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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2023.Talks on border security grind on as Trump invokes Nazi-era 'blood' rhetoric against immigrants
The deflection, flailing defenses of Trump's rhetoric by the GOP, for example Lindsey Graham, have been cringe worthy.
Should be here too
' But Hitler and the Nazis were Socialists! It's right there in the name: National Socialism.' Trump is fighting the socialists'
Yeah, nothing like Nazi rhetoric from the former president while his allies are on the verge of causing a real national security calamity by surrendering in Ukraine.
Using Nazi language to normalize the vilification of people undocumented or otherwise is beyond the pale and a hallmark of fascism.
Trump really is the dregs of humanity.
Not really, the Dems screwed up the nation by allowing millions of un-vetted illegals into the country, most have very little skills or education, where will they go, live, eat, support themselves in a world that is going more automated, who are these people? Why are they mostly men? Why won’t the Democrats take them into their communities?
My Grandmother grew up under the Nazis, Hitler wanted to eradicate the Jews, that’s not what Trump is advocating, but the left will try everything, now watch this latest attempt blow up in their face.
What's there to talk about? Just don't let them enter.
Donald Trump delivered alarming anti-immigrant remarks about “blood” purity over the weekend, echoing Nazi slogans of World War II to cheers at a political rally. Trump, drew on words similar to Adolf Hitler's “Mein Kempf”
And Trump fans are still all for him? 1930s-40s Europe wasn't enough of a lesson? Modern day use of Adolf's playbook is acceptable? Scary and disgusting.
We have 4 years of a Trump presidency to look back on for historical precedents.
What did he do in that time that comes even close to the hysterical scenarios being thrown around here?
Cards fan
Uhh the part where Trump is engaging in rhetoric reminiscient of the Nazis.
Thats cute. My grandfather shot Nazis. This is exactly how they talked.
This “rhetoric” is nothing more than a continuation of his “very fine people on both sides” normalization of neo-Nazi sentiment in response to “Jews will not replace us” and the beloved Nazi chat “Blood and soil.”
This is the guy who hosted known Nazi lovers at his club.
This is the Fascist playbook of demonizing the “other” and pointing to hidden Jewish cabals (always run by Holocaust survivor George Soros.)
This is the continuation of the junk “Great Replacements” conspiracy (again run by Jews).
Not every Trump supporter is a nei-Nazi (some of them are just morons), but all neo-Nazis are Trump supporters and he not only fails to repudiate them, he embraces them.
It’s disgusting. It’s un-American. And any American who defends or excuses it is a bad American.
Hundreds of thousands of American troops were killed fighting the Nazis. In total, over 405,000 Americans gave their lives in the conflict.
That makes it even more sad that you want your fellow countrymen to live under a leader who espouses the same ideology as A.H.
Trump was constrained by what was then still standard pathways to reelection. Now he is promising only vengeance on America, and it isn't clear whether the law can constrain him.
The neoNational Socialists in the USA chant "America First" and pledge loyalty to the previous guys, while disparaging US systems and anyone that disagrees with him and his media.
@Dagon at 720 nailed it. Germany had its chance during the Weimar era to stop Hitler and fascism, but failed; the US showed in 2020 that a clear majority of voters wanted no more of the Republicans and its leader that want a nation ruled by the wealthiest who fit certain ethnic and relid=gious demographics. Not surprisingly the extreme right in the US use terms like 'globalist' which were used by the Nazis, while at the same time supporting global powers like Putin, MbS (in Saudi Arabia)and MbZ in the UAE, so those global leaders can continue to maintain their personal wealth and global power while controlling fossil fuels.
Does this website, and the writers of this piece, really expos to believe that Donald Trump was channeling Hitler? Nazism?
How about just telling us what he said and not tell us what you think he said? We just want information. We do need to be told who to vote for.
Cards fan
So did my gran, but she fought back. And certainly wasn't echoing Hitler's rhetoric.
Not just Jews. Ethnic minorities, communists, gays etc. Besides this is horribly a historic. They didn't come up with idea of executing people until well after the camps were created. Trump fans already want camps. We're essentially sleepwalking right into the same thing.
But don't worry, Trump will only be dictator for a day. So all good?
Sven Asai
Math can help you. Remember the lessons on vectors, when two different or even opposing vectors result in a third one? That's simply what to apply here, after historically obviously walking on two very different paths and both were finally very much misleading.
The above a sad commentary indicative of the poorly educated that support the demagogue that had been in the White House (perhaps there to steal secret documents to sell to fellow anti-American dictators around the globe, among his many grifts).
Hitler's original base of power was made up of the poorly educated. x-45 has said he's targeting the poorly educated, many of whom have been left out of what's called the 'knowledge economy', because times change and they haven't; instead they want to turn the clock back and time travel to times (which they cannot date) when their skills were useful, and their demographic held even greater sway over the 'others'.
Cards fan
They did.
Nothing cute about it.
And? Your point?
Ok, so putting the left hysteria once again on the shelf unless Trump is advocating for the death of migrants this is once again more manufactured drivel the left is trying to test the waters if maybe this will bring Trump down.
Now how would you know this?
A lot of People hate Soros not because he’s Jewish, but because of the radical left policies he supports
well, that conservative on college campuses that are attacking Jewish people we’re not supporting them.
if they vote for radical policies, then you can definitely say that, without a doubt, thankfully, the majority of them do not, more reason why so many of them left blue states.
I am a Trump supporter and nowhere things were close to being anything of a Nazi, just because I want close orders that I want a reduction in illegal immigration, doesn’t make me or people that I know that Support finance Nazi, that argument is just not going to work.
Open borders is definitely an American.
Well, that’s your personal opinion, I’m an American police sovereignty and support legal immigration 100%, the way my grandparents change this magnificent country, and I will always support legal immigration, but I absolutely do not support legal immigration whatsoever. Japan will not allow it, talk to you with allow it, we should not allow it as well.
Kurumazaka 2
yet by some unexplainable mystery from the cosmos, you appear to have no earthy idea of HOW the Nazis came to wield absolute unquestionable authority in a previously free country
hint: they started with the destruction of the administrative state
Kurumazaka 2
got bad news for you Bass, the people you so loyally support are selling poisoning the blood of the nation and talking about building vast camps in the desert than can hold millions.
if you can’t see the writing on the wall it’s because you’re deliberately pretending not to see it.
If only you thought as clearly as you write.
Go back to bed.
Bob Fosse
I see.
Bob Fosse
45’s kids are mixed heritage. Is their blood poisoned?
Curious what that might even mean coming from someone that wants to defund police agencies like the FBI, which were set up in part to find grifters and anti-American extremists, those like X-45 and others like him.
Lock Em Up Pleeeeease.
I'm confused by that. Journalists should do better.
Well, you are free to think whatever you like even if you are horrible and undeniably wrong.
Like what we are experiencing now?
Corrupt as the top leadership is, yes.
Hmmm, interesting….
Not really surprised.
Has nothing to do with journalism.
Odd way to say “illegals”.
A bit rough on the edges, but accurate enough. Look at the problems illegal immigrants cause. That is poison to the economy and culture and safety of America.
Looks like I'm going to vote Trump this time.
liberals right back to the Russia Russia Russia and he’s a Nazi desperations.
already spent 5-6 years on those with zero success.
does that mean you realized the 4 indictments/91 charges isn’t going to get your desired result either?
If not, Joe will just find a load more. From his basement.
And leave no trace, apart from in your mind.
No that’s not a word I would use to describe that guy.
seems the left are the ones flattering actual Nazis now. Anything to “get Trump!”
“Effective” huh? Your word not mine. How embarrassed you should be.
So now Trump is echoing one of the worst war criminals in history...
This after dining with an avowed anti-Semite...who has also praised Hitler...
And his supporters here either agree with him or try to excuse it...
Tells you all you need to know about MAGA-world...
Bob Fosse
I thought his weightlifting routine was better. Not quite ymca dance funny but almost.
Keep practicing it - I'm sure all the other inmates at Leavenworth will get a kick out of it too...
Liken him to Putin, same as Kim in NK, invoke the Russian bogeyman like crying wolf yet again, compare him to an Austrian corporal... they are all in his rolodex.
Same playbook - like a pinball machine on meds. Also pretend that the southern border isn't out of control. Deflect and go with confected outrage.
Even better, they should hold a heated hearing into this matter ASAP in the Hart Senate Office Building hearing room on Capitol Hill, video it and broadcast it. Make sure it's on video for everyone to see. Intense stuff.
I'll keep that fantasy alive along with the Russian collusion story.
Ask Meadows, Ellis, Powell, and Cheseboro if they think it's a fantasy...ROFL..
Are any of those off topic people mentioned in Leavenworth?
or any jail?
Poisoning the blood of a nation?
Does stink of ideas of racial purity.
Very, very ugly.
Makes one wonder if tomorrow Trump will call Hitler a "genius", just like he did another bloodthirsty war criminal...
But they evidently make great maids, groundskeepers, and construction workers...
Cards fan
Uh no, that's a completely normal expression to use, given that there are also people claiming asylum.
Why is that when you support the guy echoing Hitler? How embarrassed you should be. :)
The left just never gonna give up with Russia Russia and Trump is like, literally Hitler.
it doesn’t work, the American people aren’t that stupid.
The lies and hypocrisy of MAGA-world...
Trump says China is our No. 1 enemy, that it is economically destroying us, that it takes US jobs...
Then gets his Trump Collection clothing line made in Chinese sweatshop factories...
Trump rails that illegal immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country"....
But employs them to clean his rooms and tend his golf courses...
Those illegal maids must enjoy some interesting reading when they clean out the bathrooms at Mar-A-Lago...
So, does anyone agree with the idea immigrants poisoning the blood of the US?
If you do, just say so.
Don’t be coy.
Hyperbole from the liberal hypocrites.
But the Biden administration, in considering revival of Trump-like policies
So basically the Biden administration is endorsing Trump’s stand on illegal immigration, but somehow Trump is the bad guy because he speaks his mind.
Well, he did employ language redolent of ideas of racial purity. He has invited comparisons on that score.
Do you agree with his statement about immigrants poisoning the blood of the US?
It’s not clear if you do or not.
Hysterical liberals thinking the solution to the stumbling economy is an open border.
Why does the left insist to keep leaving out the descriptor of ILLEGAL?!
illegal immigrant isn’t a “race”
You are right, it is pretty hard to recover from a Reek moment standing next to Putin.
They may be dumb but I suspect they will understand what treason is, even it it takes another go around to come to fruition.
yeah that word “parrots” been in the forefront of liberal media all day.
Guess we know where the latest narrative is coming from now.
the narrative that you are ironically “parroting” here.
he seems well known to the left. I had never heard of him prior to busbys incessant posting about him.
So do you agree with the idea of immigrants poisoning the blood of the US?
The evasion is unbelievable.
Trump supporters - you are allowed to disagree with his use of language you know. You tell us it’s not a cult but I’m afraid you are sounding like one.
@Cards fan
How about because the country has zero social cohesion and is rapidly degrading into the dysfunction typical of Brazil? Because low-skill immigration suppresses wages, and this fact is well-documented no matter how much double think and cognitive dissonance liberals have over it?
Wick's pencil
Like describing a bank robbery as "taking large amount of money without immediate legal ownership".
Trump does have a habit of putting his supporters in this position.
You can tell from the evasion how uncomfortable they are.
Given the fact that Hillary would have brought us into the conflict, we are in the right now didn't cross your mind? It did Vlad's
Cult as in Progressive ideology?
This is called “an admission”
If you think.
Typical media spin. The ACTUAL problem- millions of people flooding the US illegally, is only briefly discussed. However, the REACTION of the GOP is discussed in excruciating detail.
How about reporting on why so many of the so-called 'refugees' are actually young, fit men. Who seem remarkably well dressed, well fed, well groomed and well equipped despite having supposedly made a long and harrowing journey of hundreds of miles on foot to get to the border. Or report on the busses and trains that ferry them to the border. I even heard one network referring to a human trafficker as a "guide" who was hired by Chinese migrants to help them cross into the States.
But no. Every syllable that drips from the lips of the Bad Orange Man is more important, and must be put under the microscope.
Bob Fosse
Don’t you think the words and intended actions of the person you think has the solution and will be in charge are important or relevant?
Immigrants? But Trump is not talking about immigrants. He's talking about illegals. There is a huge (huuuuuuge) difference.
Don't conflate them. Don't be so hasty to paint Trump as the evil man you desparately hope he is.
So do you agree with describing illegal immigrants as poisoning the blood of the nation? No need for the ‘huuuuuge’ here. We aren’t children.
I think the walls should close in on that type of language. Gets the racists excited.
Very ugly.
As mentioned, Trump’s business employed them.
Elites, eh? Live by different rules.
Bob Fosse
How does the visa application process change the value of your blood?
It’s a dangerous thing to say. His supporters get riled up easily.
Most nations would when it comes to illegal immigration.
Bob Fosse
“I will always support legal immigration, but I absolutely do not support legal immigration whatsoever.”
I’m sorry, I can’t take anything you post seriously.
Cards fan
Lol what? I was just in the US and this isn't true.
This is only true for workers without a high school diploma, and even then the degree to which they suppress wages debatable. At any rate, it certainly doesn't justify Trump's rhetoric.
Cards fan
Yeah, because it's a pretty accurate description of what Trump is doing.
It boggles the mind how anyone with a 3 digiit IQ could possibly support the idea of having this man as a President again.
What’s wrong with doubling down on wanting to enforce border and safety security? Got my vote?
But wait, it’s ok for the left to do the same to conservatives, independents, libertarians and constitutionalists?
Illegal immigration is.
So you’re saying Congress will be in on marching illegals to gas chambers, is that what you’re implying?
From H Colleen Sinclair, “Disinformation is rampant on social media – a social psychologist explains the tactics used against you,” Japan Today (17 Dec 2023):
From this article’s headline:
From the article:
Good thing I read H Colleen Sinclair’s article to become inoculated against Russian disinformation.
Millions, that’d be a lot of proud dumb people I suppose.
Can you be specific? How?
So let me get this straight. The policies are 'acceptable' but the rhetoric is outrageous... right.
It really illustrates how obsessed and desperate they are to send huge amounts of cash to Zelensky and the Military Industrial Complex that they are entertaining Trump border policies.
Didn't Biden criticize and campaign against these very same policies? Isn't that being a spineless sell-out and backstabbing your own supporters?
At this point, anyone who supports TFG or MAGA is giving new meaning to the term “retarded:” no longer referencing any intellectual or mental disability, and yet so far backward in their DECIDED convictions and mindset that they come full circle through their conspiratorial knots to the origin again. Now political propaganda is their reality. And then they make things worse now for the rest of us while existing in their minds in a better “then” which never really was. They’ve completely bought in and wear the rose-colored goggles full time.
I sometimes like to imagine what projects we’ll take on when we all take off those goggles long enough to think for ourselves, live in the moment and decide to connect to others once again.
I don’t want to MAGA. I want to reforge it and Make America United Again in a stronger, more inclusive, more equal way. I want to live in a USA that takes care of ourselves and offers to help each other when they ask for it.
My dad occasionally accuses me of “putting the cart before the horse.”
Getting rid of TFG is one step.
healing his voter base is another.
uniting behind a common goal is another step.
TFG and MAGA have no place in my country. Life is short and I’ve spent too much of mine learning about them and how they want to demean people. Maybe it’s time one of them stopped talking and took a breath long enough to learn about how I like to empower people.
We need to start talking about this to them respectfully. To real people at the gas pump and grocery store.
the time has past for ignoring politics and religion at holidays. I have too little time left on this earth to spend any of it wondering how my people elected a second hitler who DOESNT EVEN HAVE A COOL MUSTACHE
im gonna go get a burger with my dog
Good luck out there guys. We can do this if we try
Also, to the moderator: I already journaled this so if it's too real for you to post, no hard feelings.
If Trump is "echoing Nazi slogans of World War II", then what does that say about the current administration which is considering implementing his policies on immigration?
This is all very confusing. Are they echoing too?
Really though shame on us, his orange blob couldn’t have been more of a warning. Hurler’s ‘stache, too.
you’da think we’d see it coming a second time 100 years later but no. He’s insidious , and now we’re going to have to trim off all the diseased blight and pay love and attention while we nurture new growth so we can have excellent American apples before I’m dead and gone.
Millions do or the guy wouldn’t be getting stronger by the day.
That is just not going to happen anymore. Both sides are too polarizing.
I want that as well.