Japan Today

Trump to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital

By Matt Spetalnick and Maayan Lubell

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I feel sorry for the folks that have to live with the decisions that Trump makes in cases like this. He is literally putting a target on the backs of every American who works at the Embassy.

9 ( +17 / -8 )

Stoking anger and uncertainty is what this administration is all about. It's what you do when your only talent is for shameless self-promotion.

10 ( +16 / -6 )

I am in disagreement with Trump's actions here as the move is not necessary. It is antagonistic, however the reactions of the Palestinians and Arab states are over the top (as expected) with threats of terror if this occurs.

Moving the Embassy is also extremely costly and a great waste of U.S. taxpayers' hard earned and then confiscated money.

On the other hand the motives of the Palestinians and Arab states are pretty clear.

"U.S. endorsement of Israel's claim to all of Jerusalem as its capital would reverse long-standing U.S. policy that the city's status must be decided in negotiations with the Palestinians, who want East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state."

There are many ways the U.S. can show support for Israel and demonstrate we will not tolerate nations calling for its destruction, but this is not one of them in my opinion.

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

This is definitively not the way to bring peace to this region, or reduce the actual threat to the US. Funny how national security is so important the US needs a travel ban on certain countries, but not Important enough to prevent this move.

Muslim extremists have been very clear that one of There primary motivations is the Israeli occupation.

Why is Trump being weak on national security?

2 ( +8 / -6 )

@Tommy - I am not for the elimination of Israel, nor do I deny its right to exist; I support Israel in many ways. On the other hand I do not think peace will ever exist in that region unless Israel is eliminated. Leaders of Arab countries are essentially calling for violence if this move is made, which is highly reactionary and dangerous (however there is little criticism for Arab leaders when they do this).

Trump is wrong here but the reactions are equally as wrong.

@Burning Bush can you explain why this is brilliant? I see it as a huge waste of taxpayers' money. Also "only one country matters when it comes to US foreign policy?" Are you speaking globally...within the region?

0 ( +6 / -6 )

America should recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel because Jews founded Jerusalem. Er, Canaanites founded Jerusalem 2,000 years before Judaism even existed.

Jerusalem is the eternal and undivided capital of the Jewish people. Well, except for the nearly 1,200 years the Muslims ruled it: the 444 years the Romans ruled it; the 160 years the Greeks ruled it; the 200 years the Persians ruled it; the couple of hundred years the Egyptians ruled it; the ninety years the Christians ruled it.

But Israel conquered East Jerusalem in 1967, therefore it's theirs by right of conquest. Except, the acquisition of territory by war is illegal under international law and has been since the end of WW2.

Any more stupid arguments?

12 ( +19 / -7 )

Tokyo: Arab leaders were not threatening violence, they were warning it would likely occurs if the embassy is moved.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

Crazy: Brilliant.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

The situation really highlights one of the unintended shortcomings of international law. After WW2 we changed the law to say that it's no longer legal to annex occupied territory taken in war. This is what prevents Israel from just annexing East Jerusalem and the entire West Bank (although there are differing opinions on this). The basic idea was to promote peace by removing territorial expansion as an incentive to wage war. It sounded like a great idea at the time but nobody really imagined that we would have Arab countries foolish enough to keep attacking Israel and having more and more territory occupied. At some point you have to ask yourself whether protecting land from ever being annexed is actually an incentive for some countries to engage in war. If you start a hopeless war and lose, should there be no territorial price to pay?

Personally, I think Israel should have been allowed to annex East Jerusalem and the West Bank as spoils of war in 1967. It would have normalised the situation by now and Israel would have undoubtedly created a small Palestinian state to avoid naturalising Arabs into their ethno-state (especially considering how few there were at the time). Of course, the situation has just spiralled out of control and grown much more complicated since then and we can't go back in time, but I think it's relevant to consider how we arrived at this stalemate.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Burning is in agreement with conspiracy theories 

Theories? How much more evidence do you need to send the point home that america truly marches at israels beat?

Personally, I think Israel should have been allowed to annex East Jerusalem and the West Bank as spoils of war in 1967.

In that same vein, you support russias annexation as being legit right? Funny how some entities are unaccountable to international laws.

-1 ( +6 / -7 )

@Tommy - Semantically you are correct, however I see this more as an underlying threat or a nod, which would imply that if this is done (US moving its Embassy) that it would be to rationalize acts of terror and violence as a reaction to this.

@Crazy - you are correct that East Jerusalem was conquered in an act of war; a war which Israel did not start. I believe this is a dispute which will never be resolved peacefully as this involves religion and human emotion, a subject for many there seems to be no compromise. The best, and maybe most "enlightened" solution (which will never happen probably) would be to make Jerusalem an independent sovereign state where all religions can freely worship their holy ground and sites (maybe like Monaco or something)....but I do not see this happening as it is contradictory to what I posted above.

Living standards, technology, etc. has changed alot over the past few thousand years but I believe human nature and the core of who we are as a species (and it is not 100% good) has not changed much.

This is why Trump is ill advised to propose or do this. There is very little to be gained from this act and potentially alot to lose.

-2 ( +3 / -5 )

The evangelicals in Trump’s base are going to love this. 

Because it will further increase tensions in the region and worldwide, the big-war industries, who’ll see an even greater demand for weapons, will also love this. 

The US taxpayers will pay an even larger share of their taxes to feed the fat corporations feeding off war. Forget about improvements to infrastructure, healthcare (aka Trumpdoesn’tcare), education, the environment, alternative energy R&D, among others. Wars for hydrocarbons trump all else.

How many defense and oil industries has Trump invested in? Trump’s ushered in the final stages of corporatocracy. It’s long passed time for him to open his tax records, let the world know which companies he’s got shares in. You can bet they’ll be the ones to gain most from his presidency. Along with, of course, his family’s worldwide property businesses

The new conspiracy theory is that Trump is Russia’s puppet

That's long been known.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

In that same vein, you support russias annexation as being legit right?

No, I absolutely do not. Crimea is legally part of Ukraine. The situation is very different from Israel and the West Bank.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Didn’t you get the memo? The new conspiracy theory is that Trump is Russia’s puppet.

Didn't you know that a plausible theory with supporting evidence is not a conspiracy theory?

10 ( +10 / -0 )

 I see this more as an underlying threat or a nod, which would imply that if this is done (US moving its Embassy) that it would be to rationalize acts of terror and violence as a reaction to this.

The Arab leaders quoted in the article were stating facts. You can read into their words all you want, but moving the embassy to Jerusalem will further enflame the violence. Undoubtedly, others will read into their words the agreement/approval that you also see. However, that does not mean stating facts is an implicit or tacit approval.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

 The situation is very different from Israel and the West Bank.

Oh really? Pray tell exactly how different. And while you're at it, seeing as you don't agree with Crimea, care to share your thoughts on the golan heights?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

No, I absolutely do not. Crimea is legally part of Ukraine. The situation is very different from Israel and the West Bank

Before or after the British colonization? At what point are you determining the legitimacy of one group's claim to ownership?

8 ( +8 / -0 )

“...derail a fledgling U.S.-led peace effort and unleash turmoil in the region.”

Wow, that’s never happened before! Middle East culture being a bastion of civility.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I get the feeling this basically ends the 2 state discussion

4 ( +5 / -1 )

The only logical place for an embassy in Israel is Jerusalem. Good on Trump for not cowing to threats of violence from Arab states. Unfortunately, it’s the only language they know.

-13 ( +2 / -15 )

A face only a mother could love.^^

9 ( +10 / -1 )

That photo is the most honest thing about Trump.

10 ( +11 / -1 )

And I'm just here thinking about the compartmentalization in the alt-right people's minds.

(((Trump))) ??? No! it can't. It's his son-in-law!

3 ( +4 / -1 )

This "character Trump" sure wants to start a War in the Middle East!

9 ( +10 / -1 )

@Wallace Fred

Oh really? Pray tell exactly how different.

The lack of any formal declaration of war by either state, the fact that Crimea is not claimed by Russia to be occupied or the spoils of war, the fact that the secession referendum was unconstitutional according to Ukrainian law, the fact that Russia unilaterally annexed territory that nearly every state recognises as still belonging to Ukraine.

Let me put it this way; The only way the two situations would be similar is if there had been no Six-Day War and the Palestinians in the West Bank had held an unconstitutional referendum to join Israel and Israel then annexed territory that every other country recognised as being part of Jordan at the time. The situation is obviously very different.

With regards to the Golan Heights, the annexation is clearly illegal under international law. No doubt about that. But as I said above, I'm not sure if international law is fit for purpose on this point when it comes to countries who decide to wage war. In my opinion there should be some risk and disincentive to waging war in order to incentivise peace. Perhaps the UN security council could be given the final say over whether the territory of an aggressor state should be annexed in the interest of peace and security? As it stands now, the system has just led to decades of uncertainty, anger, and human suffering.

@Tommy Jones

Before or after the British colonization? At what point are you determining the legitimacy of one group's claim to ownership?

At the same point that international law recognises all other territorial claims? I'm not really sure what you're asking here. Are you suggesting that the British still have some outstanding legal claim to Crimea under international law?

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

He WANTS violence to break out. Nothing rallies the base like scary brown people with guns. He intends to sacrifice lives for the sake of changing the new cycle from Russia and tax cuts for the rich.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

And I'm just here thinking about the compartmentalization in the alt-right people's minds. 

(((Trump))) ??? No! it can't. It's his son-in-law!

Such a non-sensical statement.

You are saying Trump supporters are not happy with this decision?

yet at the same time you throw in an anti-Semitic remark with the obvious fact Trump’s son in law is Jewish.

Once again, any JT reference concerning Israel or Jews is like turning over a rock and watching what scurries underneath.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

Yep nice pic. Further proof oh media bias on every single issue. CNN siding with Arab leaders who “blasted” Trump instead of supporting our President

-11 ( +3 / -14 )

If there's an intifada, the embassy can become caught in the middle of it

Embassies in other countries can become targets

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Kudos to the photographer who got that photo, brilliant, that photo should be on Time magazines cover. Well done JT.

10 ( +12 / -2 )

It's just needlessly provocative, and pushes the prospect for a bigger agreement well into the future.

5 ( +8 / -3 )

It's just needlessly provocative, and pushes the prospect for a bigger agreement well into the future.

As if the Mideast wasn’t already irritated with Israel and the US. Give me a break.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

brilliant, that photo should be on Time magazines cover.

you mean the cover for Person of the Year, which he turned down btw :)

all trump has is his base, nothing more, nothing less. and this move will surely rally his base, except for the alt-right who...well you know how they feel about jews.

what does the US have to gain by moving the embassy to jerusalem? oh, just the support of jewish billionaires who will help finance trump's campaign (sabin, sheldon, etc.). if he wants more terrorism on US soil, then this will surely do it.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Nakanoguy01 - you illustrate my point very well.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

The only logical place for an embassy in Israel is Jerusalem


. Good on Trump for not cowing to threats of violence from Arab states. Unfortunately, it’s the only language they know.

Arab leaders did not threaten violence, they warned of it.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Gotta love the consistency of liberals

Monday; “Islam is the religion of peace!”

Tuesday; “Don’t upset Islamic countries. They’ll kill us!”

-5 ( +4 / -9 )

Arab leaders did not threaten violence, they warned of it.

Sounds like a threat to me.

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

Are you suggesting that the British still have some outstanding legal claim to Crimea under international law

I was asking about the Occupied Palestinian Territories in relation to the occupying power's claim on Jerusalem. Under international law, which you cite regarding Crimea, an occupied territory captured in was does not become sobering territory. You posted this yourself.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Trump has done right! "Jerusalem is Israel" and "Israel is Jerusalem" !  There is nothing should be compromising from Arab countries' intimidation!  By the way there was no Palestine it was a geographical term not a state's name. The so called Palestine was ruled by the Ottoman empire before British mandate, the Palestinians should tall to Tirkey about their citizenship.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

The only logical place for an embassy in Israel is Jerusalem


Because it’s common sense.

Because Jerusalem has been the official capital of the State of Israel and the center of its government since 1950. Jerusalem is the seat of Israel’s President, Knesset, and Supreme Court, and the site of most government ministries and social and cultural institutions. Jerusalem is the ancient spiritual center of Judaism and is also considered a holy city by the members of other religious faiths. Israel protects the holy sites of all faiths.

-4 ( +4 / -8 )

Don't see the benefit of this. We're going to be buying a lot of hate with this one. The article makes it sound like the United States has the right to decide where the capital of Israel should be. Kinda thought that was up to Israel. And yea..GREAT photo!

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Once again, any JT reference concerning Israel or Jews is like turning over a rock and watching what scurries underneath.

You are conflating criticism of Israel with being anti-Semitic, which is what Israel and the US do in an attempt to shame people into not criticizing the illegal and repugnant acts of Israel.

CNN siding with Arab leaders who “blasted” Trump instead of supporting our President

Reporting facts is not taking sides. It is not the medias' job to support Trump. The medias' job is to report facts.

7 ( +7 / -0 )

america calls some countries "state sponsor of terrorism" although this will also make america the same, however most people will view americans as "legitimate targets". I've met many american backpackers with canadian flags on their backpacks. i have jewish and american friends. i advise americans to only visit Japan, Australia and NZ. Zionists, South Africa.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )


As if the Mideast wasn’t already irritated with Israel and the US. Give me a break.

is not a relevant response to this:

It's just needlessly provocative, and pushes the prospect for a bigger agreement well into the future.

If the US truly wants peace in that region, it should not be further irritating one party, even if that party is already irritated.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

I for one would like to see a thorough archaeological excavation of the temple mount, however this won't happen under Muslim rule.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

what does the US have to gain by moving the embassy to jerusalem? oh, just the support of jewish billionaires who will help finance trump's campaign (sabin, sheldon, etc.). if he wants more terrorism on US soil, then this will surely do it.

How is this anti-Semitic? Many American Jewish billionaires support Israel and politicians that are pro-Israel. These same billionaires will be happy that Trump wants the embassy moved. You see, there is direct cause and effect, which means it's not racist.

Saying all people from Iran are dangerous because they are Muslim is racist because there is no direct correlation between being Muslim and being dangerous.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

If the US truly wants peace in that region, it should not be further irritating one party, even if that party is already irritated.

They're already inflamed and have been for a very, very, very long time, so I don’t see at all as to how it can further intentions. Kind of a oxymoron rationalization.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

a decision that ...risks fueling violence in the Middle East.

It seems everything the US has done for decades (not just Trump) has been done specifically to fuel ME violence.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

As if the Mideast wasn’t already irritated with Israel and the US. Give me a break.

Rational people also don't kick hornet's nests. Hornets are already easily irritated.

This makes the mistakes made in Benghazi look like preschool.

Don't see the benefit of this. We're going to be buying a lot of hate with this one.

Trump is shoring up his stalwart base of 35% of voters. He needs this to counter all the recent bad news coming from Flynn pleading guilty and Mueller closing in on him and his people.

Meanwhile, he is providing ammunition to every grievance (real or trumped up) against America. Recruitment for terrorists will go up, and attacks on American interests will increase. Great job Trump, you probably just extended an already long war that started in 2001 for another 30 years.

Even Jordan has come out saying this is a bad idea. It is their land that was taken during the war, and they have been one of the U.S.' most reliable allies among the Arab nations. Even then, they said it will cause more terror activity. Jordan made their position known to Tillerson, who is one of the few rational people in the Trump administration. Of course, reports say he is out by the end of the month. So, the U.S. will be left with a thought process modeled after Steve Bannon, another angry white nationalist.

Trump is a failure in everything, domestic and foreign policy, morality, etc.

Trump has done right! "Jerusalem is Israel" and "Israel is Jerusalem" !

Except for when it wasn't.

@CrazyJoe Nice abbreviated the history of the Land of Canan.

There is no other piece of land that has been home to so many different peoples. Most people have no clue about the history of that land.

I sympathize for Israel, but they are only the most recent usurpers of the region. I also don't buy into justifications based on religion.

Fact: Israel would be nothing if the American taxpayers didn't finance their country.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

@Tommy Jones

Fair enough. To be clear, I am not denying the current position of international law on occupied territories. I am only questioning whether post-war international law has struck the right balance in its quest to prevent war and preserve peace.

Had the Jordanians, Syrians and Egyptians known that they were at risk of losing territory in the event of war with Israel, it might have given them second thoughts about declaring war in the first place, and a large part of the mess we find ourselves in today could have been avoided. Second thoughts are what we should be incentivising. I don't think international law should protect aggressors. It flies in the face of common sense.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

getting closer to the end game.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This is what you reap when you have a political system that props up people emotionally amd intellectually unfit for any office.

I feel like I’m watching a twist on the movie “Being There” starring Peter Sellers.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

They're already inflamed and have been for a very, very, very long time, so I don’t see at all as to how it can further intentions. Kind of a oxymoron rationalization

Let's try to calm everyone down by inflaming tensions. That's the only oxymoronic logic being advanced here, and it's being advanced by conservatives.

Because it’s common sense.

No, it's not. The status of Jerusalem is not established.

M3, we are in agreement.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I just don't see the benefit to the he US for doing this.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I just don't see the benefit to the he US for doing this.

That's probably because you see the US as a nation, as a whole.

This is the Trump era. His version of identity politics has fragmented the country. He only cares about his family and the richest Americans, the people he identifies with. He's cynically got those who identify as evangelicals and those who are only willing to accept his perspectives, i.e. those who identify as his followers, to go along with him.

Trump's not doing this for America the nation. There's zero benefit to the US, the nation, further angering 1.5 billion people, plus those who want to do whatever it takes to try to establish some sort of peace, maybe 5 or so billion other people.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Let's hope America's lapdogs (they know who they are) do not blindly follow the us on this.

Then blokes like Trump complain that anti-western feelings in Muslim countries are on the rise, that 'they dont like us nor understand our values etc". smh.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Let's try to calm everyone down by inflaming tensions. That's the only oxymoronic logic being advanced here, and it's being advanced by conservatives.

When has the left shown compassion towards Israel? They show compassion for other foreign nations, even violent US hating ones, why now all the hate?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

They show compassion for other foreign nations, even violent US hating ones, why now all the hate?

Remember the U.S.S. Liberty?? Didn't think so.

So that has no consideration in this decision not like they weren’t already trying to kill us before this.

The idea is not to create more recruits for the radical jihadis.

This move pleases Israel and a small group of right wingers in the U.S.

From Trump's perspective, it probably stokes his ego to do something other presidents rationally concluded was of no benefit.

I for one would hate needing to visit the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. It would be like walking down sniper alley just waiting for some young disgruntled kid to take a shot or detonate a bomb.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

A tabloid says it is a gift to his daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism, and her Jewish husband, Jared. Can that really be true?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

This decision by Trump (and the American legislative branch who originally made it, but allowed previous Presidents to not move forward with it) lays bare the moral lackings of the US government the same way his decision (and the Republican party hierarchy who failed to condemn it) to endorse a pedopilic sexual predator for office laid bare the moral lackings of the GOP.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Here we go again. This:

When has the left shown compassion towards Israel? They show compassion for other foreign nations, even violent US hating ones, why now all the hate?

is in no way relevant to this:

Let's try to calm everyone down by inflaming tensions. That's the only oxymoronic logic being advanced here, and it's being advanced by conservatives.

How does making people angrier inentivise them to cooperate?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Just a distraction from his latest scandal.

The timing seems perfect in regards to the latest developments in the Mueller investigation - and the Deutsch Bank accounts.

Israel has been a rogue state under fundie leadership for decades. The US is becoming one under the Orange imposter. This will end badly.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

A tabloid says it is a gift to his daughter Ivanka, who converted to Judaism, and her Jewish husband, Jared. Can that really be true?

Well, if an unnamed tabloid reported it, it MUST be true!

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Not content with poking a stick in the north east Asian hornets' nest, Trump and his backers now decide to start kicking at that wasps' nest in the Middle East. What's next - retaking the Crimea by force? And they called Hillary the "war candidate"...smh

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Civitas: Exactly.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Remember the U.S.S. Liberty??

Yes and?

The idea is not to create more recruits for the radical jihadis.

There is an estimated 10 million of them, it’s not like there’s a shortage of them.

This move pleases Israel and a small group of right wingers in the U.S.

I don’t think it’s a small group

From Trump's perspective, it probably stokes his ego to do something other presidents rationally concluded was of no benefit.

Or maybe he understands that Jerusalem is the official capital of Israel.

I for one would hate needing to visit the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem. It would be like walking down sniper alley just waiting for some young disgruntled kid to take a shot or detonate a bomb.

Oh, please!

Just a distraction from his latest scandal. 

Doubt it. The left is so obsessed about nothing, they’ll make sure to keep it somehow and someway in the news.

The timing seems perfect in regards to the latest developments in the Mueller investigation - and the Deutsch Bank accounts. Maybe once Mueller can appoint unbias agents to his investigative team.

Betcha, that’s going to be another dead end. Wonder why the Dems don’t talk about Russia, it’s because there’s nothing, so let’s try and see if we can get him on obstruction of justice. Good luck.

Israel has been a rogue state under fundie leadership for decades. The US is becoming one under the Orange imposter. This will end badly.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The Middle East, about to kick off again thanks to the fake President. A splendid seasonal gift, to be sure.

4 ( +5 / -1 )


Indeed. do you think the orange snakeoil generalissimo plans to let us enjoy xmas/new years before he starts WW3?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Deuteronomy 7:6 6

“For you are a holy people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a people for Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.

Well, since they are a "treasure above all the peoples on the face of the earth.", I can see why Trump wants to kiss their behinds.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

would reverse long-standing U.S. policy that the city's status must be decided in negotiations with the Palestinians

Except the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital over 20 years ago.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There is an estimated 10 million of them, it’s not like there’s a shortage of them.

So let's create more?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Except the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital over 20 years ago.

Ahhh, NO.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There is an estimated 10 million of them, it’s not like there’s a shortage of them.

Alternative facts again??.

I'm all for killing all terrorists, but this isn't a problem that can be solved by killing everyone involved.

Terrorism is an ideological problem. And there are too many countries and governments that support extreme militant organizations, e.g., Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Taliban, Pakistan, etc.

The U.S. is also a big supporter of the fringe religious. Just look at Judge Moore who would like to turn the U.S. into a Western version of Iran.

5 ( +7 / -2 )

yet another campaign promise made and kept. Bush and Clinton promised this during campaigns but never did it

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Let's hope America's lapdogs (they know who they are) do not blindly follow the us on this.

Then blokes like Trump complain that anti-western feelings in Muslim countries are on the rise, that 'they dont like us nor understand our values etc". smh.

Well if you consider Australia a lapdog, fairly accurate, then I have to see any political comment on this development in the news from politicians here.

I suspect they would want to gauge the Indonesian reaction before saying too much.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

We conservatives don’t “find” the FBI corrupt now, it has been proven.

Whats that make now, 3? Not bad for a year's work.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

This is the end of the US being the Israel-Palestine impartial arbiter

Other countries all keep their embassies in Tel Aviv to be neutral concerning Jerusalem (not to mention the safety of their workers)

The Palestinians and Middle East Muslim countries would no longer accept the US being the go-to arbiter. This opens up another avenue for Russia to wrest control off the US' hands

There's no benefit for the US on this. Think about it - what does the US get out of this? The US only stands to lose with nothing to gain

7 ( +8 / -1 )

Good on you Mr. President. You promised and you deliver it.

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

The Palestinians and Middle East Muslim countries would no longer accept the US being the go-to arbiter. This opens up another avenue for Russia to wrest control off the US' hands

As we know, Russia supports Syria. They are courting Iran and Turkey. Recently sold Turkey, a NATO partner, the Russian S400 missile system. Never has a NATO partner used Russian military tech, but its a sign of the times between America & Turkey. Trump had the opportunity to align with Saudi Arabia under Prince Salman in what would be a very shady (given history), but smart political move. The relationship between Saudi & Israel is far more positive than it is between Iran & Israel. But instead of being a smart political player he just insulted much of the Arab and Muslim world, unnecessarily, for the gratitude of a single country and as you say, left the door open for Russia to make a play.

I'm not anti-Israel at all but that's really dumb politics and for what?

6 ( +7 / -1 )


Astute analysis.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Shinjuku No Yaju: He WANTS violence to break out. Nothing rallies the base like scary brown people with guns.

It crossed my mind that Trump might see violence as a win if he can use it to spread his message of hating Muslims. If any bombs go off he will be on Twitter in thirty seconds saying how violent they are....and none of them should be let into the country.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

If any bombs go off he will be on Twitter in thirty seconds saying how violent they are....and none of them should be let into the country.

Exactly. It's a win win for the fake President. And a loss for the Palestinians.

Israel will clamp down with the usual disproportionate response (phosphorus dumped on children) and the two state solution will be shelved for the forseeable solution.

This is what Israel wants. And the fragile peace process will lie in tatters.

Possibly the worst move Trump has made yet but of course, his fan base will cheer him on, regardless.


4 ( +6 / -2 )

More opposition here




Is he that insensitive and ignorant to wilfully ignite tensions there?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Just a thought: What if Trump and Netanyahu have cooked up some sort of deal where Israel keeps Jerusalem and offers to clear settlements and hand over the rest of the West Bank for a Palestinian state by the end of Trump's term? It's the only thing I can think of which might justify such a risky move by Trump. Is East Jerusalem really a deal breaker for Palestinians? Is no state better than a state without Jerusalem as its capital? Are the Palestinians in any position to make demands? These are the tough questions they need to ask themselves.

Like many people of a certain age I'm just fed up and cynical about the entire peace process at this point. I still remember when peace was just around the corner... 25 years ago. The idea that both parties are ever going to come to a mutually acceptable negotiated settlement looks like a fantasy at this point. It's time for the party with the stronger hand to state its terms and for the weaker party to grudgingly accept. If this radical move can shake up the peace process somehow without sending it up in flames then it might actually be better than just sitting around for another 25 years waiting for nothing to happen. But perhaps I'm too optimistic.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

What if Trump and Netanyahu have cooked up some sort of deal where Israel keeps Jerusalem and offers to clear settlements and hand over the rest of the West Bank for a Palestinian state by the end of Trump's term?

Interesting scenario. But both players are corrupt and I fear they have cooked up something a lot worse.

I feel they are seeking to isolate Palestinians even further.

It's not in Likud's interests to see the disputed territories fall out of their grasp, unfortunately. I hope I'm wrong but given their track record...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

The U.S. is also a big supporter of the fringe religious. Just look at Judge Moore who would like to turn the U.S. into a Western version of Iran

annnnd bat**** crazy quote of the day has a winner!

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

@Toasted Heretic

It's just wild speculation but I think Trump knows that his chances of winning in 2020 are limited and he might be desperate for a legacy beyond being the most derided president in history. Recently there have also been rumors about reviving the Sinai option.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

I think Trump knows that his chances of winning in 2020 are limited and he might be desperate for a legacy beyond being the most derided president in history.

If he wants a positive legacy, why on earth is he making this dangerous and possibly destructive move, though?

As for Sinai, it's long been touted as an alternative solution but I can't see Egypt going for it without some major stipulations.

Very trying times for all involved.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

500 years of Dark Ages in Europe to create crusaders to invade Jerusalem in the name of Vatican is going to start again in the name of Trump? Maybe it will be good for some Israelis but with this Dark Ages of Trump starting it will be another 500 years of cursed people beyond the Crusaders once cursed.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Trump cares nothing for Israel. This is a domestic political move, a distraction designed to induce squabbles among the overwhelming majority of Jewish voters who are anti-Trump Democrats. It has the stench of Steve Bannon all over it.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

It's quite a conundrum with Bannon's anti-semitic hardcore following but simaltaneously being pro-Israel...

Nothing is black and white. The grey areas in between are fascinating.

Unfortunately, the Jerusalem issue will create even more schisms. At the very least.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Supporters of the violently oppressive and racist Israeli regime are focused on the possibly violent protests against this legitimization of that regime, and completely blind to the violence this decision does to the very concept of international law.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

This Trump fellow is like a man with a fork in a world of soup.

4 ( +4 / -0 )


Except the US recognized Jerusalem as Israel's capital over 20 years ago.

Ahhh, NO.

Ahhh, YES. Jerusalem Embassy Act, passed into law on November 8, 1995. Text from the LAW:

The Congress makes the following findings:

(1) Each sovereign nation, under international law and custom, may designate its own capital.

(2) Since 1950, the city of Jerusalem has been the capital of the State of Israel.


(a) Waiver Authority.—

(1) Beginning on October 1, 1998, the president may suspend the limitations set forth in section 3(b) for a period of six months if he determines and reports to Congress in advance that such suspension is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.

(2) The President may suspend such limitations for an additional six month period at the end of any period during which the suspension is in effect under this subsections if the President determines and reports to Congress in advance of the additional suspension that the additional suspension is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.

The Act does allow the President to delay the Embassy move for 6 months at a time and every time the delay comes to an end since 1998 it has been delayed by the President again, include President Trump on May 31. 2017. But he refused to delay it again. And since the last 6 month period has expired he no longer has the option to delay it again.

Trump cares nothing for Israel. This is a domestic political move

This is a promise he made during the campaign.

What if Trump and Netanyahu ....

What if Trump is just following through on a promise he made during his campaign? And what if the US Congress passed a law in 1995 saying Jerusalem is Israel's capital and that the US Embassy must be moved to Jerusalem.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Trump cares nothing for Israel.

You spoke to him?

This is a domestic political move, a distraction designed to induce squabbles among the overwhelming majority of Jewish voters who are anti-Trump Democrats.

Yes, liberals.

It has the stench of Steve Bannon all over it.

No, Trump kept his promise on the campaign trail where the last two presidents made the promise, but never kept or followed through with it. Now all of a sudden you guys and complaining when the man keeps his promise? You guys are so all over the place

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Certainly troubling one this is. So if anyone raises an objection, will they immediately be accused of being Anti-Semitic by favouring the Arabs over the Jews ?

1 ( +3 / -2 )

The President has said “Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided.”

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Jew built the Jerusalem and the Roman took over the City and then Palestinian occupied it. Now Jerusalem returned to the rightful owner. The City has been changing hands many times in thousands of years and now the city has returned to original owner. Jew is true ownership of Jerusalem. God gives Jerusalem back to the owner. Some US Presidents have pledged to move US Embassy to Jerusalem during the election campaign, but no President has delivered their pledge after they won the election. Now President Trump has delivered as his election campaign pledge. The Muslims will always fight against Israel and the United States, regardless of President Trump moves US Embassy to the Jerusalem or not.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

No, Trump kept his promise on the campaign trail where the last two presidents made the promise, but never kept or followed through with it.

Bannon wasn't part of the campaign? This argument does nothing to disprove the assertion that Bannon's bigoted hands are wrapped around this idea.

Now all of a sudden you guys and complaining when the man keeps his promise? You guys are so all over the place

Nope. Us "guys" have been consistent in our opposition to the ignorance that flows from Trump's White House on a daily basis. Crazy, corrupt conservatives, on the other hand, have been wildly inconsistent. For instance, claiming to be strong on national security while simultaneously denigrating the intelligence agencies. Claiming to be fiscally responsible, but cheering on a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations that will add $1.5 trillion to the deficit.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

It is not often that a photo can truly reflect the internal character of a person. Kudos to the photographer. In all fairness, though, it musn't have been a hard picture to snap, seeing as how this is one of his more common expression. The perfect model for a presidential painting.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

I have no rat in the race between who has the right to Jerusalem. I could not care any less.

But that being said, all this move does is stoke the fire. But I think it's all part of his strategy. Trump has been currying favor among different world leaders for months. He solidified his relationship with Saudi Arabia and it's new upcoming prince, and key allies in Asia. He's backed Europe into a corner with his attitude toward them, but stoking a fire that could cause them to someday call on the US in case of heated escalations.

Trump knows the teeth of his time as president might be sinking in and is trying to get as much done as he can before he may go.

Selling a new missile defense to Saudi Arabia, making a stand on Israel. What he's planning I don't know, but what it appears to me is he's trying to provoke certain countries to attack first, to give an excuse to destroy his enemies or people he sees as enemies. By any means he can.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

So the “Nazi” Trump just stood with the Jewish state of Israel in a way no president has since Truman. 

And the constantly outraged liberals that call Trump a Nazi are siding with the Islamists who want to exterminate said Jewish State. 

I’m so confused.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Ahhh, YES. Jerusalem Embassy Act, passed into law on November 8, 1995. Text from the LAW:

Then why is this necessary or relevant today?

"U.S. President Donald Trump on Wednesday will recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital"

0 ( +1 / -1 )

This Trump decision will only promote terrorism, gives both sides an excuse to kill.

Trump is doing the same with North Korea. He wants Japan/South Korea to fire the first shot then say, I DID NOT START THIS WAR, THEY DID.

A shallow, supercilious idiot like this is a GLOBAL HAZARD that will need to be shut down very quickly.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

It's possible to be a non-Jewish Zionist and/or rapturist and hold anti-semitic views at the sime time.

As I've said before, it's not a simple case of black and white.

Whatever side of the fence you're on, it has to be clear even to the most partisan out there that this move is a grave one and is part of a greater plan to shut down the idea of Palestinian self-determination forever.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Then why is this necessary or relevant today?

It isn't. But the MSM hates him and have to make a big deal about everything he does.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Great photo. The Orange One wants to start WWIII. In '89 when the wall came down and various states dissolved peace was a thing. Now he wants a wall built and the Arab world at war. Glad to see so many countries and the UN calling him out on it

0 ( +1 / -1 )

But the MSM hates him and have to make a big deal about everything he does.

Not just the MSM, a chara, even long term Republican voters and elected members of the house can't stand him. And all round the world, from parliaments to the people, he is seen as a dangerous, impulsive man with little real understanding of international relations and geopolitics.

Putting it all down to the MSM is disingenuous at the very least.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

 The Orange One wants to start WWIII. In '89 when the wall came down and various states dissolved peace was a thing

Might want to ask the former Yugoslavia, Central Asia and the Caucasus about that thing

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Bannon wasn't part of the campaign? This argument does nothing to disprove the assertion that Bannon's bigoted hands are wrapped around this idea.

No, Trump fell like that for a long time, Trump is President, not Bannon.

Nope. Us "guys" have been consistent in our opposition to the ignorance that flows from Trump's White House on a daily basis.

You mean “consistent daily meltdowns” I would tend to agree with that observation.

Crazy, corrupt conservatives, on the other hand, have been wildly inconsistent.

For instance, claiming to be strong on national security while simultaneously

Gutted the military budget, won’t enforce the border control, don’t want voter ID, don’t want proper vetting, not willing to call out radical Extremism for what it is, don’t want the radicalized Mosques surveilled, don’t want profiling, don’t want stop and frisk, don’t want to arm the Kurds, don’t want us to support Israel, don’t want us to get rid of the DACA program, don’t want us to have the second amendment.

So so where are liberals strong on National defense again?

while simultaneously denigrating the intelligence agencies.

After what we now know, it’s understandable.

Claiming to be fiscally responsible, but cheering on a tax cut for the wealthy and corporations that will add $1.5 trillion to the deficit.

And $200 billion into the economy and to promote business growth in the private sector and back into the economy which the Democrats completely ran over like a gnat. The Democrats are just worried that entitlements will fall and that people will have to do one of the worst things that are required of them that the left hate and that’s work and being able to be financially independent and free from the government.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Embassies in other countries can become targets

They already are and have been attacked numerous times.

pushes the prospect for a bigger agreement

There never has been a realistic prospect for an agreement between the two sides.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There never has been a realistic prospect for an agreement between the two sides.

That was said about NI/6 counties. What happened? The GFA.

And it was done with inclusivity in mind, representatives from the Nationalist and Unionist parties, alongside the Irish and British governments. Not to forget George Mitchell, back when US mediation meant something as was not heavy-handed or intrusive.

The two-state solution (and/or Sinai proposal) are out the window now.

Israel is quite the typical Middle Eastern state, when you think about it, using the machinations of sectarianism in the same way its neighbours do.

Netanyahu has got exactly what he wants, as do the evangelicals back in the US.

This is not negotiation - this is a forceful and irresponsible act.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Israel is quite the typical Middle Eastern state, when you think about it, using the machinations of sectarianism in the same way its neighbours do.

Actually Israel (as anyone with half a brain understands) is the antithesis of a Middle Eastern state.

A very good standard of living, GNP, human rights record and quality of life. A COMPLETE reversal of the disasters that are its direct neighbors. And they have accomplished in it in only 70 years of existence.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

A very good standard of living, GNP, human rights record and quality of life.

The victims of IDF agression and phosphorus weapons would disagree with that blatant lie.

But all of this madness is a good deflection for the corrupt Netanyahu, who's own citizens protested in their thousands against him during the week.


About 20,000 Israelis demonstrated in Tel Aviv on Saturday against government corruption and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who is under criminal investigation over allegations of abuse of office.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

I wonder what would happen if 20,000 Palestinians tried to demonstrate in Nablus against PA corruption.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I wonder what would happen if 20,000 Palestinians tried to demonstrate in Nablus against PA corruption.

We both know the answer to that. Murder.

Israelis, however are free to demonstrate against their leaders.

Isnt democracy and freedom a wonderful thing!

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Isnt democracy and freedom a wonderful thing!

Then why do you deny it for Palestinians? Why do you support a regime that carries out illegal incursions and settlements, treats Palestinians like second class citizens, practises apartheid and uses chemical weapons on them?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Then why do you deny it for Palestinians? Why do you support a regime that carries out illegal incursions and settlements, treats Palestinians like second class citizens, practises apartheid and uses chemical weapons on them?

i don’t, and neither does Israel.

The Palestinian leaders deny their own people freedom by their continued use of violence against Israel. They are not in the least bit interested in peace.

Your pitiful lies about chemical weapons and apartheid are so very sad and desperate they don’t even deserve a retort

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Use of chemical weapons in Israel





And apartheid




No retort needed, the facts speak for themselves and Trump has legitimised the regime.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

and Trump has legitimised the regime.

I support all your links but trying to blame Trumps sole move as legitimizing the criminal state of Israel, well that's just not sound logic. The money and the support from our House and Senate over the last 30 years is where we should be pointing fingers.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

I support all your links but trying to blame Trumps sole move as legitimizing the criminal state of Israel, well that's just not sound logic. The money and the support from our House and Senate over the last 30 years is where we should be pointing fingers.

Agreed. Trump's move is just the icing on a cake with many layers.

Now that it's finished, the Palestinians aren't even left with any crumbs.

Your Government has done good thing for peace intiatives in the past. The Northern Ireland peace process, for one. Even the Oslo Peace Accords, in theory. But we all know how that went.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The situation is stepping on a rake, again, whilst now the holding part has a fanatically unhealthy wasp nest taped to it, but when Trump steps on the rake the nest miraculously misses his fine face and goes straight into his neighbours house. Stay tuned.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

And of course happy Palestinians - they will finally have a reason and support for a murdering spree upon Israel citizens. Just what half the globe always wanted.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

they will finally have a reason and support for a murdering spree upon Israel citizens.

Personally, I condemn any attacks on Israel's citizens. No matter who they are. But I fear it could happen.

Keep treating people like animals and eventually they behave like animals.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It is a mistake. Jerusalem's problem is not for Americans to decide. Such a statement in this time of Christmas is unacceptable. So much suffering is going to happen because of such an unresponsible statement. Already a few are dead. Peace and good will for mankind! What has become of the great american humanism?

Yes! keep treating people like animals and they will behave like animals ,very well said!

2 ( +2 / -0 )

A lunatic with 5 years term cam do as he pleases. Jerusalem is pity was his target. Now an elected citizen of 5 years president office ignite north korea nuclear war and rack up all anger at muslims of the world. Dont any US cotizen realised how 5 years officer can damage whole century progress of globalism American touted. Only American public can disposed on president.do something before he thrive on armageddon.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Since when does Trumpy Mc Trumpface have the power to automatiacally change another countries capital from one place to another??? This man thinks he can owns the entire world......

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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