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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.N Korea fires 2 short-range ballistic missiles in 3rd launch this month
By KIM TONG-HYUNG SEOUL, South Korea©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Samit Basu
The result of missile arms race in East Asia
The ROK is working on a 8-ton warhead ballistic missile. North Korea disputes this and claims it's actually a 9-ton warhead. The most powerful conventional ballistic missile in history, basically a US MOAB dropping from sky at Mach 10.
The ROK is also working on an anti-ship ballistic missile. Chinese were bragging about how its ASBM could sink US carriers at will. Turns out Chinese carriers are being threatened by ROK's ASBM.
Is that a body double? This guy looks slimmer and fitter than the Kim we used to know.
5000 years of (generally) non-Han dominance on the Korean Peninsula tells you all you need to know about who Koreans on both sides of the border consider to be enemy number one.
oyatoiToday 01:35 pm JST
I am not sure to understand your point, would you mind expanding it ?
SOS Blinken sez NK is just trying to get attention, once again.
Sounds like it to me.
Nyah-nyah nyah-nyah nyah-nyaaaaahhh!!!
Marshmallow Head popping off his chops again. Why don't he just shove it?
The person in the photo is definitely NOT Little Rocket Man. It is well known evil Kim has several doppelganger body doubles.
The real Kim could be seriously ill. Now is the time, we hope, that the military rises up and ousts/kills him
The Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea is an oxymoron in itself. The people are starving and this goon spends tens of millions of dollars on paranoia fueled missile testing.
I guess the Chinese or Russians gave him another box of rubber bands to launch them...
Or could be his love letter-exchanger...
What? Only China, Egypt, Indus and Mesopotamia have 5000 years or civilization. It just seems like you are referring to Japan which would be ridiculous. It's like the popular story in Japan that Genghis Khan was actually Japanese.
The people are starving because of the sanctions. You skipped a step.
“N Korea fires another missile in 3rd launch this month“
Booster shot.
It is about time Japan lease some nuclear missiles from the USA. Or Japan will be sitting ducks.
Who cares at this point. If they want to waste their money by shooting missiles into the sea, then be my guest.
Rocket man needs attention again so he’s shooting his missiles.
For sure all these east asian countries minus Taiwan are full of nationalists or dictators.
M. Jamil
Much as I dislike the regime of N Korea but it's the US who divided the country, initiated a civil war a created havoc & misery for over 70 years. The US planned the same for Vietnam, but it was too late. USSR & China were then there & capable of lending a helping hand.
M. Jamil
Very well said & pointed out.
Christopher J. Thomas
These missile tests over the decades is like watching 1980's re-runs over and over and over again.
Lets take the Biden administrations language out of it. The United States response is as it always is (Sanctions) Seek new (sanctions) UN, NATO, seeking new sanctions from the U.N.? Well you would have better luck seeking for the The Storm on the Sea of Galilee the famous missing Rembrandt painting. You can seek and ask. But there is only so much the U.N. and NATO can do.
The XXXX admin......Americas response on Wednesday is to impose or attempt sanctions on five North Koreans over their roles in obtaining equipment and technology for the North's missile programs in its response to the North's missile test this week. It also said it would seek new U.N. sanctions.*Want to stop missiles from flying and send a message enough is enough? Then Japan needs to take a a much wider role in preserving its defense and a stronger stance. When they get Un family is so bold and let them fly towards Cali. (not to distant future un-checked) Well then what next? Time and time again we watch these missiles being let of the leash. A little faster. A little longer. Hyper sonics do not test short range. Welcome to new age. Same as the old age. Just a little more deadlier.
People- the definition of insanity is. Doing the same thing over and over, expecting a different result.
Sven Asai
Is it really his wish list and not his sister’s? During last months he even admitted own errors, tries to put more focus on internal problems like agriculture, industrial development , Covid and such. I wouldn’t be surprised if he is now more the calmer ‘beauty’ and she’s the beast instead, as she obviously likes it to play and be recognized on the world stage and loudly leaving impressions and footsteps everywhere.
Nations don't just lease nuclear weapons like you would lease a car!
Reality is, Japan is only a screw turn away from having nukes.
Thw above yet one more example of an Internet meme and how memes can spread, and also how the internet is being used for cyberwarfare by nations around the world that know how easy it is to set their messages parroted. The best part about the person who posted the above is they did NOT attribute the quote to Einstein.
What makes you excluding USSR/CCP China from your assertion?
This guy looks much better than the real pig
Time for US/Russia/CCP China to hand off the peninsula. Let Koreans do what they want for the peninsula.
and let all those gyppo return to the peninsula. no free rides should be allowed.
You cannot underestimate K-pop, K-drama, technical-level of K- surgery
seems like kim's double is desperate to pass for the real thing so now is throwing missiles to better fit the role.
I agree, that is not real Kim! And all these missiles are a distraction...
Maybe Japan should man up and fire a couple of missiles itself!
Reagan 2.0
Kimmy boy does look odd. Maybe he is on a keto diet. LOL
Reagan 2.0
if we want people to stop NK from making bombs then we need to stop trading the stuff they need for said bombs
Samit Basu
Japan doesn't have any ballistic missile to fire.
The little midget is throwing another fit. I can't have my way so I will fire off a missile to get some attention. China and Russia can sit back and watch and doing nothing but use the little turd as political leverage but having nuclear capability in the region will also effect them just as much. Most people think China and Russia are buddies but make no mistake Russia is closely watching China!!!
Must be by a real drag when you’re starving and your government is spending all their money on shooting missiles into the ocean. I’m sure those aren’t cheap.
Samit Basu
North Korea's missile program development isn't without cost to China; the ROK has a massive ballistic missile force that's second to none as the result, and that threatens China.
Heck, Chinese carriers now face threats from the ROK's anti-ship ballistic missiles(ASBM), the very weapon China's trying to deploy against the US, and this was made possible because of the ROK's massive ballistic missile force that include the most destructive and powerful conventional missiles in history.
And you notice that the US isn't blaming China for NK's missile program. China really really isn't helping NK because you never know if NK will turn around and use its nuclear missiles against Beijing instead.
South Korea under Moon is very pro Kim, shake hands, smile, eat together, that's what Moon and S. Korea is doing. Doesn't matter how many missiles are fired or nuclear weapons tested by Kim.
@Samit, If S. Korea wanted to counter China the club is already started. Called Quad Alliance. Koreans won't join.
If S. Korea wanted to counter China they would make emergency plans with Japan and USA to help Taiwan if attacked. SKorea Won't do it. Even a statement is too much.
If S. Korea wanted to counter China, Moon would not make the famous 3 promises to Beijing, including no more Thaad and no military alliance with Japan and USA.
Koreans selling a few weapons here and there doesn't make your burden Equal Korea.
Forget about all the body-doubles and little fat rocket-man jibes, this is a truly evil, cruel and vicious individual who needs taking down sooner rather than later...... his vile family have been there far too long already, the revolution is long overdue here.
Just think for a moment about the poor oppressed and starving hundreds of thousands imprisoned in freezing caves, right now - and what is the civilised world doing about this ?? Try a big fat Zero, it's utterly shocking.
Fatty will say it is my country, i do what need to be done, since you have sanction NK, we don't really care what others think.
I am not sure to understand your point, would you mind expanding it ?
Hint: Koreans are still smarting over the loss of formerly extensive Korean lands to this regional neighbor.
There are at least five Kim’s from what I’ve read. It’s a assassination preventive measure.
Is not the peninsula too annoying? North boasts it's nuclear strength to appeal, South keeps moving back and force across the fence, Both have nothing else to vent their fundamental contradiction but spitting on Japan and Japan's ruling era, we are like this because of Japan, the only they could openly accuse as they cannot challenge Russia/CCP/US. So are many gyppos who keep posting here. Read to learn from Taiwanese who are struggling to have their Japanese nationality reinstated.
Every launch is just another target confirmation for a cruise missile strike. Thanks NK.