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© Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump talks legal action; Biden on offense as campaign ends
The Avenger
If we, the American people, don't absolutely shatter this despicable clown tomorrow, we're worthless as a country. Every real American needs to send this traitorous piece of ***** packing asap.
Only those like Trump who've lived long lives as grifters can be so fixed on 'cheating'.
The messed up thing is that regardless of how much Trump has ruined the country, there are enough morons in America to vote for him that he still could win. So many left leaning articles have painted Biden as being in the lead - which can lead to Democrat laziness in getting out to vote.
You don’t even have to like Biden. This is a referendum on trump.
Yep. Trump and the GOP will try to have as many mail-in ballots rejected as possible in an effort to thwart the democratic process.
The problem here in Japan with your views on Trump and Biden is you only have access to CNN, Japan news and most of the media on the net who are anti Trump. Trump may be an idiot but if elected Biden will not be the one leading the country. The far left will continue to delete American history and all it stands for. Follow and you'll see what I mean.
Bob Fosse
It has never been seen. He’s half right.
Bob Fosse
Follow that and you’ll want to buy a pile of guns, hate everyone and be too scared to leave your home.
I guess that’s the idea.
Can’t wait for the “I never said Trump wouldn’t win” people to post tomorrow.
Followed by “I’m not a liberal so you aren’t speaking about me”.
538, they of the 90% Biden win, now saying if Biden lose PA he is the “underdog”.
"Biden on offense"
He has no choice, the Democrats are panicking, even Michael Moore is predicting a Trump win.
Biden works for the government, we pay his salary, so how can this guy own 4-5 homes on a governments salary? Seems like a lot of Dems have a bunch of homes, where did the money come from? Guess Trump isn’t the only person that cheated.
Enough states will report that we will have a really good idea how it’s going to go. Well pre-lawsuits anyway.
These final acts of desperation, like the one in Texas that was rejected by the court, show how worried, and how low he will go, as he realizes how he’s doing in this election. The sad part is that the hate and division he has sowed will haunt the US for a long time to come.
I think Trump will squeeze to victory in Florida but lose Pennsylvania. Biden will win by the narrowest of margins.
Desert Tortoise
Not so hard to do. I have four homes counting rentals and my wife has two more. Buy low, rent and use the rent to pay the mortgage and other expenses. You can legally deduct your property taxes, maintenance and depreciation from your taxable income. Pretty boilerplate stuff. A Senator is paid around $175K per year. One of those homes will be in DC to have a place to live when Congress is in session. His wife works full time as a teacher, even worked full time teaching while Mr. Biden was VP. The concrete mason with only a high school education who poured a slab for me a few years ago has 25 rental homes. Another fellow I work with who moonlighted as a real estate agent has a similar number. My brother in law in Shanghai has a couple of really high end rentals he picked up moonlighting as a real estate agent and weekend taxi driver. His day job is driving school buses. None of this requires anything crooked, just a willingness to take some risks and the energy to deal with tenants, code enforcement, business licensing, plumbing problems, obnoxious HOAs and the like. It's not a passive income by any means.
The courts will stand for democracy!!!
trump is preparing for a defeat, no other reason for him to keep his lawyers on stand by.
Judging by the Iowa and and the error of margin within 3-4 points so Biden can loss this big.
All the more reason why people are walking in and doing the old fashioned way, even Axelrod and Carville are cautiously nervous.
Then why does Biden have 4000 lawyers?
He’s been in office for 47 years, I was still in elementary school when this guy got into office. Lol
Bob Fosse
Allan Lichtman hasn’t been wrong on a US election prediction across 4 decades. He predicts Biden. Yes, he predicted trump in 2016.
Even so, how do you do that on a governments salary?
Yes, and I don’t work for the government, I’m not dumb, I have always worked in the private sector.
No, it’s all correctly relevant. Why are my tax dollars going to pay for Joe’s lavish lifestyle?
Bob Fosse
For the same reason they pay for trump to play golf?
bass4funk just made a point for me why Democrats are just terrible at governing, they could care less where the money comes from, whether it comes from the tax payer of foreign hands, as long as they can accumulate wealth anyway they can it’s OK, if I don’t have to pay for it it wouldn’t bother me, but since the salaries are being subsidized by us, it’s a valid question.
No, not even close, not even a cool third.
But he’s been in it for 47 years....ok, he took a 4 year break, sorry....
No, I just care about money, driven by it, so I wouldn’t work a government job...ever because it doesn’t pay enough, it has nothing to do with the people that work in it, but that salary is not enough for me, hope that clarifies everything.
We know Donald, it's almost become a campaign promise by you. If there is any cheating it will be by Republicans, as they are more predisposed to acts of criminality.
"Pennsylvania Attorney General Declares Biden Victory Before a Single Vote Is Counted"
yes, I would be preparing for legal action too if I were Trump.
Throw out Putin's Puppet and all his sycophant Repub enablers....
Restore truth and decency to our government...
Disinfect the White House; literally and figuratively....
Actually it is the left that has separated America. Trump supporters are the really peaceful people. Stop watching CNN
Right wingers are obsessed with people who don't actually watch CNN. They suppose that because they have a nutty channel full of Trump bootlickers that everyone else must have a Biden version too.
If I were you, I'd stop watching CNN too, it's clearly making you very irate.
The US elected a conspiracy theorist to office. He even came up with a baseless conspiracy theory about voter fraud when he won.
If he loses, you’ll truly see crackpottery like you’ve never seen.
Well, don't include me. Trump has a chance of winning.
As long as seeing Trump's behavior, attitude on campaign and militia guarding with heavy weapons around ballot places, Democracy is not there, it is like Communist China. Americans would never be good friends each other forever. This country would be Disunited States of America as long as president is Trump. It seems to me America needs change.
Naw. I don't think there's anyone who went through 2016 who doesn't believe bad things can happen. The threat this time is the power of the presidency and how Trump will cheat and do anything to deny he has lost.
I believe it will be a Biden landslide victory. If the votes are counted properly, it is highly doubtful Trump has a chance, but from hanging chads to Nixon to whatever it takes, Republicans are better at lying and cheating, and Trump is the master at bullying, name calling, misogyny, fascism, etc. that is his staple and becoming the staple of his party.
At any rate, those who are supporting Trump won't admit defeat, and probably never will. They're that bent on having fascism rule over democracy, truth and fair justice.
All those gun...multiple round weapons...with hate in their eyes are Trump supporters. They are obviously not peaceful people. Neither are the neo nazi's in Charlottesville. The list goes on and on. You aren't meeting all of Trump supporters, quite obviously.
trump is better off saving his lawyers to fight his prosecution.
His taxes will be out soon and that will be one big canister of maggots!!!
It is 3rd world , tin pot dictatorial style to prosecute previous regimes.
trump has turned America into one and doesn’t deserve better.
Graham DeShazo
Given his history, Don's lawyers should demand cash payment up front.
When he go impeached, no less than 5 white-shoe firms refused to represent him becuase "He doesn' t listen and doesn't pay."
Graham DeShazo
When you lose the popular vote AND the electoral college, go to the lawyers..... What a Trump move.
BTW, Bob was yapping about a Trump shift in the polls. There is none. Biden up 11. And it's not CA or NY.....
The only sane legal action will be locking Trump up in January.
If that happens.
Just wait until the Biden debacle continues to unfold.
Some ideas for where Trump can seek asylum in 2020: Moscow, Beijing, Pyongyang.
Bob Fosse
We’re still reeling from the last 3 ‘bombshells’. They’ll have to get a wriggle on or as you like to say “thank god for presidential pardons!”
great to see all the Trump haters flip flopping at the last seconds.
who me? no one said Biden would win......
Yeah, that’s what the msm wants to drill in these folks heads and no wonder more are sticking with Trump, this greatly helps him.
Well, now you know how we felt for 3 years with the Russia and impeachment hoaxes. Lol
Biden was indeed offensive. His demeanour, tone and clear struggle with mental and verbal acuity were all on full display.