a right 'Tool', and probably did do it..... That said its worrying when a woman turns up 27 !!! years later and says that you raped her. Why the long wait ????? , How about reporting it when it happened ?? Just asking.
there is no guilty or not guilty in this case.
She alleges she willingly went into a dressing room with Trump.
Once again Trump pays for sexual abuse. Fine role model for his young son.
ROFL, every Democrat wants donald to run, that’s the best way to ensure Biden’s 2nd term.
The moment donald deposed his goose was cooked. He sure is very prosecutor’s dream defendant. There will be more cases coming soon and everyone will insist on donald’s testimony.
You forgot to mention, pay and pay and pay!!!
Good to see that your knowledge of law is no better than your understanding of business!!!
How is Trump a criminal? This is a civil proceeding.
Sure, in a defamation case, the winner pays the damages!
CenyukToday 09:32 am JST
Yes, because everyone knows that if you are willingly alone with a man in an enclosed space, that also means you automatically consent to any sexual activity he wants to force on you.
Yet he was not “found guilty”.
The world has changed quite a bit since your time, there is something called ‘consent’.
Might want to look it up!
And that’s why he gets to pay $5 million to her, eh?
Donald Trump: serial sex abuser.
Not an enclosed space, a dressing room in a department store.
Maybe some people enter into those with another expecting a cocktail party to break out.
+1. Given his last scam selling his mug shot on T-shirts, I imagine they already have a new T-shirt with him inside a changing room...
That or some of those irredeemable NFT trading cards...
Because "There's one born every minute"...
Yet he was not “found guilty”.
its a civil case not criminal case.
he is guilty of sexual abuse and forcible touching her
Trump got out a 6: million dollars appeal bond,to get this overturned
there is no guilty or not guilty in this case.
hes guilty of a number of things, verdict form proves it
We all know Trump better than what he admits to himself.
Blacklabel, sexual battery is no different, Trump beat her up,to commit the sexual act
The false statements here are as expected.
no, he didnt "beat her up"
no, he did not "rape" her
No, he was not found "guilty" of anything.
They only had to have a 50% belief that he raped her and they still said no for that one.
Seems they felt they had to "get him" for something though cause the tape got them right in the feels.
appeal incoming.
Appeal coming.
Appeal lost.
Bob Fosse
He’ll lose. Will it be outside New York next time because you believe it was a rigged jury, right?
I think the result would have been the same anywhere.
Battery involves force so yes, he did. She hit her head as a result of his use of force.
He was found to have penetrated her sexually. This is a distinction without a difference and everyone but his true believer rubes will recognize it as such.
In a civil trial, a monetary payment is an assignment of guilt or responsibility.
He did it. It was wrong. He’s bad. He pays. He’s guilty.
Actually he is more likely to say that he’s appealing without actually doing anything (just like he said he was going to confront his accuser but did hack) in the hopes that the story fades away.
It won’t.
He is a serial sex abuser. That’s not going away.
not only do you not understand there is no "guilty" here, you dont understand the word "serial" either.
Trump . . . Sex Offender
Lots of the MAGA crowd want to defend Trump's sexual peccadilloes, well lots of people have them.
As I posted above, anyone willing to defend the MAGA king, stiffing the American, salt of the earth, works with his hand American working man on the regular?
Didn't think so as that does not fit into the narrative of corporate "populism".
I have.
I'm with you in that.
Well, there was no rape, because:
Jurors rejected Carroll’s claims that she was raped,
Does that clarify things for you Kurumazaka2.1?
Simon Foston
RKLToday 11:09 am JST
True, they just found him liable for sexual abuse. Do Trump supporters let him off the hook for that?
Jonathan Prin
How can a former president not be checked before becoming president of the USA ?
If he has been judged guilty, even in a civil case, the system to elect the potus is totaly untrustworthy.
It is that that I will remember, although I hate when justice gives a decision when there is no evidence.
Either it is a crime, or it is not. One shall never be able to get away from a crime by paying. Or money can buy sex anytime you want is the result, objectively speaking.
I am not wishing that for all women in the world and find it sad.
N. Knight
The Trump zealots just cannot stop defending this rapist. They would do anything for him. Nothing he does will be wrong in their eyes no matter how abhorrent.
Trump becoming GOP presidential candidate will guarantee Biden's re-election.
Trump's failures as a decent human-being and his deplorable followers are gifts that keep on giving to the Democrats because the GOP are unsure what to do about it!