Japan Today

Russia to hold joint war games with China in Far East, Sea of Japan


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Russia and China train together and its shocking news to some. The US does this with its vassal states, sorry allies, on a regular basis. Just this month there were exercises in Japan, Indonesia the huge annual show of force in South Korea.

There was a time within my own living memory where China and the old USSR very nearly went to war. Mao backed down at the last minute fearing nuclear destruction while the Soviets chewed their nails fearing the kinds of human waves the PLA was famous for that the Soviet Army could not stop short of going nuclear. The mutual hatred lasted decades with the Russians to this day fearing someday China would try to make good on its claims to what is now Russian land in their far east. The Russians also greatly resent the Chinese buying a small lot of one of their premium weapons or combat aircraft, reverse engineering it and then producing them in China for use by their armed forces and for sale abroad, denying Russian manufacturers business they think should be theirs. So Russia and China cooperate for now because both sides see mutual benefit but it is not a permanent thing. China for sure is never going to risk their military to save the Russians from some misadventure while Russia simply lacks the resources to aid China in any significant way. Only if they both faced the same enemy at the same time would they fight together. China has never renounced their claims to what is currently Russia's far east and Russia couldn't stop the Chinese if the Chinese moved on that land.

14 ( +21 / -7 )

The non-alarmist news here is that the exercise is greatly scaled back from previous years. In 2018, over 300,000 Russian soldiers took part, this time it is 50,000.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

I feel the US could go beastmode on China and Russia

I assume you will be at the head of the queue of the handful of Americans who might enlist in the military to do so. I have no desire to see the Russia/China/Iran/North Korea axis have any more power and control than they already have, but have even less desire to see that bloc of authoritarian states involved in any more wars, same with the US.

If people want to see states like Russia and Iran weakened, then push for more development of alternatives to burning huge amounts of polluting, toxic fumes spewing oil and gas.

12 ( +19 / -7 )

Russia and China...the 2 biggest warmongering countries and the 2 biggest threat for world peace.

Just add North Korea and the 3 as...les are complete.

11 ( +31 / -20 )

Most Russians don't trust the Chinese, they know they can't be trusted.

The Chinese are more similar to Americans than Russians.

The West did everything wrong, put together in the same side Russians and Chinese is not a good deal for the West and especially Japan.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

The only thing shocking is that this is the top story of the day. I don't think people care much about military drills unless they pose a threat or disturb sea traffic.

Russia and China train together and its shocking news to some. The US does this with its vassal states, sorry allies, on a regular basis. Just this month there were exercises in Japan, Indonesia the huge annual show of force in South Korea.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

But, Japan doesn't. The US has nuclear weapons on aircraft and naval vessels on Japanese soil and in its territorial waters.

Nope. The US removed all the nuclear weapons from their surface ships and SSNs in the 1990s. Since then only the SSBNs, the ballistic missile subs, have carried nuclear weapons. The last nuclear armed Tomahawk was disposed of in 2012. Since the SSBNs do not make foreign port calls you never have any US owned nuclear weapons in Japan or its territorial waters. The only place you find US owned nuclear weapons on foreign soil any more are in NATO member countries.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

BRICS has surpassed the G7

The combined GDP of the BRICS is about $27 Trillion. The combined GDP of the G7 is around $45 Trillion. None of the BRICS have the per-capita income or as high a standard of living of any G7 nation.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Despite holding the Brazilian citizenship, I would gladly join the Japanese Self-Defense forces if required, allowed. My father is Japanese and despite not speaking Japanese would gladly support this nation against any coward attack from external enemies. Would be marvelous if Russia and China engage in humanitarian actions to fight poverty worldwide instead of silly provocations against Japan.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Hello India! That bastion of democracy and “pillar” of The Quad.

India will take part in the land based exercises in Russia but will not take part in maritime drills in the Sea of Japan.


US will undoubtedly be unhappy about India taking part in Vostok 2022, but since US continues to maintain its strategic relationship with Pakistan there is no reason why India should spoil its relationship with Russia.

India is not the only country playing both sides of the fence here.

4 ( +8 / -4 )

The West has provoked Moscow to invade Ukraine and if that is not enough, Pelosi provoked China by visiting Taiwan. This is an intentional provocation to create crises - war, shortage of energy and food supply, inflation, recession, etc. because these global unelected elites thrive and gain power and control through crises. Never let a good crisis go to waste. When everything is dire and hopeless, they can offer solutions in exchange for your rights and freedom.

4 ( +13 / -9 )

Yeah, and the US, Canadian and British militaries are planning huge joint exercises again. All countries do this with their allies. Unfortunately the British flagship carrier broke down before making it to the Atlantic, but we were willing. As a Brit, looking at the current state of our armed forces and economy, I'll hold off on any jibes at Russia and China.


4 ( +7 / -3 )

While the training between two allied countries is normal, the quality of the nations involved is the concern. China and Russia still can't TRUST each other, and others don't TRUST them. Both have corrupt inept government leadership that believes that power, control, manipulation, and deceit = earning global respect.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The Russians will supply the sinking ships and exploding tanks.

The Chinese will supply the life jackets and the burn ointment.

3 ( +15 / -12 )

My understanding is that the Russian army doesn't have the common courtesy to give those.

(source: Gunnery Sgt. Hartman)


3 ( +4 / -1 )

In another pic you can see there whole bodies a and it shows they doing the conga.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Ok so all countries do these “ war games “ what’s the problem ?

3 ( +6 / -3 )


it Is about time Japan publicly declared it has nuclear weapons on its soil as a warning.

But, Japan doesn't. The US has nuclear weapons on aircraft and naval vessels on Japanese soil and in its territorial waters. And, Russia and China are very aware of it already.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

All the ammunition and missiles fired by the 50,000 Russians taking part is less used in Ukraine. These are the forces that will not be deployed to Ukraine for a number of reasons.

Held back in case someone attacks Russia and because they have parents who are influential or have value to Putin and keeping stability inside Russia.

China sending a small contingent just to say they are there, more likely just taking notes on how Russia operates.

Nothing to be greatly concerned about. Russia spending money and resources it desperately needs on "keeping up appearances" of strength. Everyone knows you need good tactics and good leadership to be really strong and Russia has neither.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

The Chinese troops will get some comic relief when the see the standard of equipment issued to the Russian troops.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Sea of Japan? Yeah, that's probably far enough away to keep what they have left safe from the Ukrainians.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Didn't Russia say they were doing military drills just before invading Ukraine?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Didn't Russia say they were doing military drills just before invading Ukraine?

Yeah but that was back when they still had an army.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

while the main Russian forces attempt a reach around.

My understanding is that the Russian army doesn't have the common courtesy to give those.

(source: Gunnery Sgt. Hartman)

2 ( +4 / -2 )

China and Russia doing their military exercise is like US,Japan,South Korea doing their exercises, so is that something wrong? China has a stronger navy that Russia and far ahead of India... these days China is the mainstay of this alliance

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Wait until the PRC realizes that it's cheap knock-off imitations of Russian weapons are even crappier than the Russian originals.

That will be fun to watch.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Russia and China...the 2 biggest warmongering countries and the 2 biggest threat for world peace.

Thank heavens we have the pacifist US as a counterbalance.

Oh wait...

1 ( +16 / -15 )

Loser countries just waving their pole. What language do you think they will communicate in? English of course! bwahaha

1 ( +14 / -13 )

Some real dumb people. How many Indian soldiers died fighting Japanese Army in WW2?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It's show of force.

Usually done to intimidate, threaten,

provoke and to show soladarity with other nations.

Unfortunately, Russia has already shown the world that its ground forces would be inept against a large nation with significant experience and funds.

Russia and China might have the upperhand with cyber warfare.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

@G&T Are you referring to the American nukes on Japanese soil and on its waters completely controlled by the US? I’m not sure the J government or people would support that.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Mao backed down at the last minute fearing nuclear destruction while the Soviets chewed their nails fearing the kinds of human waves the PLA was famous for that the Soviet Army could not stop short of going nuclear.

You left out the part where the US stepped in and indicated to the Soviets that it will intervene on the side of China.


0 ( +5 / -5 )

The second guy looks like he doesn't event want to be there lol

0 ( +2 / -2 )


0 ( +1 / -1 )

Seriously?? Seems to me you forget the warmonger who is the self-declared policeman of the world

Well, it’s hard to see with a 2x4 plank in the eye.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

@Awa no Gaijin.....The US's "Rods of Thor" would demolish both countries and no nuclear weapons needed.

@ $230 million per rod used, can Thor afford to wield those weapons?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Looks like 50,000 new recruits in need of training and no where else to train them on the art of staying alive under Putin's rule.

China as ever, the opportunist, has found another interesting way to encroach on others territory and attempt to intimidate and bluster their way into the semblance of a significant entity. Or even more to the point, a 'superpower' as they so obviously enjoy being referred to.

It's easy to see that India would be looking for a way to engage with the Chinese in an effort to de-escalate the disputed territory conflict with their neighbours. And that Mongolian force's would want to be involved because it's happening in their region.

But the presence of Laosian, Syrian and Nicaraguan troupe's is a curious twist that is possibly a concern for the Ukraine if in fact they're there for assimilation into a Russian mercenary expedition to support the new recruits in Ukraine.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The West has provoked Moscow to invade Ukraine

Sigh, not even close. Please before saying such a silly thing acquaint yourself with Russian propaganda going back to the fall of the USSR, and specifically this concept they have or Russkiy Mir, or Russian World. The Russian nationalist believe Russia is destined by god to control all the Slavic speaking lands. In fact they do not even recognize them as legitimate separate nations . Vladimir Putin has been an acolyte of this line of thought for a long time. He has been saying for the better part of a decade that Ukraine isn't a "legitimate nation" but part of Russia that he feels compelled by this notion of Slavic Russian destiny to bring back under Russian control. Of course all of that ignores the fact that what is now Ukraine was for centuries split between the Ottoman and Austro-Hungarian Empires, Russia and the Polish Lithuanian Confederation that also once conquered and ruled Russia for most of a century. The Crimea was originally Muslim and remained so until the Stalin forcibly removed the Tarter population from Crimea. Many Tarters returned to the Crimea when Ukraine gained independence and now are being harshly repressed under Russian rule. The Russian nationalists believe much of Georgia, the three Baltic States, Moldova and parts of the former "Stans" with large Russian speaking populations should be taken back and made part of Russkiy Mir. None of this has even a little tiny bit to do with NATO or the US and blaming it on the west is to ignore the true roots of the problem.

-1 ( +11 / -12 )


@Awa no Gaijin.....The US's "Rods of Thor" would demolish both countries and no nuclear weapons needed.

Unfortunately, both of those countries do have nuclear weapons, and lots of them. And, they would likely feel they need to use them.

FYI, your space rods don't even exist yet. And, if the did, they would not be able to demolish both countries.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The US has nuclear weapons on aircraft and naval vessels on Japanese soil and in its territorial waters. And, Russia and China are very aware of it already.

There are some 58000 US troops in Japan today. 135 US military “facilities“ across Japan today.

The US 7th Fleet home-based in Yokosuka Japan is not just here for a fishing trip.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The biggest threat to world peace has always been the rogue state of the USA together with it's puppet allies.

-2 ( +14 / -16 )

it was the kishida intention to tease Russia. Now Kishida will buy more US missiles. Japanese innocent people will just pay the Kishida missiles with more inflation and taxes.

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

War games?

I never hear such phrases when America/Japan/Korea/Taiwan are playing childishly on their boats, firing missiles into the sea (although China are the kings of such baby-esqe games)

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

It must be “fun” to add inane comments about allegiances that are dividing the world between aggressors.

Figure it out and know history. who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it. This is not a unique situation but the warfare methods are.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

entire japan will be soon a military US proxy base

-2 ( +5 / -7 )

My understanding is that the Russian army doesn't have the common courtesy to give those.

(source: Gunnery Sgt. Hartman)

Yeah, Russia has already fired missiles from Belarus!

Russia launches at least 5 missiles at Ukraine from Belarus


This will either speed up Ukraine's entry into NATO, or bring another West friendly nation directly into the fight.

-2 ( +4 / -6 )

Funny you make it sound like the Russians didn't come to Berlin at all in 1945 after doing the main whooping of Nazi Germany. Quite a delusion to say that "the West defeated Germany" ain't it?

Well, Saving Private Ryan is their version of WWII history.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

They look pretty tough with their little masks on...

-3 ( +16 / -19 )

1) They need the practice because Ukraine is spanking Russia. (China would get spanked against a competent military force, too.)

2) Russia needs to buy military equipment from its few allies. They just made a massive drone purchase from Iran. China wants to keep up appearances because they could not handle an economic boycott. These games makes it easier to transfer military equipment and possibly money between the two countries under the guise of joint drills.

Russia and China have contingencies to counter the USA from outer space.

@Awa no Gaijin.....The US's "Rods of Thor" would demolish both countries and no nuclear weapons needed.

-3 ( +12 / -15 )

Russia and China train together and its shocking news to some. The US does this with its vassal states, sorry allies, on a regular basis. Just this month there were exercises in Japan, Indonesia the huge annual show of force in South Korea.

-3 ( +19 / -22 )

Thank you for stirring it Madame Pelosi

-3 ( +15 / -18 )

They need to train a little bit harder.

Russia and China have contingencies to counter the USA from outer space.

Well as long as we are talking about science-fictional war-fighting capabilities:


-3 ( +3 / -6 )

2 aggressive powers strutting their stuff together. Not surprising. Like Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan in the last century. Both evil and dangerous.

-3 ( +6 / -9 )

Russia will see how many soldiers they recruit to take back to Ukraine including North Koreans. They want to see if they can command foreign troops that can not speak Russian using unfamiliar Russian equipment. If the soldier must bring their own gear then they are just more cannon fodder. The Russian people will not fight in war they do not even agree with.

Maybe Russia plan to use the foreign soldiers to get most of the enemy fire while the main Russian forces attempt a reach around.

How will Russia deal with a loosing conflict in Ukraine and domestic terrorism at home?

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

The Chinese are genetically predisposed to military failure. The Russians throw men in the fire like logs. Even together, they could never hope to defeat the civilized world, not so long as the flame of freedom still burns within our breast.

Time to pack up guys we have a winner already

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

What will be interesting to see is if BRICS expands by a few nations (presently under discussion) with a formal mutual defense agreement between them all

Mainly Saudi Arabia and Iran with Turkey, Argentina and Egypt. Oil transactions in RMB and defense: China copies a page out of the US playbook.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Humanity is ripe for another world war.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Russia and China train together and its shocking news to some. The US does this with its vassal states, sorry allies, on a regular basis. Just this month there were exercises in Japan, Indonesia the huge annual show of force in South Korea.

So how that making the world a more peaceful and prosperous place? In the same vein, how would you feel about being locked up, forced to work, forced to leave your farm, your hospitals bombed, your school kids bombed, women raped, and your country invaded - Russia and China has been doing that to their own 'supposedly' countrymen, why SHOULDN'T the west do it as well?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Of course they're starting to practice working as a single force.

BRICS has surpassed the G7 and these 2 militaries are going to be the BRICS equivalent of NATO.

What will be interesting to see is if BRICS expands by a few nations (presently under discussion) with a formal mutual defense agreement between them all, expands by a few nations with a formal mutual defense agreement between some of them, establishes a criteria and open application process for anyone qualified that includes joining the mutual defense agreement, goes the open trade union with a single currency route, or something else.

I DON'T see the G7 surviving much longer as the reason for the group in the first place was to force global financial policies to be set in THEIR mutual interests, and they're not able to do that anymore.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


The Chinese are genetically predisposed to military failure. 

I see you missed world history class the day they taught about Genghis Khan and the Mongol Empire, the largest contiguous land empire in the history of the world.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

The combined GDP of the BRICS is about $27 Trillion. The combined GDP of the G7 is around $45 Trillion. None of the BRICS have the per-capita income or as high a standard of living of any G7 nation.

Thats like comparing the assets of a 65 year old with a 25 year old. They have the population and the potentia

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Will Modi’s invitation to the Shinzo Abe state funeral be rescinded? Abe’s Shinto spirit is now watching over Japan according to Nippon Kaigi.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Japan should join these exercises. Russia and China never nuked civilians in Japan, only one Country did.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )


Russia and China...the 2 biggest warmongering countries and the 2 biggest threat for world peace.

Just add North Korea and the 3 as...les are complete.

Seriously?? Seems to me you forget the warmonger who is the self-declared policeman of the world and has been illiegally bombing Serbia, Libya, Syria, Iraq, shall I go on? The list is pretty much endless. I do not see that the Russian government has a record like this, and as for China, their agression is limited to border disputes and not global. That said, I disagree with these wargames, but sadily it is the West that is forcing Russia into an alliance with the CCP.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Hello India! That bastion of democracy and “pillar” of The Quad.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

A suited up with anti-dandruff camouflage.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Russia and will engage troops from several ex-Soviet nations, China, India, Laos, Mongolia, Nicaragua and Syria

I am surprised Nicaragua and Syria sent troops to this drill, this is a little Warsaw pact. Only China has a strong navy to take part at sea!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

I love how the 'honest' person projects the faults of most of America's pet regimes onto Russia and China.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

it Is about time Japan publicly declared it has nuclear weapons on its soil as a warning.

-7 ( +6 / -13 )

Will Modi’s invitation to the Shinzo Abe state funeral be rescinded? Abe’s Shinto spirit is now watching over Japan according to Nippon Kaigi.

Naah Modi should pay a visit to Yasukuni shrine to pay his respects in my opinion. China lovers will not be happy though.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Time to bring it on.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

when US doing "war games" with south koreans its "kosher".

when US coming to Taiwan straight with own outdated warships to provoke China its also "kosher".

why that double standard here?

It is not double standard...

It is because North Korea Nonstop threatens to shoot nuclear missiles into South Korea.

It is because China Nonstop threatens to invade Taiwan.

US or South Korea do not threaten to invade a country.

North Korea, China and Russia are nonstop warmongering and threatening its neighbours.

And in case of Russia...we can see now what these mass murderers are doing in the Ukraine.

-8 ( +6 / -14 )

Russia to hold joint war games with China:

Russia-China joint war games aside, while Putin totally focuses on war, Xi has been unable to find a way out of US warships' threat.

If Xi cannot resolve US repeated insults & threatening stance, he is not fit for 5 more years..

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

This again shows the lack of effective US foreign policy putting Russia and China together. China has a good hand and plays its cards right; eg, Ukraine.

Japan has a great hand. I am good at playing trump. I could win with Japan’s hand.

Australia and its former prime minister played a stupid hand. Dumb. Biden too. Now they’re wanting to lift the sanctions. It like calling Russia “uncle” or saying “mercy” except Putin is not going to let go.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

The west should have kept on going after defeating Nazi Germany all the way to Moscow then Beijing .

-10 ( +6 / -16 )

The Chinese are genetically predisposed to military failure. The Russians throw men in the fire like logs. Even together, they could never hope to defeat the civilized world, not so long as the flame of freedom still burns within our breast.

-10 ( +3 / -13 )

@Rodney: Japan should join these exercises This is a dream but it will be real if someday in the future when Japan LDP was toppled,disbanded and rename the country: Reoples Republiuc of Japan.

-11 ( +0 / -11 )

They need to train a little bit harder,as an American,I feel the US could go beastmode on China and Russia

-29 ( +8 / -37 )

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