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Putin tells World War II Victory Day event West is waging a 'real war' on Russia


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One word, pathetic.

1 tank. ONE! A T-34. NO flyover. Could it be because all the equipment is deployed/destroyed?

And Putin does NOT look well......

Some of the veterans looked better than he did.

12 ( +23 / -11 )

Putin is a deluded fool, but a dangerous one. He could only spare one tank for his Red Square parade.

11 ( +22 / -11 )

Looked more like an armed police raid. And LOTS of space between the vehicles.....

Its almost lime he was trying to cover up the regime equivalent of male pattern baldness with a really bad comb-over.

9 ( +20 / -11 )

Seriously deluded man.

14 ( +24 / -10 )

President Vladimir Putin declared Tuesday that the West has unleashed “a real war” against Russia

Oh what rubbish. If the "west" wanted to unleash a real war, Russia wouldn't exist anymore. What the west wants is for Russia to leave Ukraine.

Putin said at the annual commemorations celebrating the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II. “

Celebrating the defeat of Nazi Germany by acting like them. Ironic.

We’re upset, but that’s all right; it will be better in the future.”

Not if Russians continue to elect corrupt kleptocrats like Putin.

14 ( +24 / -10 )

Card,the US only major NATO member in the Western Hemisphere

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

So ‘the West’ are all Nazis? I thought this was all about nazis. Nobody talks about azov anymore, it’s all NATO this and ‘the west’ that.

12 ( +20 / -8 )

Seriously deluded man

I’m not sure if he believes what he’s shoveling.

The types who support or apologize for his invasion are a lost cause.

15 ( +22 / -7 )

Putin is correct.

-17 ( +6 / -23 )

Total madman.

11 ( +20 / -9 )

“Our heroic ancestors proved that there is nothing stronger, more powerful and more reliable than our unity. There is nothing in the world stronger than our love for the motherland,” Putin said.

This kind of talk is all a bit cultish really. All countries do it, but not all countries take it so seriously.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

I’m not sure if he believes what he’s shoveling.

Probably not, Jimizo, but you have to be seriously deluded to even entertain the thought that some people who are free to think for themselves might believe it, I suppose. I mean, it beggars belief that Russia is defending civilisation.

8 ( +15 / -7 )


Card,the US only major NATO member in the Western Hemisphere

The West != Western Hemisphere.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

“A real war has been unleashed against our motherland.”

Putin's got the Orwellian double speak down.

11 ( +17 / -6 )

Sad what Russia has become under Putin.

10 ( +17 / -7 )

“A real war has been unleashed against our motherland.”

Invading nations often used this sort of language to delude their own citizens. In 1914 the Kaiser talked of, "The sword has been forced into our hands." to excuse their attempts to expand Germany's borders.

It's old schtick. but gullible citizens still fall for it. Lord know how anyone else would, but we can see on here that they still do.

5 ( +14 / -9 )

The shaky midget is a despicable individual. Fascist Russia alone is the nation that invaded innocent, sovereign Ukraine and started the war. Blaming the West is just his twisted propoganda.

As for Soviet Russia's "celebration" of victory over the Germans in WW2 (who were fighting on several fronts) no mention is made of the sickening rampage the Russians went on in Germany post war. Killing civilians, raping children and women by the millions and looting on a scale never seen. They have nothing to be proud of nor celebrate.

8 ( +17 / -9 )

The Despicable midget occupation of Japanese territory, because nobody got the guts to make him leave in Japan

-14 ( +5 / -19 )

Luckily, Putin can stop his war in an instant by simply withdrawing. Instead, he's happy to throw away 10s of thousands of Russian lives away on some fantasy. Sounds like Putin is the one who unleashed a real war on Russia.

President Vladimir Putin declared Tuesday that the West has unleashed “a real war” against Russia,

14 ( +18 / -4 )

Putin sent a double fearing for his life.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

I must say, though, if seeing human beings acting like machines is your thang, then the Russian military marchers did a better job of being in time than the British ones at the coronation.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

Fightoo,the same came be crimes of Imperial Japanese

-11 ( +4 / -15 )

Putin stated he wants peaceful stable prosperous relations with his neighbors. Tough to do with NATO pressing constantly east.

Most Europeans agree, see EU centric polling org below. Democracy in action, global destabilization with no clear benefit and Huge Risks, Not Attractive to most Polled.

Latest April Polling indicates Public Support for US NATO led Ukraine Proxy War, EU country support now approx. Half on average of Peak Support in early 2022,


Falling support's everywhere, including America, why elected leaders like Biden, record low approval ratings, 36% WA Post, even with disproportionate polling of d's.

-13 ( +7 / -20 )


President Vladimir Putin declared Tuesday that the West has unleashed “a real war” against Russia, reprising a familiar refrain at scaled-down Victory Day celebrations that may reflect the toll the Ukraine conflict is taking on his forces.

And thats a fact. May The perenial aggressors lose big time !

2 ( +7 / -5 )


Putin stated he wants peaceful stable prosperous relations with his neighbors.

Well he can start by stopping his invasions of them.

Tough to do with NATO pressing constantly east.

NATO isn't pressing east. Countries that don't want to be invade are pressing west.

Also, countries that want economic prosperity want to be part of the EU.

13 ( +18 / -5 )

Agree with Wallace.

He looked puffier in the face and his male pattern baldness was more pronounced.

Either a double or he really is in rough shape.

If it is a double, how much are they paying the poor guy to be a bullet-catcher/blast-absorber?

8 ( +15 / -7 )

An overwhelming majority of EU citizens back the bloc’s continued support for Ukraine, the latest Eurobarometer poll released Thursday shows.


8 ( +13 / -5 )

Hard to have an impressive parade of military might when most of it has been blown up. Why not a parade of T34 tanks, commemorating WW2. Then they can trundle off to Ukraine to replace the “newer” ones already lost.

It is indicative of the militarisation of russian society that the memorial of an appalling war and the huge number of dead the country suffered (never mind the leaderships responsibility for the losses being so unnecessarily high) is the parading of killing machines and nuclear missiles. They have made a cult of war and death, defining them selves by a re-written version of history and a concentration on the perceived glories of the past instead of looking to the future and dealing with the very real problems their population struggle with daily.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Wallace,they do not any choice,but too support the lost , cause because I the US Russian fear

-11 ( +2 / -13 )

Following up on yesterday's Proxy War debate. As we agreed Russia's effort to militarize Cuba in early 1960's led to US invasion of Cuba & establishment of Guantanamo Bay, Large US Military Base there today.

So analogous to today's US NATO Ukraine militarization but certainly much different times and geographies.

The US didn't do a full scale invasion of Cuba. That would be analogous but it didn't happen and the US wouldn't have botched it like Russia.

Cuba had no meaningful military, no sizable accessible proxy support and wisely changed course, US thankfully did not try to fully destabilize Cuba, and allowed their political system to remain intact.

Ukraine's has had lots of military support for many years from US and NATO Members bordering their country, not some island halfway world, that's clearly a difference.

But same outcome, military threat eliminated, just no massive senseless death destruction like Ukraine with their country hollowing out and becoming a failed state.

Cuba never under any illusion of winning War against US, their leadership not controlled by outsiders using them as proxy soldiers & body bags but rather fiduciaries.

Europeans in poll after poll below over entire course of this proxy war, see below, expressing their democratic will. Growing trending strong majorities hope to save Ukraine from continued senseless Death & Destruction, while averting VERY dangerous global escalation


-10 ( +4 / -14 )


A list of 37 reports.

Read several of them and none show the majority of Europeans no longer support Ukraine.

From the April 2023 report

"According to a multi-country survey of 29 countries, on average only 1-in-10 choose military conflict as one of the biggest issues affecting their country."

6 ( +11 / -5 )


there is no need to constantly post the same link in every one of your comments, We have it.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

One day after sending a missile (not a drone) straight into a Red Cross food warehouse on Odesa. Moral highground, where? No shame at all?

8 ( +12 / -4 )

... And Russia plays victim. Again.

6 ( +14 / -8 )


Above snap shot garbage biased agdena poll, below consistent (though biased poll) taken over course of entire proxy war conflict.


Experts Never Take 'Snap-Shot Polls' seriously, pure agenda/ propaganda. Trends matter and polling consistency matters, requires time.

-20 ( +1 / -21 )

Hard to have an impressive parade of military might when most of it has been blown up. Why not a parade of T34 tanks, commemorating WW2. Then they can trundle off to Ukraine to replace the “newer” ones already lost.

Since the Russians seem to be resurrecting a large number of their old late 1940s T-54s and 1950 era T-55s they could have rolled a quantity of them down the street and most of the crowd probably could not tell the difference between an old T-55 or a newer T-72.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Putin should have Ukraine to lend him a few tanks for the parade. Or like In NK use cardboard ones.

12 ( +16 / -4 )


how many of the 37 reports did you read?

The April one does not state the majority of Europeans no longer support Ukraine.


13 ( +17 / -4 )

Following up on yesterday's Proxy War debate. As we agreed Russia's effort to militarize Cuba in early 1960's led to US invasion of Cuba & establishment of Guantanamo Bay, Large US Military Base there today.

Someone doesn't know their basic history. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay was established in 1903 and is a by product if you will of the U capture and occupation of Cuba after the Spanish American War in 1989. It was "permanently leased" to the US as a coaling station and naval base. The lease was set at $2000 in gold each year.

15 ( +17 / -2 )


where are those private polls you claimed were at every train station in Europe?

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Gitmo should be close,and the US should stop illegal occupation of Cuba

-14 ( +3 / -17 )

DT are map literate ,where Ukrainain fate are sealed Google Ishun

-16 ( +1 / -17 )

Cuba never under any illusion of winning War against US, their leadership not controlled by outsiders using them as proxy soldiers & body bags but rather fiduciaries.

The Cuban Army has been employed in operations abroad in Vietnam as interrogators of US POWs (because they knew American English and idiom, and they had a reputation for being sadists), Algeria, Ghana, Angola, Syria, Ethiopia, El Salvador and Nicaragua. If you were around the military during the Cold War you would have known that Cubans military units were pretty much everywhere there was a war involving either a communist government or communist insurgents.

10 ( +13 / -3 )


while I agree with you on Gitmo there is no illegal occupation. The base is leased.

17 ( +17 / -0 )

Europeans Most Worried about Inflation, Guess What? It's US NATO Ukraine Proxy War driving inflation.

Food and Energy shortages due to war, check

Military spending, large increases, check

Deficit spending & rising interest rates due to war, check

Lack of housing due to Ukraine forced migration, check

Russia's inflation steadily dropping, no central money printing, very low debt levels etc. No food and energy shortages or unchecked inflation like Europe.

Many political leaders from many countries in Central Asia were there in show of their support of Russia yesterday and Putin, exactly Why?

Mid-East, Global South, Asia, etc. gets US & NATO, Greatest Destabilizing Force Modern History, only they call it 'Democracy'. Ukraine like Proxy Forces, impossible to Recruit Moving Foward & why China now so attractive!

-19 ( +2 / -21 )

European support for Ukraine has diminished.

Time for Ukraine to cut its losses.

-15 ( +5 / -20 )

Another Russian invader who finishes the job the Ukrainians started. Was not able to attend Victory Day parade.


7 ( +10 / -3 )

Russia ukraine war has a clear winner


-7 ( +2 / -9 )

The April one does not state the majority of Europeans no longer support Ukraine.


More cherry-picking. This established polling asks many questions, based on EU country. If you focus on general support for Ukraine, it's high, humanitarian, rebuilding, etc.

Question, I'm focused on, Continued Military Support for Ukraine. Case of Germany, relatively high within EU, 47% April this year support, 49% against.

Downward Trend in May very likely, high-water mark for German military support was +80% early 2022 FYI

Other countries like Italy, Spain, France, etc., double digit in most cases lower support, or higher against relative to Germany, regarding same question of continued Ukraine Military Support by their EU country.

What could be More Democratic than above polling? People across ALL EU counties expressing their will based on their self-interest and judgement.

Macron at 28% & others elected EU officials with terrible ratings, either start listening or packing your bags.

-19 ( +2 / -21 )

When "the west" invades Russia, it is with McDonald's, Starbucks and local jobs, not tanks and guns.

Remember when Russia and the world were all getting along, before Putin came to power? It was the US that was causing all the problems of the world and the US wasn't paying any attention to Russia.

Seems Putin is like a little boy wanting attention, then complaining about it when he gets it.

9 ( +12 / -3 )


Following up on yesterday's Proxy War debate. As we agreed Russia's effort to militarize Cuba in early 1960's led to US invasion of Cuba & establishment of Guantanamo Bay, Large US Military Base there today. 

You were corrected on this before but you continue to post the same misinformation. You do realize Guantanamo Naval Base was established loooooooong before 1960, right? In fact it was 1903 when the land was leased and a base established.

And the US never conducted a full invasion of Cuba. Your analogy isn’t even close to Russia’s imperialistic invasion of Ukraine!

15 ( +17 / -2 )

Cuba never under any illusion of winning War against US, their leadership not controlled by outsiders using them as proxy soldiers & body bags but rather fiduciaries.

The Cuban Army has been employed in operations abroad in Vietnam as interrogators of US POWs (because they knew American English and idiom, and they had a reputation for being sadists), Algeria, Ghana, Angola, Syria, Ethiopia, El Salvador and Nicaragua. If you were around the military during the Cold War you would have known that Cubans military units were pretty much everywhere there was a war involving either a communist government or communist insurgents.

Appreciate Cuba had role in Cold War, my point's their leadership knew Utter Futility of challenging US militarily, total destruction that would follow, like Ukraine today.

Because Cuban leadership, as true fiduciaries of Cuba, were not controlled by Outsiders using them as Proxy Fighting Forces. One might say Russians we're in this sense very ethical, not throwing Cuba to Wolves of War.

-18 ( +1 / -19 )


Following up on yesterday's Proxy War debate.

It's not a proxy war.

Ukraine's has had lots of military support for many years from US and NATO Members bordering their country, not some island halfway world, that's clearly a difference.

No, they didn't. The US started arming Ukraine when Putin annexed Crimea and invaded the Dombas.

You have it backwards. Ukraine was neutral, but when they threatened to join the EU, an economic union, not a military one, Putin invaded. That's when the military support from the west happened. As a direct result of Russian aggression.

11 ( +15 / -4 )


can you provide even a single link to one of the 37 reports showing the majority of EU countries and their people no longer support Ukraine?


14 ( +17 / -3 )

*... And Russia plays victim. Again.*

History has not been kind to the long-suffering Russian people and their nation's PTSD has always appeared in the form of victimhood, self-pity, self-recrimination and self-delusion. The Russian mentality in its frozen solitude, cut off from the mainstream culture of the West, has developed in aberrational directions producing a schizoid love-hate relationship with Western Europe. Putin is a little man who should never have risen to becoming a leader and consequently his bloated ego has been sickened by the roller-coaster contrast between the aphrodisiac of power and the gnawing knowledge of his own inferiority that also afflicts many of his fellow countrymen vis-a-vis the West. Putin's popularity survives as the very embodiment of this national trauma. But he's old and, as Russians have always self-medicated with their magnificent language, they still can comfort themselves with the well-worn words of comfort, "Everything will get better, in future!"

12 ( +16 / -4 )

DT are map literate 

What is meant here is debatable as the wording is so … um….. “nonstandard”.

But it seems as though it’s asking DT If maps are literate.

Im not sure someone who claimed that the US was the only NATO Allie in the Western Hemisphere is the best person to be making this point.

7 ( +9 / -2 )


according to the April report, 49% of Germans are opposed to increasing military spending for Ukraine while 47% support it. Not that they no longer support Ukraine.


9 ( +11 / -2 )

You were corrected on this before but you continue to post the same misinformation. You do realize Guantanamo Naval Base was established loooooooong before 1960, right? In fact it was 1903 when the land was leased and a base established.

And the US never conducted a full invasion of Cuba. Your analogy isn’t even close to Russia’s imperialistic invasion of Ukraine!

Legal arguments great, like US NATO have had ongoing presence in Ukraine for many decades, like Cuba above.

Question becomes the 'tipping point', escalation, clearly in Cuba's case it was Russian Missiles with Nukes.

Ukraine, ditto, US NATO destabilization tipping point reached, hence conflict, logical, just different time, actors, location, and scale of global impact,

Exponentially Larger Risk Today, but key difference, no outsiders using Cuba as Proxy Fighting Force, no illusion of Cuban military 'victory' etc.

-17 ( +1 / -18 )

Because Cuban leadership, as true fiduciaries of Cuba, were not controlled by Outsiders using them as Proxy Fighting Forces. One might say Russians we're in this sense very ethical, not throwing Cuba to Wolves of War.

Cuba had to supply soldiers for Soviet proxy wars as the price of cheap Soviet oil and other economic support they provided. The collapse of the USSR nearly led to the collapse of Cuba who could no longer buy cheap subsidized oil from them.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

according to the April report, 49% of Germans are opposed to increasing military spending for Ukraine while 47% support it.

It looks like that 49% includes both those who think that the current level of military spending in support of Ukraine is the right amount, as well as those who think it should be reduced or stopped altogether. The question is about the acceptability of increased military spending, not the existence of military spending. The 47% are for those who support an increase in spending (from their current levels).

Don't let Clay get it twisted. We know why he is here.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

P.S. Bakhmut holds

6 ( +11 / -5 )


Legal arguments great, like US NATO have had ongoing presence in Ukraine for many decades, like Cuba above.

That is not even 1% correct. There have never been NATO troops in Ukraine.

The current Ukraine was formed after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Not "many decades".

10 ( +14 / -4 )

History has not been kind to the long-suffering Russian people and their nation's PTSD has always appeared in the form of victimhood, self-pity, self-recrimination and self-delusion. The Russian mentality in its frozen solitude, cut off from the mainstream culture of the West, has developed in aberrational directions producing a schizoid love-hate relationship with Western Europe. Putin is a little man who should never have risen to becoming a leader and consequently his bloated ego has been sickened by the roller-coaster contrast between the aphrodisiac of power and the gnawing knowledge of his own inferiority that also afflicts many of his fellow countrymen vis-a-vis the West. Putin's popularity survives as the very embodiment of this national trauma. But he's old and, as Russians have always self-medicated with their magnificent language, they still can comfort themselves with the well-worn words of comfort, "Everything will get better, in future!"

Throughout their history Russian and Soviet leaders filled state coffers with the proceeds of vodka and tobacco sales. Keeping their people drunk and poor has historically made Russian leaders, including Vladimir Putin, wealthy and kept them in power.


9 ( +14 / -5 )

provide even a single link to one of the 37 reports showing the majority of EU countries and their people no longer support Ukraine?


Their separate PDF files, no links, easy to open, look at from standpoint of EU country, date and question.

My comments above, relate to question of 'Continued Military Support for Ukraine', how it's trending DOWN steadily across EU countries over time.

Less EU Country Support for, More against such Support, regarding their EU country's Ukraine Military Support.

Democracy, EU People's Voice being Clearly Expressed, I hope we all agree, it's healthy Democratic debate!

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

The leader of the Wagner group claimed in a video broadcast today that Russian soldiers have deserted their posts in Bakhmut.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

More disinformation, fog of war, dogfood for fools etc.

-14 ( +3 / -17 )


Their separate PDF files, no links, easy to open, look at from standpoint of EU country, date and question.

I thought since you posted the link so many times you could have provided one showing the majority of EU no longer support Ukraine. Very easy, open and copy and paste the link.

Like this one for April 2023.


12 ( +14 / -2 )


More disinformation, fog of war, dogfood for fools etc.

What does that even mean? If you are talking about the video by the leader of the Wagner Group, I watched it on Euronews this morning.

11 ( +14 / -3 )

Congrats on the PDF, too many to choose from, timeseries very helpful as I wrote above, as is EU country and question itself.

Like this one for April 2023.


US NATO led Proxy War, funding military & civilian needs, while supporting Ukraine with intel, logistics, etc. while providing ZERO combatants or kinetic based attacks.

PROXY folks, Mrs. Clinton said so on MSNB just this Spring, there's no US NATO led Ukraine Proxy debate.

-11 ( +4 / -15 )


-2 ( +1 / -3 )


like I thought I don't think you read those files. I did read several. But couldn't find any to back you up. There are only 37 and you couldn't provide a link to a single one to back u your claims.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

Latest April Polling indicates Public Support for US NATO led Ukraine Proxy War, EU country support now approx. Half on average of Peak Support in early 2022,

Except it is not.

8 ( +12 / -4 )

Yet Russia is killing REAL people in Ukraine. Tens of thousands of men, women & children.

10 ( +14 / -4 )


US NATO led Proxy War, funding military & civilian needs, while supporting Ukraine with intel, logistics, etc. while providing ZERO combatants or kinetic based attacks.

Nope. Not a proxy war. How can you tell? Countries only started giving military aid to Ukraine after Putin invaded in 2014.

PROXY folks, Mrs. Clinton said so on MSNB just this Spring, there's no US NATO led Ukraine Proxy debate.

Nope. She didn't. She mentioned a happy side-effect of Putin's imperialism is that he is running down his military and hence becomes less of a threat in the region. But that is Putin's choice. He chooses this course of action.

Not a proxy war folks.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Maybe Mini Me should declare war on the west then if he is so anxious to end Russia.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Very good, u_s__reamer. I'll drink to that.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

History has not been kind to the long-suffering Russian people

Russia did not suffer the most in WW2 and I'm guessing not in WW1 or earlier wars. If you have a bloated empire, you are going to have problems with separatists and other empires. Don't feel at all sorry for them.

2 ( +9 / -7 )

Ukraine, ditto, US NATO destabilization tipping point reached, hence conflict, logical, just different time, actors, location, and scale of global impact,

You can't even describe what the tipping point was or when it happened. I'm sorry, but even with the poor capabilities of the Russian military Javelins and Training are not a tipping point.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

Appreciate Cuba had role in Cold War, my point's their leadership knew Utter Futility of challenging US militarily, total destruction that would follow, like Ukraine today.

Guantanamo Bay is not a major population center and represents a minuscule percentage of Cuba's coastline. Also Cuba is not filled with English speakers the US is actively "liberating".

4 ( +7 / -3 )

The purpose is not to inform anyone, just distract and deflect to change the topic.


like I thought I don't think you read those files. I did read several. But couldn't find any to back you up. There are only 37 and you couldn't provide a link to a single one to back u your claims.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

President Vladimir Putin declared Tuesday that the West has unleashed “a real war” against Russia

He is correct. In this case the "West" is basically the US and all the countries it controls.

scaled-down Victory Day celebrations that may reflect the toll the Ukraine conflict is taking on his forces.

Scaled down because Ukraine and the West have been carrying out terrorist activities (e.g. bombing public areas) inside Russia.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

Taiwan,why are you so insecure, American do not care about your anxiety,get some Xanax for anxiety

-14 ( +1 / -15 )

Scaled down because Ukraine and the West have been carrying out terrorist activities (e.g. bombing public areas) inside Russia.

If the West was carrying out bombings Putin would know it as he would be working and living out of a mobile trailer. If Russia is concerned about terrorisim, perhaps it shouldn't terrorize its neighbors.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

Raw Beer

Scaled down because Ukraine and the West have been carrying out terrorist activities (e.g. bombing public areas) inside Russia.

Scaled down because they are running out of tanks, and the tanks that they do have are part of the invasion. The only bombing in Russia is by Ukraine on military targets. The West haven't been carrying out any terrorist activities.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

I must say, though, if seeing human beings acting like machines is your thang, then the Russian military marchers did a better job of being in time than the British ones at the coronation.

North Korea puts on a pretty good show, too. Starvation and gulags probably do wonders to keep the marching in line.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

North Korea puts on a pretty good show, too. Starvation and gulags probably do wonders to keep the marching in line.

My favorite is when the theme to “Saturday Night fever” is dubbed over the DORK army marching.

Maybe mini-me could try that?

3 ( +6 / -3 )

West is waging a 'real war' on Russia

..and all Russia has been doing is a 'special operation'. And Putin does look like an abused child in that picture...

Now, as Russia has been sending drones at Kiev, it would not be totally unjustified for the west to put in a precision drone, and end this conflict...

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Card,the US only major NATO member in the Western Hemisphere

Canada was a founding member of NATO. I don’t think Canadians consider themselves a minor member of the alliance. And, at last report, Canada is still in the Western Hemisphere as is Chile.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Following up on yesterday's Proxy War debate. As we agreed Russia's effort to militarize Cuba in early 1960's led to US invasion of Cuba & establishment of Guantanamo Bay, Large US Military Base there today.

Guantanamu was established in 1903 after the Spanish-American War. Nothing to do with Russians.

What’s this “As we agreed …” false history? Just google it.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Remember when Russia and the world were all getting along, before Putin came to power? It was the US that was causing all the problems of the world and the US wasn't paying any attention to Russia.

You seem to have slept through the Cold War. It makes an interesting read. Russia, or the mythical Soviet Union if you prefer, was very active around the world - and not just with distributing the collected works of V. I. Lenin.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

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