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© Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump fires back at British PM over his retweeting of anti-Muslim videos
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The question I have is why doesn't Twitter terminate his account? Others have been banned for far less recently. The answer is probably money. Trump seems to be their most important user and brand ambassador.
What a genuinely loathsome man, this Trump.
Why? Because of a retweet?? Dear lord.....
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 07:21 am JST
Defending absolutely everything Trump does no matter how dubious has just become instinctive for you, hasn't it? Well, the one other person who approves is David Duke, so you're in distinguished company.
Tommy Jones
Becayse the content of the retweet, along with multiple tweets of his, clearly violate Twitter's Terms of Service.
So if he were to retweet a post saying 'Americans suck, and we should sell out the entire country to Russia. I cheated the entire Republican party!', you would be ok with that simply because he was retweeting it?
Tommy Jones
Two of the videos have been discredited, yet Trumo and the White House refuse to apologise or admit the tweets were wrong
Britain First are a nasty, violent right wing group. One supporter murdered MP Jo Cox in 2016 - he shouted 'Britain First' as he attacked her. And Trump doesn't see a problem with retweeting such an organisation. Trump endorisng politician killing neo-Nazis with criminal convictions.
No way can he come to the UK now. There would be riots.
Perhaps because censoring the statements of the POTUS would be flagrant oppression of all who support him and voted for him. Freedom of speech is essential to democracy, though that seems to be an unpopular opinion in today's Orwellian politics.
You may argue that Twitter is not a government body, and you would be right. Yet, it is a dominant mode of communication, and they would be shooting themselves in the foot by blatantly censoring those on the other side of the political aisle.
Simon Foston
Tommy JonesToday 07:36 am JST
There's no point in bothering him with details like that. You won't get a relevant response.
Simon Foston
commanteerToday 07:42 am JST
He's breaking their rules. If you do that here or in most other online discussions, your comments will be edited or removed, or you may be banned from posting. Why should Trump be treated any differently?
Tweeting of inflammatory hate-speech videos is what happens when a country cedes its highest position to a bellicose rabble-rouser with the intellect of a mouldy peanut.
Far as I can see none of the videos illustrate a country 'ceding its laws and culture' to anything. The first and third videos, the perpetrators were caught and dealt according to the law of the land. The second video is nothing more than the smashing of a statue; Muslims are the only people who ever break anything?
When are we going to see tweets from Trump on the lines of VIDEO: normal, blue-bloodied all-American law-abiding gun-owner shoots up a school (again)! and VIDEO: upholder of the sacred 2nd kills dozens (again)! or even VIDEO: drone attack on the other side of the world kills unarmed civilians (again)! ?
The people who are outraged by a video of a statue of the Virgin Mary getting smashed need to go and read what her son and their Dear Lord said in the Sermon on the Mount about motes and beams.
The main question should be, “Are the videos true?”
Tommy Jones
Incorrect. It would be enforcing the Terms of Service.
Exactly. When there is no government involvement in the regulation of speech, freedom of speech is not involved. Full stop.
I agree, if it were done unfairly. But if he violates their terms and conditions (which I'm not saying he has), then not shutting down his account would be a political statement that Twitter should not make. Their policies should be applied evenly to all users.
Tommy Jones
Agreed. However, it is blatantly obvious that Trump has violated the Terms and Conditions.
What bull. How does this woman sleep at night?
Kinda ironic, an America Firster retweeting a Britain Firster. Perhaps Trump and Jayda can hold hands together as they cross that kindergarten finish line. Tie! Congrats - you win the stupidity award!
Hear, hear!
Alfie Noakes
She grew up in a family with some very unpleasant connections. She's clearly used to dealing with those kinds of people.....
Jesus, that Sanders is equally as vile as Trump. I get the feeling we may see some actual violence after these latest comments by Trump
Toasted Heretic
There's just so much wrong with Trump's latest gaffe. He's out of his depth. Britain First are seriously bad news.
The KKK-approved, ex-dregs of BNP anti-abortionist fringe group wanted to hang their opponents in the London mayoral elections. Bury pigs at sites of mosques.
They promised "direct action" against British Muslims elected to office, describing them as "occupiers".
Posted lies about Muslims in Japan
They are militant extremists
More here:
These are hardcore extremists. Trump's wading into uncharted territory here.
Simon Foston
plasticmonkeyToday 08:11 am JST
She probably had her conscience surgically removed.
Toasted Heretic
They organise "Christian patrols" but are shunned by Christians.
No, not at all, it’s black and white for me, if the president made an original tweet and added a video, you would have a point, but it was a retweet and in all honesty, I think Trump saw it and took it differently from what the original message was trying to convey.
You calling me a racist? I would hope not.
I really don’t pay attention to Trump’s tweet, I could care less and I think everyone else should as well.
So lets focus on where the videos came from not their content?
media calling them “unverified” yet an unverified Russia dossier quoted from constantly as supposed gospel.
.not like the media would “verify” these anyway because they don’t want anyone seeing these. But thanks to the president now we have.
now Liberals have to make hard choices. You can’t be pro Muslim and pro-gay. Can’t be pro Muslim and pro-Jesus. Do you support violence against handicapped people? Videos to make you think.
Bass - you didn't answer the question:
Would you be ok with this tweet or not?
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 09:13 am JST
So you think it's absolutely okay that he totally misinterpreted the tweet, circulated it and now has David Duke and Freyda Jansen praising and thanking him?
Quite a leap of the imagination there, but you're a bit prone to not really getting what other people write, aren't you? I don't think anyone would call you that...
Only Muslims are likely to be 'pro Muslim', the rest of us are 'pro right to believe in a religion'. And only gay people are likely to be 'pro gay', the rest of us are 'pro equal opportunity for homosexuals'.
And it's very easy to believe both in the right to religion, and the right to equal opportunity, while condemning Muslim's actions and beliefs regarding homosexuals.
Ok so it’s that simple. Do you support Muslims throwing gays and children off of buildings? If you don’t you should be thanking our president for educating you by video proof of that happening?
Condemn the contents and the religious hatred behind the actions- who cares who tweeted it first. As it isn’t individual based but taught as religious doctrine about gays this is a problem.
Um, if the content was a bunch of kittens playing, I don't think you'd have people focusing on the GOTUS (Groper of The United States). It's the content that has got people up in arms.
Yesterday he was supporting a peadophile and today he backs a hate monger.
The President surely keeps distinguished company and as we can see so do his backers on this board.
Is the pressure of the Russia investigation showing it effect?
Applying Article 25, Section 4 is seeming like a realistic option more and more. Wouldn't be surprised if moves are already underway to build a consensus among the GOP members.
Not at all.
Um, no. If he were dealing with it in a presidential manner, yes. Instead he's just a Twitter Troll. I don't take Twitter Trolls seriously.
No no most liberals seems to be pro muslim by constantly advocating for their entrance to the United States even from countries that don’t even have a way to tell us who they really are.
A previous losing candidate claimed to be a gay rights champion while at same time supporting permanent immigration rights of Muslims. People who throw gays off buildings. This was ignored and never reconciled how it’s possible to support both of those.
Posting a video to show the truth isn’t presidential? That’s leadership to me, showing that what we are being told is not the entire truth. The “news” organizations who should be reporting this won’t they would rather boycott Christmas parties.
Ok if you don’t support what is shown in the videos, condemn the contents not the people who posted it.
Simon Foston
BlacklabelToday 09:28 am JST
We already knew it was happening. What Trump has been doing is spreading the propaganda of individuals who are facing trial for hate crimes under the the laws of another country and now think he will help them get off the hook. Some might see it as aiding and abetting suspected felons.
Not all muslims are against homosexuality. Do not conflate a muslim terrorist organization's crimes against humanity with a religion of 1.6 billion.
I don’t care, that’s my answer. Tweet your heart away. Making money is more important for me. That would be my second answer. Double your pleasure.
Did I say that. Can you quote me saying or supporting that verbatim?
No, I was just asking a legitimate question, judging by the tonality, I was under the impression, but....
I always do, I just don’t jump on the liberal bandwagon of desperation and irrational and emotional rant.
Oh you knew this was happening and did nothing to stop it or condemn it when you found out? Just like the media did and said nothing? I had heard rumors but to see it. Just horrifying. And this is taught as religious doctrine against gays?
Well now they have no choice but to address the contents of the videos and support or condemn the contents.
Nope. We're just not bigots in that we don't think people should be persecuted for belonging to a religious group. None of us would say that you should let in a Muslim with a terrorist history. Why? Because of what they have done, not because of who they are. Being anti-bigot is not the same as being pro-Muslim.
I seriously doubt that assessment is accurate.
I've known a number of Muslims in my life, and none of them have thrown gays off of buildings. You are trying to attribute the actions of some of a group to every member of the group.
I guess that would make you a disgusting rapist, pedophile, murderer, seeing as other white people have been disgusting, raped people, had sex with children, and murdered people.
But I'm pretty sure you're not all of those things, same as I'm sure that most Muslims are not throwing gay people off buildings.
Just like you, I’m expressing my opinion and it’s not wrong because it’s my opinion just like you have your opinion, I don’t think it’s important, but you do, we just have a difference of opinion on the matter.
Precisely! I hope you remember that.
I don't support Christians denying marriage licenses to gays, deranged people having easy access to guns, cops shooting unarmed blacks, massive income inequality, dismantling of net neutrality, the influence of money in politics. Where are the president's educational tweets about things that actually affect Americans?
What would you say if you found out a leader of a Muslim nation was tweeting about the above? You'd probably call them a hypocrite.
When the contents don’t suit you it’s attacks on where it came from. When the contents do suit you, doesn’t matter at all who said it (anonymous sources) or how you got it (paid for fake dossier). hypocrisy at its finest. Not all Muslims when one thing but all white people for something else.
Donny is now on Twitter defending himself against Theresa May, but tagging the wrong Theresa May. What a thoroughly uninspiring moron.
Tommy Jones
Instead of trying to paint all Muslims in a negative light, how about asking, "Do you support anyone throwing . . . ?" The question is ridiculous.
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 09:38 am JST
So you don't think it's okay that Trump didn't get the intention of the original tweet but re-tweeted it anyway? You're clearly not criticising him so it's rather hard to tell.
Your responses don't really give that impression.
Tommy Jones
is not an answer to this:
You see, it was a "yes or no" question.
Um, no. Try sticking with reality, rather than this distorted version you are coming up with. For example:
My last post literally was the opposite of what you just posted.
As citizens, all that matters is if the content is true. As president, Trump has a responsibility to be absolutely certain of the veracity of the things he says, especially about sensitive issues. Things like that used to be expected of a President.
What hypocrisy? We should always look at the credibility of the source. And by the way, the dossier might have been paid for, but it hasn't been proven "fake" yet.
I expected this. Trump retweets videos from an extremist rightwing group, and rightwing commentators steer the conversation towards how accurate the hate videos might be rather than Trump's horrific judgement and deeply racist bias. Trump does have a way of distracting those prone to the "Squirrel!" call.
Anyway, typical Trump, so not worthy of notice. We'll see more of the same tone over the next few days, no doubt. I'd only pay attention if he posted a video of, say, a white person shooting from a somehow legally-accumulated arsenal of weapons legally modified to perform an illegal function out of a Vegas casino at random people below. That would draw my attention because I certainly do not expect it to happen.
the media made this specific by saying inflammatory anti Muslim videos to blame Trump. They could have said no proof these people are Muslims but they failed again in their haste to “get”Trump.
But now you want to talk about ALL religious groups who throw people off buildings? Who else would that be?
Because it's not the place of the POTUS to post such videos with the amount of thought put into posting a cat video.
I don't have a problem with Wikileaks telling the truth. I have a problem with their clear bias in who's truth they leak.
You don’t have to believe anything, I’m just telling you, I personally couldn’t care less.
Not at all.
No, I don’t think it’s a big thing, it’s taken totally out of proportion. It was a retweet and granted, Trump should have checked the source of the tweet, something I would have done, but since it didn’t come from him and why this is causing the left to have an aneurism about this beyond me, but other than that, I don’t care.
Sorry, I’m not trying to appease anyone, I was asked a question and I answered.
I never panicked, I was always focused and to the point in making statements about what they have done and said, not what they tweeted.
You don't expect such a carelessness act from a person of responsibility like the President of the US. I guess a lot of people get offended.
Oh no, now the truth has “sides”? Also libs always complain Trump lies. So he shows you some truth and you freak out. Why didn’t media say videos are fake and those people not Muslims? Because they know they are.
So denounce the content and move on. Otherwise you showing support for child murderers and people who assault the handicapped. Try to “get” Trump on something else you can’t win this one.
The media is not talking the way GOTUS wants? Boo hoo. Seems he doesn't like living under the same set of circumstances as every president ever.
And if your team has a problem with it, there is one response that kills them all. Obama. You guys bashed him for 8 years straight, never giving credit a single time when he did something right.
It's schadenfreud to watch it happen to you guys. The only sad thing is that it's literally the fate of the planet.
You guys really messed up by electing the Groper in Chief.
I will meet you halfway, it doesn’t matter if it’s the President or the Pope they have the right to express themselves anyway they see fit, however, Trump should have researched something as heated as this topic.
Nobody condones the content... It's goes without saying that it's horrific. But once again, the POTUS posting the videos with such little thought accomplishes absolutely nothing for anyone, and only serves to inflame tensions.
The dude has nothing else to do. Nothing that contributes to resolving differences in this world. All this psycho can do is sowing hatred
He did?
So it’s about revenge now? Interesting.
Give me a break.
An age old tactic, one currently being used by Trumpbannon, who are being helped by their supporters at home and ’abroad’ to divide things even further. Trumpbannon campaigned on an us-them ticket, pitting Americans against each other and the Trumpbannon group of global elitists against other groups of global elitists.
Now Trumpbannon have the world’s most destructive weapons at their fingertips. They have the potential to cause chaos and disrupt systems worldwide and take even greater control of resources to increase their and their faction of global elitists wealth and control.
They’re doing what they can to undermine democratic processes in the US in their attempts to grab more power, attacking the system of checks and balances, congress, the judiciary, government organizations, the intelligence services, and any media outlets that won’t proclaim them political messiah.
And they’ve got a cult following that will believe everything they say and that will do whatever they’re told to do.
It comes as standard with this one. He's trashed the position and his supporters see no problem whatsoever. They'll bleat about the MSM ( apart from Fox News - "Birmingham UK is 100% Muslim" ) lacking accuracy all day but make excuses for this rank stupidity.
Trump playing to his base again.
Ah diddums. Poor little thing - Theresa May might not hold your hand next time. You might go tumbling down that 2% slope.
I think it's high time these "leaders" got on with their jobs and quite messing around on social media sites.
Dude, where do you honestly come up with these Oliver Stone conspiracy theories?
If a country like NK threatens us with annihilation, then by all means, lock and load.
Sorry, that was the last administration that tried to turn the US into Europe. If the left doesn’t like it, then in order to do that, come up with real policies, how would you create growth in the private sector, how would you shrink government, how would you cut spending or how would you provide competitive healthcare without penalizing the rest that have good coverage? If the left can do these things people will listen, but they can’t, they can only go with deep rooted anger and that’s never a good thing.
That’s politics and the left are just as bad. Get over it, the election is over.
You couldn't make this stuff up unless you have the imagination of someone who sees millions who aren't there, believes in filth like birtherism or fake sex tapes.
So let's see where we are. Trump retweets something very questionable from a far right group, receives understandable criticism from the leader of a key ally and then throws his filled potty at the wrong Theresa May.
Quick FYI : About the "VIDEO: Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!" video, the dutch embassy released a statement :
"The perpetrator of the violent act in this video was born and raised in the Netherlands. He received and completed his sentence under Dutch law."
Based on your experience living on your farm in Texas and also in Los Angeles, I imagine some of your neighbors and colleagues, especially those that you 'identify' with, might have a greater sense of unity. But the rest of the country? Trump's doing what he can to get groups to fight each other. When was the last time a president said there were good guys in white supremacist groups?
That must be easy for someone who's never been in the military to say. Are you willing to enlist?
Well, I just watched the videos, and I think we can all agree Trump's goal was to present a negative image of Islam and not much else. He also lied about seeing tens of thousands of them cheering on 9-11 and he's said many times that he wants a total ban on Muslims entering the US. So there's no real mystery anymore about how he feels about Muslims.
At least it's out in the open and we can end the debate. It's actually pretty crazy to think that the President of the United States is spreading hate videos to give a biased view about a certain religion. It's probably getting harder and harder for some of his fans to support him when they have to defend such things.
I to not consider myself "right wing" by any stretch (probably more left than right) but I do believe there are issues with migrants in Europe and there is a clash of cultures going on.
However, when acts ridiculously like this on Twitter and makes these statements including posting one video that has been proven to be false he makes people that do think there are issues that need to be addressed related to immigration look like fools.
If his objective is to do something meaningful about immigration or vetting immigrants properly he sure is not helping the cause in any way whatsoever.
I think that's the issue many of us have with him. Wanting to control immigration is a good idea, to ensure that it's done in an effective manner. Trump however is not doing it in an effective manner, or even a responsible manner for that matter. But when we point out his idiocy in regards to his immigration comments, the right screams 'we don't want open borders!', countering with extremist stances rather than doing the responsible thing and actually working together to discuss how to solve problems and come up with a realistic effective immigration plan.
Exactly. I'm also extremely worried about Islam and Islamic immigration in my own country. Integration has been a huge failure, we have radical mosques, terror attacks, people going off to join ISIS, Muslims marching in the streets demanding that our local politicians convert to Islam, etc. Most people in my country would like to see a completely end to this by any means necessary. The one thing that really doesn't help is having someone as universally despised as Donald Trump tweeting stupid anti-Muslim propaganda. It just backfires since there are millions of people who will automatically stand against whatever Donald Trump supports simply because he is so hated. He has become a massive liability for any cause which he tries to champion.
You do care to some extent then.
You've previously defended Trump with the claim that he doesn't lie, he just sees things from his perspective (=he doesn't understand what's going on) and makes remarks based on that: now you're adding to that by saying it doesn't matter if he acts on the basis of how he sees things from his perspective, even when, as you own up here, he doesn't understand what's going on.
And you're happy for this moron to have control over your life? To have his finger on The Button? Really?
You guys getting so worked up over this is kind of entertaining unimportant nonsense. Meanwhile in North Korea.....
California and NY
Don't give me that, the division was already happening in the last administration which should have never happened, if the left were really concerned with unity how about starting with the Democrat Party! No one told Schumer and Pelosi to not attend the tax reform meeting, No one told the left wing media to constantly and obsessively target Trump for the tiniest infraction or not condemning radical groups like the Antifa.
There does create some inflicted wounds, I admit, but there are two sides to the coin and the left can’t talk as if their **** don’t stank!
I already did as a news correspondent and we had an even bigger target on our backs.
So I did my duty.
I've got a prime New York bridge to sell to anyone naive enough to think Trump ever had any intention of doing anything "meaningful" about immigration. From the beginning he made it clear his only interest in immigration debates was to find people of color to demonize and give insecure white supremacists a target. That's what the immigration debate is: a safe space for bigots to escape scrutiny.
Civitas Sine Suffragio
Right about now, America could use a Thailand-style military coup, interim emergency government and then new elections in a few months. I'm serious.
Yup, just tear up the Constitution and install a theocracy, but we already had one with the last admin.
Dude is losing what little grip on reality he had.
Trump must be really feeling the pressure from Mueller's investigation. Especially after news published that Kushner met with Mueller's team and discussed Flynn. (the prisoner's dilemma, which prisoner turns on the other one first). Plus, by being interviewed by Mueller, Kushner now has a real legal risk if he lied to them in any way during the 90 minute interview.
@Katsu - if wanting a secure border and controlled immigration into the U.S. in and of itself makes one a bigot then I guess I would be called a bigot.
That's the kind of language which gets people like Trump elected. A sensible and honest debate about immigration without the left throwing the word 'bigot', 'racist' or 'phobe' at anyone who disagrees with them or inflammatory, inaccurate trash from the likes of Trump is needed. The immigration debate is a debate well worth having and electorates around the world want this debate.
What I quoted from you really is part of the problem.
No, arguing without evidence that our borders are not secure and our immigration is not controlled is what makes one a bigot.
Yeah, no. "They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists." was the kind of language that gets people like Trump elected.
Simon Foston
bass4funkToday 10:17 am JST
So you would have had at least that much common sense, whereas the man you continually big up as the most righteous dude on the planet clearly doesn't.
So, when Trump takes another nation's comments and twists them for his own interests, it's his business, and when they criticize him on it they should mind their own? Yeah, sounds like typical Trumpism.
The last admin was a theocracy? You've clearly got no idea what theocracy means. Was it a Muslim theocracy? Lordy. Hahaha
That kind of language appeals to true bigots and Trump got the lion’s share of that particular group.
There are people who want to see immigration reduced without being motivated by bigotry. 77% of people in the UK want immigration reduced. The governing party in the UK at the time of huge increases in immigration admitted they got it wrong.
Are they all bigots? Are they bigots for wanting to even engage in a debate? I know you were talking in the context of the US and Trump, but does your idea that the immigration debate is a safe space for people wanting to express bigotry hold true for other countries?
Simon Foston
BlacklabelToday 10:20 am JST
In this instance I'm complaining that he's doing hate groups' work for them by unwittingly spreading their message, but normally I'd complain that he doesn't so much lie as believe his own delusions because he's either stark raving mad, senile, or both.
@Katsu - there is plenty of evidence immigration into the U.S. is not controlled. My gosh, what do you need? If you believe that the U.S. should be borderless (maybe a North American Union) then say so. That is a point some people argue (open borders).
Simon Foston
takeda.shingen.1991@gmail.comToday 12:20 pm JST
He'll find out soon enough if more people like Roy Moore get elected.
Not really, no. Immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than citizens for example.
What kind of theocracy was it? Many crackpots on the right said Obama was an atheist or a Muslim.
Was it an atheist theocracy or one abiding to Sharia principles?
The desire to see immigration reduced for the sake of seeing immigration reduced is inherently bigoted.
Now, if people want to have a fact-based debate about how that immigration takes place, I'm all for it. See a specific problem in immigrant screening and want to address it? Fine. See a specific problem with how your society integrates immigrants and want a temporary reduction in admissions while you implement programs to help current immigrants fit in better? I have no complaint. But to just say an arbitrary number of immigrants is "too high" ... there's no way to get around the bigotry and xenophobia that lurks at the foundation of that sentiment.
What I need is a fact-based, evidence-driven discussion of policy, not vague hand-waving in support of bigotry.
This is the kind of slip-up that reveals a person to be a bad actor in a discussion.
Of course the practicalities matter. That's what my view of immigration is based on. You threw out the sentence that people who want to engage in a debate about immigration are motivated by bigotry. I'm not a bigot and I don't appreciate the kind of vacuous and careless sentence you threw out.
Stop stereotyping in the way of the likes of Trump and then go on to clarify what you actually meant. It's very unhelpful.
I have immigration concerns, and I am most definitely not a bigot. I don't think open borders are a good idea at this point in time in civilization, but neither do I think blocking people by religion or country is a good idea.
Toasted Heretic
Powerful short piece here from the husband of murdered politician Jo Cox.
That’s why we rightly take on extreme Islamist propagandists advocating violence. It’s why we worry about hate preachers, even when they stop just this side of actually advocating violence. But those hate preachers aren’t only Islamists, they exist on the far right too.
Neither do I, but I do believe in talking honestly about all aspects of immigration - the good and the bad. Unfortunately, perhaps by including 'the bad' in that sentence may label me as something akin to a Brownshirt in the eyes of some.
And this from the WH spokeswoman, smh!
One thing is certain, the dumbing-down of US society, and to some extent UK & whole anglo world, is real. The Trump, Fransen, Duke, Hanson of this world are leading us into the abyss.
I want to know when speaking or showing evidence of the truth became wrong or “inflammatory”. Did these persons not do these things? Are they not Muslims? Why can Muslims not be condemned- are they off limits?
dont like videos of your religion assaulting handicapped and rheowing gays off buildings? Do something about the radicals in your groups.
not all Muslims? But when a white person hit another white person with a car at a peaceful protest all whites were held responsible and were now white supremacist Nazis. Remember that?
I doubt it, it seems more like Flynn might be in the hot box, but I doubt Trump is losing any sleep over the witch hunt. Now as far as the Podesta bros are concerned....stay tuned....
And? Lol
Ohhh, I sure do.
Hmmmmm....more like overly obsessive pc theocracy.
No they were not muslims.
A religion is inanimate, it can't throw people off buildings. Religious adherents could however. The video you are talking about was an IS video. A nasty, terrorist organization. They do not speak for Islam anymore than WBC speaks for Christianity. Should we compare all if Christendom to WBC?
Let us know when Trump speaks or shows some truth, and then we can see if it actually is inflammatory. Right now you're speaking entirely in hypotheticals.
Clearly you do not. "PC," whatever that means, isn't a religion.
But whaddabout white shooters who kill innocnets? What are you doing about those radicals? How are you ensuring that they never do it again?
How could we remember something that never happened?
@katsu - A "bad actor"? Ok, as you say. So do you believe in open borders? Yes or no? I believe that is a simple question.
As for evidence that the U.S. Borders are not well controlled I think Wikipedia is a reasonable source with references cited. There is a cost to the U.S. and a benefit (gained by exploiting people entering the U.S. without going through proper immigration procedures)
The debate about the issue is what should be done about it.
For children brought to the U.S. through no fault of their own (AKA "dreamers") making them "documented", "legal" or whatever term one may want to use is the right path.
There are many conspiracy theories about the "North American Union" but the term has, in fact been used, and this has been debated for a couple of decades (i.e. making North American similar to the European Union). There are good arguments for and against this "union" but those that would be hurt most by such an arrangement would likely be the working poor in the U.S. But I guess only "bad actors" speak of such things.
His ratings will plummet even further now -- if such a thing is possible! Bad ratings "like the world has never seen before -- believe me." When your ratings are that bad, there is only one outcome: "You're fired!"
oh the people in videos weren’t Muslims? Then no problem then, great news scoop here.
That makes the media reporting that these are inflammatory anti Muslim videos “fake news”. Just anti handicap assault and anti murdering children videos sent out by our President as a public service to remind all people what not to do. thanks guy clearing that up.
His ratings much higher than Theresa May so don’t care. Care about security of our nation and keeping people who don’t condemn these actions out of our country.
Toasted Heretic
Trump will not apologise for this travesty in truth. He's made a big mistake in backing these fundamentalist bigots. But he'll dig in and defy public, nay, world opinion. As usual.
How to get this across to people who don't "get" the horror over Britain First?
Imagine if a British person came on this site and said they supported the KKK or other extremist racist groups in the US and that the only way forward for the US was to have a Christian state, where women are denied abortion rights, that racism doesn't exist and Jesus was not a peaceful man, rather he did good work by the sword.
Oh and they identify with loyalists, as well. Anyone who is familiar with the situation and sad history of NI/6 counties will understand how disgusting and murderous sectarianism is.
The mind boggles - who the hell is advising Trump?
Trump showed “truth” in the videos. Are they fake and those people were falsely arrested for murder and assault?
so now that you have been shown hidden truth does it change your opinion on anything? Or are you “cool with it” cause it probably doesn’t happen much and not at s where your family lives?
No. Only people who see the world in terms of poles, one extreme or the other, us-them, or as black-white, or would try to be divisive and add fuel to fires, would try to get people to believe this happened.
@Toasted Heretic. I think your the last question of your post (who is advising Trump) is interesting.
It is hard to believe for a moment that anyone is advising him to make these idiotic tweets. My thoughts are that he is used to running his companies and not really having to answer to anyone. He is a megalomaniac who probably feels he can do the same running a country, which is a far bigger task and responsibility then being in real estate. I often wonder what is spokespeople who have to defend some of this really think.
I believe he is in way over his head and it is possible that as he starts to realize this himself these tweets become more and more bizarre.
It happened right here too. A poster kept saying that happening in Charlottesville was proof ALL whites are nazi white supremacists and none of you corrected him. Media and entertainment as well.
One example of many :
That's not actually what I said. What I said was:
That's what the immigration debate is: a safe space for bigots to escape scrutiny.
There's a pretty big difference. You're trying to pretend I accused every person who wants to discuss immigration a bigot. What I actually said was that the immigration debate is where bigots go to hide. They mix in with people who have legitimate and specific concerns about immigration and use those people to hide from the social consequences of their hatred. When they feel safe in the crowd, they then use their position of political influence to push for policies that destroy the lives of minorities. For anyone who wants to have an honest discussion about immigration, I'd think the choice is obvious: purge the bad actors from your community first.
Now I have a question for you: You appear to be very offended by the slight you imagined I gave you when you assumed I called you a bigot, even though the cost to your reputation is negligible on a web page where you don't use your real name or your real photograph. And yet ever since the electoral college gave Trump the presidency, there has been an uptick in hate crimes targeting minorities, including real violence. Not to mention the attempts by the President to break apart families and kick innocent people legally in the country out. I hear similar stories with the UK and Brexit. How should I take the fact that you're apparently much more worried about the tiny hit to your social standing I never really even dished out than you are about the very real violence and pain being dished out by bigots under the cover of your legitimate interest in immigration?
Again with who posted it. Don’t care about them or their beliefs. Do you support the actions in the content or not? Do you hold the group who taught those people to act and think in that manner responsible or not?
You sure have no problems doing that when the person doing it is white or conservative. Why can’t you seem to do it now?
It's not exactly "hidden truth" but how does Trump retweeting the videos do anything to solve the problem of radical Islam? Is he trying to do something to help the victims of it, or is it more about demonizing all Muslims to bolster anti-immigrant sentiment?
May is already being talked about as a contender for the worst postwar UK PM. Don't get too excited about Trump's rancid ratings being higher than hers.
Do you think behaviour like this will improve Trump's ratings and improve overall Anglo-American relations?
At least one of them was.
First step of problem solving is getting everyone in agreement that there IS a problem. So until everyone sees this behavior and ageees something needs to be done nothing will change.
so Trump has “started the conversation” just like those actresses started the sexual harassement conversation. Except in that case people taking action on the issue not blaming the person who showed it to them.
Well it’s a problem if those specific videos are fake or the people not Muslims. But I was told here that everyone knows this type of thing is going on, but it’s wrong to put the spotlight on it cause it’s “inflammatory”.
so I’m sure someone can easily replace any fake video with a real one, no?
Or have Muslims never done these things ever?
It's an irrelevant question. I demanded you provide evidence for your claim that the US immigration system is not controlled. Instead of providing it, you accused me of supporting an extreme opposite position. Only when called on your failure to provide evidence did you even make an "attempt", a Wikipedia article that doesn't so much show the US immigration system is "not controlled" as it shows that it is not perfect.
This is a dirty trick that we've seen bad actors in the debate do again and again- pretend the US system being imperfect is evidence that the US system has no control whatsoever, and then accuse anyone who questions them of wanting a borderless society. Trump himself has pulled this stunt multiple times in the past.
Jimizo, this right here is a perfect example of what I was talking about.
Yeah I think he's mostly doing it on his own. I would bet there are people advising him to stop them altogether.
Yeah we've been having discussions on how much of a problem he is since the day he announced his candidacy.
They're fake news.
None of the Muslims I know have ever done these things.
@Blacklabel - come on? You are really stretching there. I do not think Trump intended to "start a conversation" and I think his reaction to Theresa May speaks volumes, especially the last sentence.
How could we correct something that never happened?
Pretty stupid comment by Lourde. I accept zero responsibility for what happened in Charlottesville.
You should care. It was posted by a fascist right-wing British group to foment anti-Islamic sentiment. Donny then retweets this video. The only problem is; The people fight in the video were neither muslim nor were they migrants. Why doesn't that matter to you?
Toasted Heretic
This is not true. Nobody here on JT said that. It would be an idiotic thing to say.
Unless it was said in jest as a satirical riposte to those who blame Muslims for all their ills?
It's amazing that after people on his team say all rape victims deserved it, on this very site, he would try to come up with the above claim.
You reduced the immigration debate to a safe space for bigots to escape scrutiny. Why use a ridiculously reductionist expression like "That's what the immigration debate is?". I'll state the obvious here - it isn't just a place where bigots go to escape scrutiny. That's what was so inane about that statement. It was only when pushed you explained that it isn't just a place where bigots go to escape scrutiny. Trump's lack of accuracy and sweeping gibberish is a cause of great concern. Don't do the same thing and then write at length to explain your statement.
I'm very concerned about the rise in hate crimes in the UK. The bigots in the far right are a real problem. I'm also very concerned about jihadis who have claimed the lives of scores of innocents in the UK. Jihadis are a real problem.
I just want to talk honestly about the problems of extremism from any group without being called a bigot.
@katsu - The border is not "controlled" or people could not merely walk over, go to work, obtain benefits, etc. Your choice of the word "demand" to me is interesting and speaks volumes. There are many people who are for open borders, make arguments (good and bad) as to why this should be the case and I am curious if this is why you take your position. Your arrogance astounds me as you seem to wish to "purge" people who you deem to be "bad actors" from your community before having a discussion. It seems you wish to control the conversation by only allowing those you deem worthy to participate.
Come on... IF that was his intention (and I'm being generous here), there are better ways of starting a conversation. The criticism he's getting over this has to do with his complete lack of thoughtfulness and consideration for "unintended" consequences.
It's a habit with him. He tweets are erratic and nonsensical (he just recently implied Joe Scarborough murdered an assistant in a tweet about Matt Lauer). Do you honestly think this is acceptable behavior for the POTUS?
Didn’t ask you about the “Muslims you know”. I’m talking about the ones in the video. Nice distraction.
Oh NOBODY said it.....followed immediately by “unless.....(excuse)”. well Lourde said it and many others are none were called out for it.
Can’t be bothered to waste my time searching this site to find who it was who Kept saying it. You would just make excuses for them anyway.
How soon you forget what you posted:
Try to keep up with yourself.
As I said, nobody on this site said it, counter to your claims.
I wouldn't waste time searching for something I made up either. Talk about a tremendous waste of time.
Kind of like you, isn't it? Keep ignoring the fact that the video Dotard retweeted a video that of muslim migrants,beating a boy that a) didn't show muslims, and b) didn't even show migrants.
Keep making excuses.
Using conspiracy theories and supporting the fringe just diminishes any message. Not to mention it looks very fascist when you consider all the other elements that make up Trump and his followers.
As if there wasn't enough real examples out there, like the recent mass killing in Egypt.
Okay. The problem of radical Islamist violence is a problem. Let's talk honestly about it.
Do you think posting a dodgy video from racist trash on Twitter helps an honest discussion?
Do you have any concerns about accuracy and honesty or do you reserve all of that for tirades against media who don't like Trump?
Let's have a bit of consistency here.
Well of course he can! But, how stupid was it to retweet a fake video? This is just Donny telling it like it is. ;)
@Blacklabel - Do you think this is an appropriate way for the President of the United States to act? Going on twitter and re-tweeting and then afterwards responding to May by ending his tweet with "We are doing just fine". It is something that seems more appropriate for middle school kids (apologies to middle schoolers that may be reading this).
OK - I will find one point of common ground - What Lourde said was over the top and not appropriate.
On the other hand, I do not remember ever seeing anyone here say "all white people are bad" or anything to that effect. If someone really did say something like that I would join you in condemning them.
At both extremes of the political spectrum there seem to be people that will defend their candidate for doing almost anything. Are there any of Trump's tweets you disagree with?
As an American living overseas it is really embarrassing to see the President of my native country acting this way.
Texas A&M Aggie
President Trump is correct in that the UK leaders have surrendered their national identity in the name of multiculturalism and political correctness.
He also has the globalists in full blown meltdown mode.
Well played, Mr. President. . . .
Ok if that is so, fine. Might not be another handicapped kid one but can simply replace that video with hundreds of others from Youtube/Internet of other migrant attacks on innocent bystanders, women, police, etc.
or is your point that Muslim migrants have never attacked anyone and are just living quiet, peaceful existence throughout Europe?
Well, he has his peons in full-blown defensive mode, trying to defend the indefensible.
Let me translate that for you: "Oops, I guess he posted something that actually proves wrong everything I've been trying to defend him on every day. But there's something else that would do what he mean to do wink wink nudge nudge"
The overwhelming majority have never attacked anyone and are just living quiet peaceful existence throughout Europe.
Yeah, statements like hers do nothing to further the conversation, and really bring it back from finding middle ground. Extremists on either side are no good.
But let's also remember she's a child (maybe 22 now?). The Tweeter in Chief is 70, and just as immature as her.
We could do the same thing with Trump fans as well ;)
My point is that we should a expect more from Dotard than to retweet trashy fake videos from fascist rightwing groups. Is this what you mean by, "Trump tells it like it is?" ;)
Except the last one, who had his own personal journalists.
From news article in UK:
Video 1: Ah things that happen during times of widespread violence are fine! everyone doing it!
Video 2: Oh those extremists. Never mind them.....everyone throwing gay children off buildings why you singling MY religion out?
Video 3: Police said the religion of the attacker was not captured. Not that he ISNT Muslim. And he lives there, but might not be an 'ex-migrant'. Small details.
Yes, we could. If the topic was not Muslim migrants attacking innocent people or Muslims throwing children off of buildings.
Why would you suddenly have such high expectations for someone you attack and mock every single day. Have standards now when it suits your narrative? You dont give him any credit when he tweets something positive, do you?
Yes, he is telling us (and showing us) EXACTLY how it is. unlike the media whose job it is to report things like this but hides it.
@Viking - thank you for bringing up Egypt. What often is lost in these discussions is the most victims, by far, of radical Islamic terror are...........other Muslims. Most people do not fully understand the hatred that exists in some part of the world between Sunni and Shia Muslims, which dates all the way back to the battle of Karbala.
One would be more likely to believe that Trump is sincere if perhaps he would acknowledge this and perhaps rather than re-tweeting videos come up with an original statement of his own such as "we stand with peaceful Muslims and all other civilized people against radicalized terrorists, regardless of their faith"
He is adding fuel to the fire with his reckless behavior.
Ok. How about this? CNN report on a Tweet from Trump asking his followers to check out a non-existent porn mag with photos of a woman he doesn't like. The story turns out to be false but you can just replace that tweet with another true one asking his followers to check out a non-existent porn film of a woman he doesn't like.
You okay with that?
Fox "News" were personal journalists for Obama? Then why did they make up so many lies about him?
We've had high expectation for him since the start, and his inability to live up to them is why we mock him every day.
If he doesn't like it, then he should follow your advice and stop being president.
Fake news tells us exactly how it is? Yeah, right.
Nope because the 'story' is not false. Muslim migrants throughout Europe are attacking, beating and raping innocent people. Or is this false too?
If the video proof of the story is out of context or cant be proven, pick another one by searching 'Muslim migrant attacks...' on YouTube and take your choice of a true video.
That's not the topic. The topic is why does Dotard keep retweeting fascist right-wing videos? You keep trying to claim these videos show how violent and nasty muslim refugees are.
Waiting for Donny to post something positive. Lemme know when he does? I'd happy to stop mocking him, but he's gonna have to learn to act like mature, responsible adult. No more cooky videos from nutty right-wing groups. Fair? ;)
Uh no, Fox News journalists were the ones he spied on both they and their parents by tapping their phones (James Rosen).
Do try to keep up.
Fake news.
Heh, so your president was too stupid to do this in the first place, and now you expect us to do the leg work he was too stupid to do.
Good luck with that.
Toasted Heretic
Ok, I'll bite. How?
Fine, Trump can tweet in the morning and say 'my apologies one of the three videos I retweeted has been debunked. Here is another one which is similar that has been confirmed as true'.
Not fake news at all, as what is being reported as happening actually is. I thought you guys had said that its not fake news just because you dont like it. Are Muslim migrants NOT attacking people? NOT throwing people off buildings? NOT destroying the artifacts of other religions?
Toasted Heretic
And so are "indigenous" citizens.
The point is, Trump us using extreme right propaganda to further his own agenda. Without even thinking of the consequences.
And in the morning, pigs will suddenly fly.
Fake news.
This discussion is making the shinkansen ride fly by...
@Blacklabel - these types of attacks have happened and yes one can see videos of some of the attacks.
On the other hand, In the U.S. not so long ago a white male (I am a white male as well) murdered dozens in Las Vegas. I am angered when someone denigrates all white males when something like this happens, and I think you share the same sentiment. It also bothers me when people denigrate all Muslims, all Blacks, (pick a race, religion, etc.) when a member of their faith or race commits an act of terror.
There is an issue with immigration in Europe and assimilation, it would be foolish to outright deny that. However there are likely many ways to deal with this and come up with viable solutions.
Trump has made some ridiculous statements about Muslims, immigration, etc. and some of his statements are indefensible. I think this incident falls into that category and causes much more harm than good.
Why would he do that if it was his own personal media?
That makes no sense.
Fake news.
"None of the Muslims I know have ever done these things."
You never deigned to adequately answer Blacklabel's question.
I would hope that you're being facetious and that actually you don't live in some microcosm that is a paradise where all your Muslim friends are angels and help old ladies across the street.
However, your limited experience of Islam is really not the crux of the matter.
The images /videos that were shown on the Britain First website were the result of certain things.
Certainly, uncontrolled immigration into the UK has been a major disruption to many English people.
The British people had no say nor any type of consultation as to the numbers of immigrants that were allowed to settle under the Blair government and previous governments.
Many parts of the U.K. And especially London have seen change that never was intended.
Britain First is based in London and many of its founding members are from the south east of the capital.
Life there has changed radically!
Schools have became places where the English language is not spoken.Shops that sold food changed overnight into a place where maybe you were lucky if the shopkeeper could understand you– let alone sell you something that you were used to eating!
Pubs closed down and those living in the area suddenly felt alienated and left-others followed and ghettoes began to form.
The term Londonistan, might be viewed derogatorily yet it could be considered a correct epithet when describing parts of London.
Until recently the flow of immigrants has nincreased. Why is that?
Well, the UK is seen as a soft touch by many asylum-seekers, immigrants, migrants-whatever you want to call them.Rather than settle in Germany, France, Holland etc. England seems to be the place that a migrant can expect to receive money and a place to live without much trouble.
These facts are plain to people in the U.K.
Recent history has shown that terror attacks especially in Europe, have been carried out by migrants or children of migrants that have been radicalized under the tenets of Islam.
Not Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Jainism, well I could go on and on,but the point is that Islam and the teachings of Islam have been instrumental in fomenting heinous acts of violence.
Unfortunately, Britain First can now capitalize on the failings of past governments to address the issues above.
From Trump's perspective looking across the Atlantic ocean at the UK and all of its problems, he can certainly extrapolate to his position in guiding the USA.
Fake videos or not, there are plenty of examples out there to whip the masses into a frenzy........
In Republican terms, you're an apologist who is unwilling to accept the 'truth'.
Toasted Heretic
The story about Trump is not false, either. Republicans throughout the US (and probably abroad) are attacking, molesting and raping women and children. See what I did there? Disgusting, isn't it?
Hah, that's awesome. And likely to be ignored by our right-wing readers.
Readers, some of you have become obsessed with the topic, so you can all take a break for awhile.