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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump says it's 'un-American' not to applaud him
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Daniel Naumoff
Trying to appeal to petty nationalistic feelings is the last thing you would want to do to stay legit and relevant. Since he does not have to worry about that anymore, well... sick burn.
Tommy Jones
the $1,000 bonuses some companies are giving their workers following passage of the tax overhaul bill.
This is an inaccurate statement. It should read "the UP TO $1,000 bonuses . . ." because many companies are providing a maximum of $1,000 if the employee meets the required time-in-service threshold. Most of the bonuses are far less than $1,000.
Not applauding Trump: un-American.
Choosing to believe Putin over your own intelligence agencies, calling POWs losers, importing foreign workers, manufacturing in China, working with foreign actors to get dirt on Americans: pro-American.
Yep, sounds like Trump.
So the self-proclaimed King of the United States of America is dissatisfied that everyone doesn't bow down and worship him. I suppose that a collection of Fox Cough News hosts and their dim-witted followers aren't enough for The Great Orange One.
Everyday is historical low in America.
Tommy Jones
Anyone else see that huge assumption?
And, I thought America was still a constitutional republic.
simon g
The Trump regime is out of control.
Of course, things were different during the previous presidency, right?
Oof, he's such a douche.
Alfie Noakes
Translation: "I've got them blacks back in line. That's why you voted for me, isn't it."
To call this fool a simpleton would clearly be a massive compliment. You just cant find words to describe this utter moron he is so low down & despicable, way way off the charts......
Further down this slippery slope, it will be un-American to refrain from cutting off your left nut to send him to use as a golf ball. And the sad part is the handfull of true believers who will run out to their garage to find the pruning shears.
Can't say I begrudge any Eagles who skip the White House portion of their Super Bowl victory tour.
Reading the story this headline is misleading.
But it's the land of thr free. Supposedly.
I wonder what he thinks of the Republican who yelled out 'liar' when Obama was speaking that time then.
Yes, It's actually much worse. He wants to call the Democrats 'traitors' simply for being the opposition and doing what the opposition does.
This is a dangerous man.
Why doesn't he go visit the Kimberly-Clark plant where they are using the tax cut to structure the lay offs of 5500 workers?
In red state beerhalls there’s a puscht for revised wording to the pledge of allegiance, one that has fuhrer references to the country, more to its autocrat and his struggles.
Which country are you referring to?
Exactly. The Republicans are whining that they are dying by the sword they created. Boo-hoo.
Yeah, that comment was confusing. The context of the article being about Trump would make one thing that the president being referred to would be Trump, but Burning Bush is Russian, and referred to the president of 'our country'. So was he referring to the president of the USA or Russia?
It must be a lousy country if you have people going out of their way to devote themselves to propping up Trump.
FYI , the entire quote :
"They were like death and un-American. Un-American. Somebody said, 'treasonous.' I mean, Yeah, I guess why not? Can we call that treason? Why not? I mean they certainly didn't seem to love our country that much."
Yes so why DO Dems wish for the failure of our economy and country over hoping for our prosperity?
That headline is very misleading as they matched a quote with something he wasn’t speaking about when quoted.
Toasted Heretic
Well, giving the Putins of this world a free hand in subverting democracy in your country is treasonous, Donald.
Refusing to applaud your actions and disgraceful stewardship of your country is not.
Do you see the difference?
Just because people despise you and everything you stand for doesn't make them anti-American.
So now the liberals who been calling the entire Trump campaign and his family treasonous daily for 1.5 years are now triggered when Trump calls them out for being against the prosperity of our country.
There’s a reason he said that exact word.
So where in this quote does it say that it’s un-American for the Dems not to applaud him? Dems would not applaud the good things he was saying about the country. Low black unemployment, rising GDP, etc.
Saying Dems are treasonous is ridiculous but not any worse than when Obama called Bush un-American. Not that I can in anyway understand that Trump’s mimicking of Obama’s insults can be seen as a good thing - it’s not.
Nippori Nick
A certain German leader in the 30's and 40's said it was treasonous not to salute him.
Salute, applaud? Same thing.
New York Mag:
The words 'complete loser' spring to mind. This is who some people in the US voted for to be their leader? Shame on them.
This man clearly has some serious mental health issues...
this is beyond arrogant and egotistical even for trump.
Toasted Heretic
It's almost like watching some bizarre fantasy unfold. The ego of the man is astounding. He demands loyalty, asks if his staff voted for him and tells the people what they can or cannot protest about.
Kneel before Zod.
Someone please provide a link to the exact quote showing Trump said it is unAmerican to not clap for him. Headline is “trump says.....” did he say that?
This article a bunch of nothing. Just a last minute replacement for the “they won’t let us release OUR memo” article that had to be cancelled.
Found the first part :
"You're up there and you have half the room going totally crazy wild. They loved everything, they want to do something great for our country," he continued. "And you have the other side, even on positive news, really positive news like that, they were like death. And un-American, un-American."
He describes republicans "going wild".
Then democrats not so.
And says it's "un-american".
Just saying.
So the real headline is "Trump says Dems were like death, Un-American, during SOTU speech."
Which is true.
Why DO pubs make up rhetoric like this and expect anyone with a shred of intelligence to accept something so blatantly ridiculous as being true?
Regardless this story is actually good optics for Trump
Reminds people of the Dem lack of reaction to all of the positive news for our country.
Reminds us of the well liked speech of 1 week ago people were starting to forget about.
Brings up the word "treason" which liberals will now attack as being inappropriate to say and that requires indisputable proof before saying. (which is not what the Dems did when they used it for the last 1.5 years)
Yeah. They are. You know, because it's a ridiculous claim, as anyone with a degree of intelligence can see right through.
It's unfortunate that half the people are below average intelligence. And if you think there is something factually incorrect with my stating so, it shows which side of that line you are on.
So lets hear your justification about how it wasn't un-American when Republicans did the same thing during the Obama administration.
Oops - treason.
How it is 'un-American' to express an opinion?
Oh yes, in through-the-looking-glass trumpland.
Not being from that part of the world, I’ve always struggled to really understand the expression “unAmerican”.
”Unwholesome” is easier to grasp, along with “uneducated” and “unhinged”....
Toasted Heretic
Trump, fellow Birthers and others who disrespected the previous PotUS - were they being un-American or treasonous?
It's situational. In this situation, it means to not be blindly following Trump.
You clap when things make you happy or you are glad to hear them. You stand, you cheer. Dems didnt clap, stand or cheer.
What am I, a person of average intelligence, to think? Bored and angry faces, sitting down when people who have died are being honored, playing games on their cell phone. What does this tell me? Do I need to be smarter to understand some behavioral nuance? because I can use the word "nuance" in a sentence, am I not smart enough to know that Dems were unhappy with the positive results for our country and disrespectful to women, children, police, military and also families of those murdered?
The article is not talking about Trump's behavior related to birther or his "disrespect" of Obama. Not talking about when Repubs did the same thing. My opinion is that is also UnAmerican, but irrelevant to this article.
Did or did not Trump say what the headline says? he did not. He was stating people not clapping for positive news for our country.
Anyway, isn't his constant applause he performs for himself whenever he completes a full sentence (or even doesn't, which is more often) sufficient?
I think we need a checklist. As far as I can see, not wildly applauding the current president for his speech is un-American, even treasonous, but throwing false, sub-tabloid conspiracy theory trash at the previous president is apple pie and baseball.
Difficult term to nail down.
Toasted Heretic
If only he'd follow Kim's example and send the traitors off to the gulags.
That's what democracy needs.
Yes I agree, it is nonsensical to think Dems wouldnt want our country to be successful. So explain to me what I saw with my own eyes. Trump is just reminding us of what we saw and adding his opinion that its Un-American. It is treasonous behavior no more than any of the things he has been accused of related to treason in the last 1.5 years. Didnt stop the media and Dems from saying that word over and over. Trump says it in one speech and liberals lose their minds. (which is why he said it)
Viktor Cernatinskij
Donald, "un-American" is actually a complement if to take in consideration what two very smart americans Jay Leno and Bill Maher said. They both called USA a stupid country. That means that being "un-American" is being "not stupid". How about you, Donald, are you "American" or "un-American"?
Blacklabel, explain to me, why I saw with my own eyes, Trump telling lie after lie about the economy and unemployment during Obama's Presidency? If Democrats are bad for not praising Trump's half-truths, then Trump and the 'obstruct anything Obama does' Republicans are just as guilty.
Good, Blacklabel can admit that the way private citizen Trump treated the previous POTUS, was unーAmerican and borderline treasonous. I hope some others are taking notes, in German or English.
Now that the shoe is on the other foot and Trump for the first time in his life is holding elected office, then there is some new set of rules? Smells like weaselly hypocrisy.
Narcissistic and Machiavellian. Trump is inherently more of a dictator than his counterparts. It is very “American” to applaud for whom you’d like to applaud.
Trump sounds like a late 80s tabloid talk-show host. Does he even know what 'treason' means? Next he'll accuse anyone who doesn't clap/bow/praise of lese-majesty.
As for the 'Un-name of the country' thing, the term's often used by reactionaries & ultra conservative ppl who've ran out of arguments and whose only/last option is to deride/exclude dissenting views.
I didn’t say anything about treasonous. I actually said it’s not, in either case as well as when Dems were throwing that at Trump, his campaign and his family every day.
He is from New York.
Haaa Nemui
Must just be my imagination but the big white blot next to the letters USA kinda looks like a whale swimming toward me... maybe about to pass on my left... I know the border has always liked like this but I'll never be able to get rid of that in my mind now...
Well thankfully two things have happened:
liberals have decided it’s now the Trump stock market and economy now that it went down 2 days in a row. Not noting that it was going up everyday until the day everyone found out our government can illegally spy on people. It obviously went down because Trump economic policy started its impact last Friday. Yeah ok.
ex obama spokesperson Jay Carney said Obama NEVER talked about the stock market or claiming its rise was because of him. Proven a lie within 5 mins on twitter, 2 “clarifications” already. Nope the word never in capital letters no less, means “never”.
I applaud, thank you, Mr. President.
Simon Foston
WolfpackToday 08:57 am JST
Really? And here was me thinking treason was a criminal offense while calling someone un-American was just a bit offensive.
Actually to be fair, he is to be applauded because reading aloud from a teleprompter cannot be easy for a man of his age and intellect.
Texas A&M Aggie
This article is another juice box journalism cherry picking of a comment President Trump.
though he picked up on what others had said, President Trump is again correct.
But don't take my word for it. Revisit the SOTU address where the world got to witness the democrat body of Congress not acknowledging the low unemployment rate especially among blacks and Hispanics; the service our military is performing on foreign shores; did not even show mock sympathy for two black families whose daughters were brutally murdered by the illegal aliens the the dems want to give American citizenship to yesterday. In the democrat universe, their self-created Black Lives Matters meme has now been replaced with future votes from illegal aliens matters mantra.
The democrats, enabled by the in-the-tank DNC media machine, have become so far-left that they are no longer part of this country. Only a dwindling number of its supporters remain to defend their rapidly irrelevant political party. . . .
Simon Foston
BlacklabelToday 08:51 am JST
Yes, he's a semi-coherent, senile moron.
In North Korea failure to applaud the Fat Controller, Kim Jong Un, will get you sent off to the concentration camps. It seems Trump and Kim have a similar way of thinking.
How so? Explain to me how their lack of reaction to any good news at all equates to “they do care”
black unemployment lowest in history! (True). Black caucus: no response, look bored.
Since Scrote said exactly what I was going to say I will just have to tell a joke i just made up (it goes to different level, mind):
Donald Trump walks into a pub with lame duck under his arm. He goes up to the bar and the bar-keep said, "Waddle it be?" The duck says, "First tee, then applause!".
Obama was a centrist. But when you are at the extreme right, everything else is left of that, so even the center appears to be the extreme.
Just once again the Pubs are showing they cannot see reality through the bubble.
Aww, are you guys still hurt that the left are using your guys' opposition strategies? Boo hoo.
Tommy Jones
Tex: Conservatives complaining about cherry picking like Nunes did to write his memo. Hilarious.
Before virtue signaling your moral outrage at Dems for not clapping, you should watch obama's SOTUs to see that this is nothing new.
This is a wholly incorrect statement. Dems do not want to give citizenship to these types of undocumented immigrants. Keep screaming it though and it may just come true.
Another good example of oversimplifying issues. For Trump, the GOP and their .01% backers (fronters?), it's all about money. In addition to employment, along the range of possible concerns the Black caucus might have I'm sure there are dozens of others just as or even more important to them. The Black caucus is no doubt fully aware of Trump's history re race issues and his overall lack of credibility.
Or are you saying looking bored while a man who lacks credibility while reading from a teleprompter is un-American?
The quote from Trump:
Nice try. What is your new spin? Yes, Democrats were treasonous.
Wow, just incredulous.
Word from "liberal" news like the Washington post and financial reporters is that the stock market is worried about rising inflation that are making bond yields competitive with stocks. There is also a new Fed chairman that could change things.
My first thought was that Wall Street was shocked by a pending constitutional crisis created by Trump and the the latest Nunes farce, but It looks like low unemployment following Obama's policies coupled with the Federal Reserves actions to right the country after the financial crisis is the reason.
So, yes, Trump is not likely to blame for the stock market, up or down.
He might be from New York but he definitely does not speak for or represent New York.
No explanation will be given because...
It cannot be understood while wearing a tin foil hat.
Texas A&M Aggie
I just googled and watched the Fox News video of the moment, and although it did not zoom in on Democrats, there was an overhead shot of the applause for those two murdered girl's families, and it was clear the whole room was standing.
The umemployment rates among black Americans went from 16.6% (2010) to 7.8% (Jan 2017) under Obama. Where is republican praise for that? It was on a clear downward trend for years, so it is hardly fair for Trump to lie about that and then try to take all the credit.
Also, it is clear demagoguery to think that 2 murders from 'illegals' is more significant than, say, the 50 murdered by a natural born citizen in Las Vegas.
Kidas Dom
Trump is good for a laugh!
But I'd love to have the chance to meet him - only to dis him to his face.
Yeah but Obama was a socialist, so it's not un-American to have not blindly supported him. It's only un-American if the leader is a Republican capitalist.
You just need to understand the rules.
It's only "un-American" if you don't believe in America, freedom of speech, and if you believe in being submissive to tyrants.
Mocking American soldiers for being captured isn't very American. Trump fans secretly agree with this, but they keep their mouths shut and change the topic.
Tommy Jones
Love the noticeable lack of conservstives trying their damndest to spin this.
Toasted Heretic
Wait until Trump declares that voting for the Democrats is un-American.
Stock market is down. Trump's final broken promise. It's official he has FAILED. Nothing Trump tries succeeds. The stock market being down is all on Trump. He took 100% credit for it and now it's down it's all on Trump. But I bet Trump blames the down stock market on Hillary. In fact I was watching Hannity and Friends and it seems according to them there is some Hillary conspiracy as the reason for the down stock market and how they said she should be impeached.
Tommy Jones
Trump is responsible for the single worst daily plunge of the stock market in history.
Simon Foston
Tommy JonesToday 12:50 pm JST
Smart conservatives have better things to do. I expect to be hearing more from the other ones soon.
The Hopeless Democrats sat on their hands and fiddled with their dentures while Trump spoke of a booming economy, family values, record low black unemployment and military veterans, among other things.
He is right. Democrats are un-American and are only interested in retaining power.
In that case, the VAST, VAST MAJORITY of the American people are "un-American."
Tommy Jones
Simon: Agreed. The post immediately above mine proves the other ones are starting to comment.
Tommy Jones
The Dems are the minority, which means they don't have power to retain. As for Dems being in-American, it isn't the Dems relentlessly assaulting the institutions that form the bedrock of US' democracy.
....when said news is being spoken by HIM. I'm guessing Trump wouldn't be throwing an infantile hissy fit like this if people failed to applaud good news about the country being delivered by anybody but Trump.
Headline is accurate.
Matt Hartwell
The level of animosity in U.S politics really is at stunning levels. Its a sign of what happens when reason and rationality are thrown out the window in the interests of the tribe or your particular identity, whether its based on gender, politics, skin colour. If any of that takes precedence over "being American" then its the beginning of the end. At this rate, I would not be surprised to see a new civil war in the U.S. Its not joke.
The country desperately needs a leader that can pull people together but I don't see that from either side of politics. They're all intent on playing the partisan game regardless of whats right or wrong, supported by evidence or not. The best thing anyone could do is leave all political parties, declare political independence and a willingness to re-engage the rational brain.
Texas A&M Aggie
President Trump is correct on this issue.
The democrats used to be a political party. Now, they are a national mental health crisis. . . .
His loud applauding for himself straight into the microphone was so obnoxious that I had to stop listening to his blown out speech with the snorting. He kept applauding long after the rest of the people stopped.
trump will blame the market plunge on North Korea!
My money is on him blaming it on Hillary.
I got money on him blaming it on Obama.
And why are they the minority and why have they lost over 1000 legislative seats? Maybe it’s because their reckless policies don’t work and they have been assaulting our institutions too much.
Lol. It’ll bounce back, nothing to much to worry, economy is strong, so it’s to be expected. The market is adjusting to corrections, it fluctuates, so if you’re a long term investor, it’s kind of like, ok, hold on some turbulence and blue skies over the horizon soon.
America is strongly in need of a centrist party, or at the very least, a moderate right-wing party. Right now there is only the left (which is only just barely left of center), and an extreme right. There is nothing for reasonable right-wingers who want fiscal responsibility, but don't agree with the extremist 'moral' positions of the current right-wing. We've got some posters on this site, specifically I'm thinking of TheFu, who are right-wing, but in a reasonable manner that could actually be worked with, unlike the current extreme right party. If there were people in government like that, I think they would get a lot of support from those who are tired of extreme right and extreme left.
The American political system is broken. It's rigged in to favor the right, and the parties that exist don't match the actual stances of the majority of the population.
Tommy Jones
Which institutions do you believe the democrats have assaulted? .
Republicans: Look how awesome Trump is - the stock market is awesome!
-- stock market crashes, reverting to point it was at when Trump became president --
He throws around the lingo to keep his fanbase feeling righteously offended and listening to him.
The keywords "un-American" "Democrats" and "treason" used in combination are probably searched in Google only by the people whose support he wants to keep. He has to blurt out these magic combinations of top keywords to maintain the momentum.
Tommy Jones
Matt: Agreed with everything but the civil war redux theory. There are enough nutters with firearms and untrained firearm owners in the US to do some serious damage. That said, its highly unlikely we'd turn arms on one another on the scale of a war anytime in the reasonably foreseeable future.
One of Trump's many media PR employees, who happens to be one of Fox 'news' highest paid entertainers blamed it on Obama.
Trump won the presidency, even though he wasn't the choice of the people.
Can you really call that fair and square in a supposed democracy?
A democracy where the majority vote doesn't result in the choice of the people being the leader. Yep, that's broken alright.
Tommy Jones
This is hilarious:
"Then, he declared that the plunge ― which saw stocks erase all their 2018 gains ― is actually good.
'In many ways, it’s a sign of the strength of the economy more than anything else,' [Hannity] said in comments posted online by Media Matters. "
Texas A&M Aggie
A democracy where the majority vote doesn't result in the choice of the people being the leader. Yep, that's broken alright (sic).
30 out of 50 states would disagree. . . .
Sure, because they got to have their leader even though he wasn't the winner of the vote.
But I bet they would agree if it went the other way...
We do.
If they would go any further left they would come back full circle.
The David Duke’s No one pays attention to them except their Nazi racist followers.
For example?
I doubt it, the left are so over the top radical and has been since that disastrous last President started to put a wedge with him and his fellow buddy holder putting a wedge between the country starting off with his lap dog Holder and making comments that we are a nation of cowards, not exactly a good way to start off the Presidency, neglecting the middle class, working class Whites. That was the thing with Trump, he was able to see something the loons on the left still can’t see and that was why he was able to flip some solid blue States.
Not going to happen anytime soon, the left are so radicalized to obstruct whatever and whenever they can, they are on the verge of shooting themselves in the foot again.
This is true.
April 1st???
It’s rigged to favor the left, the left have a lot going for them, they have the MSM, they have all the Hollyweird loons screeching and another reason why the Academy awards are done and all the other entertainment shows that are on television and messages that to try to sit in the movies because people really don’t care what they think what they say.
That depends.
But wait, that’s bad, but the far looney left want to praise the anointed one on the economy up to now? Or only until the market has a slight hiccup then it’s Trump’s fault? Liberals are the funnies people, the party of everything and master of nothing.
yes, but that's too simple. Trump promises unprecedented growth over the decades. Trump owns it since he is bragging about it. And don't forget debt is accelerating under Trump (another broken promise since promise to reverse the debt). Trump is weak especially because he gets upset when people don't admire him. He hates not being admired. And why does he keep picking stupid fights like the British healthcare system? What president does this? Why is Trump picking on the British healthcare system?
Next, he'll want everybody to call him "Dear Leader".
Republicans has sunk so low they'll now kneel before Trump, to their Dear Leader.
No, if you don't know how to invest or how to read the market, then you shouldn't invest.
And it has been and this blurb will be No different, of course sooner or later they will have to increase interest rates, but that's expected. You have to be nuts if you just want to sell everything. I would just hold on and ride the turbulence.
But last week, ya'll were saying he should be thanking Obama for the economy, so that means, Obama is at fault, I blame him!! I knew it!
Yes, so you can't rebuild crumbling infrastructures with monopoly money, Obama promised to rebuild them and he didn't and well everything he said was a lie anyway, but the main point it, you need money to build these things as well as the wall, no money, no wall, no infrastructure and no DACA.
I could care less what with whoever he gets into a fight with. I care about the US.
You commented stating that you DO care. What you wrote is the opposite of what you probably meant.
Texas A&M Aggie
sf2kToday 04:18 pm JST
Republicans has sunk so low they'll now kneel before Trump, to their Dear Leader.
Meanwhile, the democrats are telling those still moronic enough to be supporters that illegal aliens are more important to far alt-left politicians than American citizens. So, get all the information you'll ever need to know from the NWO-controlled Ministry of Truth ( aka, the MSM), shut up and obey without question. . . .
No, Trump was taking direct credit for the higher stock market (before) but now it's lower he is blaming Obama and Hillary.
No, I didn't. I understand people of the FOX News watching age have memory issues, so I understand. But I didn't say that. I never connect economies or country debts to presidents. Trump is the one who said he would build a wall and he failed.
What infrastructure? Nothing is being built yet. No, it's Trump's fault that debt is going up. 100% his fault. Also, it will go up even more with Mexico not paying for the wall. Trump said he would reverse the debt and he lied and broke his promise.
Trump doesn't. He just wants people to like him. He hates it when people don't like him so he rants on Twitter all the time instead of actual working. Then he gets his advice directly from Hannity and friends so he doesn't think for himself. Hannity and his friends are actually helping Trump run the country.
People in later stages in life should not. When you are in your 70s and 80s you should convert to cash.
Toasted Heretic
Why are some equating liberals with the left? They are nothing of the sort. They are the more acceptable face of Republican excesses.
What America needs is to ditch archaic notions of patriotism and move away from the Coolidge/Reagan model of capitalism.
One day, a social and just society will then emerge.
Matt Hartwell
But you can already see in this threat that people strongly disagree with you that the right are far right and the left are slightly left. I have no comment to make on whether that's factual or not, I simply note that there is wild disagreement on where the major parties stand in the spectrum and extreme loathing on both sides. As a result the present situation continues into a state in which nothing gets done and/or wide spread violence erupts. You guys are all armed to the teeth.
If people started to vote for quality independent candidates in sufficient numbers the major parties would get the message that they need to reform the way they go about politics and perhaps even the types of candidates they put forward. The first thing you do is start with independents at the local level, what we would called local council elections here and you only vote for somebody with proven leadership and negotiation skills.
In my view, and I am not a U.S citizen, I think its time every American of voting age sent a message that the major political parties need to get their act together and they need to govern for ALL Americans regardless of their identity group.
I never thought I'd see the day when any number of Americans, even Internet trolls, would embrace fascism. But I guess with literal Nazis getting emboldened by Trump it was only a matter of time. Still we lost 200,000 good people stopping fascism in WWII and it's sad to see Trump apologists spitting on their service.
I am Sam
I believe in the United States of America, as a government of the people, by the people, for the people; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sovereign Nation of many sovereign States; a perfect union, one and inseparable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, justice, and humanity for which American patriots sacrificed their lives and fortunes.
I therefore believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its Constitution, to obey its laws, to respect its flag, and to defend it against all enemies.
But you guys were saying Obama was the one that strengthened the economy, good on Obama. I’m giving your guy props, now you don’t want to hear it? Ungrateful!
Because the Democrats don’t know what they want. I know they want to win, but as a politician, you can’t just run on gender issues and wanting to take other people’s money to give to someone else.
Of course he does. My 401k is pretty sweet jobs are coming back, he got rid of regulations, getting rid of all of Obama’s executive orders, tax reform on the way, got a conservative on the Supreme Court, over a dozen judicial judges, has beautiful kids, hot wife, casinos, property everywhere, planes, jets, tower in his name. If the man could, he’d marry the country.
Apple pay is better.
I’m talking about the US, i have no idea about the UK.
ROFL. Did you have a white one or a red one?
Absolutely not!
And that will be the end of the US, and the beginning of the 3rd world apocalypse.
Once again the Republicans blame their own inability to govern on a party that holds none of the power.
A failure of logic if there ever was one.
Toasted Heretic
The end of the US?
Because it embraces brotherhood, equality and a social and just society?
Well, given the slide into fascism, maybe it's a good thing that the current model ends. Perhaps if the US breaks up like the former soviet block, true democracy may emerge.
The rest of the world will stand up and applaud, loudly.
I am Sam
Before debating on what’s considered “unAmerican” there must be a baseline on what’s considered American -
5 American Ideals set forth Jefferson & the Founding Fathers
1. Democracy
2. Equality
3. Liberty
4. Rights
5. Opportunity
Toasted Heretic with more death and destruction dreams for the US!
it really is something to see when a person -even enjoying the anonymity of the internet- loses control of their emotions so completely.
The great Jordan Peterson calls these souls “possessed by ideology” and has an interesting lecture about it on his YouTube channel
I know the MSM won’t cover the accomplishments of the President, but governing their doing fine, now if the MSM would get off their rears and for once tell the news and the truth, people might start tuning in again.
Liberals use logic? Well, I learned something new today.
No, because throwing free goodies in a country with over 320 million would never work, teaching independence and self-reliance is the best way to reach economical success.
I really don’t want to talk about ANTIFA today....
That won’t happen, it’s re-energized, re-invigorated, and re-invented. Good times ahead. The European model that you want, we don’t need, really.
Yes and by then we will be living in the ocean in a sea society living and talking to sea life with giant whales as the entry guards.
(Well I wouldn’t literally see it with all the no-go zones even police won’t enter)
Toasted Heretic
I've called for a different system that embodies equality and moves away from the current model. Please don't make things up just because you don't agree with the idea.
Indeed, we've all read your delightful late night posts.
If the former USSR and the Eastern Block can undergo tremendous transformations, there's no reason the US cannot do so.
Unless you really do prefer the authoritarian slide into fascism currently at work?
Given the extra-judicial violence he has fantasized about here, I think he might.
I like Jordan Peterson, and have watched a lot of his stuff. You fit his profile of the type of 'possessed by ideology' more than most posters on this site.
What a humdinger of a "debate".
Two maybe three at best Americans supporting Trump, all clearly unhinged. The rest - all foreigners. Some pretending to be eligible to vote from Saint Petersburg. Their impotence gives a mer dwindling entertainment these days.
Heh, I'll check back some time near November when it's all going Pete Tong for the insane GOP and the electorate are Trump-weary.
Hey, I am an American :) Those Trump supporters ignored my post completely, oh well. I'll just have to assume I was right. I enjoy actual debate, I'm an independent willing to change my views if given actual provable information, not Sean Hannity cherry picked facts.
I’m not, that’s why I said what I said. If I want my country to be like Europe, I would move there. Europe is happy with their so called version of entitlement restorative justice and we like our capitalism.
Have you seen the former Soviet Union? And if their lives are so well, why are we getting so many of them?
You mean destroying the former fascist country we were living under for 8 years in where you can’t say this or you have to be politically correct about that. Can’t do this, can’t do that. What was the lastest pc crap in Canada? You can’t say mankind, you have to say “people kind” what a load of crap. It’s that kind a form of fascism that makes people want to rebel.
Funny, I think we feel the opposite about the liberal hate crowd.
Trust me when I tell you, libs on this site are THE best entertainment around.
Or desperate liberals crying from rooftops and still the only thing keeping them warm at night is their megaphone to complain.
Terribly sorry, justbcuzisay. How rude of us.
Now according to recent statistics;
There ya go. You no longer have to burden yourself with horrible assumptions anymore.
To all the anti-Trump posters here - it's gonna be a long seven years for you, haha!
He is an embarrassment and has us seriously considering a return to Japan. The political divisiveness here is becoming hard to take.
Toasted Heretic
That's why you have movements like Democratic Socialists and Redneck Revolt? Capitalism simply cannot continue to exist in its current incarnation. It's tearing your country apart.
If American life is so well, why are there so many here and in other countries? Why are you here?
You could and did say whatever you wanted to say over the last 8 years. Nobody stopped you, bass. Now you have a leader who is openly racist, assaults women, tells lies and dismisses those who disagree with him as fake, sons of bitches and un-American. Can you not see the US is poised on the brink?
As for the Canada stuff; forgive me, I thought you didn't care what the rest of the world says or does? And that story isn't entirely true - it's just Trudeau using the word. It hasn't been enshrined in law. I prefer the word "humanity", it's more optimistic.
Oh, you finally put some money on Trump winning the 2020 election?
The odds are very attractive. I thought you wouldn’t be able to resist it.
Best of luck.
Totally agree. Sentencing takes an inordinate amount of time - he'll likely die from a cheeseburger-induced heart attack well before he begins serving his time.
Laguna - Guess you missed the president's passing his latest health exam with flying colors - hee hee!
Jizzmo - Gonna put money down that Trump will be beaten in 2020? With the wild success he has enjoyed in his 1st year alone? By what great hope in the Democratic Party? Al Sharpton? Donna Brazile with her purple hair, or the nutcase with her cowboy hat? Maybe the latest Kennedy they trotted out before the cameras who was literally foaming at the mouth? Or maybe the corpse of Hillary Clinton might be re-animated with a cortisone shot?
Ill bet you all the whiskey in Ireland. What you gonna put up?
Toasted Heretic
He could always declare them un-American.
Remember the "freedom fries" debacle?
I’ve already got my money down on him not completing a full first term. It was 5/2 when I struck the bet but the odds have been slashed to around even money. The bookies and I see it as a 50/50 shot.
I put my money where my mouth is, like you advised another poster to do.
The odds on Trump winning in 2020 are very attractive...
Totally agree again. Doctors are actually easier to buy than lawyers as the latter may have a hierarchy for their decisions to pass through, while the former don't. His own wife displays reluctance to make physical contact with him. I wouldn't be surprised if his next exam indicated he could outrun Bolt if he felt like it (though there're also those ubiquitious stories of his cheating at golf....) Okay, so a septuagenarian who drinks multiple Cokes a day, survives on junk food, and thinks exercise = strolling to the golf cart is healthy. Funny for me.
And this is the man that Abe wants to support into a nuclear war. This is the man that is dominating the Japanese Government.
But one thing to ponder...white mass murders kill themselves and never go to jail, powerful people rarely go to jail for white-collar crime. Look into the two-tiered justice system before quoting me statics about the people they actually throw in jail.
As for murder, Republicans keep telling me 'the black men' are the murderers, so excuse me while I adjust to the new boogyman. This is the first I heard all the murderers are illegals. I thought they were the drug dealers? I heard the story of exactly TWO killed by illegal immigrants during the SOTU, and of one in California during Trump's campaign. If you find me a primary source from the DOJ I will concede you are correct, and also I will continue to research, because I care about the truth. I don't 'want' illegals to flood into our country, I just don't agree with you that we should kick Dreamers out of WASTE MONEY on a wall (that we pay for, not Mexico. And is not very different from what we have now) that could be better spent fixing education, health care, criminal justice reform and mental health services for the citizens. I choose my priorities for how I think money could be best used to serve the common good, let's make our citizens educated, healthy, and unexploited.
FYI, I'm not trying to 'prove myself right' or 'you wrong' I just don't see the world from the same lens as you
There is no real constructive place in a democracy for soar losers.
The US political parties do not differ very much on anything of consequence, and haven't differed much for decades. There are a few fringe details that they argue over, but neither of the parties pulls the strings on any important details. Their sponsors do that, and if it's an issue the sponsors care about, then that legislation will fly through congress like a bean burrito through my dog's digestive tract.
The bickering in the news (fake or not) makes for a good theatrical performance to watch, I have to admit, but substance is limited. It's the reality TV show that you later discovered was 100 percent script. Obamacare may have been an exception, and immigration is an exception, but (even though we need health coverage for the poor) - these subjects of argument represent a only little bit of the political whole. Legislative issues of merit (questioning $zillion defense budgets) or (questioning the societal effects of the permanent "lock down" and -corporate- surveillance of America) or (debating against the stirring up of foreign trouble so as to detract from hometown economic news) or (preventing the destruction of the environment and water supply) - get no stump time. The sponsors aren't interested.
At the heart of it, the parties are monolithic. But, the good news is that all the bluster and sabre rattling and puffery is probably just that. It's just theater, so nobody really dies. Applaud for the S.O.T.U.A? Either way, scripted.
I wouldn't take the time to urinate on this man's shadow. But i was applauding yesterday when he was praising himself as the bottom of the screen was telling the REAL story of stocks plunging. What a buffoon
Glad to see you used the plural form for indiscretions. Please provide linkS showing he did.
Where businesses are thriving, especially in comparison with red states?
If you honestly believe that, you're showing a very limited understanding (being PC here) of business and economics.
Hey, if the president doesn't think that his country's second biggest trading partner matters, then let him think that. Canada will continue doing what it is already doing - forming trade agreements with other countries.
America first, alone.
But sure, capitalism has nothing to do with it, right? The reason people leave NY and California is the HUGE SUCCESS of the economies of those areas has driven up housing costs. I hardly call wall street, Hollywood and Silicon Valley as signs of the horrible decline of the blue states.
What states are the poorest again? Oh, right the red ones.
What is racism? Saying that diverse cities (Oakland, SF, Compton) are lazy, but white poor (Appalachia) are the neglected.
Let’s assume you mean ‘right to live there’
there are actual laws that protect from housing discrimination (Fair Housing Act, part of the Civil Rights Act 1968) is you might want to say you are grasping at straws
Simon Foston
clamenzaFeb. 6 10:32 pm JST
Well, doesn't that just show us all how seriously we should take you.
The corrupt narcissist wants adoration. He is more likely to get a prison jacket.
I can't believe this is actually happening in America - the land of the free!
Absolute madness....Cadet Bone Spurs as Senator Tammy Duckworth's nickname for Trump goes--has finally completely lost the shred of sanity that he retained....
Beware the "Wag the Dog" war that he will start so as to be reelected in 2020.
too bad he did not born in russia or NK and be the president of either country.
usa is too liberal for him when his mind tilted to dictatorship.
At this rate we might see people being jailed or excuted for not catering to the every whim of the “dear leader “ of the UNITED TSSTASSZ...
Mr. Bone Spurs is delusional.
Tommy Jones
This is worth repeating:
Bill Wright
Trump’s ever udderance becomes a media and pretzel to be twisted into whatever shape they desire at the moment. It’s always going to be catch 22 because Trump refuses to learn how to speak like a swamp Politician.
Christina Tsuchida
Thanks to "Wolfpack" for the quotation from the actual conversation with Mr. Trump. The President seems to have learned to soften his remarks by making them questions--something I also recently found helpful. This makes their impact less dogmatic and--if they are hard on opponents--less severely critical. In the context, I guess I need not fear being taken to court for treason if I do not applaud. Should that possibility come about from mere silence when the President reports on good fortune for the USA, we would be in an era far worse than "1984" by George Orwell. A capital offense for mere silence, which could be caused by sleepiness, etc.,....! Yet, Americans like those who spoke Aramaic, are prone to exaggerate!
Ah, I'm blushing. haha. I noticed that was ignored by the person for whom it was intended.
The author of this article put several things in quote marks as if they were spoken by Trump, yet they were not spoken by him and the quotes were both chopped out of the timeline AND taken out of context.
This is despicable journalism. I came into this article expecting to see proof of Trump saying something unspeakable and completely embarrassing - yet he did no such thing. You simply did a tabloid style chop job.
If you're going to put something in quotes, do it properly. Falsely quoting someone and reporting it as truth is punishable in civil court - you are treading on dangerous ground, writer. You may find yourself facing a lawsuit if you are not willing to hold yourself to decent journalistic standards. Report the truth, do not falsify quotations to improve your readership.
@paradoxbox - are you suggesting JapanToday is promoting Fake News ?
If so, where to report them to these days ?
Does anyone care ?
"This man clearly has some serious mental health issues... "
That's why he won election. Against 16 other.
Just a propos mental health..
Applauding a man who appears to have committed treason.......that would make one complicit in treason.
It is not **american to protest against other people freedom. **
This is not because you are against a state made of humans who made mistakes and have human prejudices, that you are not loyal to the spirit of your country.
This is peacefull protest that have help america to become a better country and give the black people their true freedom : equality in everything.
This is a very dangerous position to forbid the "no" expression in public. This is the standing of a military country and not democratic or even a republican anymore.
If Trump can make humour on the ground of democrate's bad, he should be carefull on the republican's bad one.