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Putin puts Russian nuclear forces on increased alert as fighting spreads in Ukraine


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Russian President Vladimir Putin put his nuclear forces on increased alert

I said it already many times and I say it again:

This man Putin is completely insane.

This murderer and all his supporters must be eliminated!

They are ready and willing to draw the world in a 3rd world war and do not hesitate to use nuclear weapons.

This completely insane mass murderers are ready to destroy the world.

It is 100% time to remove Putin and his supporters from this planet. Before it is to late.

36 ( +53 / -17 )

After this is over Putin should be charged and punished as a war criminal.

43 ( +60 / -17 )

What a coward.

24 ( +42 / -18 )

Feels like the only thing that can end this is if someone in his close circle takes him out.

36 ( +50 / -14 )

It’s official. We’re dealing with a madman (!)

28 ( +44 / -16 )



Of course they already were, the country is at war.

14 ( +28 / -14 )

Feels like the only thing that can end this is if someone in his close circle takes him out.

It does. He’s made massive errors in judgement but he thinks he can’t back down or he’ll look weak. However this plays out, it’s the end for him and he knows it. That puts all of us in danger….

And somebody said he was smart.

28 ( +35 / -7 )

After this is over Putin should be charged and punished as a war criminal.

I agree, and still his cultists and other fanboys call him 'Lord', I assume they have not read any history other than that written by the Bill O'Reilly and others from the extreme right, about how much damage has been done by cults of personality. Toxic masculinity like that being pushed by Hollywood Steve Bannon, Erik Prince and Putin should be kept in the gym.


16 ( +26 / -10 )

Unhinged. As above only someone in the inner circle can stop this madness.

21 ( +28 / -7 )

Its starting to look like Ukraine might actually win this thing quicker than anyone imagined, especially the idiot Putin apologists proclaiming victory on here hours after it started.

The Russian army has been beaten back everywhere, its troops completely demoralized. Military aid is pouring in. Russia’s economy is spiralling into a depression. The world has turned against Putin completely, China will not save him.

This is a disaster of his own making and I don’t see how Putin survives this, which unfortunately is what makes him so dangerous to the world right now.

24 ( +33 / -9 )

I'm in the middle of Solzhenitsyn's 'The Gulag Archipelago', and page after page after page I can't help but conclude that Putin's actions are mirror images of a society that was sick beyond belief from the 1920s to the 1960s. And in those decades, Russians were torturing and killing their own kin. He really is mad, just like Stalin. Worse than Lenin, and on a par with Khruschev. He's not an autocrat, he's a paranoid dictator, and if he launches a nuke, I can only truly hope one gets launched back at him. Specifically back at him. There will be 'collateral damage', but that's what war brings. And he started it.

Forgive the Russian people. I've been exchanging correspondence with more than a dozen of them for the past ten years. They are NOT their dictator. And their relative poverty and destitution is overwhelmed by fear. But, I haven't heard from any of them for a week. I'm concerned for their lives, not just their well-being.

18 ( +28 / -10 )

All indications is that Puty is losing this war and so he is getting very desperate and is ashamed that The Ukrainian Nationals are defending themselves more than Puty imagined and therefore is rising the alarm bells to " I will Nuke the world if I don' t win! "

19 ( +27 / -8 )


Does AI do sarcasm?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

It is 100% time to remove Putin and his supporters from this planet. Before it is to late.


8 ( +10 / -2 )

Forgive the Russian people.

This is not Russia. This is Putin. Plain and simple. There is nothing to forgive them for. They are victims in this as we all are.

23 ( +28 / -5 )

This could come to a swift end if Ukraine says it will not join the NATO military alliance. Ukraine civilians wins, so Ukraine wins and Putin pulls out and wins.

Everyone want so escalate and stand toe-to-toe and punch each other, but de-escalation saves lives.

-11 ( +12 / -23 )

I agree, and still his cultists and other fanboys call him 'Lord',


I assume they have not read any history other than that written by the Bill O'Reilly and others from the extreme right,

O’Reilly is not even close to the extreme right.

about how much damage has been done by cults of personality.

The damage has been done by people like Hitler, Chavez, Idi Amin, Mao, Mugabe, Pinochet, Castro these are monsters and those are the people that have done untold damage globally

Toxic masculinity like that being pushed by Hollywood Steve Bannon, Erik Prince and Putin should be kept in the gym.

I don’t even know what you say odd things like or mix these people up, you’re mixing ordinary political figures that you dislike with tyrants that had a historical track record of killing millions of people. Please don’t conflate the two. Putin has blood on his hands and the man is now a Pariah, he will never come back from this, it’s pretty much over. Either he goes all the causes irreparable damage to Ukraine and others or someone is going to take him out. Either way, it’s over for this guy, Putin is the embodiment of pure evil, and that evil is unfolding right before our very eyes, remember that.

-26 ( +4 / -30 )

Its starting to look like Ukraine might actually win this thing quicker than anyone imagined, especially the idiot Putin apologists proclaiming victory on here hours after it started.

The Putin apologists/fanboys tried to convince us Russia "would never invade" Ukraine. It "was all a fantasy of The warmonger West" - a "conspiracy of the Western media". They were wrong.

They then claimed Russia would roll through Ukraine and take the cities within 48 hours, facing no resistance. The Russian Army was "far too strong", they claimed.

They were wrong. Again.

The Ukrainians are dug in, protecting THEIR land, resisting Putins war of terror ferociously. The more damage they can do to the brutal invaders, the more damage to little Putins leadership. He is finished.

21 ( +31 / -10 )

Sky News last night:

Putin wants to remind us that Russia is a nuclear power and that he’s willing to use nuclear weapons.”

( O__O ) ‘’’


Feels like the only thing that can end this is if someone in his close circle takes him out.

(Or like) someone asked Putin: “Why don’t we speed up to the part where you kill yourself in a bunker”...

15 ( +20 / -5 )

Put up or shut up, threatened an American, and do not go through with your threat, is that of a punk coward

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Russia is now at what the UNITED STATES would call full blown DEFCON 1.

Russia does not use the Defcon system, but if they did, that's approximately where they would be. However, IF it trips from 1 to zero that will happen instantly, there are no shades of gray.



14 ( +14 / -0 )

The caption of the photo says:

Valentyna Konstantynovska, 79, touches her head while listening to instructions with others on weapons handling during a basic combat training for civilians ...

The photo also shows one woman droops her head as if to lament why they had to undergo such training -- to kill erstwhile friends. Something must have gone wrong. Is Vladimir Putin alone to blame?

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Give Ukraine cruise missile so than can launch them on the Kremlin, like they destroyed this Russian airbase in Russia Google Ukraine Destroy Russian Airbase

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Putin has gone beyond mad....the little strutting dictator made a huge miscalculation, and now is clearly becoming mentally unbalanced, as seen by his disheveled appearance and erratic behavior....

After invading a sovereign country and murdering innocent women and children, he is now threatening nuclear annihilation...

Now is the time for those in his circle to do what has historically occurred with dangerous Russian leaders - overthrow him, and send him to a gulag or "re-education camp"....

Or perhaps he'll accidentally stumble out of an eight story window...

11 ( +18 / -7 )

That 79 yr old lady is awesome !

Never too old to receive weapons training.

5 ( +12 / -7 )

All Ukraine has to do is wage a war of attrition and keep fighting no matter what. Once the invaders lose enough troops and see the cost of their action, it will haunt them for decades to come and serve as a reminder that no matter great of a superpower nation you think you are, people will still resist you and fight till the bloody end. Even if they take the cities, they won't able to keep it.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

JT stop referring to Putin troops as Russian soldiers. It totally clear that the huge majority of Russian are against the Ukrain invasion.

-16 ( +6 / -22 )

The Putin apologists/fanboys tried to convince us Russia "would never invade" Ukraine. It "was all a fantasy of The warmonger West" - a "conspiracy of the Western media". They were wrong.

But they are very quiet this morning. Perhaps they are desperately trying to get hold of some dollars before the Russian economy implodes.

I am going to go an scour YouTube in a minute for any Putin "Downfall" videos - I think they will be hilarious. Although Putin wouldn't allow people as close to him as Hitler did in his bunker - he is famously so scared of COVID that no one is allowed anywhere near him. Yet his own fear of COVD is in complete contrast to those Russians soldiers whom he sends to their deaths, and those Ukranians whose death he causes. The coward.

15 ( +19 / -4 )

Ah, they say Putin is suffering from long Covid,Google Putin Long Covid

5 ( +9 / -4 )

Putin, the wood of Ukraine are frozen dark and deep you do not have many days, before your final sleep and defeat Google Darksky Kiev

3 ( +7 / -4 )

He's terminally ill, hiding out in Ural or wherever the hell he is, and wants to take the rest of the world with him.

Enough. The rest of the sane world should call his bluff and promise him the utter annaihalation of his hideout in the Ural, Moscow, and all other cities, and Belarus as a footnote if he launches any first nuclear strike.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Putin is a very dangerous man and a war criminal who should pay for his atrocities.

This evil and cold blooded man is bringing the world to the verge of a total conflict.

Someone from his inner circle,maybe a brave general try a coup d’etat to reverse this.

We all firmly stand with the noble and brave people of Ukraine.

14 ( +16 / -2 )

One thing we have learned, though it was already a known fact - the Russians are bald-faced liars....

Jan 26th: "If it depends on the Russian Federation, there will be no war," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said.

Feb 15th: "We intend and will strive to negotiate with our partners on the issues that we have raised in order to resolve them diplomatically," Putin said.

Feb 20th: Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov denied Sunday that the Kremlin is preparing for an invasion of neighboring Ukraine. "There is no invasion, and there [are] no such plans," Antonov said in an interview with "Face the Nation."

Feb 24th: Russia invades Ukraine...

15 ( +21 / -6 )

It time too run a psychological operation on Putin, that his general will be force to remove him, costing the country 10 of billion of dollars each day

0 ( +6 / -6 )

I said it already many times and I say it again:

This man Putin is completely insane.

There is nothing groundbreaking about this opinion. Most people have felt this way from his beginnings.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

I'm no Russia fun; dislike them more often than not.


1) Ukraine is "winning" only in the hopes and dreams here at JT.

2) Russia has destroyed the world's largest plane (Ukrainian)

3) Satelite images "just" released show "more than three-mile" Russian convoy approaching Kyiv.

4) Russia can pulverise Kyiv (Like they did to Berlin).

5) Russia is using "only" one-third of the troops amassed at the border (so far)

6) Ukraine will lose militarily.

7) I still don't like Russia,

-8 ( +9 / -17 )

The irony cannot be lost on anyone....

Putin sends us endless pictures of him without a shirt standing over a dead bear to prove to us how tough he is....yet when the real fighting starts, he makes all his videos ahead of time so he can beat feet to his bunker and hide...

Zelinsky is showing us what real, brave, courageous leaders do - standing with his army in the streets while the fighting rages....

Putin has not only massively miscalculated, he has shown the whole world he is nothing but a frightened little man...

16 ( +19 / -3 )

Putin insane? That’s not the point here as other big global leaders are also insane, otherwise they would already have solved those problems during last seven decades, but they haven’t abolished atomic bombs and all kept it as an option. We have that problem now, because they all have been totally insane. The threatening difference now, compared to Cold War era, is that it all has become a much less rational acting, having communication channels open to avoid the Big Bang in case of errors, acute threats, misunderstandings etc. No talking, no hot red telephones, nothing, only accusations one to another. It’s therefore now more dangerous that really anyone of the big global political or military leaders pushes the buttons without having any doubts or final self-restraint.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

Nuclear threats are what to expect from a psychotic dictator like Putin. Putin is certainly unhinged and the only question is how unhinged is he. For better or worse, It’s about time for a coup in Russia.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Peter Neil: There is no way back for Putin. He is a dead man walking. Even if he pull out it will not help. As Far as the Western Government NATO, the USA Military are concerned and behind closed doors are saying this despot has to be put down/ killed/ assassinated. No way he would be trustedJT stop referring to Putin troops as Russian soldiers. It totally clear that the huge majority of Russian are against the Ukrain invasion. after this and to allow him to live is just too dangerous for human society. Remember they chase down Bin and assassinated him and he is only 1/10 the

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Putin is Toxic and will go out like Hitler did.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

I said it already many times and I say it again:

This man Putin is completely insane.

There is nothing groundbreaking about this opinion. Most people have felt this way from his beginnings.

Some people need reminding, though this supporters are far less vocal than they were 3 days ago.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Some people need reminding, though this supporters are far less vocal than they were 3 days ago.

I am sure some of them were paid a few roubles for each post, the sanctions must have put stop to the money flow!

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Seems no one is concerned about heightened nuke alerts.

If Putin is really insane...

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Time for the UK government to dust off those ever so useful Protect and Survive public information videos. And for the BBC to screen Threads again. It’s like 1983 deja vu.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

What you and others of your persuasion call "toxic masculiity" is in fact presently defending Ukraine.

I am sure he 76 years old grandmother has a lot of toxic masculinity in her, so do all the women who have taken up arms.

3 ( +10 / -7 )

Russia will agree for Ukraine to stay independent (albeit with a few Russian bases dispersed throughout Ukraine to keep an eye on things)

ROFL, looks like putin’s delusions are infectious!

We should start the countdown to putin’s fall, those oligarchs are not happy at their billions getting frozen!

4 ( +9 / -5 )

Russia has destroyed the world's largest plane (Ukrainian)

It was a great airplane, but it was on repair at the Antonov's base in Gostomel. No effect on the situation except that its loss makes Ukrainians even more angry at Russians.

Russia is using "only" one-third of the troops amassed at the border (so far)

Two-thirds so far, according to Pentagon. But they can bring more from the rest of the county.

Ukraine will lose militarily.

I considered that almost a certainty 3 days ago. Not so sure any more. From what I see and hear from the battle ground (from the "bunch of neo-nazis and drug addicts", i.e. my family and friends in Ukraine), they are not as strong as soon as they enter hostile territory - and most of them were zombied to believe they will be welcomed with flowers by Ukrainians. Their plans are not working so well, the level of civil resistance is incredibly high, and that's what makes the dictator so angry at his generals. Check out the defense minister's facial expression when putin ordered him to load the nukes.

Russia can pulverise Kyiv (Like they did to Berlin).

I agree, they can, and I was ready to write that that would make no sense considered its intentions, but then reminded myself that we are dealing with a clinically insane individual.


This is not the first time putin order to raise the level of nuclear "deterrent forces". He did it after he grabbed Crimea in 2014. I don't mean it's not dangerous, I mean it's not something unheard of. The use of tactical nuclear weapons "to end a conflict" is a part of Russia's military doctrine. This change in the doctrine is a relatively recent edition and went largely unnoticed by the rest of the world - now we see what he did it for.

There are always these calls that the ordinary sanctions should not punish the Russians in any way, as they are "the victims". A German colleague of mine just wrote me that he saw a lot of these "victims" in the local bar, drinking beer and having fun. Let's not forget that most Russian polls, even by independent centers, show that his popularity is either high or very decent at all time, peaking at the time of military conflicts. They all elect their MPs who vote for whatever putin says. Russians admired him, were proud of him, and could not even imagine their country without him. So I don't buy this notion of Russians as innocent people ruled by a ruteless dictator. They could stop this years before, and they didn't. They have so swallow this bitter pill. Hopefully this will help to rise up. Or at least to grow up.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

We need a hero to trigger a severe bout of rapid-onset lead poisoning in Mad Vlad

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Oh, I didn't know that Russia was losing.

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

1) Ukraine is "winning" only in the hopes and dreams here at JT.

Also on the ground in Ukraine. At first I was a bit skeptical of Ukrainian claims, but we are now awash in videos and images of burnt out Russian convoys littering the country. The Russians are clearly getting their butts kicked very badly.

Now, I get that the Russians have a huge army and lots more people to conscript than Ukraine does, so I'm realistic about that and that eventually the Russians will probably figure out how to actually fight better. But a "win" for Ukraine means its government survives and it prevents the Russians from taking it over. Right now they are successfully doing that, and it looks like they have the capability to continue doing that. I just don't see how Russia is going to emerge the victor in this. It was a gamble by Putin predicated on a lightening victory that took the Ukrainians off-guard which clearly did not materialize.

2) Russia has destroyed the world's largest plane (Ukrainian)

Its kind of pathetic that the #2 thing on your list of Russian military achievements is the destruction of an unarmed cargo plane that was parked on the ground. Its sort of like damning their military prowess with faint praise.

3) Satelite images "just" released show "more than three-mile" Russian convoy approaching Kyiv.

Yeah, which suggests that the Russians haven't yet learned how vulnerable bunching their vehicles up on a crowded highway makes them to ambushes by Ukrainians with Javelins.

4) Russia can pulverise Kyiv (Like they did to Berlin).

Maybe eventually, but to take another perhaps more accurate historical analogy the German ability to pulverize Stalingrad didn't exactly work out so well for them in the end.

5) Russia is using "only" one-third of the troops amassed at the border (so far)

That was at the beginning, the US estimates that the Russians have now committed the majority of their forces (probably most of them in that long convoy you mentioned). The fact that they've had to commit everything is also a clear indication that their plans have failed.

6) Ukraine will lose militarily.

I honestly don't think this will happen. I mean yeah, if the entire Russian military, not just the 190,000 or so troops in the region but the entire Russian military is mobilized and sent in there they could certainly force the Ukrainian army off the field and level the major cities. But that would take months to achieve and would incur enormous costs for the Russians and I don't think Putin has the ability to do that. Especially with sanctions about to send the Russian economy into a nosedive when markets re-open (the Ruble is about to be wiped out), its just not tenable. Putin is already showing this weakness with his nuclear threats. Way before the Russians are able to defeat Ukraine militarily he will have to negotiate a withdrawal from Ukraine that somehow allows him to save face.

7) I still don't like Russia,

I like Russia. Its got a wonderful culture with some amazing achievements. Tolstoy, Tchaikovsky, chess masters, first human in space, etc etc. This is a problem with Putin, not with Russia itself.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

He obviously want talks not continuing war that why he send delegates to Minsk to meet

with Ukraine delegations .

He makes sure no powers trying to influence Ukraine so they can talk and find right solutions

that why he reminds those powers that Russia has nuclear, but nuclear is always there .,

just reminding

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

Civilians with no experiences in weapon ? Heroes or just human shields?

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

Putin is the embodiment of pure evil, and that evil is unfolding right before our very eyes, remember that.

gee you wouldn't think so if youre a right wing nutter watching FOX, and they still harp on about China being the enemy, the best thing thats come out of this is the EU and NATO are even more united and they've pledge to spend 2% of their GDP on defense, Putin has just started another cold war arms race

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Peace is coming.

Severe consequences for Putin are coming.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Thé question is does the the west sacrifice Ukraine or have a nuclear war?

Which is it to be?

-15 ( +1 / -16 )

Oh, I didn't know that Russia was losing.

Don't watch the news much, huh?

1 ( +7 / -6 )

Straight from the official twitter account of the Ukraine National Guard - neo-Nazi member of the Azov Battalion greasing bullets with lard "against the Kadyrov orcs."

Ramzan Kadyrov is the Muslim leader of the Chechen Republic, who has sent fighters to Ukraine.


British military commanders from the Operation Orbital in Ukraine are training these people.

-9 ( +6 / -15 )

Please check Putin ‘ speak regarding nuclear

someone who knows Russian said there aren’t any words meaning nuclear in his speak

so anyone speaking Russian please check

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Not saying or supporting people fighting in the Donbas area, but that whole problem was instigated by Putin. Like the Donbas area, before Crimea was stolen, the Russian state media claimed that genocide was taking place in Crimea, but when asked, Russians actually living in the Crimea hadn’t heard of such things taking place.

Putin wants to make Russia great again and can’t stand former Soviet satellite states like Ukraine opting to align with the West, so they can determine for themselves how to govern their countries, which is the opposite of a Russian sphere of influence where Moscow’s interests and priorities come first. In 2006, a Dutch government minister asked Putin what his definition of Greater Russia was. Putin replied: That's Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and the Baltic States. And Kazakhstan, that was nice to have too.

Fortunately it hasn’t happened, but if Ukraine had crumbled in one or two days, the Baltic states would have been next. Now it looks increasingly that Putin won’t be able to take Ukraine, never mind how many tanks they send. The country is just too big. Even on the first day there were Russian tanks stranded because they ran out of gas. It makes the Russian army look inept.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Peter NeilToday  07:26 am JST

This could come to a swift end if Ukraine says it will not join the NATO military alliance. Ukraine civilians wins, so Ukraine wins and Putin pulls out and wins.

LOL. You seriously think that after Putin now invaded Ukraine like this that is even a remote possibility? There was a higher chance of Ukraine not joining NATO when Russia left them alone. Putin has now ensured that they will, which means he must now take out all of Ukraine to prevent it.

Russia is a military superpower and in theory they should have over run Ukraine completely by now. Putin underestimated Ukraine defense determination and the rest of the world's reaction. His "nuclear" threat shows his growing frustration and building insecurity about the outcome. In just 4-5 days they are ready for "discussions".

Putin has miscalculated, and he has brought NATO together, after the previous US administration wrecked it. A Russian leader making any reference to "nuclear" was the worst thing he could have done to weaken NATO.

6 ( +13 / -7 )

Straight from the official twitter account of the Ukraine National Guard - neo-Nazi member of the Azov Battalion greasing bullets with lard "against the Kadyrov orcs."

Ramzan Kadyrov is the Muslim leader of the Chechen Republic, who has sent fighters to Ukraine.


British military commanders from the Operation Orbital in Ukraine are training these people.

Yeah, the Human Rights Watch reports on Kadyrov and some of the other monsters Putin is sending into Ukraine also make for interesting reading if you'd care to have a look.

If the Ukrainians start sending the Azov Battalion into Moscow, then I'll start giving a crap about how nuts they are. If, as seems to be the case, they are just greasing bullets to kill fanatics literally invading their own country, I'm fine with that.

7 ( +12 / -5 )

Nobody can do "theater" like the masterful Russians. Trouble is, Putin, like his small-handed acolyte, is a ham whose performance never convinces us to forget that "all the world's a stage": witness Putin's scripted performance pretending to caution his over-eager, lick-spittle security chief not to jump the gun by the latter's "agreeing" to the incorporation of the Donetsk and Lugansk territories into the Russian Federation when all Putin, the "moderate statesman", was asking for was the Federation's recognition of their "independence". And now this latest act in Putin's bloody Ukrainian farce, saber-rattling with nukes (lol), is simply "hot air" to deflect from his humiliating failure to scare Zelenskiy into doing a runner and handing over his country on a plate to Putin's poorly-performing forces.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

I recommend you all to watch a film 'Ukraine on Fire' by journalist Oliver Stone, published in 2016. It'll give you more context on what has been happening since 2014 (and even before that).

3 ( +7 / -4 )

Scholz’s pledge to dedicate 100 billion euros ($113 billion) to a special fund for its armed forces would raise Germany's defense spending above 2% of GDP, satisfying a longstanding request by NATO allies for Europe’s largest economy to do more for the continent’s security.

Took Russia to invade another nation for Germany to decide to pledge over 2% of its GDP to NATO spending.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Please check Putin ‘ speak regarding nuclear

someone who knows Russian said there aren’t any words meaning nuclear in his speak

He said "sily sderzhivaniya" ("deterrent forces"). They include, but not limited to, nuclear.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

If the Ukrainians start sending the Azov Battalion into Moscow, then I'll start giving a crap about how nuts they are. If, as seems to be the case, they are just greasing bullets to kill fanatics literally invading their own country, I'm fine with that.

The Nazis of the Azov Battalion have been attacking Donetsk since January, one of the provocations that led to the Russian invasion.

Canadian forces have been training these neo-Nazis for years apparently:


-15 ( +5 / -20 )

The people of Russia need to rise up and overthrow Putin. He's sending them to their deaths, and making all of Russia entirely useless to humanity. They already were useless, after years of only sending doped athletes to the Olympics, as well as trolling the world on the internet. But now they're harmful to the rest of the planet.

Russia must be quarantined from humanity until the Russians rise up and overthrow Putin. We're waiting.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

Puty is so scared now that he has to threaten the world with Nukes. Stupid. He and his regime would be instantly Nuked himself in an instant by America and Nato countries. Puty, come on man! Loser.

6 ( +10 / -4 )

Russia will have to face severe economic and security consequences

9 ( +11 / -2 )

The Nazis of the Azov Battalion have been attacking Donetsk since January, one of the provocations that led to the Russian invasion.

Canadian forces have been training these neo-Nazis for years apparently:


Yup, awful. If we were discussing this in a context other than that of a fascist madman with nuclear weapons starting a war of aggression in Europe, I'd probably find my liberal sensibilities horribly offended by all of this (especially as a former Canadian soldier myself).

But here we are.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Putin is a major wuss! And it looks like he's as unpopular among those serving in the Russian military as he is among Russia's citizens.

Not only is he an unhinged danger to himself, but he's a real danger to his countrymen and the world.

Time for you to go, Comrade Putin!

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Putin is clinically out of his mind. He needs a long vacation.

Note: Putin is not a Communist. He is a conservative and Russian Orthodox.

Never has the danger of nuclear war been greater.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Awww, Putin thinks he can "scare" the world with "I have nuclear deterrent!".

Other countries have nukes too, it just depends on who is foolish enough to use them first. I see it this way, nukes fired, M.A.D and survivors of a nuclear war will curse the initiator forever and live their remaining days in infamy. No nukes used, humanity may still have a positive future outcome.

Putin has effectively driven neutral countries into the arms of both EU/NATO with a strong desire to defend against Russian aggression.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

Having said that how about the uncle sam. 

Yes, lets talk about uncle sam. Sometimes uncle sam does bad things, its true. Right now though uncle sam is doing very good things, not bad things. Everyone is happy about that. Good job uncle sam! Thank you for doing such good things right now.

Russia on the other hand is doing bad things right now. In fact this article is mainly about bad things that Russia is doing. So lets keep the focus on that.

12 ( +14 / -2 )

Don't watch the news much, huh?

What news? LOL

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

What news? LOL

Yes, exactly my point.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Putin signals escalation as he puts Russia’s nuclear force on high alert


President Putin, referred to.......

"Russian army deterrence forces on high combat alert".

I think it is time to call the nurse, there is padded cell with Putin name on it

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I think all the powerful countries should gather with Ukraine at this moment. Probably China and North Korea won't do that though.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Putin places Russian nuclear deterrent on highest alert:

No matter how hostile NATO's rhetoric is, no matter why Russians could not take over Kiev quickly as planned, never resort to use of nuclear bombs.

Such bomb is a very sharp & destructive double-edge sword, it kills all..

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

blastcaptain 11:11 am JST


Thanks for the link. It's astonishing what you find when you start to dig, isn't it.

It's becoming clearer that the poor Ukrainians have been set up by the US and its allies to become Syria-in-Europe. It's their standard operating procedure - arm extremists, provoke a response from the target and then destroy the country by flooding it with arms. Those responsible are far away in their nice homes in the suburbs of London and Washington. It's really sad.

-9 ( +9 / -18 )

Is Vladimir Putin alone to blame?

The short answer is "yes".

It's also the long answer.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

There is a saying, either I die rich or you all will die with me. I predict Putin will attack the USA with all his nuclear warheads. And it will be a surprise attack. Putin = Trump.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

What a shame they don't have a few A10 Warthogs. That 3 mile convoy would be toast.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Gods they're arming civilians now? And Russia's fiddling with their nuclear warheads? I had hoped to never see a world war in my lifetime but with the way things are escalating, Russia might just plunge the world into WW3.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

@Alfie Noakes.

You seem obsessed with the claim of Nazis in Ukraine, as if it would justify the invasion even if it were true. The only people peddling this rubbish seem to be the russian media, so I wonder where you're getting your soundbytes.

In the last Ukrainian elections, far right groups only got about 2% of the vote. A Russian speaking Jewish man was elected with over 70% of the vote, beating a non-Jewish Ukrainian candidate.

The percentage of extreme right-wing groups is higher in a number of European countries, and probably in the US as well. The number of extreme right wing nationalists in Russia is definitely higher.

What is the goal? Remove the Jewish president and replace him with someone more friendly to Russia? How is that denazification?

Daria said some people have spoken to relatives in Russia who are getting information about the invasion from the country's state-controlled media.

"They say - all of them watching the news - that Putin is saving us, rescuing us. From whom? From what? We can’t understand.

"We are happy in our country. We didn’t ask anybody to save us."

9 ( +14 / -5 )


in case of nuclear explosion don’t forget to wear a mask and maintain social distancing!?

-17 ( +2 / -19 )

Putting aside moral issues, does Putin really believe that the nuclear intimidation would be effective in favor for Russia? Even the mad-dog Kim of North Korea wouldn't do such a cheap yakuza threat. It seems that he's really changed these days. He will also strategically fail.

Putin's behavioral change has also been noted by several foreign officials such as the French President Macron who met him in person. A joke about some side-effects on him being doped (alongside Russian athletes?) to gain extra muscles sound like more real. Time for WADA to investigate! :)

4 ( +7 / -3 )

NatorToday 11:47 am JST

@Alfie Noakes.

I wonder where you're getting your soundbytes.

Yahoo News, the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, The Ottawa Citizen, The Intercept website, the Declassified UK website, George Washington University and other regular places like that.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

@Alfie Noakes.

For a clear yes/no answer, do you think the existence of the Azov Battalion is reasonable justification for Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

PS/ A number of Jewish organizations have condemned Putin's use of 'denazification' as a misleading excuse.

PPS/ At least part of the separatist forces in Donetsk are also extreme nationalists.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Anyway hopefully this will end after the Russia/Ukraine talks today.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

At least part of the separatist forces in Donetsk are also extreme nationalists.

Considering how long Putin has been in power (in one way or another), I wouldn't put it beyond him and his cronies to have seeded those pro Russian nationalists quite a while ago, Crimea too. Putin has been around since I was in my 20s... I'm over 40 now.

Absolute power corrupts, absolutely...

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Russia is doomed if Putin launches nukes.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Nator 12:07 pm JST

@Alfie Noakes.

For a clear yes/no answer, do you think the existence of the Azov Battalion is reasonable justification for Russia's invasion of Ukraine?

It's not just the Azov Battalion, there's a whole host of neo-Nazis groups who've been killing ethnic Russians for years now. Straight from the horse's mouth: Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi terror gang C14's speech from Kiev on February 5th this year. The cardboard figure behind Karas is Stepan Bandera, leader of the Ukrainian Nazis during WW2.


-1 ( +4 / -5 )

You know what the biggest surprise was? That with all the fire power Russia has, they still didn't manage to cut off Ukraine power grinds and communications. I am very surprise the people still even have internet. Aren't those always the first priority?

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

What is wrong with the western world? Recognize Donbass and don’t expand NATO to Russia’s border. It not rocket science.

Now USA and EU, even far away Japan have turned it into Nuclear rocket science.

peace now.

-11 ( +6 / -17 )

Who are Ukraine’s Jews, and How is Russia’s Invasion Affecting Them?

not sure the year, maybe 1920s, loads of inhabitants land, local people were displaced in Crimea. Their land was given to Jews. The idea was for Jews to use the land for agriculture. But it failed after a while and most Jews left.

-12 ( +1 / -13 )

when everyone knows what you are doing?

What am I doing?

I said best to stay out of it because we don’t know who the players are not what they support. You didn’t, so now you ended up on the “nazi” supporting side of this. Too bad but that’s where you are.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

s becoming clearer that the poor Ukrainians have been set up by the US

I agree the USA is bad and has been worse, but some anti-west individuals still cannot criticize Putin nd Russia, Trump cultists and other right wing extremists among them. I was in the US military and served with people espousing fascists gibberish, but that did not make the military fascist, unless you all are changing the meaning of words to fit your far right narrative. Something Trump/Putin cultists have done frequently the last few years.

0 ( +6 / -6 )

It's not just the Azov Battalion, there's a whole host of neo-Nazis groups who've been killing ethnic Russians for years now. Straight from the horse's mouth: Yevhen Karas the leader of Ukraine's neo-Nazi terror gang C14's speech from Kiev on February 5th this year. The cardboard figure behind Karas is Stepan Bandera, leader of the Ukrainian Nazis during WW2.


We're in the middle of the largest land war in Europe since 1945, thousands being killed, potentially millions turned into refugees, the threat of the use of nuclear weapons starting to loom larger in the background, global economic chaos about to ensue and......you want to draw our attention to the fact that some guy nobody has ever heard of was photographed in front of a cardboard cut out of another person nobody has ever heard of?

What is your point in all of this? That Putin upending world peace and launching a murderous war is justified because some of the people inside the country he is invading are bad?

2 ( +6 / -4 )

What is wrong with the western world?

Well, their main problem today seems to be that there is this deranged Russian lunatic launching a war of aggression in Ukraine. You should watch the news more closely.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

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