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© Copyright 2021 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.World leaders dial up doomsday warning to kick-start climate talks
By SETH BORENSTEIN GLASGOW, Scotland©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
All because you left the light on and took too long of a shower.
Well they have us trained to be afraid so it shouldn’t be too difficult
Smug alert over Glasgow for the next 2 weeks.
Jonathan Prin
Please tell me why taxes would cut GHG emissions ?
Reduce price of wood, nuclear electricity, give incentives to get cheaper prices for not using energy...
Instead they jolly plan to tax you morr and more while they won't ever stop emitting their GHG flying in jet and eating with 2 or 3 waiters aside each.
There is no hurry against climate change, there 'll never be any doomsday of any sort. There is a need for progress, human adaptation, and stopping damaging directly nature.
For once she's making sense.
The do-as-we-say brigade will be heavy on announcements that the world will end in X years and that we have to start eating bugs and staying within a few kms of home to save the planet (sound familiar?) while they get drunk and constipated on fine wine and steak flown in from France and Japan before jetting off home to try and implement it. And if the citizens won't comply? Well, there's always another virus.
@Jonathan Prin
The reason why taxes would cut GHG omissions is twofold.
1) It would make the elite richer and give them even more power
2) It would make us poorer and more dependent on the elite
anything that doesn’t include the two reasons above, would never even be considered
Only one country now by its politics and actions can meet the above target. It is Gambia. ( read in an article, but I guess some small and poor countries also do not contribute to climate change)
None of the leading countries can keep with the target they fixed five years ago, and previously. Economy and industrial power does not wed with climate changes.
World leading scientists keep warning on the climate change and water resources depletion. Few are listening.
Thanks to covid, CO2 emissions have been reduced
The year just keeps getting further and further away.......tell me this isn't just an act.
This is what it's all about. It won't be provided in cash of course, but rather in overpriced products and consulting services from handpicked and well connected eco-companies and climate NGOs.
As I've said before if there's a real climate emergency world leaders will act on it with more urgency than they did for the covid pandemic.
In any case how could they expect other countries to listen when peoe are dying of covid and they can't even share their stockpiles of vaccines?
Happy Day
Al Gore's net worth when he left politics: $2 million
Al Gore's net worth after hustling "climate change": $300 million
Open your wallets, folks, some people are about to become real rich, just not you.
A good dose of fear to keep the little people in line and at each others throats.
Meanwhile, business as usual.
I must say that I am enjoying the healthy level of cynicism here this morning. As others have said, 50 private jets are landing in Glasgow every DAY for this gabfest. It is all about getting the right people a place at the trough of public money. And shockingly, as Prion said, Our Greta was right when she said the problem won't be solved in Glasgow.
Biden jets in on that flying hulk Airforce One, rides “in style” to the circus in a motorcade of at least 85 automobiles ( also flown in) and joins his fellow clown elite to lecture the world and have a lot of laughs and gourmet food. You couldn’t make this up!
The whole earth will end someday, not like this, maybe by this when the sun expand and then contract and destroy earth and it sister planet, do not worry it will happen billion of years from now
Express sister
"If you eat food, you can't try to change things" - extremely smart poster Helix King.
Kyo wa heiwa dayo ne
Attempts to bring new urgency ?
Ugh !
Got that right
Call themselves leaders ?
Is Biden going to address how the shale gas exploration process is damaging the environment? Not while the LNG prices are so nicely high in Asia!
Or the pipeline from Russia to Germany that he endorsed.
@Express Sister “If you eat food, you can't try to change things" - extremely smart poster Helix King.
Care to elaborate?
Express sister
For climate change, there is no "settled science". There never is on most complicated issues. I remember 40 years ago that the big climate issue was the coming Ice Age. Do we know better now? Yes. Will we know better in another 20-30 years? Yes. I make my judgements to a large extent based on the actions of those ringing the alarm bells. If someone is shouting "this building is burning down" while not leaving the building, I get a bit skeptical.
Tom San
Climate scientists fear tripping points as ignoring such would mean unattainable SDG's.
I haven't heard that phrase in a while esp in discussions re climate change, is it still being commonly used?
Meanwhile, all these world leaders have carbon footprints of cities, but are forcing everyone to change. Only for thee, not for me.
Buffoonery at its best, thanks to so-called world leaders!
Ladies and Gentlemen and Others, the Charlatans have taken centre stage.
I guess the Fukushima disaster threw a monkey wrench to the campaign, makes weaning off of oil and coal that much more difficult
Express sister
This is incorrect.
Excellent point and spot on
Whenever a “scientist” says ‘the science is settled’, you are not listening to a person who believes in actual science. You are listening to someone who is spouting dogma. There is no such thing as science without skepticism.
The biggest problem for this campaign is that not everyone is so stupid to just believe that science is settled.
Express sister
Express sister
What are the best books to read regarding climate science?
Great example
Science is a process, not a result. An action, not a goal.
In Galileo's day, the 'settled science' was that the world was flat. Now we know better. The 'settled science' of medicine used to believe in blood letting and phrenology.
Express sister
Express sister
No, it wasn't.
I think we should just base it on science.
The someone in your example may be corrupt but it doesn't necessarily mean that the science is not established, if it is.
But nothing has been established, that's why the expected urgency is not there.
We are talking about the end of the world here but nothing has been done except talks and meetings.
Compare it with the covid pandemic and we see how they act when it's really urgent
Zichi, Bezos is a fractional owner the jets with others according to the FAA,meaning he own the jets with others it N271DV is the tailnumber, maybe he will enjoy some Haggis while there
By Galileo’s time, multiple people had sailed around the world. Even before that, for thousands of years, people knew the earth is a sphere. Sailors saw ships disappear over the horizon and knew. Scientists used observation and math to measure and estimate the earth’s curvature, radius, and circumference. There was no debate over the shape of the earth.
Flat earth was a fake belief popularized in the 19th century. It allowed some people to register opposition to the new industrialized, technological society. It allowed other people to feel smugly superior to the ignorant past. Except that the past was not nearly so ignorant as they tried to make out.
This smug superiority used to demand sacrifices from others today is also one of the biggest weaknesses of the technocratic elite. They think they know best for everyone else’s lives.
I support both, I’m just realistic when it comes to EV, they just don’t have the range right now and the cost to build them, it’s just not worth it, I can afford it, but a lot of people cannot and that’s the problem and you’re not going to get rid of combustible engines for a very long time, it’s just not going to happen, but I do support the change, but I’m also realistic
Yes, I support the keystone pipeline, as well as in our own backyard, I’m for drooling as much as we possibly can to gain as much energy independence as we can and use all the natural resources that we have.
-Marcus Aurelius
Don't expect much from COP26, it only allowing noises to be heard & forgotten..
They have invested so heavily already in green technology that they need to "heat things up" in order for the tech to become profitable. In other words, if the price of oil doesn't go through the roof again, there is little incentive for people or countries to switch to electric or renewables. But like others have said, these guys fly to these events on private jets and have huge heavy armored gas guzzling motorcades wherever they go.
Yes, in their current state, but overall I support it.
You have no idea how much I make?
Whatever benefits the US.
There was an article in the media recently about a preserved animal fossil that was found to be something like 400,000 years old & the experts were wanting to study how "climate change" contributed to its death. So they all must have been driving cars and leaving the lights on all night in their houses huh?
No, you don’t because I never advocated for anything.
Ricky Kaminski13
Yep, once any policy issue becomes politicized it's a dead duck in the water. Going nowhere. Both sides of the aisle screaming at each other and politicians in a pickle trying to appease everyone. Put some geo-political finger pointing between rival nations into the mix for some theatrics and excitement and the problem gets worse, not better. I'm sure Xi and Putin are crying in their pillows from Biden's snipe. Who wouldn't fear getting told off by a giant like that!
If we could all grow up and realize how little we actually know about such a complex, nuanced, and layered issue as climate change, dropped the holier than though garbage and oversimplification of what has to be done, we may have a crack at it. Otherwise, well, it's just another chance for people to rave. We shall see though, who knows, they may come up with some sort of consensus, about something!
Unless the Governments of China, Russia are fully on board COP 26 is farce, illusion, delusion, a shameful political masquerade.
A ridiculous pretense, a political stage-managed beauty contest, a façade.
The very definition of mealy-mouthed fork tongued look at me, I am saving the planet.
The price tag, £200 million. Think about that.
I am a confident female, a successful business women thanks to a wonderful team.
The difference between activism, politics and effective change, is an enhanced positive communitive strategy.
Look, Greta Thunberg could have been inside the COP26. Instead of outside booing and heckling.
Had Greta Thunberg been professionally advised.
They are good at talking the talk. Weak at walking the walk. Failure to deliver is a common occurrence at global talks.
We all sit in the same sinking boat yet cant actually DO anything to stop the sinking. All the technologies and the people to build and do whats needed but a shortage of the man made concept of money. If only we were smart enough to think our way out of the dead end street we find ourselves in. Being constrained by our very own invention that was designed to get things done and provide profit. If only we could do things for a while without profit but still covering every expense.
I do not think we are smart enough to do this the easy way. We are looking to do it the hard way as always so that someone somewhere can make profit from it. Survival doesnt seem to be enough.
Less the angry activist, and more engagement.
To affect the change, one has to step back and accept that belligerent harping just frustrates, is overly defensive and agitates.
Relationship building is part and parcel of effective change.