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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Putin vows to press invasion until Russia's goals are met
By YURAS KARMANAU and ADAM SCHRECK KYIV, Ukraine©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Well that's going to be difficult considering that one of the main goals was taking Kyiv, executing Zelenskyy and installing a puppet president in Kyiv.
The Avenger
Every one of the Mariupol fighters is a hero. Please God let them get the support they need.
We must grind Putin into the ground like we are putting out a cigarette.
But it's doubtful those 'western officials' will do much of anything to try to limit Putin's slaughters, regardless what Putin's ZZstormtroopers do. Russia remains one of the global power's most important gas stations, and the global economy that the powers control is stuck in the fossil era unable to make progress away from burning huge amounts of gas and oil.
Putin has come to think he can have his Zazi forces do whatever he wants them to do to civilians, women and children, and he can continue to sit safely one of his palaces well protected, he knows the global fossils will not allow him to be touched. Putin is as mad as Hitler. Putin remains idolized by the extreme right, anti-democracy herds and hordes in Russia and around the globe, and controls a global media empire pushing his propaganda. Putin wants more territory and might actually use nukes to take what he wants, maybe chemical weapons, too. He's a sick little male.
Sh1mon M4sada
What he meant is, he'll continues with war crimes and destroys as much of Ukraine as the world will let him. He's done it to a friendly country (Syria). Anyone who think sanctions will sway him to a different course to a perceived enemy is living in a delusion.
Generals after generals have said publicly, against 'Whitehouse' policy. Putin has a huge advantage against Ukraine, why would he do any different just because of ineffective sanctions. In fact sanctions themselves has given him massive support, eg from China, India, Venezuela, Iran ....AND it's dividing the west, eg Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland.
Under this POTUS, the appearance of democratic unity is hidden by massive dilution of values and morals, and a shift towards unilateral self interest at the expense of humanity.
Why can’t they say Azov or neo-nazis?
Ukraine government is reaping what sowed by being corrupt,in an arms deal that would of gotten them 155 mm Artillery,the same arms they are now begging for,they could of been able to Access,US Excalibur Artillery Shell,these shell can take out a target,with single shot with a 92 percentage kill rate Google Ukrainian 155 mm Arms Scandal Google US Excalibur Artillery Shell
In Mariupol, a strategic port city in the Donbas, a Ukrainian regiment defending a steel mill claimed a drone dropped a poisonous substance on the city.
As this conflict drags on, it seems more easily transportable , automated and drone weapons will be used.
And like other conflicts spur weapons development and testing.
Bob Fosse
Why can’t you also quote the VERY NEXT SENTENCE in the article?
Nothing funny about it.
Sh1mon M4sada
No they haven't. Most generals fully back Biden's policy.
The sanctions aren't ineffective. They are costing Russia and the way it can finance any further pushes. You may have noticed Russia has recently defaulted on foreign debt. This severely limits Putin's ability in this war.
Aly Rustom
Kind of like Operation Barbarossa. And like Hitler, Putin is also hiding away in a bunker. History repeats itself.
How? Sanctions aren’t working the Rupel is making a comeback.
Let's see . . . given a choice between a "special military operation" for "peace-keeping" by The Put's military and his lethal muppets? Or an invasion by countless legions of plague-bearing sewer rats? Wow! Tough choice!
No, they are not.
You are making my point for me.
If the above is true, it should have been easy to provide links.
How about I just rewrite it adding some truth and propaganda adjectives.
In Mariupol, a strategic port city in the Donbas, the brutal neo-nazi Azov Regiment defending a steel mill, accused of killing civilians and other atrocities and now part of the Ukrainian military, possibly out of desperation claimed a drone dropped a poisonous substance on the city. It indicated there were no serious injuries. The assertion by the far-right group, could not be independently verified.
Oh au contraire, it’s quite funny to see the MSM splice and dice and hide its way out of saying neo-nazi instead going with “far-right” which is not the same as idolizing Nazi Germany and Hitler.
And let’s take a look at this piece of work.
The claim was “dropped a poisonous substance on the city”.
If the neo-nazi AZOV’s are stuck and surrounded (which they are) in a steel mill, how would they know? Mariupol is a big city.
You should realize that this ONE claim, whether true or not has already escalated the situation. Rather conveniently I would say. And let’s be clear the US and Israel have no problem using phosphorus weapons, which is probably what it is, if it’s even true.
so the Azov/neo-Nazi narrative of chemical weapons being used is already falling apart in less than 24 hours?
Sure Vlad, like we all believe everything you say - you know, like when you said just a month before your invasion; "We intend and will strive to negotiate with our partners on the issues that we have raised in order to resolve them diplomatically,"
And those goals - I guess they include re-energizing NATO, sinking Nordstream 2, making Russia a pariah in the world, crushing the Russian economy, and putting Norway and Sweden on the path to NATO membership...
Indeed, those goals are progressing nicely...
What is not nice is your barbarian acts of brutality and war crimes against innocent Ukrainian men, women, and children - especially the children... State-sponsored brutality on the same scale as Stalin.
Now we hear Vlad is so angry at his invasion failure, he is planning an even larger attack on upcoming US 2022/24 elections - just like he did in 2016 - as verified by the Repub-led Senate Select Intel Committee....,to%20Hillary%20Clinton's%20presidential%20campaign.
Will the MAGA-masses once again be manipulated into doing Putin's work for him?
Sadly, I think the answer is yes...
He already has one convert working for him even now - Tucker "Comrade" Carlson...
Bob Fosse
Complaining about media bias by cherry picking quotes and putting them out of context is hypocritical at best.
Putin can vow whatever deranged nonsense he wants, one thing for sure is the West will continue to ramp up the pressure on Russia until Putin and the rest of his cronies have been tried for war crimes and end up 'on display' in Red Square.
The war crimes of Russia's Neo-Nazi Wagner group and Sparta Battalion indicate that the threat of Russian chemical weapons is real.
Sh1mon M4sada
You can say it, doesn't mean it changes the facts. But ask yourself why has the destruction just keeping coming, why deaths and sufferings keep coming, cities keeps crumbling. This is working for elites, do as I say not as I do types, but it isn't working for the average person in Ukraine or anywhere else for that matter.
hypocritical at best eh? That’s pretty weak.
Apparently you dont know how propaganda works in these corporate/government media times.
Doesn't this just make you mad as hell?
It's like Hitler's been re-born.
Sh1mon M4sada
Effective sanctions, yet USA go on hand and knees to ask Venezuela for cooperation, urges China, urges India. Let's now talk about how Germany is sending more Euros to Russia now than before the war started. How is it working for Ukrainian in 2022?
Interesting observation and so many parallels to that point, even our non-involvement while people in Ukraine are dying as so many died in Germany back in the 1930’s and took its toll and a few years before the US got fully involved. Will history repeat itself?
Russia has been supporting neo-Nazis and white supremacists for years, including mercenaries and separatists who have waged war on Ukraine since 2014.
Russia's neo-Nazi Wagner Group:
”will history repeat itself?”
It looks like it already is. Just look at the contempt that the Russians have for the Ukrainian civilians. Systematic rapes and murders seem to be encouraged or at least condoned from the top down. Truly atrocious.
This just in from the BBC:
They got him.
Ukraine says it has arrested fugitive pro-Russian politician Viktor Medvedchuk, seen as President Vladimir Putin's closest ally in the country.
Mr Medvedchuk, who says President Putin is godfather to his daughter, is a wealthy businessman who leads the pro-Russian Opposition Platform - For Life party.
We all know that the only way to limit the butchery of civilians is for someone to bump off Putin.
But world leaders are an elite club. They won't bump off one of their own. Those are the rules that protect them. Tens of thousands of innocent civilians can die, but our leaders will stick by the rules of their game.
In WWII, a thousand bomber raid on Hitler's bunker would have ended the war. Instead the allies bombed Dresden.
Allowing so many to die simply to preserve the rule that leaders are sacrosanct is a crime against humanity.
When it comes to reporting what's happening in Ukraine, the Sun reporters really are stupid and its readers too apparently:
Bob Fosse
Nope. You complained they didn’t use the word Azov. The sentence you decided not to quote called them the right wing Azov battalion.
Now that’s apparently not enough for you and are complaining that Hitler, The US and Israel weren’t mentioned.
But sure, tell me all about propaganda.
So the supposed chemical weapons attack, propaganda?
Sh1mon M4sada
Yes. That is called doing your job and trying to convince as many countries as possible to join in.
Well Germany shut down their nuclear power plants after Fukushima and are quite dependant on Russian natural gas and oil. But they are trying to move away from that dependance.
You are looking at the wrong side of this. Sanctions are severely cutting Russia's options in the future of this war.
Putin vows to press invasion until Russia's goals are met
This is the reality,
Any atrocity is acceptable,
The genocide, rape of women and children.
The inhuman acts of depravity.
Zichi, Russian GDP is smaller than California,20 billion a day is a stretch,the US economy burn through 50 billion dollar a day in GDP Google Russia GDP Versus California GDP
What a mess. And no one seems to be willing to anything other than escalate. I doubt sanctions and other half hearted measures will do anything to bring about some kind of peace
Sanctions are working.
Yes, they are.
How exactly are sanctions working? Deterrence? Stopping the killing?
Here is another reason no one has much interest in stopping this
Hello Kitty 321
America is going to keep this war going as long as possible to continue to profit from arms, gas and oil exports (not to mention the money it has stolen from Russia).
None of those. The sanctions hit Russia's economy and hence their ability to finance the future of this war. It limits Putin's options.
Propaganda aside, this is a fight Ukraine will lose.
Russia will take extensive territory, (a la Finland).
Ukraine will be dismembered and still prevented from joining NATO.
The Pentagon itself reckons that Russia still retains 80% of their pre-assembled invasion forces. That's just out of the 120 K they mobilised for Ukraine.
Russia can call in millions if push comes to shove.
This in itself should put paid to all the rumous concerning "hugely insurmountable Russian losses".
N.B. I have already checked for US sources; do the same!
Hello Kitty 321
Not sure how that works. The US is giving arms to Ukraine.
That's a massive blow and will badly affect their performance in the future of this war.
No, it cannot. Nowhere close. They are recruiting conscripts now that they expect to use in 3 months. That's how desparate they are.
Biden playing chess, while Putin playing with himself
Russia has 1 million active duty personnel
Russia has 2 million reserves.
Losing 20% out of 120 K a blow for such a country?!
Unless in your scenario only Russia is losing military personnel!
Viktor Cernatinskij
For very long time everyone knew who is Putin, however mostly preferred to kiss his rear... and pretend that everything is fine...
Mr. Zelenskiy have won the battle under Kiev??
Strange thing, even Ukrainian propaganda say nothing about this “great victory” even great commander Mr. Zelenskiy keep silence about this great battle.
if you are quoting the president, the quote must be accurate.
By the way, today in Mariupol 1,000 Ukrainian marines surrendered to Russian troops and militia of the southeast.
Sven Asai
As for me, I keep it simple. They once were anti-fascist and fought the Nazis together. And now they’re both neo-nazi regimes themselves, one wants extent it’s empire size to former dimensions and beyond (Medvedev even twittered something like from Portugal to regained Alaska…lol). And the other smaller regime wants to build a new and separated nation out from where not has really been any before, which is now overlapping with the territory of the bigger neo-nazi regime. The outcome is not good, however it will look like. If the Ukraine ‘wins’, the rebuilding costs us more than a lump sum and own future and ‘beaten’ Russia will search for other expansion successes. And the other way, if the Russians ‘win’, they will not only have the own resources left that were spared due to boycotts or sanctions, but they also gain the Ukrainian resources additionally, which together with the internal rebuilding pushes up their economy by factors, a bigger GDP and as all other countries resources and fossils ran out quicker, they could demand moon prices for their more last remaining ones. In fact, the West will ‘lose’ that conflict finally. Unless you take the stick and beat all two of them, which is the only option nearly free of mistake.
Olegek,only a loser would root for Putin,if Russian loved,their country,why in hell has most of their life been miserable,only difference between Russian and Afghanistan , Russian can waddle in their by getting drunk
Dead man walking (Putin) is dreaming. He has already shifted the goal post from full take over to only a few square km in the east. Like dead man walking is force to use chemical weapon in Malipol . This action just show the moral of the troops on the ground how will lay down when to going get hard.
Pro-Russian nazis (look at the Nazi SS skull badge on the uniform) receiving awards in the bombed-out Donetsk from the DPR leader. Video is from April 4th.
Kind of puts paid to the idea that "denazification" is taking place, doesn't it?
Also for anyone interested, here's a list of all the Nazi, Neo-Nazi and far-right extremist military groups operating in Russia:
Very strange for me. Whole Russian ideology after 1941 was built on the anti-nazi theses.
It's a ideological base for Moscow in last 80 years.
This is the cornerstone of Russian politics.
The problem is - you just can't just "assign" an ideology for one country or another.
No, they’re not.
After a massive 30% plunge at the beginning of March, the Russian Ruble is making a solid comeback, despite the ongoing conflict and economic sanctions. Following the harsh sanctions enacted by governments around the world, the Russian Ruble plummeted to a value of around one U.S. cent. It has now climbed its way back up to near its full value.
And is nowhere near finished or giving up or looking like he’s starving or desperate.
Peeping Tom - if what you are predicting comes to pass, I would certainly hope that Ukraine is offered NATO membership to prevent this from happening again.
Olegek why do Russian blame their misery on the west,maybe Russian should take a 12th recovery approach,like most Alcoholic
That ugly, smirking fizzog makes me want to punch my computer screen.
Blah blah blah.
Even if you DO win this war, Pudding-Head - it's gonna cost you many of your troops and resources. Maybe guerilla fighting will occur which will make it worse for you. And you have doo-doo all over your face! You have NO nations on your side now.
As of Putin cares if he loses forces, they can always be replaced. Look at the generals, so many were killed, I think about nine of them and he’s pretty much you place them all and especially the main one that seeing this operation is a nasty one who led the campaign to kill many Americans in Syria, so I think the lasting Putin is doing is regretting his move, he’s doubling down in fact
Boom! Er, perhaps time to ‘come in from the cold’ ? - While Russian people may not take any particular offense to it, haven’t heard ‘real’ people use that ‘Cold War’ term from Russia’s leaders & their military’ since …
well, … the Cold War.
“The Ruskies have moved missile carriers to its border with Finland.” - “The Ruskies have used chemical weapons.” -tokyo-star
Russia wants to push its territory up to the capathians and other easily defensible borders to reduce military costs required for securing those borders against a future invasion from the west. thing is, no one has wanted to invade russia since hitler, and not now especially with nukes.
putler also wants ukraine's resources (strange that millions of barrels of oil were found in donbass around 2013....?!!) and the black fertile soil in the south east, as well as coastal access to the black sea. this would economically ruin ukraine, and russia will be able to plunder all the resources and secure its southern flank.
when will russia grow out of its medieval mindset--its the 21st century and most ex-warsaw pact countries are playing by the rules and integrating with the international community after freeing themselves from the soviet jackboot.
Maybe Ukraine should beat them back then take Russian borderlands as a buffer. Take back Crimera too. Maybe people will want freedom over Putin
Just call them what the Ukrainian soldiers facing them call them.