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© Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.Trump to leave G7 summit early; fires back at Trudeau
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Gobal isolation beckons, as the screaming Cheeto accelerates the sad decline of the United States.
It didn't have to be this way....
Grab your toys and go home. Good riddance.
Single handedly our moron in chief is undoing everything that this country has built since the end of WWII.
Bullies always run off when challenged.
He'll be missing the debate on the empowerment of ladies and climate change.
As a big government Republican swamp meister, no surprises there....
And he's going from Quebec directly to Singapore, unprepared and then raging and fuming. What can go wrong?
Stand proud, Macron and Trudeau. You’re on the right side of history.
Donald Trump has no place at any meeting where consensus decision making is expected. He is totally incapable of dealing with equals. He is also incapable of abiding by any agreement, even those he imposes on others, at any moment he will reverse himself and make new demands.
Anyone else catch his “America WH” celebration where he barely knew the words!?
Call it the G7 minus 1 = G6
The Lyin King Trump is now started the G1
Maybe next The Lyin King can pull out of WTO
The USA would go into a depression
Ray Payne
"Take down your tariffs & barriers or we will more than match you!"
Hooray for President Trump. Stay the course. Demand, one on one, bilateral trade for fair trade.
Macron and Trudeau would like to hold on to the gravy train of huge trade deficits in their favor.
Trumps wants fair trade for America and he will get it one way or the other.
Bet Macron and Trudeau out of office before Trump is.
The EU and Canada are used to their trade advantages and are going to cry and throw fits to keep them. Sorry but the world has changed. Time to give up the economic training wheels and man up.
Dear World,
Please forgive us for allowing a corrupt and morally-depraved mad man to become the POTUS. We will endeavor to do much better in future elections.
Kind Regards,
The American People.
Ted Williams
The reason they are so troubled is that they have the best deal and
want to keep eating the candy
Not this again? Who exactly are you asking forgiveness from? And who for? (Certainly not for me, I hope.) And what for, exactly?
This stuff is just weird. I don't see any other country apologizing for their much worse leaders. And who on earth cares? Is this what they call virtue signalling?
The EU trade surplus with the U.S. is $151 Billion, and Canada keeps our farmers and others out.
This pea-brained president should be told to stay home. His ilk are pariahs in my country.
The US had NO trade deficit with Canada. To single out dairy farming as an example is very small-minded because it's got the potential for less than a 1% increase in US trade to Canada if Canada drops tariffs on US milk and cheese. I've often bought US cheese, when in that country, and frankly, it's quite inferior to the cheeses made in Canada, as well as those we have to pay more for, if they're from the EU (which I don't mind, as long as it's high quality). On top of that, US milk is highly suspect for containing hormones and chemicals that are used to treat and feed its cows. Canada's dairy farms don't do that.
Ray Payne
"On top of that, US milk is highly suspect for containing hormones and chemicals that are used to treat and feed its cows. Canada's dairy farms don't do that."
Play on words without proof, to beguile the reader.
If that's how President Chump treats friends......
Remember, Folks:
"I love the poorly educated"
-Donald Trump
When you see their posts, you know why Donald Trump is thankful for them. Lawd, just hilarious.
Dango bong
Canada doesn't tell you but they charge the a 280% tariff on agro imports from the US. The US wants fair trade. The only ones who do not want that are the countries who are taking advantage of the US and want status quo (Canada, Japan)
Can Trump negotiate anything?
No. No he cannot. The best advice for Donny is just to go back to the kids table, color some pictures, and let the adults talk. Donald, you're a joke.
Trudeau would like to hold on to the gravy train of huge trade deficits in their favor. more Trumptard false information again, Canada has a trade deficit with the US importing more than they export, trade statistics from both the US and Canada prove this.
Well done indeed our uncle Donald!
The Kremilin is proud of you and you will be honoured!
If that is true what is the point of having high tariffs on American dairy products?
What I like about Donald Trump, is that he's petulant, immature, narcissistic and incapable of governance. But, those qualities I've mention are quite admirable.
Alistair Carnell
Do we really need to see his petulant pouty face in close-up?
he looks like a ring piece about to crimp off.
Remember the time when G7 + 1, with Russia being the 1
Even Canada's government controlled news mouthpiece CBC reported on June 6th "Canada's merchandise trade surplus with the United States widened to $3.6 billion in April." It's easy to find.
Agriculture trade between the US and Canada is $50 billion a year. The food supply chain if fully integrated but can still be rationalized.
As far as Canada's supply management system goes it is long past the time to stick a fork in that. Canada and Canadian consumers have a lot to gain by killing that turkey that is only kept alive to satisfy a handful of noncompetitive dairy farmers in a small corner of Quebec. Trump is doing Canadians a huge favor in pushing Trudeau to kill the SM5.
It is shockingly naive and insulting for any rational person to defend Canada's supply management system.
Wait, if Trump wants no trade barriers between the US and Canada, then why is he renegotiating the North American Free Trade Agreement to protect local US industries like cars?
He's always been complaining that NAFTA is too free and not enough barriers to protect local industries
NAFTA makes it easy to move products as well as jobs with not much barriers
Isn't that what he's asking from Canada?
So then why is he renegotiating it with Canada?
Doesn't that not make sense?
I just get the feeling of Trump wasn't born rich he would be the most sued used car salesman in America.
I often wonder the same about liberals, if they didn’t exist, this planet would be a utopia, but as such and in reality, we’re intertwined.
That’s Russia with their economy close to thstcof Texas, that kind of comparison is like you getting into wrestling brawl with a Blue Whale.
The U.S. can exports everything to North Korea but N.K. has nothing to export to U.S.! There will be no trading deficits from that communist country! Now you guys know why Trump is obsessed to see K.J. !
Ray Payne
Regardless of the sarcastic hateful comments on this forum, Trump was elected to office by the American people. He is one of the best presidents ever elected to the presidency of the United States of America.
What does it take to pound into some peoples head that all Trump is asking for is FAIR TRADE.
This is so wrong in so many level, how people can say so many bad about they president because he is trying to defent the interes of his country, i can see that is true, liberalism is a mental illness.
No. This is untrue. Trump was elected by the electoral college. The rest of Americans didn't want Donny. He lost the people's vote bigly.
So many countries need the richest country with healthy growth but it doesn’t quite go the other way, does it?
No, this is very true. He didn’t elect himself.
Which is our system which the people voted in, which got him elected.
And his numbers are rising, he’s about where Regan, Obama and Clinton were around this time, so people are slowly warming up to him, it’s a great thing.
As usual, Big Orange Man can't take the heat, so he needs to get out of the kitchen. All he can handle are one-sided tweets. What happened to the big-shot negotiator?
That was true until recently.
According to the average of the polls, he’s currently going south and still lower than when he was inaugurated.
Who cares?
Which great deals has he negotiated with other countries? Where were his great negotiating skills for an Obamacare replacement? The establishment GOP pulled the wool over his eyes with their tax cuts and spending plans and got us rich guys a good deal, but he wasn't involved. And where are these bilateral trade deals he promised? He's leaving the meetings early, far away from making any deals.
This is leading to the isolation of the USA. Soon, very soon the USA will be without a friend in the world.
No, these countries might not like Trump, but they’re not suicidal either. They know where their bread is buttered.
Also, Canada did not burn down the White House in 1812!
"Trump Refers to War of 1812 When Asked How Canada Can Be A National Security Threat"
That's ironic
More accurately, Trump was elected by the Electoral College - the American voters elected his opponent
(Trump lost the popular vote with a deficit of 3 million US voters - which we hear he would renegotiate or face tariffs)
Ray Payne
So what! Trump was elected to the presidency of the United States of America by the people for the people of the United States of America.
Ray Payne
Some should study our electoral college system and as to why our founding fathers put it in place.