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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Top Ukrainian commander says his forces now control 1,000 square kilometers of Russia's Kursk region
By SAMYA KULLAB KYIV, Ukraine©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
Not one military expert from the West thinks this cunning Baldrick style pan will pan out the way Zelensky hopes.
The war will intensively immensely now and not in the favour of Ukraine due to this strategic error.
Putin is in a state of shock and refuses to discuss numbers.
"peace talks' might be able to begin once Putin calls all his invading military home, but even that might not be enough to keep the warmongering Russian Federation backed by itheir fellow authoritarian states from launching another invasion. The Kremlin need to pay for all the deaths and destruction they are responsible for in Ukraine, and return the children they have kidnapped to their relatives. Under Putin Russians are shown to be unsafe, he's too busy hiding in his safe room under a big table to care about ordinary Russians; still some call him 'strong, savvy and smart', I think history will record today's Russia as another example of how a cult of .personality has failed most people and nations. His name will be linked with Mao, Stalin, Hitler and their ilk.
The gambit of seizing KNPP failed abysmally. As the article mentions, there are DRG sabotage and reconnaissance cells, that have been using fake Russian IDs - this includes uniforms, vehicles and markings - to infiltrate behind checkpoints.
This is the parallel to Operation Greif in the BotB during WWII. Important to observe this behaviour is war crimes and not covered by the laws of war, thus these saboteurs can be terminated with extreme prejudice.
Important thing is Moscow to maintain vigilance around KNPP and any other nuclear sensitive facilities, with a multi-tiered defense, which has happened, while the mop-up operation proceeds and till the cease of hostilities, even beyond.
Photo four at the bottom shows a brazen Kyiv-regime drone attack on ZNPP, witnessed by IAEA inspectors. The world and their European sponsors need to wake up and smell the coffee: that regime is resorting to attempted nuclear blackmail and terrorism as they become more desperate - may they not succeed.
Maybe he’s in shock but he won’t sit back and do nowt, it’s not in his nature or a part of Russia’s history to do so. The attack was in a poorly defended area that has no significance to defending Ukraine. The Russians nor the rest of the world expected this, because it’s foolhardy and Zelensky is shooting himself in the foot for short term public approval.
Meanwhile, further south the Russians make more gains which will not be assisted by the adventure into Russian territory.
A moral boost for the Ukrainians.
What does Putin hope? Are his hopes justified?
Russia total area 17 million, so 1000 is only 0.005%. Good luck with the rest.
Putin was unable to protect his borders.
This is just desperate propaganda, the Russian army has surrounded the failed Ukrainian guerrilla incursion..
Russia continues to advance, liberating cities in the Kursk region and more than 1,600 Ukrainians have already died..
It is only a matter of time before Russia retakes the Kursk region, not to mention its unstoppable advance on east Ukraine..
A big mistake by the Kyiv regime, they lost all possibility of a negotiation with Russia..
Sounds like everything is not going according to plan for fascist Russia. Are they learning the golden rule? Start stuff get stuff?
You're not a military expert so why do you bother commenting? Feel the need to give Putin some encouragement?
If it is the 0.001% with the large nuclear plant, Kyiv is golden.
Yesterday the articles asserted "several tens of square kilometers" were under control.
But Syrskyi has really upped the ante. Essentially, he is pushing an exaggeration-on-roids of the phony maps showing UAF control in areas where a vehicle probed.
Truth is the pocket is largely confined to around Sudzhansky District, and then around Sudzha, which they don't even control.
No one serious believes Kyiv will take and hold this land for any length of time.
They either retreat or dig in and transition this pocket into another static, positional artillery slug-fest. Russia will drown them in a sea of glide-bombs and massive artillery overmatch, destroying their static positions and turning it into another Krynki-style bloodbath for the AFU.
Putin may take advantage of this and may well 'delay' their expulsion in order to grind up these units. After all, never interrupt your opponent when he’s making a grave mistake.
I don't think it says anywhere in the Geneva Conventions that you can commit war crimes when subjected to war crimes. Precisely to not allow lying pieces of stuffing like Russia the excuse I imagine. In any event, you can cry about it when Russia rejoins the ICC.
Zelenskyy could come out openly using nuclear blackmail and he would receive tacit approval from the West I'm fairly certain.
Zelensky's gambit has failed.
Not only has he failed to seize the Kursk nuclear plan but his Western weapons suppliers are fuming that he violated their agreement.
His best units are not stuck in a cauldron and the best move for Putin now is simply wait for Zelensky's units to run out of supplies, as they have no reliable supply line.
Sun Tzu's Art of War - If your enemy makes a mistake, don't interfere.
Zelensky's gambit has failed.
This another one of your "they planned to stop their offensive" all along gaslights?
The only negotiation with Russia has always been with a bayonet.
Certain quarters think that Kyiv can resort to transnational terrorism and violate the Geneva convention with no consequence - that is not the case. Using false uniforms/forged IDs forfeits their protections as legal combatants under Article 4.
This is a fact. Play fancy dress and face a firing squad.
the above 50 cents worth, maybe even less
Aren't you by a chance a Putin's adjutant? You usually know everything about him :) As if you're sitting by his right hand at the negotiating table. How can you know if you write the word "Russia" with three mistakes :)))
Russia has already committed every barbarism under the sun. Nobody thinks they are adhering to any Geneva Convention.
Cards fan
Keep it up. Hears to hoping they continue to liberate Kursk and Belgorod. These are historically Ukrainian lands.
Vlad looks happy in that photo.
His goober henchmen better stay away from open windows…
Putin is in a state of shock and refuses to discuss numbers.
I was watching the morning news. The local mayor was speaking with Putin about the captured 28 settlements. Putin told him not to reveal figures and that was the role of the military.
Let's discuss numbers.
Does one believe Syrskyi who claims 1000 sq/km control, or yesterday's article which put it in the more modest "several tens"?
Today, this number 1000 км has been widely discussed in the Russian telegram. The recording of Zelensky's meeting with his team was made intentionally in order to report to the NATO bosses. There are no 1000 km there, of course, even according to the most daring estimates. But 400 km of a ragged line is still conceded.
There’s egg on your face, then there are all the eggs produced in a mass poultry farm on your face. Putin is dealing with the latter right now.
Ukraine should be deciding which other areas of Russia they’ll take next. Russias military is so incompetent, they may be able to take more of Russia than Russia has taken of Ukraine!
Strategically, what Ukraine is doing makes a great deal of sense. By holding ground of their (Ukraine's) own choosing, they pressure the Russian forces to hit them in entrenched and well defended positions. Obviously Ukraine isn't planning to occupy these Russian positions permanently, but perhaps just long enough to cause embarrassment for Putin, relieve pressure from their own country and to tempt the Russians to attack Ukraine on well defended ground of its choosing. Why not? Make them pay dearly in blood for real estate. The Russians have been doing this successfully for the past few years, now it's Ukraine's turn to give it a try.
Yes, 28 were there. But I'm not talking about it, but about your interpretation of Putin's feelings and intentions.
I think a referendum in Kursk is needed.
Let the people currently living there decide their future.
There seems to be two narratives forming here:
Firstly, the Kursk incursion is an unparalleled success, with more territory being taken and Kyiv literally deciding which other areas of Russia they will march into next. RFAF have been routed and Putin is in a state of shock with over 1000 sq/km taken. This has turned the tables, AFU now has the initiative with mass redeployments from other sectors by the Russians neutralizing any progress there. Moreover, this will strengthen Kyiv's hand at the bargaining table when negotiations terms begin.
Secondly, there's the view that limited reserves, instead of being used to prop up the Eastern Front (particularly the hot potatoes of Pokrovsk, Torestsk and Kupiansk), they launched this incursion to seize the KNPP - failed - and now the operation has no clear military goal/s, is stuck in place, and controls several tens of sq/km at most. Moreover, the majority of forces committed to counter this incursion were tactical reserves and nominal units from the Kharhiv sector. This means it is business-as-usual on the Eastern battlefront with steady advances.
Only one of these scenarios is true.
So expect more false flags? Are the Putin stans hoping for even greater levels of warmongering from their cult leader? How low can he go? Will his cult be satisfied seeing him go nuke? Reality: if he does go nuke you won't see it, nor will other stans or anyone else, but maybe that's what Russians want.
Some dude
falseflagsteveToday 06:16 am JST
Not one military expert from the West thinks this cunning Baldrick style pan will pan out the way Zelensky hopes.
The war will intensively immensely now and not in the favour of Ukraine due to this strategic error.
Have a comrade check your English before posting, comrade.
He obviously meant to say:
The war will intensify immensely now and not in the favour of Ukraine due to this strategic error.
It's called a typo.
At the moment, Russia is being cautious with its response, since not all residents in the border settlements have been evacuated yet. So.. a day or a couple.... Hold on tight to the sides of your trucks. Today, Putin appointed General Dyumin to coordinate communications between the Armed Forces of the RF with local authorities and law and security agencies. In fact, he is appointed commander of all actions. In the chat rooms they say: the future president. So get used to the person :))))
Literally every prediction you have made for over two and a half years has been wrong.
God speed the Ukrainians - inflict as much damage upon fascist Russia, their infrastructure and personnel as possible.
Putin looks really pissed and you know what he's thinking. Wouldn't want to be any one of them sitting in that room. Half will probably be dead in 6 months.
Have your Internet Research Agency sources told you that it was not a contingent of Wagners that went into Ukraine. Maybe some from the 'African Corps', Russians love false flags after all.
Oh but that’s not true.
Win or lose military is irrelevant to the fact that this incursion is a huge embarrassment to Putin and the Kremlin. It counters the “Russia is safe” and invasion of Ukraine doesn’t affect ordinary Russian life. It highlights how incompetent the Russian military really is. Once touted as the second strongest militaries in the world it is now considered by many as the second strongest in Russia. It will take a long time for Putin to get the egg off his face! I wonder if he’ll live long enough to see that day? Avoiding tea time near windows I’d advised.
Putin is meeting with eight people. Obviously, the recognizable Shoigu. Looks to be Aleksey Dyumin next to him. Next not sure. At the end is Zolotov, director of the National Guard of Russia.
Opposite is Gerasimov, FSB director Bortnikov. The two chaps next to them, names slip my mind (it's not DM Belousov).
Anyone know the other three?
Lots of reactive Russian rage in here.
What, are you guys going to try harder now? Were you not trying hard enough before?
So Putin can't conquer a much smaller nation with no Navy in two and a half years, can't protect his citizens from a major ISIS terror attack, and now has allowed the nation he invaded to turn the tables and invade HIS country...
Sounds like a guy that would have be voted out massively in a real democracy...
burgers and beers
1000 square kilometres - sure. This information sounds as trustworthy as Ace of Kyiv shooting down dozens of Russian aircraft.
Some dude
While it would obviously be preferable for this to be over (with so many Russian casualties that they can't even rustle up an army for any future stupid military moves), the longer this goes on, the more fun it is to read the scrambling, the excuses, the propaganda, and the outright expression of hatred for humanity, from the Russia simps. It was supposed be a short operation which would result in Ukraine joyously welcoming their liberators, and it's turned into one of the great military humiliations.
When the history books look back on this, they're not going to be looking at statistics. They're going to be looking at how Russia proved itself to be a military joke. And worse for the Russia fans: Zelenskyy is going to be feted as a hero, and Putin will be seen on the level of Kim Jong Un and other tinpot losers.
Me? I'm just delighted that some people will be gnashing their teeth over this.
OK Seapig has outlined a third narrative:
The actual military results/consequences of the incursion are totally irrelevant. This is a huge embarrassment for Putin as it has punctured the "Russia is safe" theme - and by consequence is some sort of victory for Kyiv. The RFAF are incompetent with the usual stereotypes. Putin has locked himself in his room and the allusion of him dying - which means killed, presumably by his own side - with the usual trope of windows means his days are surely numbered.
This is an extension of the first narrative outlined above.
Haaa Nemui
Yeah I don’t know how much of any of this latest stuff is true. Freely admit that. It’s clear that Putin isn’t happy though, and neither are his supporters… which makes for some entertaining reading here.
burgers and beers
Photo four at the bottom shows a brazen Kyiv-regime drone attack on ZNPP, witnessed by IAEA inspectors'
Ukrainan forces really should not be attacking nuclear power plants cooling systems with explosive drones. Not a great idea.
burgers and beers
I agree, no doubt Putin is unhappy about this, would imagine army chief Gerasimov will be fired after this.
burgers and beers
Photo four at the bottom shows a brazen Kyiv-regime drone attack on ZNPP, witnessed by IAEA inspectors'
They aren’t. That’s some tires set on fire by some cheeky Russians.
burgers and beers
Putin looks really pissed and you know what he's thinking. Wouldn't want to be any one of them sitting in that room.
Why not? it is a relatively small area, a square of 32km each size would be bigger than 1000km2, it is at much as big as the city of San Antonio.
burgers and beers
Fake news.
Zelensky himself started that nonsense about burning tires - problem is IAEA monitors are there to see the truth for themselves.
The midget from Moscow can’t keep a small fleet afloat or protect his own territory much less “conquer” Kiev.
Is that the face he makes when he accidentally soils himself after a fall?
Haaa Nemui
That is from the IAEA website. It was not “witnessed by IAEA inspectors” however they did hear explosions and were subsequently told it was a drone attack. Both Russia and Ukraine are denying accusations pointed at them.
OK 5 other people were in on that meeting in the photos, remotely via the big TV screen visible in photo 2 and which they are looking at in photo 9. This included DM Belousov and the governor of Kursk region.
It's so enjoyable watching our pro-Putin posters here spiral down as as quickly as a Russian Su-27 caught by a Patriot...
Russia's "one week special military operation" is now on Day# 901 and Ukraine just turned the tables and invaded Russian territory....and they can't wrap their head around it...
And from the picture above, it's clear there's a small of stature guy in Moscow that is having this same meltdown...
Wick's pencil
Unlike Zelensky, Putin tries to minimize casualties, so they retreated. Russia will quickly retake this territory and the Ukrainians will end up paying dearly in lives.
The IAEA is just being circumspect and not pointing fingers - they are meant to be neutral remember.
Fact of the matter is the on-site inspectors know what is going on and they certainly didn't mention any "burning tires".
Russia will need to allocate a lot more resources to guard the border after this attack, which seems to be the purpose behind it.
Ukraine will retreat once Russia brings in enough troops. And Russia will claim they killed/took more prisoners than were part of the invasion force (actually they've already done this). The Kursk citizens complaints will be silenced to prevent more embarrassment for the Moscow regime.
With his human wave cannon-fodder attacks unsupported by armor or air power, lol
They didn’t “retreat” so much as they “collapsed and ran away”, lol.
Who says Moscow will stop at the Kursk/Sumy border when the pocket is snuffed out? This CTO will expand into the Sumy region not too far down the track and move west.
Haaa Nemui
Even neutral actors tell the truth when it is necessitated. They can’t point fingers when they can’t verify. Some random guy on the internet is not verification.
donald slipping in the polls, donald’s master starting to lose the war, a bad day if you are a murderous tyrant or his wannabe puppy!!!
Photo 11 is the alleged map of the incursion, although this is way out of date, and includes probed areas as 'controlled'.
Here’s what the current frontline actually looks like, with the white circles representing how far AFU DRGs initially pointlessly got by speeding past Russian defenses just to make it look like they were capturing territory, the red areas where Russia has now retaken everything:,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
It's hard to think of any way that the Ukrainians could have embarrassed Putin more than this. I'm trying, but nothing is coming to mind. I think this is about the single most embarrassing move that Putin could have faced from Russia.
I'm sure the Russian troops will give one for the motherland, and try a little harder now though. You know, really get in there. Before they weren't really trying, just sort of trying, but now I'm sure they're really give it a good ol' try!
Mr Kipling
That is all it is, but an important one. More importantly it shows that the Ukrainians have eradicated the Russian spy network in their ranks. This was a major security lapse for the Russians but strategically nothing has changed. Are the Ukrainians planning to did in and stay in Russian territory? They will make great FAB bomb practice targets.
I see our Russian posters are trying to deliver all types of spin on this one. It doesn't look like the Kremlin has really settled on the response they're going to go with. These guys are all over the place.
To be fair, they don't have much to work with, as this exposes Putin as incompetent, and frankly, to us unbiased outsiders, very weak.
This is the interesting thing. They somehow try to convince themselves and others that the Moscow regime believes it's a good thing that Russia was successfully invaded, and is still being occupied, by a small force from Ukraine. Yes, great plan.
Time to run all the Russians out, send in settlers to take over the nicest homes and businesses, then hold an election.
That's how Russia does it, why shouldn't Ukraine?
Better they use the bombs on their own soil than on Ukrainian soil. Right?
The difference is that the Russians are going to try harder now.
Lack of armor or logistics?
Some combination thereof?
Take your pick.
Moscow's objective for a long time has been to grind down and attrite the manpower of the AFU. This is the main game in town.
And Kyiv has weakened the entire Eastern Front for this little stunt. That's why many analysts are left scratching their head as they can't see the obvious military utility of this misadventure.
If that was true then Ukraine would have captured the Kursk nuclear power plant only around 130 km from the border remember 1000km2 is 1000km by 1000km
The city of Kursk in about 160km from the border.
Not a single verified source has back this up.
If Ukraine had captured 1000km2 the nuclear power plant and Kursk city there would be major news corps with a lot of reports and videos.
But every report I can find on this is just repeating Oleksandr Syrskyi's claims similar to the ghost of Kiev which they all reprinted as being factual at the time.
Let's wait and see if Syrskyi is pulling a PR stunt as he did in Avdiivka and Bakhmut just before those city's defenses collapsed.
Remember we are talking about Syrskyi not Zaluzhnyi.
Zaluzhnyi was generally factual with his claims, Syrskyi make claims that never happened and promises he can't keep.
100km2 yes I believe 1000km2 not so much especially since it would have to include the nuclear power plant and the city of Kursk.
Heh, diversion from how embarrassing this is to Putin.
Keep coping.
What math is this? Better try again.
Haaa Nemui
Allow me to help. 1000 square km is not the same as 1000 km square.
Actually it’s not. Ukraine has no thoughts of a full scale, “let’s take over and destroy Russia” like Putin.
They simply wanted to embarrass the h*** out of Putin and bring Russia’s illegal imperialistic invasion and its consequences to the front of ordinary Russians minds. It has succeeded on both counts.
Personally I would rather see him in prison. But, unfortunately, short fall out of a tall building is probably more likely.
Say what you will about Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Andropov, etc...
They were all dictators and bad guys...but at least they never allowed Russian territory to be invaded...
Putin and Stalin now both own that disgrace...
Haaa Nemui
100km2? You believe that? None of the Ukrainians are even saying they've done that.
I love to see putin face now....
burgers and beers
If it is the 0.001% with the large nuclear plant, Kyiv is golden.
When do you predict Kyiv will take the Kursk NPP?
Haaa Nemui
Is that the plan? Has anybody given a timeframe at all?
With the mass evacuations of civilians and the formation of Russian troops in a safe encirclement, the expectation is that the Russians will use a tactical nuke to clear the area of invaders.
There are several advantages:
1: No losses of Russian personnel
2: Perfectly legal internationally because it's on Russian soil.
3: The prevailing winds blow the fallout over NATO
4: A pleasant reminder to NATO that Russia can inflict serious damage on invaders.
Putin's been waiting for the perfect chance to fire off a nuke. Zelensky took the bait.
Damn I love this site! It’s comments like this that give me the laugh I need to start the day!
burgers and beers
Photo 11 is the alleged map of the incursion, although this is way out of date, and includes probed areas as 'controlled'.
Some areas were claimed as controlled by UAF, evidenced by their armored carrier driving through villages. Then it turned out it was a Ukrainian vehicle captured by Chechen Akhmat special forces who drove it back to show off.
it will not end well for putin and russia
Sorry auto complete that was supposed to be 100km X 100km
But hey have a good laugh.
Russia has already conducted 715 nuclear blasts on Russian soil.
Who cares if they carry out #716?
I'm sure the people of Kursk won't.
Haaa Nemui
Well it would help Ukraine with their buffer zone on Russian soil.
I mean, the people of Kursk will be good with their homes being eradicated and irradiated for the rest of their entire lives, right?
Yesterday someone ask why the article claimed dozens of km vs previous clams of hundreds.
The answer was a simple one claims vs actual control and consolidation of the area.
Syrskyi likes to make claims (see Bakhmut and Avdiivka).
Have advanced elements of the Ukrainian forces penetrated in disruption squads deeper into Russia? Yes.
Does this mean Ukraine has control of those areas? No.
This control/consolidation and penetration is why reliable sources like deepstatemap UA a pro Ukrainian mapping and Suriyakmaps (neutral) have grey zones.
Both Russia and Ukraine make claims often based on how deep/far one or 2 units reach only for the true line of control to be dozens to hundreds of km in the rear.
Syrskyi is famous for these types of claims and this habit was one of the big reasons Zaluzhnyi clashed with both Zelensky and Syrskyi.
Kursk is the home of the greatest battle in human history, where Russian tanks defeated invading armies from the West in an epic battle.
If losing their home means saving the lives of Russian soldiers they would be the first to press the button.
Zelensky's best men were lead into a cauldron.
They're sitting dead center on Russian nuclear test site #716.
burgers and beers
' WasabiToday 10:09 am JST
I love to see putin face now....'
It's in the photos. He is not happy. I predict Gerasimov will be fired and Russians will strike back massively when they get organized with their flying shovels. Bunch of NATO gamechangers will likely go up in smoke again.
Haaa Nemui
Third winter is almost upon us. Plenty of people here were predicting it would be over by the first.
The only reason you'd be ok with it is that you don't care about the several thousand Ukrainian men that have been sent to their deaths.
Which sums up the pro war position.
Ukraine is a proxy to fight Russia and the lives of Ukrainians don't count.
Are those 'reliable sources' the ones that told you that Ukraine had seized 1,000,000 km2 of Russian territory?
Maybe you should get your 'FACTS' somewhere else.
Haaa Nemui
Only the Russians and their supporters are pro war. Ukrainians and supporters are pro not sitting on your arse and doing nothing while being invaded.
burgers and beers
Do it!! I'm ok with it.
Of course you are OK with it, number of US pro war posters indicated a number of times they do not care about Ukrainian soldiers lives.
It is funny.
The same people that now again believe Syrskyi, are the same people that repeated the Bakhmut claims he made, the same people claiming Russian soldiers only had shovels and that as Syrskyi claimed Bakhmut was safely in Ukrainian hands.
How did that go?
Then these same people again believed Syrskyi repeating all the above and that Avdiivka was secure and the Russians were losing.
Again how did that go?
How many times must Syrskyi's claims turn out to be hot air before you stop believing him?
"With the mass evacuations of civilians and the formation of Russian troops in a safe encirclement, the expectation is that the Russians will use a tactical nuke to clear the area of invaders.
There are several advantages:
1: No losses of Russian personnel
2: Perfectly legal internationally because it's on Russian soil.
3: The prevailing winds blow the fallout over NATO
4: A pleasant reminder to NATO that Russia can inflict serious damage on invaders.
Putin's been waiting for the perfect chance to fire off a nuke. Zelensky took the bait."
Kursk region.
Putin has not admitted something went wrong.
The first attack on Russia by a foreign country since WW2.
The attack carried out on Friday 22 March by a terrorist commando affiliated to Daech at the Crocus City Hall in Moscow left 140 people dead and 300 injured.
Another Putin failure.
Ask the Ukrainian government, it is financing and backing deepstatemap UA.
Some dude
It occurred to me that Russia simps are like those religious cults which predict the end of the world every time there's a full moon, and then shift the goalposts when it doesn't happen.
"Russia will liberate Kyiv in short order!"
"Russia will liberate Kyiv in a few months!"
"Russia will see a Ukrainian surrender soon!"
"Snake Island was a fluke!"
"Russia is playing the long game!"
"By losing tens of thousands of its own troops and tons of equipment, Russia is playing 5-d chess!"
"Russia will have beaten Ukraine back from its land within a day!...a week!....a year!"
Just so you know.
Deepstatemap UA is the primary source for Ukrainian civilians, journalists know where the front lines are and where to avoid.
The Ukrainian government actually tells people moving around to check deepstatemap UA if heading in a direction that may possibly be a present or future war zone.
It has been a very reliable sources and only adds control zones once fully confirmed.
You can try and make fun of me, but before going after deepstatemap UA try doing a tiny bit of research.
So if you want to make fun of me go ahead but at least I look at multiple sources and not just repeat the propaganda from one side.
Putin has only two options left in reality in this war. Abandon the campaign. The other option is on his face. I would assume he considering at this point. Mass destruction. What ever it is that will happen, its close to ending one way or the other.
Russia takes a year and suffers casualties in the hundreds of thousands to capture 400 square km.
Putin supporters: “Absolutely brilliant move!!”
Ukraine takes a week, suffers light casualties to capture 1,000 square km.
Putin supporters: “Well that was very unsportsmanlike. A sure sign they are losing, of course.”
burgers and beers
… same people claiming Russian soldiers only had shovels and that as Syrskyi claimed Bakhmut was safely in Ukrainian hands.Then these same people again believed Syrskyi repeating all the above and that Avdiivka was secure and the Russians were losing.Again how did that go? How many times must Syrskyi's claims turn out to be hot air before you stop believing him?"
But it's not about believing Syrskyi claims, you know that. Our friends are only here to further D.C. propaganda talking points. Thats all. Nothing else. But Ghost of Kyiv was real. That one was true. And those shovels, shovels and running out of missiles, that too.
Readers, this story will be closed for discussion for about two hours.
Well now we all know the real russia army strength and their strategies.
At no point did anyone claim that Russian soldiers only had shovels.
But some of them did.
Typical MAGA strawman piffle.
Sven Asai
Not such a big surprise, when remembering how quickly and fast those few Prigozhin soldateska could advance in direction to Moscow. The current attempt is using the situation that Russian military overestimates in general and doesn't so far consider such a possibility within own borders. Additionally, they have now a bureaucrat as defense minister, chosen to implement a war economy, but completely without any military experience. With fortifying the Southern front, pushing forward with everything they have and the West stopping the limits on missile reach, Ukraine could probably set some more of interesting signs and buoys, because Russia can't devastate too much of own land and also can't use nuclear weapons there. But that's something for doing, not discussing, because this time window is surely closing fast.
Haaa Nemui
Exactly. That has been twisted way out of context in order for them to criticize western media and reporting. It does go both ways, but it’s a good way to draw out those who say they haven’t taken a side but are extremely dismissive from one side while at the same time being extremely critical of the other.