Japan Today

Trump warns North Korea: 'Gotta behave'

By Ken Thomas

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Talk about the pot calling the kettle black !

0 ( +3 / -3 )

This is what happens when you give 2 children real guns. They point them at each other and pull the trigger. North Korea is run by one child and we have another. Impeach this fool GOP before he pulls the trigger.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

There is a photo of a family togetherness. NOT !!!! It is about time the fat fella standing next to the bunny(there`s an irony there) started to behave.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

U.S. will follow the line that President Trump repeatedly voiced during the election campaign."

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Puleeeeze this isn't iraq boyo. Any attempts to use force will be nothing short of suicidal!!

This is the other reason :


-1 ( +2 / -3 )

The Easter Bunny would be a better POTUS.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

Easter Bunny, "You're fired!"

Seriously, what kid wouldn't have nightmares seeing this thing deliver your eggs.

On second thought, it would fit right in in Akihabara.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

If North Korea gave up its weapons the US would start bombing them with impunity, just like they did in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan etc. The only thing stopping the US from piling in is the threat of Seoul being reduced to rubble.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Ah - "iron-clad and immutable." Perhaps he missed that rock-bottom definition of diplomacy - as stated by Kissinger (though many have noted this before): "America has no permanent friends or enemies, only interests."

Cool jacket, though. Bet it was bulletproof.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Does Trump even know what the the US Airforce did in N Korea in the early 1950's, this time exchange will be though mutual. Below from washington post.

The story dates to the early 1950s, when the U.S. Air Force, in response to the North Korean invasion that started the Korean War, bombed and napalmed cities, towns and villages across the North. It was mostly easy pickings for the Air Force, whose B-29s faced little or no opposition on many missions.

The bombing was long, leisurely and merciless, even by the assessment of America’s own leaders. “Over a period of three years or so, we killed off — what — 20 percent of the population,” Air Force Gen. Curtis LeMay, head of the Strategic Air Command during the Korean War, told the Office of Air Force History in 1984.

Dean Rusk, a supporter of the war and later secretary of state, said the United States bombed “everything that moved in North Korea, every brick standing on top of another.”

After running low on urban targets, U.S. bombers destroyed hydroelectric and irrigation dams in the later stages of the war, flooding farmland and destroying crops.

1 ( +3 / -2 )


-1 ( +0 / -1 )

This topic is the same as every other topic. If he tries to do something, he is ridiculed or criticized. But if he does nothing, everyone is like why didnt he doooooo something.....? I literally saw the Facebook of people crying out that something needed to be done about the Syrian gas attacks. But then when he did, they took those pictures down and starting complaining that he was a warmonger just like Hillary and that it was done to distract from this Russia collusion nonsense.

Something has to be done about North Korea. They cannot continue to just test missiles every week until they actually perfect one.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

"This topic is the same as every other topic. If he tries to do something, he is ridiculed or criticized. But if he does nothing, everyone is like why didnt he doooooo something.....? "

Reminds of that time, remember? When Obama was president for eight years and the right wrote the book on criticizing no matter what?

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Something has to be done about North Korea. They cannot continue to just test missiles every week until they actually perfect one."

Yeah, can't be having them do what America does. That's just unreasonable. Definitely not right to not do what America says and only does.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

These are things that NEED to be done. Important things. Even more so because Obama didnt do them. (Red Line in Syria, stop North Korea, defeat ISIS, etc) As I remember, the things Obama did were the things people DIDNT want done, like the Iran deal, giving foreign aid/weapons sales to our enemies, Obamacare mandatory premiums, not enforcing immigration laws and more.

So yes, I understand why Obama was criticized when he did things no one wanted and didnt do things that people did want. This does not apply to Trump as he now must do something about all of these left over problems, he has little choice to do nothing.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"I understand why Obama was criticized when he did things no one wanted and didnt do things that people did want."

Change 'Obama' to 'Trump', and your understanding of the world will increase by one notch.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Yeah, can't be having them do what America does. That's just unreasonable. Definitely not right to not do what America says and only does.

Oh, so you seriously are ok with North Korea testing nuclear capable missiles just because the USA has them? Difference is that North Korea is threatening their peaceful neighbors with theirs.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

No, you cant have it both ways. People WANTED Trump to do something about the Syrian gassing. People WANT him to do something about North Korea. People WANT him to bomb ISIS. Obama was the one who would do nothing that people actually wanted and everything that they didnt.

Everything Trumo is doing in the last 2 weeks is against what the people who elected him want, but he is doing it anyway because it has to be done.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"Oh, so you seriously are ok with North Korea testing nuclear capable missiles just because the USA has them?"

I think no one should have them.

And in all honesty, I think there is a higher likelihood of Trump using them than Kim.

"Difference is that North Korea is threatening their peaceful neighbors with theirs."

And Trump is threatening the neighbor of those peaceful neighbors with his.

"No, you cant have it both ways. People WANTED Trump to do something about the Syrian gassing. "

And people wanted Obama to create Obama care, to give a path to citizenship to legals, and to not attack places in the middle east. You claim you can't have it both ways, then go on to try to have it both ways.

"People WANT him to do something about North Korea."

You were just complaining about people giving him a hard time about N. Korea. Now you're saying it's the opposite.

"People WANT him to bomb ISIS."

You were just complaining about people giving him a hard time about bombing the Middle Ast.

"Obama was the one who would do nothing that people actually wanted and everything that they didnt."

Change 'Obama' to 'Trump', and your understanding of the world will increase by one notch.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

N.Korea announced that if there was the sign of them being attacked that they would take preemptive action in their own particular style.

Given that they're presumably all stark raving mad, then it would be more than likely that they would launch some form of Nuclear attack. They have at least 6 submarines capable of subsurface launches of Nuclear capable Missiles.

Makes for some interesting / worrying reading:



2 ( +2 / -0 )

North Korea is run by one child and we have another. Impeach this fool GOP before he pulls the trigger.

So what should TRUMP do? Leave them alone and hope the problem will go away? OBAMA tried that and well, you can see the results of that.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

This topic is the same as every other topic. If he tries to do something, he is ridiculed or criticized.

Get used to it. You can thank Trump's breathtaking incompetence on virtually any topic. No exception here. Truly and deeply out of his depth. Amazing the amount of damage this clown can cause.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

The psychopathic American is telling the psychopathic North Korean to behave. Oh, this may not end well.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Too bad Obama didn't deal properly with North Korea. They have to be dealt with now.

The Era of Strategic Patience is Over


-6 ( +0 / -6 )

There is a war monger in Asia and it is not North Korea. It is a flotilla or American war ships sent to threaten the people of North Korea. North Korea has been pushed by years of continuous threats against it by the US of Terror and her Asian partners. The only way to protect themselves was to arm themselves, and arm themselves they have. America's push for a world war has failed in Syria, their false flag gas attack now proven. I hope that the Asian nations that have supported and indulged the US of Terror now reap what they have sewn. I wonder how the US of Terror would respond if North Korea was in the Gulf of Mexico with war ships..

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Steve... Watch the link I just provided - you might learn something.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

Blacklabel Today 03:28 pm JST

No, you cant have it both ways. People WANTED Trump to do something about the Syrian gassing. People WANT him to do something about North Korea.

Syrian comment first. So the US of Terror bombed the Syrian airbase. That was a nice helping hand to your Terrorists, wasn't it? Sorry, I meant to say, moderate rebels. My bad. So now that you know, as was the fact in 2013, that Assad did not gas anyone, and that it was your Western backed Terrorists, what are you suggesting happen now? A war criminal trial for Trump? Yes? He did attack a country for no reason.. Or was his daughter crying reason enough, do you think?

Now to North Korea. Why do "people" want Trump to do something about N. Korea? Who are these "People"? Has North Korea threatened another country with attack? By attack, I am not talking about defending themselves from countries that have threatened to attack them either.

I ask you specifically because you seem to be well versed on this subject and I just want to learn.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

"So what should TRUMP do? Leave them alone and hope the problem will go away?"

What problem? They're saber rattling, same as they've done for 60 years. Why is that a problem? Who does saber rattling hurt?

OBAMA tried that and well, you can see the results of that.

Yeah - no war. That's the ideal result. Not war.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Serrano Today 07:36 pm JST

Steve... Watch the link I just provided - you might learn something.

Sorry mate, I'd rather read and know history than watch a purpose made youtube video of a "blind patriot" spew bullsh!t all over the place.

You cannot threaten a country for decades and expect it to sit in wait for the bombs to drop now, can you!!!

Now do some real research and then come back and apologise for being who you are.

You can start here.... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Korea%E2%80%93United_States_relations

2 ( +3 / -1 )

"Sorry mate..."

Your loss. The guy who uploaded this video knows a lot more about this situation than you do, for sure. Apologize for being who I am, eh? I don't think so, mate.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Yeah - no war. That's the ideal result. Not war.

....and as a result of his usual weak-spine he so ofthen showed us, LIL KIM Iis still trying to develop nules and test them, sending a middle finger to the world and to the US. We dont have to go to war, just find someone that can do the same thing to him what he did to is brother.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )

Only Trump ows how to talk to a person with unpredictable behavior. His advice may work.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Oh my...

What are President Trump's options to take on North Korea?


-3 ( +0 / -3 )

"....and as a result of his usual weak-spine he so ofthen showed us, LIL KIM Iis still trying to develop nules and test them, sending a middle finger to the world and to the US. We dont have to go to war, just find someone that can do the same thing to him what he did to is brother."

The Kim's announced they had developed a nuclear weapon in the early 2000s (2002 if I recall correctly). That was early in Bush's presidency.

So it would be accurate to say that you think Bush had a weak-spine right, since he didn't take care of Kim at the time.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

I sure wish Bill Clinton hadn't given over $4 billion of the taxpayers' money to N Korea.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

North Korea are a false enemy. A fake enemy.

Without provocation, they aren't going to be a threat. It would suck to live there, but they aren't going to attack anyone.

The US are trying to start a war. Rogue state.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

N Korea announced it will test every week. Japanese people needs to stop playing pachinko.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Blacklabel: As I remember, the things Obama did were the things people DIDNT want done

Obama's approval ratings are in the 60% range. Trump's are in the 38% range. When you say, "people," I'm assuming you mean the minority that lives in your bubble.

As for the North Korea problem, it's been a problem for decades. Laying it Obama's feet is just partisan politicas from the Right. Trump and his fans will soon learn that there aren't many options on the table, including a military options, but we'll need to let the "blame Obama for being weak" chants to run their course.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Is Trump's strategy working? Have his approval ratings gone up since he started threatening war?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The subject of the bombing of North Korea in the Korean War has been brought up. It is interesting to compare how the US bombed in World War II, and how it bombed in the Korean War.

In WWII, only German and Japanese cities were bombed, on the justification that they had committed the same acts when they were the aggressors in WWII. For the most part we did not attack Italian cities, even when they were a part of the Axis. Perhaps the justification was that they had used poison gas and carpet bombing only against third world peoples. The fact remains that carpet bombing was used against NK cities, resulting in the killing of about 20% of the NK population, and the pretty much total destruction of their infrastructure. While there is no doubt that NK attacked South Korea in 1950, starting the war, killing 20% of the population of NK, at the same time that so many of them were trying to escape from the brutal dictatorship by moving to SK, makes no sense, militarily or morally.

BTW, MacArthur tried to force Truman to use nuclear weapons against the Chinese and NK forces, and that is largely why he was removed from power. Political leadership would put up with carpet bombing, but not the use of nuclear weapons.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

The Kim's announced they had developed a nuclear weapon in the early 2000s (2002 if I recall correctly). That was early in Bush's presidency.

On wasn't ruling the country then and his father was way more pragmatic.

So it would be accurate to say that you think Bush had a weak-spine right, since he didn't take care of Kim at the time.

NOT AT ALL, but Kim Jong IL wasn't as crazy or suicidal as his son.

What problem? They're saber rattling, same as they've done for 60 years. Why is that a problem? Who does saber rattling hurt?

60 years ago, we didn't have a suicidal loon running the country, that's the difference.

Yeah - no war. That's the ideal result. Not war.

Sonetimes you need war to ensure the peace.

-3 ( +0 / -3 )


Yeah, it's interesting, isn't it.

The US is also objecting to nuclear testing and missile testing by NK, but people seem to forget, or just accept, that the US tested the equivalent of one 'Little Boy' bomb (Hiroshima) at Bikini Atoll every day for 12 years post WW2. Left the place completely uninhabitable.

To me it leaves them with no moral or political standpoint of any kind to object to others doing the same, in fact, really the opposite is true - it set a precedent of sorts. But we just kind of sit around and accept their rhetoric that they can't allow others to test or have nuclear weapons (which they themselves continue to do to this day of course). Why do we do that?

The US has around 1000 military bases in foreign countries, and we just seem to accept that. Why? North Korea have precisely none, and yet they are the ones that have to 'behave'? Huh?

The US is an aggressive, imperialist nation that are almost out of control, and yet other countries are the ones that have to 'behave'.

I'm not defending North Korea, by the way. They warrant absolutely no defense. But US aggression is going to result in a lot of deaths in Asia if things aren't toned and scaled back.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Well lets see, who are these people who wanted North Korea taken care of? How about these people back even in 2013? Over 80%.


Also Japan Times recently said 64% of Japanese would like the US to take action on their behalf. But Obama did nothing and now it is up to Trump.

Who were the people who wanted something done about the Syria gassings? Over 60%, basically everyone except the people who voted for Trump who seemed to dislike it. Nearly every liberal and MSM outlet both TV and newspaper were in full support.


-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The North Korean missiles in parade Saturday were dummies except the 1960s soviet Scuds,SA5..were real stuffs! North Korea is no where to wage any wars except propaganda wars!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

"But Obama did nothing and now it is up to Trump."

Korea first announced it had nuclear weapons in the early 2000s - 2002 if I recall correctly.

So you'd agree that long before Obama 'did nothing', Bush 'did nothing' right?

Of course, you kind of have to forgive Bush, as he was off searching for WMDs that didn't exist, rather than dealing with the ones that did, right?

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There was ONE failed nuclear test during the Bush Administration in 2006. He tried to get strict sanctions from the UN but was blocked for lesser ones. The rest of the nuclear tests were during the Obama administration, This was definitely his issue to resolve and he had 8 years to do it.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

"But Obama did nothing and now it is up to Trump."

Korea first announced it had nuclear weapons in the early 2000s - 2002 if I recall correctly.

Kim Jong Il wasn't going off the rails purposely trying to provoke Japan and threatening the US with a preemptive strike.

So you'd agree that long before Obama 'did nothing', Bush 'did nothing' right?

I would agree BUSH didn't have to deal with a crazy Kim Jong On, OBAMA did.

Of course, you kind of have to forgive Bush, as he was off searching for WMDs that didn't exist, rather than dealing with the ones that did, right?

I was never angry at BUSH, it wasn't actually his fault, I blame the faulty intelligence on the Pentagon, Russians, British, Israeli's and the French, everyone had their hand in the stew believing the intelligence they had was sound.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

"There was ONE failed nuclear test during the Bush Administration in 2006."

And: "Kim Jong Il wasn't going off the rails purposely trying to provoke Japan and threatening the US with a preemptive strike."

Ahh, it must be nice to live in a bubble.

January 10, 2003 - North Korea announces it will withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

February 5, 2003 - North Korea says it has reactivated its nuclear facilities

February 24, 2003 - North Korea fires a missile into the sea between South Korea and Japan.

March 10, 2003 - North Korea fires a second missile into the Sea of Japan

April 24, 2003 - American officials say Pyongyang has told them that it now has nuclear weapons

May 12, 2003 - North Korea says it is scrapping a 1992 agreement with the South to keep the peninsula free from nuclear weapons

June 9, 2003 - North Korea says publicly that it will build a nuclear deterrent, "unless the US gives up its hostile policy".

And yet, Bush did absolutely nothing. Instead of dealing with the WMDs N. Korea was actually developing, he went after WMDs tha didn't even exist in Iraq.

N. Korea's WMDs were Bush's issue to resolve, and he had six years to do it.

"I was never angry at BUSH, it wasn't actually his fault, I blame the faulty intelligence on the Pentagon, Russians, British, Israeli's and the French, everyone had their hand in the stew believing the intelligence they had was sound."

Is that what the so-called "non-partisan historians who praised Bush's presidency" told you?

0 ( +1 / -1 )

"Except North Korea's first nuclear test was 2006, so they didn't have nuclear weapons in 2002?"

They announced they had a weapon in 2003. They were working on their weapons program from at least that point. So whether they actually had the weapon or not, they were testing missiles, developing a nuclear weapon, and being threatening, all under Bush's watch - contrary to what some poster above have claimed.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

I said NUCLEAR testing. Not missiles, not a fledgling weapons program, not development of missiles to carry nukes if they ever got any, but actual testing of nuclear weapons. Bush could ignore NK, because they were talking about things they wanted to do or things they wanted to have. But from that first successful test in 2009, that changed everything.

The only successful nuclear tests were during the Obama administration and he did nothing. That was his go to method of not being blamed or being held responsible for anything. Easy to stay popular and get reelected if you do nothing controversial. (Proven by his comments to the Russian ambassador that he would be more flexible to Putin's point of view AFTER the election. Proven by the blaming YouTube for Benghazi coverup that bought him enough time to get reelected as well)

Most of his presidency was just a placeholder until the next person had to deal with it. (pay off Iran, dont stop ISIS, dont stop illegal immigration, dont do anything about Syria, or NK, Obamacare not financially sustainable past this year, etc.)

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

My point is simply that Trump has reached out to China and made it worth their while to help us resolve this issue for the entire world. Obama told the UN in Sep 2016 that there should be sanctions on NK being able to sell coal to other countries as one of their punishments. Did China ever stop buying it until Trump got involved a couple of weeks ago? No it didnt, but now it rejected the shipment and is even open to buying coal from the USA.

So even when China resolves this with Trump's urging, it is another positive thing that he will get no credit for. Other side will just start complaining that Trump and his team are 'colluding' with China now as the Russia thing has now died.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

They didn't just say it - they were actively developing them, and that was according to the US

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Nice try blacklabel, but it you're going to argue that things are the way they are due to Obama letting them fester, then by that same logic they were given to Obama that way because Bush let them fester

But I applaud your attempts at keeping your cake while you have a bite in your mouth

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Obama got the NOBEL PEACE PRIZE for this (Nuclear Security)......yet did nothing. He said the China relationship with the USA was the most important bilateral relationship the USA had, yet he was too scared to ask them to help control NK?

The fourth was to advance global issues, including promoting a nuclear-free world and tackling climate change. The progress in global cooperation on climate change should be largely attributed to China’s support. Nuclear security has been one of the tenets espoused by Obama, for which he was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Despite the progress on Iran’s nuclear program, the deadlocked nuclear issue on the Korean peninsular has weakened his performance.


-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Other side will just start complaining that Trump and his team are 'colluding' with China

I'm sure it must be frustrating watching the left use the right's tactics against the right as the Russia thing has now died.

Gotta give Trump credit for deflecting attention away from that with the attack on Syria, and ramping up aggression towards NK

2 ( +2 / -0 )

There is nothing to deflect away from, these were real world happenings that needed to be dealt with. If its deflection, why were all the liberals so happy both of those things were done? North Korea threatening a weekly missile launch until they get it right cannot be allowed to happen. Luckily we have a man of action in charge now who wont get the Nobel Peace Prize for 'doing nothing'.

Meanwhile, the FBI not releasing documents about unmasking and hey look, someone on Trump team for a short time was 'wiretapped' based off PAID political opposition research. But wait, there was no political motive to any of this, and there were no FISA warrants requested much less approved, and there were no 'wiretaps' of anyone last time I heard....This Russia stuff coming back to bite all of the people who pushed it as the only actual evidence of money or collaboration has come back to the Clinton and Podesta families.


-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Should not America behave as well? 80% of existing territorial conflicts have roots in America's prolonged unsophisticated, inhumane activity all around the Earth. But when some retards start flying their pre-historic nuclear rockets "Oh it's them bad guys we are there to protect everyone". Hypocrisy or ignorance? No one but they themselves know.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

"There is nothing to deflect away from, these were real world happenings that needed to be dealt with."

And Bush didn't deal with him - and as I said before, to be fair he didn't have the resources to do so since he was so busy chasing non-existent Iraq WMDs.

"If its deflection, why were all the liberals so happy both of those things were done?"

I don't know of which liberals you speak, as I'm a liberal, and I'm not happy with the bombing of Syria, nor with the anti-NK aggression. I think you're misdiagnosing 'liberal' when in fact it's 'American'.

"there were no 'wiretaps' of anyone last time I heard"

Trump only claimed that Trump tower was wiretapped, not anywhere else. Do you have some evidence that Trump tower was in fact wiretapped? If so, impressive, as literally no one else has come up with a single thing to suggest it was.

"This Russia stuff coming back to bite all of the people who pushed it as the only actual evidence of money or collaboration has come back to the Clinton and Podesta families."

I can't be bothered to look up the specifics of each case right now, but just off the top of my head, are you trying to claim Flynn never met with the Russians?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

There was ONE failed nuclear test during the Bush Administration in 2006."

"A failed test," but Kim Jong IL wasn't threatening to vaporize the US.

Ahh, it must be nice to live in a bubble.

You libs are free to come out and leaveit whenever it suits you.

January 10, 2003 - North Korea announces it will withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

That's making an announcement.

February 5, 2003 - North Korea says it has reactivated its nuclear facilities

That's making an announcement.

February 24, 2003 - North Korea fires a missile into the sea between South Korea and Japan.

One of many and none where he went rabid and threatened to annihilate the US or even japan.

March 10, 2003 - North Korea fires a second missile into the Sea of Japan


April 24, 2003 - American officials say Pyongyang has told them that it now has nuclear weapons


May 12, 2003 - North Korea says it is scrapping a 1992 agreement with the South to keep the peninsula free from nuclear weapons

We all knew that was a crock.

June 9, 2003 - North Korea says publicly that it will build a nuclear deterrent, "unless the US gives up its hostile policy".

Build is different from threatening to do a preemptive strike first.

And yet, Bush did absolutely nothing.

He didn't have to at that point. Kim Jong Il wasn't a basket case. Sure, the man was shrewd, wanted concessions, but announcing a possible nuclear attack, that didn't happen.

Instead of dealing with the WMDs N. Korea was actually developing, he went after WMDs tha didn't even exist in Iraq.

Wait, had Bill Clinton not boast or bragged that that in 1994 his deal with NK was a success and been more hard on the rhetoric, things might be very different. He was the one that drafted this plan, he was the one that was confident about it, initiated it and it all fell apart.

On Oct. 18, 1994, Clinton approved a plan to arrange more than $4 billion in energy aid to North Korea over the course of a decade, in return for a commitment from the country’s Communist leadership to freeze and gradually dismantle its nuclear weapons development program, according to The New York Times. The “complex” deal was to de-escalate the situation on the Korean peninsula, where the two Korean nations never negotiated a peace treaty after the Korean War ended in armistice in 1953. “This agreement is good for the United States, good for our allies, and good for the safety of the entire world,” said Clinton in 1994. “It’s a crucial step toward drawing North Korea into the global community.” The drawing-in never happened. North Korea has become more isolated and dangerous. And after years of furtive activity in North Korea, attempts to placate the Communist state seem to have only encouraged its dangerous leaders.

N. Korea's WMDs were Bush's issue to resolve, and he had six years to do it.

Sure, but at the time, they weren't being as hostile, belligerent or threatening as they are today and didn't have a crazy kid that wants to prove something back then.

Is that what the so-called "non-partisan historians who praised Bush's presidency" told you?

No, just historical facts did.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

The carrier fleet Trump said was heading to the Korean Peninsula was heading away from it. Trump administration in a nutshell. Literally and figuratively.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

I dont know which one is the biggest raving lunatic, DT or KJU.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The only successful nuclear tests were during the Obama administration and he did nothing.

Obama's course of action was to try to hack into their systems and cause havoc. You might have noticed that the current administration declined to say whether hacking was involved in the latest failed nuclear test. If there was, you can thank Obama for it. Saying he did nothing is a result of the right-wing media saying he did nothing and the right wing base not getting their news from anywhere else so they end up repeating it.

Trump has done nothing but release some statements and praise the 10 minutes of conversation with the Chinese where he "learned a lot," which is embarrassing for a US president to say since he obviously didn't take the time to learn about the issue before meeting with the Chinese. He's sending ships to the area (maybe?) that were there last month and releasing a lot of statements. But he's already backed off of his tough talk with China, especially their currency manipulation, so his actions don't match his words.

The military option is still tricky because South Korea and Japan will bear the brunt of the NK response, and I've yet to hear anything from Trump and his fans about how they will get around that issue.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

If there was, you can thank Obama for it. That is exactly why people dislike Obama and his supporters. If something good happened, thank you Obama. But if something bad happened...just ignore it, say he didnt know or pass the blame. Maybe Obama axctually did do nothing and Trump's people figured out how to hack the missiles? But no, that would never be considered.

Everytime Trump does something good, does he get thanks? No, anything good that has happened is still credited to the leftover effect of Obama or some nonsense.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

If there was, you can thank Obama for it.

(Sorry the quote function still doesnt work right)

That is exactly why people dislike Obama and his supporters. If something good happened, thank you Obama. But if something bad happened...just ignore it, say he didnt know or pass the blame. Maybe Obama axctually did do nothing and Trump's people figured out how to hack the missiles? But no, that would never be considered. Everytime Trump does something good, does he get thanks? No, anything good that has happened is still credited to the leftover effect of Obama or some nonsense

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Everytime Trump does something good, does he get thanks?

Let us know when he does something right, and we'll tell you.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Blacklabel: Maybe Obama axctually did do nothing and Trump's people figured out how to hack the missiles?

Why would you say that? There were reports a short while ago about Obama telling Trump that his course of action was related to hacking, which is the same approach Obama successfully used to curb Iran's nuclear program. I'll need more than some, "Maybe Obama did nothing and Trump did everything" guess/speculation by a Trump fan. You can start by doing research on your own and reporting back to us.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The most corrupt president in the history of the United States, still in his first 100 days, is warning another head of state to "behave." Oh yeah, that is going to end well. If the North Korean dictator would just buy a Maralago membership, he could suddenly be best buds with Trump.

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thank you Obama

When can we thank Trump for the wall (that Mexico will pay for)?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Probably never, since even he is not that retarded to pull the prank of the century.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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