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Kremlin says referendum result paves way to annex part of Ukraine


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After the balloting, “the situation will radically change from the legal viewpoint, from the point of view of international law, with all the corresponding consequences for protection of those areas and ensuring their security,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Tuesday.

no it won’t.

22 ( +32 / -10 )

Putin knows this referendum is a sham, and he knows that we know it’s a sham. Doesn’t matter what you claim, Putin, none of Ukraine is rightfully yours.

Now get out.

20 ( +34 / -14 )

Thus is the most dysfunctional war in the history of the world,one country can attack another country ,on their land and the other country,do not attack the other country on it land, while the other country is being pounded back into the stone age,and have people supporters of the war,with no end game,which is dysfunctional

-21 ( +6 / -27 )

High time to declare Russia a state sponsor of terrorism. If not, this term lacks meaning.

10 ( +27 / -17 )

phony ballots everywhere.........did they count the ballots of the war deceased too?

23 ( +37 / -14 )

I doubt they even bothered to count.

21 ( +32 / -11 )

The order has triggered an exodus of nearly 200,000 men from Russia, fueled anti-war protests and sparked violence.

If the above is factual, it suggests not all Russian males are sheeple that believe that their sins will be wiped away if they’re killed in Putin’s war, Putin has become a messiah for the highly suggestible, religious extremists especially those pushing for even greater white supremacy.

12 ( +24 / -12 )

Kremlin says referendum result paves way to annex part of Ukraine

Aren't Z-cult Russians aware that the abuse of sham referendum will lose legitimacy, paying the way for Ukraine to get back all occupied provinces including Crimea, stolen by the 2014 staged voting?

10 ( +24 / -14 )

Why would Russian speaking Ukrainians, in areas bordering Russia NOT want to join with Russia to ensure they are protected from further conflict and violence?

Of course they would and they are going to.

It seems perfectly logical to me but it doesn’t fit the western narrative so it must be bunkum…

-15 ( +17 / -32 )

Quite the imagination, this one has. Ukrainians defending their country threatens the very existence of their much larger and more powerful neighbor.

“Let’s imagine that Russia is forced to use the most powerful weapon against the Ukrainian regime that has committed a large-scale act of aggression, which is dangerous for the very existence of our state,”

11 ( +19 / -8 )

Any declaration and $5 can buy them a burned out Tank. Plenty to choose from! Take your pick, Vladimir!

it won’t stop the UA from kicking Russia’s ass (The 144th Guards Motorized Rifle Division, created specifically for this in casino to protect the flank of the 1st Guards Tank “army” has joined 1GTA in becoming combat ineffective. It has been essentially destroyed, rendered moot.)

It won’t affect Western policy vis-a-vis defense authorization.

It won’t affect domestic opinion which is turning decisively against the midget from Moscow.

It’s a distinction without a difference.

It’s a wet fart in a hurricane.

0 ( +14 / -14 )

Referendum they say - with people voting while guns being held to their heads, threatened and intmidated.

Not even counting those who have been shipped from Russia to attend this fake bull!

And, @the Avenger, not a terrorist sponsoring state, but a terrorist state like ISIS!

Deal with them accordingly!

3 ( +17 / -14 )

It seems perfectly logical to me but it doesn’t fit the western narrative so it must be bunkum…

You’re not alone. Plenty of people in the west giving out similar narratives. Usually the types watching the likes of Tucker Carlson. Very predictable.

Not serious people worth any paying attention to.

1 ( +17 / -16 )

Why would Russian speaking Ukrainians, in areas bordering Russia NOT want to join with Russia to ensure they are protected from further conflict and violence?

And then why wouldn't Ukrainians in Russia want to be part of Ukraine? Using your logic, they should hold a referendum a parts of Russia could breakaway and join Ukraine. This is just a really bad idea, it would cause an immeasurable amount of instability.

Of course they would and they are going to.

lol I'm sure putting guns to the heads of voters in the occupied territories will ensure free and fair elections, right?

3 ( +16 / -13 )

Wonder what the results of a referendum in the Northern Territories would be.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

lol I'm sure putting guns to the heads of voters in the occupied territories will ensure free and fair elections, right?

I’ve found many apologists for Putin’s invasion have some quite extraordinary opinions regarding free and fair elections.

0 ( +12 / -12 )

Of course this should part of Russia. There is only two choices.

one: over 95% of citizens get to have freedom and democracy.

two: Ukraine liquidates these 95% of local residents.

-20 ( +10 / -30 )

Of course the "referendum" is a farce during conflict.... But that is not important as the west would not recognize the result anyway. The majority of the population in those areas are pro Russian, a fact that is difficult for the west to deal with.

-16 ( +9 / -25 )

It's time to Annex Putin.

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

did they count the ballots of the war deceased too?

no, because they were killed by Ukrainian ultranationalist or UA using American supplied missile launchers.

-12 ( +13 / -25 )

The majority of the population in those areas are pro Russian, a fact that is difficult for the west to deal with


5 ( +20 / -15 )

Shamefully biased article

-11 ( +12 / -23 )


The information is all there, watch interviews of people who live in the Donbas region, majority of which have waited for this moment for 8 years. Watch statements of international watchers present at the time of voting.

it’s literally there.

-12 ( +11 / -23 )

The information is all there, watch interviews of people who live in the Donbas region, majority of which have waited for this moment for 8 years. Watch statements of international watchers present at the time of voting.

Give us a link.

6 ( +16 / -10 )

The desire of a dictator, nothing more.

3 ( +15 / -12 )

This may come as a surprise to some people, however:


7 ( +15 / -8 )

What a farce. Russia claiming 98% of the people in the three regions voted to join Russia. No referendum anywhere in the world on any subject would ever attain 98%. Fraud.

"Results reported Tuesday by Russian state media allegedly showed over 98% voting in favor of the measure in the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics; while 93% voted for it in the Zaporizhzhia region and 87% in the Kherson region."

99% in Donetsk.


"Most of the vote was carried out by poll workers — under armed guard — bringing paper ballots door to door, as the process was so rushed there wasn't time to set up more complex voting infrastructure, according to the Russian state news agency TASS."

This is nothing more than a land grab by Putin.

11 ( +22 / -11 )

Those Russian people in the Donbass regions have been living there for hundreds of years. Ukraine in History has always been a part of Russia.

Who has been attacking them for the last 8 years with the loss of many lives ? Why do the Russian haters ignore this ?

-8 ( +10 / -18 )

Simply, a referendum vote by gunpoint is not open, fair, and free. The majority of the people fled the regions so only 20% of those populations voted.

4 ( +15 / -11 )

Why would Russian speaking Ukrainians, in areas bordering Russia NOT want to join with Russia to ensure they are protected from further conflict and violence?

Of course they would and they are going to.

Well, let's think through that hypothesis.

The referendums and apparent upcoming annexation have been accompanied by two other things: threats by Russia to use nuclear weapons and mobilization by Russia.

The mobilization is already falling hardest on people in the Donbass, where what is starting to happen in Russia now has been going on since the start of the war. And the Russian army treats the troops it raises in those regions like cannon fodder even more than it does with regular Russian troops. The losses among troops from Luhansk and Donetsk have been appalling.

And of course if Russia ever follows through on its threat to use nuclear weapons these will likely be used on the front line which is....located in those exact regions.

In other words, trying to join Russia in the context of a Russian invasion goes hand in hand with almost certain death for any military age males in the region, and the threat of nuclear blasts and fallout for everyone else. Not to mention the further destruction of towns and cities from the conventional war which will undoubtedly continue.

Not really seeing how this ensures "they are protected from further conflict and violence", it rather seems to ensure that they will endure much more of that.

It seems perfectly logical to me but it doesn’t fit the western narrative so it must be bunkum…

As I said above, I don't follow your logic. The mere fact that something fits with a "western narrative" does not, in and of itself, mean that it is wrong.

4 ( +11 / -7 )

Russia the largest country with a small population of 146 million does not need any more land.

4 ( +14 / -10 )


Those Russian people in the Donbass regions have been living there for hundreds of years. Ukraine in History has always been a part of Russia.

Well the truth is closer to the opposite. Ukraine existed and expanded to include Russia. Maybe Putin should let Zelensky rule his country?

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

Putin should allege that Biden interfered with this referendum to get the "no" vote out.

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Fair elections? Votes turns out in favor of Ukraine and Putin decides to just leave? The war was just to hold elections? I'm sure that was a possibility.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

lol I'm sure putting guns to the heads of voters in the occupied territories will ensure free and fair elections, right?

Got a link to Russian soldiers holding guns to anyone’s head?

I didn’t think so…

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

Got a link to Russian soldiers holding guns to anyone’s head?

Sure. Here's one: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/idiom

8 ( +17 / -9 )

Regarding the Nord Stream Pipeline, Biden said publicly (in February, check it out on YouTube) that "we (the U.S.) will bring an end to it", and he even followed it up with a promise. This is the same guy that says that methane is a massive contributor to global warming. Are you paying attention yet?

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

Illegal referendums are not elections.

8 ( +15 / -7 )

Why would Russian speaking Ukrainians, in areas bordering Russia NOT want to join with Russia to ensure they are protected from further conflict and violence?

What on earth makes you thing that people that understand and speak the foreign language of Russian, in Ukraine actually want to be Russian and not remain native Ukrainian?

I guess everyone that speaks English in Mexico actually wants to be American and for their towns and states in Mexico to become US states? All those in France that speak English want to BE English also and for France to be made English. Where does that thinking end?

It is farcical and everyone knows it. No doubt some people prefer Russia in the border regions but that is no legal basis for territory to be stolen, only for those people to emigrate to the country they want to live in.

Putin and his supporters are evil harbingers of death and destruction. They disgust me.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Got a link to Russian soldiers holding guns to anyone’s head?

I'll do you one better, here's a video of the scumbag occupiers forcing terrified residents to vote in sham elections. Shame on them and shame on those defending them.



7 ( +12 / -5 )

I wonder how they had a referendum in Zaporizhzhia Oblast, considering Zaporizhzhia city is under Ukrainian control and represents around half the population of the oblast.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

People voted against the failed state that was killing them for eight years since 2014 and is killing them even now with almost daily missile attacks and artillery bombardments. People want to leave the country that always considered them second-rate, "not Ukrainian enough". What a surprise for someone!!

At least the Russians had a referendum. NATO stole the Serbian province of Kosovo without any referendums at all. Eastern Germany was annexed by Western Germany without any referendums.

-21 ( +5 / -26 )

Kremlin says referendum result paves way to annex part of Ukraine:

Some observers have said the referendum outcomes would be a foregone conclusion, the regions would join Russia, as many of the population belong to Russian ethnic group.

Apparently this is the case. Split Ukraine into East & West, stop the ugly war..

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

He likes to be called president Putin as if he was duly elected based on popularity. However, he’s actually dictator Putin of a frightened country in which tens of thousands of Russians are racing for the border to escape. Putin has been an abysmal failure.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Split Ukraine into East & West, stop the ugly war..

Better idea; Ruzzians go home, stop the ugly war.

Icing on the cake if Putin can be persuaded to fall out of a 30F window.

Clutching a transparent ballot box filled with fake ballots, if he likes.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

What’s to say Putin will stop after he annexed Eastern Ukraine. He didn’t stop after Crimea. We can’t believe a word he says.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

The European Union’s border and coast guard agency says 66,000 Russian citizens entered the 27-nation bloc from Sept. 19 to 25, a 30% increase over the preceding week.

If I was in Russia and my adult son also, regardless of our darft situation.

I would be on my way to the EU right now.

What a perfect chance to jump immigration cues and be nearly 100% guaranteed refugee or some other status to remain in a country of your choice!

We saw this with Syria as non Syrians used the Crisis wiggle their way into Europe.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )


Please tell me a little more about how East Germany came into existence for West Germany to annex it lol....

Germany was split in two parts after the WWII. What's your point?

Also, please tell me why NATO was in the former Yugoslavia as opposed to The UN, who should have been........

Ask NATO why they invaded. And whatever the reason was, they stole a part of a sovereign country, and now have absolutely no moral high ground to lecture others.


What on earth makes you thing that people that understand and speak the foreign language of Russian

For the most of of Ukraine the Russian language is not foreign, it is native. Even for Zelensky the Russian is native, he really struggles when he speaks Ukrainian. For the most of people of Ukraine the Ukrainian is a foreign language they are pressured to learn and speak. When the people of Donbass refused, the regime unleashed on them "Ukrainizators" from neonazi volunteer units, supported by the army.

-17 ( +4 / -21 )


People voted against the failed state that was killing them for eight years since 2014 and is killing them even now with almost daily missile attacks and artillery bombardments. People want to leave the country that always considered them second-rate, "not Ukrainian enough". What a surprise for someone!! 

Only the Russian Ukrainians voted. Not all the people living there and the ones who fled. The referendum is illegal. It was you Russians who shot down the airliner killing all on board.

At least the Russians had a referendum. NATO stole the Serbian province of Kosovo without any referendums at all. Eastern Germany was annexed by Western Germany without any referendums

A country cannot hold a referendum in another country. NATO did not occupy Kosovo. The Berlin Wall fell and the East Germans piled into West Germany. It was abandoned by the Soviet communist regime.

11 ( +16 / -5 )

For the most of of Ukraine the Russian language is not foreign, it is native. 

Population of Ukraine:

Ukrainian speakers: 67.5%

Russian speakers: 29.6%

8 ( +12 / -4 )

What’s to say Putin will stop after he annexed Eastern Ukraine. He didn’t stop after Crimea. We can’t believe a word he says.

The simple answer is he wouldn't

The Russians were planing an amphibious invasion of Odessa until their "fleet" no longer floated. The invasion of Odessa was designed to create a land bridge connecting Crimea to the Russian speaking regions of Maldova.

Outside Ukraine, Russia's long-term goal WAS to isolate the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania by forcably establishing a land bridge between Kalingrad and Belurus. I say "WAS" because the front line units tasked to this conquest were to be the 1st GTA and the 144th GRMD, both of which have been destroyed.

So the answer is had he not been stopped in Ukraine, he would not have stopped.

But he was, so he didn't carry out those plans.

8 ( +12 / -4 )


Funny how that thing we're not supposed to mention was happening in the years we're supposed to forget could convince a lot of Ukrainians on the receiving end of the something that they didn't want to open the possibility of the US putting them under Zelensky's rule.

The Ukrainians voted for Zelensky. The US had nothing to do with it.

13 ( +15 / -2 )

Really? I didn't know that. I saw the FBI among other secret police agencies was facilitating the bogus counting and/or the bogus ballots being delivered.

lol No, of course not. Of course none of that happened. Claiming the sham elections in Russian occupied territories are somehow more legitimate than the 2020 US elections is laughably absurd.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

The Russians are the foreigners in Ukraine so how can foreigners hold a referendum?

11 ( +14 / -3 )


Only the Russian Ukrainians voted. Not all the people living there and the ones who fled

Voted all locals, whatever the ethnicity.

It was you Russians who shot down the airliner killing all on board

Actually it were Ukrainians who did this. They shot down one passenger liner during exercises in 2001, they shot down another in 2014 during another exercises.

NATO did not occupy Kosovo

It helped its local accomplices to steal this province. Yeah, very big difference.


Ukrainian speakers: 67.5%

Russian speakers: 29.6%

Funny. Even for all Ukrainian presidents the Russian was a native language. Ukronazi with their "language patrols", "Speak Ukrainian" noisy demonstrations try desperately to change the reality, but the reality strikes back.

-18 ( +2 / -20 )

The 100s of election monitors from all over the world, including NATO countries have categorically stated the elections were free and fair. Unfortunately the citizens of NATO countries who observed the process have been threatened with prosecution when they return to their so-called "democratic" home countries.

Cor @Axel: You make Putin sound believable. That is frankly the most laughable comment I've read in weeks.

9 ( +12 / -3 )


I think you don't know who those election obserevers were, right!?

Putin-friendly folks, who would never say anything negative or insulting about Putin.

People who got directly or indirectly paid by him! People like the German Stefan Schaller and many more!

Just google for them and you will find which side they support!

Would be nie if some people accepted facts and wouldn't promote alternative facts!

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Ah well that settles it. A successful 184 percent of voters said "da" at gunpoint.

Now Putin can draft them for his dirty little war. Along with all the grandads and handicapped people left in Russia to rebuild the the army destroyed by the Ukrainians.

How many days has tiny Vladimir got left?

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Actually it were Ukrainians who did this. They shot down one passenger liner during exercises in 2001, they shot down another in 2014 during another exercises.

1 for 2 in the accuracy department. Not bad for a Russian disinformation specialist.

in 2001, an aircraft was unfortunately shot down when the BUK missile missed it's drone target and reaquired a civil airliner. Ukraine admited responsibility and compensated the victims families.

In 2014, "little green men" (Russians) illegally operating a BUK missile that they had smuggled over the border, mistook an airliner for a Ukrainian Airforce jet and shot it down killing all aboard.

The Russians have consistently lied about the incident, failed to provide access to those involved and spun the most unbelievably bad falsifications imaginable.

Some of them really make one doubt just how competent the vaunted foreign intelligence services are.

So that is what ACTUALLY happened.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

The 100s of election monitors from all over the world, including NATO countries have categorically stated the elections were free and fair. Unfortunately the citizens of NATO countries who observed the process have been threatened with prosecution when they return to their so-called "democratic" home countries.

Easily the most ludicrous statement here yet, and THAT is quite the accomplishment.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

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