Japan Today

Trump threatens to use emergency powers to bypass Congress to pay for border wall, end shutdown

By Jeff Mason and Steve Holland

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I find China, frankly, in many ways to be far more honorable than Crying Chuck and Nancy. I really do.

What kind of person speaks like this? These are the minority leader of the Senate and Speaker of the House. The deserve respect, even if you disagree with them.

It appears Trump is growing further untethered from reality. In fact, some of the quotes I've read recently make him sound schizophrenic. The Senate GOP must stand up.

17 ( +20 / -3 )

I said this in another comment and I'll say it here. I really hope all of those "constitutional conservatives" are up in arms over this. This is nothing more but a power grab by the executive branch trying to circumvent the checks and blances of the three branches of government.

But who am I kidding, if they voted for trump then of course they aren't upset by this, hypocrites.

15 ( +16 / -1 )

This is hilarious. Trump lies to his base and his base lap it up. His base then tries to shift blame to the democrats for Trump's lies.

Before any conservatives start lying about the Dems not having tried to do anything about immigration for 35 years:

*According to Manchin, he urged Kushner to craft a shutdown compromise based on the 2013 comprehensive immigration reform bill, which passed the Senate with strong bipartisan support but failed when the Republican House leadership would not bring it to the floor for a vote.*


Republicans were for open borders and against immigration reform until they did a 180 under Trump. ROFL! Kudos. Smh. Oh my . . . Unicornverse. HAR!

13 ( +16 / -3 )

What kind of person speaks like this?

The prime minister of the UK would address her opposition counterpart as the "right honorable gentleman" or something similar. The President of the USA behaves like an elementary school student. It's embarrassing.

13 ( +16 / -3 )

uh no Nancy, Trump actually wants a wall. Really. Have you even been paying attention

Why are republicans so weak on immigration? They refused to vote to fix it in 2013. Why the sudden rush now? Can you say, "fearmongering"?

13 ( +15 / -2 )

"I find China, frankly, in many ways to be far more honorable than Crying Chuck and Nancy. I really do," Trump said,

And there are those in his base wearing T-shirts saying 'I'd rather be Russian than Democrat'.

Trump's using Demagogue 101 tactics to further divide and conquer, to turn Americans against each other, to fan long burning fires. And many in Herr Diktator's base lap it up.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

uh no Nancy, Trump actually wants a wall. Really. Have you even been paying attention?

Trump said Mexico would pay for that wall. But now it's getting hard to hear what he's saying over the sound of his backpedaling.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

Dems are losing this argument.

Heh, says the guy defending Cosby.

If we really were losing, you wouldn't need to say that. Saying it is a sign of weakness.

It’s time for a manufactured “bombshell” in the mueller case.

Heh, Mr. Manufactured outrage is whining about manufacturing a distraction, the domain of his Dear Leader, and whining about the Mueller case, which we can now see from Manafort's lawyer's screwup has proven collusion.

13 ( +14 / -1 )

I said it before, I'll say it again:

You're selling wolf tickets, Cadet Bonespurs. You're a coward who knows you've got one 'round' left in your chamber. Everything else you've got has missed.

You're a poker player with a handful of mismatched cards trying to act like you've got a full house.

But nobody's buying your bluff any longer.

So either bring it, or tuck your tail and admit that you're a cowardly loser.

12 ( +15 / -3 )

Whatever Dems accuse, you see it from them within 48 hours they always tip their hand to the media what the next narrative needs to be.

It's always best to create a conspiracy theory when you have no substantive argument.

12 ( +13 / -1 )

Personally, I would rather for him to go through Congress first, but the Democrats being the obstructionists that they are

Are you whining about obstructionism? Umm, chipstar reminded us of this today:

According to Manchin, he urged Kushner to craft a shutdown compromise based on the 2013 comprehensive immigration reform bill, which passed the Senate with strong bipartisan support but failed when the Republican House leadership would not bring it to the floor for a vote.


Why did your team obstruct border security in 2013? Why do Republicans hate border security? Why do Republicans love open borders? Why are the Republicans always obstructionists? Why do Republicans hate Americans? Why do Republicans hate America?

12 ( +13 / -1 )

When are some people going to stop pretending that this orange ignoramus is even capable or qualified to be the president of a kindergarten class?

He is an habitual liar who clearly has no idea what he is talking about and is clearly not mentally stable.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

Security is not important? There’s another caravan assembling, don’t know about you, but I think blocking that is very important. Why is it liberals hate America, but prefer to help non-Americans? Why is it liberals hate national security, and sealed borders? You guys scare me, but for real.

Because we 'liberals' (read: anyone who isn't in lockstep with Cadet Bonespurs) know that building a Maginot Line isn't the answer. Because we know that there is more than a peurile, juvenile, fear based answer besides "Oh, you hate America." Because there's a difference between security and fear.

Because we know that building walls doesn't work. Ask the Chinese who built theirs... oh wait, that dynasty collapsed. Well, you could go ask the Romans who built Hadrian's Wall... oh wait, their empire collapsed too.

You could ask the East Germans, that certainly worked out in Berlin... oh, wait.

Those who live behind walls and yearn for them are merely showing signs of the same weakness and cowardice that hastens their own collapse.

11 ( +12 / -1 )

"When during the campaign I would say, 'Mexico's going to pay for it,' obviously I never said this and I never meant they're going to write out a check."

Just going to leave that here....

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Why is it liberals hate America, but prefer to help non-Americans? Why is it liberals hate national security, and sealed borders

Why do Trump apologists make stuff up? Who does it benefit? A Texas Mayor Jim Darling says zero murder rate in McAllen. The people know this crisis is manufactured and Trump's own people know it's fake.

And yet, the farce continues.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

Why are people getting hung up on discussing the difference between a wall around someone's house and a wall around the country?

You would have to be the dumbest moron out there to really believe they are equivalent. So if you're arguing with someone who is trying to assert building a wall around a house and a country are the same thing, you are either arguing with someone deceitful, who knows it's a bogus argument, or you're arguing with someone literally so stupid, they lack the intelligence to realize that they are stupid.

Just skip over that particular argument. Anyone who isn't the lowest level of intelligence that humanity has to offer can clearly see the fallacy in the argument without having to argue about it. Just pat the morons on the head and say 'yes yes little boy'.

10 ( +10 / -0 )

Why is it liberals hate national security, and sealed borders?


*According to Manchin, he urged Kushner to craft a shutdown compromise based on the 2013 comprehensive immigration reform bill, which passed the Senate with strong bipartisan support but failed when the Republican House leadership would not bring it to the floor for a vote.*


9 ( +10 / -1 )

@bas4 There’s another caravan assembling,

Thoughts and prayers.

9 ( +10 / -1 )

Why is it liberals hate America,

Why is it Trump and his supporters (can't say conservatives because most can't stand Trump) hate America and democracy?

but prefer to help non-Americans?

But prefer to collude with Russians, prop up dictators like Assad by cutting and running in Syria, coddle Kim Jong Un, praise China's autocrats, etc., etc....

Why is it liberals hate national security, and sealed borders?

Why is it Trump and his supporters hate our military and our TSA and Coast Guard professionals keeping us safe from terrorist and criminals? 

You guys scare me, but for real.

Couldn't have said it better...

8 ( +10 / -2 )

"When during the campaign I would say, 'Mexico's going to pay for it,' obviously I never said this and I never meant they're going to write out a check."

Regardless of whether or not this is true (if you can read through the gibberish), the fact is he did not campaign on a wall that America would pay for using some funds that may or may not be received from Mexico through trade deals, he campaigned on a wall paid for by Mexico. If he meant something else, he should have said something else.

It's like if I tell you I will buy you a drink, and when the drink comes I make you pay for it, saying that I'll instead give you some financial advice so you can save enough to pay for the drink.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Don't give me that, it’s the same thing, they want privacy, peace and protection for themselves and their families. Ok, so if I put an alarm system on my house and i live in a crime infested area with gangs, drug dealers and hookers, having a wall or high fence surrounding my home is for my privacy? Even you don’t believe that. Lol

Yes yes little boy.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

There’s another caravan assembling, don’t know about you, but I think blocking that is very important. \

As if on cue - expect to hear on Fox News that a dangerous caravan full of terrorists and MS-13 gang members, with heavy weapons and armored vehicles is approaching our border (they'll be five months and 5,000 mile sway but that doesn't matter)....

And the only way to stop this unholy horde is by.....ta da....Orange Man! 

Faster than a speeding hooker. More powerful than a covefefe. Able to leap small streams (on a golf course) in a single bound...

Man 1: Look! Up in the sky! It’s a bird.

Woman: It’s a plane!

Man 2: It’s Orange Man!

Yes, it’s Orange Man, strange visitor from a third-rate reality TV show who came to the White House with powers and abilities far below those of mortal men. Orange Man, who can lie five times in one sentence, shred the Constitution, bend the truth with his small hands.  And who, disguised as Donald Trump, incompetent and soon to be impeached President for what was a great nation, fights a never ending battle against truth, justice and the American way.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I hope Drumpf puts his money where his mouth is and uses Emergency Powers to make another failed attempt at his wall. Taking money from the DOD would put a dagger in his tailspinning support within the DOD and he would lose in court instantly.

Perhaps once that door closes he’ll back down on the wall and open up government. Meanwhile he can go back to his base and tell them he tried everything.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

I’m sure Oprah, Madonna, Mayweather and every other person of power and wealth would disagree with you. Funny, why are all the rich and powerful are all allowed to have walls and all the customs and comforts of security that come with it but the rest of us in America are not allowed that? Because you all hate Trump. 2013 the Dems were totally onboard with it. Now they changed? Hypocrites!

I’d say you’re missing the purpose of their walls if you think it’s for security. Those homes are kept safe through servaliance and alarm systems and for some of those owners adequately staffed security guards. Frankly, comparing short perimeter walls circling a couple acres of property to a 30ft tall 2,500 mile wall is just lunacy. The maintenance cost alone makes it a waste of time. That’s not counting the data proving it won’t stop the few people from entering and it’s obsolete due to the numbers of people entering via the souther border has significantly decreased. If you truly cared about security you’d not be focused on the southern border and instead be looking at how to recruit more CBP agents and provide better technology and gear for them; something the President has not done. Reading between the lines on your post shows your care is not for American Security but mindless cheerleading for Trump and his senseless dream of building something that pushes his brand into the next century.

7 ( +7 / -0 )


The old "I know someone who knows something so I must be an expert" thing doesn't ever work...And the wall didn't work either.

Rich people with walls around their property in Hollywood put walls or fences around their house for one reason. Its called "privacy", not fear of invasion.

People with walls around their houses in high crime areas, first time I've ever heard of that. I see lots of houses and apartments with bars on their windows, doesn't always stop thieves from getting in. If these so called walls around houses in high crime areas worked, they wouldn't have any crime, right?

The fence around the white house wouldn't do jack if they didn't have proper border security, or as Trump calls them "machine gunners" on the lawn.

Finally, deciding to put a wall up around one's personal property is an individual's choice. A house is not the same thing as a country. Nothing about your post makes any sense...

7 ( +7 / -0 )

Trump had close to 2 years to push through his wall but didn't do much.

Now when Mueller is about to release his report, his cabinet is in a disarray , Trump suddenly discovers his love for the wall.

I feel sorry for those who still support him, hate has warped their thinking process.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Ok, ok, so what’s the answer?

Clearly laid out by the democrats. It's a waste of time to educate you, as you have no interest in being educated, and any link would be replied with 'well if you want to believe the liberal crazies' or some such thing.

The fact is, the answer exists. Hyper-partisan morons want to pretend it doesn't.

Now lets get back to the other question, why are Republicans so weak on border security:

According to Manchin, he urged Kushner to craft a shutdown compromise based on the 2013 comprehensive immigration reform bill, which passed the Senate with strong bipartisan support but failed when the Republican House leadership would not bring it to the floor for a vote.


6 ( +6 / -0 )

Well let's not forget that the $5 billion is less than 20% of the cost of the wall. We could be right back in the same spot next year as Trump tries to get another 20%. More hostage taking.

One bright spot is that he obviously won't be able to get the full $25 billion, not with less than 2 years left in office. And the next President could probably kill whatever progress there is on Day 1.

If he tries to manufacture a national emergency, it will be interesting. If he gets away with it legally it should open the door for a future Democratic president to do the same. Maybe declare a national emergency over mass shootings? Then we could change things without having to go through Congress. Lots of options.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

the walls worked exceptionally well because I have family that were from Dresden.

Make East Germany Great Again!


6 ( +7 / -1 )

Crybaby Trump and his Trumpettes holding the nation hostage as usual. Now FEMA is shut down, so Don't expect any help when the next disaster comes. And Don't forget, Trump is proud to own this shutdown, wanted it, and will do it for years if he has his way.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

This is really the sort of thing (declaring an emergency to get funding for this) that Republicans should be wary about for their own sakes. This would set a precedent that future Democrat presidents could use to get around a GOP controlled Congress that doesn't want to fund something the Democrats want.

Money for universal healthcare? Yup, millions of Americans not having health insurance could just as easily be called an "emergency" as illegal immigration. Money for anti-gun policies? Sure, tens of thousands being gunned down could also be considered an emergency. Money for higher education? Sure, American losing pace with China and others in academic strength could be called an emergency.

The list goes on, and since Democrats generally want the government to fund more things than the Republicans, this would be a much more useful precedent for them, which is probably why most of the GOP is wary about following Trump down this path.

6 ( +6 / -0 )


I think you are right though, seems like a large population of Trump supporters asking for his wall know absolutely nothing about the border. And likewise, on the liberal party.

But here is the thing, Trump's wall supporters argue that Mexicans and South Americans are bad people. That's absolutely racist nonsense and it's impossible for me to stand up for a wall that is being built upon racist ideals. Furthermore, anyone that believes this wall will cost a mere 5.7 billion is in dreamland. Trump even knows, being in real estate, that constant maintenance and increased border security will be essential to even making the wall effective. This is a long term commitment that very, very, very likely will not be the answer to anything but making a few southern boys happy. 5.7 billion is a figure asked for as a commitment fund for Trump's re-election campaign.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Just look at that picture, a photo op for the petulant child running America. This is just another PR stunt from the clowns running the circus. Bales of drugs, hah, they come in from legal ports of entry, in cars, trucks, containers, ships, planes and were the cartels know are weak and undermanned and lacking security. Those bales in the photo op and the personal look so phoney. This isn't a national emergency, only in Trumps mind , and his creation for his base, he's been watching to many re runs of the godfather, he thinks he's a mob boss. All this is a distraction from all the real problems Americans face.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Trump is considering pulling disaster relief funds to pay for the wall. I guess he forgets Florida can also stand up and say bye-bye at the next election.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Personally, I would rather for him to go through Congress first, but the Democrats being the obstructionists that they are. ****

oh you mean like the Republicans were against Obama, never heard once that Obama would threaten an national emergency to get what he wanted, Obama could understand and respected the difference between a democracy and dictatorship.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Money for anti-gun policies? Sure, tens of thousands being gunned down could also be considered an emergency. thinking the same thing more than 18000 people die from guns everyyear in the US, far more than any bad Mexicans would likely kill. Trumps going to set a precident for the next Democrat POTUS to use should he/she see fit to declare a national emergency on gun violence.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

At the very least, Trump and the GOP should release some of the hostages as an act of good faith. It's not right to have the president deny them their pay so he can have leverage

5 ( +6 / -1 )

If he tries to manufacture a national emergency, it will be interesting. If he gets away with it legally it should open the door for a future Democratic president to do the same. Maybe declare a national emergency over mass shootings? Then we could change things without having to go through Congress.

Interesting. The shootings in America actually are a crisis (though it’s been at least three weeks since the last mass shooting I recall reading about). And with the Pubs owned by the NRA lobbyists, a national crisis bypassing congress is probably the only way to get gun control.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Bass: educate me, tell me, what’s the Democrat solution? 

Which bipartisan immigrant reform bill would you like? There are two to choose from.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Exactly! Better get compromise going on both sides.

Trump give up the wall if you have too. A state of emergency? Do not undermine that tool for politics for funding. Huge mistake. You want to stand your ground? Fine do it. But follow the rules.

The reality is, yes, there are people sneaking into our country,” the congressman said. “We can stop that if we have smart solutions, and that’s only going to be reliant on technology.”

Congressman Hurd.

Need to start listening to to those down there on the border like Hurd and come up with a soution that works.

Or impeach this President. Going one way or the other. Bad bad mix these three. Nacy Chuck,Trump.

What two more years of stalemate on everthing across the board?

Someones got to go.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Dems losing about the wall so distraction time.

The wall is the distraction from Don the Con's legal issues. It appears that CNN is trying not to get thrown by his distraction.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I find China, frankly, in many ways to be far more honorable than Crying Chuck and Nancy. I really do.

Trump bringing honour to the office.

Utter trash.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

He promised to build it

He promised to build it with Mexico's money.

The cost is negligible

Umm, $25 billion? Maybe that's easy for you to say. Not for the 99.9999999999999999% of the rest of us.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The list goes on, and since Democrats generally want the government to fund more things than the Republicans,

This does sound like it could be a good way to get healthcare and gun control. All for the price of a wall? Maybe a little expensive, but it’s a worthwhile cause.

Its kind of got me thinking that trump declaring an emergency and building the wall actually may be a good thing.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Dems if you focus on citizens rather than foreigners you might win more elections...

That must be why the Dems lost so badly in November's elections....oh no wait....

4 ( +4 / -0 )

You are so right. The Cartels are the one true enemy. I have seen what destruction cocaine and drugs have done to families. If you want to kill the snake. You have to cut off the head. Dismantling the Cartels and ending poverty is the answer to this war on drugs.

It's impossible to dismantle the cartels for two reasons:

1) They operate in foreign lands. America will never be able to operate as freely as they would need to be able to in order to dismantle them.

2) Even if they were dismantled, the financial incentive due to the black-market status just means someone else will step up and take the mantle.

The only solution to the war on drugs is to make drugs legal, and regulate them. Take the profitability out of the hands of the black market.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Rich people with walls around their property in Hollywood put walls or fences around their house for one reason. Its called "privacy", not fear of invasion.

bass: Don't give me that, it’s the same thing, they want privacy, peace and protection for themselves and their families. Ok, so if I put an alarm system on my house and i live in a crime infested area with gangs, drug dealers and hookers, having a wall or high fence surrounding my home is for my privacy? Even you don’t believe that. Lol

Last I checked, Hollywood isn't a crime infested gang run area...Ok, I do think the walls are for privacy.

 Bass: No one says that a wall will completely stop someone from breaking in, no one ever said that

Trump said the wall is the only thing that will stop illegal immigrants from entering the US. So yes, someone did say it. The guy you love.

No, what you said doesn’t make sense, it makes perfect sense to build a wall around our country we have people trying to break in illegally, we had a few caravans trying to get in and we absolutely don’t need to have illegals coming into this country, if you want to come to our country and to be part of our great nation, then do so legally, it’s that simple

We aren't trying to build a wall around our country. Trump is trying to build a wall along the southern border, and we will still have people trying to break in illegally even if it gets built. What doesn't make sense about what I posted? Do you really think we will pay 5.7 billion to build a 2,000 miles of wall and these problems will be solved? 5.7 billion will pay for a fraction of it. It will take upwards of 10-20 years to complete. During the construction and following the construction there will be constant management fees. Ultimately, we will see alternate ways the US is being penetrated. Wall will be useless. I can talk more like caveman if you need me to.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Just shows you are losing on the wall.

What wall? You mean the "fence?" Or the "barrier?"... Maybe the "curb?" - Yep, we can call it the "Trump Curb"...

By Monday the media will be back to sob stories about how people who missed their paychecks just from today have already been homeless and starving for 3 weeks.

"Sob stories" - perfect example of how Trump supporters disrespect and insult our TSA and Coast Guard professionals working without pay - trying to keep us safe from terrorists...

Repubs - Guardians of Open Borders...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Illegals can't vote.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Hang on, I'm confused. Why has the American government been shut down because Mexico won't pay for the wall. Mexico is paying for the wall, aren't they? That's what we were promised...

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Blacklabel:. While there’s not indisputable evidence that Obama encouraged illegals to vote, his dog whistle made it very clear that if they did, nothing would happen to them.

No one has any idea of what you're talking about.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Why is it liberals hate America, but prefer to help non-Americans? 

18000 gun deaths every year in the US, why do Republicans hate America, and dont want to help save American lives, time for the next democrat POTUS to declare a national emergency and get $billions in funding to ban all military fully and semi automatic weapons afterall weve got to stop those bad AMericans from killing more AMericans.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

it makes perfect sense to build a wall around our country we have people trying to break in illegally,

A wall between the US and Canada (don't forget Alaska) and around the American coast and perhaps one in the sky to prevent illegals flying in.

To actually halt the drug trade and end the power of the cartels? Legalize drugs - all of them. The cartel is powerless, the drug-smuggling over.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yes, lets have another Somalia.

No, it would be more like another Portugal.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Dems if you focus on citizens rather than foreigners you might win more elections...

You forgot to tell Manafort who we learned this week was actively colluding with Russians...

You forgot to tell Gates, Sessions, Flynn, Papdopolous, Jared, and Don Jr who also all met with Russians...(with most lying about it)

Then there's all those names Mueller hasn't released yet who met with Russians...

Republicans wrote the book on how to collude with foreigners to win elections....

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trump needs to eat more fish and beens to regain his lost memory - he promised many-many times that Mexico will pay for his moronic wall. However, now he wants to rob the poor US taxpayers because he does not have the balls and brains to get the pesos from Mexico.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Because the two things you claim as “bipartisan” can’t get even 5 percent of Repubs to vote for it. What’s your definition of the ratio for bipartisan? 220 of your group and 8 of mine?

Once again, you forget that we don't read your talking points and therefore are unclear on what outrage you are manufacturing this time.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Yeah. The democrats are just pissed because Trump won the election. Period.

Sigh, you didn't even bother to read any of the thread. Had you, you might not have commented...

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Not good enough given the recent events over the last 30 years.

If border security has been a problem for 30 years, why did your team obstruct it in 2013?

*According to Manchin, he urged Kushner to craft a shutdown compromise based on the 2013 comprehensive immigration reform bill, which passed the Senate with strong bipartisan support but failed when the Republican House leadership would not bring it to the floor for a vote.*


3 ( +3 / -0 )

If border security has been a problem for 30 years, why did your team obstruct it in 2013?

This has become my most re-posted post. I'm becoming an influencer!!! Facts sure do blow when they go against you. ROFL! Smh. LOL. Oh my . . . HAR!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The Dems are equally obstructing the President

But it's the Dem's fault?

You can compromise on many things, but you should never compromise on border security.

Or judicial appointments.

Or tax reform.

Or whatever the net manufactured crisis is.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

 By Monday the media will be back to sob stories about how people who missed their paychecks just from today have already been homeless and starving for 3 weeks.

Wow, TSA, Coast Guard and other hard working government employees not getting paid doesn't mean anything to the right wing haters. There are many of these who live pay check to pay check and might not be able to afford rent, food for their children and the haters think they are sob stories!!!!!

How much hate can the haters have that makes them so callous?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Two more years, or less, and he will be gone. Until then, pray.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

“The White House said Thursday it is considering using $13.9 billion in funding Congress passed last year for various Army Corps of Engineers projects that have been allocated but not spent.”

There is the money.

Well, I don't agree with this move, but I have to admit, I'm looking forward to seeing what things the Democrats will do using the same precedent next time they're in power.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Your wall will never happen. Even if Trump does an end around to voting he's only getting a fraction of what he wants and he hasn't even picked a design yet. It will take years to build, long after Trump is gone, and the next prez will cancel it.

You will never have your wall.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

I've never heard a Democrat say illegals should vote in Presidential elections. That must be something the bubble told you.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Chop Chop, but aren't Mexico paying for the wall, as we were told all through the campaign leading up to the 2016 election? We've since had 2 years of complete Republican control of the government, and no wall... Yet only now this becomes an issue and it's all the democrat's fault? Whose to blame for the last 2 years of inaction? All those drugs and families and deaths and such... 2 years of complete Republican inaction!!! Sure, I'm happy to blame the Democrats for the past few weeks, but I'm laying full blame on the Republicans for the 2 years leading up to this.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Bass: Same to you because you address my question, these provisions are all fine and dandy, but how will the Democrats STOP illegal aliens from pouring in? 

Included in the bipartisan bills that you refuse to educate yourself on, or simply can’t remember.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Trump is considering pulling disaster relief funds to pay for the wall.

That sets a good precedent for pulling disaster relief to pay for health care.

Dems if you focus on citizens rather than foreigners you might win more elections...

The election in November ended up being the best performance by the opposition party in a midterm since something like 1906. And that's not to forget all the by elections that the Pubs have lost since Trump one.

Focusing on what they are focusing on is already proving to be a winning strategy. Why would they listen to the advice of someone supporting the losing party?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

That’s all. As Rodney King said. “Can't we all just get along?”

If enough Republicans regain their ethics, like you have, then maybe Trump will unite us all, in anger against him.

A common enemy may be what we all need to become friends again.

2 ( +2 / -0 )


here's what the Dems suggested:

If you told bass the GOP s suggested it, he might actually read it and think its a good idea.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Soon Trump is going to need a wall to keep people IN country, not vice versa. Everybody will leave United States of Chaos and Trump will be standing alone naked because will be no servers to put his clothes on!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Also I should have clarified - when I said 'over it' (the Wall) I meant '**way over it' as in a plane. They're gonna build a Wall that high? **

yes fact remains majority of all drugs coming into the US are via the ports , cars trucks at the border crossings, airlines, postal services, speed boats and drones, tunnels under the border, very little is trafficked across by human mules, the wall would only be able to stop a tiny fraction of illegal drugs entering the US

2 ( +2 / -0 )

how would you know this when there is no border security to catch them when they walk right across? All the human smugglers make sure to go through points of entry?

There is border security.

Because the two things you claim as “bipartisan” can’t get even 5 percent of Repubs to vote for it. What’s your definition of the ratio for bipartisan? 220 of your group and 8 of mine?

To whom are you speaking?

its a Dem proposal passed by no one that the Senate can’t be forced to vote on that the President won’t sign.

So, you're telling us the republicans (senate and president) are obstructing. Thanks for finally admitting that.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

When the leader suspends the law to rule by decree, that is the purest definition of authoritarianism.

How does a solution that will take years to implement work for an emergency, which implies a certain time-critical element?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Not good enough given the recent events over the last 30 years.


So, you're telling us the republicans (senate and president) are obstructing. Thanks for finally admitting that.

The Dems are equally obstructing the President

Wrong - McConnell doesn't bring it up - Trump doesn't sign it - and our borders and air and sea ports remain open to terrorists...the blame is all on them...

I'd consider it an attempt to meet half-way. But deDonald, of course, doesn't want that!

Should have listened to what someone else wrote: "Tell him the GOP came up with this".

Maybe in that case you would have accepted the numbers.

You can compromise on many things, but you should never compromise on border security.

Says the guy that supports not paying our TSA and Coast Guard... As soon as the Trump Shutdown began, Repubs compromised on border security and Trump violated his oath to keep America safe...

And over at Fox News;

Fox News legal analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano says the evidence appears to increasingly show that the Donald Trump presidential campaign did collude with Russia during the height of the 2016 race and that Special Counsel Robert Mueller can prove it.

"No Collusion, No Collusion" - "Mark my words, Mark my words" - both pure unadulterated lies...

2 ( +2 / -0 )



2 ( +2 / -0 )

Not good enough given the recent events over the last 30 years.

Classic! I expected Trump to say that.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

During the last 2 years the Republicans controlled both houses and could have made some effort at funding the border wall, but nothing happened. Maybe they were waiting for Mexico to mail the cheque or maybe they knew it was just a ploy to get elected.

The only crisis at the border is a humanitarian one and no wall can solve it. The democrats dont support open borders( despite the right wing haters lying through their noses about it) but neither will they allow $ 5 billion to be wasted and possibly given to Trump cronies for a useless wall.

The crisis I can see is for Trump as Mueller finishes his report. I wish his intellectually challenged supporters see it too.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

GOP: Guardians of Open Borders. Nice ring to it.

We need to keep pumping and start reminding people of the MAGA Bomber at the same time so they link more violence with the GOP. It's exactly the same tactics conservatives use to rule the base against liberals on most issues.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Blacklabel: By Monday the media will be back to sob stories about how people who missed their paychecks just from today have already been homeless and starving for 3 weeks.

I know, right? I mean all that happened was that these families just lost their income. The biased MSM will probably take advantage of that and print endless sob stories about, “I’ll lose my house if this drags on.”

2 ( +2 / -0 )

The traffickers will just go around it, or over it, as they do already.

and under it

1 ( +1 / -0 )


Yeah, I never liked thatabout Trumps message on the following.

When Trump said this.

“We have people coming into the country or trying to come in, we're stopping a lot of them, but we're

taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people

are," Trump said. "These aren't people. These are animals."

Mind you that is word for word. How can you classify all Latinos, Mexicans, South Americans this way? This mind set is not of a politician. I have said and say again. I am Republican that does not support this President any longer. Even if the economy is going great and Americans are being put back to work. I was marginally supportive to some of his policies and ideas. I though Make America Great Again was a great slogan. Imagine if that slogan had been used by Bernie Sanders? But honestly for right me now. Where I am at. I look at like this. The compensation is not outweighing aggravation. Never have we seen so much hostility towards a President of the United States in the modern era.

When Hillary Clinton lost the race. And all those faces of those woman supporters were swearing and crying. I really thought to myself from my favorite chair in my Tatami room. (nice room by the way) It's going to be rough ride. Glad I am in Japan. But I just cannot get on board with this President. I simply cannot. I have been called traitor by members of my own family from friends. I have even been asked to leave a group that was very important to me personally. For saying my peace. But I can do my best to support my party. I despise with a passion this Trump bashing and all this discord and hate. I want both parties to stop pointing fingers and want progress made.

That’s all. As Rodney King said. “Can't we all just get along?”

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Sorry keep hitting the post button to fast. Working on new Tablet.


Yeah, I never liked that about Trumps message on the following.

When Trump said this.

“We have people coming into the country or trying to come in, we're stopping a lot of them, but we're taking people out of the country. You wouldn't believe how bad these people are," Trump said. "These aren't people. These are animals."

Mind you that is word for word. How can you classify all Latinos, Mexicans, South Americans this way? This mind set is not of a politician. I have said and say again. I am Republican that does not support this President any longer. Even if the economy is going great and Americans are being put back to work. I was marginally supportive to some of his policies and ideas. I thought Make America Great Again was a great slogan. Imagine if that slogan had been used by Bernie Sanders? But honestly for me right now. Where I am at. I look at like this. The compensation is not outweighing aggravation. Never have we seen so much hostility towards a President of the United States in the modern era. For the good of the country he has to go.

When Hillary Clinton lost the race. And all those faces of those woman supporters were swearing and crying. I really thought to myself from my favorite chair in my Tatami room. (nice room by the way) It's going to be rough ride for this President. I thought to myself. Glad I am in Japan. But I just cannot get on board with this President. I simply cannot. I have been called traitor by members of my own family from friends. I have even been asked to leave a group that was very important to me personally. For saying my peace. But, That is Okay. I can do my best to support my party. I despise with a passion this Trump bashing and all this discord and hate. I want both parties to stop pointing fingers and want progress made.

That’s all. As Rodney King said. “Can't we all just get along?”

1 ( +1 / -0 )


You left out under it. And solar powered.


You are so right. The Cartels are the one true enemy. I have seen what destruction cocaine and drugs have done to families. If you want to kill the snake. You have to cut off the head. Dismantling the Cartels and ending poverty is the answer to this war on drugs. Then there is no need for even a discussion about a wall.

Narcotics are the devils tools.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

A wall between the US and Canada (don't forget Alaska) and around the American coast and perhaps one in the sky to prevent illegals flying in.

Statically speaking that would a be more likely way of prevent a terrorist or criminal from entering the country. But don’t tell Bass that.. he and the other 45 supporters seem pretty set on the idea it’s only people without light skin that do crime.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Bass: No, I was asking for specifics as to what is the Democrat plan as to trying to curb illegal crossings over the border, 

Amd I offered you two bills worth of specifics.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The only solution to the war on drugs is to make drugs legal, and regulate them. Take the profitability out of the hands of the black market.

Or address the question of why America is such a lucrative market. Why do so many Americans feel the need to self-destruct? What are they trying to escape from?

Use the $5.7 billion making life better for ordinary Americans - all of them - and the drug market will shrink and shrivel.

As it is the 'war on drugs' cannot be won because a large part of the population constitutes a huge fifth column; they want the drugs to come in.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

But mueller! Just shows you are losing on the wall

That's only how realirybworks if you buy into ridiculous conspiracy theories.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

They were already open, been open for too many years, remember, 11 million illegals didn’t just materialize out of thin air into the US

This doesn't change the fact that house republicans have killed two bi-partisan bills for immigration reform or that the flow of people crossing south outpaces the dwindling flow crossing north. See the very first post on this thread.

Sorry, I have more empathy with Americans that were murdered by illegal aliens.

You think less security will result in less dangerous people entering the country?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

By Monday the media will be back to sob stories about how people who missed their paychecks just from today have already been homeless and starving for 3 weeks.

It's funny because not getting paid is hilaaaaarious.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Chip, now seriously...lol! Stay with me for a moment, the Democrats when they were in power for 8 years they didn’t do anything regarding border security, nothing. Sure, Obama sent many back to his credit...about the only good thing, but other than that, the Democrats did nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigration.

Bass, now seriously . . . ROFL. Stay with reality for a moment. 2013 was smack in the middle of Obama's second term, which is also when House republicans killed the bipartisan senate bills on immigration reform. Again, see the very first post on this thread.

Obama sent more undocumented immigrants back than any other president. But l, yeah, that's doing nothing.

Your entire fear-driven narrative does not stand up to facts. The flow from south to north has been dwindling do the past decade, which coincides with the Obama administration. Obama booted more undocumented immigrants than any other president. The republicans killed legislation for immigration reform twice. That said, please feel free to continue to ignore the facts and screech incorrectly about this issue. ROFL! Smh. Oh my . . . Kudos. HAR!

No, quite the opposite, with the wall in place and increased border patrol and security in place, it won’t be.

How will security at our borders stay at the current level when TSA agents are not showing up for work and the Coast Guard is not getting paid? Can you say, "logic failed"?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Same to you because you address my question, these provisions are all fine and dandy, but how will the Democrats STOP illegal aliens from pouring in? How will they stop this new caravan that’s forming? Why is it the Democrats won’t give us details on how they would do this.

So, you get the answer you asked for and then move the goalposts. This is habitual with you.

Obviously, the Dems will put on body armor, grab their M4 car bikes and patrol the border themselves.

Yeah, but now they’re going up.

Border crossing have been increasing under the republicans according to your link yet you continuously claim it's the Dems who are weak on border security. You literally just provided evidence that shreds your own claim. Wow.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

No, I was asking for specifics as to what is the Democrat plan as to trying to curb illegal crossings over the border, how do they want to seal the border? How do they want to stop the flow of drugs, the coyotes or the cartels?

I regularly read Team Red's viewpoints, watch their spaces etc. Because I'm more concerned with being right, than being partisan, so I fact check myself, and make sure that I'm not feeding a confirmation bias.

The answers to the questions you ask are out there, and very easy to find.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


I do not think I ever left my personal code of ethics or conduct.

From day one. You can go back and see from Trumps campaign announcement and my comment history -or the- (The Trump time line). I was supportive of some of his (Trumps) ideas. But not a Trumpian. I would have never attendend a rally if I was living in the states. There were many ideas I liked that I could list in detail. But then it became undoing everything Obama did in the first week of office instaed of Making America Great, that made really stop and think. As a Republican. I liked Obama. I did not agree with some of his visions and policies. But I was proud of Obama. I never felt ashamed of Obama nor any other President. But I am really (hasugashi) at times when I am associated with as an American in Japan. Then especially when Japanese friends’ co-workers and close associates ask me.      

Trump san wa. Dou desu ka? I always respond with. No comment.

The constant back and forth is a real bummer. I have read some comments that I find disturbing and amusing over the two years that pertain to the current political situation. Some comments wrote on this day in this tread that are really out there. Some really good. I do not know. Maybe mine are really out there too. Depending on one's perspective.

So, regaining of ethics? Both parties could benefit from having an awakening. And as sure as the sun rises. Once the sleeping giant awakes. We will all look back one day and ask. What was it all about? Over some frivolous wall concept? We live in hateful times. It escalted whern Trump was elected and when they started pulling old civil war statues down. I think that in my mind. I guess I tend to choose to live in a bubble at times called Japan.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

@Victor C.

No, no they won't leave.

There will be another election soon. Trump will lose the Presidency possibly. And if he wins? Then there will be another election in four years. Then a Democrat will get elected possibly. But one way or the other. Trump is going out of office. That is what makes America great! Never ever underestimate the American voter.

And if it comes to light that Trump colluded. He will 100% be impeached if he has more than a year left in office.

But one way or the other all this resentment towards Trump will end. I promise.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Caption competition.

Donald: "How do you like my owl imitation?"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

If ya guys think "The Simpsons" has been prophetic over the years, check this out from 1958! Lol

This has been going around the internets:

"A man named Trump trying to build a wall? It was on a 1950s western TV show"


An episode of a 1950s TV series called “Trackdown” is getting a fresh look — make that a double-take — because it tells of a con man named Walter Trump who rolls into town with an ominous warning.

Everyone in the town will die unless they let him build a protective wall, Trump scares the townsfolk in an episode called “The End of the World.”

The show aired on CBS in 1958

In a partial transcription provided by Snopes, the episode’s narrator says: “The people were ready to believe. Like sheep they ran to the slaughterhouse. And waiting for them was the high priest of fraud.”

Says (“Trackdown”) Trump: “I am the only one. Trust me. I can build a wall around your homes that nothing will penetrate.”

Judge Clement: "It's a funny thing... When we were kids, we were afraid of the dark. And when we grew up, we weren't afraid anymore. But it's funny how a big lie can make us all kids again."

The Wrap writes that “some may call this episode ... the ultimate illustration of life imitating art, considering the episode aired May 8, 1958.”

“You have to admit,” writes AOL.com, “it is pretty amusing, especially when the TV character threatens, ‘Be careful, son. I can sue you.’ ”

Here's a clip, lol


0 ( +0 / -0 )

While there’s not indisputable evidence that Obama encouraged illegals to vote, his dog whistle made it very clear that if they did, nothing would happen to them.

I have nothing of substance to add. Quick, make up a conspiracy theory!!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

For a moment.

Just for a moment. Take Trump, Nancy, Chuck Government shut down out of the equation for a moment.

Stop the bashing. Both sides. Does anyone here commenting have ever lived near the border? Does anyone here know anyone working with Border patrol? I have never lived near the border ever. Nor know one single agent. So, I get my information from reading and watching documentaries.

Because the consensus is with border agents and people working in this agency. That some sort of barrier that runs along Mexico and United States needs to be updated and built from scratch. Not only that. But more funding for counter intelligence is needed tech and sensors are needed. That the war on the drugs. And you know I personally hate to call it that. It is a war on the Cartels and global terrorism.  A wall running up down the border to secure our country seems like a good start logistically as agood start to me, If I look at it as a soldier and in a war time situation. But a wall? Seriously? Nowhere near enough. But as I have said before. It should be a manned wall with observation towers. Like a prison wall and tower concept comes to mind. But I really think the bulk of funding needs to go to the check points where vehicles come and go between the two countries.  

However, supposing for a moment that this wall existed. How is Mexico going to feel about that? If I was Mexico. I would be pretty bent. I would be like. See how those Americano's trust us? Most Mexicans are not in the Cartels. This is a huge problem. I have been to Mexico. Most are just very hard working and want a better life. Really it is war on poverty too.

My opinion is my own. Please take no offence.

I am happy to put it out there on J.T as well. But any American that thinks that there is not a big issue about the border and the illegals and drugs coming over the line. I feel you are out of touch with reality and what the real situation is. Maybe we all are? I mean most of us are pretty comfortable here in Japan. And for the most part safe and sound.  Some may have heard of Will Hurd the Texas Republican. I have been following him closely. I actually want him to run for office one day.

A Cruz/Hurd ticket is a dream team for me.

Wishful thinking for now. He has brought forward this. "I think building a concrete structure sea to shining sea is the most expensive and least effective way to do border security," said Will Hurd, a Republican congressman whose district has the longest border with Mexico. Congressman Hurd's 23rd Congressional District, which stretches from El Paso to Antonio, shares the largest border with Mexico of any member of Congress. Mr. Hurd, a former CIA agent who happens to be the only black Republican in the House of Representatives, has argued for a "smart border wall" which would be composed of sensors and other technology. I agree with the Congressman about his tech and sensor ideas. But time and time again we have seen tech become out dated or out smarted by the Cartels. I hate the Cartels and I hate drugs and what is does to my country. When the Cartels stopped using (go fasts) to courier drugs weapons and people across the borders on sea and started to build stealthy home-made submersibles. For me that was like. Whoa. Wait stop a second. This is insane. What if a mini nuke or a dirty bomb was brought over and un-detected?   

Anyways, at this point this whole thing has become destructive and nasty Trump/Wall/Scandals/American discord. All of it. The wall thing has been over politicized, and the parties need to come together for some cooperation and give and take. Nancy, Chuck, Trump, the whole lot of them better get their act together and quickly. For those Americans working right now and have not been paid and stay on the job and keep going daily. You are Patriots. Anyone elected can be replaced and when the sleeping giant awakes better look out. All those on the hill and in the White house in the Senate as well Congress. When the American voters gets tired of this. They will flush the toilet! I am Republican. I loved John McCain. Right to middle. If Trump needs to go. He needs to go. I want nothing more in this world is to see a real deal maker in the White house. A team player for Democrats and Republicans. All this Trump bashing has to end one way or the other.

Washington better get it together and soon.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@Toasted Heretic

Sorry hit the post bar to quickly.

So, let me get this straight and try to understand what you are saying here.

The people know this crisis is manufactured and Trump's own people know it's fake.

Can you explain what crisis we are talking about here? That has been manufactured and manufactured by whom?

I would like to know more where you are going with this and your thoughts?

Border/Wall/Drugs/Cartel’s/Illegals crossing unlawfully/ Crisis?

Wall funding crisis?

Another crisis un beknown

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Tomorrow Trump is going to start a war with Madagascar and ask for 250 billion for the war adding the 5 bill for the wall. I’m sure Schumer and skeletor will have this bill passed in no tome and sent to the Pres to sign.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Because the two things you claim as “bipartisan” can’t get even 5 percent of Repubs to vote for it. What’s your definition of the ratio for bipartisan? 220 of your group and 8 of mine?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

its a Dem proposal passed by no one that the Senate can’t be forced to vote on that the President won’t sign. Lost that one, so it’s CNN Russia time until things get better for your side. Need to but time until some TSA agents quit so you can cover that.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Your wall will never happen. 

There is already 700 miles of barrier on the US-Mexico border built by Bush, Clinton, and Obama. Are they immoral for building an obstruction to keep out future welfare state recipients and Dem voters? Do borders matter? Does the law matter? Or do these things only when it serves the Dems politics?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Walls work, CNN and liberals.


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

As he should.  He promised to build it (and the cost is negligible) and the ongoing shutdown is indeed an emergency.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

My man Cruz looks good in the photo. I wonder if he ever got elected if he would sport that beard in the oval office? That would be cool. Can not trust a man that can not grow a beard.

How I wish Cruz was our President. The world would be a better place.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

• More than $1.3 billion for new fencing in the Rio Grande Valley and funding to replace secondary fencing in San Diego and other existing pedestrian fencing. 

That flimsy recycled fence, easier to penetrate, so the plan is to bandage the ineffective fence with more ineffective and inferior materials.

• $366.5 million for border security technology.

• $7.7 million to hire 328 additional U.S. Customs and Border Protection customs officers.

That is a good start, but not the main deterrence.

• $224.6 million for "non-intrusive Inspection equipment" at ports of entry.

You gotta be joking!

• $7.08 billion for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

Easy to find info on the net.

Ok, so basically nothing really of substance that can truly curb border incursions and increase border safety. No mention of Democrats writing new legislation to stop chain migration and to enter visa lottery program and to stop catch and release, nothing else was mentioned about that. I’m not surprised.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

very little is trafficked across by human

how would you know this when there is no border security to catch them when they walk right across? All the human smugglers make sure to go through points of entry?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Wrong - McConnell doesn't bring it up - Trump doesn't sign it - and our borders and air and sea ports remain open to terrorists...the blame is all on them...

They were already open, been open for too many years, remember, 11 million illegals didn’t just materialize out of thin air into the US.

Says the guy that supports not paying our TSA and Coast Guard... As soon as the Trump Shutdown began, Repubs compromised on border security and Trump violated his oath to keep America safe...

Sorry, I have more empathy with Americans that were murdered by illegal aliens.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

No one has not gotten paid yet. But are already homeless and broken according to CNN.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Hey, anti-Trumpers/wallers - watch this - you might learn something:

Texas lieutenant governor on need for border wall: This is a national emergency


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

“The White House said Thursday it is considering using $13.9 billion in funding Congress passed last year for various Army Corps of Engineers projects that have been allocated but not spent.”

There is the money.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Illegals would be able to vote if liberals got to decide. Luckily we have the White House until Jan 2025 at least.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

And if illegals can’t vote and Dems want to prevent that cause it’s “wrong” and they don’t support it.......I anxiously await the law that says you can’t vote without ID.

Cam you guys fit that one in between all the anti Trump laws and investigations?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Losing so badly you have to alter videos of the President’s speech.


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

While there’s not indisputable evidence that Obama encouraged illegals to vote, his dog whistle made it very clear that if they did, nothing would happen to them.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Democrats actually want to build the border wall, but now they are against it because if the border wall was built and then they think they are losing to President Trump. That's why Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer are opposed to building walls. Chuck Schumer was very much pro-border wall Democrat and he signed border security bills in 2006 and he was calling for the secure border with Mexico in 2009 too.

The Democrats are dummy and faked. Nancy Pelosi calling border wall as immorality was baseless. The border will save thousand of lives if the border wall was there. Peoples won't be easily crossed into the United State if there had border wall or barrier between Mexico and the United State. The last decade, around 2,000 peoples had lost lives in the desert. Also, the drugs coming to the United State will be less and save million of families and lives of drug addicts. Cheap price drug mean more peoples afford to use drugs and more peoples addict to drugs like Cocaine, Opium, Heroin and Ice .


-4 ( +0 / -4 )

As a Latino, I am outraged at the behavior of my Latino peers, we are the world's latrine, dirty, unscrupulous, irresponsible, corrupt and do not hesitate to choose as leaders of our countries the most diseased and rotten luminaries of our society, and what we do to solve the problem? Are we looking for compliance with the laws? We seek to educate ourselves and work hard for our countries to be better places for our children? Do we strongly reprimand those who corrupt our society? Nooo, on the contrary, we are the first to ruin our countries! either by being participants in the destructive culture or by crossing their arms in front of it.

And instead of seeking to improve, we flee from our responsibilities and we throw ourselves at the doors of other countries that "yes" make an effort to be better and to top it off! We run over foreign nations with arrogance and arrogance demanding things that we ourselves could have in our own countries if we put a minimum of effort!

And for more barbarism! We accuse without shame, of the worst things to the authorities of those countries for wanting to justifiably prevent us from entering into compliance with "their" internal laws, laws which also have our own countries of origin and which, at least they correctly fulfill!

It is disgusting how we are rotten to be so ungrateful for the millions and millions of dollars taken from the pockets of citizens of more advanced countries, that it comes to us in the form of aid and we squander them in stupidities through the great politicians who " we have chosen.

It is disgusting to see how within these advanced countries, there are sick and lost people who support with total brazenness to my congeners on the detriment of their own people with the sole purpose of obtaining personal political returns and paying favors to interested third parties within their parties ( Democrats) and out of them (Ted Turner etc.)

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

No they are printing “I already lost my house”, despite everyone being paid on their last payday.

Ocasio-Cortez already said someone cane to see her who hadn’t been paid in 3 weeks when the shutdown was on day 12.

I’ll lose my house if this drags on.”

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

This doesn't change the fact that house republicans have killed two bi-partisan bills for immigration reform or that the flow of people crossing south outpaces the dwindling flow crossing north. See the very first post on this thread.

Chip, now seriously...lol! Stay with me for a moment, the Democrats when they were in power for 8 years they didn’t do anything regarding border security, nothing. Sure, Obama sent many back to his credit...about the only good thing, but other than that, the Democrats did nothing to stop the flow of illegal immigration.

You think less security will result in less dangerous people entering the country.

No, quite the opposite, with the wall in place and increased border patrol and security in place, it won’t be.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Because we 'liberals' (read: anyone who isn't in lockstep with Cadet Bonespurs) know that building a Maginot Line isn't the answer. Because we know that there is more than a peurile, juvenile, fear based answer besides "Oh, you hate America." Because there's a difference between security and fear. 

Ok, ok, so what’s the answer? If you don’t want border security what should we use? Raid? Black Flag?

Because we know that building walls doesn't work.

So why do Hollywood celebrities and people that live in high crime areas or CEOs, the WH, military bases have have walls? For cute decoration purposes?

You could ask the East Germans, that certainly worked out in Berlin... oh, wait.

It worked until it came down and I know that for a fact the walls worked exceptionally well because I have family that were from Dresden.

Those who live behind walls and yearn for them are merely showing signs of the same weakness and cowardice that hastens their own collapse.

I’m sure Oprah, Madonna, Mayweather and every other person of power and wealth would disagree with you. Funny, why are all the rich and powerful are all allowed to have walls and all the customs and comforts of security that come with it but the rest of us in America are not allowed that? Because you all hate Trump. 2013 the Dems were totally onboard with it. Now they changed? Hypocrites!

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Dems if you focus on citizens rather than foreigners you might win more elections...

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

There is border security.

Not good enough given the recent events over the last 30 years.

So, you're telling us the republicans (senate and president) are obstructing. Thanks for finally admitting that.

The Dems are equally obstructing the President

I'd consider it an attempt to meet half-way. But deDonald, of course, doesn't want that!

Should have listened to what someone else wrote: "Tell him the GOP came up with this".

Maybe in that case you would have accepted the numbers.

You can compromise on many things, but you should never compromise on border security.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

But mueller! Just shows you are losing on the wall. By Monday the media will be back to sob stories about how people who missed their paychecks just from today have already been homeless and starving for 3 weeks.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

Which bipartisan immigrant reform bill would you like? There are two to choose from.

No, I was asking for specifics as to what is the Democrat plan as to trying to curb illegal crossings over the border, how do they want to seal the border? How do they want to stop the flow of drugs, the coyotes or the cartels? They claim the border patrol agents are racists, they want to abolish ICE, they want to continue supporting sanctuary cities, so what’s the plan of the Democrats? How old a severely in aggressively stop all this from happening?

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Got 17 downvotes. What’s the front page on cnn.com after I wrote that? mueller, manafort, Russia and Cohen.

Dems losing about the wall so distraction time.

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

The old "I know someone who knows something so I must be an expert" thing doesn't ever work...And the wall didn't work either.

It did for a number of years and it did so very well.

Rich people with walls around their property in Hollywood put walls or fences around their house for one reason. Its called "privacy", not fear of invasion.

Don't give me that, it’s the same thing, they want privacy, peace and protection for themselves and their families. Ok, so if I put an alarm system on my house and i live in a crime infested area with gangs, drug dealers and hookers, having a wall or high fence surrounding my home is for my privacy? Even you don’t believe that. Lol

People with walls around their houses in high crime areas, first time I've ever heard of that. I see lots of houses and apartments with bars on their windows, doesn't always stop thieves from getting in. If these so called walls around houses in high crime areas worked, they wouldn't have any crime, right?

But at the same time the people have a combination of alarms, dogs and even fire arms in conjunction to having a wall. No one says that a wall will completely stop someone from breaking in, no one ever said that, but having it does make it more difficult and that’s what you want, you wanted exactly, you want to make it as difficult as you possibly can make it for a criminal, and it makes the criminal to either go somewhere else or it will make them give up, but it buys you time, it helps to curb crime, that’s why we have them.

The fence around the white house wouldn't do jack if they didn't have proper border security, or as Trump calls them "machine gunners" on the lawn.

That would be another preventative measure that you could put around your home and I’m glad you agree with me on that point, which brings me to the second part of my analysis of the issue, you can have a wall which will prevent a lot of people from entering the country, it will greatly slow them down, it will deter them, many of them at least and it gives the border patrol time to apprehend these illegals and that’s exactly what you want.

Finally, deciding to put a wall up around one's personal property is an individual's choice. A house is not the same thing as a country. Nothing about your post makes any sense.

No, what you said doesn’t make sense, it makes perfect sense to build a wall around our country we have people trying to break in illegally, we had a few caravans trying to get in and we absolutely don’t need to have illegals coming into this country, if you want to come to our country and to be part of our great nation, then do so legally, it’s that simple.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

To actually halt the drug trade and end the power of the cartels? Legalize drugs - all of them. The cartel is powerless, the drug-smuggling over

Yes, lets have another Somalia.

-9 ( +0 / -9 )

Trump had close to 2 years to push through his wall but didn't do much.

Now when Mueller is about to release his report, his cabinet is in a disarray , Trump suddenly discovers his love for the wall.

What are you talking about? He’s been from the wall from the very beginning, even before he announced his candidacy.

I feel sorry for those who still support him, hate has warped their thinking process.

Well, many of us conservatives think the same about the misguided liberal nation.

Clearly laid out by the democrats. It's a waste of time to educate you, as you have no interest in being educated, and any link would be replied with 'well if you want to believe the liberal crazies' or some such thing.

Strange, educate me, tell me, what’s the Democrat solution? Because they haven’t spelled it out in great detail at all, so maybe you can tell us as a European and liberal, what is their plan, because the rest of us aren’t getting any answers. Lay it out for us, please.

-10 ( +0 / -10 )


uh no Nancy, Trump actually wants a wall. Really. Have you even been paying attention?

-14 ( +4 / -18 )

Trump's using Demagogue 101 tactics to further divide and conquer, to turn Americans against each other, to fan long burning fires. And many in Herr Diktator's base lap it up.

Personally, I would rather for him to go through Congress first, but the Democrats being the obstructionists that they are known to be seems like they don’t want to compromise and if that’s so then the President has little options. The Democrats need to seriously look at themselves in the mirror and ask what’s more important, upholding the safety of Americans or protecting the rights of non-Americans. The President has to look at all options and if the Democrats don’t want to help then he needs to find and raise the funds immediately from somewhere else and if the Democrats get an emotional heart attack, so be it.

Hold the line, Mr. President, we are with you.

-17 ( +3 / -20 )

Just get it done Mr President. Lives are at stake as the Angel Mothers keep reminding us.

-18 ( +3 / -21 )

Dems are losing this argument. It’s time for a manufactured “bombshell” in the mueller case. Stormy, Cohen, Manafort, Trymp Tower or something about to conveniently pop up again.

Thats the distraction Nancy talking about. Whatever Dems accuse, you see it from them within 48 hours they always tip their hand to the media what the next narrative needs to be.

-19 ( +1 / -20 )

The wall, the wall ..... ain't there more important things for him to take care of?

Security is not important? There’s another caravan assembling, don’t know about you, but I think blocking that is very important. Why is it liberals hate America, but prefer to help non-Americans? Why is it liberals hate national security, and sealed borders? You guys scare me, but for real.

-19 ( +3 / -22 )

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