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© Copyright 2022 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Russia strikes annexed area; more bodies in liberated zones
By ADAM SCHRECK KYIV, Ukraine©2025 GPlusMedia Inc.
Putin is delusional, he reminds me of a certain western politician who actually believes all he has to do is imagine something for it to become real. And Russia has Putin as leader until 2036, meaning the world, especially the west (now seen by some as anyone anywhere that doesn't want to obey Russia, China plus others in their bloc) have to be concerned for several years to come about Putin using up one, maybe more of Russia's thousands of nukes. Or maybe the west has to worry about one of Putin's backers like North Korea's Kim using one of his nukes. No wonder so many people are leaving the Putin Federation, they understand Mutually Assured Destruction, so they know the west could retaliate if Mad Vlad goes further mad.
Kremlin reign in your mad men.
Putin is a psycho armed with nuclear weapons. 10,000 young Russian men fleeing the country every day.
Bob Fosse
I keep hearing that this war started 14 years ago because of civilians being killed in these areas. Now Russia are killing civilians in these areas. Civilians that Russia claim are Russians.
So, the last ‘justification’ for this unjustifiable war just flew out of the window. Hopefully putin flies out of a window soon after.
Kremlin officials are openly suggesting the Minister of Defense shoot himself reflects a new attitude by Russia. Previously this would not be allowed. But now it is.
This suggests that Putin knows that Russia’s fortunes are not going to be turned around. Instead, they are laying the groundwork with the Russian people for the scapegoat or scapegoats.
Today is Putin’s 70th birthday. 70 is a big one.
No doubt in February Putin was already making plans for the celebration.
There would be a quick victory over Ukraine. A victory parade. The Russian Army would be feared and respected. Putin’s military prowess would be praised. The West would bow reverentially when the name Vladimir Putin was spoken. His 70th birthday would be the culmination of a long and storied career.
Instead, the war is still going on. Russia is losing - Badly. The Russian Army has become the butt of jokes worldwide.The West has no fear or respect for Russia. People within Russia are planning his ouster. Even his allies like Kadyrov and Prigozhin have abandoned him.
What was to be an illustrious celebration is just the opposite. The end of a career. Without glory. In defeat and ignominy. With humiliation. With hate from your own people.
My how things have changed since February.
Having watched the Ukrainian military they are steps ahead of their Russian counterparts, this loss of three villages is probably another ruse to draw the Russians forward into another trap. Not too concerned. Overall as we are seeing the Russian military infrastructure fail at all levels, sending 300,000 poorly equiped, poorly trained and poorly motivated and led troops into battle, compounding the problem not helping it. Just a thought.
News are biased. News should be impartial and should not pass judgement of whether an action is legal or ilegal, whether is from Russia or Ukraine. When a news outlet sides with a party or point of view, it leans towards propaganda. I just read the news but do not take sides. The World is full of lies and deceit. If we take sides, in the end we become self-righteous.
let’s list vlad’s achievements for this year (so far) ;
Increased NATO membership
Increased NATO unity & commitment to resisting Russia
increased US military industry revenue
destroyed Russia’s economy
destroyed Russia’s military reputation
lost millions of jobs
lost 100’s of 1000’s of young men (either killed or fled)
Lost 1000’s of highly educated people to the west
The Avenger
Russia cannot win on front line with Ukrainian army, and it prefers to fight with Ukrainian civilians.
They kill women and children and run from soldiers.
So if you were around during World War 2 and read about Nazi aims and atrocities in the newspapers, you'd still think that Hitler was an OK guy, as in no worse than Churchill or Roosevelt?
Desert Tortoise
Au contraire, the press has a duty to report the actions of governments and private parties, discuss relevant laws (local, national or international) and expose instances of lawbreaking. Only then is there accountability.
The homicidal maniac in the Kremlin is bad for Ukraine, bad for Russia, and bad for the world. If only someone would do something about him.
Putin: Yesterday we annexed these areas in Ukraine - they are part of Mother Russia and all the people are proud Russian citizens which we will protect and defend...
Reporter: But today you launched bomb and missile attacks against these same areas - killing in your words Russian citizens...exactly the same as you did in 1999 when the FSB bombed apartments in Moscow and you blamed it on the Chechens...
Putin: Someone take this reporter up to the eighth floor and show him the view from a window...
Desert Tortoise
In all likelihood any western military action would be confined strictly to conventional arms. Finding and destroying tactical nuclear weapons is one of the primary missions of the F-35 now in service with the USAF and several NATO allies. It is the heir to the F-117 in that regard. Command and control facilities could be attacked including Mr. Putin's fabled bunker with conventional arms. The B-2 can carry a pair of 15 ton, 15 ton, hard target penetrator bombs designed specifically for that mission. All without having to escalate to nuclear warfighting. And NATO has the means to know if the Russians are preparing to use nuclear weapons and destroy them before they can be employed in combat. The Russians know this too, and they have no means to deal with B-2s or F-35s. They are more or less helpless against them.
Desert, well said !
Desert Tortoise
I don't know if anyone else caught this but the Russians are using S-300 air defense missiles for ground attack. S-300 is an older legacy long range air defense system that the west long ago figured out how to defeat. It was replaced in front line service for the Russians by the newer and more capable S-400 system, though some nations still rely on S-300 as their main air defense weapon (some nations still rely on 1960s vintage systems). So it looks like the Russians are expending their S-300s as a surface to surface missile. Being a smaller, lighter and faster air defense missile it will have a small warhead, and the warhead it has is designed to chuck a bunch of metal rods in a pattern and shred the wings or fuselage of an aircraft to cause it to catch fire and crash, not blow up ground targets. It tells the gentle reader that Russia has mostly depleted its stocks of dedicated air to surface and surface to surface missiles and isn't able to build new ones fast enough to support their combat expenditure rates.
Putin is attacking, shelling, and bombing his own people in the annexed zones.
Putin: i will win the hearts and minds of the people of Ukraine
Reporter: how ?
Putin: by killing them of course. They will love me for it. Women and children are easy to kill didnt you know.
Kremlin, rein in your mad leader and any others following him down the hole he's dug for his nation and others. Westerners that have claimed Putin is so smart, do you still think so? I know Putin's Ukraine debacle is not over yet, but the little mad male has blundered so many times, and all he has left is a gas station that's leaking badly, poisoning his country and lands nearby.
If Russia truly believes they now control it, why are they missing their own area.
Wait, I thought you said it failed about a month ago. Now it's failed again? Hopefully they keep failing all the way to the real Russian border.
Even Russia is not that dumb. Destroy a few satellites and none will be safe due to the amount of space debris generated. China conducted a test and destroyed one satellite a few years ago; they pissed off every country for this reason. The benefit is not that great, even ignoring the debris issue.
putin & his few remaining scientists aren’t that smart.
neither is anyone who believes their bs
Russia definitely shouldn't be invited to the Reindeer Games. Kick them out of every multi-national organizations they belong to.
In 1984, the US destroyed satellites in orbit multiple times with missiles launched by F-15s. The news covered it.
I did see where Russia was saying they'd kill some Starlink satellites a few weeks ago. There were over 2300 Starlink satellites in orbit in August with 12,000 planned. I don't see Russia being able to take out anywhere that number of satellites without destroying their own space assets. Getting to the exact same orbit requires careful planning and timing. It can be done, but Russia doesn't have the ability to launch that many a-SATs. It will take years if not decades. Putin will be dead by then.
They’ll never give up on their murderous ways, especially when they’re losing..
Desert Tortoise
The Russians briefly jammed Starlink but the operators came up with ways to defeat the jamming in about a day and the Russians haven't tried to jam them again.
By doing what exactly? Defending their sovereign territory from a foreign invasion based on a bs lie?
I guess the 500+ dead civilians with their hands bound and evidence of torture we all Nazis, eh?
Or maybe it’s the Russians exhibiting Nazism?
Desert Tortoise
SM-3 demonstrated the ability to destroy an orbiting satellite as well. But what keeps the Russians and Chinese up at night tossing and turning is the X-37B.
I thought the same thing when I saw the S-300 being used as a surface to surface missile.
They must be out of dedicated crap surface to surface ordinance. This is a sign of desperation and will come back to bite them if they need to do air defense of Russia proper.
our FOOD and GAS price will never go back to what it was here in Japan. The outcome of this war is going get nasty once Russia deploys bioweapons and tactical nukes. Russia is likely waiting for the winter to begin heavy strikes as its around the corner. Stay safe lets hope hell doesn't break loose and like I have mentioned don't expect food price to go down even if Ukrain wins the war. No win to win situation here.
With regard to the picture accompanying the article, could there be a better metaphore for failure in this BS war, oops "Special Military Operation" than a dud Russian rocket sticking out of the ground in the middle of an empty forest?
Kind of says it all, doesn't it?
Desert Tortoise
No, not true. It was clear Mr. Putin was making a veiled threat to employ nuclear weapons. Btw, short of an unrestricted nuclear war between the US and Russia, the Russians are not going to start shooting down US satellites. The minute the Russians try, the US will start shooting Russia's satellites down. Russia has a lot fewer satellites up there than the US does. Shooting down an adversary's satellites is considered self defeating.