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Top Republican Graham more upbeat on Syria troop withdrawal after Trump meeting

By Jonathan Landay

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Republicans with a backbone? Trump's obviously quite toxic if republicans suddenly grew a spine and are speaking out against his uninformed, knee-jerk Twitter policies.

Of course, it won't be long before idiotic Trump supporters that lack integrity are along to disparage the adults who have a measurable IQ.

1 ( +8 / -7 )

who is this "top Republican" they talk about? Lindsey Graham? Are you kidding?

Lindsey Graham would be as effective in convincing anyone as a sausage would be effective in convincing a dog not to eat it...

8 ( +11 / -3 )

The world doesn’t need the US in Syria-President Trump has done the right thing

2 ( +7 / -5 )

The world doesn’t need the US in Syria-President Trump has done the right thing

It may be the right thing, but he won't do it the right way.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Whata foolish man. The Democrats will start a new war. They always do.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Top Republican Graham says Trump slowing down planned withdrawal from Syria

In other words, the 'planned slowdown' has resulted in the big war industries sending messages to Trump and politicians from both political parties that any decisions they might make having negative effects on their profits will result in those politicians getting reduced campaign 'contributions'.

Has Trump released his most current tax info to see which all big war industries he and his family have invested in?

2 ( +5 / -3 )

How do they propose to save the Kurdish position? That's the question. Long term, it pretty much impossible without an actual Kurdish nation state which isn't going to happen in the foreseeable future. Right now they are scattered in half a dozen countries.

The best the U.S can nope to do is somehow direct Kurdish fighters and help them integrate back into Kurdish populations in neighboring countries, otherwise its just a matter of time before Turkey moves in, probably Syria and Iraq.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Whata foolish man. The Democrats will start a new war. They always do.

Like Iraq and Afghanistan?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

It may be the right thing, but he won't do it the right way.

So what do you consider the right way? If not immediate pullout, then what alternative? A phased long-term withdrawal? No matter which way, you'd all be blasting Trump anyway. Again, dammned if he does and dammned if he doesn't.

Funny how the anti-US folks criticizes the US for meddling in other countries' affairs and Trump decides it's time to stop being the world policemen and pulls out.....like you all wanted.

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

As I say it’s always too soon/too late or too much/not enough with liberals even when Trump does what they have wanted all along.

-4 ( +6 / -10 )

As I say it’s always too soon/too late or too much/not enough with liberals even when Trump does what they have wanted all along.

Conservatives taught us well when you all were doing this to Obama. The difference is that Obama was actually competent to hold the office.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

@halwick  No matter which way, you'd all be blasting Trump anyway

@BlacklabelAs I say it’s always too soon/too late or too much/not enough

I admit it: I can support NOTHING Trump does. A man with his lifelong history of devious business practices, who has zero regard for honesty, ethics, morality, who's had his syndicate ask for help from foreign powers trying to further weaken the US, a man with zero regard for the majority of Americans, among numerous other negatives, does not belong in the White House.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

The Democrats will start a new war. They always do.

I'm sorry, I had missed that the Democrats had been doing this, so I'm very open to being educated. Which wars did the Democrats start?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

So what do you consider the right way?

What, do you want me to start pretending I'm qualified to know the right way to do it? Come on, I'm not Trump. If you want to know how I would do it, well, I would first put together comprehensive plans with my top advisers who are qualified. Then I would discuss it with my allies, to make sure that a vacuum is not left in the area. After all, the US made the mess with their lie-based invasion of the sovereign state of Iraq, so to just abandon it is irresponsible, and doing so will leave a huge black mark on the reputation of America for generations. People in that region do not forget slights like that. After discussing a proper pullout with allies in the region, I would then work according to the advice of qualified people to pull out the troops back home.

That's how I, who is entirely unqualified to know the best way to go about it, would go about getting it done in the best way possible.

Trump is a moron though. He's already deviated from the above by ignoring the advice of his advisors (Mattis called him out on that), and not discussing anything with allies. The difference between Trump and I is that I know I'm not qualified to know the best way to do this, and while Trump isn't qualified to know the best way, in his arrogance and, lets be frank, low-intelligence, he thinks he is.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

No matter which way, you'd all be blasting Trump anyway.

Probably. But that doesn't change the fact that Trump will still do it the wrong way.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Well, the drama queen got the attention he wanted

3 ( +4 / -1 )

I'm actually really curious to see if the withdrawal actually happens. While Trump supporters support it, due to Trump supporting it, the 'pubs who are actually in power are sure to not support these withdrawals at all. Now the question comes as to which is stronger, Trump's ego, or their power.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Lindsey Graham's behavior with regard to President Trump has not made sense for a while now. Something is not right.

So, I guess that the Russians also have something on Graham. Is that what Trump reminded him of over lunch?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

One honest person at least. I can respect this. Others seeing into the future and even saying he WILL do things wrong. So the rest of you even hate the things he hasn’t even done yet.

I admit it: I can support NOTHING Trump does

0 ( +4 / -4 )

I like dauntless Trump. I do not believe intelligentsia.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The Champion of War against the Champion of Ignorance is going to be an interesting battle, especially given that for once, the sTrumpet has blindly stumbled into being the one taking the reasonable position.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

What, do you want me to start pretending I'm qualified to know the right way to do it?  Come on, I'm not Trump. 

But that doesn't change the fact that Trump will still do it the wrong way.

@strangerland, No you're not Trump, yet you and other like-minded consider yourselves to be subjectively qualified to to judge he's doing it the wrong way no matter what he does.

 If you want to know how I would do it, well, I would first put together comprehensive plans with my top advisers who are qualified. Then I would discuss it with my allies, to make sure that a vacuum is not left in the area.

After discussing a proper pullout with allies in the region, I would then work according to the advice of qualified people to pull out the troops back home.

Textbook armchair general answer. "Comprehensive plans and discussions" would take years and not fast enough for the leftist/liberals who want the U.S. out NOW. Besides, let Syria solve their own problems without US meddling. Isn't that what you want?

I'm actually really curious to see if the withdrawal actually happens. While Trump supporters support it, due to Trump supporting it,

Funny how the anti-Trumpers for years have been demanding for the US to get out. Now that Trump is giving them what they want, they're all of a sudden they're against the pullout.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

@strangerland, No you're not Trump, yet you and other like-minded consider yourselves to be subjectively qualified to to judge he's doing it the wrong way no matter what he does.

Oh, that's an area in which I am qualified. My livelihood, as well as a growing number of people whom depend upon me and my businesses, require me to be able to sort out the wheat from the chaff. It's something I'm quite adept at. I claimed Trump was not qualified for the job before he became president, and nothing he has done since has shown otherwise. He has proven himself inept at the job continuously, which is evidenced by the fact he's nearly crippled in his ability to act do to his poor performance.

Textbook armchair general answer.

It's exactly the opposite of an armchair general. I don't think you understand that term. It refers to someone who thinks they know how to do something from the safety of the armchair of their home, better than those who are actually doing it in the real world. I was quite clear I don't know the way to go about doing it the right way, and that I'm not qualified to know how to do that. Therefore your claim that I'm an armchair general is pretty silly. Don't you mind looking silly for making claims that are literally the exact opposite of reality?

"Comprehensive plans and discussions" would take years

And that my friend, is an armchair general answer. How do you know it would take years? You seem to be saying you know how to do it correctly. How many stars have you painted on your sleeves mate?

not fast enough for the leftist/liberals who want the U.S. out NOW

No, that's not right. No one has made that claim. Are they telling you this lie in the bubble?

Funny how the anti-Trumpers for years have been demanding for the US to get out. Now that Trump is giving them what they want, they're all of a sudden they're against the pullout.

What are you talking about? I and many, if not most, other liberals have been saying that what Trump is doing is right, but his execution will be entirely flawed. It already is right from the start. It's not like he can suddenly fix it now.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Funny the MSM gives this guy credibility.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

Maybe cuz this guy is tied to the corporate state, like the MSM, and his war dollars

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Get the French, USA and turkey out. The Kurds can go back to a united Syria like before.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Goodlucktoyou, haven’t you forgotten the Russians, the Iranians and Hezbollah?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Oh, and IS...

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Liberals and Dems are funny people, when Obama pulls the troops out their base hails it as a victory, when Trump does it, the left and even some on the right lose their minds, but the anti-war left are really having a meltdown, the very people that don’t believe we should br fighting in any war. Strange.....

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Liberals and Dems are funny people, when Obama pulls the troops out their base hails it as a victory, when Trump does it, the left and even some on the right lose their minds

It's funny to you to do things in a well thought out manner after speaking with the professionals but completely reasonable to do things in a knee-jerk manner?

1 ( +4 / -3 )

I trust Trump to make the right decision on Syria. He alone wisely recognized Montenegro as a potential tinderbox to set off WWIII. He alone put the presidents of Latvia and Lithuania in their place for causing death and destruction in the Balkans ('bout time!). And he alone knows that North Korea is no longer a nuclear threat because he and Kim had a nice meeting in Singapore.

I also trust that anytime Lindsey Graham flip flops over to Trump's side, he must have a good reason.

I do not trust the military people. They depend too much on facts. They need to feel it the way Trump can feel it. The military people definitely do not deserve that 10% pay increase Trump gave them this year.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I do not trust the military people. They depend too much on facts.

The Neocons? Yup, I trust them like I trust El Chapo sitting behind me in a movie theater.

They need to feel it the way Trump can feel it. The military people definitely do not deserve that 10% pay increase Trump gave them this year.

The same people that always try to whisper in the Presidents ear as to why we need to stay in Syria, they believe nation building and staying forever without a clear objective is a good thing. Let the Kurds and Israel....especially Israel do what they need to do and don’t tie their hands. And why are liberals worried anyway? They never liked the military going back to the days of Vietnam, now they’re pro-military? Lol

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

@nanda. Russians, Iranians and Hezbollah are invited. Ever had a new year party where violent gatecrashers come, smash the house up and start fights? And don’t forget who is supplying IS and Al Nusa. Oh and al queida.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

We've spent enough money in Syria. We need that money for other things. Plus our troops would not mind getting out of there.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

I see already two people think we haven't spent enough money in Syria and /or our troops do in fact want to stay in Syria.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I’m all for whatever makes Trump do fewer impetuous things. He seems to lose his self-control at times.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Trump is not a globalist. America first. End of story.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Well, not the end of story. Trump still has a lot of time to make even more mistakes based on whatever TV show he's just watched.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I'm sorry, I had missed that the Democrats had been doing this, so I'm very open to being educated. Which wars did the Democrats start?

Obama bombed the he'll out of Libya and Syria. Obama also increased troop numbers in Afghanistan. He expanded the drone program in Pakistan and Yemen. Not to mention their belligerent attitude towards Russia. The dems are the new war mongers.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Lindsay Graham lacks basic intelligence.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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