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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Kim Jong Un's sister threatens S Korea with military action
By KIM TONG-HYUNG SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Mitsuo Matsuyama
According to a video that I watched at youtube South Koreans consider North Korea as friendly country and Japan as a enemy. I never have understood it.
The Avenger
The North Korean government states that they must prepare for war because Trump cannot be trusted. How embarrassing for us: compared to Kim Jong Un, Trump looks totally inept. I guess we know who won the crazy leader contest.
Clearly she is as unhinged as his brother.
Samit, where are you?
what is happening to them during COVID-19?
If we just ignore North Korea will they still exist?
Just look at her face. Gives me chills.
Thing to note here n all the recent NK news is where is KJU he has already kicked the bucket thats y its alys her sister on the news not only that some NK ministers r also appearing in the news bt not KJU so time for regime change in NK now
It seems N Korea is choking S Korea every time, never get unified but N wants to control/take over S.
I guess those "love letters" between Kim and Trump were just love letters written in the sand (i.e., they were gone when the first wave flowed over them).
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Much more unhinged, I think. Scary that she seems to be taking a leading role. She seems like the type that wouldn't hesitate to use nuclear weapons.
The North is an underdog barking louder.
Here we go again using the same old cycle.
1) After a period of stability, North Korea starts to manufacture a crisis. Eg Cutting off the phones, sending workers in a free trade zone home, launching missiles, conducting nuclear tests etc etc. Often this is timed around an election in the US or Sth Korea, or to divert attention away from a domestic issue (in this case probably Corona in North Korea, or recent concerns about the Fat Mans health and succession, or timing it to a possible change in President in the US).
2) This will be ramped up over the coming weeks and months. Expect more missiles and a possibly a nuclear test. They are also experimenting with submarine launched missiles.
3) South Korea, Japan the US and to a lesser extent China start talks with the hermit kingdom to try and release some pressure.
4) North Korea gets some concessions (some sanctions relief, deliveries of food and fuel etc) in exchange for calming down.
5) Things go on their merry way for a few more months until North Korea ren-negs again citing some perceived slight and starts the cycle over, and manufactures yet another issue to get more gains.
North Korea is playing the long game. They just wait out the sitting leader in the US , Sth Korea and Japan. When the new leaders get elected, they all go down the merry path again of trying to work with the North so *they*** **can be the one that fixed things, only to be worked over again by the Kim family.
Bruce Wayne
Never forget that by 1953 Mao had paid the blood of 700,000 dead PLA (plus one of his sons life!) to own the DPRK because Stalin was too busy dying to care to keep ownership of it!!!
But most people don't remember what they had for breakfast and react to the shadows on the wall...
President Xi inherited ownership over the puppet state of the DPRK, and who in their right mind thinks he would be happy to see a second term Trump presidency with a massive international coalition already building to absolutely wipe out the CCP!
For those with an IQ over 70: ABSOLUTELY EXPECT the rhetoric to radically excalate from the DPRK before November. Most likely very scary ICBM launch(es) and/or hydrogen bomb testing by October!
The CCP knows they will NOT survive in power with Trump remaining POTUS and they will do far worse than releasing the plague in the world to stay in charge!
Biden had bragged on record he has 25 hours of PRIVATE talks with Xi with only one interpreter. Don't you think those talks are taped by Mr. Xi? Don't you think IF released to the public Biden would be seen for selling out his country for the billion his son took? Don't you think that makes him the ideal controllable "barbarian king for the US" by the CCP definition?...
I can’t imagine any of those generals, with medals pinned down to their undies, taking orders from her.
Don't tell us it's actually the sister who's the crazier one!
Interesting that they would send her out for this statement.
I thought KJU was just fine.
Gives one pause for thought.
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me"
Humm that’s until the offender abuse, to belittle or humiliate is accompanied with the tyrannical threat of the use of weapons of mass destruction.
And frankly its terrifying when the name caller is mentally deranged
Isn’t it a tad ironic? Time and again the region pantomime villain, the South Korean Government hisses and boos at across the Sea of japan, highlights the failure to take notice of the certifiably demented insanity taking place on their own doorstep.
In the words of my good friend, Vice-President Biden, "Come on, man, stand up and be counted." So, behind every successful man is a very strong woman. Joan of Arc, Catherine the Great of Russia, Hôjô Tokimasa (married to Minamoto Yoritomo,) Ichiyo Higuchi (5000 yen,) Eleanor Roosevelt who was actually president in his last term, and possibly Hillary Clinton, in many people's opinion. The sister's position may be the reason the NK military continues to praise and applaud Kim's photo ops. “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” Sun Tsu, Born: 544 BC, Qi, Died: 496 BC, Wu
Heh, Kim doesn't have enough guts to say that so he gets his sister to say it. What a loser.
military action against South Korea
That would be an unmitigated disaster for North Korea.
I find her extremely alluring.
This is just bully talk again. She likes to look tough.
The Avenger
Mommy, that lady looks mean.
North Korea will probably have a female leader long before the Republican Party has a legitimate female candidate for their presidential nomination.
She doesn't seem to be doing a good job!!
Even they know trump is a lame duck!!!
Remember the honorable GOP senator John McCain took Sarah Palin to be his VP candidate for his Presidential bid in 2008. Thing about that is he screwed up, he made a poor choice because she is so corrupt, immature, hypocritical and UNBELIEVABLY STUPID.
Nick Balzano
Stop or I shall scream "Wolf!" again!
The Koreans most likely base their prejudices on historical occurrences not taught in Japanese schools...
If we just ignore North Korea will they still exist?
yes that would be a nice thought, but when the Nth have 16000 artillery guns pointed at Seoul and could lay waste to it within 15 minutes, not even taking into account they have nukes, yes unfortunately they do exist and have to be taken seriously. No war isn't an option, but when youve got an impoverished nation in NK and a wealthy nation like SK, it would seem the Sth has far more to lose
Go Girl!!! That's the old DPRK spirit!!
She's even more bolder and aggressive than big brother Kim.
After South Korea, U.S. next?
By the way, where is Kim Jong Un? Did sister have him assassinated?
Maybe sooner than you think. When Joe wins, then resigns and let his black female VP (whoever that is) takes over, we'll see how the two female leaders square off against one another.
Inspector Gadget
Yes, there will be more antics by NK to stay in the news, however no nuclear tests, since that card has been take off the table, and even China is not happy about that already unstable nuclear mountain on their border.
You'd think that as a Mother, she may have become a bit more considerate towards people... seemingly not.
Harris against Kims sister? Could be interesting. I suppose two intelligent, ruthless sharks could communicate well.
Extremely alluring until she starts chopping things off just for fun!
On the other hand, suppose Biden surprises everyone and picks Hillary as VP. Biden resigns as expected, and Hillary becomes POTUS.
Hillary against Kim's sister. Now THAT would really be interesting! Both are ruthless sharks....they should understand each other well.
Sometimes I think that NK is doing all these provocations, because they WANT to get overrun.
I think they want to get set free, and this is the way they are asking for it.
Put very simply, the South Korean government was an anti-Japan "government in exile" which the US put into power. Likewise the Russians (Soviets) put Kim Il Sung, an anti-Japan resistance fighter into power in the North. Since the Korean War the only common thing the South and North have is a shared anti-Japan posture from the annexation days 1910-1945. But in the North, the hatred has shifted more directly to the United States, mainly due to the massive bombing and destruction the U.S. unleashed on North Korea during the 1950/51 Korean War. But South Korea relies upon the U.S. for it's defense, so it continues it's "anti-Japan" posture to show the North that they have something in common. Polls taken in South Korea during the past decade showing young South Koreans considering Japan to be a greater enemy ad threat to South Korea are mind boggling, when one considers the abosulte necessity of Japan's cooperation and logistics if the U.S, were ever called upon to defend South Korea.
englisc aspyrgend
There is something about her in that picture that is both very sexy and scarily ruthless at the same time. Wouldn’t be at all surprised if she replaces fat boy, either by succession or forcibly. Wouldn’t want her as my number 2, would spend all my time looking over my shoulder.
Neither Korea’s for their own petty political agendas have allowed time to heal the wounds of the past. Looked at rationally the rest of us can see that SK needs Japan as well as the US as an ally, and in fact there is great benefit to them from sensible, mutually respectful relations (though Japan is equally at fault in stirring the pot) but when was a politician rational when looking at the next election and their own petty career?
A saucy minx. Like her big brother Kim Jong Un, she has a beautiful "SUBE SUBE" complexion.
In fact, Kim Jong Un's silky-smooth features resemble that of a tender, soft-boiled egg.
Despite his age he remains amazingly wrinkle free.
Like I said. And it is possible. On the other hand, consider age. Biden is clearly physically/mentally on the brink, and Hillary is no spring chicken either. She can probably find a common wavelength with the other murderess, but really.... anybody who wants either of these two with the paws on the nuclear button is insane. Remember, Clinton practically threatened war with Russia during the last debates.
Once again, you think wrong. These provocations are political theater; NK needs this to stay relevant and extract concessions. The ONLY scenario where actual military action is thinkable would be is someone tried to overthrow the regime.
It is only a matter of time until the Kims meet the same fate as the Ceaușescus.
Maybe NK needs more money. Whenever they throw a temper tantrum, the usual World response to send money and humanitarian aid. Then that pacifies them for a while.
Barking dogs don't bite. Sissy keeps up the tough act because that's the only way she'll continue to receive the favors of he well-fed brother.