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© (c) Copyright Thomson Reuters 2019.Trump says Pelosi may be guilty of treason
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Kinda rich to say when the current GOP talking point on Trump urging China to investigate Biden is that he was "joking."
No Business
He's right, as usual.
Toasted Heretic
Infamy, infamy! They've all got it in for me!
I just still can’t get over that liberals actually fell for that troll hit. Lol
Now on the Biden part he wasn’t joking and I think someone SHOULD look into the business deals with the Biden’s, if liberals and the media hate it, it’s ok, we let them do it to the President, so they can be equally as patient. Think about...
Biden’s son
Pelosi’s son
Romney’s son
Kerry’s son
All of them are Board directors for energy companies doing business in the Ukraine.....odd coincidence....
I see now why Mitt is getting jittery with Trump now as well as with Pelosi, these are the fools that are screaming the loudest for his head. Hmmmm.....
Quick, someone get the FBI on the phone.
Turnip Trump is getting increasingly irrational as the net closes. The man is a joke and an embarrassment to the USA.
Trump's rich daddy sent him to a military reform school where he must have learned when the other side's closing in and you need to escape, toss a grenade to distract. Point at shiny squirrels. Make up fake news. Alt facts. Say some other guy did it, others are bad, too, especially if they're female and/or not from his demographic. Say it's the 'media's fault for factually quoting him. Trump can't take responsibility for the messes he's made. He's used to having his armies of highly paid lawyers, accountants and fixers (where's Michael Cohen) clean up after him. With Trump, the bucks only stop in his bank accounts. What a pathetic excuse for a leader.
Only the non-important politicians....Romney....uhhh....hmmmm
Toasted Heretic
It's taken Trump all of three days to go from "I didn't do it" to "I'm proud I did it" to "Rick Perry made me do it."
He's trying to take as many down with him as possible. Democrats, Republican critics... whatever it takes.
And regarding northern Syria, it looks like he's going to sacrifice the Kurds.
This is when dictators are at their most dangerous, just right before the end.
Someone doesn't understand US politics. Romney represents Utah. Do the demographics.
LOL! The only one that hasn't lawyered up and not facing a jail sentence...
Mr Perry, the President is on the phone and want's you to take the fall for Ukraine-gate....
What's next - China? Get Pompeo on the phone...
With all his scandals Donnie is going to run out of staff to throw under the bus... Don Jr, Eric, Jerrod, and Ivanka should be worried....
That would be most Democrats
He doesn’t even do that. Another fail.
Ok, so still to be working in a gas company being dishonorable discharged and to be head and CEO with no experience making $50,000? Yeah, liberals can buy that garbage, anyway can’t wait until Barr comes back and tells the country what he finds.
Definitely not a good one or recommended when you want on your record
Yeah, that’s what the spin is now from liberals and the Biden team. Lol Anyway, Barr will get to the bottom, even CNN and msnbc can’t help Hunter out. If I were him, I’d come out of hiding, but then Hunter would have to explain that he admitted that his father talked and bribed the Ukrainians to get his son the gig.
Hey! The Dems are trying to see if they can get this President impeached. Wow, shocker! So that’s ongoing whatever, but that has nothing to do with Hunter or Biden, the questions and the ducking won’t lesson...gonna have to talk sooner or later.
Barr will determine that, not CNN, msnbc or the WP.
Toasted Heretic
What makes Trump so hazardous right now, is that he's realizing his life of scams and getting what he wants is about to be changed, utterly. His presidency is failing fast, he's looking at a possible jail term, his assets could be seized, the kids indicted, his name removed from buildings.
Like the statues of Saddam or Stalin coming down, his vainglorious legacies will be dust.
Be prepared. He’s about to lose everything, and in turn, he has nothing to lose.
He knows this and his Trumpists know this. Expect a tough and dastardly (but ultimately rewarding) time ahead!
The US Government is collapsing in front of our eyes.
Well, that’s just not true. His Presidency is not failing, the Democrats are trying to make him fail as much as they can. 289 and counting accomplishments, everything else they’ve thrown his way just couldn’t dislodge the guy, not Stormy, Billy Bush tapes, Avenatti, taxes, Mueller and his corrupted minions and and on and on, so now the lastest and dumbest stunt (well dumb for Democrats) is to impeach him with the Dems are too cowardly to bring to a vote because they know their necks are in a sling on this and Trump wants them to jump, brilliant.
What? Oh, yes and while we’re at it let’s take down JFK and MLK statues as well.
He knows this and his Trumpists know this. Expect a tough and dastardly (but ultimately rewarding) time ahead!
Lose...Yeah, been hearing that for 3 years, more BS, but I will say this, let them take a vote because once that happens it sets in motion the legal right for the GOP to call any witness they want. Be prepared. They might even call Hunter and subpoenas him and let’s not forget the 30 Democrats that one in Trump districts that barely scathed pay to win narrowly and that could easily be flipped which Nancy wants to avoid. So let’s see how serious these Democrats are. Wanna impeach Nancy, take a vote. I dare you. Lol
Simon Foston
Good luck getting a conviction for that. Or is this another of those troll hits his adoring marks love him so much for?
Aint nothing funny about an impeachment inquiry. To misrepresent the Presidents words in a criminal indictment, for that alone Shifty Schiff should be removed from his office.
Chip Star
He didn't misrepresent Donny's words; he characterized the summary of the call, not the exact words. Let's have a little intellectual honesty.
a call the president held with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy
Oh my!
Glenn Beck explains EVERYTHING you need to know about the Ukraine scandal. And it goes MUCH further than Hunter and Joe Biden, and their involvement there. This timeline gives you all the facts and proof you need to show that there was DNC collusion, not collusion with President Trump, during the 2016 election. Democrats worked with Ukrainian officials to investigate "dirt" on Trump, and Glenn shows you EVERYTHING -- including how even George Soros is involved -- in a way that's easy to understand.
Trump is a complete embarrassment.
Treason is the only crime defined in the Constitution because tyrants had used charges of "treason" to imprison anyone they wanted. They had someone like Trump in mind.
“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.”
Perhaps Trump would be ok with Pelosi approaching Russia, China, the Ukraine and NATO asking they all investigate Trump and his entire family and reporting back to the Democrats or any assistance they expect from the US will be blocked by the Democrat led House. Trump seems to be fine with that sort of thing. Im sure Pelosi can have some "perfect phone conversations" with people in many countries. Trump should praise Pelosi for taking actions like that since he does it himself.
On thing is certain. Nancy Pelosi is guilty of causing a lot of damage to the United States of America.
You couldn’t even prove a made up thing called “collusion” with 2.5 years and a partisan team of 18 lawyers. what makes you think you can prove treason?
Toasted Heretic
Er, the fact that he confessed to what he said in the call. Not to mention doubling down and then asking China to interfere.
He's basically handed himself on a plate to investigators.
He's finished now. And he knows it.
Like the slime ball he is, Donny will try to sell out everyone and stay out of prison.
Wouldn't surprise anyone if he blames it on Barron finally...
She did not make the Trump wall (with snakes and alligators - yes Trump said this) fail. Also,
Crazy stuff;
I think there is a very good chance Trump will be impeached and I think he should be impeached (I think on foreign policy matters he is now as useless as you know what on a bull.
I think Pelosi is stretching it quite a bit with accusations of treason (unless she has something else in her pocket - which she might have)
Another confirmation that the current occupant of the White House is not fit to be President of the United States of America (POTUS) ... period.
Chip Star
Especially when there are grounds to accuse the person, which there aren't for accusing Pelosi.
First, this is irrelevant to Donny's current self-inflicted predicament. Second, the lawyers weren't partisan. I know it's hard for people that cannot keep their personal bias out of their work to believe that others can, but it is possible.
Who is claiming we can? It seems as though you are doing what you are wont to do here, which is argue with yourself whilst ascribing half of the arguments to us.
Trump: treason? Transcript? No umm Pelosi! Pelosi is guilty of treason not me!
He's finished now.
The Trump haters been sayin' that for how long now? hehe
Think about it... Nancy Pelosi and most of the other Dems are literally saying that your 2016 vote was wrong so they are going to take it upon themselves to change it.
How dare these people! They will pay for this dearly in 2020.
I am not sure if this is what Pelosi is saying or not (I am fairly liberal but by no means a fan of Pelosi as my home was within her district)....but if there are grounds for hearings and then legitimate reasons to impeach the President they should move forward.
Regarding your other post about her son Paul and the activities related to the Ukraine; if these are true this should also be investigated. Paul Pelosi's company was also charged with securities fraud. She is fairly well known for being corrupt but it is tolerated as she can bring home the bacon and her politics suits the electorate in her district.
I remember when Trump was saying "drain the swamp". He was right that D.C. is like a swamp (as Serrano pointed out and if one digs into Hunter Biden)...HOWEVER....Trump is turning out to be one of the biggest creatures in the swamp and he is about to get drained.
His ego got the best of him. He is no match for the career politicians who have been part of the "establishment" for decades now.
What a shambles the U.S. political system has become. It is shameful.
Has anyone even actually wasted any time to bother seeing what Trump is bleating about this time regarding supposed treason by Pelosi?
If so, I feel for you. You'll never get that time back.
i like Nancy. leave her alone, Mr. President.
Or as he likes to call her, Nancy.
Yeah so how’s that impeachment vote coming along?
Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and Paul Pelosi Jr are the ones who are “finished”. And they don’t know it. Which makes it even better.
Gregg Jarrett: Fox News legal analyst and commentator, and formerly worked as a defense attorney and adjunct law professor.
Under the terms of a 20-year old treaty with Ukraine, President Trump had every right to ask Zelensky for assistance in an official Justice Department investigation into the origins of the FBI’s Russia probe and any foreign meddling in our 2016 election. As explained in my book, there is considerable and compelling evidence that Ukraine “colluded” with the Democratic National Committee to provide information damaging to the Trump campaign for the benefit of Hillary Clinton. This is a key component of Attorney General William Barr’s investigation being led by U.S. Attorney John Durham. Ukrainians, according to the DOJ, “have volunteered information to Mr. Durham, which he is evaluating.”
It was equally appropriate for the president to ask Ukraine to look into any potentially corrupt acts by a high-ranking American public official involving a Ukrainian natural gas company. If it was Joe Biden’s intent to protect or benefit his son by threatening to withhold $1 billion in taxpayer money in order to force the firing of a Ukrainian prosecutor investigating that very company and Hunter Biden’s role, it might well constitute a violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and other federal felony laws. Biden is not exempt from adhering to those laws merely because he is now running for president.
President Trump was exercising a proper use of executive power, not abusing it. It is Pelosi and Schiff who are abusing the power of impeachment in their latest “witch hunt.”
Well, that’s good to know.
Pretty magnanimous for a guy who claims asking the people who know if they did anything illegal or not is an “impeachable offense”
Quid pro Joe did it. When asked about his son he said “I’m not answering that” and deflected right to butwhataboutTrump
A coup against a duly elected president is clearly treasonous. Let’s start with Clapper and Brennan. Plenty of time to deal with Pelosi and the other cheerleaders.
And then there’s the actual law that actually exists in actual reality
Simon Foston
WolfpackToday 08:19 pm JST
That's actually what you think the democratically elected legislature enacting impeachment proceedings is? Proceedings that are likely to hit a brick wall when the GOP in the Senate stop them? That's not a coup, no matter what the Trump shills you're parroting say.
sorry for the interruption you guys but just imagine when Trump ,s gone (sooner than we think), how banal and boring american politics are gonna be again. whether that,s a good or a bad thing, it,s up to you.
Been hearing Trump will be gone “soon” nearly 3 years.
hows that vote coming along? This week? This year? “Soon”?