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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump picks Senator JD Vance of Ohio, a once-fierce critic turned loyal ally, as his running mate
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Not enough of them to eliminate it from our schools and lexicon
75 years of minorities voting for Dems if anything has shown us it’s who’s policies have been destructive to an entire community. That’s a just a statistical fact.
Trump walking through the crowd at the RNC!!
Walking vigorously, with a commanding presence.
This is the leader each country of the world jealously yearns for,
A true example of heroism and bravery.
Are there any Americans out there with a view on this?
Never heard of Vance.
Reading bio, it appears scoring on
1 where he lives, Ohio
2 Working hard life background
3 was really a liberal (saying bad things about Trump) till he needed a Senate seat
4 Vance is married to a Indian woman and they will play that to Asian and people of color community
Lol! Hysterical! Why so upset over the presidential candidate for a country in which you are not a citizen
And why settle for such low odds--one of my best bets was at 150/1.
But if you want to settle for less, it's your choice.
I’d give you more than 50/1 on that being the case.
You're wrong mate, every Democrat doesn't believe in that, to the same degree I could say Reps have racist points of views
Trump walking through the crowd at the RNC!!
Walking vigorously, with a commanding presence.
This is the leader each country of the world jealously yearns for,
A true example of heroism and bravery.
He knew what Trump was, and he still does.
I was where JD was once, too. I bought in to the media lies and distortions about Trump. And then I started looking at the facts. It’s not surprising that the “liberals” can’t comprehend it, being as they are so rigid and tunnel vision in their ideology.
Kinda wanna say you are partially right, For Vivek to be who he is and him be the first person I ever heard talking about some replacement theory shows how far he goes out of his way to be racist with his ideologies. Maybe only 20% of republicans respect people of his race while the other 80% don't hold back with expressing racism towards anyone who is non-Caucasian. But some people really do play for the wrong team some are being used and don't even know it
Sven Asai
OK, until he climbs a roof too. lol
JD is a typical MAGA-pretender...
The guy graduated from Yale, had his own venture capitalist business, and called Trump an idiot...
How's that for three things that get applause in MAGA-world...
Just like Trump, he's running a hustle on the MAGA-masses, and they're all falling for it...
Proving once again in MAGA-world - "there's one born every minute"....
You gave him a Poly?
He said, he didn’t until he met him, he prejudged him, now how is it that liberals know what the man is thinking? You guys are funny.
Wrong party
There is no one, won’t happen. We are not that kind of nation anymore.
The US needs a president who will unite a very divided country. Biden and Trump are not capable of that. Four more years for one to appear on the political landscape.
Sure I did, LOL
And you know this from…. lol, you spoke to them?
Only the MAGA ones, ROFL
For you it is, I am sure!!!
JD is lying. He knew what Trump was, and he still does. He just decided that selling his soul was worth it for his political career.
Desert Tortoise
Bu - bu- bu - bu - but he's god's chosen. Right? That's what the preacher man says.
People can believe what they want, Dems believe we have a multitude of genders, so…
So shooting a Presidential candidate is the answer? Thankfully, he’ll never get that opportunity again.
If he didn’t want that, why get into politics. More power, more support, you can get your agenda across
America is a free country, you vote as you please, as long as you vote that’s the important thing.
Well, and that’s why I’m not a Democrat, point well taken.
Desert Tortoise
Hard to imagine anyone more vile and disreputable than Jupiter (DJT - the orange colored gas giant) aspiring to lead the greatest nation ever, but somehow Jupiter managed to find such a person.
"Have-Brain-Will-Travel" Vance with his smart-mouth is even more dangerous to democracy than the inarticulate Trump. The unbelievable negligence of the Biden & Garland team with their disastrous "don't rock the boat of the ruling duopoly" policy has resulted in bringing the country to its most dangerous moment since the Great Depression. Their signal failure to fight for real justice and clean up Trump's MAGA slime trail has made possible the rapidly unravelling of democracy and this now rapidly unfolding nightmare scenario of a white-knuckle ride to November.
The shooter felt he was protecting America from a terrible fate. Isn't that clear?
Vance wants power. In the GOP, the current method to get that is to follow Trump's methods of lies, and authoritarian plans.
As long as anyone else is eligible for the election, they will get my vote over Trump-the-liar. Don't elect liars or people who have violated nearly all, if not all, of the Ten Commandments.
This kind of extraordinary conversion story goes down well with the religious. The televangelist scammers use this tactic quite well.
JD Vance is speaking live now at the RNC.
This guy is the real deal.
And you know this from….lol…you spoke to her?
So did Pelosi and Joe, is that a crime?
So basically, doing what every politician does
You vote for the best candidate that you trust and represents your ideologies which is what you’re supposed to do. Democrats always look at race and gender and this is why the country is mucked up! DEI needs to be DOA. And let’s not forget Youngkin was on that list as well, was he too tall?
And that is a good thing.
He just explained and admitted to saying he said these things without knowing anything about Trump, but now after meeting and getting to know him through the years he’s completely did an about face.
Yeah, he clarified that as well, coming from an abusive family, he’s going to encourage a woman to stay in it, sure. Lol
A great pair.
Two American Heroes.
Both exhibit American bravery and the American Dream.
Bad Haircut
If one of Trump's aims in picking Vance was to send out "liberal" friends into fits of apoplexy, he's already succeeded in spades.
Keep the laughs coming.
Whatever happened to "draining the swamp"? JD is in the pocket of the tech billionaires like Peter Thiel, David O. Sacks, Marc Andreesen, and Elon Musk. The new oligarchy is chomping at the bit.
Tim Scott got a fake wife, Kristi got surgery done, Vivek debased himself and Marco tried to be an obedient puppy, they all forgot donald was never going to pick them for who they were.
It was always JD because he ticks certain boxes that the MAGA hounds demand!!!
JD Vance is against no-fault divorce, supports a national abortion ban, and voted against IVF access.
He wants the government in people's lives and dictating decisions they can make for themselves, their health, and their families
He’ll be a hit with women, ROFL!!!
JD Vance, who called Trump “America’s Hitler” and a “cynical a****,” and said that any American would have to be an “idiot” to vote for him, has been selected as Trump’s running mate.
Roger Gusain
An inspired choice. Everything is going Trump's way now. Only 111 days to go before the new MAGA era begins!
Someone hasn’t heard that Clarence Thomas and others are “Black white supremacists” or “Uncle Tom”. Vivek would be attacked in the same way by the left.
Skin color doesn’t stop the hateful rhetoric of the left. Same violent rhetoric that incited an assassination attempt on our winning candidate.
finally rich
This time I have to agree with Trump haters.
Couldnt think about any other better option than Vivek.
Would give Trump haters a hard time spinning the racist rhetoric.
Happens all the time
Of how slimy and dangerous the swamp is, yes!
Oh, boy….floundering alert.
No, it very simple and no need to split the pea, Vance realizes that he was wrong, he prejudged the former president, got to know and spend time with him and converted. This is an extraordinary and brilliant move by Trump.
Watching the “progressives” do what they do. A laugh a minute!
past is past, JD was uninformed and listening to liberal media falsehoods. He has obviously learned the truth In the last 8 years.
“My god what an idiot,”
JD Vance on Trump.
I can understand people having changes of views on policies after consideration or seeing the policy fail when implemented.
Did Trump become intelligent?
He’s even less mentally capable than before.
That’s true, but this ‘conversion’ is extraordinary. Vance seems to think someone went from stupidity to intelligence ( he couldn’t actively support putting an idiot in charge, could he? ).
Weird stuff.
um That's like 99% of politicians.
Water under the bridge
Not slavish, aware
Naw, he would be a fantastic one, not to mention he’s young and comes from the business world
Well, look what the left attracts and at the rate they’re going, they’ll become obsolete and extinct
Not mentioned all at here, but Vance is extremely close to Silicon Valley VC money which has taken a hard right turn in the last few years (in particular the Theil/Musk/ Andreessen axis, who espouse some incredibly repulsive views).
Trump choosing Vance probably opened the money spigot from these guys, if it wasn't open already. Either that, or Vance was a condition for their massive support. Either way, this angle shouldn't be overlooked.
Dear me - comparing him to one of the worst and most hated figures in human history and hard drugs.
Heavy stuff.
Another one who’s seen the light, eh?
YouTube apparently has a quite few ‘commentators’ who had damascene conversions to conspiracy theories/the right/Trump. Nice gig.
At the very bottom of the barrel level, the spammers on social media have all kinds of accounts recounting their conversions. I think they call it ‘influencing’.
Trump certainly doesn’t attract the best or most honest. How could he?
Google all the negative things Vance has said regarding Trump and you'll find a lot. That Trump chose him despite that is surprising - but Vance drank the Kool-Aid about a year ago and has since become quite slavish. And he's from a swing state. Should anything happen to a President Trump, he would be a horrendous replacement.
So Trump picks a Ivy League graduated, former globalist venture capitalist who has called him an "idiot" and said he was "reprehensible". Just another day in MAGA-ville.
"Vote for the Jailbird and JD!"
However, Biden, unlike Trump, wasn’t the target of an assassin’s bullet.
The fact that Biden has even suggested that Trump is a ‘target’ could well be the reason that Trump came near to death.
I agree with Vance’s opinion.
Democrats should get ready for another embarrassment in the VP debates.
That is for sure.
Vance was right this time on both counts and it shows his writer's gift for an apt turn of phrase.
He should know about 'cultural heroin' given the rampant opioid epidemic in the Appalachian regions he hails from and represents.
Not the best choice but a solid pick.
even more so after the assassination attempt need someone the left hates/fears as much or more than Trump himself. JD checks that box twice.
What has JD Vance called Trump in the past?
Well, he once called Trump “America’s Hitler”.
Another time Vance called Trump “cultural heroin”.
When he bought in to the MSM fake news and bs narrative. He corrected himself, which means he has a brain and isn’t mired in the syndrome like so many here. Great to see a politician who admits his mistakes and grows. I’ve been there.
There are many dartboards with Biden's head. Amazon too.
A Yale educated lawyer, and anyone who has read his autobiography 'Hillbilly Elegy' will be able to appreciate his troubled childhood and upbringing. He can truly understand the issues plaguing the working class of Middle America, and Democrats should get ready for another embarrassment in the VP debates.
He may have criticized Trump once upon a time but there's no point playing that up, because as Trump Jr said - Guess who else was against Donald Trump in 2015. Everyone else.
Biden did suggest that Trump become a target.
We can also go to Amazon online and buy a dartboard with Trump’s head at the centre.
Another example is a magazine, hosted online in Ireland, which has on its front cover, a picture of Donald Trump’s head and on the image is a sniper’s sight superimposed.
There are plenty of anti -Trump memes out there which suggest violence.
Keep looking
Bob Fosse
How and where to? Quick get googling.
Bad Haircut
I don't know much about him, but wish him the best. He might want to brush up on the intricacies of presidential tasks because I doubt that Saturday's attempt on Trump's life will be the first if someone or other doesn't get their way and Trump wins in November.
Bob Fosse
“Vance cast him as “a total fraud,” “a moral disaster” and “America’s Hitler.”
A flip flopping spineless power hungry attention seeker blames Biden for hateful rhetoric. Shameless.
But lets hear more about how libs are responsible for the division in America, amirite?
What has JD Vance called Trump in the past?
Well, he once called Trump “America’s Hitler”.
Another time Vance called Trump “cultural heroin”.
Well done. Where can we send a donation directly to the vice presidential candidate? Many of us would love to do that.
If liberals blow a gasket then I know the choice was sound and sweet.
Yes indeed! The libs are in a real tizzy now. It just keeps getting worse for them. I think the term is, “the walls are closing in.”
Better yet, I sent in a nice small donation.
You do what you need to do.
Half of the country (and growing) doesn’t think so.
He must be a YES man. Trump loves Yes Men and Yes Women.
I guess my support of Republican conservative Nikki Haley made me a “liberal.”
These Trump folks are just too radical for a world that needs sensible, level-headed leadership.
Send him a dozen red roses to congratulate him.
Excellent choice!
Not that it matters, with a true American Hero as the Republican candidate.
If liberals blow a gasket then I know the choice was sound and sweet.
Anyway, I’m happy, love Vance.
JD Vance said Trump might be "America's Hitler" in a 2016 text message..
US democracy is turning in US democrazy..
Nor will the left
Give it time, I’m sure Biden, Pelosi, Bennie Thompson, Jack Smith will turn up the rhetoric as we move forward.
JD Vance is a fake. He'll say anything to climb the ladder.
Oh, you mean it wasn't Trump getting shot that won you over?
Gimme a break.
Well Libs here like Asiaman7 say that all the time so there is no reason to complain about him, right?
If he likes to act as Trump's minion and cheerleader and show absolute fealty, but get no loyalty in return and be blamed if things go wrong, then he is the right man for the job.
I think JD will last a month,until he withdraw and feels the heat of political mudslinging
Finally Digital is making it into the White House.
"" Former President Donald Trump chose Sen JD Vance of Ohio as his running mate on Monday, picking a onetime critic who became a loyal ally and is now the first millennial to join a major-party ticket at a time of deep concern about the advanced age of America’s political leaders.""
The First Millennial, well it's about time America, the world is sick and tired of dealing with the same obsolete mentalities, we need more of this generation to lead us into the future.
Trump is the first candidate in US history to pick a millennial as a running mate.
J.D. has huge appeal to young voters and the working class.
The fact that he chose a former detractor shows that Biden's message of healing and unity was taken to heart by Trump (affectionally referred to as "Donald" by Biden)
We're opening a new chapter in modern American history as the country rallies around a candidate who took a bullet for the nation and stood proud with the flag waving gallantly in the background.
J.D., like Trump is a vocal critic of prolonging the war in Ukraine and wants to cut the flow of billions to the weapons makers.
I hope J.D. gets proper Secret Service protection.
Won't do him any favors with minorities or women and there will be plenty of nutter quotes.
Quite the opposite.
Vance say the Republican party has too many uneducated White People Google JD Vance Uneducated White People
Mr. Trump Just Won Me Over by choosing J.D. Vance to be his V.P, this is going to be a major lift for Mr. Trump looking forward to see how well America prospers with Mr. Vance on his side.
Well done sir.
Won't do him any favors with minorities or women and there will be plenty of nutter quotes. This is for the best.
On this topic of Vance’s looks, he reminds me of Trump-confidant Jerry Falwell Jr., the evangelical leader who resigned as president of Liberty University amid a sex scandal in which he would allegedly sit in the corner of a room and watch his wife have intercourse with a young Miami Beach pool boy.
It's simple, four more years!
I’ve no idea who this chap is I’m afraid, I’ll have to do some research on him.
In the wake of the Trump assassination attempt I don't think there will be any turning down of the rhetoric, especially on the right and Vance proved that with his recent comments.
Politically slimy and lies almost as much as Trump, so an obvious choice.
Vance has said he would have refused to certify the election on Jan. 6, 2020, if he were vice president at the time. That’s all we need to know to conclude his decision-making ability is backward, irresponsible, and reckless.