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Netanyahu says he has told U.S. he opposes Palestinian state in any postwar scenario


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Of course he opposes a Palestinian state. That is Zionism 1.0 They always have been against any state and always will.

19 ( +29 / -10 )

Hopefully the majority of Israelis oppose his leadership in any post-war scenario as well, and I believe they do.

18 ( +24 / -6 )

And the U.S., being Netanyahu's pet cat, will oblige.

It cost US Tax payer some amount of hundred billions in exchange of what?




It even costlier then Vietnam and Afghanistan.

2 ( +16 / -14 )

Netanyahu needs to go. Quickly. He doesn't represent the interests of Israel.

21 ( +28 / -7 )

Netanyahu is a war criminal and should be imprisoned.

24 ( +30 / -6 )

A state for Israel but not the Palestinians?

Seems to be extremely divisive racist thinking to me

20 ( +30 / -10 )

Has not anyone realized they have not rescued a single hostage yet? They managed to kill their own captives previously. The IDF have probably killed many more with their indiscriminate bombing.

Biden and his administration are pretending that renegade bad-boy Netanyahu is incalcitrant and they didn't really give him the weapons, ceasefire veto, bypass congress and the green light for this kill rage - with some crocodile tears for the victims.

This article is interesting reading - it spells out how duplicitous and fork tongued Biden really is:


5 ( +15 / -10 )

Agree with everything all posters said above.

-6 ( +9 / -15 )

Before the creation of Israel in 1948, the land it now occupies was part of the Ottoman Empire, which controlled it until the end of the First World War. Afterwards, it became a British mandate called Palestine, where mainly Arab Muslims and Christians, and a minority of Jews, lived.

The Jews began to migrate to Palestine in the late 19th century, driven by the Zionist movement, which sought to establish a Jewish national home in the land of their ancestors.

This caused tensions and conflicts with the Arab Palestinians, who opposed the Zionist plan. In 1947, the UN proposed to divide Palestine into two states, one Jewish and one Arab, but the Arabs rejected it. The following year, the Jews declared the independence of Israel, which triggered a war with the neighboring Arab countries. Israel won the war and occupied more territory than it was entitled to according to the UN, while some 700,000 Palestinians became refugees. Since then, the conflict between Israel and Palestine has continued, with several wars, failed peace negotiations, and violence. The Palestinians claim their right to have their own state in at least part of historical Palestine, while Israel defends its security and its existence as a Jewish state. Some of the main obstacles to peace are the status of Jerusalem, the Israeli settlements in the West Bank, the blockade of Gaza, and the fate of the Palestinian refugees.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

I'm just waiting for the usual regurgitated spin, i.e compliance with international law... minimising civilian casualties.. no such thing as Palestinian civilians... all Hamas's fault for using human shields .. occupy, deport, settle.. one country, one people, one fuhr-... well, that's probably what they'll be parroting next.

9 ( +12 / -3 )

I hate to say it, but the end game is probably settlement a la the West Bank, assuming there are enough fundamentalist Israelis to carry it out. Anything short of that has not proven an effective way to occupy.

-8 ( +5 / -13 )

Obviously Israel opposes a terrorist group becoming a terrorist nation--right next door to Israel, and on land that belongs to Israel.

The Arabs had their chance in 1948 but they refused the offer for their own state, and instead choose to abandon their homes and attack their peaceful Israeli neighbors.

Netanyahu should receive the Nobel Peace Prize for protecting his country and for making the region safer in the long term.

-25 ( +2 / -27 )


Today 07:57 am JST

Has not anyone realized they have not rescued a single hostage yet? They managed to kill their own captives previously. The IDF have probably killed many more with their indiscriminate bombing.

The Zionist cheerleading parrot team always seem to overlook inconvenient facts like that and insist it's all going wonderfully . I suppose it would be embarrassing for them to admit otherwise at this point.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

The whole of Gazza is a densely populated area. Where would you expect Hamas to fight from ?

The orchards, farms and water infrastructure has already been destroyed. Hamas hiding in olive groves, were they ?

Hamas is an idea that rises from a brutal occupation.

End the occupation and give Palestinians some hope of a normal life.

The world has turned against Netanyahu.

"Netanyahu should receive the Nobel Peace Prize...""

Thanks for the laugh, mate.

11 ( +17 / -6 )


Today 08:25 am JST

I hate to say it, but the end game is probably settlement a la the West Bank, assuming there are enough fundamentalist Israelis to carry it out. Anything short of that has not proven an effective way to occupy.

That's not going to be effective either. As long as there are Zionist fanatics living in illegal settlements in Gaza or the West Bank there will always be terrorism in the region.

9 ( +12 / -3 )


Today 08:25 am JST

I hate to say it, but the end game is probably settlement a la the West Bank, assuming there are enough fundamentalist Israelis to carry it out. Anything short of that has not proven an effective way to occupy

So then you are finally saying it directly, you support ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from both Gaza and eventually the West Bank?

9 ( +17 / -8 )

So then you are finally saying it directly, you support ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from both Gaza and eventually the West Bank?

The Arabs already abandoned their homes, and established Jordan,

Gaza and Judea and Samaria belong to Israel.

It's not so difficult to understand the concept that if you engage in continuous terrorist behavior against the host nation, there comes time when you are no longer welcome.

It's time for the Arabs to join their relatives in their own lands such as Jordan and Syria. The Arabs have historical ties to those lands but not to Israeli lands such as Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

This truth I tell to our American friends, and I put the brakes on the attempt to coerce us to a reality that would endanger the state of Israel,” he said.

The truth would endanger the state of Israel expansion by land theft at the cost of a Palestinian state and Netanyahu staying out of jail. He knows as soon as he accepts a ceasefire his goose is cooked!

-1 ( +8 / -9 )


Today 09:08 am JST

So then you are finally saying it directly, you support ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from both Gaza and eventually the West Bank?

> The Arabs already abandoned their homes, and established Jordan,

> Gaza and Judea and Samaria belong to Israel.

> It's not so difficult to understand the concept that if you engage in continuous terrorist behavior against the host nation, there comes time when you are no longer welcome.

> It's time for the Arabs to join their relatives in their own lands such as Jordan and Syria. The Arabs have historical ties to those lands but not to Israeli lands such as Gaza and Judea and Samaria.

Well no!

Canaanites had it long before, Egypt had it, the Assyrians had it even the Babylonians had it most longer than the actual "kingdom of Israel and Judea" survived after it brutally ethnically classes the Canaanites.

So back then they were invaders ethnically cleansing the local inhabitants and today they are doing to same.

Isn't funny but 2,000, years ago none of their neighbours liked them and here we are again today and again none or their neighbours like them.

As the old saying goes " if you are not getting along with all your neighbours, the problem if probably not them but is you"

Not a single neighbour of Israel actually like them, this should tell you something!

4 ( +14 / -10 )



Simon Foston

Well said! Agree with you.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

"“We will not settle for anything short of an absolute victory,” Netanyahu said.""

That will never happen simply because Israel can't do it alone, never has never will.

Israel is fully reliant on U.S. support and without it Israel can NEVER achieve "" absolute victory ""

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Since Israel was created by the United Nations in 1946 it’s goal was the expansion of Greater Israel, which included the obliteration of Palestine … enough already!

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I'm just wondering: supposing Netanyahu and his hard-right cabal get everything they want and the State of Israel encompasses the whole area, with all the terrorism eradicated. What is the status going to be of Palestinian Muslim Arabs who want to go on living there? Law-abiding people with no involvement in terrorist activities at all? Will they be treated just the same as any other citizen of the country, and enjoy the same rights, freedoms and opportunities, for example to enter politics and possibly become president or prime minister? If this Greater Israel is going to have religious and racial discrimination enshrined in its laws and constitution, is it really the kind of country that people can get behind? I don't think I can.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Netanyahu and his war mongers are NOT as much interested in rescuing the hostage, that is NOT the goal of this war, the goal is to destroy Gaza, Kill or push out of Gaza as many Palestinian as possible, Reoccupy Gaza then move on to the West Bank.

It is becoming very clear now to everyone that Netanyahu and his supporters will carry on with this plan at any cost.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

One wonders if PM Netanyahu, thru his actions, including opposition to Palestinian statehood, actually seeks to weigh in on US upcoming 2024 election?

Obvious to all PM Netanyahu conduct is damaging Biden electorally. Gaza's milestone around Biden re-election prospects, losing US Muslim and youth vote to either 3rd parties, Trump, or simply staying home.

Just maybe PM Netanyahu understand full well US election power he holds presently. Like any smart leader, he'll look to leverage this power for his advantage.

As Palestinian statehood is nonnegotiable for above US voters, US Muslims and youth.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

A Palestinian woman flashes a V-sign towards Israeli troops during an army raid in the Tulkarem refugee camp,

She should reverse her hand.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

All it takes is for the U.S. to start supplying ARMS to the Palestinians, or better yet STOP supplying Israel then watch Netanyahu and his war mongers run to the SEA.

9 ( +11 / -2 )


Today 09:49 am JST

So you now are finally admitting that the Arabs were there before the European Jews and are native to the land!

You did forget to point out the " Jews " in the research mentioned were Sephardic and does not include Ashkenazi.

But I like this quote

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, meanwhile, said recently that the ancestors of modern Palestinians “came from the Arabian peninsula to the Land of Israel thousands of years” after the Israelites.

> The new study suggests that despite tumultuous changes in the area since the Bronze Age, “the present-day inhabitants of the region are, to a large extent, descended from its ancient residents,”

so you and Bibi have been proven wrong by science!

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Aly Rustom

Today 10:00 am JST

A Palestinian woman flashes a V-sign towards Israeli troops during an army raid in the Tulkarem refugee camp,

> She should reverse her hand.

Isreali female soldiers number 1111 in Palestinian clothing!

100% staged and for propaganda

0 ( +6 / -6 )

Benjamin Netanyahu has been adamant with his refusal to even negotiate any compromise or contemplating any suggestion of a Israel Palestine/Gaza two state solution.

Total rejection, to the point of war that threaten the very existence of/to a future for an independent Palestinian state.

Whatever the US administration may insist in public, in private military/political support will remain devoted steadfast to maintain Israel narrative and agenda.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Simon above....answer to your question is no .

There would be no voting or political rights for Palestinians under a "greater " Israel design.

The world is seeing the manifestation of religious zealotry and Zionist political claims in all aspects of Israel current body politic.

I mean, some of the Israeli cabinet members have terrorist backgrounds

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Ashkenazi Netanyahu is the poster boy for a war criminal and his removal must be part of the final solution leading to the creation of a Palestinian state.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

The Times of Israel has reports of the infighting in Israels war cabinet, one minister saying Netanyahu is lying about the progress and the goal of eliminating Hamas is unrealistic.

Interesting to read peoples comments below the story

Seems about a 60% to 70% in favour of the war, but many want Netanyahu out.

I stopped reading when one person wrote about the coming of the Messiah.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

“We will not settle for anything short of an absolute victory,” Netanyahu said.


After Hamas' unprovoked massacre on Israeli civilians, Israel has no choice but to eliminate this terrorist faction and its supporters at all costs.

The civilians who have settled in Gaza and want to live in peace have a number of options, as their ancestors established the state of Jordan, while others moved to other countries established by their ancestors such s Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt--birthplace of the PLO founder Yasser Arafat.

Interesting how millions of Arabs have rejected Islamic terrorism, and live peacefully in Israel as Israeli citizens.

These Arabs gave accepted Israel as the ancient and rightful homeland of the Jews, and have chosen to live in a peaceful democratic country.

And I''ll add, why has the IDF targeted 150 hospitals and medical centres in Gaza ?

Nah, Hamas propaganda.

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

Release all the hostages. put the political diplomatic emphasis on achieving a ceasefire.

Israel is at war, this is a crucial fact.

Every day the prospect of any negotiated settlement that can save lives moves further away.

The continuing push me pull you histrionics of failure upon failure, UN resolutions, the wasted opportunities numerous peace process offered are testament of a grotesque blame game.

Steeped in a quagmire of religious extremism.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Real outside pressure on Israel and their PM with Gaza is growing damage to shipping via Houthis and others. The economic implications, especially inflation and higher energy prices, enormous and Markets want rate cuts.

Political implications also huge, across Europe and US. Muslims a rapidly growing voting-block. Israel becoming serious political liability for those now in office.

Youth vote strongly supports of poor oppressed people of Gaza and their soon to be established statehood.

2.3 billion rapidly growing Muslims worldwide, no wonder they're all so busy trying to BRICS. Seems China and Russia = real winners with spreading Gaza chaos.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

in total Well, if America is against Israel bombing Gaza, let them start bombing Israel. This is a lie, America is again fighting with the wrong hands. Anyone who really is not pleasing to America immediately falls under bombardment, but on the condition that this country cannot respond in any way and take revenge. Yemen is a good final example for the whole world.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

I think equal rights and assimilation is the better course. Terrorists should be imprisoned or executed.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


Today 10:41 am JST

“We will not settle for anything short of an absolute victory,” Netanyahu said.


Not to so many Israelis, apparently.

The civilians who have settled in Gaza and want to live in peace have a number of options, as their ancestors established the state of Jordan, while others moved to other countries established by their ancestors such s Syria, Lebanon, and Egypt--birthplace of the PLO founder Yasser Arafat.

Staying where they are and living in peace isn't an option, then.

These Arabs gave accepted Israel as the ancient and rightful homeland of the Jews

Not their own homeland? They're also Israeli citizens who were born in Israel.

, and have chosen to live in a peaceful democratic country.

They didn't choose to live there if they were born there.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

The world should oppose any Israeli state after this "war". This is no valid reason to accept this genocidal supremacist cult.

13 ( +14 / -1 )


Today 10:16 am JST

I mean, some of the Israeli cabinet members have terrorist backgrounds

Indeed. Likud and the IDF have their roots in terrorist organisations.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Of course he opposes a Palestinian state..

The Hamas types oppose/do not recognise Israel, as such Israel has followed suit..

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

The oppressed resist occupation and exploitation using whatever means at their disposal. That's the reality.

For Hamas, Houthis or other militant groups, their cause is just. We have to recognize this reality. Simply terming others as terrorists = not helpful to finding solutions.

Pretty important because these nonstate combatants are being supported directly or indirectly by those in Moscow, Bejing, and Tehran amongst other places, the great power proxy wars, that are spreading fast.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

There is no such conclusion as absolution victory in war, just grave yards full of young soldiers, men women children casualties of war, the waste of human life, the cenotaphs to annually commiserate/commemorate the loss of life, the failure to compromise humanity bestowed on itself.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

I think equal rights and assimilation is the better course. Terrorists should be imprisoned or executed.

Yes, including the israeli and american ones, starting with netanyahu.

All it takes is for the U.S. to start supplying ARMS to the Palestinians, or better yet STOP supplying Israel then watch Netanyahu and his war mongers run to the SEA.

Yeah, that won't happen. Although israel is sold to the world as a home for the poor Jews who don't have a home, it is actually just a US military outpost.

Regarding the 2 state solution, they should at least simply enforce the pre-June 1967 borders. But I don't think that is very feasible; much fairer would be returning to the 1947 borders. Or better yet, a one state with equal rights for everyone and a right of return.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

To build a cenotaph first find a million victims, I remember reading this once somewhere.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The Day Will Come ! When Justice Will Come ! To Palestine!

3 ( +7 / -4 )


Today 10:44 am JST

Release all the hostages. put the political diplomatic emphasis on achieving a ceasefire

I have said this before you have ignored it.

When will Israel release the over 6000 Palestinians it has taken illegally and held some for decades without charges without lawyer without trial all before October 7th?

It is not me asking this, it is the UN resolution, amnesty international and all other human rights groups.

Israel has been raiding Gaza, east Jerusalem and the west bank for decades kidnapping people and holding them in black sites for months and years without any contact or even charges.

So what makes Israel's taking hostages OK for you?

Note that in several cases IDF used deadly force against Palestinian authority police that tried stopping these illegal kidnappings on sovereign Palestinian territory.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Such a strange war in which the monsters have become the victims and the victims have become the monsters (in the eyes of many anyway).

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

RedemptionToday  11:05 am JST

I think equal rights and assimilation is the better course.

Excellent idea, they should do that in Israel and make it a completely secular, multi-ethnic nation. After all, it is a democratic country as its admirers love to point out, so hypothetically speaking , an Israeli Arab political party could get elected and it's leader become prime minister. The new government could then rule that Israel was no longer the exclusive homeland of the Jewish people, and that Judaism, Christianity and Islam would be regarded as equal in status, reflecting the ancient roots of each religion in the country. Israel is a democracy , so that would be okay wouldn't it? Hypothetically speaking.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Rules based international order, y'all, brought to you by Team Blinken, Biden and Netanyahu.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I think with this now out in the open the US has to cut Israel off and tell them they are on their own. The US helped negotiate in good faith the Oslo Accords and Bibi just basically stuck his finger in the eye of the US President. Were I President Biden I would tell them they will get no more help from the US, recall the US Ambassador to Israel and tell that from now on they are on their own.

But before I did that I would make sure there is an "urgent" software upgrade to their F-35 fleet that basically scrambles their computers, without which they don't fly.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Qatar confirmed late Wednesday that the medicine had entered Gaza, but it was not yet clear if it had been distributed to the hostages, who are being held in secret locations, including underground bunkers.

Continuing war crimes by the Arab terrorists.

The Palestinians will never rest until every Jew dies. Seriously, I've been there, I've watched Palestinian children's TV that teach kids that the Jews must die. Israel must do what it needs to and Arab countries must be willing to take them in. I wonder why they have been so reluctant to do so?

Excellent insight.

Not their own homeland? They're also Israeli citizens who were born in Israel.

Israel has no problem with them as they are not the ones committing daily terrorist attacks.

Excellent idea, they should do that in Israel and make it a completely secular, multi-ethnic nation. 

In reality, this is not the case, and won't be. Israel makes its own laws.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )


Today 11:29 am JST

Such a strange war in which the monsters have become the victims and the victims have become the monsters (in the eyes of many anyway)

So who are the "victims"?

Let's recap on October 7th Hamas took 250 hostages and killed around 1200 Israelis.

Ok accepted!

Now from 2009 to before October 7th, Israel IDF killed over 6000 Palestinians of those 2500 were not the result of any conflict ate the time, 1000 were in east Jerusalem another 1000 the west bank and over half those killed were women and children.

In 2023 prior to octobre 7th Israeli settlers had already killed nearly 600 Palestinians and taken their land with the IDF providing protection when Palestinian authority police tried intervening!

Israel holds at any given time over 6000 Palestinians in black holes without charges without trial without lawyer for as long a a decade all taken from Palestinian territories without consent and in some cases after battling PA police in illegal raids!

Now who are the "victims" again?

Let me remind you all the Palestinian being held before October 7th are being held against UN resolutions as were most of the 6000 killings and the killings by Israeli settlers.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Antiquesaving, ok you may think I ignored your point about hostages, its having the head count on what or who is a hostage on a political/religious prisoner.

The most urgent priority is to negotiate a ceasefire.

How this is to be achieved is the point in question, maybe a exchange of hostages.

However time is running out for Palestinian people

One way or another Hamas must release those hostages.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )


Today 11:34 am JST

The Palestinians will never rest until every Jew dies. Seriously, I've been there, I've watched Palestinian children's TV that teach kids that the Jews must die. Israel must do what it needs to and Arab countries must be willing to take them in. I wonder why they have been so reluctant to do so?

> And to see so many here on this forum excusing the rape and torture of children....makes me want to puke. The horrors of the oct 7 attack were utterly deliberate, they tried to cause as much suffering to the most innocent. They said every Jewish child is a future IDF soldier. But whenIsrael acts the same somehow it's bad.

> Somewhere Hitler is smiling

I think you got it wrong!

Hamas learned everything it did from Israel and the IDF and settlers.

The IDF had already killed several thousand unarmed Palestinians long before October 7th, Israel regularly raids Gaza and the west bank to take Palestinians including University professors and hold them indefinitely without any charges or trials.

So it seems that Hamas studies Israel and the IDF and Bibi studied Hitler on how to commit genocide I plain sight.

8 ( +10 / -2 )

Let me remind you all the Palestinian being held before October 7th are being held against UN resolutions as were most of the 6000 killings and the killings by Israeli settlers.

Going from being a renter to being a land owner while seeing Israeli "settlers" ( colonists ) taking land from long established Palestinian families by force often with the IDF helping is what turned me against Israel. If someone tried to take my land and my home from me I would fight. No doubt about it. And it is especially reprehensible to see it being done against the people of one religion so their land can be given to people of another religion purely for reasons of some believe in the religious superiority of the people taking the land. There is nothing legal or moral about what the Israelis do to the Palestinians. That the west condemns the Palestinians for fighting for their land is also all wrong.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

BibToday  11:34 am JST

The Palestinians will never rest until every Jew dies. Seriously, I've been there, I've watched Palestinian children's TV that teach kids that the Jews must die. Israel must do what it needs to and Arab countries must be willing to take them in. I wonder why they have been so reluctant to do so?

And to see so many here on this forum excusing the rape and torture of children....makes me want to puke. The horrors of the oct 7 attack were utterly deliberate, they tried to cause as much suffering to the most innocent. They said every Jewish child is a future IDF soldier. But whenIsrael acts the same somehow it's bad.

Somewhere Hitler is smiling

If he is it's because of the destruction and slaughter carried out by the IDF and the continued propaganda bunk put out by the Zionist war criminal promo gang .

3 ( +5 / -2 )


Today 11:52 am JST

Antiquesaving, ok you may think I ignored your point about hostages, its having the head count on what or who is a hostage on a political/religious prisoner.

Word play or games.

Israel has been in violation over these people taken by force from non Israeli territories that is kidnapping and holding them makes them hostages

However time is running out for Palestinian people

> One way or another Hamas must release those hostages.

And what will that do?

Read Netanyahu's comment again he will not stop anyway.

So tell us what will Hamas releasing hostages change?

I will tell you what it will do, it will let Netanyahu take of the tiny bit of restraint he still has on the IDF in order to not kill hostages end looking for them and just concentrate on extermination of the Palestinian population without any worries of killing Israeli hostages.

But I think you knew that !

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The only way that there be any prospect of a ceasefire is the people of Israel conclude that Netanyahu continuing this war is detrimental to their long-term welfare interests.

To remove Netanyahu from office completely.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

AntiquesavingToday 08:58 am JST


Today 08:25 am JST

I hate to say it, but the end game is probably settlement a la the West Bank, assuming there are enough fundamentalist Israelis to carry it out. Anything short of that has not proven an effective way to occupy

So then you are finally saying it directly, you support ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from both Gaza and eventually the West Bank?

Did I say I support it? No I did not. I do not support Iranian terrorist proxies having any free reign, though. It's basic unsolvable nature of this conflict.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

One way or another Hamas must release those hostages.

Well, why do you think they took those hostages?

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Antiquesaving you answered your own question, I suggest very clearly, well and concisely.

Netanyahu won't negotiate whist those hostages remain in captivity.

Maybe this a deception to be reneged upon.

So release the hostages, give the US administration congress the wiggle room to insist on a ceasefire.

I think this is the smart course of action under the circumstances.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

They said "every Israeli baby is a future IDF soldier "

Shock ...Horror...

I think it's called "National Service "" mate.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

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