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© Thomson Reuters 2018.Trump, Kim sign agreement; N Korean leader to get White House invitation
By Soyoung Kim, Steve Holland and Jack Kim SINGAPORE©2024 GPlusMedia Inc.
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Kumiko F
I think it is a historical day. I hope that the world will be peaceful.
Kim has played Trump like a violin, a murderous dictator is now treated like a world leader his father/ grandfather never were, hell get to keep his rule over NK, hell get a massive amount of investment / money to give up his nukes, Chinese are already lining up to rush the border once sanction are lifted. Whatever it cost to build his nukes hell get back tenfold in investment. If I was Iran or any other country demanding respect Id be busy building my own nukes because as we can now see a nuke power ensures that respect and legitimacy is a given. Trump making the commies and dictators great again.
Balakrishnan Gurumurti
After Nixon fiasco after Watergate and his second term made congress bureaucratic and interested groups, office of president is highly weak, it cannot assert, like Mr Trump asserts. Kim and his meet is no big improvement at at mall, Kim simply washed dirty linen and he just treated as any , he not really respected Mr Trump, is a fact. Congress, bureaucracy and interested groups in US have reservations on Mr Trump, he simply increases more enemies in G7 group too. Any way, presidency is not very powerful as any can think. He is alone and a loner. He suffers from self deception, a fact the whole world is seized with today that i wrote in my book this year How we misinterpret our energy. Fact is never over assert is to learned by any one, more so higher you go up you need to realize. In fact he could have been happier if he has not moved into presidency and he could have developed his own business;having become president he is day by day some kind of laughing stock that is what a public office is. regards.
So what exactly did mr Dealmaker gain?
and exactly how much did this meeting cost the taxpayers?
are we to expect trump towers and fast food restaurants in NK in the future?
It seems Kim may have outdealed the dealmaker.
Actually, it’s not.
And if you can do math, which most Democrats are incapable of, $2 billion is nothing but a droplet to feed an entire country, oh wait...the only people that get that money are the Kim’s and the military meaning top official military.
Meanwhile are sanctioned steam please and Congress has already made sure that if the other countries start to send money or release sanctions they will be equally penalized and put on sanctions .
And if Clinton would’ve done what he was supposed to do and not capitulate to the North Koreans then we might not be where we are today. What Clinton did was one of the worst deals probably almost in the arena has the Iran deal.
Let’s wait and see.
It’s all up to Kim now.
You mean like he did with the G6+1?
Yes, after such a historic meeting, the one thing he needs to do is just really put down the guy and just sabotaging the whole thing and having to listen to the whining in the moaning at liberals again. Even Liberals are not that dumb....oh, wait.....
@ Texas
Thanks to Trump, now China can sell those things to NK without its companies being penalized. I mean, they already provided Kim an "Air China" jet to fly to Singapore....
Ray Payne
A good summit, the right step foreword for progress. I am surprised, not as many sarcastic negative comments as I had expected.
haloerika: "next, denuclearize America"
What about the U.K., France, Russia, China, India and Pakistan? Can they keep theirs?
President Trump has changed the world of politics and diplomacy dramatically, for better or for worse.
But lets be honest there needed to be change. I hope he succeeds, my family here in Japan, like many others depends on it.
North Korea went from testing nukes plus possible delivery system to signing an agreement in 9 months, now you gotta wonder who was financing the program? Who has the data now? Was the last test a big check mark on their clients list? Where else do you develop and test a nuke? In a hermit country which is defiant and shut out to the rest of the world, this regime just got or will be getting a massive pay out of some sort, and some rogue organization has concrete data on how to build a nuke. All the while since the program has really come to an end you go sign an agreement, smooth it over with the world play nice and chill out. You show the world that your dismantling your sites and the media froths with excitement, because really the program was a success and is over, because North Korea was only a puppet to help some other nuts build a nuke.
There you go run with that:)
That the meeting even took place was a diplomatic grand slam, the likes of which has not happened since Nixon visited China.
The best there is to hope for is an opening-up of the North Korean economy, like China or Vietnam. Kim and his party can still run the show, but the North Korean people will be better off, and the entire region will be more stable. Kim and his family can make far more money controlling a growing low-cost economy than they can using their nuclear program to extort foreign aid from America.
It is not good to see the news already playing down the meeting, nitpicking, making mountains into molehills, and molehills into mountains. This event deserves more attention and more respect than it is getting.
There was no clarification on exactly how this was to proceed. With North Korea's poor track record on abiding by these sort of things, let's not get ahead of ourselves okay?
By taking diplomacy seriously, the leaders will help the Far East region (and U. S.) to maintain peace and security for their respective countries.
So much negativity. I am just happy that Trump did not walk out of the room and World War III did not begin. Let's see who keeps their promises. CNN is very difficult to watch as they also have a lot of negativity.
Ending them and pulling out are two different things
He won the first round, but that’s it and Ivanka is a lucky woman....13.....dang!
Yeah, but if Kim reneges on any deal, they will restart.
But they’re not leaving, the State Department and Pentagon are not dumb.
Hand ups, theFritzX, I cut and pasted, I should have refered to Mario Puzo's novel.
Kudos to Trump!
You mean, "he could never have outfoxed Santino". :)
From the Art of the Deal......
"You can't con people, at least not for long. You can create excitement, you can do wonderful promotion and get all kinds of press, and you can throw in a little hyperbole. But if you don't deliver the goods, people will eventually catch on." ….............
President Trump should have followed his own advise, and perhaps that of – Don Vito Corleone, at least figuratively.
“Tattaglia is a pimp. He never could have outfought Santino. But I didn’t know until this day that it was Barzini all along.”
Chinese President Xi saw a opportune moment to reel North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un, in hence the prior meetings, all to contrive a strategy to deceive.
President Trump is unpredictable, and National Security Adviser John Bolton will undoubtedly point out his warnings proved to be well founded.
Kathir Mayan
We are matured people.when the
Matured leaders meet together
Of course we can hope for peace in this region.people of Korea ( both sides) have all the rights to live together.we salute these two leaders well determined forward
Minded leaders
Toasted Heretic
This is the telling bit
But in an extraordinary media conference later, Mr Trump announced details not in the paper.
He said he would halt US military exercises in South Korea, something widely seen as a concession.
More here
Pretty darn sure hawks here were saying that wouldn't happen. Maybe Trump can compromise, after all?
Disneyland, Mickey Mouse for sure.
Yeah, good luck with that, that’s like telling Disneyland to do away with Mickey Mouse.
Ok, they can want whatever they want, but the sanctions will stay in place until removal and verification is certain.
Heck if I know...Clapper, Comey, Brennan?
It all depends, things can change.
The mere fact they met, sat and signed is historic. The details will work themselves out. Here in Japan we can live a little more easily. Let’s hope all others don’t come and inject some monkey wrench into this great beginning. More power to the Donald & Kim.
Lets give a shout out to Trump who agreed to Kim's request for a meeting. Lets hope Trump can refrain from trying to claim all the credit for Kim's initiatives. This historic peace is all from North Korea's decision that it is better to rejoin the world community and become prosperous, rather than continuing along in isolation.
Of course it helped a great deal when NK's nuclear testing facility under a mountain was destroyed in their last test, making it unusable ever again.
Funny that Dennis Rodman could do what Madeleine Albright, John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton couldn’t.
But we can count on the this breakthrough with North Korea being belittled, it’s already happening.
How many 2-3?
Not pre-emotive, unless NK is stupid enough to try and take on the US. I don’t think Kim is suicidal.
Big mistake.
When Trump’s out of office and myself included, why the heck not. Been watching thr Stock Market, loooooking very good. Confidence in the market, Trump and Kim meeting, future business prospects for the country. If it comes to that, I’m all the way in.
Well, one thing at a time, hopefully Kim will turn a new leaf do right for his country.
No one said that.
I think the 'vilification' was actually just a pointing out of the hypocrisy of the right after this:
For the most part, the left has been supportive of the idea of meeting with North Korea, while pointing out the hypocrisy of the right in freaking out about the idea in the past. We've also been pointing out the silliness of the right in:
1) Calling for the nobel prize, before anything had happened
2) Having ridiculous stances like a meeting could not even happen if Kim didn't agree to complete denuclearlization before they even met
And now:
3) Criticizing previous presidents for months and months and months and months and months and months and months for not doing anything, then praising Trump for getting to the same position those previous presidents did.
Make no mistake, Trump did well in meeting with Kim, and I'm optimistic myself - this is the furthest along the path to peace and denuclearization we've been since 2005, and I'm hoping they can take it all the way. And even if it doesn't get to peace and denuclearization this time, it never will get to that point if we don't give it the opportunity to get there, so talking is the right thing to do. In this regards, Trump is (at least right now) acting presidential, and hopefully will get something done.
But we do not live in a vacuum, and the ridiculousness of the actions (of either side) does not get wiped just because Trump has done something right. It just gives him brownie points for doing something good. Those get added to the points he has/gets for the other things he does, both positive or negative.
Toasted Heretic
Thus proving my point that those on the right preferred pre-emptive strikes and all that malarkey.
Sure do. The original America First was all about isolation. But now Trump can pal up to the DPRK, open franchises, make lots of that money that conservatives worship. Friends!
Meanwhile, the people of North Korea will continue to suffer. But that's not important. It's all about the deal.
Well, that's in the US.
Surprised you're not concerned about Larry Kudlow, rather than CNN folks.
Well, that’s in the UK.
Not at all true, most people on the right including the hawks believed that diplomacy doesn’t means squat if you don’t and can’t back it up with military action.
Well, he’s an American first President, deals and circumstances change from time to time.
I agree, hope Don Lemon is relaxing....
Laughable how Trump haters just can't help but find negativity in everything related to his efforts.
Concerned Citizen
Having been to Sth. Korea more than 20 times and heard first hand from the locals about the pain they experienced during the Korean War and subsequent division of thier people, I'm sure that they are overjoyed at the recent meeting between the two Korean leaders and this summit between Trump and Kim Jong Un.
No matter what we or CNN or anyone thinks of President Trump, he and his staff are doing a wonderful job and should be credited accordingly. I pray that his efforts in this summit will result in lasting peace and prosperity in the region.
Toasted Heretic
Masterful diplomacy on Trumps part - misread and misinterpreted at every step by the left.
Not true. Many of the left in the UK supported Trump because they thought he would be a benefit to the marginalised. He isn't.
And the idea of dialogue has been constantly supported here, whilst those on the right have preferred pre-emptive strikes and all that malarkey.
Not to mention his track record of reneging on deals and showing petulant disregard for his allies.
The ink is hardly dry.
Let's wait and see what happens.
Masterful diplomacy on Trumps part - misread and misinterpreted at every step by the left. Remember, Trump signaled during his presidential campaign that he would be willing to meet Kim ( for which he was villified by the MSM). The diplomacy started there.
In retaliation to Trump's inflammatory comments.
Texas A&M Aggie
All Trump has done is calm down from the threats of hellfire reigning down. He was the one that got things all riled up -- comment
Heh, it was our president who test fired missiles over S. Korea and Japan? Interesting bit of revisionist history.
They didn’t rly to sabotage it, they only worn and a divisive president and they are also allowed to voice their opinion in our own country.
Because Hollywood has a big mouth and the only thing that thing you do is just complain and complain and complain and complain and they have no resolutions to anything except for to complain and complain and complain....
Trump was a celeb, who beat out 16 presidential candidates guess his former celebrity status was superior to to Washington career politicians. Lol
No, as long as liberals occupy the US, I’ll always be employed.
Shinjuku No Yaju
Cochise - I gave him a "C"! Said it was too early to say it's a failure or a success. Go back and read my first comment on this thread. I don't like him. at. all. but I prefer jawjawjaw to warwarwar so i don't know why i'm "extremely biased"? I'd say that you're expectation that I should bow my head to the magnificence of your cult leader based on...what? a meeting he managed to get through without vomited vitirol? is extreme. If this works out well, I will be the first say "He did a good job." And I mean that sincerely. Until then, i judge him on all the horrible things he's done so far at home and abroad.
simon g
Nothing, it's a letter of intent. Trump and Kim had to make a big do about it to please their bases.
Dango bong
Listening to the Trump press conference now. Will be voting for him for sure in 2020
Serrano, Definitely!!
As you can see, the libby lefties cant stand the very idea!
Alistair Carnell
I just don’t understand all this talk of ‘winning’ and trumpets on this site going into raptures....
This is Trump we’re talking about here, the guy who cancels a football teams visit, due to a perceived slight , yet invites a leader who had previously threatened to nuke the country.
I’m intrigued to see what concessions were promised in those documents. Probably nothing more than ways to fill The coffers of the Don.
The Peace in our time of the 21st Century!
Doomed to fail, especially considering the nature of Trumps Twitter diplomacy!
Imagine all those basketball matches that will happen now!
Shinjuku No Yaju
The fact that people on here care more about hurting the feelings of television news hosts than whats good for the people of the region is sickening. Truly. If you're opinion of good policy is all about whether or not Don Lemon is happy or have no opinion on policy. geez, it's depressing. and small.
Well, well, I wonder if Iran is paying extremely close attention to this...
Please, please, Mr. Trump - I can't take any more WINNING!
You would think that at least some of the Trump detractors here would say, "That does it, I'm getting a ticket for the Trump Train. I've had enough of being on the losing side."...
Toasted Heretic
The people who tried to sabotage the talks were Bolton, Pence and Giuliani.
Why on earth are you mentioning Hollywood? The only "celebrity" involved in the talks is Trump and perhaps Rodman, hanging about.
Texas A&M Aggie
There are two key words in the signed agreement our President held up for the high resolution cameras for all the world to see.
One was “Denuclearization".
The other was “Prosperity”. (No, not just the end of sanctions. “Prosperity”).
Has China ever offered North Korea “Prosperity”?
Looks like President Trump just stole a nation of 25 million consumers, none of whom own a smart phone, flat screen TV, refrigerator, washing machine or car from Chinese control.
The left will eventually calm down. They’re just surprised that no appeasement or capitulation was made. Imagine that. Yikes! Lol
A meaningless document?
Not so...
From Bloomberg
‘Chairman Kim Jong Un reaffirmed his firm and unwavering commitment to complete denuclearization of the Korean peninsula’
So many naysayers here that even positive news can become twisted-sad!
Don Lemon looked physically ill today. like the earth had shifted under his feet.
Trump has done what no US president was able to do before.
Yeah, that’s why… So bad at negotiating. Yeah, it’s real smart for Trump to not praise a volatile man with nukes. Carrot and stick approach not just handing the money and other concessions.
Cautiously, but yes in a way....
Time will tell. Oh, the
It JT top team is agreeable I would like to offer James Stavridis opinion piece today in Japan Times to compliment JT coverage .... The Government of China are play a ruthless and cynical game of political puppetry.
China’s long game for the Singapore summit
No, not all of you did:
A meaningless document, a nice photo op, and more praise for yet another brutal dictator - and all that after Trump insulted our closest, democratic allies just a few days ago.
What a week!
Trump supporters are deliriously happy!
And this "document" says exactly what? Dotard Don and Rocket Man Un will no longer call each other bad words?
Get real.
Again, you don’t know what was talked about, for all you know, Trump could’ve put the sweetest deal in front of him and he accepted, guess we will never know and we don’t need to.
All of us advocated for dialogue, but again, diplomacy means nothing if it’s not backed by military force as a vialble option.
Some people do, indeed and there are some that think they are the smartest person in the room and believe that appeasement and capitulation are the only ways to maintain the peace, or from where I’m from, we call it spineless.
I so wish Hollywood would go away and some of these MSM loons.
Donny Boy is the one with a record of tearing up signed agreements.
But at least he didn't stomp out after the first minute. He must have looked into Kim's eyes and seen ..... something .... there.
Let's wait and see what his Tweet From Air Force One™ tells us.
Alexandre T. Ishii
So far so good. Next meeting the nuclear umbrellas for both side. SK under US and NK under CH or RS. A complete denuclearization in Korean Peninsula. And, finally the Peace Treaty!
I am reading that, China's Foreign Ministry have already interpreted quote:
Reaffirming the April 27, 2018 Panmunjom Declaration, the DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula as enough to consider sanctions relief
No mention of any committent to comply to a single agreed UN resolution and all before the ink has dried. President is Xi Jinping is working both intermittently with his feet..
I do find it interesting that after the Trumpies spent months going on about how other presidents had not gotten anything done, they are heaping such praise on Trump for doing what all the other presidents have done until now.
What he's doing is the right thing to do, so I'm not criticizing that. But I am pointing out the manufactured rage that the right spouted during the Obama presidency, and then in the past few months of nuclear hysteria with calls for hellfire to be reigned down etc.
Toasted Heretic
Again, there were those of us who advocated dialogue all along. And got sneered at for doing so.
Meanwhile, there were those who advocated pre-emptive strikes on the DPRK, whilst watching safely from their comfortable homes thousands of miles away.
Glad to see dialogue won out. Kudos to all involved, despite the best efforts of some to sabotage the talks.
I think I could show you a document that said that in the exact wording you asked for, signed by six parties, and you still wouldn't believe it.
But anyways:
Dango bong
Firstly, it is historical to even meet, let along make NK sign a document to denuclearize.
Secondly, Mexico and Canada have been taking advantage of the US too long and we are asking for fair reciprocal trade, which is reasonable.
Talks like these don’t go always the way we want them. None of us were there, it’s easy to say, if I were there.....yeah, yeah, yeah... exactly and this is what lies ahead, If Trump thinks Kim will kowtow to Trump give up his nukes for a few scraps from the table hes going to have an epic twitter melt down in the coming months. LOL
And you know this because.....
Baby steps first.
Oh, please, even if Kim signs it doesn’t mean he will abide by it. Everything is new, the details are not clear, we need to wait and see, anything else is just pure speculation.
And that’s ok, the metting in itself is historic, so he can indeed pat himself on the shoulder and if it doesn’t work, guess what? We have more sanctions that we can apply and squeeze the North with.
Not necessary, didn’t work for Reagan and Reykjavík, so that’s just pure guessing.
That would depend on how you view it. I think opposite.
Talks like these don’t go always the way we want them. None of us were there, it’s easy to say, if I were there.....yeah, yeah, yeah....
I give it an 8
As will Trump.
great week of winning! oh ok until those EU , Canada, Mexico tariffs kick in then the were back to the same old twitter rages against Americas actual friends.
Shinjuku No Yaju
The document basically says nothing, but that's a huge improvement over threatening to kill each others people a year ago. both sides of the political spectrum need to calm themselves down. It is NOT some master stroke of diplomacy to take photos together and sign a document saying "I agree to do what I said I'd do before". But it's not a failure to meet together and get nothing much in return either.
Trump scores a solid C on this one so far. It's all about the follow through at this point. Personally, I don't like the guy, (I might go so far to say I loath him as a human being) but I'm not going to go all GOP vs Obama on him with the "it's a travesty because he's involved in it!" I give it a solid C on the day.
Texas A&M Aggie
This is an Historic date in many ways. JUNE 12, 1987: "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"
David Varnes
In reading this text, I notice a few things. Let's go through them by the 4 points in the actual text (note, this is the actual signed statement, so there's nothing to dispute in that regard).
Point 1) They will 'establish new relations'. Okay... what? Are we talking more meetings in Panmumjon? Phone calls? The US actually opening a consulate or embassy in NK?
Point 2) This can be taken by both honchos back to their respective people for sound bites. The NK can spin this as saying the US will now help NK take over all of Korea, while the US can say that this is about reunifying Korea. But the reality is... it says NOTHING.
Point 3) So North Korea promises nothing new. Go Trump! Great job getting that 'complete denuclearization' you said was a precondition of your summit. Except... you didn't, and NK didn't offer anything new, except maybe an extra scoop of ice cream.
Point 4) POW/MIA remains. Okay... nothing to do with peace. A nice little bit at the end, but nothing to hang your hat on.
Basically, the whole statement has NK promise NOTHING. Look at the paragraphs afterwards. "Negotiations at the earliest possible date" yada yada yada... nothing promised.
To quote the White House on other issues: This statement is a NOTHING BURGER that doesn't do anything. Now the question is, can these two actually have further negotiations, and actually complete an actual deal? Because there's no deal here.
Rodman even called out the last guy saying he was blown off when he tried to deliver a message from Kim 5 years ago. Guess who is laughing now? Well after he stops crying for joy! The best rebounder in NBA history.
And he gets to now go home for his birthday to see all his fired from the FBI attackers get slammed in the IG report and possibly indicted. Then some chocolate cake and not 1 but 2 scoops of ice cream until some well earned golfing this weekend.
great week of winning!
Right. Stick to the golden rule: Swallow your pride and give credit wherever and whenever it’s due.
Really though, looks like DT may have foiled the haters again. oh ok so now Trumps is Kim new BFF, but Americas actually democratic allies think Trumps a dishonest egomaniac. China now has Trump by the nads to the tune of 500million and Putin should be included in the G8 because he want to be Trumps BFF also. Trumps making the communist great again, Reagan would be turning in his grave.
simon g
Fox got it right, Two dictators with large egos stroking each others. Bush Sr got pretty much the same thing. This is encouraging but made for TV more than anything substantial. Good luck going forward.
What can Abe do next to stay relevant?
A simple question, this historic agreement, a supposed commitment to 'complete denuclearisation'
in reality, actually, a “complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearisation"?
Or do the hard pressed, long suffering peoples of the Korean Peninsula have to wait for this key requirement in some further episode of this TV extravaganza?
Texas A&M Aggie
Past Presidents have promised. Past Presidents have cringed. But President Trump has done the seemingly impossible with NoKo now on the verge of being reigned in and bringing a lasting peace to that region of the world.
Donald J. Trump: An absolutely great American President!!!!
It was only a little while ago that the same posters on this site who are trying to belittle the historic importance and success of this meeting were triumphantly declaring ut would never take place.
Matt Hartwell
No 5th point on the Japanese abductee issue, although there is nothing to say it was not discussed. I think overall Japan would see this day as positive. I could have gone badly wrong and it didn't. Its a good day for North Asia really.
Just out of curiosity, I wonder what the NK tariff on American dairy products is. Trump made a huge fuss about this the other day with a long-standing American ally. But then, to Trump, allies are those who can provide you benefits, personally, at the moment. Just ask Abe.
Huge. Will they keep the promise? That is question we all should be asking.
Now you can ask about the fine details.
Dango bong
NK promises to denuclearize, yeah just any other agreement. Wow the must-bash-trump minions are out in force!
So there’s the agreement, you can read it. So just say “good job” or ignore it. Then in a couple hours the US liberal media will release something “newsworthy” enough that they can stop covering this in favor of whatever distraction they come up with.
Bruno Xavier
The plan is very simple:
Americanize him.
Wonder what kind of agreement is made by Trump and Kim? Trump says meeting is a very hisctrical success. But it seems success surely depends on its details.
While the signing of anything is relatively historic (remember Koizumi and Kim's father signed an agreement, and that was before relations hit their worst since WWII), why is what is in the agreement so secret? Also, this would be better if not for how things have been heading recently. Trump is alienating the US with all its allies in favor of befriending NK and asking that Russia -- whom Trump is in serious debt to -- be allowed back into the G7.
Toasted Heretic
An historic day. The likes of which we have not seen in our lifetime.
I'm talking about the amount of mentions CNN is getting in this thread, of course.
In other news, two wretched men who control our destinies have shook hands, smiled, had an expensive luncheon and signed a few things.
I admit, I was quite overcome, watching it.
And even more overcome when I thought of the Iran deal, the Paris Accords and the G7 joint communique.
No, next is Manafort getting sent to jail tomorrow in order to change the topic away from this success.
Brian Wheway
As much as I dislike DT, I can see that tremendous effort that has gone into making these two leaders sit down and start talking, he may have an unorthodox approach, but so far it seems to be working, It would be nice to see them both agree that the war is and has ended. as a gesture of good will, may be DT ought to start lifting the trade blockade and allow restricted goods into NK.
Iran is next!
A mistake duly noted and apologized for.
So let’s see where this will go. Hope CNN will calm down as well.
Readers, please stop obsessing about CNN. It is not relevant to this discussion.
Oh so we are just right back to where we were? Not likely. Agreement is the same as all the others? Nope. The agreement says “complete denuclearization”. Show me another NK/USA agreement with that wording and I will change my mind.
Dre Hund
I watched Rodman on CNN. (all youtube) I got pretty choked up. He had a real story to tell. But you do need to dry your tears, know your history, and not get taken. We all may have more problems in our future with administrators in public life with ADD then issues with spies and evil plans. Today I read a web headline that said MANAFORT PLEADS GUILTY. Well, that's a big news thing. Then in the smaller text below, it said, Manafort pleads not guilty, etc. I don't want the guy who put that up managing my checking account.
No. More of the same. Which to be fair, is better than nuclear war. So good for both Trump and Kim for cooling down from where they were a few months back. Denuclearlization, for all of Trump's supporters cries, was never a realistic result.
Now while I do think that it's good they cooled down, let's remember that the "two dictators" (quote: Fox "News") were the ones who brought it to that point in the first place. So while we can congratulate them for finally relaxing, we are finally back to square one from before they got in each other's faces.
Is it any different from other agreements made with North Korea ?
if you watched it on TV, every time you heard some idiot screaming out dumb questions in the middle of important events, that was CNN. That’s the relationship to it. Plus their nonstop whining online and Twitter about how this summit was insignificant when it was ongoing still.
Also they just posted a picture on Twitter of the agreement. Can’t even wait to allow the President to announce it. It says DPRK commits to work toward complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula as well as building a lasting and stable peace.
So there you go. Success.
For those who do not know or understand what was sighed. Really?
Well if you have not figured it out yet. You really may want to listen what Kim said through his translators.
The region just got a little safer.
Could you give the CNN/Fox comments a rest please? Many people here are not American or interested in how it is reported in the media there.
Aly Rustom
well, the summit went well, all things considered. Trump is inviting him to the white house instead of bombing his country. What's wrong with that?
so ... how'bout them japanese abductees, eh? why didn't Jabba the tRump have them thrown in so that he could fly home with them for another photo opp?
Maybe this is because I live in Japan, but I have no idea why the comments are dominated by discussion of CNN, which isn't mentioned in the article and has no apparent relationship to it.
I'm glad to see they are getting off on the right foot and that both seem invested in resolving things, though having no idea what it is that they just signed I can't really say much more than that.
Ricky Kaminski
CNN made themselves irrelevant years ago. Crying baby girls . make fools of themselves 24/7. Unwatchable. Amazing to watch an entire network have a nervous breakdown.
Well done Trump.
As much as I dislike Trump, I am excited for this meeting. It's yet hard to really see what everyone is after, especially NK and China, who's definitely lurking in the shadows. Maybe it goes nowhere, I still reserve some skepticism about the outcome with these two... colorful gentlemen, but maybe we'll be going somewhere.
Trump signed in pencil, so they can erase it when he changes his mind on the plane home.
Two scoops for Trump!
Cool! Does this mean Kim will stop executing his political opponents using antiaircraft artillery or that Trump will start doing so?
Michael Jackson
@ cochise, I know that. There's a dedicated staff member that carries it for the president, and is always nearby. Just makin a joke
Yeah that Acosta guy from CNN yelled out stupid things 3 different times. including trying to interject himself into the proceedings during the handshake AND the signing. we know which media doesn’t want this to succeed.
Before people start crowing, how about waiting to know what was signed FIRST before getting all excited and teary eyed.
Speaking of media coverage, Fox 'news' thought the meeting between the two dictators was historic.
From this thread, we can see exactly who is CNN's viewership.
Signed sealed and done. Let us hope both sides keep promises.
Reagan & Gorbachev.
Trump & Un.
CNN Eat your heart out!
Michael Jackson, the nuclear football doesnt sit in the car if the president is not sitting in it.
Hopefully this is a start of more peace in the penninsula.
Both men walked to Trump's limousine and looked in at the rear seat, with Trump apparently showing Kim something inside. They then resumed their walk.
His huge button?
Hehe. Maybe like the scene in Team America when Spottswoode takes Gary into the limo...... Then says "Just kidding".......
Really though, looks like DT may have foiled the haters again.
Well what does Kim want?
a deal usually means both parties benefit.
Michael Jackson
"See that Kim? That's what we call the nuclear football. I can turn your country into a sheet of molten glass before you could say Bob's your Uncle, if we don't make a deal"
People sign stuff all the time, you know? Not a big deal at ALL. Not like Drumpf or Kim will keep their word anywaaaaay.
CNN acts like they should get to review and approve it before it’s signed by the President. Only WE determine what is progress and momentum! Haha
CNN, that is.
Oh CNN has turned psycho - now theyre attacking Kim too!
And now CNN is bending over backwards to downplay the imminent signing. CNN - credibility all in the toilet.
These says CBNis inly good for its (unintentional!) comedy.
Just “progress” and “momentum” who cares about thaaaaat? they aren’t denuclearized already? Failure!
Kobe White Bar Owner
fingers and toes crossed folks!!!!
What a great day! CNN going into meltdown now!
His huge button?