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© Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.Trump wins South Carolina, easily beating Haley in her home state
Trump is the greatest political machine this century.
Why? Russia wasn't invading and taking land in Ukraine. Hamas terrorists weren't massacring Jews on a mass scale when Trump was in office.
Trump already helped us for 4 years.
In an ABC exit poll, 83% said “Trump is likely to win in November.” And he just might if Biden apathy leads to a slightly poorer turnout in the key swing states (i.e., Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, North Carolina, Arizona, and Georgia).
If this happens, the Democrats would have only themselves to blame for choosing such a frail candidate. (A vote for Biden, who would be age 82-86 in his presidency, is likely a vote for Kamala Harris, who doesn’t poll well. In a recent NBC News poll, 42% said they hold a "very negative" view of Harris. Only 28% said they hold a "very positive" or "somewhat positive" view of her.)
However, if Trump were to lose against Biden, the Republicans would have only themselves to blame for not selecting Nikki Haley, who polls as being much more inclusive and likable than Trump and thus would likely have defeated Biden.
Interesting tidbit, Trump on spent $1M in SC on ads, 15x LESS than Nikki, winning now by over 21pts as votes counted. Translation, he made no effort in SC, saved resources and still crushed it.
I get the reality, though not the rationale that trump has some fanatical supporters.
But for the rest of the GOP, like Graham and McConnell, who are the people voting for them and thinking they are good for the USA?
As Haley and DeSantis have shown, all the GOP has is Trump.
Because of the sheer power of his tweets!
If Trump wins in November, the entire country of Ukraine will be left for Putin to grab.
Trump pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal and look what a mess that created.
Trump (and his corrupt son-in-law) normalized ties between Israel and some rich Gulf states, effectively shelving any hope for a two-state solution.
Trump isn't strong. He's an appeaser for the sake of his own benefit.
He's right about that. The GOP has gone full cult mentality.
Trump played IVF issue stemming from recent AL judicial perfectly, directing AL legislature needs to step in and protect everyone, Parents, Doctors and the Embryos!
And just look at that Fuehrer raising his fist in arrogance.
Kiddies, this is one of the poses of a fascist dictator. Do not support them, do not listen to their lies, do not obey any laws they enact. They hate the nation, hate the world and they hate you.
From Mussolini to Hitler to Tojo to Franco to Peron to Amin to Milosevic to trump to Putin and all the other fascists - do not accept their arbitrary rule or 'authority'.
Because he's a cult leader and there are a lot of very dumb and gullible people in America, unfortunately.
trump is on track for 500,000 votes. Biden had 120,000.
Bob Fosse
“path to a third straight GOP nomination”
That is even less relevant now than last time.
The 52 to 55 percent of white women who supported Trump in the 2020 election?
So Trump plus Haley is 6x the votes of Biden in S.C.
kinda proves two things: Biden is weak and 75% of Haley voters are actually Democrats who will go back to Biden tomorrow. .
Bob Fosse
It wasn’t rigged? Oh you trust votes and polls now? Ok then.
Still no comment on the recent poll placing 46 the worst U.S. President in history. Didn’t like that poll?
The much heralded black vote is also looking a little shaky.
Fascinating statistic. I wonder where you found it.
You know it's BAD for Nikki when Gavin Newsom, who's a serious candidate to replace Biden at Aug DNC, say's "Nikki's a GREAT surrogate for democrats!"
As anyone with a brain knows, Haley is not in this to win the GOP ticket, shes in it to damage Trump as much as possible before he officially becomes the nominee. She serves at the pleasure of the Democrats.
They are desperate and will stop at nothing to deny him again.
I'll comment.
Did the poll have a category of the number of times Ukraine was invaded while the president was in office? And if so, what significance did it give to zero invasions taking place during Trump's reign versus twice with Biden in the White House, once for Obama?
Trump and Nikki touched on AL IVF legal ruling, but for now steered clear of Texas Gov. and Lt. Gov, who raised issue on Friday of formally charging Biden with Treason for his Constitutional abdication to secure US Border.
Border security #1 issue in SC Republican primary in Exit Polling, voters there VERY aware of Texas Republicans taking a hard line against Biden.
Trump easily defeats Haley in South Carolina
Results are still pouring in, but Donald Trump is likely to beat Nikki Haley by between 20 and 30 percentage points, a significantly larger margin than their last showdown in New Hampshire and roughly in line with expectations.
Trump v Biden November is becoming a certainty.
Campaign 2024
Former President Trump Speaks at CPAC
Now altogether now, "God bless the USA"....You all must be proud to be an American.
Is this the pathetic new MAGA conspiracy? That a Republican who has served the party for 20 years is actually a Democrat plant, because she dares to give Republicans an alternative to Trump?
How utterly pathetic are you all?
Imagine quoting a poll of Democrat voting historians! Lol
Trump's far more certain than Biden, bookies have Michelle Obama and Gavin Newsom as 10 and 15 to 1 odds of WINNING the Presidency.
Bookies today favor Trump by 3 to 1 over Biden, Biden's too old, they'll have to cut him loose.
Other big question, what happens to Nikki, does she play long 2028 game or go 3rd party rogue with enough Globalist $funding, Soros ready to cut checks!
The alternative is that “republicans” (trump + Haley) are beating Biden in South Carolina 85% to 15%.
is that the case? I doubt it.
30% of the voters today were not republicans, according to CNN.
”you’re fired get out Joe!”
Imagine being this naive lol
That’s some humiliation for Haley. Trounced in her home state by a man Joe demolished from his basement.
Is it? Both are clearly on the slide in terms of mental acuity and Trump is up to his neck in legal problems.
A lot could happen before November.
Not a surprise..
Even Biden can beat Haley..
Christopher Mas Osan
What is really surprising is Biden approval rating is only 38% right now.
That is just slightly above Jimmy Carter at 34% during an election year.
Statically. No modern POTUS has ever recovered to win a second term in office with at those ratings.
What is certain. Biden will not be President again it seems. I see another Democrat jumping in the race.
There is just no way the Democrats can endorse Biden again. The scramble is on to find a new Candidate.
Biden has become more and more agitated and disconnected from the American people.
He had a good run in politics. Time to retire with grace while he still can. Seems a red tsunami forming and that will be devastating for Democrats.
Congratulations Mr. President on your overwhelming win in South Carolina.
wasn’t a poll. Was a group of 154 biased self identified “scholars” with an agenda who of course decided Trump was worse than a 31 day president.
Peter Neil
and unmentioned was 1/3 of republicans in south carolina said he would be unfit for office upon conviction in any of the upcoming criminal trials in dc, ga and fl.
81 million votes and many of them after midnight LOL
Then why does he lose all the time? He lost in 2018, 2020, 2022 and 2023.
Sure, he can win a primary, but when it's a general election, he hasn't won since 2016, and even then he didn't even win the popular vote.
So you obviously have proof of your conspiracy.
Or is the same kind of Kraken-based proof you had in 2020?
Well, from primary GOP voters, of course they are going to say Trump.
Well, that isn't good for Trump, because he doesn't want to do anything to fix the border. Biden is willing to sign a significant bill on it.
Oy the hysterical, pathologically dishonest or very stupid are still on board with the stolen election claim.
You’ll find they have exactly the same views on a variety of unrelated issues.
Can’t be taken seriously.
yep that’s the Haley voters.
all Haley votes (in her state, the best she can do anywhere) plus all Biden votes are still less than Trump total in South Carolina.
Well, she could be waiting out for Trump to go to jail.
Democrats would much rather have Biden face Trump. Biden would do better against Trump than Haley.
yeah and the other 17% are the Democrats who voted for Haley. Bingo!
Trump is about as old and less healthy, so are the GOP going to cut him loose too?
So you made up that 75% stat based on your own unique “math”.
How do know they have an agenda? And how do you determine they’re not real scholars?
I’m hear to learn.
Still no comment on the recent poll placing 46 the worst U.S. President in history. Didn’t like that poll?
What's your evidence that they were biased?
Christopher Mas Osan
I am curious. With all the illegals that crossed on Biden's watch. How can we Republicans combat all those illegal blue votes. Its a fair question. Democrats are cheating.
It will come out. Biden encouraged illegals to cross the boarder for votes.
This must be investigated. To many. I mean a ton have crossed.
Visa for vote fraud.
Jimizo, I believe 99% of European leaderships are hoping and praying Donald Trump/Joe Biden fails to materialise 2024.
Trump CPAC, "I have been indicted more than Alphonse Capone".....
Not sure what to make of that..
I can read about them:
Plus no way anyone can be worse than a guy who was president and died 31 days later.
Afraid Trump's (and Nikki) not in office, border mess is Biden's problem = DEEP underwater with voters. Voters understand Biden's green lighted illegal immigration from day#1, reversed good policies Trump put in place.
Many Youtubes with Biden telling people to illegally come to US = not fake news. SC primary voters very motivated due to Biden's border failures.
Christopher Mas Osan
Illegals can't vote in elections. So, no worries. ANd why would you think they would vote for Biden and not Trump?
No, it isn't.
Show me the evidence.
That doesn't even make sense. Illegals can't vote.
Cards fan
lol No. It's not a "fair" question, it's a dumb one. There is no widespread, outcome determinative voter fraud. This is nonsense that the right repeatedly trots out to making voting more difficult, because they know that's about the only way their widely unpopular, elitist platform will win.
lol I'm sure it will. Just like all the voter fraud that didn't happen in 2020 :)
He overthrew Roe v.!Wade, he’s responsible for Ukraine not receiving military aid and he been accused of numerous crimes. How could such a man possibly win in a general election this November?
So you made up that 75% stat based on your own unique “math”.
you have 2 choices:
joe got 120,000 votes and that’s his democrats. trump and Haley get 700,00 votes, that’s Republicans. Landslide!
most of Haley’s 260,000 are actual Biden supporters in disguise and Joe really has double the support!’
pick one, I don’t care.
Well, that isn't good for Trump, because he doesn't want to do anything to fix the border. Biden is willing to sign a significant bill on
Yes, he is: he's the speaker of the House of Representatives.
Yup. And Trump even said to blame him for it. BIG MISTAKE.
No he hasn't.
Like what?
Lionel Lyyn
People hate corruption but are willing to vote for a convicted criminal, sex offender.
Can someone explain me the logic ?
As Trump said, he can do a mass shooting in time square, people will still vote for him..
Unless every single voter chooses Trump then they must be democrats 'in disguise' and Haley must be a Democrat funded RINO traitor.
We are dealing with mental issues here that few are trained for.
Edit: Were not republicans. In a supposed Republican primary.
The GOP was the party of Law & Order and the family.
The MAGA mind, refreshingly logic and fact free. There are some great examples here.
And straight from the source, Trump's CPAC speech earlier today had some howlers.
Refreshingly unreality-based and policy-plan free.
Christopher Mas Osan
Recently, Democrats, who argued a rare opportunity to advance immigration reform. On Tuesday, President Joe Biden told Congress to “show some spine” and pass a deal.
I find this rich now that he has his voter boost.
Many voters do not understand what’s needed to address complicated issues within immigration,. Current immigration laws do not match the needs of the U.S. economy, its labor market or an aging society, People who wish to legally establish their lives in the U.S. often must wait for years, spending thousands of dollars and jumping through countless legal hoops before they are granted green cards or citizenship.
But not on Biden's watch. Green cards for votes! -Down vote all you want. It is what it is.
And still are as evidenced by President Trump's wildly successful 1st four years.
The Democrats are for war, and destroying the very fabric of the country.
Next stop, 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. All aboard!
Trumps opponents never stood a chance.
If a candidate can’t win her/his own backyard where else? Now Nikki kind of understand why kiss the ring!!. Good job DJT, now let’s send Joe to the nearest retiring home!
So successful that at the first opportunity voters turned out in record numbers to demolish him in favour of an old man in a basement.