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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump holds Florida rally in front of mostly maskless crowd; says he's immune to virus
Add this latest 'claim that's impossible to prove' to the others on Trump's ever growing list of 'intentional misinformations'. 20,000+ and counting
Those in Trump's poorly educated, true believing and anti-science base have used a wide variety of media to show the world how wack so many Americans are.
Trump and his fellow 'elite' also use their media to encourage them. (see Tucker/Limbaugh etal aided by RT and troll armies from Moscow, Beijing, Ankara and Tehran.)
Peter Neil
It won't be long now until the most popular Internet meme will be Uncle Sam point at Trump saying, "You're fired!"
Randy Johnson
Where many thousands of positive thinking people will be at the rally cheerig on America and President Trump. Cintrast that to biden and you literally get no one to show up at at rally in Arizona the other day.
It is not up to anyone to save anyone.
People should take care of their own health.
Americans suffer from a health system which doesn’t provide for the poor bloated vitamin deficient carbohydrate consuming hordes ramped up on legal and illegal substances-there’s the problem not a virus.
Good for him. I thought that all the fear mongers were relying on some kind of immunity as the way out of this. Like a vaccine. Or herd. I see WHO now says lockdowns are not the answer. Guess “the Scientists” can also change their minds once the evidence shows that the massive overreaction to this disease may have been unjustified.
Simon Foston
kurisupisuToday 07:07 am JST
How about doctors and nurses? Anyway, that has nothing to do with Trump saying things that are blatantly untrue. They're not going to get better really fast, no matter who should be saving them.
Well, it’s official now. So everything is ok and everyone can relax now, the President got a clear and clean bill of health, let the rally commence!
Graham DeShazo
Until he provides a negative test result, it’s just his word which is as good as a Confederate war bond.
And one thing he’s NOT immune to is the wrath of the voters.
Trump Tower Leavenworth - opening 2021. Room for the entire family! Come for the monotonous scenery; stay because of the razor wire topped walls.
There's something pretty creepy about a guy who has/had a killer virus out pressing the flesh with his fan base of koolaid drinkers. Even more disturbing are the fans who put themselves and their loved ones at risk by attending one of Trump's tightly packed tent revivals.
Covid45 Rally, Bloomberg is dropping 100 millions into Florida for the Democrats, rally serve no purpose
The US successfully "flattened the curve." The reason health experts wanted to "flatten the curve" was NOT to eliminate the spread of the virus, it was to ensure that hospitals were not overrun. The US succeeded. If Biden does manage to scrape a victory, it will immediately be followed by US based media telling everyone to get on with their lives and not to worry about COVID.
His idiotic flowers believe that statement to their last breath...
Knowing the President I’m sure he will, but even then Dems will want a televised live conference with 300 chosen liberal doctors that will take 22 hours of testing, blood and saliva samples lab results, DNA, more swab samples have the results verified by a body of international physicians, get another opinion from Fauci and then shown to Democrats, the scan the results and then if they approve, then they can assure the country the President is ok and virus free.
Graham DeShazo
“It’s not up to the government to save anyone.”
Perhaps you have not read Locke’s 2nd treatise on government upon which the Constitution is based?
According to Locke, man only gives up his perfect freedom in nature and agrees to the authority of the state in return for the protection of Life, Liberty and Property (St. Thomas Jefferson didn’t think that all men deserved property so he changed it to “the pursuit of happiness.”)
Furthermore, Locke boldly (at the time in a Monarchy) stated that when a government no longer protects these rights, it is the right of the governed to overthrow the government and replace it with a government of their choosing.
Locke was referring to revolution. Today, (thankfully) we have elections.
Seriously, you should have payed more attention in school.....
Graham DeShazo
“It’s not up to the government to save anyone.”
I’m sorry, but this is so gobsmacking ignorant that I feel the need to say that this is literally THE function of government in a nation state.
And Trump has failed miserably.
Trump's brain is immune.
Watching it live now.
He's hitting it out of the ballpark.
Trump-Pence 2020 landslide
David Varnes
Yup... right after he produces his health care plan, tax returns, and all those other things he's promised to release... still waiting...
And even then, Dems would dismiss it all, so why? Lol
Peter Neil
Here are the 10 propaganda tricks used by Hitler:
1. Appeal to the fears and hatreds of a constituency that feels they are being wronged or marginalized by the governmental powers that be.
2. Harken back to the days of historical pride. In his speeches, Hitler shouted that Germany was once a great and powerful nation. And was in fact winning World War I, until weak politicians and cowardly generals gave up and surrendered their country to the Allies of Britain, France and Russia. Only the Nazis could make Germany great once again.
3. Portray yourself as an Outsider, as the only one who can unite the troubled nation and fix the country’s many problems. Play upon a divided parties of government.
Use contemporary advertising techniques to convey your messages over and over again to the public. Hitler and Goebbels expertly used radio, movies, posters and pamphlets to flood Germany with their Fascist message. Repetitive propaganda delivers a kind of feedback loop, each cycle reinforcing the one before.5. Repeat lies often enough and the people will believe they are true. Lie about people, parties, countries, even religions. Facts that do not support the narrative are deemed ‘Fake’ and even unpatriotic or subversive.
6. Intellectuals and journalists were suspected of being Socialists or even worse, Communists! So discredit them as the “elites” Plant distrust with the populace in their own public universities, the Press, even the judiciary … until such time that YOU control them all behind the scenes, from within.
7. Extreme Nationalism resonates with those who see themselves as disenfranchised, even if they technically are middle class. So the demagoguery and totalitarianism of Hitler was ultimately seen as acceptable.
8. Ethics, legitimacy and even religious decency can be ‘Back-burnered’ for the greater cause, sometimes for a generation. So bigotry, racism, xenophobia and sexism were simply ‘an ends to a means’ for the Nazis. Put your Christian values aside. We all think bad thoughts in private, so why not mainstream them and shout it out loud? Or better yet, take to the streets and act upon them!
9. You need a Scapegoat to rally against. People who don’t look, think or pray like us. A particular race, religion, or faction who are the root cause of all the problems facing hard-working Germans. In Hitler’s case, this was the Jews and migrant Gypsies. Portray them as dangerous, criminal, and even sub-human. After all, who could trust such people? Why risk it? Better to round them all up and deport them!
10. Exploitation of PATRIOTISM was the ultimate ‘ace up the sleeve.’ Hitler spoke with fanatical pride in front of rows of Nazi flags and fanatical cheering crowds. He demanded deference to HIS leadership alone. Paint the opposition an unpatriotic or better yet, Traitors! When blind nationalism rules, it’s then acceptable to employ the last and final step – Violence.
Do these sound familiar?
Graham DeShazo
“Trump Pence land slide”
Well, we know Trump has been high. One wonders what his supporters are on.
Let’s see what 538 says?
Nationally Biden +10.4
AZ Biden +3.9
FL +4.5
GA +0.9
IA +1.1
MI +8.1
MN +9.2
NC +2.9
OH +0.7
PA +7.3
WI +7.7
These are the poll of polls, mind you So they’re more conservative. And Trump isn’t killing it. he’s getting killed.
The Doctors say he is o.k., the media all the sudden are the doctors in charge thinking they know best, the bloggers that don't like Trump are all the sudden doctors with master degrees that claim to know what's best for Americans.The world cannot be trusted, think for yourself.
Finally you understand.
Blatantly incorrect!
Conversely, how many people has Biden infected with coronavirus?
Is there any update on the condition of Melania, Kayleigh McEnany and others who were reported as having contracted the virus? Have they all received the same medication as Trump and made miraculous recoveries and become immune?
Bob Fosse
Good! They’ll be alive to vote trump out.
The doctors who had to sign a NDA, you mean?
Not quite...
Alert! Alert! Massive bio-hazard event detected in Florida! Take shelter and......oh, it's just our President hosting another super-spreader event...
The toll was 35 (to date) for the last one - this looks to easily surpass that...
I wonder how all these Trump supporters are going to vote from the ICU....
Joe Blow
Meanwhile Biden doesn't think his voters have the right to know if he'll pack the courts.
Both sides are out of their minds, what's your point?
Can't fix stupid.
Doubt if he's immune to losing. I am not deeply political but I don't think I've ever looked forward to an election like I am this one in November.
Just vote this idiot out of office. Enough is enough.
I feel sorry for the innoncence people who will get this virus later.DJT is just selfish of doing this rallies.
Come on now. Don't y'all want a big fat kiss from Trump?
Hey Trump people in Japan. Since you believe masks don't work and that injecting Mr. Clean cures COVID-19 do you proudly refuse to wear a mask in the Tokyo subway? GO TRUMP!! Donald Trump for 2024 and beyond!
Why are you posting an opinion piece from 2012? Is this supposed to discredit all the polls (including those by Fox) that show Trump losing the race? Try harder. Try a more recent article.
I don't understand how a large percentage of Americans won't listen to the advice of people who have devoted their lives to scientific and infectious research instead they will listen to this man's incoherent ramblings.
That's right, and that's why Trump people in Japan should proudly refuse to wear masks in the Tokyo subway with their MAGA hats. The good news about that is no one will sit next to you and you will have your own private seat (good for the extra large size white Trump voter). And I think Japan sells disinfectant in Japan. Not sure about Mr. Clean brand. Maybe Costco has it(?????)
Not sure who you are referring to. Which candidate exactly?
trump kissing racists is not a problem, they deserve it.
The problem is all the others, secret service staff, pilots, crew and the journalists he is putting in danger.
We'll see new infections in the next few days and all of good decent people, just doing their work, are going to be infected!!!
It says that Biden has an 85% chance of winning.
You can ignore national numbers. The proof is in the battleground states where Trump just hasn't been able to make up ground. And his approval rating for COVID has been in decline so I'm not sure why he continues down the same path but I'm not going to argue with it.
Bass...citing the National review for polling data...hilarious. The National Review has skewed itself far right since it's initial inception by Buckley. You need to pick your sources more carefully.
Because we are once again looking at the typical over sampling that liberals are known for, they continue to do this, why?
We think the same about every liberal media outlet and?
Trump rambles about anti-Science stuff like Mr. Clean curing COVID as well as COVID being the work of Hillary's Deep State people collaborating with the Chinese government to bring down Trump.
Biden rambles about things that are mostly true at least when it comes to science.
so if Trump-who has had the virus, recovered and tested negative- isnt immune, then will people who take the vaccine be immune?
If not, then what is the purpose of the vaccine?
listen to the science! negative test in consecutive days means "no more corona". Dont have it, cant spread it.
Peter Neil
I'm happy to see all of his supporters not wearing masks, standing shoulder-to-shoulder. Maybe they can hug and kiss? Spread the Trump love around to you and yours.
Thumbs up!
The National Review was mainly supported by Roger Milliken who was a staunch supporter of Strom Thurmond and Nixon's Southern Strategy and who was a member of the John Birch Society.....this is from where you draw influence and inspiration?
Is the liberal position now that a person who had coronavirus, recovered and tested negative can still pass on the virus they dont have?
YES and the (how much money? And how many doctors?) spent on Trump's care that no other American can have other than billionaires?
But Trump is considerate since he has promoted injecting Mr. Clean to treat COVID-19 which can be found at Dollar General for 99 cents vs. Trump's treatment for 100s of 1000s or even in the seven figures. That's literally pennies on the dollar.
I'm surprised that this is still a thing. From FiveThirtyEight:
The Polls Aren’t Skewed
"A person’s party identification can shift, and therefore the overall balance between parties does too. Democrats have typically had an advantage in self-identification — a 4 percentage point edge in 2000, a 7-point advantage in 2008 and a 6-point edge in 2012, according to exit polls — but they had no advantage in the 2004 election. Since 1952, however, almost every presidential election has featured a Democratic advantage in party identification."
Even Scott Rasmussen said "you cannot compare partisan weighting from one polling firm to another. Different firms ask about partisan affiliation in different ways. Some ask how you are registered. Some ask what you consider yourselves. Some push for leaners, others do not. Some ask it at the beginning of a survey which provides a more stable response while others ask it at the end."
Blue Sausage
Trump at a rally after COVID? What can we expect from Trump? Only the best because he's Trump! Go Trump!!!
Sick as in SSIC (Super Spreader In Chief).
The problem is they are also responsible for the innocent people they come into contact with after the rally and pass the virus on to, people going about their business and not supporting this SSIC man.
No matter who wins the election, it's scary to think that there are still so many Americans willing to be duped by this charlatan.
Invalid CSRF
Trump knows what time it is.
One reason that some still question this is that Trump tested negative using the Abbot rapid test and not the more accurate PCR tests.
This is the same test that was used at the Rose Garden event and WH events that infected how many? Wasn’t it something like 35, including Trump?
The test’s very accurate with positive results but is known for false negitives!
Blue Sausage
Apparently a lot of people at the rally feel the same way as my favorite Punk Rocker Johnny Rotten.
Per Johnny Rotten -“He’s not the most lovable fellow on God’s earth, but I cannot see the opposition as offering me anything by way of a solution,”
In an interview with The Guardian, Lydon (Rotten) said “I’d be daft as a brush not to,” vote for Trump, claiming that the President “really is making the country a bit better,” and adding that “He’s the only sensible choice now that Biden is up – he’s incapable of being the man at the helm.”
Blue Sausage
The PCR test is about as accurate as most posters here are when they attempt math.
Yes. Trump’s bioterrorism has set a bad example.
This rally is mindless.
But Democrats supporting and eulogizing Robert Byrd is ok?
I see and radical outlets that support far left liberal views like the Nation, MoveOn, Act Blue and the open society are are fair minded viewpoints we should follow instead? so basically what you are saying, don’t support ring so called radical media outlets, support left leaning media outlets? What? Seriously?
Maybe balance is important.
One thing I’d recommend against is posting opinion pieces from tabloids when asked what scientific literature you’ve read regarding Covid. That’s not a left/right issue.
Trump is not immune or he would not need ongoing medication and monitoring. Another Trump lie to add to the tens of thousands of other lies he has spoken in the last 5 years.
Trump out in 22 days. The world will party so hard when Trump is gone, except for his Russian puppet masters.
oh Strom Thurmond is bad now? somebody needs to tell Joe Biden.
"Yet for all the talk about civil rights, Biden never lost his personal fondness for the segregationists he worked with in the Senate. A decade before he delivered his now famous eulogy at Thurmond’s funeral—in which he called the old Dixiecrat “a product of his time”—Biden spoke at the senator’s 90th birthday party in Washington, D.C., in March 1993.
Standing in a tuxedo, Biden compared Thurmond to the Confederate general Robert E. Lee: “an opponent without hate, a friend without treachery, a statesman without pretense, a soldier without cruelty and a neighbor without hypocrisy.”
Of course, he thinks he is a superman, immune to the virus, but many others in the crowd are not. He is putting their lives at risk, yet he pretends he does not know..
How incorrigible !!
Just got my ballot today. I'm happily voting against Trump and the rest of the evil GOP authoritarian fascist enablers that support agent orange. I know my official ballot station as I've been using them for decades and that is exactly where I'm turning it in.
no liberals seem to want to answer.
if you arent immune after you have the coronavirus and recover- and- you also arent immune even after taking the vaccine, then why cant we just go back to normal life?
Of course Fauci gives his standard answer of could be, may be, its possible, on the subject of immunity. could be short, could be long. Guy is totally useless. like 5 people in the world have been said to have been infected a second time, but here is Fauci and his "concerns" again.
Graham DeShazo
I’m glad to see that Super-Spreader In Chief is no longer vulgar or offensive as it’s a demonstrated fact.
Well, when a bunch of these fools are on their death beds we'll get to read their final Facebook posts about how they now know the truth. It's a shame it always comes to that for people like these, but I guess they refuse to learn any other way.
nice word salad.
so whats your conclusion on immunity as it relates to (a) people who had it already and recovered and (b) people who take the vaccine?
Then just do it (in Japan). On the Tokyo Subway just don't wear your face mask and proudly wear your red MAGA hat. Don't just talk about it. According to Trump beliefs masks don't work and COVID is no more dangerous than the common cold.
Blue Sausage
Trump shows in his rally that he is the new Counter-Culture. The left is just a bunch of "white saviors" who think they know what's best for us brown people. White saviors think we can't think or do for ourselves.
Masks dont work.
According to the CDC, 85% of people who got COVID wore masks "always" or "often".
oh, people who never or rarely wear a mask, you might ask?
@Blue Sausage, speak for yourself. As a fellow "minority", I think for myself quite well enough to not to fall for Trump & Co ideals of "let the rich rule over the poor and those not as wealthy as us..."
It goes both ways with both parties... the only question is, which evil are you able to deal with better in the long run.
How? Biden didn’t get it, neither did Wallace, so there goes that funny theory out the window.
Blue Sausage
Uh Oh... The white saviors are down voting
Of great news!!! America is coming back stronger than ever!!! :D
Covid-19, lovingly given to you by the GOP.
China gets off scot-free? Jeez...
Trump is considerate since he has promoted injecting Mr. Clean to treat COVID-19
Still repeating that lie, nishikat? Jeez... OK, once again, for those who still believe that lie:
Trump said WHAT about disinfectant?!
Bob Fosse
I can’t wait for this to be over. So much stupidity. Hopefully they’ll quit and not just change usernames again.
Trump is a Nazi inferences are puerile.
Trump only appeals to Whitey statements are not rooted in fact.
Being a White Supremacist is not an election winning strategy. anyway the handful of White Supremacists who may still exist in the US will vote for him anyway (if they vote) as they have no alternative.
Why we should always "believe the scientists" but we are not prepared to believe his medical team is a mystery.
There is an election campaign ongoing - just because doing a bunch of Zoom calls and scripted pressers suits Biden doesn't mean it should be the prescribed way of running a campaign......
Blue Sausage
@HonestDictator I don't see a lot of difference between Rep or Dems on the issue of "let the rich rule over the poor and those not as wealthy as us..." What I see is the track record of the left. 100s of millions were killed in the 20th century alone. Mass starvation and privation in every corner of the earth that they touch. Also, think of the lack of opportunities for success and lack of ability to set your own path the left offers. How about the clamp down on just about everything that a leftist government brings with it.
What do they promise in return? They'll soak the rich give you the proceeds. They'll save you. Right! Never happened yet - never will. It is the big lie.
Well as a Trump supporter, I'm so glad to see our President back on the road mean connecting to the American people. He really is "Superman" - just look at how many super-spreader events he has hosted....
Just like every other Trump supporter, we all want "kisses" from our Dear Leader...
Getting the virus from our President is an honor...
Just ask Herman Cain...
These numbers are not from CDC but from someone that read a CDC study and presented the numbers to fit his narrative.
Did you actually read the study?
The sample size was only around 300 with less than half having Covid.
And the CDC’s summary? They recommended wearing masks!
Apples and Oranges
Nearly everyone agrees the virus originated in China. That has nothing to do with the disastrous response, and resulting infections and deaths, in the US. That falls on Trump and his administration.
Simon Foston
Great. I say go right ahead. Let them all share the... um, well, whatever.
Simon Foston
SerranoToday 12:38 pm JST
Who do think reads the stuff you write and takes it seriously? Fellow obsessive-repulsive Trump cultists don't count.
Here ya go! 84% of the mask wearers got COVID.
Trump haters in the US seem to an awful lot of salt in that basket of theirs. ROFL?
well more accurately 84% of people who got COVID wore masks, yet still got it.
The same people who accept a political poll that samples 900 people to represent 330 million Americans wont accept a sample of 314 to represent 7 million COVID positive tests?
Have you noticed how I point out that the sources that YOU use here are poor quality and heavily biased, and you respond with "they" attacks. That is why people feel you are bigoted. You concede your point by such a deflection, instead of attempting to defend your initial point, which means you also realize it is a point unworthy of support.
Try to stand behind and defend the points you make rather than resorting to deflections and generalizations....if you can.
What this says is that transmission is increased in areas where mask wearing and social distancing is difficult or impossible to maintain, such as bars and restaurants. I'd suggest that you read your own sources in future, but I've done that before and you don't listen. Additionally, I'm aware that policy is that throwing up a link that someone else read for you and misrepresenting what's in it is a good level of discussion that is above high school debate level, unlike citing facts, which is below it.
Well you have to admit, the guy flaunting COVID safety sanders got COVID is pretty funny.
Notice how the only countries blaming China for the virus are those who entirely messed up their Covid response?
Apparently it is.
Why are white supremacists attracted to Trump and the GOP? Hmm.
thats wonderful to try to mansplain it away, but what do the numbers say?
Question: Reported use of cloth face covering or mask 14 days before illness onset
Often 22 (14.4)
Always 108 (70.6)
so 85%
I dont need to read an article or paper to know what numbers mean.
85% of people who reported wearing masks often or always- got COVID.
only 7% of people who dont got COVID.
Why and how, if masks work?
who wrote this unscientific crap? It must be Trump!
Oh wait. It was Harvard...
believe the science!
A mask works to stop you spreading any viruses you may have onto other people, not to protect you from infection (unless you're wearing a medical-standard mask, with all the rest of the PPE paraphanalia).
People who refuse to wear masks when in close proximity to others are basically saying they don't care if others get sick and die.
You might not need to read an article or paper, but you do need to wear a mask.
there is not one shred of evidence for this to be true unless the mask is an N-45 ( which the overwhelming majority of people don't use) and even those are unreliable against aerosol particles.
wearing masks is nothing but a performative action to signal to others you are obedient. Nothing more, nothing less.
This virus is soooo elusive.
egads man!
Thanks for providing an article that advocates for proper mask use. Didn't know you were a mask proponent.
Graham DeShazo
I think I’ll go with what the overwhelming majority of public health experts say: masks work and everyone should wear them.