Japan Today

Pelosi tears up copy of Trump's State of the Union speech

By Steve Holland, David Morgan and Jeff Mason

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Trump hit it out of the park, even farther than last year.

After 20,000 lies, you were maybe expecting honesty tonight?

Tell, us, expat, what lies he told in this address. True lies, now.

-2 ( +32 / -34 )

Man, the President knocked that out of the park! What an awesome State of the Union address. Can't see him losing this year after that. Funny watching Pelosi throughout. Four more years!

1 ( +35 / -34 )

Beautiful speech and amazing stories of triumph and loss.

yeah so what parts were dishonest?

-2 ( +31 / -33 )

It would have been even better if we didn't have to see Pelosi fidgeting with papers while Trump is speaking.

5 ( +29 / -24 )

The president touts economic gains, yet his tax cuts and spending increases have sent the US deficit about $1 trillion for the first time in history - and this in a time of purported economic growth.

Enjoy the sugar rush while it lasts.

3 ( +26 / -23 )

U.S. President Donald Trump, emerging from the shadow of impeachment,

Sorry Donnie, ain't no emerging from that shadow - you'll wear the big scarlet "I forever...hope you have plenty of scarlet I ties...

he used to tout a rosy image of the U.S. economy and his leadership.

Really? Not according to his own Dept of Commerce website - it shows Annual GDP during his term has never gotten above 3%. In fact, GDP decreased from 2018 to 2019. Hey Donnie, that means our economy is getting weaker - you know, like you...

In the audience, Republicans from both houses of Congress chanted "four more years" as he stood at the lectern in the chamber of the House with a presidential election almost exactly nine months away.

Yea, Manafort, Gates, Cohen and Stone were standing in their cells chanting the same thing...for you to join them there at Club Fed...

"Members of Congress, the President of the United States" was all she said in introducing Trump.

Come on Nancy, you really should have put "Impeached" between the and President...

Trump, using the speech to lay out his vision for a second four-year term, said a Democratic plan to expand government-funded health insurance amounted to a "socialist takeover" that would bankrupt the country, cut benefits for those who have them now and provide care to illegal immigrants

Bankrupt? Well that's one topic this Moron easily understands - he's had six times to practice it...

Pathetic, just pathetic...

-7 ( +17 / -24 )

Here's a whopper of a lie the president made:

"I've also made an ironclad pledge to American families, we will always protect patients with preexisting conditions."

Pres. Trump, State of the Union Speech (2020)

What a liar! Add another one to the long list of 16,000+ lies he's already made since becoming president.

2 ( +21 / -19 )

Speaker Pelosi just ripped up:

One of our last surviving Tuskegee Airmen.

The survival of a child born at 21 weeks.

The mourning families of Rocky Jones and Kayla Mueller.

A service member's reunion with his family.

That's her legacy.

the White House is correct.

1 ( +25 / -24 )

Another great SOTU address. It was so good that Pelosi was caught on camera ripping up her copy that President Trump had earlier handed to her. That childish move just cost the democrats more millions of votes on Nov. 3rd.

-3 ( +22 / -25 )

Unless those were the 2 articles of impeachment she ripped up? She and the Dems are broken. It’s over.

that was a very low key conciliatory and unifying speech. Dems don’t care.

1 ( +21 / -20 )

blacklabel: yeah so what parts were dishonest?

As if that ever bothered you before.

-1 ( +16 / -17 )

Disaster in Iowa last night, Dems depressed and frustrated by a triumphant State of the Union speech, tomorrow exoneration. Gloom and doom for the Left. Classless Pelosi tearing up a speech with the names of honored and deceased brave men and women. Multiple minority Americans honored. Then he gave Limbaugh the Medal of Freedom on the spot.

Man - it was so awesome watching the despair on the faces of the hate filled Democrats.

4 ( +21 / -17 )


She probably thought it was copies of the Constitution she was tearing up.

2 ( +22 / -20 )

 the U.S. economy

Anyone can make money if they don't mind stomping on the heads of others and ignore the mess they leave behind them.

During his first three years in office, this impeached prez has repealed or weakened nearly 100 environmental laws, loosening or eliminating rules on climate change, clean air, chemical pollution, coal mining, oil drilling and endangered species protections.

So now farmers are free to spray their crops with all kinds of toxic chemicals, developers are free to destroy important wetlands and other ecological environments, coal mines and other fossil fuel producers are free to dump all kinds of pollutants directly into rivers and waterways.


Yet it seems some Americans think cheap fuel, cheap meat and higher share prices are more important than clean water for their kids to drink and clean air for their kids to breathe, or the preservation of natural habitats and the creatures that inhabit them, preserving the planet for their grandchildren to enjoy.

I just had a quick read trough the transcript of the Impeached One's speech.

He makes just two references to his 'environmental' policies;

I moved rapidly to revive the United States economy — slashing a record number of job-killing regulations (He says it like he thinks it's a good thing....)

To protect the environment, days ago, I announced that the United States will join the One Trillion Trees Initiative, an ambitious effort to bring together Government and the private sector to plant new trees in America and around the world. (The mighty US has planted 315 million trees; China 12.8 billion, India 2.5 billion, Ethiopia 1.7 billion. Even Mexico at 789 million has planted twice as many as the US. And he thinks it's worth bragging about.)


This speech was on point!

The point being that Trump showed once again what a moron he is?

No wonder Pelosi made a point of tearing up her copy.

Invalid CSRF

0 ( +19 / -19 )

Funny watching the Repub senators trying to defend their acquittal votes. Their excuses boil down to this: Yes, Trump is a lying, despicable excuse for a human being who definitely broke laws - but at least he's OUR lying, despicable excuse for a human being who definitely broke laws.

Tomorrow will see the bankrupt GOP acquit this monster, and then, he will resume his rampage. But his travails are not over: not only will investigations continue, but his desperation to avoid being tossed out of office (and hence vulnerable to the rule of law rather than sycophants) will, based on previous behavior, cause him to double down.

We're in for a wild ride.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

A terrible speech and one full of lies which were lapped up by Pence and other lickspittles.

Maybe that civil war that the conspiracy theorists go on about really is waiting in the wings.

For the sake of my friends and families in that once inspirational country I hoped it's just hyperbole.

Anyway, dreadful dirge and outside in real America, nobody's singing along to Donald's self appraisal.

-9 ( +12 / -21 )

Beautiful speech and amazing stories of triumph and loss.

Another great SOTU address. It was so good that Pelosi was caught on camera ripping up her copy that President Trump had earlier handed to her. That childish move just cost the democrats more millions of votes on Nov. 3rd.

In the real world, it looks like this;

One of the staunchest Republicans, an icon of Conservatives, has said he was "in the room" when Trump attempted to bribe a foreign government to interfere in our upcoming election - and volunteered to testify to that under oath...

The economy, according to Trump's own numbers, is contracting - from 2.9% in 2018 to 2.3% in 2019. And Trump's annual GDP has never been above a measly 3% his three years on office.

Our budget deficit is the highest in history - higher than any other President's - forcing debt on our children and grandchildren. And most of that debt was to give the Top 1% a big tax break...

Iran is closer to getting a nuclear weapon that at any time. And, Trump just started a war with them...

Our other major threat, Kim, has more nukes and more missiles - and a few more love letters...

The US is in a mess - but once Donnie is tossed in Nov, we'll right the course - and then someone will have to answer in court about that check he wrote in the illegal Stormy payoff - the one signed in black Sharpie...

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

Was an amazing address and I enjoyed every minute. Dems are such haters and especially hate the truth, the truth is like Trump said; your sanctuary cities are horrid and you're letting criminals back out onto the street to kill. nancy and her two year old temper tantrum at the end, ripping up the speech; show the world your hate go ahead.

1 ( +16 / -15 )

Pelosi tore up a document that contained the names of, among others, a newly promoted 100-year-old black brigadier general.

4 ( +19 / -15 )

I didnt see any Trump scorning Dems, but I saw allot of Dems with frowns and making scorning remarks. Hateful bunch.

5 ( +19 / -14 )

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on Tuesday ripped up her copy of President Trump's prepared remarks at the conclusion of his State of the Union address.

On behalf of many locals and expats, the above actions of Nancy Pelosi are low level, cheap and poor taste. This is not one of the moments to act this way by a House Speaker. It cheapens the office and represents poor behavior. Embarrassing.

10 ( +19 / -9 )

"they" won't listen, they won't understand, they won't confirm, and so on.

They get it. They know they are supporting a documented scam artist and pathological liar who attacks little girls and God Star Moms. Some of them love it because the little girl is speaking about the environment and the Gold Star Mom is Muslim. It's cathartic revenge for them and they will stoop to any level.

Others don't like it, but they are too afraid to speak out against Trump.

-1 ( +13 / -14 )

The president touts economic gains, yet his tax cuts and spending increases have sent the US deficit about $1 trillion for the first time in history - and this in a time of purported economic growth.

The strange death of fiscal conservatism.

Strange indeed.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

Who win the minority vote, will control the Presidency in America forever

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Both of these political parties seem way out of touch with the average American and are quite childish. If something does not change radically I fear for the future of the U.S.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Sorry Donnie, ain't no emerging from that shadow - you'll wear the big scarlet "I forever...hope you have plenty of scarlet I ties...

People already forget the....Ahh...impeachment, Yeah, that’s it.

Really? Not according to his own Dept of Commerce website

Sorry, Lincoln! But not this time, big Pinocchio. Even some of the best economists in the country like Rick Newman (No fan of Trump whatsoever had to concede the truth)


He has certain skills, but President Trump also benefits from lucky timing. And his impeachment trial fell at an ideal time on the economic calendar.

The Senate will almost certainly acquit Trump this week—ending the impeachment drama—as the unemployment rate is at a 50-year low and the stock market is close to record highs. The economy itself is (probably) in the late stages of the longest business-cycle expansion on record. Consumers feel upbeat and don’t have to worry about what is normally their No. 1 concern: jobs and the economy.

Trump’s party-line acquittal will occur because his approval rating, which is in the low 40s among all voters, is nearly 90% in the Republican party. Roughly the same portion of Republicans say they approve of Trump’s handling of the economy, according to Morning Consult. Only 21% of Democrats and 47% of Independents feel the same way. So views on the economy essentially unify Republicans in their support of Trump.

.Yea, Manafort, Gates, Cohen and Stone were standing in their cells chanting the same thing...for you to join them there at Club Fed...

Pardons coming next year, yeeeeah!

Come on Nancy, you really should have put "Impeached" between the and President...

She looked like sobbing child tonight, darn, I couldn’t get the President. Hey Nancy, you shot and missed, it’s Trump’s turn now

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Pelosi ripping apart a copy of his remarks behind his back.

Trump avoided the subject of his impeachment drama in a pugnacious 80-minute speech, but the scars from the battle were evident with fellow Republicans giving him standing ovations while rival Democrats for the most part remained seated.

Trump should of shook her hand, but having been through this drama for months, and she being the snake that she is trying to take his presidency away, I can understand his refusal.

make no mistake, these Dems who appear to be so kind and compassionate, eglatarian and progressive, are actually, some of the most vile, hateful, spiteful and sometimes closet racist people you will ever meet.

6 ( +16 / -10 )

make no mistake, these Dems who appear to be so kind and compassionate, eglatarian and progressive, are actually, some of the most vile, hateful, spiteful and sometimes closet racist people you will ever meet.

Then why didn't we vote for Trump? Is he not vile, hateful, spiteful, and racist?

-2 ( +10 / -12 )

Sorry Donnie, ain't no emerging from that shadow - you'll wear the big scarlet "I forever...hope you have plenty of scarlet I ties...

People already forget the....Ahh...impeachment, Yeah, that’s it.

John Bolton hasn't....:-)

Really? Not according to his own Dept of Commerce website

Sorry, Lincoln! But not this time, big Pinocchio. Even some of the best economists in the country like Rick Newman (No fan of Trump whatsoever had to concede the truth)

You're giving a Pinocchio to Trump's Dept of Commerce? So Donnie is posting incorrect info there? Come on, tell us more about this administration con-job...

Yea, Manafort, Gates, Cohen and Stone were standing in their cells chanting the same thing...for you to join them there at Club Fed...

Pardons coming next year, yeeeeah!

Really? Don't see Biden or Buttigieg doing that...

Come on Nancy, you really should have put "Impeached" between the and President...

She looked like sobbing child tonight, darn, I couldn’t get the President. Hey Nancy, you shot and missed, it’s Trump’s turn now

That's what Bolton said....

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

Anyone can make money if they don't mind stomping on the heads of others and ignore the mess they leave behind them.

Well, you could make the argument literally about anyone being in business

During his first three years in office, this impeached prez has repealed or weakened nearly 100 environmental laws, loosening or eliminating rules on climate change, clean air, chemical pollution, coal mining, oil drilling and endangered species protections.

We Need oil change, that won’t change. We want to be energy dependent, but environmentalists either want the public to subsidize their pet projects or force us to eat tofu steaks. No thank you.

So now farmers are free to spray their crops with all kinds of toxic chemicals, developers are free to destroy important wetlands and other ecological environments, coal mines and other fossil fuel producers are free to dump all kinds of pollutants directly into rivers and waterways.

New York times? The same paper that claimed they had photos and evidence of trump sleeping with prostitutes in a Russian hotel where Obama and Michelle once stayed? Dear lord...

Yet it seems some Americans think cheap fuel, cheap meat and higher share prices are more important than clean water for their kids to drink and clean air for their kids to breathe, or the preservation of natural habitats and the creatures that inhabit them, preserving the planet for their grandchildren to enjoy.

We do have clean air, relax. Don’t know why you’re buying into all that propagated lie and as a Hunter I do my part in playing a big role a conservationists

I just had a quick read trough the transcript of the Impeached One's speech. 

He makes just two references to his 'environmental' policies;

For the average American at this moment in time the most important thing are the economy and jobs, that’s it and that’s why he’s gotten stronger and more people want him re-elected.

I moved rapidly to revive the United States economy — slashing a record number of job-killing regulations (He says it like he thinks it's a good thing....)

It is.

The point being that Trump showed once again what a moron he is?

No, but he definitely has shown what fools the Democrats are and why they’ll lose again. Lol

No wonder Pelosi made a point of tearing up her copy.

As if she matters, she has a nest of vipers in her own party that are coming for her head she needs to seriously worry about. Yo, Nancy, all the best! Lol

-1 ( +10 / -11 )

Both of these political parties seem way out of touch with the average American and are quite childish. If something does not change radically I fear for the future of the U.S.

I dont agree Tokyo Engr. If the repubs take back the house, I think your going to see the US start to really take off, realize its potential. The yoke of self hate and regulations come off, entitlement programs that cripple, overseas entanglements, and start to see infrastructure changes like we see here in Japan at Narita or Changi in SG. These changes take time and Trump is hard at work doing it. These radicals are loosing now, and its painful to watch but it was needed. I dont think the bull in the china porcelain shop is sustainable, (Trumps approach) but that will calm if these radicals get out of the way.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Hundreds of Presidential Medals of Freedom will be thrown away tomorrow morning -- tainted forever. And no one will ever again want or accept one.

1 ( +13 / -12 )

John Bolton hasn't....:-)

It’s over now, but if Dems want to hold on to that blanket to comfort them, fine.

You're giving a Pinocchio to Trump's Dept of Commerce?

I’m just saying, no one is listening to that rant, no one.

Really? Don't see Biden or Buttigieg doing that...

I don’t see them going anywhere either.

*That's not Diaper Don. Nancy was too kind to introduce him as that. Ripping up his egotistical blowhard sheet of a thousand lies was a mild gesture. *

Ok, so the Dems don’t want unity. See, politics before country. Thanks Nancy for making Trump’s second term so easy.

She should've spit on him and walked out. the rest of Congress should have too. Donnie Dirtbag has sold out his country and even his soul for power and you can't work with him! The Democrats were too gentile with this obnoxious child. 

I wish they would have as well, with the stain they already have, it was cemented the feed even more as radicals.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Giving Rush the medal was just collateral to make the Dems more mad. Not the best candidate IMO, but the Dems and the look on their faces; priceless.

The Dems have nobody to blame but themselves. Back up and remember when they were partying and laughing at pre election Trump. All the big name pundits "Trump will never win..ha ha ha" Then he did. You could tell they wanted blood; those sour faces at the inauguration.

Just a bunch of hateful spoiled children.

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

Agree - what an atrocity giving the Medal of Freedom to this racist hate monger, who is a self-admitted drug addict - and who has said such gems as;

“I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”

“Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”

 [To an African American female caller]: **“Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”**

“Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”


Oh yea, this guy deserves a medal that to recognize those people who have made "an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors".

Absolutely unbelievable. Along with the Ukraine cover-up, this will ensure Dirty Donnie and the Dumpster Dwellers are all tossed out this Nov.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Absolutely unbelievable. Along with the Ukraine cover-up, this will ensure Dirty Donnie and the Dumpster Dwellers are all tossed out this Nov.

your missing the point of the show. Trump is playing with these people and they arent the sharpest tools in the drawer, he is playing with them like an orica plays with a seal. He is actually pretty damn good.

The show is entertaining to watch.

2 ( +8 / -6 )

John Bolton hasn't....:-)

It’s over now, but if Dems want to hold on to that blanket to comfort them, fine.

You're calling your conservative icon a "blanket"? Well, guess that's better than "Backstabber"...

Do you agree with Giuliani that Bolton is a backstabber? With Dobbs that he's a tool of the left? With Carson that he's a snake? Yes or no...

You're giving a Pinocchio to Trump's Dept of Commerce?

I’m just saying, no one is listening to that rant, no one.

What rant? Trump's own government website says annual GDP was 2.9% in 2019 and 2.3% in 2019...that means GDP decreased, and the economy is weakening. It also says Trump has never had an annual GDP over 3.0%. So again, is this data on the website wrong? Yes or No...

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

"We will never let socialism destroy American healthcare!" Trump said.

Reagan had an answer to that: requiring that all hospitals accept emergency room patients regardless of ability to pay and covering their costs by raising those on responsible people who had insurance. That is socialism by any other name - just not responsible socialism.

If Trump is true to his word (Hah!), he would dictate that those too poor or irresponsible to go uninsured die on the sidewalk.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

By grabbing all the attention with that move, Pelosi really did best Trump at his own game. Everyone has already forgotten what Trump actually said in his speech and are instead talking about what Pelosi did, agree or disagree with it. Pretty bold power move there and it works on several levels. I respect that.

-6 ( +7 / -13 )

If we only showed trump and the republicans, we'd be seeing the likes of North Korea. Devotion to a false leader, brain washed to believe lies, and scared to speak otherwise.

-2 ( +8 / -10 )

Good on Pelosi!

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

Poor China. Trump is their kryptonite. They must think damn, 4 more years of unraveling... I may not vote but if I voted for Trump it would be because he emasculated China.

Yes those poor Chinese. During Bush Jr and Obama we were all told to start learning Mandarin, China was going to be the world super power and take Americas spot. Just like they told us in the 80s and 90s, better learn that Nihongo.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

It was the greatest state of the union ever delivered, Trump even made Melania cry.

Nancy ripped up the speech. Why on earth did she do something so stupid, right in front of the entire country?

Childish. And she nailed the coffin shut with that one. She's not very bright evidently. NO ONE will forget that, she took all the good will Trump put forward and ripped it right in America's face. She, and her party, are TOAST.

Early on I was thinking, MAN, Trump is the MASTER troll and then just sat there laughing as he blew the Dems away, with almost 100 percent positive talk while promoting everything he did in a way that was not bragging. It was EPIC.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

The dems are so lost. What I saw was the Democrats not standing up for Americans, but stand up for illegal aliens. They don't have a patriotic bone on their bodies. Until they can find a strong charismatic candidate, they'll keep up their pitiful tactics. I was on the left and voted for Obama, but the far left has forced me and many others to walk away. I woke up.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Petty, boorish and full of lies....

Donny had a chance to act like a man and he failed once again, showing the maturity level of a kindergartener.

-3 ( +9 / -12 )

Agree - what an atrocity giving the Medal of Freedom to this racist hate monger, who is a self-admitted drug addict - and who has said such gems as;

Charlie Sheen did drugs and?

“I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”

Laws implemented and created by Democrats

“Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”


* [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back**.”*

I remember conservatives clings to their guns and religions....

“Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”

California seems happy with this.

Absolutely unbelievable. Along with the Ukraine cover-up, this will ensure Dirty Donnie and the Dumpster Dwellers are all tossed out this Nov.

Yeah, you said that about Mueller and impeachment, so it’s safe to say, it won’t happen. But hey, look on the bright side, 2024 there is a chance.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

The feed I watched was the CBS feed, where they did not have enough common sense to keep the cameras off the Dems as they grimaced. He did a perfect job of including ALL RACES with honor, my God, his opposition is TOAST.

He gave Rush Limbaugh the medal of freedom and honored many other people very well, he hit every topic that mattered including the second amendment which I don't think any president has ever touched in a SOTU. Perfect headshot on his opposition without even looking like he attacked anyone at all. It was simply PERFECT.

2 ( +11 / -9 )

Love him or hate him, Trump's many positive achievements that have greatly improved working class voter's lives ought to be celebrated, just for the fact that the welfare of the people has improved. Pelosi and her fellow Dem's with their obvious disdain and deadpan reaction came across as a bunch of sore losers. The electorate are going to interpret the message as 'We don't care about your welfare. We're bummed out because we lost power!'.

There are several aspects of the president's policies and attitudes I don't like, his demeaning of political opponents, support for Israel's actions, the in your face nationalism, the USA! USA! chants of his supporters, etc. But in elections you gotta choose someone, and if I was American I would far prefer him than Hillary Clinton and anyone the Democrats offer.

Trump had nothing to gain by seeking the presidency, and much to lose, and has sure copped a lot of heavy artillery attacks, but he gave his reasons as wanting to 'give back' to the country he's been successful in and concern for the welfare of the people. In spite of the fierce opposition and ridicule, he's succeeding, voters are enthused and he's headed for re-election this year.

1 ( +12 / -11 )

Love him or hate him, Trump's many positive achievements that have greatly improved working class voter's lives ought to be celebrated, just for the fact that the welfare of the people has improved. Pelosi and her fellow Dem's with their obvious disdain and deadpan reaction came across as a bunch of sore losers. The electorate are going to interpret the message as 'We don't care about your welfare. We're bummed out because we lost power!'. 

There are several aspects of the president's policies and attitudes I don't like, his demeaning of political opponents, support for Israel's actions, the in your face nationalism, the USA! USA! chants of his supporters, etc. But in elections you gotta choose someone, and if I was American I would far prefer him than Hillary Clinton and anyone the Democrats offer. 

Trump had nothing to gain by seeking the presidency, and much to lose, and has sure copped a lot of heavy artillery attacks, but he gave his reasons as wanting to 'give back' to the country he's been successful in and concern for the welfare of the people. In spite of the fierce opposition and ridicule, he's succeeding, voters are enthused and he's headed for re-election this year.

Well said.

1 ( +10 / -9 )

hahahaha loving it, we have repeats of episodes like this until November 2020 its gonna be entertaining

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Trump had nothing to gain by seeking the presidency, and much to lose,

Actually he had much to gain and nothing to lose.

His businesses were slipping and a few going bust, so becoming a President, doing favors to Russia, Turkey, Israel will stem the tide for some time but not forever.

Next few years will see crash of the shady businesses he was running and then his dear family will turn on him. It will be fun to watch.....

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Trump had nothing to gain by seeking the presidency

No, he had nothing to gain by winning the presidency. He had a lot to gain by simply seeking it out, basically it was free publicity. I don't think he ever expected to win, he's dumb but not that dumb.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

Actually he had much to gain and nothing to lose.

All your team does is complain. If Trump handed out bricks of gold to everybody (as your heros Lizzy and Bernie promised, more or less out of thin air) you would still complain.

The fact that Trump has weathered this non stop loser harassment, day in and day out, is just amazing to me, the resiliency. I know I couldnt do it.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Wow! Those Dems are angry people. Never happy. Care more about foreigner handouts than citizens. Pelosi looked like a miserable woman. Actually, she looks like that all the time.

6 ( +15 / -9 )

“I mean, let’s face it, we didn’t have slavery in this country for over 100 years because it was a bad thing. Quite the opposite: slavery built the South. I’m not saying we should bring it back; I’m just saying it had its merits. For one thing, the streets were safer after dark.”

Laws implemented and created by Democrats

“Look, let me put it to you this way: the NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips without any weapons. There, I said it.”


** [To an African American female caller]: “Take that bone out of your nose and call me back.”****

I remember conservatives clings to their guns and religions....

“Let the unskilled jobs that take absolutely no knowledge whatsoever to do — let stupid and unskilled Mexicans do that work.”

California seems happy with this.

Well I didn't expect Trumpers to be so forthright in their defense of Limbaugh and his racist quotes, I thought they'd he too embarrassed. So thanks for stepping up. It makes it clear as day that Trump and his supporters are outright racists - no more doubt anymore, as if we needed any...

Donnie giving Rush this medal was a kiss blown to his base - you now, the base filled with "very fine people"...like David Duke...and it was so obvious...

Congrats Donnie - the KKK loves you - the other 99.9% think you're disgusting, white supremacist, scum dweller....

Bye-bye White House, hello Rikers Island...

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

All your team does is complain.

And what team would that be, basketball, baseball or football?

 If Trump handed out bricks of gold to everybody (as your heros Lizzy and Bernie promised, more or less out of thin air) you would still complain.

If Donny saw a brick of Gold, he would be trying to push everyone out of the way to grab it. Lizzy and Bernie promised bricks of Gold, is that what faux told you???

The fact that Trump has weathered this non stop loser harassment, 

He's not weathered it at all, today's performance was proof of another tantrum!!!

And if he stops acting like a loser, sends his bungling team to bungle up each and every job, none of the investigations, impeachments would have happened.

  I know I couldnt do it.

You are not alone, donny can't either !!!

-4 ( +7 / -11 )

Actually he had much to gain and nothing to lose.

He gained a whole lot and that’s why Nancy was brooding, because tomorrow is acquittal day. I’d be snickering too if I was Trump.

His businesses were slipping and a few going bust, so becoming a President, doing favors to Russia, Turkey, Israel will stem the tide for some time but not forever.

Ahh, is this the new talking point the liberals are trying to peddle? Seems original enough.

Next few years will see crash of the shady businesses he was running and then his dear family will turn on him. It will be fun to watch...

Yeah, sure...aha..lol

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Here’s a list of Trump administration achievements. Many were mention in his speech. He may have his faults, but clearly this man sincerely loves his people and they are better off under him.

Almost 7 million jobs created since election.

12,000 new factories.

More Americans now employed than ever recorded before in US history.

Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than 30 years.

New unemployment claims hit a 49-year low.

Median household income hits highest level ever recorded.

African-American unemployment achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.

Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.

Asian-American unemployment achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.

Women’s unemployment reached the lowest rate in 65 years.

Women filled 72% of news jobs.

Disabled people's unemployment at record low.

Millions off food stamps and welfare.

ISIS defeated.

FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history.

Reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars a year.

Secured $6 billion in new funding to fight the opioid epidemic.

Improved border security, more orderly immigration.


-2 ( +11 / -13 )

He's not weathered it at all, today's performance was proof of another tantrum!!!

He looked fine to me, calm as a cucumber. Still hoping? Try it.

And if he stops acting like a loser, sends his bungling team to bungle up each and every job, none of the investigations, impeachments would have happened.

No, the NYT already called his impeachment was imminent 19 minutes after his inauguration, so it wouldn’t have mattered, no conservative is surprised, but the Dems are surprised he’ll be acquitted, but we weren’t. Lol

3 ( +10 / -7 )

He gained a whole lot and that’s why Nancy was brooding, because tomorrow is acquittal day.

Not much logic here, he wouldn't require an acquittal if he and his bungling team had not tried to use the tax payer's money for his personal gain. And hate to break it to you, he got impeached. I am sure there's a way to spin it as a win.

Ahh, is this the new talking point the liberals are trying to peddle? 

No these have been around for some time, someone forgot to read!!!!

Seems original enough.

No copy and paste like the nutters.

Yeah, sure...aha..lol

Yeah, sure, Ha Ha, ROFL!

-4 ( +8 / -12 )

He looked fine to me, calm as a cucumber.

Thats when he is green with envy, other times he is orange as an orange with anger!!!

Still hoping?

I am sure he has hope, but not sure what he is hoping, a hamburger maybe!!!

No, the NYT already called his impeachment was imminent 19 minutes after his inauguration, 

He must have committed a crime 18 minutes after inauguration !!! We all remember him getting Spicer to go out and lie about the crowd size!!!!

 but the Dems are surprised he’ll be acquitted, but we weren’t. Lol

Actually they knew he would be impeached and he was!!! Sorry that news get there late.

-3 ( +8 / -11 )

Like a little baby having a huffy puffy temper tantrum.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

She probably thought it was copies of the Constitution she was tearing up.

It would have been funny if Trump actually handed her a copy of the Constitution just to see Pelosi, in her blind, vitriolic hatred for anything Trump touches, tearing it up.

The dems are so lost. What I saw was the Democrats not standing up for Americans, but stand up for illegal aliens. They don't have a patriotic bone on their bodies. Until they can find a strong charismatic candidate....

Like Hillary Clinton? The Democrats are in such chaotic disarray with no clear cut nominee that they may be heading toward a brokered convention and nominating "Saint Hillary" as their "Savior".

0 ( +9 / -9 )

To all of you American Trump supporters. The whole world thinks you're mad. Juss sayin'.

-7 ( +9 / -16 )

He made his SOTU speech on Taco Tuesday.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )


Nice list of so-called Donnie's achievements, "Concerned Citizen".

'So called'? The list is reality.

Trade deficit at all time high

It's at its lowest level in 3 years.


Federal debt has exploded (1.9 trillion $ tax cut for the rich!!)

Agreed that this is very bad. But does continue a trend of recent administrations. Dems would be no different.

Wages for most Americans have been flat, despite his promises

Not true. Median household income hits highest level ever recorded.

Corporations didn't use those tax cut $ for re-investment, but bought back shares

I don't think the millions of newly employed who can now pay the rent/mortgages, put food on the table, access medical care and education, etc. care about that too much.

And most of all: what happened with his "Drain the swamp"? He put those "swampies" in charge all over his administration.

I disagree.

The welfare of the people is paramount. The list I posted reflects the reality of positive improvement.

Let the voters decide. I believe they will re-elect him.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Wow, did you see who was sitting behind Donnie at the SOTU today - Mike Pounce, I mean Pence...

Ever since Bolton's bombshells came out, Pence has disappeared faster than a Big Mac in the Oval Office....

He just folded up and did his best invisible man impression...

Maybe its because he wants to avoid getting asked questions like; "Is John Bolton correct?" "We're you in the room also and what did you hear?" "Did the President ask for a QPQ?"

Pence and Bolton are old school Repub buds, fellow NEOCONs, have pictures of Dick Cheney on their mantels... The last thing he wants is to get a question about Bolton.

So he hides in his basement 24/7...or maybe it's the White House dumpster...

Whatever it is, what a hero...

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Lincolman wrote:

“The economy, according to Trump's own numbers, is contracting - from 2.9% in 2018 to 2.3% in 2019. And Trump's annual GDP has never been above a measly 3% his three years on office.”

Leftist dullards are so funny. Obviously this one doesn’t even know what a contracting economy (ie. negative growth) actually is. Lol! It is true, President Trump only had 2.9. Of course......Obama had 1.6 in 2016, and averaged 1.5 per year.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

It would have been funny if Trump actually handed her a copy of the Constitution j

It would have been even funnier to see Donny carrying the constitution , a document he has no understanding of.

Like Hillary Clinton? The Democrats are in such chaotic disarray with no clear cut nominee that they may be heading toward a brokered convention and nominating "Saint Hillary" as their "Savior".

As I say, leave the complex stuff to people who understand it.

-6 ( +8 / -14 )

What an utter disgrace Donny is. He smashed civility and his uneducated, barely literate supporters get on JT and praise him.

-8 ( +7 / -15 )

It's almost unbelievable and very sad how Pelosi and co and their media cohorts cannot applaud the obvious improvement of the people's welfare. They ought to show a little class and empathy. The people will respect them more.

Dems should applaud the people being better off and offer further improvements that will inspire people to switch allegiance. But I suspect they won't, because besides Bernie Sanders, the rest of them don't really care about the people.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

Not much logic here, he wouldn't require an acquittal if he and his bungling team had not tried to use the tax payer's money for his personal gain.

No, the Dems would have impeached him for eating a ham sandwich, that’s why they announced that from the very beginning.

And hate to break it to you, he got impeached.

And he’ll be acquitted in a few hours, that’s for life.

No these have been around for some time, someone forgot to read!!!!

Liberals don’t do that anymore, ask Nancy, she ripped up the SOTU speech.

1 ( +9 / -8 )

Thats when he is green with envy, other times he is orange as an orange with anger!!!

He smiled and awful lot tonight even with all that glaring Orangeness.

He must have committed a crime 18 minutes after inauguration !!!

Maybe talked to much? Yes, Democrats will impeach a ham sandwich...lol

We all remember him getting Spicer to go out and lie about the crowd size!!!!

Actually they knew he would be impeached and he was!!! Sorry that news get there late.

Wait until the news comes about the impending acquittal which will be seared in the minds of liberals for years to come.

-1 ( +8 / -9 )

No, the Dems would have impeached him for eating a ham sandwich, that’s why they announced that from the very beginning.

This statement has zero relation to reality.

Maybe talked to much? Yes, Democrats will impeach a ham sandwich...lol

We all remember him getting Spicer to go out and lie about the crowd size!!!!

Donny tweeted that lie.

Wait until the news comes about the impending acquittal which will be seared in the minds of liberals for years to come.

It will motivate us to go and vote. Remember that the other candidate won 3,000,000 more votes than Donny. No, it doesn’t matter if they all came from California because California is a state.

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Low key?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It’s shocking how many morons there are, just look at all the Trumpophiles. Four more years of an imbecile you prefers to engage in childish twitter wars and golfing to actually doing his job.

If it makes liberals angry, it’s a great thing.

This statement has zero relation to reality.

Ahhh, because liberals say so?

It will motivate us to go and vote.

Us as well.

Remember that the other candidate won 3,000,000 more votes than Donny. No, it doesn’t matter if they all came from California because California is a state.

Dunno, even biased CNN pundits were admitting, it’s going to take a miracle to unseat this President and since liberals don’t believe in God, they’ll just wait and see.

2 ( +10 / -8 )

If it makes liberals angry, it’s a great thing.

This sums up your political ideology perfectly. Never mind if it hurts our country as long as it makes liberals angry.

-5 ( +8 / -13 )

Well, we saw a lot of distinctions, differences, and disagreements at the SOTU tonight...

But I have to tell you, the most glaring difference I saw was between Trump and Pence...

Here you have Pence, who has been hiding out in his basement for the past month evading questions on Bolton, and his hair is immaculate - like a big silver helmet, with no hair out of place...

Then you had the Dimwit with his usual ginger roadkill - like some dead orange possum...

Boy, that was some distinction...

-6 ( +6 / -12 )

Ahhh, because liberals say so?

No, because it didn't have any relation to reality.

Dunno, even biased CNN pundits were admitting, it’s going to take a miracle to unseat this President and since liberals don’t believe in God, they’ll just wait and see.

Yes, every single liberal in the face of the earth is an atheist. Claiming all liberals are atheists isn’t an asinine statement at all. In fact, it’s so intelligent that I’m surprised it came from a Trumpophile that’s obsessed with liberals, Obama, and Hillary.

-7 ( +7 / -14 )

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