Japan Today

Trump says Senate unlikely to approve wall funds; shutdown looms

By Ginger Gibson, Steve Holland and Susan Heavey

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Rep. Meadow (R, obviously) was quoted saying government employees should continue working with no pay as they knew this situation might arise when hired. Expecting such employees, who often live paycheck-to-paycheck, to work with no pay is unimaginable, particularly at this time of year.

Meanwhile, illegal immigration, even without the wall, continues to fall. There is no rhyme or reason here other than Trump playing to his base at a time he's particularly vulnerable.

14 ( +14 / -0 )

The Trump shutdown - brought to you courtesy of Fox News and the other far-right nut newsites, who this President listens to more than his cabinet or other advisers...

Bring it on Donnie - your 20% base will love you - and 80% of the rest of America will hate your guts for closing parks and cheating federal workers out of a paycheck...

I'll make a contribution to Robert Mueller's team so they can keep working to hasten your impeachment...

11 ( +11 / -0 )

Trump is the only one holding things up. There is a bipartisan bill, but Trump won’t approve it because he’s backed himself into a corner. He’s trying to claim that he has a mandate for a wall, but he has a mandate for a wall that is paid for by Mexico. Not a wall that is paid for by America.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

How many more shutdowns are we going to face with this idiot in charg?

9 ( +10 / -1 )

You know your politics are utterly dysfunctional when you have to shut down government. Fortunately in the Westminster system this is unheard of. There is no government shutdown.

On another note, have to say Trumps treatment of the Kurd's is nothing short of absolutely disgraceful and the impending slaughter will not only be on the hands of Erdogan, but also President Trumps and America.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Surely Trump can just find $5 billion of his own money to get that wall built...? Oh wait, he's not actually as rich as he likes to make out, is he.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Give him nothing. Nothing.

Stuff it, Trump. The majority of this country does NOT want to waste money on an ineffective, wasteful and stupid border wall.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

Trump's backed himself into a corner with the wall and the other side had no reason to budge. His only way out at this point would be to create so much damage that reasonable people will be forced to make it stop.

His first target will most likely be minorities and immigrants.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

If he didn't give the tax break to the rich then he could have paid for the ridiculous wall.


9 ( +9 / -0 )

Let the GoFunders fund it and pay for its upkeep.

U.S. President Donald Trump conceded on Friday there was a good chance the Senate would not approve his demand

Republican president, Republican Senate, Republican House, Republicans heading government agencies and they still can't get things done.

@burningbhs Americans deserve security and safety.

I agree. Border protection is important. And these days probably more important to the security and safety of Americans (and citizens of all nations) is their protection from totalitarian states like Russia, China and North Korea's cyberwarfare tactics, be they hacking or having their armies of paid trolls flaming.

The US needs to increase its abilities to defend itself against ongoing cyberwarfare from totalitarian states.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Americans deserve security and safety

Not going to get that from a wall.

Republican president, Republican Senate, Republican House, Republicans heading government agencies and they still can't get things done.

a wall is such a stupid idea the level headed Republicans aren't going to vote for it.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

My comments from 6 days ago:

The government will most likely be shut down, and Trump will take to twitter to blame Democrats despite his remarks earlier in the week. It’s just how he operates.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

bass4funk: "Things change and now he’s looking for other ways to fund it.”

Well, at least you can admit he completely lied. That's a step forward, I guess. But now, if things change, why the need for the "steel slats" (which is a fence, not a wall) at all? Since clearly everyone knows it's a farce and won't stop anything? The easiest thing to change is something you are only sticking to based on pride, my friend.

He won't get the money, and as he himself said he owns this shut down and he cannot blame anyone else. Period. Neither can you.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Trump's backed himself into a corner with the wall and the other side had no reason to budge. His only way out at this point would be to create so much damage that reasonable people will be forced to make it stop.

Yeah, now he's whining about the democrats, even though he clearly stated last week that he was going to take the blame for shutting down the government, and that he'd be proud to do it. But now that he's actually doing it, he's trying to shift that blame to someone else.

Sorry Don the Con, not gonna con us on this one.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

"I am proud to shut down the government for border security ... I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down. I’m not going to blame you for it"

That was Trump 10 days ago. The Dems should play that video on a loop.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

One thing is for sure, he’s got a lot more money than everyone here on JT.

Yes, I've always said a man should be measured how much wealth he inherited or swindled. Aristocrat really are better than the rest of us. This is why so many peasants go into fits of groveling when our lord and savior drives by in his gilded carriage to Mar-a-lago.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

It's fun watching Trump and the Trumpers starting in on the inevitable, "Well, yes, I (Trump) DID say that to Chuck, but it was taken out of context. When I said I own the shutdown, and that I would PROUDLY shut down government... ummm... what I (he) meant was that it's... ummm... it's the Dem's fault completely. In fact, Trump doesn't remember saying that, and clearly any recording or video is just the fake news media in their witch hunt."

6 ( +6 / -0 )

You want the nonsense, you pay for it:


5 ( +6 / -1 )

If the Dems refuse to grant the orange showboater his latest bizarro whim, "artistically designed steel slats", maybe one Republican can soon oblige: steel slats (functionally designed, at least - you can't always get what you want!) courtesy of Robert Mueller.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I thought Mexico was going to pay for the wall? Why is Trump now complaining that the Senate won't fund it? Still, Trump said last week that responsibility for the shutdown was entirely his so I trust we won't have to put up with him whining about the consequences.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Saves the cops the trouble of taking individual mug shots.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

There isn't any reason NOT to have a wall.

There are several. One is the fragile biodiversity of the region. Endangered specious such as the Mexican and Red wolves will find their populations and ranges - even access to water -severed. Humans will find little problem in going over, under, or around, but animals are not afforded such abilities.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Love the photo, can you get more creepy looking people in one shot? Hope they are all armed, because you never know?

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Yes, the photo.  Trump in his element surrounded by applauding sycophants.  And yet the first thought that came to mind was this like an official picture that NK's leader releases to the masses.

And yes, it is good to hear that Trump is warming to the idea of a wall fence made from steel bars because that is what he will be looking through sooner or later.

Finally, he will now go to his luxury home in Florida on Air Force One, costing the taxpayer millions, and low paid Americans will face Christmas with no pay.  And he will not give them a second thought.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

There isn't any reason NOT to have a wall.

Yeah it’s not like it would cost $25 billion or anything.

it will help fight global warming by increasing the amount of shade on the planet earth.

Um, you act as if the sunlight/heat that comes down will suddenly just disappear, rather than falling on said wall...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

The border wall was a key Trump campaign promise in the 2016 election, when he said it would be paid for by Mexico, and he sees it as a winning issue for his 2020 re-election campaign.

Cynical me says the GoFunders are being duped once again by the Trump syndicate looking for email addresses and another way to fund Trump's 2020 election campaign.

Will this money supposedly going to build a wall be used like the Trump Foundation (the organization formerly known as) used donations and be skimmed by Trump and his family to further fatten their bank accounts (and/or pay off 'debts' to oligarchs)? SMH


3 ( +3 / -0 )

This is what happens when wanna-be despots, realize, that in a democracy - to quote one of Trumpys fave tunes "You can't always git what you want", so they spit the dummy instead.

Let's look at Trumps original election promise "We are gonna build the wall, and who's gonna pay for it - Mexico-Mexico-Mexico", bleated the baa-lambs.

So many times I heard this. So many. So many.

Now, because he's failed, to live up to his promise, he's doing his normal deflection and BLAMING the Democrats. I mean the sheer absurdity of his comments relegates him to the "Please Ignore" heap.

It's like his short term memory has fused, or even scarier he just doesn't care.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Trump tariffs are ruining the economy, and now hundreds of thousands of government workers will be going without pay over the holidays. Putin must be loving it.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Such childish reasoning. Your teachers aren't doing their jobs. Posters only ridicule. It is the most basic and least effective method of "brain washing" You kids need to put things on emotional terms.

The "wall" is needed to prevent deaths. The desert is a very dangerous and deadly place. The wall is needed to force people to migrate by sea. They can get on safe ships and safely cross the Gulf. The Mexican govt would ensure that all ships are safe and drug lords would be happy to purchase ships that can take people and drugs on one trip and money on the return.

The "wall" will make "migration" safe and it is a form of mass transit and thus ECO.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Oh, by the way, weren't the Democrats in favor of a border wall/barrier back in 2006 - in fact they even voted for it back then.

They were for it before they were against it.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Surely Trump can just find $5 billion of his own money to get that wall built...? Oh wait, he's not actually as rich as he likes to make out, is he.

Why should he use his own money? One thing is for sure, he’s got a lot more money than everyone here on JT. He should shut the government down, the border is a complete mess, I’m heading up there this week and afraid to see how bad it has become. Whatever and however or wherever he has to go to find the funds. The government is 75% funded until next 2019 so most people are not really going to feel it.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

How many more shutdowns are we going to face with this idiot in charg?

Probably just as many as the Democrats initiated. Guess they have short-term memory: The last shutdown was led by Shumer over the DACA debacle. Oh, by the way, weren't the Democrats in favor of a border wall/barrier back in 2006 - in fact they even voted for it back then. Kind of hypocritical, wouldn't you say?

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Shut it down until the open borders Dems agree to allow America to protect its own borders as much as America protects the borders of so many other nations. You can have open borders and you can have a welfare state - but you can’t have both at the same time. Plus the welfare state is already $22 trillion in debt. Hold out for the border wall. Heck America just gave $10 billion to Mexico and several other Central American countries for economic development and border control.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Government workers get paid either way. The BIG fear is that illegal immigrants will take the government jobs if they are left unattended.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

and 80% of the rest of America will hate your guts for closing parks and cheating federal workers out of a paycheck...

Oh, so much misinformation from the Left! Just the facts, please. All federal workers will receive back pay in full.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

"All it would take to impeach"

That's not happening, expat.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Yes, I've always said a man should be measured how much wealth he inherited or swindled.

Nothing wrong with inheriting money, I think it’s a good thing.

Aristocrat really are better than the rest of us. This is why so many peasants go into fits of groveling when our lord and savior drives by in his gilded carriage to Mar-a-lago.

Jealous people usually do.

In 2013, all 54 Democrats voted to pass legislation to build a physical barrier on the border at a much greater cost than the $5 billion President Trump is now requesting. The bill provided $46 billion for border security improvements and added 700 miles of border fencing. Schumer and Feinstein were again among the Democrats who voted for it.

Look, you know it’s purely political, it’s about NOT giving Trump a win, nothing more. As dumb as these people are, just call it something else, don’t call it a “wall” since they’re hung up on the word anyway, call it an advertisement fence, see if they can squeeze Democrat support that way. Lol

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

You and 350 million other Americans....

That will be paid

Well. maybe because he promised Mexico would pay got it?

Things change and now he’s looking for other ways to fund it.

Somehow, most may feel your reporting will be biased....

California open border liberals do think so.


....Or other government agencies

Says the guy who is going to get his check


-10 ( +0 / -10 )

Build the wall and punt Pelosi, Schumer and the rest of the Democrats over it.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )

The kids are hard at work again.

There isn't any reason NOT to have a wall. If anything it will help fight global warming by increasing the amount of shade on the planet earth.

What is a wall? It isn't a barrier. We encounter them everyday and go around them. I cant understand why anyone would be afraid of a wall. If there is a wall people will go above, below or around it. Why do so many people get hysterical about it.

There isn't any reason not to have one. Israel has a wall and they have a pretty door too. People go to the door and ask to come in or go out. It is the same as your house.

-14 ( +0 / -14 )

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