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Russians keep pressure on Mariupol; massive convoy breaks up


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Fascist Russia will never be forgiven for any of those Ukrainians they have brutally slaughtered. So much for their farcical claim that Ukrainians are "like brothers" - then go on to invade their sovereign nation and wage a war of terror against children, women and men.

Ukrainians and the world will never forget, and never forgive.

20 ( +27 / -7 )

Russians should be ashamed to show their faces in public.

Its not the fault of the Russians, it’s the fault of Putin!

20 ( +25 / -5 )

I haven't seen a single news report from the Russian side

"We are freeing the Ukraine people from Nazi occupation" (despite Ukraine having a Jewish President)

"We have not invaded Ukraine"

"Our operation in Ukraine is going as planned"

These are the only Russian reports being fed to the people there. While the Russian economy spirals into hell and the Ruble is about as valuable as the saliva I just spat on the sidewalk. Good luck Putin you demon.

16 ( +20 / -4 )

Russia will try to win at any cost as can be plainly seen. Killing women and children comes naturally to them. The Ukrainians are extremely brave soldiers and fighting well, however, it’s just a question of time before Putin reaches into his old bag of dirty tricks and starts using chemical weapons. I hope that besides stingers and javelins that NATO has been supplying the Ukrainians with lots of gas masks and night vision goggles so they can kill these invaders more efficiently and effectively.

15 ( +23 / -8 )


It’s too bad they didn’t move those MiGs in there sooner before the shooting started. If US pilots fly fully armed MiGs into this war zone now, there’s a high possibility of encountering a Russian fighter. If they fight and one shoots down the other, then what? That’s the scary part.

13 ( +16 / -3 )


Agreed. The urban warfare will be brutal, and as with Stalingrad, oddly enough, the advantage goes to the defender. The Russian generals know this better than anybody, so go figure. Gas masks and night vision goggles will probably be most useful for what’s about to come. Putin doesn’t care who or how many die, even his own people. Putin doesn’t care! The only thing that matters to him is winning.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

TokyoLiving, perhaps you can peer inside your crystal ball for the us non-clairvoyants here and tell us when the Russians are going to take Kyiv?

Russia is unstoppable and soon they will take Kyiv...

13 ( +18 / -5 )

Used to be a beautiful spot to walk down, now it’s in the process of being liberated by Russia. Not a big fan of Russian since of liberation.

11 ( +18 / -7 )

Many are concerned now that they Russians will use chemical weapons.

If this mass murderer Mob will really do that, then they cross another red line.

But it is exactly light fighto said, the world will never forget!

But another news I read this morning is that the Russians want to stop shooting for today Friday.

Let's wait and see if they keep their word.

11 ( +15 / -4 )

What will take to convince these DEAD SOULS in the UN, NATO, the EU and the rest of the world that Putin is an EVIL. Thousands upon thousands of innocent lives were and still being destroyed, Women, Children, Elderly, Black, Brown, White, and yellow all suffered at his and the hands of his generals. Putin has so much BLOOD on his hands that will bring him close to or beyond what Hitler, Or Stalin did in modern history.

NATO and the west delivered justice to Saddam, Gaddafi, OBL, and many more who did a fraction of what Putin did and still doing and yet the world want to negotiate and help him out of a corner that he put himself in.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Living as a vassal state might seem humiliating, but is not the end of the world.

If you feel that way and that works for you, then great. It seems that the Ukrainians feel otherwise.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Hiro, I'm not sure how much you know about Ukraine, but they are no strangers to suffering. Their morale is a lot higher than the Russian invaders, wouldn't you say? Fighting for your homeland has a way of doing that.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Despite the accusations I haven't seen a single news report from the Russian side, I have relied on strictly western and a few reports from India based news outlets.

Just go on RT or watch any of their press conferences. According to them there haven't even been an attack on Ukraine, and they are busy calling a wounded pregnant woman a staged actor. I'd say you aren't missing much.

10 ( +13 / -3 )

Are they paying their soldiers in toilet paper now?

They must be, when Russian soldiers are breaking into old people's homes and stealing their food.

Putin firing his generals is better treatment for them than Putin's hero Stalin, who just had the generals and admirals who'd upset him Killed. That seems to be the Russian way, and still the anti-west, anti-democracy herds push for greater Russian control of the planet. If the far right think Russia is such a great place, and fascism i such a great sytem go there, or maybe China or back there and stop trying to undermine democracies.

10 ( +14 / -4 )

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov dismissed concerns about civilian casualties as “pathetic shrieks” from Russia’s enemies, and denied Ukraine had even been invaded.

This is the level of delusion that exists within Putin and his cabal of murderers....

Even if the Russian people haven't, the rest of the world has seen the outrageous war crimes being committed every hour by this fascist regime...

Putin will be held accountable for this tragedy....by his own people and the World Court...

10 ( +15 / -5 )

Russia is unstoppable and soon they will take Kyiv...

Joke of the year!!..

LOL !!..

10 ( +18 / -8 )

Are they paying their soldiers in toilet paper now? It is more valuable than anything in Russia, including the Ruble.

9 ( +15 / -6 )

Putin is trying to drag America into this war by killing as many Ukrainians as possible.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

So where will those planes refuel, land, rearm etc.. if given?

It doesn't look like those aircraft are going to be given, so it's moot.

Much better to provide other forms of lethal assistance (anti-aircraft, anti-tank) as these are proving their weight in gold for the Ukrainian defenders.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

With his barbaric attack on Slav brothers and sisters Putin has poisoned Ukrainian-Russian relations for the next hundred years. Ukrainians and Russians with their mutually intelligible languages and common culture had co-existed peacefully until Putin seized Crimea and subsequently pursued his Hitler-lite Lebensraum policy to annex the Ukraine for "Greater Russia". Inside Russia itself 11 million people have family in the Ukraine and this may prove to be one of the Achilles heels in Putin's Rube Goldberg project to subjugate the Ukraine when the Russian dam of lies and propaganda eventually bursts and the shocking truth of Russian aggression makes the rounds in Putin's ramshackle empire. Wars are fought not only with bombs and guns, but also with lies and deception, but it's now only a question of time before Putin runs out of his ammo of fake news and propaganda. Like most men of his generation brainwashed by primitive Soviet propaganda, he has never understood the formidable power of SNS and international MSM which have made this "Special Operation" the most filmed and photographed WAR in human history. Putin now stands in his bespoke "Emperor's New Clothes" for all the world to see his naked aggression.

9 ( +12 / -3 )


Have you been living in a no information zone for the past decade?

Any relationship between Ukraine and Russia was destroyed decades ago.

Admittedly, geopolitics are not my field of expertise, nor am I an expert in Russian-Ukrainian relations, but neither are most people who go about their daily lives in the Ukraine oblivious to the machinations of rival politicians who together have made a tragic mess of the Donbass. I have some limited experience of living among Ukrainians in Kiev with my Russian-speaking Ukrainian friends and lecturing at Kiev University. All Ukrainian speakers can speak or understand Russian and Russian speakers vice-versa, so similar are the two languages. As everybody knows, politics and power games poison relations between people everywhere in the world. What is happening in the Ukraine today is a textbook example of the consequences.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

So, do you actually think a children's hospital getting bombed is a new thing? It should already be common sense that such buildings are even less safe. Only a complete moron would keep children there.

"Only a moron would keep children in a children's hospital".

Who else do you think should be in a children's hospital? Cats and dogs?

Get. A. Grip. Putin. Apologist.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

So wtf, why did they still push onto Ucraine becoming a member of OTAN?

Ukraine applied to be a NATO member. Not the other way around.

Merci bien.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Khaos - are you really excusing the bombing of a children's hospital?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Not want to be disrespectful here but...a hospital in a conflict area is one of the first places you need to evacuate due security measures...

Where would you have them evacuate to?

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Can’t be both a humanitarian and a butcher,* @TokyoLiving 8:33am**: *

“I hope all people can flee and shelter properly..”

“Russia is unstoppable and soon they will take Kyiv..”.

Seems someone still has not grasped “*One cannot serve two masters.”*?

Choose ONE. -
8 ( +11 / -3 )

If Putin can drag America into HIS WAR, Putin can then blame America for the murders and the bombings and the war crimes that PUTIN himself and only himself is committing against the Ukrainian Spirits. Go Ukraine! Finish the job!

8 ( +10 / -2 )

I wonder if the ukrainians truly though about it when it comes to resisting the russians. Sure they can keep it going for years and the west will supply them with weapons, but think of what will happen next. What you will get is gonna be like Syria and Yemen all over again. Even if you survive, your country is done for and will be full of misery.

This isn't Syria. Study the 1939 Soviet invasion of Finland. That is what this war resembles. The propaganda run up looks very much the same and the Finns, despite being vastly outnumbered, brought the mighty Red Army to its knees. More than 100,000 dead, a few times more than that either wounded in combat or suffering frostbite injuries. The Russians claimed they were rooting out Nazis then. Of course they weren't. The Russian Air Force used incendiary and cluster bombs on the Finns (yes, cluster bombs even back then). When the Finns complained the Soviets Foreign Minister Molotov claimed they were dropping food package for starving Finns! The Finns called them Molotov Food Packages. The Finns came up with a gasoline bomb they used effectively against Soviet tanks, "drink to go with the food" they said and the "Molotov Cocktail" was born. The Finns lost a little territory in the war but kept their independence and the Russians have never messed with them again. Today they can muster up an army of 230,000 including over 200 modern Leopard 2 tanks and more than a thousand infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers. They are in the process of replacing their 62 F/A-18s with 64 F-35s. I suspect the Ukrainians are going to do to the Russians what the Finns did in 1939.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Chris Case - happy to take a look at this if you care to share a link

On the ground footage of Ukrainian civilians incredulously exclaiming that they are being bombed by their own military is not being shown in the west.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

If you see photos and videos of troops taking positions in kindergarten rooms and hospitals, what is your army supposed to do, just let them shoot you?

I suppose they could always go home?

8 ( +9 / -1 )

It’s too bad they didn’t move those MiGs in there sooner before the shooting started. If US pilots fly fully armed MiGs into this war zone now, there’s a high possibility of encountering a Russian fighter. If they fight and one shoots down the other, then what? That’s the scary part.

I agree, but until then the Ukrainians need to prepare for a serious urban warfare and that will get nasty very fast because home turf advantage and that’s the worst thing for any soldier to face and even Special Ops can be killed by someone hiding behind a door or under a basement etc. I heard a lot of Russian soldiers are deeply worried about that, even if they win in the end, a lot of Russian soldiers are going to die once they reach the city center of Kyiv and that’s one problem the Russians face, they can win but at what cost and then there’s the other problem of growing discontent of people in Russia not happy about this war and want it to stop, once the body bags start going back to Russia, Putin will have even more people against him with or without access to the media people will find out and that’s another nail in Putin’s coffin. I wouldn’t be surprised if he decided to do what a lot of dictators do in the end and that is to flee the country and if he did, it would probably be China and the guy could live out the rest of his days in exile.

7 ( +11 / -4 )

Russia has sent all of the 200,000 troops that they had staged at the border into the conflict and are nowhere near having control of Ukraine, and they haven't even reached the hardest part of the fighting yet, which is dealing with urban warfare. The attacks on children's hospitals will breed deep resentments guaranteeing that large numbers of Ukrainians decide they'd rather die fighting than surrender to Russian forces. It's not currently known how many Russian soldiers have surrendered, but the number may be into the tens of thousands, and we have absolutely no way of knowing how many Russian troops there are that haven't surrendered, but are hiding out in wooded areas waiting for the fighting to end.

Putin has sealed his legacy; the second coming of Adolf Hitler. Zelenskyy too has sealed his; the bravest warrior of all time.

7 ( +14 / -7 )

Before this invasion, Russia's military capabilities seemed impressive even ignoring their nuclear capability. Now, not so much. They've been fought to a standstill by a country with 1/4 their population.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

I'm not a praying man but I'll send good thoughts to Ukraine. I think this is just the beginning.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Do you honestly believe Canada is fully independent? Heck no, the instant it decides to truly go against/counter to USA interests it will be the 51~61st states.

As long as you guys don't invade us, you will be fine. You have my word, lol

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Every time they call Russian actions 'war-crime' they are demeaning the real meaning of war-crimes (such as lining up civilians for execution, or using weapons of mass destruction).

War is deadly and cunning, and obviously if there is a tactical advantage, law of war would be worked around.

If you see photos and videos of troops taking positions in kindergarten rooms and hospitals, what is your army supposed to do, just let them shoot you? In recent conflicts, it has become very clear that such 'protected areas' are prime points of interest for both attackers and defenders. And many times end up as battlegrounds.

Same with heavy weapons, if they are constantly moved between residential blocks, of course those locations will be targeted with similar kind of heavy weapons.

They literally destroyed a children's hospital.

Get. A. Grip.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I hope that besides stingers and javelins that NATO has been supplying the Ukrainians with lots of gas masks and night vision goggles so they can kill these invaders more efficiently and effectively.

What they need to get the upper hand are those MiGs they have enough stinger and javelin missiles, they need to achieve air superiority and if they don’t get that and soon, they will be overwhelmed by Russian forces 10-1. Anything else will just get ready for the inevitable.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

It’s just outright murder

5 ( +7 / -2 )

It’s just outright murder

But I thought pro=Russians would continue to justify what Putin's military are doing, continue saying Russians are not slaughtering women and children and breaking into old people's homes to steal food, it's Ukrainians doing it to themselves, and the biased western media trying to make Putin look bad.

How is the war being reported back in Russia, Are Putin media still saying this is just a military exercise? How are Russian media reporting the reactions of family members that had a child killed in Ukraine, fighting so Putin and his oligarchs could claim they have more territory and could get richer, maybe buy more palaces, yachts and sports teams? Or are Russian media able to report Russian casualties? How are Putin's oligarchs going to get enough soldiers for their next invasion? Maybe some of the Russian keyboard typists could join up? I hear they might be able to make around US$300., is that better pay than being an online army warrior?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

So far I've seen three Russia supporters saying that Ukraine bombed themselves.

One theory is that a missile glitched and turned around and landed in Ukraine. The next said they shelled their own building by mistake. And now someone says it's Azov in a false flag operation.

You'd think Russian should just wait for Ukraine to bomb its entire country into surrender.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

Russia has done West’s enemies a huge favor. They will scapegoat Putin big time.

It starts now with Venezuela and Cuba.

Both of those countries are in the West.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

Zichi the general should if fired their gun at Putin, a coup is brewing

4 ( +10 / -6 )

So much for targeting avoiding civilian populations! I wonder what would it take for an external military response to begin in this crisis? Aside from that, what just really concerns me is that nuclear plants are being targeted, lord help us if radioactive material spills in Ukraine, it's not like Russia will clean up its own mess. I'd pay to see NATO fighter jets and missiles bomb the living daylights out of those invading Russian troops in Ukraine right now.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Ukraine has cooked Putin ,goose

4 ( +9 / -5 )

The Russian Air Force is definitely in the air over Ukraine. There are videos of their aircraft being downed by western MANPADS! Same for their helos. Some Russian media show big MiG-31s with that air launched version of the Iskander ballistic missile on the belly. The Russians have used them heavily to attack cities from stand off ranges away from those pesky western MANPADS.

I still think those Polish MiG-29s will find their way into Ukraine one at a time, in the dark of the night at times when satellites are not overhead to witness the deed. An EU official flapped his yap a week ago and publicly mentioned sending Polish and other NATO ally MiGs to Ukraine. Dumb. Once the news got wind of that it sort of took on a life of its own. Then the Poles offered to send them to Germany for the US to deliver to Ukraine and the first anyone in the US government heard of that idea was on the morning news. Not where you want to hear something like that! The Poles put both the US and Germany on the spot without speaking to them confidentially first. More dumb. Sending those MiGs so publicly to Ukraine is pretty much challenging the Russians to react. They would have no choice. So officially it's all shut down. But covert action is a whole different thing. In a week or two I would bet an unarmed Polish MiG flown by a Ukrainian pilot sneaks across the border to a Ukrainian airfield in western Ukraine and disappears into a hanger. A week or two later another one makes the same sojourn, or maybe departs from a different Polish airfield. They won't fly a combat mission from a Polish airfield, too risky. Just a quick ferry flight, half hour or so. Once the plane is in Ukraine and sporting Ukrainian markings who knows where it came from? If Poland is smart they will keep a pair of them and fly them around with different numbers on the nose to make it look like they have more. Keep them hangered so nobody can count airplanes on the airfield. There are ways to do this covertly. If only that EU bubba had kept his trap shut.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

-10 votes not one can answer a single thing I pointed out.

So where will those planes refuel, land, rearm etc.. if given?

You have never watched Taiwan exercises where they use pre designated stretches of highway to land, refuel and take off again? The MiG's still working, probably from Western Ukraine airfields, not necessarily military, getting civilian refuelr's and trucking in munitions. You make do, your engineers use heavy equipment to repair runways, you adapt. And you dont make public what your doing so the enemies "ears" can pass on info to Russians designating priority targets.

It is clear that military matters are not the 'forte" of all posters here. You may not understand how they operate but part of training is how to keep going when your surrounding infrastructure is damaged or destroyed.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

 liberated by Russia.

'liberated', is that what you'd call what the Nazis did to Poland, too? And NO, I do not think Ukraine is run by Nazis, but think it's disgusting, Putin's Russia, currently one of the world's most fascistic states is using media to claim Ukraine is run by Nazis. And I am well aware of the horrors caused by US invasions. As a US American I have enjoyed traveling to the European continent, where it's so easy to cross borders between countries. If the far right's idol Putin continues to expand his personal empire, will he recall the days when he was working for East German Stasi (reputed to be one of the nastiest security forces in the 20th century), and put up hard borders manned by machine gunners like East Germany used to have.

Russia go back home and solve your own problems instead of trying to drag countries down to your low level. Pro-authoritarians do you really want a Russia/China/Iran governed planet.

3 ( +11 / -8 )

There is another thing to consider. The Russian people are not happy with this war. At the beginning, there were thousands of Russians in the streets protesting. The hatred of Putin's war was immediate.

The longer this war stretches--and Include war after any "peace" agreement---the more it destabilizes the government. Afghanistan is the perfect example.

How long with Putin last? The people around him likely know this better than anyone.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

All UK Ukrainian business colleges families have arrived safely the UK after a nightmare visa paperwork hellhole in Paris/Brussels.

Four families we lead on a shocking merry go around of misery.

Johnson Government is fully responsible,

These passport holding refugees were subjected to shocking treatment

There experiences are truly appalling, harrowing and deeply disturbing.

War crimes have been committed.

Worst of all, the male family members (husbands and sons) insisted on staying to fight.

It is shameful act of cruelty, yes genocide being perpetrated on innocent civilians.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@Hiro your suggestion that the Ukraine roll over and lick Putin's boot is shocking.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

What is this horrid war on Ukrainian civilians all about? It is all about Putin's paranoia. Every government head fears assassination, but authoritarian heads of state fear it more. They fear inside and the outside. In this case, from what I can tell, Putin feared Ukraine joining NATO.

Events have proven there was nothing to fear. NATO is doing its best to stay out of the war. No Polish MIGs to fight in Ukraine.

NATO is best at taking out little countries like Serbia and killing civilians in the process (like the baby girl who was bombed to death while using her potty). But Russia? No way.

Situations like the Spanish Civil War, volunteers may well come and turn the invasion back.

It may also happen that the top people, sick of this useless and expensive war, will find a way of removing Putin from power.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


It is available if you look but to be quite honest both sides are not doing a very good job of being factual.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Thank you Nator

For the update, I wish it could have come earlier but at least it will end the confusion on the ground.

The war will continue and a new tragic uncertainty, whether husbands and sons will ever be reunited with there children.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


If there is any chance of getting putin on war-crimes you are going to have to link him to the generals who are acting the front line. You are also going to need evidence rather than opinon. I hope that it is being collected properly.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

The only means, route of President Putin removal is by the Russian people for the people.

The MIG 29's are not enough.

The global Community at some stage or another will have make a decision.

Sanctions, no matter how effective, take time.

Ukraine, time has running out.

So NATO, or no NATO.

It is time for Europe to stand together, toe to toe, and fully arm Ukraine.

Also providing a full armed response.

Yes, the dangers of both tactical, strategic exchange of nuclear weapons is the risk one has to accept.

Harsh lessons will be learned for generations to come.

But there will be one less dictator.

It must be a full European response.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Russia has done West’s enemies a huge favor. They will scapegoat Putin big time.

It starts now with Venezuela and Cuba. Then China and Iran will follow.

The best way for enemies to come together is to unite towards a common enemy. At first I thought it would be Trump. But now it’s definitely Putin.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Desert Tort.

I expect some satelites are in a stationary position over ukraine so ulikely to be a time for that to happen. They would also have to remove the ID of the plane which I also expect is not that easy. It could also be interpretated as a war-crime not to properly identify yourself.

Essentially if NATO wants to provide planes it has got to do it openly and take the risk. I personally think that risk is far, far to high.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

I no long know what to believe

You’re really not going to get a true picture of casualties on both sides as everyone will be overplaying/downplaying the numbers. Best thing is just to ignore it.

-3 ( +7 / -10 )

Meanwhile Lavrov claims Ukraine hasn't even been invaded ?

What the heck !

Just a little twilight zone nightmare .

Civilians in uniform armed to the teeth and attacking each other for food .

News reports from different sources show a different story.

Iam not sure what to believe anymore.

Fake news everywhere.

I sincerely hope the bloodshed stops and a permanent cease-fire is achieved.

My condolences to all the victims of this unnecessary war !

-3 ( +4 / -7 )


I suggest you read this for context:


-3 ( +1 / -4 )


Most likely the front pages are purely an economic decision. Not long ago in the UK it was all day/every day about covid, then boris and his cake and now ukraine.

I check the front pages of the UK each day and they are sharing the same story and photo at the moment so they are just printing what they are told which is essentially the deal they make for this type of situation.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


The US army do have a habit of bombing Brits in joint operations. In some places that was the main cause of death in the British army.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Russians should be ashamed to show their faces in public.

-6 ( +9 / -15 )


I have kept an eye on RT since the begining. Although I gave up watching it on YT because it repeas so much. RT does aknowledge there is a war and is reporting on it.

I have just checked regarding the hospital bombings and can not see any stories on it at all on its English language site. As it would be impossible to link directly maybe you could copy/paste a quote from RT regarding these people being crisis actors. Obviously I would want what RT has said rather than someone in their comments section.

What interests me is why most of the escape routes seem to be working accept the Mariupol one. Why is that city so important to both sides?

-6 ( +1 / -7 )


That is only because moral is still high and many men are passionated. But give it a few weeks with no food, water, electricity or communication, then you will see just how bad things will get. Don't forget, all fighting age males are not permitted to leave the nation and has to fight according to their government. But if you think some 20's years old boys are able to handle the stress for a few more weeks, then you are clearly overestimating them. Look at Syria and Yemen. Their wars took years. I don't think the Ukraine are ready for what come next in the coming months. If you think the shelling is bad now, wait till they truly bring out the big guns and decide to increase the effort.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

When all this is over, examination by neutral observers of the site of the bombed hospital m,ay well confirm the Russian assertion that it had long been emptied of patients and become an Azov headquarters, and that analysis shows that two local explosions, not shelling, caused the damage. Reports also come from non-Russian sources confirming that the neoNazi battalions are bombing their own country in many false flag attempts to win the propaganda war while preventing civiians from leaving. The surrounded Azov battalion's attacks on Mariupol's escape corridors appear to be further examples, and also the attempts to seize the nuclear reactors, of which Russia is wisely taking control. On the ground footage of Ukrainian civilians incredulously exclaiming that they are being bombed by their own military is not being shown in the west.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

mistake buy should read bury.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

What really shocks is that passive and cowardly watching by big and powerful NATO. That the Russians and Ukrainians both like war , violence and don’t give in, that doesn’t shock me so much. I’ve been growing up within the iron curtain and know their mindset and behavior. Do you think their common area dimensions and influence from Berlin to Alaska, now Kamchatka ‘only’ comes from their love for peace and friendly convincing everyone who stands in the way? Come on…they are , both combined in fact , the geographically biggest and still keen on growing for a reason!

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

-10 votes not one can answer a single thing I pointed out.

So where will those planes refuel, land, rearm etc.. if given?

-8 ( +8 / -16 )

Every time they call Russian actions 'war-crime' they are demeaning the real meaning of war-crimes (such as lining up civilians for execution, or using weapons of mass destruction).

War is deadly and cunning, and obviously if there is a tactical advantage, law of war would be worked around.

If you see photos and videos of troops taking positions in kindergarten rooms and hospitals, what is your army supposed to do, just let them shoot you? In recent conflicts, it has become very clear that such 'protected areas' are prime points of interest for both attackers and defenders. And many times end up as battlegrounds.

Same with heavy weapons, if they are constantly moved between residential blocks, of course those locations will be targeted with similar kind of heavy weapons.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

First let's be clear:

"This invasion is a terrible thing that should never have happened"

Then let's point fingers:

Russia has been always clear on his security space, no nuclear weapons in countries around his frontier, neither OTAN members.

The risk of an invasion was always there and War Analist knew of it.

So wtf, why did they still push onto Ucraine becoming a member of OTAN?

Why omit such a low chance very dangerous risk?

Then, Europe getting action?

For what? You can save to save Ucranians, right?. Well, this is absolutely nuts idea. We are talking about a Nuclear armed country. You guys want to increase dead count? This will not stop dead of Ucranians.

Diplomacy is mandatory here.

Beat way to stop deaths is by stopping the conflict. More weapons and more countries taking part will enlarge the conflict and the casualties. A lost of life's for what?

Europe must take responsibility.... When it has been USA one of the main characters in this madness.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Express sister.

Not want to be disrespectful here but...a hospital in a conflict area is one of the first places you need to evacuate due security measures...

Also, there are contradictory news here. Some say it was bombarded by Russia and others say that it was indeed evacuated and uses by the Azoff regiment as fighting position.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

@Express sister

It's a good think, the Ukrainians are smarter and kept children in shelters. If it's a protected area, the logical expectation is that it's going to be used by fighters, if they are in a disadvantage.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )


Contrition on both sides would help. As it stands people are being killed each day and infrastructure is being destroyed. At some point both sides have got to be realistic. Al-J news had a Ukrainian helping to buy bodies saying he just wants it to end and I imagine he is not the only one. I imagine plenty of russian front-line soldiers would also glady stop.

What we have is a loony russian and a blinkered ukranian both of which are not in danger sacrificing there populations. Maybe they could both travel to turkey and sort it out with pistols at ten paces. Or to be fair we could put them both in prison and allow the russians and ukraines to elect someone knew in each country.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

u_s__reamerToday  09:12 am JST

Have you been living in a no information zone for the past decade?

Any relationship between Ukraine and Russia was destroyed decades ago.

From Russian interference in Ukraine to Ukraine's racist policies both side have been upping the ante for years.

Ukraine Ukraine naming war criminals heroes (look up 2015 law declaring UPA OUN heroes then look up their anti Anti Polish, anti Russian policies and cooperation with Nazi Germany), passing anti ethnic Russian laws, Russia doing everything it can to interfere in Ukraine politics and elections,.

Any one with half a grain of honesty knows we are not dealing with 2 Angeles.

And at this point the only choice is to pick the lesser of the to evils basically Ukraine, but it is by no means that much a better choice.

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

@Express sister

So, do you actually think a children's hospital getting bombed is a new thing? It should already be common sense that such buildings are even less safe. Only a complete moron would keep children there.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Putin using all the war tactics he has been using in Syria for the last decade.

-which defeated IS and Al-Quida.

the Ukraine president is committing genocide on his own people. All Russia asked, is to recognize Dombass as independent, Ukraine to promise to be independent, and stop the US fund bio-labs and don’t pursue nukes.

but backed by the far right nationalists, he is murdering his citizens, for egotistical motives.

Donbass doesn’t want to be in Ukraine, and Russia didn’t want WMD on its borders. But he choose to force the slaughter of women and children if things go to the next stage. What kind of man?

the whole world smashed because of one man. Surrender and bring peace.

-12 ( +2 / -14 )

I wonder if the ukrainians truly though about it when it comes to resisting the russians. Sure they can keep it going for years and the west will supply them with weapons, but think of what will happen next. What you will get is gonna be like Syria and Yemen all over again. Even if you survive, your country is done for and will be full of misery.

In my opinion maybe they could just surrender. They already use to belong to the USSR anyway in the past. Not much is gonna change even if they are annexed just like Crimea. At least is better then a all-out war that might span a whole decade.

Russia has the resources to keep it going no matter what. They have oil, gas, natural resources and a lot of weapons and soldiers. I don't think prolonging this war is gonna do the Ukraine people any good. Living as a vassal state might seem humiliating, but is not the end of the world. Life goes on. At least you can always choose to leave or adapt there. Don't forget, most russians still see the ukrainians as one of their own. They didn't even want this war and was force by Putin. So there isn't really a point killing each other. Most russians civilians just want the war to end and life to return to normal.

Dislike all you want, but this isn't a bad option for them. In fact Russia will put extra effort to rebuild everything to show the world it's capability.

-13 ( +4 / -17 )

What they need to get the upper hand are those MiGs they have enough stinger and javelin missiles,


Ukraine had 90+ at the start3, where are they now, what will 40~70 more old and remember that old Mig 29 do against far more advanced fighters.

Then even if they get them,where will they land, refuel rearm, etc... In Poland, in a NATO country, a neutral country Putin can then attack?

Despite the accusations I haven't seen a single news report from the Russian side, I have relied on strictly western and a few reports from India based news outlets.

I no long know what to believe one minute Ukraine is claiming to have halted killed slowed down tens of thousands of Russians then the next minute they say how desperately they need aid because the Russians have advanced and I have them on the siege one minute I read a report news article saying how Ukraine needs jet fighters then the next minute the same news outlet asks where is the Russian Air force because they are barely present in this fight and it's all being done by missiles.

Which is it the Russian Air force is there and bombing and all the Russian Air force isn't there and it's all missiles but regardless a few dozen old Mig 29 are not going to give Ukraine the advantage over the Russian Air force!

-18 ( +7 / -25 )

I hope all people can flee and shelter properly..

Russia is unstoppable and soon they will take Kyiv...

Fascist Russia

Joke of the year!!..

LOL !!..

-20 ( +6 / -26 )

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