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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Trump delays State of the Union Address until partial shutdown ends
By Richard Cowan and John Whitesides WASHINGTON©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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So Trump takes away Pelosi's airplane, and now Pelosi takes away Trump's "house".
Sounds to me they both need a "time-out" in the corner!
Chip Star
Hahaha! Trump got Pelosi-ed again. Trump's not smart enough to know when he's met his match. ROFL! Smh. LOL. Building 7. Kudos! Oh my . . . HAR!
If it doesn't occur in front of a joint session of congress in the Capitol, it is not the State of the Union.
Why are republicans not doing there jobs and re-opening the government?
House Democrats have approved several measures to fully reopen the government, but none has won approval in the Senate, which is controlled by the Republicans
President Trump should give the speech at a packed arena in Pelosi’s home district.
Chip Star
I hope by arena you mean a high school gym.
Everyone is petty. That’s America.
It does not matter where it is held, and there is no requirement for it to be televised nor given as a speech either. It's just a tradition and a chance for the sitting President to get "face" time in front of the American people and the world.
High school gym is 2020 Dem candidates. Are you seriously trying to tell me you haven’t seen how many people are showing up at Trump rallies?
Gotta keep that false narrative on track I guess.
Im glad. This gives Trump a chance if he wants to do something epic and historic as far as a unique location.
Chip Star
Technically correct. But we all know it matters agreat deal.
Polar reasoning and hyperbole much?
And how “racist” and “disrespectful”would it have been if the last guy was called an uninvited visitor and denied access.
precedent now been set.
What? Trump had record sold out rallies. No big deal, just give the SOTU somewhere else.
Yup. It's all so stupid. It would be nice if anyone in DC could be the bigger person. They'd all rather just act like spoiled children.
They'd have to leave their guns at home because they don't allow bullet shooting weapons at their gatherings. Why doesn't the NRA allow guns at their meetings?
But if the NRA were to provide security, some Russian organizations could help finance them - again.
Chip Star
Depends on the context, but we'll never know because Obama wasn't an idiot like Trump. HAR!
This is hilarious coming from people that sent Trump to smash up D.C.! ROFL! Oh my . . . Smh.
Locked out of House by Pelosi
Big mistake. Like Trump said, this is disgraceful. Nancy will regret this. She is doing a lot of damage to the Democratic Party. Frightening that she is third in line to the presidency if something should befall Trump and Pence. Thanks, Nancy voters! When is Nancy going to do something about her district San Francisco, which has become a cesspool under her watch?
Chip Star
It would pale in comparison. Like a live band in a bar v. Woodstock!
That’s a great idea! Can you imagine how off the rails nuts the main stream media and the Dems would get? It would be epic rage. Love the idea. But he will likely end up doing the speech from the Senate.
Oh, I totally agree. The response from attendees would be ... insightful.
Chip Star
Trump is decimating the Republican Party. HAR! Oh my . . . ROFL. Smh. Lol!
Nancy thinks that she can squeeze the President, good luck on that. But all those Democrat federal workers their biggest constituents are slowly wanting the Dems to make a deal, Trump is overwhelmingly blamed for the shutdown, but now the Dems are getting more and more pushback to make a bipartisan deal, but without wall funding the President will never budge.
Try again, Nancy! Lol
If the SOTU isn't delivered in the joint Senate and Congress, it might be "sad" for TRUMP, but it wouldn't be sad for the country.
"Sad for the country" is the Trump Shutdown.
Keep the faith, Nancy Pelosi. Don't be threatened by Trump.
Aly Rustom
All I can say is this: I'm glad I'm not in the US nor from the US. That's all.
The House shouldn't give Trump a platform to spread lies.
He will probably book it at one of his hotels and overcharge the taxpayers. His fans will love him for it.
No even cares! Most people don’t even watch TV, too busy being zombies on their iPhones. The only people that are gleeful are the Democrats. It doesn’t matter where Trump does it. But I know this, none of the Democrats legislations will get through the Senate. Lol
President Trump, hold the line. Kudos!
Chip Star
Proud to keep the government shutdown, just like Trump. ROFL. Smh. Oh my . . , kudos! HAR!
Given both Trump and the NRA have direct Russian connections, it would be fitting and provide a good setting for Trump's ultraright followers in the US and 'abroad' to wear their 'I'd rather be Russian that Democrat' T-shirts.
Heh, what a loser. No president has ever lost so much respect, that he can't even give a proper state of the union.
Obama did it properly. Lots. Even with a useless Republican Congress.
Pubs keep trying to blame this on a lack of Democratic compromise, which is a joke. A compromise is when two parties meet somewhere in the middle of both their demands. To be clear, there are three positions here:
1) What party A wants
2) What party B wants
3) A compromise somewhere in the middle.
Trump has made his position that there is a wall, or no deal. This is an ultimatum. There are only two positions here. You either accept the wall, or don't.
By forcing the options into a binary option, either A or B (0 or 1), there by definition can be no compromise, as a binary position is antithetical to compromise. Even if the Democrats wanted to compromise, they couldn't, as Trump has forced an ultimatum.
You guys keep asking where the compromise is, but the Democrats are not the ones who have defined the options as 'wall or not', that is Trump. When you guys say 'where is the Democratic compromise', what you are saying is gibberish, as there is no option of compromise. All you are asking is 'why won't the Democrats capitulate to Trump's ultimatum'.
And the reasons they won't capitulate are:
1) Because it would set a horrible precedent, that would change how America operates for generations (and not in a good way)
2) Because the people overwhelmingly don't want the wall, and blame the Republicans
3) Trump campaigned on a wall that Mexico would pay for, not America
This is actually true. She's now doing as much damage to her own party as Trump is doing to his. They are both now just playing childish games to see who can one up the other.
As if you guys are not proud that Pelosi doesn’t give in to the President. Come on.....
Like I said, if federal workers don’t like it, get a job in the private sector, more money and don’t have to worry about shutdowns.
And we know this...none of the GOP legislations will make it through the House. Lol
I just love having the upper hand in mutually assured destruction situations.
And that’s ok, but for an incoming party, the pressure is building for the Democrats to get major legislation passed and that won’t happen, at least none of their radical proposals will get through. Also, if the Dems had the upper hand they would have gotten more, but they don’t and won’t, so the shutdown and impasse continues, you have the upper hand when you get things passed Congress and neither side is doing that. But nice try....
The party is being done by Trump. He has clearly put the responsibility for shutdowns on the president's lack of ability to lead effectively, and he proudly took the mantle of shutting down the government right before he did it. Then he made an unreasonable ultimatum, that leaves no room for compromise at the last minute after an agreement had been made, an ultimatum that goes against the wishes of the people, and is not in line with the campaign promise he made that Mexico would pay for the wall.
There may possibly be damage to the Demoratic party - people who don't care much about politics will blame both parties for being ineffectual. But the one damaging them is Trump (though he is damaging himself and his own party worse). This is his shutdown. He started it, took credit for it, and is the only one who can stop it.
It's a Trump shutdown. And Pelosi is gaming him on it! No one knew just how politically masterful she was until now.
My God....Trump’s numbers are worse than I thought:
Especially the massive decline with Independents and Conservatives.
Wow, Trump, or should I say Jeb, is having a terrible week;
- Giuliani goes on TV and confirms Cohen's testimony that Trump lied all through 2015 and 2016 when he said he had "nothing to do with Russia" when in fact negotiations for a Trump Tower Moscow were going on into Nov 2016.
- Then Giuliani exposes another Trump lie when he says he didn't say there was no collusion with the campaign, only Trump - when there are videos by the hundreds with him and Trump saying just the opposite - "No collusion, no collusion"...
- Far right pundits, and some pro-Trump posters here, turn on him for offering "amnesty" - mocking him by calling him "Jeb" and a "Loser"...ouch....
- His cancelling of the Pelosi trip make him look like a two-year old, or should I saw another example of a two year old...
- Now Nancy banishes him from the well of the House - "go put your lounge act on somewhere else"...
And as Mueller finishes it up, it's only going to get worse...
No it's not. You guys showed last presidency that complete obstruction of the president's policies is a winning strategy to gain the white house. The people blame those in power for being ineffectual leaders. Which is fair, as even Trump has said the shut down is the result of weak leadership and an inability to lead their party.
Such a stupid and unnecessary shutdown. GDP = 0%, nearly a million federal workers out on a limb struggling and America weakened as a result.
What kind of a president would do this?
Kamikaze politics.
To be honest, It doesn't really matter where he does it. Anybody that has seen his twitter feed already knows what he's gonna say. There's not much really to address. Don't we already know the "state of the union"?
It's just gonna be a rally for his base. Essentially, it's a gathering of white privileged who believe their ethnicity is superior to all others. Badges supporting diversity for types of guns instead of human beings. Mocking of Muslims. Derogatory words spit at immigrants. Of course I don't think all republicans are racists but the majority of Trump's rally base are and the SOTU held anywhere outside the house, not directed to the senate, would just be turned into one of these. Real epic, real historic...wait, Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini already did that...
What about in a circus tent?
Possible venues for Trumps speech:
Space Force One
The Grand Wizard's abode
LIVE broadcast from the oval office on "da blaze" news network (or "Info Warz")
Mcdonald's ("Real American Food" restaurant)
China, NK, Russia
Q anonymous
These are a few of Trump's favorite things. So I'm sure he's already considering.
Has Ann Coulter approved the script yet?
A smiley face or an angry ‘see me”?
Dom Palmer
As the article clearly states, it has been given in writing before. So obviously it doesn't have to be given in front of a joint session to be the State of the Union.
Maybe, maybe not. But Pelosi is the loser either way.
They do, except when the location has different rules.
You mean just like Pelosi and the Democrats.
Meanwhile Pelosi's position is no deal with a wall. Sounds just like the flip side of you claim about Trump, but for her it is OK, right?
Trump has offered trade offs, part of negotiating a compromise.
And anyone with a brain knows politicians make lots of campaign 'promises' that they can't do without other politicians agreeing, all they can do is try their hardest. If he is seen to try and fulfill the promise most of his supporters won't hold a failure against him.
Joe Blow
The Dems are going to alienate swing voters and independents with stunts like these. At least Trump has the excuse of fighting for his campaign promise. The #resistance will eat this up, but old-school Dems will not.
I think she only gets veto power.
Um yeah, duh. That's how it works when you force an ultimatum on someone, they only have the option of being with you or against you. Trump set out the options of a wall or not wall, not Pelosi. You are blaming the ultimatum on the party who had the ultimatum put on them. That's logically... unintelligent.
See above. You're victim blaming.
Then why isn't he trying his hardest to get Mexico to pay - that's what he campaigned on. Not on getting America to pay.
Let's be clear, there was never, never a campaign promise that he would build an American-paid wall. This is not the attempt at filling a campaign promise, it's Don the Con trying to get himself a shiny new toy.
Have it inside Trump Tower? Or Mar-a-Lago?
As the constitution clearly states, he should give it congress. It used to only be given in writing, at some point they started giving it verbally. But it was always addressed to congress. If he gives it to his base instead, it's not really the SOTU now is it?
Maybe not. I'm willing to bet a majority of his base generally don't understand politics well enough to hold a failure against him, but the GOP might be inclined to do so. You'd have to be pretty silly to think a wall would stop all crime in America. A wall is going to stop crime and drugs, dreamland. A wall is going to stop illegal immigration and make them disappear, jokes. He should probably start focusing on getting back farmers support as they start to pull away instead of trying to get the wall deal, securing loyalty from the American steel industry.
deal, but without wall funding the President will never budge.
Doesnt need to only the senate. 2020 is just around the corner and the majority of senate seats up for grab are republican. Nobody wants to go into a election with a slowing or faltering economy, the longer the shutdown goes on more likely to danage the economy the more pressure on republican senators & Trump. Not even Trump could finish a wall before 2020. Lol
So lets see, the Coast Guard is relying on donations to keep their employees fed, TSA is in chaos and some of them are relying on handouts, now even the FBI is concerned that its employees will struggle for the basic necessities and Trump is concerned about making a speech!!!!!!!!
Trump is looking more and more like the modern day Nero? The country is being run to the ground and all he has on his mind is a speech!!!
I'm sure Trumpsters here are looking forward to Trump's lounge act SOU - for others it can be summarized below;
"Humma humma humma; believe me, believe me... Yada, yada, yada; mark my words, mark my words.... No collusion, no collusion; it's true, it's true... Never paid off porn stars or playboy bunnies; never, never... Putin's a great guy, great guy... God Bless America..."
Simon Foston
Joe BlowToday 10:21 am JST
A majority of US voters didn't buy Trump's campaign promise in 2016, or last November. The Dems have the excuse of doing what most people want Congress to do.
So which McDonald's will Trump go to give the address and the event?
NCIS Reruns
I have no interest in watching Trump give the speech, but I'll definitely check with the Washington Post afterwards to see how many "Pinocchio" lies they counted.
Trump is going absolutely ballistic over this. He's gone so absolutely nuts he made up a new nickname for Nancy Pelosi: "Nancy".
In any case, support for the wall is now at 7% nationwide, and Trump's poplurity dropped 7% in a month. hahaha. Finally some of the dimwits who voted for him are clueing in. And remember Trump owns the Economy that is set to have a GDP of zero, and the situation where a terrorist would be best to strike now with ports of entry being largely unwatched and FBI investigations and criminal courts unable to operate effectively. He says it's for "security", but he's created the worst security situation possibly in US history with the current state of the world.
Andrew Crisp
No Pelosi took away "Trumps House" first, resulting in Trump taking "Pelosi's Plane" away - the instigator is Pelosi.
But having corrected the facts, we can now point out the fact Trump will deliver the SOTU speech its gonna be well worth watching.
@andrew crisp
I doubt you'll be getting many facts from the speech. It will be worth watching for sure, funny stuff coming.
No Pelosi took away "Trumps House" first, resulting in Trump taking "Pelosi's Plane" away - the instigator is Pelosi.
oh pleease Trump took away the federal workers salaries with the shutdown, which he stated on national TV that he was proud to own, which he does. That is the FACT, it may also be a fact that Trump will deliver his SOTU speech , but it wont be in the House of Representatives at least not until government is reopened.
Basically, he wants a campaign rally a la "televangelist style". He wants to choose the journalists covering the event, so he can distribute more propaganda to uneducated, racist, and crazy.
LOL! Worst President Ever!
Is he going to wing it for 4 hours? That should be hilarious
How? He seemed pretty calm to me, no screaming, no breaking walls, why do liberals say things that just aren’t true?
7% I’m sorry, but what poll were you reading??
As for the economy, once the government reopens watch the stock market roar back into action and the economy back on the rails. And when you talk about the FBI, I have two words for them.....they have the power to litterally do anything and as much as they have lied, that statement was just a joke, buh sob, sob, buh...they all need to get over themselves, if they want the government to reopen, fund the wall, other than that, complaining and taking cheap swipes at the President won’t reopen the government, that I can tell you.
What? Oh,
I suggest he do the SOTU at Covington Catholic High School. His Pocahontas jokes would be a real hit there.
Actually, it’s not that bad when you look at the overall picture, granted, they’re not great, but considering what’s been going on with the witch hunt and the whirlwind chaos of liberals and the media trying to take him down to see his polls in the upper 40s is astonishing! And with the adjusted rates the economy should easily bounce back as well. If he dips under 20% then we have a problem, but given he’s still in the 40s range, it’s pretty good actually.
Looks like Trumps folded, no sotu until after shutdown is over.
I think it would be funnier if he did it at Nancy’s house telling his Pocahontas jokes, now I’d pay big money to see that. ROFL
Truly astonishing, particularly when the average of the polls has him at about 41%.
Seth M
for the two whose combined age is over 150, do they know that there's a point across which even if you "win", you still lose? they are achieving nothing but showing the people that neither party give a flying x to them.
Hey, I have a suggestion - I think you'll agree with me since you've said you like her - have the SOU over at Ann Coulter's house.
That way we can see Ann, and maybe Ingram, Malkin, Limbaugh and other far right wingers all shout "Jeb!", "Amnesty", and "Loser!" when Trump starts talking about his funding plan.
Now that's entertainment....
Andrew Crisp
Its also FACT that the only reason the Government shut down and Federal workers aren't getting paid is because the Democrats wont pass funding for the Southern Border wall as part of the budget, its also FACT that when the Democrat Presidents Obama and Clinton wanted money for a border wall it was passed by Congress no problems.
No wonder Nancy did this. She is so triggered and nervous. Look at her body language at the last State of the Union speech. This time she would be on camera right behind Trump while he completely destroys her and her minions. They have no idea what he might say and their reactions would be priceless.
the average of the polls has him at about 41%
Jimizo, I would love to see the look on your face when Trump is re-elected in a landslide.
Have you ever seen Trump listening to Dems on camera? Same reactions. Trump is "triggered and nervous" too. Pretty much everything he does is a nervous reaction to Pelosi. Only problem is, he doesn't really know what he's doing and slowly backed himself into the oval office with nowhere to go. Maybe we should encourage him to play more golf, might help him clear his head and stop being such a Di**hole.
I guess 59% of American's would love to see your face when he's either impeached or loses the next elections and gets arrested.
He's so scared of her he won't even come up with an insulting nickname for her like he does everyone else that disses him - and she dissed him big time - "No Donnie, you can't come in the House, you have to stay outside because you were a bad boy..."
Donnie got badly dissed by two women this week - Nancy and Ann..
"Hey Jeb!!!!......"
Better start dreaming about it because that's the only place it will happen...
Just pointing out fake news regarding poll numbers. Trying to do us all a service.
Get a bet on Trump winning in a landslide. The odds are very attractive. Shop around for the best odds.
There is still a bet available on Russia naming an airport after Trump if you fancy another flutter.
I couldn’t find any odds on Trump persuading Mexico to pay for the wall. I’ll take the bet if you like.
Another smackdown , another loss for our winner and master negotiator. Trump needs to realize his juvenile attempt at manipulations will not work with Pelosi.
As I said yesterday it'll be fun to watch him whimpering again after this one.
I'm running out of popcorn.
The Democrats' attempts to sabotage Trump have failed, they're going to continue to fail and they're going to get creamed in 2020.
the average of the polls has him at about 41%
We're awake. Your polls have no power over us anymore.
I guess 59% of American's would love to see your face when he's either impeached or loses the next elections and gets arrested.
Only 59%? Tee hee!
Dang! I was hoping Trump would give the SOTU at the border or in front of the wall around Nancy's mansion in San Fran. That being said...
I will do the Address when the Shutdown is over. I am not looking for an alternative venue for the SOTU Address because there is no venue that can compete with the history, tradition and importance of the House Chamber," the president said
Trump respects our traditions, unlike Nancy.
Hmm. Trump crumpled. I guess he didn't want to do it from the Oval Office as that makes him appear small, and his advisers dissuaded him from a rally as that makes him appear partisan. There's still the possibility of a letter, as was done up to the 20th century.
Speaking of centuries, the Dem's proposal for Trump's border funding request to go to high-tech solutions is bright. One can go over or under a wall (or toss something over), but constant surveillance you cannot beat.
Laguna, I hate to rain on your parade, but Trump will give an awesome SOTU when the Democrats crumple and fund the wall and the gov't is reopened.
No President has ever given a SOTU during a shutdown. Never, in history. SOoOo, Trump even considering giving it during the shutdown was out of tradition...You really just say whatever is on your mind without thinking, don't you?
What do you think Nancy did that was disrespectful?
Donnie just caved again - Pelosi is making him look like an apprentice...
Or said another way - we don't believe in reality...
Once Mueller finishes with him, it will be 90% - but it won't be all bad, he'll still be popular in Russia...
What's wrong with Ann Coulter's house?
This is what happens when an overload of crushing bad news causes your brain to no longer process reality and retreats into fantasy...
@Serrano, I think you need to take Trump's advice, use his slogan and pray...It's about that's left for Trump and his base. It just goes to show, his wall has no facts outside of prayer to back it up, and he needs you to ask god for his safety from Meuller and Pelosi etc
Bad words about Trump all over FOX, his favorite network. Losing base...
The shutdown and the ongoing puerile behavior in Washington (including this pathetic gesture) tells you everything you need to know about "The State of the Union". No speech required.
Simon Foston
SerranoToday 03:00 pm JST
Comical Ali would come out with this kind of stuff.
Trump did what he had to do.
The SOTU is a "report" that is given by the executive branch to the Congress representing the people (House), so the venue "must" be at the House.
The House representing the people allows that to be open to the public as the public has the "right" to know.
Regardless of politics, it is for the people and not for the representative of the House.
By the current action, the leadership of the House has just "stolen" the rights of the people of the country to know the "State" of the country as the Presidents personal "report" to the people as planned and expected.
The delay was inevitable if there is no venue.
As my middle school students in Japan would say..."Whys are US politicians so childish..?"
Dang straight - like being faithful to your spouse....
Give it a break. The right chose Trump because they wanted him to break custom.
Custom is now being broken because of Trump.
You aren't stupid enough to think we're going to feel bad about that are you?
Everyone knows the state the country is in. Ask the government workers who haven't been paid for two months, or the farmers who can't sell their soy to China anymore, or the manufacturers whose supply of cheap steel has been cut off.
The state of the onion is great folks, just great. Believe me. Everyone says it's greater than it's ever been. It's amazing. The government workers are having a great time, they tell me they appreciate the holiday, it's the best holiday they ever had, everyone says so. Except the ones who are still working for no pay, they are sooo patriotic, just like me, I'm the most patriotic President in the history of this great country of ours. Pardon me a moment while I embrace this Stars and Stripes hanging here. Isn't that a great flag? It's wonderful! It's the greatest flag ever, no other country as a flag as great as ours. Really. Believe me. It's so great. Everything's great! And this is the greatest state of the onion speech ever. Thank you, folks, you've been great, and I'm great.
Which is actually not that bad.
Naw, Pelosi’s would be better, get the neighbors riled up.
Giddy, giddy, giddy are the left coast advocates posting in droves like little elves!
What President Trump does not say is whether he's going to give prime time honors to the House when the shutdown is ended.
Now he can choose when, where and how.
What is left unsaid is setting precedent - such as in foolish Harry Reed eliminating the filibuster for the appointment of Federal Judges - which is why the next few Supreme Court justices are guaranteed to be conservatives chosen by Trump (and Pence after his second term).
Then, wait till the next lefty president is disinvited.
Then you'd hear uproar and see rivers of outrage and tears.
Everything the Dems have been doing is out of tradition, so what is your point?
That question in itself is a double taker laugh. It should be rephrased somewhere along the lines like, when was she ever respectful to any republican?
No way, Ann shouting "We didn't elect Jeb" would be hilarious....
Tonight, the SOU - and in this corner, Donnie "Orange Man" Trump, and in the opposite corner, Ann "The Provocateur" Coulter...welcome to the SOU and The Great Republican Food Fight...
That's entertainment...
You guys elected a disruptor, and now you’re whining that things are disrupted.
Boo hoo.
Very presidential. Simply said he will do it in the designated place once he is invited.
Work on getting those 51 conservative judges confirmed, can talk anytime he wants later.
It would be nice if he was presidential more often.
No, Jen is nowhere to be found, but Warren is. Lol
Just watching the Democrats acting like a bunch of runny nosed kids. Lol
The title of the article would be more accurate if it said that Speaker Pelosi informed Trump that he will not be invited to give a speech to Congress until after Trump stops the government shutdown.
René Pihlak
Kreml is ready for hosting Trump's speech.
From the looks of it, the progressive socialist newbies are pushing as well as their constituents to just make a deal with Trump in order to get the government reopened. Trump may be low, but the Pelosi is impossible.
And the he ground her. Lol
Your words speak for themselves....
Translation please...
Liberals think they have room to talk and they don’t, they may have been able to block this President, but the President equally blocked them from achieving any of their goals as well. A complete washout. Touché.
Whatever happens, it’s well worth it for the hit Trump has taken. The Republicans are still strongly behind him, but he alienated pretty much everyone else with his silly plot to get a shiny new toy... wall.
Oh, I doubt that. I think had he given up on the wall and capitulated to Pelosi and the Dems he would be alienated, but looking at his poll numbers, doesn’t show that at all.
Trump can take his lie marathon somewhere else.
Brilliant move for the Dems in offering $5.7 billion for border security. Trump doesn't get his wall and suddenly the Dems are taking the lead on security.
Touche - I think that's what Coulter said...
And if you like her so much, and agree that Trump's proposal is amnesty, why aren't you calling Trump "Jeb"?
Dead: What do you think Nancy did that was disrespectful?
You can't figure this out? Telling the president of the United States to postpone his State of the Union speech using the excuse of the shutdown while she still wants to go on excursions to Hawaii and Europe for one thing. She disrespects Trump all the time.
Nancy just hasn't been the same since that house fell on her sister.
How? What are they doing exactly? How are they taking the lead when they can’t get anything through the Senate? It’s a kind of magic?
Lincoln, don’t know what you have with Coulter or even Job, it’s odd, but I’ll say this, for most of us conservatives, she’s an icon and if you think or try to hurl insults, she talks to the President regularly and that’s a good thing, if he takes her advice, it’s a good thing, a good President will listen and take advice from his constituents, nothing wrong with that. Obama had Sharpton, Hillary has Lanny Davis, so it’s a good thing, glad he does it, as for Jeb, people stopped listening to him about 2 years ago, he’s as irrelevant as Kasich. If you want to throw insults, try something really and truly hard hitting, Coulter is like a badge of honor, the same goes for Limbaugh and Hannity. Kudos, Linc.
I thought you liked people who speak straight. Who tell it like it is.
I guess that's only when it's Trump. Or maybe an old white man.
Dom Palmer
No one can be that dense. If he broadcasts it to the public then everyone gets it, which includes Congress. So it REALLY is the SOTU now isn't it?
Yes you would. Which is why no one believes that. Only people with TDS seem to be saying that this was the aim of the wall or a claim about the wall.
The SOTU is about the state of the union; strong, weak or somewhere in the middle. And what chairs are you talking about?
Truest statement in all these comments.
Hah, damn, that IS brilliant!
Pelosi is vicious. Her daughter is starting to look correct in what she said.
Send a letter. Be done with it.
Uh, you may want to re-read it again - I was quoting Coulter - the gal you say is an icon called Trump "Jeb" - comparing him to the one you call as irrelevant as Kasich. Tell us all again how that's not an insult.
Ann burned your boy - big time. You think Donnie considers it a "badge of honor" when she humiliates him like that or when others on the far right call his plan "amnesty" and a "loser"?
So which conservative do you think is right? The "icon" or "Jeb"?
Ok and?
Constructive criticism, good, we all need it.
Gee, I don’t know Lincoln, I’m not in Trump’s head, not going to say he feels one way or another, we don’t know nor do you, so neither of us know what he thinks or feels, but knowing Coulter, and Trump, they are direct with each other, so it’s all good, if Trump starts tweeting hateful things about her then we will know. And until then, we shouldn’t speculate unless we are all telepathic.
The Coast Guard has become the first branch of US military ever to work without being paid - they'd have to depend on food donations and other necessities from generous volunteers. Even Canadian air traffic controllers sent boxes and boxes of pizzas to their US counterparts as a sign of solidarity
With other government workers furloughed, it's only fair to ask government officials to tighten their belts as well until the government shutdown ends
And that includes the State of the Union
It's fair to ask the State of the Union address to be postponed - not cancelled, just postponed. With government workers already being asked to work but not getting paid, it's not fair to ask them to work even more and still not get paid, working on the influx of people that the State of the Union address would bring
You need to zoom in, there are four or five of them. Squint. And you know what they say
about the size of them and south of the border . . .
Which poll numbers? The factual 41% average or your demonstrably false claim they are in the high forties?
I just checked and no single recent poll has him in the high forties.
No, they are not. It’s ok, I know you hate the guy, but it’s not below the 30s so it’s a good thing.
I’m just pointing out facts. I think we should all point out fake news, like your poll numbers claim, when we see it.
This goes for both sides. You as a journalist should agree with me in this.
What? This reply is once again grammatical gibberish. 'Are not' what? There were two questions asked of you:
1) Which poll numbers?
This question is asking 'which', requiring a reply of 'those' or 'none'. 'No, they are not', does not grammatically match this question, and therefore cannot be answering that question.
2) The factual 41% average or your demonstrably false claim they are in the high forties?
This is a question asking an option of 'A' (the factual average) or 'B' (your demonstrably false clam). Therefore, the options for a response are one, both, or neither. 'No they are not' is referring to some sort of state that does not exist. This answer clearly does not match the question.
So what exactly where you using 'No, they are not' as a response to? It was either an intentional intent to be sneaky and deceptive to not deal with the question, or you truly don't understand English grammar, and I'm sorry to inform you that your answer didn't convey whatever you were thinking correctly, as it was gibberish.
Misleading facts, happens at times, I get it. I prefer a more accumulation of various polls. Not the liberal only sites, but a mixture, Don’t let your hate of Trump muddle the facts. I am not saying his poll numbers stink, but at this rate, he’s pretty much still consistent, so being in the 40s is not a bad thing actually, if it were like congress then I might worry, so it’s all good.
Strange, calm down. Lol
You talk the way you want and I’ll do the same, settled.
Tee-hee, yuukai, yuukai. Predictably, the experienced pro defeated the gormless amateur once again. And now he has Venezuela to deal with -- foreign affairs is his worst area. I mean, John Bolton??? Are you kidding me??? Stay tuned for more of Ted Mack's Amateur Hour!
The fact is Trump's disapproval rating has had a clear upward trajectory starting exactly at the start of the Trump shutdown. It hasn't abated yet.
What can we gain from this? The average American does not want the wall and they don't agree with Trump holding the shutdown hostage to such a frivolous issue. Trump's lack of empathy for government workers is really showing through and Americans don't like it. They don't like the fact that he is willing to risk the US economy and the security of the country to appease his ego.
Chop Chop
Nancy Pelosi should accept starving 800,000 Federal employees and their families was more immoral than building the border wall. Give the god damn $ 5.6 billion for to the build border wall, Nancy.
Someone please tell me the difference between technically correct, and correct?
Sorry, I really can't agree with you that two adult-children playing a game of 'tit-for-tat' has anything to do with anyone being remotely 'politically masterful'.
They are both simply one-upping each other on who can hurt the other. Nothing is being accomplished by either one to try to end the shutdown and both parties are looking pathetic.
Chip Star
It means that while you are correct by the rule, you failed to take into account other important factors. I thought that was painfully obvious when I wrote, "But we all know it matters a great deal."
I will be careful in the future to write more clearly and clearly indicate to whom my hyperbole is directed.
Chip Star
Tanker: Astute analysis. Couldn't agree more. I'd prefer to have profess despite my gloating at the top of the thread.
That's bunch of garbage, they ask people around America what they think about the, but they never.poll the people living around the border do indeed want more border security. If you really want border security! You need to start at the most pourous Southern border in the world.
No it means you are trying to dig yourself out of a hole, thats all! You were wrong, there is no requirement for it to be given at the House, it is only a tradition, nothing more nothing less.
That is your personal opinion, you do not speak for everyone, as there are plenty that do not want to even hear Trump's screeching in front of the media any more!
I will give you a "B" for the effort though!
The 41% is the average of the polls. That’s why I used the word ‘average’.
No poll I could find, ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’, backs up your claim that Trump is in the high forties.
And, your two icons are at war with one another - no big deal?
That's too funny to be even called "spin". You think Trump is viewing it as "constructive criticism"? She just humiliated him in the worst way - comparing him to "Jeb" - as hated as Clinton...
Ann and the far righties: Hey Donnie, howz your brother 'W"? So you're for amnesty just like Hillary... Your plan is a "loser"
No reply....not surprisingly....
Chip Star
Of course it's my opinion. You've completely missed the boat again. It matters a great deal where the SOTU is given to the people that want to hear Trump's screeching.
bass4funkJan. 25 07:28 am JST
Actually no. It's not a bunch of garbage. The people living around the border oppose the wall more than the average American - as we saw when Trump visited the border.
But it doesn't matter to me. The more this president acts in unpopular ways the more people tire of him. And this shows in his approval rating that is plummeting. Hopefully enough for him to change direction, stop acting like a spoilt kid and end the shutdown that he was foolish to start in the first place.